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Ana Karuza Carmela Caroppo Marina Monti Elisa Camatti Elena Di Poi Loredana Stabili Rocco Auriemma Marco Pansera Tamara Cibic Paola Del Negro 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2016,23(13):12707-12724
The Mar Piccolo is a semi-enclosed basin subject to different natural and anthropogenic stressors. In order to better understand plankton dynamics and preferential carbon pathways within the planktonic trophic web, an integrated approach was adopted for the first time by examining all trophic levels (virioplankton, the heterotrophic and phototrophic fractions of pico-, nano- and microplankton, as well as mesozooplankton). Plankton abundance and biomass were investigated during four surveys in the period 2013–2014. Beside unveiling the dynamics of different plankton groups in the Mar Piccolo, the study revealed that high portion of the plankton carbon (C) pool was constituted by small-sized (<2 μm) planktonic fractions. The prevalence of small-sized species within micro- and mesozooplankton communities was observed as well. The succession of planktonic communities was clearly driven by the seasonality, i.e. by the nutrient availability and physical features of the water column. Our hypothesis is that beside the ‘bottom-up’ control and the grazing pressure, inferred from the C pools of different plankton groups, the presence of mussel farms in the Mar Piccolo exerts a profound impact on plankton communities, not only due to the important sequestration of the plankton biomass but also by strongly influencing its structure. 相似文献
Andrea Emili Alessandro Acquavita Stefano Covelli Lucia Spada Antonella Di Leo Santina Giandomenico Nicola Cardellicchio 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2016,23(13):12582-12595
In situ benthic flux experiments were conducted at two stations in the Mar Piccolo of Taranto (Italy), one of the most industrialised and contaminated coastal areas of the Mediterranean. Sediments of the two stations are notably different in their trace metal content, with a station closer to a Navy harbour showing higher mean concentrations of almost all investigated metals (Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, V and Zn). Conversely, both stations are characterised by significant Hg contamination, compared to the local baseline. Results of a sequential extraction scheme on surface sediments suggest a relatively scarce mobility of the examined metals (Zn > Ni > Cr > As > Cu > Pb). A Hg-specific extraction procedure showed that most of the element (93.1 %) occurs in a fraction comprising Hg bound to Fe/Mn oxi-hydroxides. Reduction of these oxides may affect Hg remobilisation and redistribution. Porewater profiles of dissolved trace metals were quite similar in the two sites, although significant differences could be observed for Al, Cu, Fe and Hg. The highest diffusive fluxes were observed for As, Fe and Mn. Mobility rates of several trace elements (Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, V and Zn) were directly measured at the sediment–water interface. Results from benthic in situ incubation experiments showed increasing dissolved metal concentrations with time, resulting in higher fluxes for Cu, Fe, Hg, V and Zn in the most contaminated site. Conversely, fluxes of Mn, Ni and Pb were comparable between the two stations. The estimated flux of Hg (97 μg m?2 day?1) was the highest observed among similar experiments conducted in other highly contaminated Mediterranean coastal environments. Benthic fluxes could be partially explained by considering rates of organic matter remineralisation, dissolution of Fe/Mn oxy-hydroxides and metal speciation in sediments. Seasonal and spatial variation of biogeochemical parameters can influence metal remobilisation in the Mar Piccolo area. In particular, metals could be promptly remobilised as a consequence of oxygen depletion, posing a serious concern for the widespread fishing and mussel farming activities in the area. 相似文献
