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中国化工园区入驻企业日趋复杂,已有园区面临转型升级,新建园区不断涌现,园区之间竞争激烈,安全与环境隐患较大。为进一步提升化工园区的安全与环境管理水平,笔者研究工业园区安全与环境监测的技术需求、主要监测内容与信息化实现手段,提出了智慧管理的一体化解决方案。主要包括安全与环境监测、一园一档、安全生产及园区封闭化管理4个模块,概括为感知层、网络层、应用层3个层次。智慧管理方案充分利用物联网、云计算、大数据、三维倾斜GIS、数据孪生等先进信息化手段,建立智慧化的环境监督和安全生产监督体系及平台系统,可提高园区安全、环境监测预警及应对突发事件的能力。在园区新型工业化发展过程中,环安一体化、信息化建设有助于园区争夺高端产业,加快科技自主创新,促进产业转型升级,完善民生保障体系,推动园区产业高质量发展。  相似文献   

This paper presents the design, development and implementation of an integrated GIS-controlled knowledge-based system for environmental monitoring applications, utilizing indigenous flora for assessing quality. The system gathers and combines geographical, ecological, and physicochemical data of organisms' response to pollution within an intelligent computer program that (a) recognises groups of indigenous species suitable for long-term monitoring of a specific pollutant or a combination of pollutants, (b) estimates the ambient concentration of pollutant(s) from the population of the species comprising the bioindicator group and (c) provides biomonitoring capacity indices at national and international/transboundary levels. Significantly, a novel system in the form of a rational framework at the conceptual design level has been developed, that actually contributes towards achieving a cost-effective long-term biomonitoring program, with the flexibility to counter on-course any (anticipated or not) variations/modifications of the surveillance environment: the scheme assumes a robust dynamic cooperation between instrumental and biomonitoring systems, with a view to minimise uncertainty and monitoring costs and increase reliability of pollution control and abatement, aiming eventually at the shifting, partially or totally, from instrumental to natural monitoring. The proposed approach is presently implemented at pilot-scale for establishing a biomonitoring network at a large industrial area in Greece. The results obtained indicate that a cost-effective program can be only attained and maintained under a suitable financial/organizational scheme at the macro level, whereas the micro level viability strongly depends upon careful management of human resources and fixed assets.  相似文献   

为精准、客观、全面评价长江水环境质量和支撑长江大保护,通过研究制定一系列管理制度和技术规范,以优化调整的水环境质量监测网络为基础,建立了涉及管理制度、监测技术、质量控制和数据审核等方面的水质自动监测与采测分离手工监测相结合的网络运行机制。研究自动与手工监测的总磷前处理方式,实现了自动与手工监测数据的匹配和融合,并将融合数据应用于长江水环境质量评价、预警、考核与排名,实现了长江水环境质量监测网络的业务化运行。  相似文献   

环境监测业务技术档案属于科技档案,在环境管理中发挥着重要作用。梳理了环境监测业务技术档案管理中的一些常见问题,并从归档建档、档案库硬软件系统的完善、档案的开发利用3个方面提出了建议,以期为环境监测档案管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

环境政策是主体功能区区域政策的重要组成部分,从环境准入政策、环境管理政策和环境经济政策3个方面研究提出了不同主体功能区域的环境政策导向,以推动主体功能区分类别环境政策框架体系的形成。  相似文献   

完善省级土壤环境质量监督管理的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述全国土壤环境质量监管体系,分析江苏省土壤环境质量监督管理现状,存在污染管理制度不完善,土壤环境监测能力不足等问题。建议建立健全相关制度、体系和规范,包括加强污染场地管理,分类制定土壤环境管理办法,建立场地土壤环境质量档案,完善土壤环境质量监测管理体系,深化土壤调查和修复,推进土壤标准研究,创新土壤环境管理制度。  相似文献   

A wide range of environmental policies are based on the monitoring of chemical and/or biological parameters which are used to evaluate the environmental status of relevant compartments (e.g. water, soil, air) with the ultimate aim of making appropriate management decisions. The soundness of policy decisions is therefore directly related to the reliability of the environmental monitoring programmes. Monitoring reliability in turn is predominantly linked to scientific and technological progress. Hence a correct design, development and implementation process of environmental policies is, at least in part, dependent upon a proper integration of scientific and technological advances (in monitoring, but also for all kinds of permit procedures, remediation strategies etc.). This paper examines science-policy integration needs in support of groundwater environmental monitoring, with focus on on-going policy developments. The article aims to summarise key information on groundwater policy and EU scientific developments to raise awareness of the scientific community involved in this issue and to enhance communication among scientists and policy-makers.  相似文献   

