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Fan HJ  Yang HS  Tsai YS  Furuya E 《Chemosphere》2008,71(5):886-893
Method for simultaneous determination of individual component's adsorption equilibrium parameters for binary and ternary phenolic compounds mixtures was investigated in this research. The Freundlich equilibrium parameters of binary and ternary component of phenolic compounds were determined from one fixed composition of phenolic wastewater. The simulation results obtained from both binary and ternary systems on the basis of ideal adsorbed solution theory were consistent with single component equilibrium data.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The applicability of ionic liquids (ILs) has increased over the last years, and even new opportunities are becoming a reality, i.e. mixtures of pure...  相似文献   

The residues of antineoplastic drugs are considered as new and emerging pollutants in aquatic environments. Recent experiments showed relatively high toxicity of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), imatinib mesylate (IM), etoposide (ET) and cisplatin (CP) that are currently among most widely used antineoplastic drugs, against phytoplankton species. In this study, we investigated the toxic potential of the mixture of 5-FU?+?IM?+?ET against green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata and cyanobacterium Synechococcus leopoliensis, and the stability and sorption of these drugs to algal cells. Toxic potential of the mixture was predicted by the concepts of ‘concentration addition’ and ‘independent action’ and compared to the experimentally determined toxicity. In both test species, the measured toxicity of the mixture was at effects concentrations EC10–EC50 higher than the predicted, whereas at higher effect concentration (EC90), it was lower. In general, P. subcapitata was more sensitive than S. leopoliensis. The stability studies of the tested drugs during the experiment showed that 5-FU, IM and CP are relatively stable, whereas in the cultures exposed to ET, two transformation products with the same mass as ET but different retention time were detected. The measurements of the cell-linked concentrations of the tested compounds after 72 h exposure indicated that except for CP (1.9 % of the initial concentration), these drugs are not adsorbed or absorbed by algal cells. The results of this study showed that in alga and cyanobacteria exposure to the mixture of 5-FU?+?ET?+?IM, in particular at low effect concentration range, caused additive or synergistic effect on growth inhibition, and they suggest that single compound toxicity data are not sufficient for the proper toxicity prediction for aquatic primary producers.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The consumption of hazardous antineoplastic drugs (ADs) used in anticancer chemotherapies is steadily increasing representing thus risks to both human...  相似文献   

To date, toxicological studies of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) have typically focused on single chemical exposures and associated effects. However, exposure to EDCs mixtures in the environment is common. Antiandrogens represent a group of EDCs, which draw increasing attention due to their resultant demasculinization and sexual disruption of aquatic organisms. Although there are a number of in vivo and in vitro studies investigating the combined effects of antiandrogen mixtures, these studies are mainly on selected model compounds such as flutamide, procymidone, and vinclozolin. The aim of the present study is to investigate the combined antiandrogenic effects of parabens, which are widely used antiandrogens in industrial and domestic commodities. A yeast-based human androgen receptor (hAR) assay (YAS) was applied to assess the antiandrogenic activities of n-propylparaben (nPrP), iso-propylparaben (iPrP), methylparaben (MeP), and 4-n-pentylphenol (PeP), as well as the binary mixtures of nPrP with each of the other three antiandrogens. All of the four compounds could exhibit antiandrogenic activity via the hAR. A linear interaction model was applied to quantitatively analyze the interaction between nPrP and each of the other three antiandrogens. The isoboles method was modified to show the variation of combined effects as the concentrations of mixed antiandrogens were changed. Graphs were constructed to show isoeffective curves of three binary mixtures based on the fitted linear interaction model and to evaluate the interaction of the mixed antiandrogens (synergism or antagonism). The combined effect of equimolar combinations of the three mixtures was also considered with the nonlinear isoboles method. The main effect parameters and interaction effect parameters in the linear interaction models of the three mixtures were different from zero. The results showed that any two antiandrogens in their binary mixtures tended to exert equal antiandrogenic activity in the linear concentration ranges. The antiandrogenicity of the binary mixture and the concentration of nPrP were fitted to a sigmoidal model if the concentrations of the other antiandrogens (iPrP, MeP, and PeP) in the mixture were lower than the AR saturation concentrations. Some concave isoboles above the additivity line appeared in all the three mixtures. There were some synergistic effects of the binary mixture of nPrP and MeP at low concentrations in the linear concentration ranges. Interesting, when the antiandrogens concentrations approached the saturation, the interaction between chemicals were antagonistic for all the three mixtures tested. When the toxicity of the three mixtures was assessed using nonlinear isoboles, only antagonism was observed for equimolar combinations of nPrP and iPrP as the concentrations were increased from the no-observed-effect-concentration (NOEC) to effective concentration of 80 %. In addition, the interactions were changed from synergistic to antagonistic as effective concentrations were increased in the equimolar combinations of nPrP and MeP, as well as nPrP and PeP. The combined effects of three binary antiandrogens mixtures in the linear ranges were successfully evaluated by curve fitting and isoboles. The combined effects of specific binary mixtures varied depending on the concentrations of the chemicals in the mixtures. At low concentrations in the linear concentration ranges, there was synergistic interaction existing in the binary mixture of nPrP and MeP. The interaction tended to be antagonistic as the antiandrogens approached saturation concentrations in mixtures of nPrP with each of the other three antiandrogens. The synergistic interaction was also found in the equimolar combinations of nPrP and MeP, as well as nPrP and PeP, at low concentrations with another method of nonlinear isoboles. The mixture activities of binary antiandrogens had a tendency towards antagonism at high concentrations and synergism at low concentrations.  相似文献   