Martina Kralj Cinzia De Vittor Cinzia Comici Federica Relitti Rocco Auriemma Giorgio Alabiso Paola Del Negro 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2016,23(13):12675-12690
The Mar Piccolo of Taranto, classified as a ‘Site of National Interest’ (SIN), is a semi-enclosed basin divided into two inlets with lagoon features and sea influences, seriously affected by anthropic activities. In the framework of the RITMARE project, a study has been carried out to evaluate the functionality of this ecosystem. As part of this work, measurements of the water abiotic parameters were performed in order to assess the physical–chemical features of this area after the activation, in the last decade, of treatment plants for various urban and industrial dumping. Seawater intrusions and continental inputs, as well as several submarine freshwater springs, clearly affect physical–chemical characteristics of the water column in the two inlets. This finding suggests that small-scale patterns in water circulation have the potential to influence the chemical properties of the seawater. The comparison with a 20-year dataset reveals a drastic decrease in nutrient concentrations after the year 2000, validating the functionality of the treatment plants. The reduction of nutrient inputs into the basin (up to ?90 % in the first inlet characterized by lower hydraulic residence time) has changed the biogeochemical characteristics of the Mar Piccolo from being relatively eutrophic to moderately oligotrophic. 相似文献
Mengyuan Zhu Guangwei Zhu Linlin Zhao Xin Yao Yunlin Zhang Guang Gao Boqiang Qin 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2013,20(3):1803-1811
Algal bloom could drastically influence the nutrient cycling in lakes. To understand how the internal nutrient release responds to algal bloom decay, water and sediment columns were sampled at 22 sites from four distinct regions of China’s eutrophic Lake Taihu and incubated in the laboratory to examine the influence of massive algal bloom decay on nutrient release from sediment. The column experiment involved three treatments: (1) water and sediment (WS); (2) water and algal bloom (WA); and (3) water, sediment, and algal bloom (WSA). Concentrations of dissolved oxygen (DO), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), ammonium (NH 4 + -N), and orthophosphate (PO 4 3? -P) were recorded during incubation. The decay of algal material caused a more rapid decrease in DO than in the algae-free controls and led to significant increases in NH 4 + -N and PO 4 3? -P in the water. The presence of algae during the incubation had a regionally variable effect on sediment nutrient profiles. In the absence of decaying algae (treatment WS), sediment nutrient concentrations decreased during the incubation. In the presence of blooms (WSA), sediments from the river mouth released P to the overlying water, while sediments from other regions absorbed surplus P from the water. This experiment showed that large-scale algal decay will dramatically affect nutrient cycling at the sediment–water interface and would potentially transfer the function of sediment as “container” or “supplier” in Taihu, although oxygen exchange with atmosphere in lake water was stronger than in columns. The magnitude of the effect depends on the physical–chemical character of the sediments. 相似文献
Hang Wang Joseph Holden Kandice Spera XinHua Xu ZaoDe Wang JingHua Luan Xin Xu ZhiJian Zhang 《Chemosphere》2013,90(6):1794-1804
Global warming is increasingly challenging for wetland ecological function. A temperature controlled microcosm system was developed to simulate climate change scenarios of an ambient temperature (control) and an elevated temperature (+5 °C). The effects and associated mechanisms of warming on phosphorus (P) fluxes at the sediment–water interface of six subtropical wetlands were investigated. The results indicated that P fluxes were generally enhanced under the experimental warming as measured by higher P concentrations in the porewater and overlying water as well as higher benthic P fluxes. The release of P from sediment to porewater occurred more strongly and quickly