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摘要:本文重.董介绍了可持续发展过程中的环境监测和环境管理两项工作内容。本文通过介绍环境监测和环境管理各自的内涵及任务,对监测和管理有了进一步的认识和理解。同时,阐述了环境监测和管理的内在关系,强调了监测和管理相辅相成、密切联系。针对这种关系,提出了对待环境监测和管理的态度,也为未来工作的发展提出了进一步的建议和措施。  相似文献   

中国酸雨和二氧化硫污染控制区区划及实施政策研究   总被引:54,自引:1,他引:54  
阐述了中国二氧化硫和酸雨污染现状,分析了划分二氧化硫污染和酸雨控制区的依据和原则,绘出了二氧化硫污染和酸雨控制区的范围,重点分析研究了二氧化硫污染和酸雨控制区内的控制目标以及用燃料生命周期评价方法确定的控制二氧化硫排放政策,并研究了政策实施对煤炭工业、电力工业的影响  相似文献   

全国农村环境保护暨生态建设示范工作现场会就要结束了。两天半会议期间,大家听取了周生贤部长的重要讲话,对浙江省宁波市农村环境综合整治和生态示范建设情况进行了实地考察,交流了各自的经验和做法,提出了建设性的意见和建议。大家认为,这次会议学习了经验,领会了精神,受到了鼓舞,增强了信心,明确了方向,强化了责任。在大家的共同努力下,会议达到预期目的,取得圆满成功。  相似文献   

2007年,山东省COD和二氧化硫排放量分别下降了5.04%和7.12%,分别居全国第1位和第6位.全省主要河流COD下降了7.76%,氨氮下降了7.83%.2008年上半年,山东省COD和二氧化硫排放量分别下降了4.87%和5.07%.全省主要河流的104个断面COD平均下降了24.0%,氨氮下降了33.8%,全省水环境质量明显改善.近几年来,山东省在流域治理方面主要抓了以下几个方面工作.  相似文献   

2006年起,广西壮族自治区地震局把做好政务信息工作摆上了重要议事日程,安排了专人负责,落实了措施,落实了专项经费,政务信息工作发生了质的飞跃.特别是信息管理员制度和激励机制从根本上改观了政务信息往日的面貌.本文介绍了广西壮族自治区地震局电子政务信息工作在事业发展中的定位、主要做法、成效和经验,意在抛砖引玉,加强学习和交流.  相似文献   

6月20日,国务院新闻办公室发布了《中国的稀土状况与政策》白皮书,全面介绍了我国稀土的现状和相关政策,提出了坚持保护环境和节约资源,坚持控制总量和优化存量,坚持兼顾国内国际两个市场、两种资源,坚持与地方经济社会发展相协调四项原则,明确了促进稀土行业持续健康发展的近期和长远目标,表明了中国政府加强稀土行业管理的基本立场和观点,提出了继续加强国际交流合作的政策和具体措施。  相似文献   

国务院召开了第一次全国污染源普查工作电视电话会议,国家环保总局周生贤局长就前一阶段污染源普查工作准备情况作了通报,有关部门和省、市做了发言,曾培炎副总理做了重要讲话,对全国开展第一次污染源普查进行了全面动员和部署,进一步明确了污染源普查的目的、意义、普查内容和总体要求。各地各有关部门要深刻领会这次会议精神和培炎副总理的讲话要求,按照国务院和省政府制定的污染源普查方案,认真抓好贯彻落实。  相似文献   

简要介绍了国家环保模范城市的考核指标,并对照指标,对徐州市“创模“进行了可行性分析和综合效益分析,指出了不足和差距,并提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

九三集团天津大豆科技有限公司自成立之初就十分重视循环经济和节能环保工作。根据企业发展需要进行了诸多的节能减排课题攻关,通过研讨和论证,制定和组织实施了一系列节能降耗和增收节支技术改造项目,确保了企业在发展经济的同时,实现了工业与自然的和谐,提高了循环经济水平,促进了企业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

综述了湿地概念和分类,介绍了滇池概况和污染状况,分析了湿地生态系统在滇池流域生态系统中的功能和作用。  相似文献   

基于共沉淀的富集作用,采用自制的离心管离心沉淀,以手持式X-射线荧光仪(XRF)测定,由此建立了表层海水中Fe,Ni,Mn,Cu,Zn,Pb的共沉淀-离心-XRF快速分析方法。测定时间为5 min/样;线性范围125μg/L~1 000μg/L,可以满足近岸表层海水中铁和锰的分析要求;基底加标200μg/L回收率为94.5%~116%;连续7次测定6种金属浓度均为500μg/L的海水加标样品,相对标准偏差(RSD)为2.86%~5.85%。与ICP-MS法比较,测定结果无显著性差异。本方法具有化学试剂污染小、方便快捷、可现场快速测定方法等优点。该方法已成功应用于厦门西港和福建九龙江河口表层海水中可溶态铁锰的现场测定,并在现场以手持式XRF对颗粒物中铁锰进行了测定,获得了该海域颗粒物中和海水中铁锰的分布。  相似文献   

