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A study of a large number of samples of flaking old paint from various buildings in Bergen, Norway (N = 68) suggests that paint may be the most important contemporary source of PCBs in this urban environment with concentrations of PCB7 up to 3.39 g/kg. Twenty-three of the samples were collected from a single building, and the concentrations were found to vary over 3 orders of magnitude. In addition, 16 concrete samples from a large bridge previously coated with PCB-containing paint were collected and separated into outer- and inner samples indicating that PCBs are still present in high concentrations subsequent to renovation. PCBs were found in several categories of paint from wooden and concrete buildings, potentially introduced to the environment by natural weathering, renovation, and volatilization. Consequently, this dispersion may lead to increased levels of PCBs in urban atmospheres, soils, and harbor sediments where high concentrations have resulted in Governmental advice against consumption of certain seafood.  相似文献   

Total TEQ emissions (PCDD/F and PCB) from industrial sources   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Luthardt P  Mayer J  Fuchs J 《Chemosphere》2002,46(9-10):1303-1308
Flue gas samples from eight different sources (industrial plants and crematories) have been analyzed for PCDD/Fs and PCBs and total Toxicity EQuivalents (TEQ) values have been calculated using the latest WHO toxicity equivalent factors from 1998. A contribution of PCBs to the Total TEQ up to 16% was found, within the 12 WHO-PCBs PCB-126 contributes mostly to the TEQ. Thermodynamic stability of PCBs was calculated semiempirically using the MOPAC program package and differences in the heat of formation (HoF) were compared to the distribution of PCBs in real samples. Partial correspondence between fact and theory could be found.  相似文献   

Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and PFOS-related substances have been listed as persistent organic pollutants in the Stockholm Convention. From August 2012, Parties to the Convention needed to address the use, storage, and disposal of PFOS—including production sites and sites where PFOS wastes have been deposited—in their national implementation plans. The paper describes the pollution in Minnesota (USA) caused by the 3M Company at one of the largest per/polyfluorinated chemical (PFC) production facilities. From early 1950s until the end of 2002, when 3M terminated PFOS and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) production, PFOS, PFOA, and other PFC production wastes were disposed around the plant and in local disposal sites. Discharges from the site and releases from deposits caused widespread contamination of ground and surface waters including local drinking water wells. Fish in the river downstream were contaminated with PFOS to levels that led to fish consumption advisories. Human exposures resulted from ingesting contaminated drinking water, requiring installation of water treatment facilities and alternate water supplies. The critical evaluation of the assessments done revealed a range of gaps in particular of human exposure where relevant exposure pathways including the entire exposure via food have not been taken into consideration. Currently, the exposure assessment of vulnerable groups such as children or Hmong minorities is inadequate and needs to be improved/validated by epidemiological studies. The assessment methodology described for this site may serve—with highlighted improvements—as a model for assessment of other PFOS/PFC production sites in the Stockholm Convention implementation.  相似文献   

A commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit was evaluated for the determination of toxic equivalents (TEQs) of dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in retail fish. The ELISA was highly specific for 2,3',4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB 118), which is generally the most abundant dioxin-like PCB isomer found in fish. The quantitative limit of the ELISA (using 3,3',4'-trichloro-4-methoxybiphenyl as a surrogate standard for PCB 118) was 10 ng ml(-1) (125 pg assay(-1)) in the standard curve, corresponding to 50 pg PCB 118 g(-1) in the tested sample. Good recoveries of PCB 118 (78.7-112.3%) were obtained for spiked purified fish extracts according to the ELISA. Good linearity was also obtained in dilution tests using purified fish extracts. No significant interference of the matrix was observed in the ELISA when this purification procedure was used. Recovery tests in which PCB 118 was added to fish samples also resulted in acceptable recoveries (60.2-82.3%) in the ELISA following purification. The ELISA results for fish samples correlated well with the TEQ concentrations of dioxin-like PCBs obtained by high-resolution gas chromatography/high-resolution mass spectrometry (r = 0.92, n = 26). These data indicate that the ELISA kit is suitable for screening retail fish for the TEQs of dioxin-like PCBs.  相似文献   