in response to experimental warming compared to the subsequent upward transfer into overlying water. The average accumulative benthic P output from the tested wetlands under the experimental warming was greater by 12.9 μg cm?2 y?1 (28%) for total P and 8.26 μg cm?2 y?1 (25%) for dissolved reactive P, compared to the ambient scenarios. Under warming the redistribution of P fractions in sediments occurred with greater NH4Cl–P and lower BD–P (extracted by a bicarbonate buffered dithionite solution) accompanied by greater NaOH–P. The higher temperature enhanced total phospholipid fatty acids. A shift in the microbial community was also observed with a relative dominance of fungi (a 4.7% increase) and a relative decline (by 18%) in bacterial abundance, leading to the higher secretion of phosphatase. Comparing between wetlands, the potential P fluxes in the nutrient-enriched wetlands were less impacted by warming than the other wetland types investigated. Thus wetlands characterized by low or medium concentrations of P in sediments were more susceptible to warming compared to P-rich wetlands. 相似文献
E. Bagnato M. Sproveri M. Barra M. Bitetto M. Bonsignore S. Calabrese V. Di Stefano E. Oliveri F. Parello S. Mazzola 《Chemosphere》2013
The first attempt to systematically investigate the atmospheric mercury (Hg) in the MBL of the Augusta basin (SE Sicily, Italy) has been undertaken. In the past the basin was the receptor for Hg from an intense industrial activity which contaminated the bottom sediments of the Bay, making this area a potential source of pollution for the surrounding Mediterranean. Three oceanographic cruises have been thus performed in the basin during the winter and summer 2011/2012, where we estimated averaged Hgatm concentrations of about 1.5 ± 0.4 (range 0.9–3.1) and 2.1 ± 0.98 (range 1.1–3.1) ng m−3 for the two seasons, respectively. These data are somewhat higher than the background Hgatm value measured over the land (range 1.1 ± 0.3 ng m−3) at downtown Augusta, while are similar to those detected in other polluted regions elsewhere. Hg evasion fluxes estimated at the sea/air interface over the Bay range from 3.6 ± 0.3 (unpolluted site) to 72 ± 0.1 (polluted site of the basin) ng m−2 h−1. By extending these measurements to the entire area of the Augusta basin (∼23.5 km2), we calculated a total sea–air Hg evasion flux of about 9.7 ± 0.1 g d−1 (∼0.004 t yr−1), accounting for ∼0.0002% of the global Hg oceanic evasion (2000 t yr−1). The new proposed data set offers a unique and original study on the potential outflow of Hg from the sea–air interface at the basin, and it represents an important step for a better comprehension of the processes occurring in the marine biogeochemical cycle of this element. 相似文献
Ye Yuan Pascal Weitzel Andreas Schäffer 《Journal of environmental science and health. Part. B》2013,48(8):533-543
The metabolic fate of 14C-phenyl-labeled herbicide clodinafop-propargyl (14C-CfP) was studied for 28 days in lab assays using a sediment–water system derived from a German location. Mineralization was 5.21% of applied 14C after 28 days exhibiting a distinct lag phase until day 14 of incubation. Portions of radioactivity remaining in water phases decreased at moderate rate to 18.48% after 28 days; 62.46% were still detected in water after 14 days. Soxhlet extraction of the sediment using acetonitrile released 35.56% of applied 14C with day 28, while 33.99% remained as non-extractable residues. A remarkable increase of bound 14C was observed between 14 and 28 days correlating with the distinct increase of mineralization. No correlation was found throughout incubation with microbial activity of the sediment as determined by dimethyl sulfoxide reduction. Dissolved oxygen and pH value of water phases remained almost constant for 28 days. Analyses of Soxhlet extracts of the sediment and ethyl acetate extracts of water phases by radio-TLC and radio-HPLC revealed that CfP was rapidly cleaved to free acid clodinafop (Cf), which was further (bio-) transformed. DT50 values (based on radio-HPLC) were below 1 day (CfP) and