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为了进一步梳理和分析开敞空间可燃云爆炸冲击波超压传播规律及灾害动力响应方面的各项研究成果,推进可燃气体爆炸安全防控,减少人员伤亡和经济损失。在分析现有研究的基础上,总结开敞空间可燃气云爆炸冲击波超压传播规律及灾害动力响应研究等方面存在的不足,提出开敞空间多元混合气体爆炸冲击波超压传播规律研究、多影响参数下可燃气云爆炸冲击波超压传播规律定量分析、基于可燃气云爆炸冲击波超压作用下的承载体动力响应等未来研究的关键技术问题。 相似文献
有障碍物开敞空间可燃气云爆炸超压场的数值模拟 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用计算流体动力学软件AutoReaGas定量研究障碍物、障碍物阻塞比对开敞空间可燃气云爆炸超压场的影响以及爆燃超压随测点距离变化的分布规律。研究结果表明:当有障碍物存在时,爆炸峰值超压会显著增加,且峰值超压随着障碍物阻塞比的增加而增加。对于有障碍物条件下开敞空间的丙烷气云爆炸,无论是气云内部还是气云外部,随着距爆心距离的增加,峰值超压都有减小的趋势。 相似文献
为准确预测输气管道高后果区在发生蒸气云爆炸事故时的超压分布情况,对国内外运用较为广泛的蒸气云爆炸超压预测经验模型和数值模拟方法进行调研,并分别应用其对某输气管道全尺寸泄漏燃爆实验进行超压预测,结合实验数据和输气管道高后果区管理现状进行方法准确性和工程适用性分析。研究结果表明:基于等效TNT假设的Henrych模型、Mills模型和等效TNT当量数值模拟方法均不适合准确预测蒸气云爆炸超压,TNO多能法和混合气体数值模拟方法所预测的结果较为接近实验结果。TNO多能法使用简便且推广性强,但主观性较大,易高估或低估爆炸后果;混合气体数值模拟方法操作繁琐且推广性差,但分析结果精度较高。在对高后果区进行安全管控时,可结合TNO多能法与混合气体数值模拟方法同时对管道工况进行评估,确定TNO多能法的爆源强度等级,继而推广使用TNO多能法。该研究结果可在较大程度上保证评估的准确性并节约成本。 相似文献
针对管状空间内膜状障碍物对甲烷爆炸传播的激励效应现象,基于机理分析进行了数值模拟和实验研究,计算分析薄膜附近爆炸冲击波压力峰值大小与火焰速度变化,同时运用激波管道进行相同工况条件下的实验,并对两者结果对比分析,发现有无膜状障碍物的压力峰值相差6倍以上。研究表明,膜状障碍物的激励效应是破膜以后形成的带压燃烧,提高了燃烧速率,导致甲烷爆炸的火焰传播速度剧增。实验结果一定意义诠释了同样数量的甲烷气体爆炸在不同环境内后果上的巨大差异,研究结果对矿井瓦斯爆炸事故调查及防治具有指导意义。 相似文献
采用二维非定常流体动力学差分方法(隐式TVD格式),以轴对称和平面问题对半球顶圆柱筒身爆炸塔内,中心和偏心爆炸的流场进行了数值模拟。本简要介绍了方法与结果。 相似文献
医药行业对药品生产的纯度控制相当重要,蒸馏操作是医药行业普遍运用的工艺手段之一.但由于蒸馏工序所涉及的物料常伴随具有较强燃爆性的危险化学品,且闪点以上操作加剧了物料的燃爆危险,因此医药行业蒸馏系统便成了事故多发的工艺单元之一.通过对某公司蒸馏系统的危险性分析,找出了蒸馏系统存在燃爆危险的主要因素,再进一步采用蒸汽云爆炸事故模拟评价方法,结合拉乌尔定律和道尔顿分压定律对该公司蒸馏系统进行安全评价,确定蒸馏系统二元混合物蒸气云爆炸冲击波损害半径. 相似文献
采用二维非定常流体动力学差分方法(隐式TVD格式),以轴对称和平面问题对半球顶圆柱筒身爆炸塔内,中心和偏心爆炸的流场进行了数值模拟。本文简要介绍了方法与结果。 相似文献
The obstacle structure in the vapor cloud has a significant influence on the gas explosion. Obstacles could not only lead to the acceleration of flame, but also they may occupy some space, thus affecting the amount of combustible gas. In this paper, a new two-step method was proposed to respectively study the effects of the obstacles amount and volume blockage ratio (VBR) on the gas explosion by using Computation Fluid Dynamic software AutoReaGas, and the obstacles in the vapor cloud were set to “Solid” instead of “Subgrid”. Based on the results and analysis, it is found that the peak overpressure and the maximum combustion rate rise with the increase of the number of obstacles for a single VBR, which indicated that the vapor cloud explosion of more obstacles was more dangerous for a single VBR. However, under a single number of obstacles, the peak overpressure and the maximum combustion rate increase firstly and then decrease as VBR increases and reach the highest at the VBR of 0.74, which indicated that the intensity of vapor cloud explosion reach a peak at a certain VBR in the middle instead of the largest. In addition, the existence and structure of obstacles have little effect on the size of explosion fireball when the size and concentration of combustible gas cloud are the same. 相似文献
为了了解障碍物排列方式对海洋平台蒸气云爆炸的影响,基于CFD方法建立蒸气云爆炸计算模型,选用国外MERGE项目的系列爆炸实验进行模型验证,提出用于衡量障碍物排列不均匀度的量化参数,针对海洋平台典型结构形式,分析障碍物排列方式对爆炸强度的影响。研究结果表明:蒸气云爆炸后果对于结构排列方式比较敏感,结构障碍物间隔均匀排列的形式造成的爆炸冲击作用最大;在爆炸发展初期阶段,障碍物阻塞程度对超压产生和发展影响更加显著。最后,基于研究结果,给出在海洋平台油气泄漏危险区将管线沿甲板非均匀排列布置等防控建议,为海洋平台蒸气云爆炸安全防控提供理论指导。 相似文献