Complex mixtures extracted from air filters exposed for 24 h in two sessions (27 July and 02 August 1991) and at two locations (Merced, downtown, and Pedregal de San Angel, south-west) in Mexico City were analysed. The organic extracts were from airborne particles equal or smaller than 10 microns (PM10), and from total suspended particles (TSP). These organic extracts were assayed in the somatic mutation and recombination test (SMART) in wings of Drosophila melanogaster using two different crosses as well as in the Salmonella/microsome assay using strain TA98 with and without S9 fraction. The presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in the extracts was determined by gas chromatography. The genotoxic activities observed in the two test systems were comparable with the indirect mutagens producing greater response than the direct mutagens. The quantities of particulate matter as well as the genotoxic activities were higher on 02 August than on 27 July 1991 for both locations. The amounts of airborne particles and the resulting genotoxic activities were higher at Merced than at Pedregal. In both biological systems, PM10 were more genotoxic than TSP. These results demonstrate the sensitivity of the Drosophila wing SMART-which is an in vivo eukaryotic genotoxicity assay-as a biological monitor of environmental pollution related to airborne particles.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the present UK environmental loading of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Of the estimated approximately 40,000 t SigmaPCB sold in the UK since 1954, only an estimated 1% (400 t) are now present in the UK environment. Comparisons of estimated production and current environmental loadings of congeners 28, 52, 101, 138, 153 and 180 suggest that PCB persistence broadly increases with increasing chlorination. Those PCBs that are not now present in the UK environment are considered to have been destroyed--by natural or anthropogenic mechanisms, to be still in use, to reside in landfills or to have undergone atmospheric and/or pelagic transport from the UK. The dramatic fall in PCB levels in archived UK soils and vegetation between the mid-1960s and the present is evidence that the latter mechanism is the most important and that a significant proportion of PCBs released into the UK environment in the 1960s have subsequently undergone environmental transport away from the UK. The bulk (93.1%) of the estimated contemporary UK environmental burden of SigmaPCBs is associated with soils, with the rest found in seawater (3.5%) and marine sediments (2.1%). Freshwater sediments, vegetation, humans and sewage sludge combined account for 1.4% of the present burden, whilst PCB loadings in air and freshwater are insignificant. Although consideration of individual congeners does not reveal any major deviations from the relative partitioning of Sigma PCBs, the importance of sinks other than soils is enhanced for individual congeners, particularly 138 and 180. In particular, around 2% of the total UK burden of congener 180 is present in humans, implying that biodata as a whole may constitute an important sink for the higher chlorinated congeners. The contemporary flux of SigmaPCBs to the UK surface is estimated at 19 t yr(-1), compared with an estimated annual flux to the atmosphere of 44-46 t. This implies that the major sources of PCBs to the UK atmosphere have been identified and that there is currently a net loss of these compounds from the UK. These sources are: volatilisation from soils (88.1%), leaks from large capacitors (8.5%), the production of refuse-derived fuel (RDF) (2.2%), leaks from transformers (0.6%), the recovery of contaminated scrap metal (0.5%) and volatilisation from sewage sludge-amended land (0.2%). Interestingly, whilst large excesses of estimated annual fluxes to the atmosphere over deposition fluxes for individual congeners exist for congeners 28, 52 and 101, estimates of fluxes in both directions across the soil-atmosphere interface agree closely for congeners 138, 153 and 180. This suggests that lower chlorinated congeners are more susceptible to both long-range environmental transport beyond the UK and to atmospheric degradation. Retrospective analysis of dated sediment cores, vegetation and soils indicates that environmental transport from North America and continental Europe introduced PCBs into the British environment well before the onset of their commercial production in the UK in 1954. Since that time, the input of PCBs to the UK environment has essentially reflected temporal trends in UK use. After peaking in the 1960s they declined rapidly through the 1970s following restrictions on PCB use. Recent evidence, however, is that the rate of decrease has diminished and that further significant reductions in fresh environmental input will take some time to occur. Such reductions will be especially slow for humans and other biota with long life-spans. This stems partly from cross-generational transfer from parents to offspring and also because the persistence of PCBs in biota means that present body burdens will reflect past as well as current exposure.  相似文献   