珊瑚钨锡矿硅质尾矿中Cd、As、Zn、F富集迁移及环境污染   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
硅质尾矿在释放中性矿山废水(NMD)时所伴生的多元素复合污染问题值得重视。本文以桂东北珊瑚矿尾矿作为研究对象,通过分析该尾矿的组构、元素富集及迁移特性,筛选出主要污染元素,并探讨尾矿胶结层对元素富集迁移的影响。结果表明:(1)该尾矿中Cd、As、Zn及F富集程度较高、可交换态含量(易迁移释放量)较大,是主要的污染元素,而Cu、Pb、Tl产生污染的可能性较小;(2)胶结层对重金属具有再富集作用,但其对可交换态Cd、As(Tl)再富集明显,而对可交换态Cu、Pb、Zn再富集则不明显。胶结层中次生伊利石、石膏等胶结物趋向于吸附富集活性可交换态Cd、As。这表明该尾矿可能迁移释放出含Cd、As浓度较高的NMD。研究表明,硅质尾矿风化释出NMD的同时,可能伴生Cd、As、Zn等重金属以及F的复合污染。  相似文献   

Salmon policy in the Pacific Northwest illustrates a class of contentious, socially wrenching issues that are becoming increasingly common in the western United States as demands increase for limited ecological resources. Many Pacific salmon “stocks” (a term used in fisheries management for a group of interbreeding individuals that is roughly equivalent to “population”) have declined and some have been extirpated. The salmon “problem” is one of the most vexing public policy challenges in natural resource management. Even with complete scientific knowledge — and scientific knowledge is far from complete or certain — it would be a challenging policy problem. The salmon decline issue is often defined simplistically as a watershed management problem, in part because changes in watersheds are highly visible and often occur on public or corporate lands where individuals and organizations often have direct input to decision making. Yet, changes in climate and ocean conditions, for example, occur frequently and such changes have a major influence on salmon abundance. The scientific challenges are great, but the more difficult — and critical — aspect of the debate concerns policies and decisions affecting everyone, including those involved in rural enterprises (especially farming and logging); manufacturing and construction; electricity generation (including hydro, fossil fuel, and nuclear); national defense; urban development; transportation (including road, rail, air, and water). The debate also involves competing personal rights and freedoms; the prerogatives and roles of local, state, and federal government and Indian tribes; policies on human population level, reproduction, emigration, and immigration; and the future of fishing (commercial, recreational, and Indian). The salmon policy conundrum is characterized by: (1) nearly everyone claims to support maintaining wild salmon runs; (2) many competing societal priorities exist, many of which are partially or wholly mutually exclusive; (3) the region’s rapidly growing human population creates increasing pressures on all natural resources (including salmon and their habitats); (4) policy stances in the salmon debate are solidly entrenched; (5) society expects salmon experts to help solve the salmon problem; (6) each of the many sides of the political debate over the future of salmon use salmon experts and scientific “facts” to bolster its argument; (7) it has proved to be nearly impossible for salmon scientists to avoid being categorized as supporting a particular policy position; and (8) many advocates of policy positions couch their positions in scientific terms rather than value-based preferences. Although far from indisputable, I conclude that over the next century and allowing for considerable year-to-year and decade-to-decade variation, many, perhaps most, stocks of wild salmon in the Pacific Northwest likely will remain at their current low levels or continue to decline in spite of costly protection and restoration efforts.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an overview of guidelinesdeveloped for the monitoring, evaluation, reporting,verification, and certification (MERVC) ofenergy-efficiency projects for climate changemitigation. The monitoring and evaluation ofenergy-efficiency projects is needed to determine moreaccurately their impact on greenhouse gas (GHG)emissions and other attributes, and to ensure that theglobal climate is protected and that countryobligations are met. Reporting, verification andcertification will be needed for addressing therequirements of the Kyoto Protocol. While the cost ofmonitoring and evaluation of energy-efficiencyprojects is expected to be about 5–10% of a project'sbudget, the actual cost of monitoring and evaluationwill vary depending on many factors, including thelevel of precision required for measuring energy andGHG reductions, type of project, and amount of fundingavailable.  相似文献   