为了研究重金属与药物二元混合体系的联合毒性,选择3种重金属盐CdCl2、K2Cr2O7、CuSO4与土霉素(OTC)为混合物组分,以固定毒性配比法构建3组二元混合物体系:CdCl2-OTC、K2Cr2O7-OTC和CuSO4-OTC。固定的毒性配比分别为4:1、3:2、1:1、2:3和1:4。应用微板毒性分析法,测定单一物质及二元混合物对费氏弧菌(Vibrio.fishceri)的联合毒性,通过比较实验数据与浓度加和模型预测值,分析混合物的毒性作用方式。结果表明:依据单一物质EC50值,它们的毒性从大到小依次为:CuSO4 > CdCl2 > K2Cr2O7 > OTC;重金属与OTC二元混合体系均表现出拮抗作用;在选取的毒性配比范围内,CdCl2-OTC和K2Cr2O7-OTC混合物的拮抗作用强弱在一定范围内浮动,并不随毒性配比的变化而变化。然而,CuSO4-OTC混合物中,联合毒性随着OTC比例的增大,作用方式由显著拮抗向加和趋近。这说明混合物中各组分的浓度组成影响CuSO4-OTC混合物对V.fishceri的联合作用方式,但是CdCl2-OTC和K2Cr2O7-OTC并不受影响。  相似文献   

In the present study, we have assessed by flow cytometry, the cytotoxicity of the heavy metals Cd, Zn and Cu on populations of the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila. The obtained LC(50) for these metals was estimated as 0.195mgCdl(-1), 3.58mgZnl(-1) and 0.47mgCul(-1), respectively. As a result, the toxicity rank for this eukaryotic microorganism is Cd>Cu>Zn. Using the same methodology and the Concentration Addition approach, the toxicity of binary mixtures of these metals was evaluated in order to detect the type of interaction between these metals. Results indicated that antagonism is the predominant interaction but it can change to additivity or even to synergism at high metal concentrations. Besides, the concentration ratio between metals plays also a crucial role in determining the type of metallic interaction, at least in Tetrahymena. Cytotoxicity data from single and bimetallic mixtures have been compared with those from selected microalgae, other species of ciliates, fish and mammalian cell lines and metazoan. By other hand, we have detected the mitochondrial generation of peroxides induced by both single and binary treatments with Cd, Zn and Cu on populations of Tetrahymena, using the specific fluorophore dyhidrorhodamine. The nature and concentrations of metal as well as the metallic ratio were important factors in reactive oxygen species production. All results found in T. thermophila are compared with previous reports in other organisms and, some explanations and hypothesis to support results are given, including the involvement of metallothioneins as antioxidants and their role in the binding of metal cations.  相似文献   