slightly above 28 days (Cf). Further metabolites were not detected. Fractionation of humic and non-humic components of the sediment demonstrated that CfP's non-extractable residues were predominantly associated with fulvic acids up to 14 days of incubation (3.36%), whereas after 28 days, the majority of radioactivity was found in the humin/mineral fraction (13.30% of applied 14C). Due to high-performance size-exclusion chromatography of the fulvic acids fraction derived from assays incubated for 28 days, this portion of 14C was firmly, possibly covalently bound to fulvic acids and did not consist of CfP or Cf. Using an isolation strategy comprising preincubation of sediment with CfP and mineralization of 14C-CfP as criterion, a microorganism was isolated from the sediment examined. It grew on 14C-CfP as sole carbon source with evolution of 14CO2. The bacterium was characterized by growth on commonly used carbon sources and 16S rDNA sequence analysis. Its sequence exhibited high similarity with that of Nocardioides aromaticivorans strain H-1 (98.85%; DSM 15131, JCM 11674). 相似文献
Concentration of heavy metals and natural gross radioactivity were measured in the surface water and sediment of Hazar Lake (Elazi?, Turkey). Eight sampling sites were pre-defined in different locations of the lake. A preliminary study on heavy metals (Zn, Fe, Mn, Ni, Cu, Cr, Co and Pb), major elements (Na, K, Ca, Mg) concentrations and natural radioactivity related to 226Ra, gross-alpha and gross-beta radiations in the surface water and deep sediments were determined. The obtained results showed that, in general, the heavy metals (Zn, Fe, Mn, Ni, Cu and Pb) and major elements (Na, K, Ca, Mg) concentrations in water did not exceed WHO (World Health Organization, 1999), EC (Europe Community, 1998), EPA (Environment Protection Agency, 2002) and TSE-266 (Turkish Standard, 1997) guidelines. Generally, heavy metals and major elements concentration of the sediments were found decrease in sequence of Fe>Mg>Ca>Mn>Zn>Ni>Cr>Cu>Co>Pb. The results of this study indicated that a general absence of serious pollution in the Hazar Lake. The results obtained from the radioactivity determination indicate that the surface water radioactivity concentration of 226Ra, gross-alpha and gross-beta were ranging from 0.52+/-0.02 to 2.02+/-0.06 Bq/l and from 0.65+/-0.03 to 2.52+/-0.07 Bq/l and from 0.01+/-0.01 to 0.14+/-0.01 Bq/l, respectively. Deep sediment radioactivity concentrations of 226Ra is ranging from 0.07+/-0.03 to 0.32+/-0.07 Bq/g. 相似文献
Christensen AM Nakajima F Baun A 《Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987)》2006,144(2):621-625
The urban stream Store Vejle? (Denmark), which receives discharges of urban runoff, was investigated using a combination of biological toxicity tests and chemical analysis. The urban stormwater and road runoff gave low, but statistically significant, effects on the reproduction of the alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata. In all pre-concentrated water samples toxic effects were found and differences in toxicity depending on time and location of sampling were identified. Undiluted pore water samples from sediments collected in the stream were all toxic towards the algae and dilutions from 4 to 14 times were needed compared to a pore water sample from an unpolluted stream where a dilution factor of only 1.6 was required. A qualitative correlation between the toxicity of the pore water and the degree of pollution as evidenced by the metal concentration was observed, but statistically significant correlations could not be established by ranking procedures of, e.g. metal content or PAH-concentrations versus the observed toxicity. 相似文献
Pico Y Blasco C Farré M Barceló D 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2012,19(4):946-957
Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) are widely distributed from industrialized to remote locations throughout the world. This study demonstrates the spatial distributions of PFCs in water and sediments from the L’Albufera Natural Park (Valencia, Spain). 相似文献11.