We measured the concentration of each polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congener in whole blood, plasma and blood cells, and investigated the distribution of PCBs in human blood using high-resolution gas chromatography/high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRGC/HRMS). The PCB concentrations in plasma and whole blood in terms of lipid concentrations were almost equal, with a correlation coefficient of r = 0.972. In the blood, the ratio of PCBs in blood cells to those in plasma was generally about 1:9 and the congener distribution patterns in blood cells and plasma were similar.We performed verification of a simple mass screening method by obtaining information on the main PCB congeners for investigations on human accumulation and exposure. The total concentration of the seven PCB congeners (UNEP-7) proposed to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) by Muir and Morita was about 50% of the total concentration of all PCB congeners, and UNEP-30 was about 80%. The seven main congeners in the blood (MCB-7) showed a value that was about 60%, and MCB-30 showed a value that was about 90%. Determinations with the main congeners in the blood showed a correlation of r = 0.990 or more between the main eight congeners (MCB-7 plus #74) and the total PCB concentration for all congeners. The results suggest that, although total PCB concentration can be effectively estimated from the main seven congeners, the main eight congeners would be preferable, and that the use of these congeners in the simple mass screening method would be effective for populations in areas uncontaminated by PCBs.  相似文献   

Airborne particle and gas samples were collected approx every 12 days from April 2002 to June 2006 at the Sterling Nature Center located near the southeast corner of Lake Ontario. These samples were analyzed for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDE). Clausius-Clapeyron (C–C) regression analyses of PCBs and DDE yielded moderate correlations (r2 = 0.54, p < 0.001; r2 = 0.74, p < 0.001, respectively) indicating that much of the variations in concentrations can be explained by temperature. Back trajectory analysis indicated that the most important factors driving unusually high PCB partial pressures relative to those predicted by the C–C regression were slow wind speeds and winds generally from the southwest. This combination, which occurred frequently in 2004, increased contact of the air with contaminated upwind surfaces with minimum dilution. Hybrid receptor modeling (Potential Source Contribution Function (PSCF)) results for the total PCBs identified the midwestern US region that contains the urban areas of southern Indiana (IN), southwestern Ohio (OH), and northern Kentucky (KY) having the highest PSCF values. In general urban areas like Chicago (IL), Detroit (MI), Cleveland (OH), St. Louis (MO), and Nashville (TN) also had significant possibilities. In contrast, the PSCF modeling for DDE identified northern Alabama as the area with the highest probability where DDT was applied to cotton fields.  相似文献   

We studied pregnancy-related changes in serum concentrations of five polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs, CB 118, CB 138, CB 153, CB 156, CB 180), three hydroxylated PCB metabolites (4-OH-CB107, 4-OH-CB146, 4-OH-CB187), and pentachlorophenol (PCP). Median serum lipid content increased 2-fold between early (weeks 9-13) and late pregnancy (weeks 35-36) (N = 10), whereas median PCB levels in serum lipids decreased 20-46%, suggesting a dilution of PCB concentrations in serum lipids. Nevertheless, strong positive intra-individual correlations (Spearman’s r = 0.61-0.99) were seen for PCBs during the whole study period. Thus, if samples have been collected within the same relative narrow time window during pregnancy, PCB results from one single sampling occasion can be used in assessment of relative differences in body burdens during the whole pregnancy period. Concentrations of OH-PCBs in blood serum tended to decline as pregnancy progressed, although among some women the concentrations increased at the end of pregnancy. Positive intra-individual correlations (r = 0.66-0.99) between OH-PCB concentrations were observed during the first and second trimester, whereas correlations with third trimester concentrations were more diverging (r = −0.70-0.85). No decline in PCP concentrations was observed during pregnancy and no significant correlations were found between concentrations at different sampling periods. Our results suggest that for both OH-PCBs and PCP, sampling has to be more specifically timed depending on the time period during pregnancy that is of interest. The differences in patterns of intra- and inter-individual variability of the studied compounds may be due to a combination of factors, including lipid solubility, persistence of the compounds, distribution in blood, metabolic formation, and pregnancy-related changes in body composition and physiological processes.  相似文献   