In this study, an analytical methodology was developed for the determination of psycho-active drugs in the treated effluent of the University Hospital at the Federal University of Santa Maria, RS – Brazil. Samples were collected from point A (Emergency) and point B (General effluent). The adopted methodology included a pre-concentration procedure involving the use of solid phase extraction and determination by liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. The limit of detection for bromazepam and lorazepam was 4.9 ± 1.0 ng L−1 and, for carbamazepine, clonazepam and diazepam was 6.1 ± 1.5 ng L−1. The limit of quantification was 30.0 ± 1.1 ng L−1, for bromazepam, clonazepam and lorazepam; for carbamazepine was 50.0 ± 1.8 ng L−1 and was 40.0 ± 1.0 ng L−1 for diazepam. The mean concentrations in the Emergency and General effluent treated currents were as follows: for bromazepam, 195 ± 6 ng L−1 and 137 ± 7 ng L−1; for carbamazepine, 590 ± 6 ng L−1 and 461 ± 10 ng L−1; for diazepam, 645 ± 1 ng L−1 and 571 ± 10 ng L−1; for lorazepam, 96 ± 7 ng L−1 and 42 ± 4 ng L−1; and for clonazepam, 134 ± 10 ng L−1 and 57 ± 10 ng L−1. A preliminary risk assessment was conducted: carbamazepine and diazepam require considerable attention owing to their environmental toxicity. The occurrence of these psychoactive-drugs and the environmental risks that they pose demonstrated the need for a more efficient treatment system. As far we are aware, there have been no comparable studies to this on the hazards of hospital effluents in Brazil, and very few that have carried out a risk assessment of psycho-active drugs in hospital effluent in general.  相似文献   

To document the toxicity of copper and nickel in binary mixtures, freshwater amphipods Gammarus pulex were exposed to the metals given independently or as mixtures. Toxicity to Cu alone was relatively high: 96-h LC10 and LC50 were found at 91 and 196 μg L?1, respectively. Toxicity to Ni alone was very low, with 96-h LC10 and LC50 of 44,900 and 79,200 μg L?1, respectively. Mixture toxicities were calculated from single toxicity data using conventional models. Modeled toxicity was then compared with the measured toxicity of the binary mixture. Two kinds of mixtures were tested. Type I mixtures were designed as combinations of Cu and Ni given at the same effect concentrations, when taken independently, to identify possible interactions between copper and nickel. In type II mixtures, Cu concentrations varied from 0 to 600 μg L?1 while the nickel concentration was kept constant at 500 μg L?1 to mimic conditions of industrial wastewater discharges. Ni and Cu showed synergic effects in type I mixtures while type II mixtures revealed antagonistic effects. Low doses of Ni reduced Cu toxicity towards G. pulex. These results show that even for simple binary mixtures of contaminants with known chemistry and toxicity, unexpected interactions between the contaminants may occur. This reduces the reliability of conventional additivity models.  相似文献   

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has pursued the estimation of risk of adverse health effects from exposure to chemical mixtures since the early 1980s. Methods used to calculate risk estimates of mixtures were often based on single chemical information that required assumptions of dose-addition or response-addition and did not consider possible changes in response due to interaction effects among chemicals. Full factorial designs for laboratory studies can produce interactions information, but these are expensive to perform and may not provide the information needed to evaluate specific environmentally relevant mixtures. In this research, groups of Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) embryos were exposed to binary mixtures of benzene and toluene as well as to each of these chemicals alone. Endpoint specific dose-response models were built for the hydrocarbon mixture under an assumption of dose-additivity, using the single chemical dose-response information on benzene and toluene. The endpoints included heart rate, heart rate progression, and lethality. Results included a synergistic response for heart rate at 72 h of development, and either additivity or antagonism for all other endpoints at 96 h of development. This work uses an established statistical method to evaluate the toxicity of an environmentally relevant mixture to ascertain whether interaction effects are occurring, thus providing additional information on toxicity.  相似文献   