In this study, the activity concentrations of 210Po and 210Pb were determined in mussel samples (Mytilus galloprovincialis) collected from the Turkish coast of the Aegean Sea. The samples were collected seasonally for a period of two years (2004-2006) at six coastal stations (Çanakkale, Dikili, Foça, Çe?me, Didim, Bodrum). Mussels were separated into several groups according to their size (1-4, 4-6, >6 cm). The results showed that 210Po concentrations in mussels varied between 53 ± 4 and 1960 ± 60 Bq kg−1 dw. The highest activity 210Po concentrations were determined in winter samples of mussels with a shell length of 4-6 cm from Didim. In general, it was observed that the 210Pb concentration levels in mussels were lower than 210Po concentrations. The 210Po/210Pb activity concentration ratios exceeded unity for all mussel samples and averaged 26.0. The inter-site differences seen in 210Po concentrations can be due to both the natural background levels of sites and industrial activities. 相似文献
《Atmospheric environment (Oxford, England : 1994)》2001,35(29):5007-5018
Aerosol samples were collected from Northwest China desert region (Minqin), coastal suburb (Qingdao) and interior of the Yellow Sea (Qianliyan) in spring and summer of 1995 and 1996. Samples were analysed for major components, carbon and sulphur. The results show that concentrations of aerosols change considerably in time and space. The crustal materials carried by cold front system increase notably the aerosol concentration (mass/unit vol.) over the Yellow Sea but reduce the percentage contribution of pollutants and sea-salt. The sea-salt and regional aerosols become dominant fractions in coastal atmosphere in summer when the dust storms are expired in source region and the Southeast monsoon starts in the Pacific Ocean. 相似文献
De-Gao Wang Mehran AlaeeHelena Steer Tara TaitZackery Williams Samantha BrimbleLewina Svoboda Enzo BarresiMaryl DeJong JoAnne SchachtschneiderEd Kaminski Warren NorwoodEd Sverko 《Chemosphere》2013
Several methods were developed to detect the cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes (cVMSs) including octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4), decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5), and dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane (D6) in water, sediment, soil, biota, and biosolid samples. Analytical techniques employed to optimize measurement of this compound class in various matrices included membrane-assisted solvent extraction in water, liquid–solid extraction for sediment, soil, biota, and biosolid samples. A subsequent analysis of the extract was conducted by large-volume injection–gas chromatography−mass spectrometry (LVI−GC−MS). These methods employed no evaporative techniques to avoid potential losses and contamination of the volatile siloxanes. To compensate for the inability to improve detection limits by concentrating final sample extract volumes we used a LVI–GC–MS. Contamination during analysis was minimized by using a septumless GC configuration to avoid cVMS’s associated with septum bleed. These methods performed well achieving good linearity, low limits of detection, good precision, recovery, and a wide dynamic range. In addition, stability of cVMS in water and sediment was assessed under various storage conditions. D4 and D5 in Type-I (Milli-Q) water stored at 4 °C were stable within 29 d; however, significant depletion of D6 (60–70%) occurred only after 3 d. Whereas cVMS in sewage influent and effluent were stable at 4 °C within 21 d. cVMS in sediment sealed in amber glass jars at −20 °C and in pentane extracts in vials at −15 °C were stable during 1 month under both storage conditions. 相似文献
Florian Thevenon Luiz Felippe de Alencastro Jean-Luc Loizeau Thierry Adatte Dominique Grandjean Walter Wildi John Poté 《Chemosphere》2013,90(9):2444-2452
The 137Cs and 210Pb dating of a 61-cm long sediment core retrieved from a drinking water reservoir (Lake Brêt) located in Switzerland revealed a linear and relatively high sedimentation rate (~1 cm year?1) over the last decades. The continuous centimeter scale measurement of physical (porewater and granulometry), organic (Corg, P, N, HI and OI indexes) and mineral (Cmin and lithogenic trace elements) parameters therefore enables reconstructing the environmental history of the lake and anthropogenic pollutant input (trace metals, DDT and PCBs) at high resolution. A major change in the physical properties of the lowermost sediments occurred following the artificial rise of the dam in 1922. After ca. 1940, there was a long-term up-core increase