水体富营养化的形成、危害和防治   总被引:66,自引:3,他引:66  
对水体富营养化的形成过程、富营养化给水质造成的影响和危害及富营养化问题的防治对策进行了简要的概括和总结。认为富营养化问题应该引起我们足够的重视  相似文献   

Sathaye  J.A.  Makundi  W.R.  Andrasko  K.  Boer  R.  Ravindranath  N.H.  Sudha  P.  Rao  S.  Lasco  R.  Pulhin  F.  Masera  O.  Ceron  A.  Ordonez  J.  Deying  X.  Zhang  X.  Zuomin  S. 《Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change》2001,6(3-4):185-211
This paper summarizes studies of carbon (C) mitigation potential and costs of about 40 forestry options in seven developing countries. Each study uses the same methodological approach – Comprehensive Mitigation Assessment Process (COMAP) – to estimate the above parameters between 2000 and 2030. The approach requires the projection of baseline and mitigation land-use scenarios. Coupled with data on a per ha basis on C sequestration or avoidance, and costs and benefits, it allows the estimation of monetary benefit per Mg C, and the total costs and carbon potential. The results show that about half (3.0 Pg C) the cumulative mitigation potential of 6.2 Petagram (Pg) C between 2000 and 2030 in the seven countries (about 200× 106 Mg C yr-1) could be achieved at a negative cost and the remainder at costs ranging up to $100 Mg C-1. About 5 Pg C could be achieved, at a cost less than $20 per Mg C. Negative cost potential indicates that non-carbon revenue is sufficient to offset direct costs of these options. The achievable potential is likely to be smaller, however, due to market, institutional, and sociocultural barriers that can delay or prevent the implementation of the analyzed options.  相似文献   

 Wild rabbits of the two sexes have separate linear rank orders, which are established and maintained by intensive fights. The social rank of individuals strongly influence their fitness: males and females that gain a high social rank, at least at the outset of their second breeding season, have a much higher lifetime fitness than subordinate individuals. This is because of two separate factors: a much higher fecundity and annual reproductive success and a 50% longer reproductive life span. These results are in contrast to the view in evolutionary biology that current reproduction can be increased only at the expense of future survival and/or fecundity. These concepts entail higher physiological costs in high-ranking mammals, which is not supported by our data: In wild rabbits the physiological costs of social positions are caused predominantly by differential psychosocial stress responses that are much lower in high-ranking than in low-ranking individuals. Received: 23 February 1999 / Accepted: 17 March 1999  相似文献   

Sex chromosome mosaicism in amniotic fluid cells poses a serious dilemma in prenatal diagnosis. Chromosome analysis of 56 primary clones of amniocytes revealed three distinct cell lines. Nine cells (16.1 per cent) demonstrated a 45,X karyotype, 11 cells (19.6 per cent) a 47,XXX karyotype, and the remaining 36 cells (64.3 per cent) had a modal number of 46 chromosomes (46,XX). Cytogenetic evaluation of 100 cells from cord blood, amnion, and chorion following delivery confirmed this triple mosaicism. However, the distribution of the three karyotypes in the pre- and postnatal samples was not found in the same proportions. The cord blood had the most similar frequency to that of the amniotic fluid sample, while the chorion had a significantly increased frequency of 47,XXX cells (41 per cent) and a decreased frequency of 45,X cells (2 per cent). Physical examination of the infant at birth revealed no discernible phenotypic abnormalities. Parental karyotypes were normal. This case highlights the difficulty in determining whether a prenatally detected abnormality will be associated with postnatal phenotypic deviation.  相似文献   

八道金矿为延吉中生代火山岩型金矿中较为典型的矿床之一。其矿床成因,除与火山作用有关之外直接受构造的控制,而火山作用本身又与区域深大断裂有关。本文着重讨论了矿区火山岩与朝阳河断裂的关系及构造控矿模式。  相似文献   

通过模拟煤矿酸性水环境,对来自2个不同产地的煤系非均质黄铁矿样品进行了不同固液比的淋滤实验,对反应体系物理化学状态以及其中的Co、Ni、Zn、Cd、Al、Cr、As、Pb8种元素的释放行为进行了长达312h跟踪检测和对比.结果显示,在2种不同来源的煤系黄铁矿样品反应体系中,Co、Ni、Zn、Cd的释放行为均为持续升高,说明这些元素的释放受体系中物理化学状态的影响相对较小,在液相中具有较高的迁移行为;Al、Cr、As、Pb在不同样品体系中的释放行为差异较大,受到体系pH值、吸附及共沉淀作用等因素的影响,是相对不易迁移的元素.煤矿酸性水环境中元素释放和迁移行为主要受到黄铁矿的氧化还原反应速率、反应体系介质pH值和围岩矿物学性质3个宏观因素控制.  相似文献   

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