The macroalga Gracilaria domingensis is an important resource for the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and biotechnology industries. G. domingensis is at a part of the food web foundation, providing nutrients and microelements to upper levels. As seaweed storage metals in the vacuoles, they are considered the main vectors to magnify these toxic elements. This work describes the evaluation of the toxicity of binary mixtures of available metal cations based on the growth rates of G. domingensis over a 48-h exposure. The interactive effects of each binary mixture were determined using a toxic unit (TU) concept that was the sum of the relative contribution of each toxicant and calculated using the ratio between the toxicant concentration and its endpoint. Mixtures of Cd(II)/Cu(II) and Zn(II)/Ca(II) demonstrated to be additive; Cu(II)/Zn(II), Cu(II)/Mg(II), Cu(II)/Ca(II), Zn(II)/Mg(II), and Ca(II)/Mg(II) mixtures were synergistic, and all interactions studied with Cd(II) were antagonistic. Hypotheses that explain the toxicity of binary mixtures at the molecular level are also suggested. These results represent the first effort to characterize the combined effect of available metal cations, based on the TU concept on seaweed in a total controlled medium. The results presented here are invaluable to the understanding of seaweed metal cation toxicity in the marine environment, the mechanism of toxicity action and how the tolerance of the organism.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The first aim of this study was to synthesize and characterize reed-based-beads (BBR), an enhanced adsorbent from Tunisian reed. The second purpose...  相似文献   

McMurry CS  Dickerson RL 《Chemosphere》2001,43(4-7):829-837
This study investigated the effects of six endocrine disrupters in five different doses (0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, 10 mg/kg or microg/kg) in ethanol administered by oral gavage to bobwhite quail eggs. Six eggs each were in each dose group of coumestrol, ethynyl estradiol, indole-3-carbinol, o,p'-DDE, p,p'-DDE, or TCDD. Eggs were also dosed in two sets. One set was ethynyl estradiol (0, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1.0, 3.0, 10.0 microg/kg) and TCDD (0, 0.003, 0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3 microg/kg). This set was dosed below the air cell with corn oil as vehicle. Also, northern bobwhite quail eggs were injected in ovo with nine binary mixtures of six xenobiotics prior to incubation (coumestrol (0.3 mg/kg), ethynyl estradiol (3.0 microg/kg), indole-3-carbinol (3.0 mg/kg), o,p'-DDE (1.0 mg/kg), p,p'-DDE (1.0 mg/kg), TCDD (0.1 microg/kg)). The mixtures injected were p,p'-DDE+indole-3-carbinol, coumestrol+indole-3-carbinol, TCDD+indole-3-carbinol, p,p'-DDE+o,p'-DDE, p,p'-DDE+ethynyl estradiol, coumestrol+ethynyl estradiol, coumestrol+TCDD, o,p'-DDE+ethynyl estradiol, TCDD+ethynyl estradiol. Eggs were dosed once prior to initiating incubation. Quail were allowed to hatch and were sacrificed at 21 days of age. Blood, measurements, and tissues were collected. Survival was significantly affected by increasing concentrations of TCDD in ethanol as revealed by trend analysis. Survival was also affected significantly by o,p'-DDE in ethanol but not by trend. Survival results of mixtures indicate significant differences among mixture, mixture components, and controls for coumestrol+TCDD, ethynyl estradiol+TCDD, and indole-3-carbinol+TCDD. Some trends from doses of single compounds that are supported by results in the literature were observed for hatchling weight of ethynyl estradiol dosed females, weight gain of indole-3-carbinol dosed males, weight gain and liver somatic index of o,p'-DDE dosed males, spleen somatic index of TCDD dosed males, and weight gain, gonad somatic index and egg gland somatic index of TCDD dosed females. In conclusion, the dose response treatments appeared to have effects beyond effects on survival of in ovo dosed quail. For mixtures, plasma estradiol concentrations were significantly different among coumestrol+ethynyl estradiol, ethynyl estradiol, coumestrol, and vehicle treatments. Liver somatic index among the same treatments was also significantly different. Kidney somatic index among ethynyl estradiol+p,p'-DDE, ethynyl estradiol, p,p'-DDE, and vehicle treatments was significantly different. Plasma estradiol and plasma testosterone ratios were very different among o,p'-DDE+p,p'-DDE, o,p'-DDE, p,p'-DDE, and vehicle treatments. Coumestrol and ethynyl estradiol appear antagonistic for plasma estradiol concentrations and liver somatic index when both chemicals are present together. Ethynyl estradiol and p,p'-DDE appear to act additively on kidney somatic index when combined together. Mixtures of compounds, used in this study indicate effects very different from either or both mixture components, indicating the lack of predictability of chemicals when combined in mixtures.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Cement production emits a significant carbon dioxide (CO2) gas, dramatically influencing the environment. Furthermore, a large amount of energy is...  相似文献   