in organic matter deposition attributed to enhance primary production and anoxic bottom water conditions due to excessive nutrient input from a watershed predominantly used for agriculture that also received domestic effluents of two wastewater-treatment plants. This pattern contrasts with the terrigenous element input (Eu, Sc, Mg, Ti, Al, and Fe) which doubled after the rising of the dam but continuously decreased during the last 60 years. By comparison, the trace metals (Cu, Pb and Hg) presented a slight enrichment factor (EF) only during the second part of the 20th century. Although maximum EF Pb (>2) occurred synchronously with the use of leaded gasoline in Switzerland (between ca. 1947 and 1985) the Hg and Cu profiles exhibited a relatively similar trend than Pb during the 20th century, therefore excluding the alkyl-lead added to petrol as the dominant (atmospheric) source of lead input to Lake Brêt. Conversely, the Cu profile that did not follow the decrease registered in Pb and Hg during the last 10 years, suggests an additional source of Cu probably linked to the impact of agricultural activities in the area. In absence of heavy industries in the catchment, the atmospheric deposition of DDT and PCBs via surface runoff followed the historical emissions of POPs in Switzerland. Such result highlights the regional contamination of freshwater resources by the large-scale emission of toxic industrial chemicals in the 1960s and 1970s as well as the efficiency of the regulatory measures subsequently taken. 相似文献
Concentrations of some heavy metals in water, sediment and fish species from the Atatürk Dam Lake (Euphrates), Turkey 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Concentrations of heavy metals (Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb and Zn) were measured in the water, sediment and fish species (Acanthobrama marmid, Chalcalburnus mossulensis, Chondrostoma regium, Carasobarbus luteus, Capoetta trutta and Cyprinus carpio) from the Atatürk Dam Lake, Turkey. Among the heavy metals studied Cd, Co, Hg, Mo and Pb were not detected in water, sediments and fish samples, while Ni was undetectable levels in fish samples. Levels of Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn varied depending on different tissues. The results of this study indicated that a general absence of serious pollution in the dam lake is due to heavy metals, where as the concentrations of elements found could mainly be attributed to geological sources. 相似文献
Martin D. King Adrian R. Rennie Christian Pfrang Arwel V. Hughes Katherine C. Thompson 《Atmospheric environment (Oxford, England : 1994)》2010,44(14):1822-1825
The reactions between atmospheric oxidants and organic amphiphiles at the air–water interface of an aerosol droplet may affect the size and critical supersaturation required for cloud droplet formation. We demonstrate that no reaction occurs between gaseous nitrogen dioxide (1000 ppm in air) and a monolayer of an insoluble amphiphile, oleic acid (cis-9-octadecenoic acid), at the air–water interface which removes material from the air–water interface. We present evidence that the NO2 isomerises the cis-9-octadecenoic (oleic) acid to trans-9-octadecenoic (elaidic) acid. The study presented here is important for future and previous studies of (1) the reaction between the nitrate radical, NO3, and thin organic films as NO2 is usually present in high concentrations in these experimental systems and (2) the effect of NO2 air pollution on the unsaturated fatty acids and lipids found at the air–liquid surface of human lung lining fluid. 相似文献
《Atmospheric environment (Oxford, England : 1994)》2001,35(30):5135-5141
During April 1999 and March 2000, intensive field campaigns were performed on a mid-level mountain (Rax, 1644 m a.s.l.) in Central Europe both under out-of-cloud and in-cloud conditions. The black carbon (BC) content of both aerosol and cloud water as well as BC scavenging efficiencies of Rax clouds were measured. As a tracer for the non-carbonaceous aerosol, sulfate was used. Although BC concentrations on Rax were low (April 1999 out-of-cloud average: 0.43 μg/m3, March 2000: 0.72 μg/m3), the BC mass fraction of the aerosol was fairly high (1999: 3.5%, 2000: 6.4%). Average BC concentrations in cloud water were 1.09 μg/ml (1999) and 1.4 μg/ml (2000). These values are far higher than literature values, but comparable to those found in an earlier study (J. Geophys. Res. 105 (D20) (2000) 24637) at a high-level mountain (Sonnblick, 3106 m a.s.l.) some 200 km distant from Rax. The average BC scavenging efficiency of the Rax clouds in March 2000 was 0.54. The increase of scavenging efficiency with increasing liquid water content of the clouds found earlier on Sonnblick for sulfate and aerosol carbon (J. Atmos. Chem 35 (2000) 33), organic carbon (J. Geophys. Res. 105 (2000) 19857), and BC (J. Geophys. Res. 105 (D20) (2000) 24637) was also confirmed on Rax. 相似文献