The eighties were notable for awareness of the need to prevent defects and for orientation towards the client to improve the competitiveness of industrial enterprises. This objective of zero defects has meant for many enterprises a management orientation to zero environmental impact. In this article we analyse the special situation of industrial enterprises in Andalusia (Spain) in the establishment of environmental management systems, proposing a matrix of strategies for their development based on the analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.  相似文献   

Large nutrient losses to groundwater and surface waters are a major drawback of the highly productive agricultural sector in The Netherlands. The resulting high nutrient concentrations in water resources threaten their ecological, industrial, and recreational functions. To mitigate eutrophication problems, legislation on nutrient application in agriculture was enforced in 1986 in The Netherlands. The objective of this study was to evaluate this manure policy by assessing the water quality status and trends in agriculture-dominated headwaters. We used datasets from 5 agricultural test catchments and from 167 existing monitoring locations in agricultural headwaters. Trend analysis for these locations showed a fast reduction of nutrient concentrations after the enforcement of the manure legislation (median slopes of ?0.55 mg/l per decade for total nitrogen (N-tot) and ?0.020 mg/l per decade for total phosphorus (P-tot)). Still, up to 76 % of the selected locations currently do not comply with either the environmental quality standards (EQSs) for nitrogen (N-tot) or phosphorus (P-tot). This indicates that further improvement of agricultural water quality is needed. We observed that weather-related variations in nutrient concentrations strongly influence the compliance testing results, both for individual locations and for the aggregated results at the national scale. Another important finding is that testing compliance for nutrients based on summer average concentrations may underestimate the agricultural impact on ecosystem health. The focus on summer concentrations does not account for the environmental impact of high winter loads from agricultural headwaters towards downstream water bodies.  相似文献   

江苏省流域水环境综合管理监控预警体系构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以水生态功能分区为基础,构建江苏省流域水环境综合管理监控预警体系,包括基于水环境容量的污染物总量控制体系、基于主要水污染物的总量减排监控体系、基于水生态系统安全的监测与评估体系和基于水环境风险的监控预警体系,使江苏省水环境管理从单一的水质管理向流域综合管理转变,从单纯的化学污染控制向水生态系统保护转变,从目标总量管理向...  相似文献   

"十四五"期间,粤港澳大湾区将会迎来新一轮大开发、大建设、大发展,绿色发展与山水林田湖草一体化保护将面临更大的机遇与挑战。生态环境监测作为生态环境保护的重要基础,亟需强化支撑、引领、服务作用。文章对粤港澳大湾区生态环境监测发展现状进行了梳理,从环境质量状况、生态环境管理、环境监测网络等方面将粤港澳大湾区与东京、纽约、旧金山三大世界级湾区进行系统比较,对标查找差距与不足,并对面临的机遇与挑战进行了深入剖析。在此基础上,针对生态环境监测区域布局、现代感知网络、智慧应用与"美丽湾区"综合评价、联合监测与信息发布、产学研用一体化等方面,提出了粤港澳大湾区当前及今后一个时期生态环境监测发展的相关建议。  相似文献   

分析国内环境监测业务和环境监测信息化建设的现状和发展趋势,提出地级市环境监测站信息系统的监测业务、数据中心、综合应用3层构架思路,对信息系统各层次的主要功能作出描述,着重对环境监测业务系统的集成和分工进行阐述。进行环境监测信息系统建设,在先进性、安全性、稳定性和可扩充性等方面满足地级市环境监测部门今后相当长一段时期内的信息化建设需求。  相似文献   

以部分省(市)颁布的29份环境监测技术服务社会化政策为研究样本,将市场准入、监测领域、运行管理和监督制裁作为政策文本的分析框架进行计量分析。部分省(市)相关规定具有一定的创新性,使以往混乱的社会环境监测技术服务市场进一步规范化;但多数省(市)的环境监测技术服务社会化政策存在市场准入条件苛刻、监测领域有待放开、运行管理模式僵化、监督制裁手段单一等难题。最后提出放宽市场准入条件、有序开放监测领域、构建多元管理模式、完善监督制裁体系等4项建议对上述难题予以回应。  相似文献   