Results from two mathematical approaches to predict the toxicity of all the possible binary equitoxic mixtures of Co, Cd, Cu, Zn and Pb were compared to the observed toxicity of these mixtures to Vibrio fischeri bacteria. Combined effect of the metals was found to be antagonistic for Co-Cd, Cd-Zn, Cd-Pb and Cu-Pb, synergistic for Co-Cu and Zn-Pb and merely additive in other cases, revealing a complex pattern of possible interactions. Besides, Cd appears much less toxic to the bacterial model than to animal cells. The synergistic effect of the Co-Cu combination and the strong lowering of Pb toxicity in the presence of Cd deserve much attention when establishing environmental safety regulations.  相似文献   



In the assessment of health risks of environmental pollutants, the method of dose addition and the method of independent action are used to assess mixture effects when no synergistic and/or antagonistic effects are present. Currently, no method exists to quantify synergistic and/or antagonistic effects for mixtures. The purpose of this paper is to develop the theoretical concepts of an overall risk probability (ORP)-based method to quantify the synergistic and antagonistic effects in health risk assessment for mixtures.


The ORP for health effects of environmental chemicals was determined from the cumulative probabilities of exposure and effects. This method was used to calculate the ORP for independent mixtures and for mixtures with synergistic and antagonistic effects.


For the independent mixtures, a mixture ORP can be calculated from the product of the ORPs of individual components. For systems of interacting mixtures, a synergistic coefficient and an antagonistic coefficient were defined respectively to quantify the ORPs of each individual component in the mixture. The component ORPs with synergistic and/or antagonistic effects were then used to calculate the total ORP for the mixture.


An ORP-based method was developed to quantify synergistic and antagonistic effects in health risk assessment for mixtures. This represents a first method to generally quantify mixture effects of interacting toxicants.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Photochemical degradation of fluoroquinolones ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin and norfloxacin in aqueous solution under light conditions relevant to...  相似文献   

Some pharmaceuticals such as antineoplastics are carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic and fetotoxic. Antineoplastics and their metabolites are excreted by patients into waste water. In laboratory testing the frequently used isomeric anti-tumour agents cyclophosphamide (CP) and ifosfamide (IF) were shown to be not biodegradable. They are not eliminated in municipal sewage treatment plants and therefore detected in their effluents. Structural related compounds are beta-D-glucosylisophosphoramidmustard (beta-D-Glc-IPM; INN = glufosfamide) and beta-L-glucosylisophosphoramidmustard (beta-L-Glc-IPM). beta-L-Glc-IPM has no antineoplastic effects whereas beta-D-Glc-IPM is active against tumours. In contrast to IF and CP and almost all other investigated antineoplastics beta-D-Glc-IPM is inherently biodegradable. Improved biodegradability of beta-D-Glc-IPM compared to IF shows that reducing the impact of pharmaceuticals on the aquatic environment is feasible by changing the chemical structure of a given compound exerting a similar mode of action and therapeutic activity. Stereochemistry may be crucial for pharmaceutical activity of the compounds as well as for its biodegradability in the environment.  相似文献   

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