Ratshiedana Rudzani Kuvarega Alex Tawanda Mishra Ajay Kumar 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2021,28(9):10357-10374
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The paper reviews graphitic carbon nitride–based nanostructured photocatalytic materials and nanofibres for applications in water purification.... 相似文献
Yu-Qiang Tao Guo-Liang Lei Bin Xue Shu-Chun Yao Yang Pu Hu-Cai Zhang 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2014,21(3):1875-1883
Tibetan Plateau is the world’s highest plateau, which provides a unique location for the investigation of global fractionation of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs). In this study, deposition and regional distribution of HCHs and p,p′-DDX in the western and southern Tibetan Plateau were investigated by the records from a sediment core of Lake Zige Tangco and 24 surface soils. Concentration of ΣHCHs in the surface soils of the western Tibetan Plateau was much higher than that of the southern part. Maximum fluxes of α-, β-, and δ-HCH in the sediment core were 9.0, 222, and 21 pg cm?2 year?1, respectively, which appeared in the mid-1960s. Significant correlations were observed between concentrations of α- and β-HCH in both the surface soils and the sediment core. Concentrations of both α- and β-HCH increased with the inverse of the average annual temperature of these sites. γ-HCH became the dominant isomer of HCHs after the late 1970s, and reached the maximum flux of 160 pg cm?2 year?1 in the early 1990s. There were no significant correlations between concentrations of γ-HCH and the other isomers in both the surface soils and the sediment core. The results suggested that there was input of Lindane at scattered sites in this area. In contrast to ΣHCHs, concentration of Σp,p′-DDX in the surface soils of the southern part was much higher than that of the western part. Maximum flux of Σp,p′-DDX was 44 pg cm?2 year?1, which appeared in the mid-1960s. Local emission of p,p′-DDT was found at scattered sites. This study provides novel data and knowledge for the OCPs in the western and southern Tibetan Plateau, which will help understand the global fractionation of OCPs in remote alpine regions. 相似文献
Inhomogeneities and trends in the surface ozone record (1988–1996) at Jungfraujoch in the Swiss Alps
《Atmospheric environment (Oxford, England : 1994)》1999,33(23):3777-3786
Ozone data at the Jungfraujoch Observatory (3580 m asl) in the Swiss Alps have been recorded continuously since 1986 in the framework of the Swiss National Air Pollution Monitoring Network (NABEL), operated by the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research (EMPA). The long-term ozone record (1988–1996) was examined with regard to potential inhomogeneities using Zugspitze (2960 m asl), a neighbouring alpine site in Germany, as a reference site. The Alexandersson test (for shift) and the Easterling–Peterson test (for trend and shift) were applied to a difference times series, calculated from monthly ozone means at Jungfraujoch and Zugspitze. The Alexandersson test revealed a significant shift discontinuity in November 1989 and the Easterling–Peterson test a trend discontinuity in September 1991. It is assumed that the shift discontinuity may be related to an instrument change, but there is not firm evidence due to lack of detailed information from the instrumental history in the earlier years of the ozone record at Jungfraujoch. Monthly ozone means at Davos (1640 m asl) in eastern Switzerland indicate that part of the trend discontinuity in September 1991 may be of natural origin. Adjustment of the monthly ozone means at Jungfraujoch for the observed shift discontinuity removed the inhomogeneity in November 1989, and reduced the trend discontinuity by a factor of 4.8. A trend analysis on both adjusted (homogenised) and unadjusted monthly ozone means (1988–1996) at Jungfraujoch showed no statistically significant linear trend. The boundaries encompassing the true linear trend are indicated by two linear regression calculations on both adjusted and unadjusted data. Trends in the cold season are positive albeit not significant. The only statistically significant trends are found in October, December, and February for the adjusted data. 相似文献