简述了环境保护新特征的系统诊断,指出面对环境保护呈现的新特征,环境监测管理及建设存在环境监测的各项技术、标准、规范、管理措施滞后于社会经济基本现代化的发展要求,体制机制滞后于环境保护的发展要求,服务能力滞后于公共服务的需求,质量管理滞后于严格的环境管理需求等问题。提出,应从传统的环境监测向资源环境承载力监测预警转变,从条块管理向垂直管理的体制转变,从监测信息相对封闭向监测信息主动公开转变,由单纯依靠自身监测向依靠各部门和全社会监测转变,从污染物总量监测为主向污染物总量,环境质量监测并重转变,从实验室质控为主向全过程质控转变,从以生态,环境为核心的环境监测向以人为本的环境监测转变。  相似文献   

生态环境监测是生态文明建设的重要支撑。在设区市级环境监测监控能力普遍较弱、生态环境保护压力巨大的双重背景下,编制设区市生态环境监测监控规划具有重要意义。在调查了江苏省部分设区市环境监测监控规划的基础上,总结了规划编制在监测监控网络建设、监测监控能力建设、质量管理、大数据应用建设、人才队伍建设等方面的主要内容,针对规划中普遍存在的组织架构不清晰、特色发展定位不明确、环境监测监控融合发展谋划不足、项目建设可行性论证不够等关键问题,提出应理顺组织架构、明确特色发展定位、加强环境监测监控一体化发展谋划、加强项目建设可行性论证等对策建议,以期为今后的规划编制工作提供相关借鉴。  相似文献   

城市环境信息综合查询分析系统开发与应用实践   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
主要介绍了城市环境信息综合查询分析系统的建设目标、体系结构、数据组织、系统模块的功能、关键技术等.应用实践表明,开放的体系结构、通用的GIS平台,一体编码的数据库管理技术,规范标准的信息维护与评价体系等可为开发其它城市的环境信息系统提供借鉴.  相似文献   

Environmental benchmarks are widely used in Canadian environmental assessment as a standard against which to monitor air or water quality in response to human activities in the environment. Recent work in Canada has developed the concept of ecological benchmarks as a complement to environmental benchmarks. However, implementation of ecological benchmarks may be challenging. This paper presents an analogy between ecological benchmarks and the more commonly used environmental benchmarks, as an attempt to increase understanding and use of ecological benchmarks in resource management, assessment, and monitoring. Ecological benchmarks, and their corresponding indicators, will be challenging to identify and use. However, through the use of the principles of adaptive management, effective ecological indicators and benchmarks can be established. Although it is essential that ecological benchmarks are site-specific, the analogy and general principles outlined here are applicable to assessment and monitoring in any part of the world.  相似文献   

综合比较了中国、日本、欧盟、美国和澳大利亚等国家或地区的环境噪声监测与评价方法,分析了声环境质量监测法、噪声地图预测法和噪声源监测法3种环境噪声评估方法的优缺点,认为声环境质量监测法适合现阶段中国环境噪声监测与管理需求,但下一步应结合噪声产生与传播预测方法改进中国声环境监测评价方法,增强对监测过程的质控,增加重点噪声源监测,以期更全面地反映城市声环境质量状况。  相似文献   

目前中国在环境监测市场化发展方面仍处于探索阶段,在政策体系、法律体系和监管制度等方面还存在许多问题,国际上一些发达国家在环境监测的市场化发展方面已有诸多成功经验,可供中国参考。研究主要以日本环境监测市场化运行模式为例,分析日本成功经验,并对中国环境监测市场化发展提出针对性建议,以供相关政府部门参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

工业园区内企业集聚,导致环境风险隐患增加,加强对工业园区突发环境事件的应急管理尤为重要。在综合分析国内外环境应急管理体系现状的基础上,结合实际工作中发现的问题,从工业园区内风险物质的识别、环境应急资源共享、环境应急监测、环境应急管理体系的闭环管理模式、环境应急联动系统建设等5个方面,提出了一些关于建立和完善工业园区突发环境事件应急管理体系的建议。  相似文献   

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