Although industrial denotations in semi-open and congested geometries are often neglected by many practitioners during risk assessment, recent studies have shown that industrial detonations might be more common than previously believed. Therefore, from the explosion safety perspective, it becomes imperative to better assess industrial detonation hazards to improve robustness of explosion mitigation design, emergency response procedures, and building siting evaluation. Having that in mind, this study aims to review current empirical vapor cloud explosion models, understand their limitations, and assess their capability to indicate detonation onset for elongated vapor clouds. Six models were evaluated in total: TNO Multi-Energy, Baker-Strehlow-Tang (BST), Congestion Assessment Method (CAM), Quest Model for Estimation of Flame Speed (QMEFS), Primary Explosion Site (PES), and Confinement Specific Correlation (CSC). Model estimations were compared with large-scale test data available in the open literature. The CAM model demonstrated good performance in indicating deflagration-to-detonation transition (DDT) for test conditions experiencing detonation onset without any modification in the methodology. Some suggestions are provided to improve simulation results from PES, BST and QMEFS. 相似文献
利用FARO-Phonton三维激光扫描设备结合Microstation软件对某煤气化装置进行精确建模,根据厂区的实际情况设定可能的爆炸事故场景,运用计算流体力学软件FLACS研究不同爆炸事故对周边环境的作用过程及伤害区域,并与传统蒸气云爆炸伤害作用区域计算方法进行了比较分析.对比研究结果显示,基于FLACS的技术方法能综合考虑复杂装置设备对爆炸后果的影响,预测爆炸后空间各个部位超压的变化趋势及规律,能够弥补传统经验公式法的不足,更加适用于煤气化装置爆炸事故状态下应急救援区域的划分与确定. 相似文献
A devastating crude oil vapor explosion accident, which killed 62 people and injured 136, occurred on November 22, 2013. It was one of the most disastrous vapor cloud explosion accidents that happened in Qingdao's storm drains in China. It was noted that blast overpressure and flying debris were the main causes of human deaths, personal injuries and structure damages. Two months after the accident, it was reported that there were three contentious issues in the investigation report. First issue was the discrepancy between the temperature of the crude oil vapor explosive limits which were measured by the investigation panel and the temperature reported by the local fire department. Second issue was the contradiction between the upper explosive limit and vapor pressure of the crude oil vapor. The last issue was the location of the ignition source which led to the explosion.In the present study some specific features of this accident and various causes led to the explosion, high casualties and severe damages were analyzed. Three contentious issues in the official investigation report were investigated and tested in detail. The first element tested was the explosive limits and limiting oxygen concentration of the crude oil vapor at different temperatures. Based on theoretical analysis and field investigations, the last two elements in the report were analyzed from multiple perspectives. Based on the TNO Multi-Energy model and PROBIT equations, damage probability of affected people at the leaking site was also estimated. The investigation concluded with a result that precautions need to be taken to prevent flammable gas explosions in the drainage systems. Key steps were explicitly discussed for improving the hazard identification and risk assessment of similar accidents in the future. 相似文献
为研究七氟丙烷对汽油蒸气爆炸抑制作用,搭建含弱约束端面直角管道汽油蒸气爆炸抑制实验系统,开展汽油蒸气爆炸实验研究,并与喷入七氟丙烷抑爆介质进行对比,分析爆炸超压值、火焰强度值和火焰传播速度等爆炸特性参数变化情况.结果表明:在1.3%,1.5%和1.7%汽油蒸气体积分数下,不加抑爆介质时,爆炸超压值、火焰强度和火焰传播速... 相似文献
选择具体的液化石油气储配站,分析了该站的危险特性、危险产生的途径及可能造成的后果。在没有任何防护措施的情况下,采用蒸气云爆炸和沸腾液体扩展蒸气云爆炸模型,对该站一个50m3储罐发生泄漏造成的火灾爆炸事故后果进行预测,得出火灾爆炸后的安全距离为大于211.0m。在储配站不能满足此安全距离的基础之上,从防止产生爆炸性气体环境、消除点火源和抑制事故扩大三方面来提出有效的安全措施,降低事故发生的概率及事故造成的损失。其中,站址选在全年最小频率风向的上风侧且周围空旷的地区,罐上设置液位计、压力表、温度计及可燃气体报警器可防止产生爆炸性气体环境;罐及管道设静电接地,法兰用铜线跨接,站内设警示标志可消除点火源;生产区与辅助区间设置隔离墙,罐区周围设置砖混围堤,罐上设安全阀可抑制火灾爆炸事故扩大。 相似文献