“Freely-dissolved” aqueous concentrations of 9 trichlorothrough heptachlorobiphenyls are reported, alongside those in sediments and fish from the R. Severn. For most congeners, BSAFs and lipid-normalised BAFs for pike exceed those for eels. Whilst R. Severn BSAFs are comparable with those for L. Ontario trout and New Bedford Harbour flounder, R. Severn BAFs are 1–2 orders of magnitude lower. This discrepancy may be due to inter-species variability, as well as inter-laboratory differences between operational definitions of “freely-dissolved” aqueous PCB, underlining that the same operational definition must be employed if R. Severn BAFs are extrapolated elsewhere. For eels, correlation of Log Kow with Log BAF is better (R2 = 0.66) than with BSAF (R2 = 0.13), whilst similar correlation coefficients (R2 = 0.81 and 0.82) were observed for pike. When Log Kow is plotted against BSAF and Log BAF for both species combined, better correlation is observed for Log BAF (R2 = 0.65), than BSAF (R2 = 0.36). For both species combined, the observed relationship between Log BAF and Log Kow for trichloro-through heptachlorobiphenyls is: Log BAF = 0.96 * Log Kow −0.24.  相似文献   

Red-throated loons (Gavia stellata) breeding in Alaska declined 53% during 1977–1993. We compare concentrations of environmental contaminants in red-throated loons among four nesting areas in Alaska and discuss potential ramifications of exposure on reproductive success and population trends. Eggs from the four areas had similar total polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations, but eggs from the Arctic coastal plain had different congener profiles and greater toxic equivalents (TEQs) than eggs from elsewhere. Satellite telemetry data indicate that red-throated loons from the Arctic coastal plain in northern Alaska winter in southeast Asia, while those breeding elsewhere in Alaska winter in North America. Different wintering areas may lead to differential PCB accumulation among red-throated loon populations. For eggs from the Arctic coastal plain, TEQs were great enough to postulate PCB-associated reproductive effects in piscivores. The correlation between migration patterns and PCB profiles suggests that red-throated loons breeding in northern Alaska are exposed to PCBs while on their Asian wintering grounds.  相似文献   

A population of the non-migratory estuarine fish Fundulus heteroclitus (Atlantic killifish) resident to New Bedford (NB), Massachusetts, USA, an urban harbor highly contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), demonstrates recently evolved tolerance to some aspects of PCB toxicity. PCB toxicology, ecological theory, and some precedence supported expectations of increased susceptibility to pathogens in NB killifish. However, laboratory bacterial challenges of the marine pathogen Vibrio harveyi to wild fish throughout the reproductive season and to their mature laboratory-raised progeny demonstrated comparable survival by NB and reference killifish, and improved survival by NB males. These results are inconsistent with hypothesized trade-offs of adaptation, and suggest that evolved tolerance in NB killifish may include mechanisms that minimize the immunosuppressive effects of PCBs. Compensatory strategies of populations persisting in highly contaminated environments provide a unique perspective for understanding the long-term ecological effects of toxic chemicals.  相似文献   

Special polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) standards (native and isotope labeled) were analyzed by isotope dilution method using HRGC-HRMS. Multiple analysis of special PCBs standards by three different laboratories produced the relative response factors (RRFs) and relative standard deviations (RSDs %) was in the average of 0.979 and 3.86, respectively. Additionally, inter-laboratory analysis of various forms of transformer oil revealed the PCBs concentrations were in the following order; PCBs fortified transformer oil (940-1300 ng/g)>PCB polluted transformer oil (490-680 ng/g)>chemically degraded-transformer oil (480-490 ng/g) and PCBs free oil (ND-17 ng/g). Chemical degradation resulted in an order of magnitude decrease in the PCB concentrations. Specifically, higher chlorinated PCBs degraded into lower chlorinated PCBs. Also, composition of PCBs have been determined in PCB formulations from Japan (Kanechlor), Germany (Clophen), USA (Aroclor), Russia (Sovol) and Poland (Chlorofen). Major PCBs (24-PCB congeners) contributed 54-67%, 55-68%, 16-69%, 71% and 72% in Kanechlor, Clophen, Aroclor, Sovol and Chlorofen, respectively to total PCBs. The homologue pattern of Kanechlor, Aroclor and Clophen in technical fromulation was similar (e.g., Kanechlor-300 resembled to those of Clophen A-30 and Aroclor-1242). Furthermore, congener-specific distributions of major PCBs/dioxin-like PCBs and toxic equivalency quantities (TEQ) were calculated. Based on our tentative assumption calculations, cumulative production of five different technical PCB formulations, WHO-TEQ emission was estimated to be approximately 16.05 tons.  相似文献   

Kim KS  Hirai Y  Kato M  Urano K  Masunaga S 《Chemosphere》2004,55(4):539-553
In this study, we determined the detailed PCB congener patterns in flue gases from eight incinerators and four commercial PCB formulations (Kanechlors). About 160 PCB peaks were identified in samples using a DB-5 column and HRGC/HRMS. The concentration of incinerator stack emission gas ranged from 0.02 to 44 ngWHO-TEQ/Nm3. The ratios of dioxin-like PCBs in the total PCB concentration were from 3.4% to 25.7% and from 0.63% to 9.1% in stack emission gases and Kanechlor samples, respectively. The PCB congener profiles of Kanechlor samples were similar to those of previous studies. To determine characteristic congeners in flue gas and Kanechlor samples, principal component analysis (PCA) of the data was conducted using STATISTICA for Windows 5.0J (StatSoft, Inc.). As a result, we obtained four principal components (PCs) and accounted for 74% of the total variance. PC 1 was interpreted combustion, PC 2 and PC 3 were interpreted the difference in the number of substituted chlorines and, PC 4 could not be determined. Moreover, we obtained three groups according to the PCB congeners pattern among samples by PCA. These specific congeners that represent characteristics of each class were identified. These data will be useful for the source analysis of PCBs in the environment.  相似文献   

With recent evidence that persistent organic pollutants (POPs) such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are emerging in environmental media in some developing countries that otherwise have sparing production and usage history, it has become important to identify such contemporary source factors of PCBs and the risks this may pose, in line with the global consensus on POP management and elimination. The present study investigated contaminations from atmospheric PCBs in Ghana, deciphered source factors, and accessed risk of exposure to dioxin-like PCBs (DL-PCBs). Atmospheric PCBs were monitored by deployment of PUF-disk passive air samplers (PAS) at several sites across Ghana for 56 days. Atmospheric ∑190PCB concentration in Ghana ranged from 0.28 ng/m3 in Kumasi to 4.64 ng/m3 at Agbogbloshie, a suburb in Accra noted for informal electronic waste (e-waste) recycling activities. As high as 11.10 ng/m3 of PCB concentration was measured in plumes from uncontrolled open burning of e-wastes at Agbogbloshie. Applying statistical source characterization tools, it emerged that e-wastes were a major contributor to the environmental burden of atmospheric PCBs in Ghana. The risk of DL-PCB toxicity via inhalation in the Agbogbloshie area was 4.2 pg TEQ/day, within similar order of magnitude of an estimated risk of 3.85 pg TEQ/day faced by e-waste workers working averagely for 8 h per day. It is suggested that elimination of e-waste sites would help to significantly reduce PCB-related toxicity issues in Ghana.
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Patterns of contamination by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were investigated in fourteen samples of coastal sediments from Hong Kong. Congener-specific analyses revealed nine sediment samples from Junk Bay to contain PCBs at concentrations ranging from 31 to 2200 ng g(-1) dry weight, concentrations generally increasing with distance north in the Bay. By contrast, five sediments from the Tolo area to the north-east of Hong Kong exhibited total PCB levels of only 6.6 to 45 ng g(-) dry weight. The patterns of relative abundance of PCB congeners in the northern Junk Bay sediments suggested the existence of ongoing source(s) of PCBs in this area; biphenyls of lower chlorination were present at high concentration in these samples. Three coplanar PCBs (3', 4, 4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl; 3,3',4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl; and 3,3',4,4',5,5'-hexachlorobiphenyl) were found to be present in Junk Bay sediments; these are highly toxic and are cause for concern in aquatic environments. The abundance of the three coplanar PCBs in the sediments studied was similar to that in commercial PCB mixtures, suggesting that these congeners are not enriched over other PCBs by the sediments of coastal ecosystems. It is concluded that the preferential enrichment of coplanar PCBs occurs in the biosphere, rather than in sediments.  相似文献   

Sediments from Niagara River, an important waterway connecting two of the Great Lakes (Lake Erie to Lake Ontario), were analyzed for 14 congeners of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and 9 congeners of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) using accelerated solvent extraction and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Total concentrations of PCBs ranged from 1.7 to 124.6 ng/g were PCBs 138 and 153 were found in all samples. All sites but one showed PBDE in sediments with total concentrations as high as 148 ng/g, suggesting that PBDE is becoming an important class of POP. A land-use and coverage map was used to trace potential localized sources of PCB and PBDE contamination. Results indicate that the highest levels of PCBs and PBDEs were found in sediments collected from areas closest to the discharge locations of municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) and local industries. This is the first study that suggests the importance of WWTP discharges as a potential source of PBDE contamination in the Great Lakes.  相似文献   

Critical loads (CLs) define maximum atmospheric deposition levels apparently preventative of ecosystem harm. We present first nitrogen CLs for northwestern North America’s maritime forests. Using multiple linear regression, we related epiphytic-macrolichen community composition to: 1) wet deposition from the National Atmospheric Deposition Program, 2) wet, dry, and total N deposition from the Communities Multi-Scale Air Quality model, and 3) ambient particulate N from Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE). Sensitive species declines of 20-40% were associated with CLs of 1-4 and 3-9 kg N ha−1 y−1 in wet and total deposition. CLs increased with precipitation across the landscape, presumably from dilution or leaching of depositional N. Tight linear correlation between lichen and IMPROVE data suggests a simple screening tool for CL exceedance in US Class I areas. The total N model replicated several US and European lichen CLs and may therefore be helpful in estimating other temperate-forest lichen CLs.  相似文献   

Bulk deposition measurements were made in northern France for a number of organochlorines (PCBs, HCB, pp'DDE, alpha-HCH and gamma-HCH) over a 1-y period, at urban, semi-rural, rural and forest sites located in accordance with prevailing wind direction. The west-east rise of PCB bulk deposition (average annual values as sigma 7) ranged from 12.2 to 46.8 ng l(-1) and showed the anthropogenic influence arising from towns, industries, storage areas and landfills over continental areas. The values were maximal at the urban site 3, Paris (122 ng l(-1)) and were still high at the eastern site 6, Abreschviller near landfills (62 ng l(-1)). Also, the highest annual deposits were found at sites 3 and 6 (Paris and Abreschviller), 38.6 and 47.3 microgm-2, respectively, i.e. 3.6 and 4 times higher than the western site value: Pleumeur. A temporal trend was observed, at the urban site where a rise occurred (up to 441 ng l(-1)) in March and April. PCB distribution according to the chlorination degree displayed high proportions of 3 Cl and 4 Cl congeners, particularly in the forest area. Annual gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH) concentration values at sites 1 (Ouessant) and 2 (Pleumeur) were close to the background noise (1.7 ng l(-1)). At the agricultural (4) and the urban (3) sites, values were maximal (19.2 and 15.9 ng l(-1)) with peaks in spring and autumn. At Pleumeur, without any local input, negative correlations were found between PCB/temperature (r = -0.503, p < 0.05), HCB/temperature ( r = -0.549, p < 0.01) and gamma-HCH/temperature ( r = -0.675, p < 0.01). A clear influence of south-west winds upon the magnitude of PCB fluxes throughout the sites was noticed. Whereas there was no global decrease of PCB contamination since 1986, the general trend of gamma-HCH total deposits was a 10-time fall, as a result of the restricting legislation in use.  相似文献   

A modeling system that includes a global chemical transport model (CTM) and a nested continental CTM (TEAM) was used to simulate the atmospheric transport, transformations and deposition of mercury (Hg). Three scenarios were used: (1) a nominal scenario, (2) a scenario conducive to local deposition and (3) a scenario conducive to long-range transport. Deposition fluxes of Hg were analyzed at three receptor locations in New York State. For the nominal scenario, the anthropogenic emission sources (including re-emission of deposited Hg) in New York State, the rest of the contiguous United States, Asia, Europe, and Canada contributed 11-1, 25-9, 13-19, 5-7, and 2-5%, respectively to total Hg deposition at these three receptors. Natural sources contributed 16-4%. The results from the local deposition and long-range transport scenarios varied only slightly from these results. However, there are still uncertainties in our understanding of the atmospheric chemistry of Hg that are likely to affect these estimates of local, regional and global contributions. Comparison of model simulation results with data from the Mercury Deposition Network suggests that local and regional contributions may currently be overestimated.  相似文献   

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