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Manganese toxicity thresholds for restoration grass species   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Manganese toxicity thresholds for restoration plants have not been established. As a result, ecological risk assessments rely on toxicity thresholds for agronomic species, which may differ from those of restoration species. Our objective was to provide Mn toxicity thresholds for grasses commonly used in restoration. We used a greenhouse screening study where seedlings of redtop, slender wheatgrass, tufted hairgrass, big bluegrass, basin wildrye, and common wheat were grown in sand culture and exposed to increasing concentrations of Mn. The LC50, EC50-plant, EC50-shoot, EC50-root, PT50-shoot, and the PT50-root were then determined. Phytotoxicity thresholds and effective concentrations for the restoration species were generally higher than values reported for agronomic species. Our estimates of PT50-shoot for the five restoration grasses range from 41,528 to 120,082 mg Mn kg(-1). Measures of EC50-plant for these restoration grasses ranged from 877 to >6,000 mg Mn l(-1). These thresholds might be more useful for risk assessors than those based on crop plants that are widely used.  相似文献   

Biodiversity within European semi-natural biotopes in agro-ecosystem is declining, and herbicide drift from neighbouring fields is considered as an important factor for the decline. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the growth and competitive interactions in a model system of two perennial grass species, Festuca ovina and Agrostis capillaris, are affected by sub-lethal doses of glyphosate in field margins. In a glasshouse experiment with ample nitrogen, the interspecific competitive interactions were found to be significantly affected by glyphosate; the competitive effect of F. ovina on A. capillaris increased and the competitive effect of A. capillaris on F. ovina decreased with increasing doses of glyphosate. Furthermore, the importance of interspecific competition increased with the glyphosate dose. The results of the study of competitive interactions are in agreement with the observed plant community dynamics at the field site where F. ovina was found to be more dominant in plots treated with a relatively high dose of glyphosate. Importantly, the effects of glyphosate on the plant community dynamics critically depended on the effect of glyphosate on the plant competitive interactions. The study concludes that the current practice in the environmental risk assessment of non-target effects of herbicides, where single species are tested in the greenhouse, may be inadequate for assessing the effect of herbicides in semi-natural plant communities. The presented methods can be used for assessing the importance of competitive interactions for the sensitivity of non-target plants to herbicides in risk assessment.  相似文献   

为改善嘉兴南湖水体质量,恢复湖区生态系统,实现南湖水质、生态及景观的全面提升,在分析南湖水质问题和水体浑浊成因的基础上,采取外源污染控制、内源污染清除和原位生态修复的方法,构建了南湖水下生态系统,并对南湖的生态修复效果进行评价分析。结果表明:南湖主要水质指标(COD、NH3-N、TP)基本达到地表水Ⅲ类(湖泊标准),湖区大部分区域水体透明度达到80 cm以上,水体颜色由黄色变为浅绿色;超磁分离一体化设备可以显著去除水体中的TP(去除率为92.61%),对NH3-N(去除率为37.94%)也有一定的去除作用,但是对TN、COD等的去除不明显;以“沉水植物”为主体的水下森林生态系统对悬浮型颗粒物具有明显的去除作用,沉水植物种植区域悬浮物下降值为42.09%;环保绞吸疏浚与土工管袋干化相结合的技术,减少了疏浚过程中的底泥再悬浮,土工管袋干化后的尾水采用超磁分离一体化设备二次处理,悬浮物SS指标均不超过4 mg·L−1,实现了疏浚土尾水的达标排放。嘉兴南湖生态环境修复工程(一期)项目的成功实施,验证了超磁分离一体化工艺、环保绞吸疏浚与土工管袋干化、水上抛投沉水植物种植等技术的有效性。本研究成果可为平原河网水系、开放性水域、高浊度水体的城市湖泊生态修复提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

为探讨原位生态修复技术对乌梁素海水体富营养化的治理效果,在乌梁素海农田排水入湖口作业区用双层防水围隔建立了实验示范区,测定了水体中氮磷质量浓度和底泥中氮磷质量分数;在室内进行模拟实验,研究了溶解氧(DO)和pH值变化下柱状底泥营养盐的静态释放规律。室外实验结果表明:示范区水体中总氮(TN) 和总磷(TP)质量浓度显著低于对照区(P<0.001),削减率分别为66%和68%,水体平均TN质量浓度为0.99 mg·L−1,TP质量浓度为0.11 mg·L−1;就水质年度变化而言,5月份水体TN和TP质量浓度相对较高,随着水生植物生长,其质量浓度显著降低,11月达到最低值,翌年1月,其值有所回升;实验示范区底泥中的平均TN和TP质量分数分别为1.43 g·kg−1和0.43 g·kg−1,显著低于对照区的数值(P<0.01),削减率分别为16% 和28%。室内模拟实验结果表明:当DO质量浓度低于2.0 mg·L−1时,底泥中磷的释放速度较快;当DO质量浓度高于2.0 mg·L−1时,随着pH值的增加,底泥中磷的释放速率显著增加(P<0.01);在厌氧状态下,pH值对底泥氮释放影响较小;在好氧和缺氧状态下,底泥中氮的释放速率显著增加后又下降;DO和pH值对底泥氮磷释放有很强的协同作用。综上所述,原位生态修复技术可显著降低水体和底泥中氮磷营养盐质量浓度,达到净化水质,减缓内源污染的目的,有望成为治理乌梁素海富营养化的一种有效措施。  相似文献   

为筛选“退塘还湿”生态修复策略与技术方法,在天津七里海湿地选择腾退渔塘,开展了辅以先锋物种种植的人工强化恢复与自然保育恢复的“退塘还湿”生态修复对比实验。结果表明:恢复实验期间,人工强化恢复区与自然保育区共计调查到植物物种81种,其中自然保育区植物物种48种,强化恢复区植物物种77种;强化恢复区浮游植物、浮游动物、底栖生物的生物量分别为4.53~80.45、6.75~109.90、4.22~26.20 mg∙L−1,其Shannon-Weiner指数也较为稳定,分别维持在2.58~3.13、1.55~1.82、0.29~0.58;实验期间,强化恢复区与自然保育区的湿生植物、挺水植物、浮游动植物及底栖动物的Shannon-Weiner指数和Pielou均匀度指数以及土壤微生物alpha多样性均无显著差异(P>0.05)。基于以上结果,对于塘堤原本就有芦苇等高等植物生长且距离天然湿地较近的鱼塘“退渔还湿”,建议采取自然保育的恢复方式。本研究结果可为华北地区腾退渔塘湿地修复提供参考。  相似文献   

Responses of three grass species to creosote during phytoremediation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Phytoremediation of creosote-contaminated soil was monitored in the presence of Tall fescue, Kentucky blue grass, or Wild rye. For all three grass species, plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) were evaluated for plant growth promotion and protection of plants from contaminant toxicity. A number of parameters were monitored including plant tissue water content, root growth, plant chlorophyll content and the chlorophyll a/b ratio. The observed physiological data indicate that some plants mitigated the toxic effects of contaminants. In addition, in agreement with our previous experiments reported in the accompanying paper (Huang, X.-D., El-Alawi, Y., Penrose, D.M., Glick, B.R., Greenberg, B.M., 2004. A multi-process phytoremediation system for removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from contaminated soil. Environ. Poll. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2003.09.031), PGPR were able to greatly enhance phytoremediation. PGPR accelerated plant growth, especially roots, in heavily contaminated soils, diminishing the toxic effects of contaminants to plants. Thus, the increased root biomass in PGPR-treated plants led to more effective remediation.  相似文献   

Microphytoplankton data along the southern Tunisian coasts have been monitored weekly since 1995. This study used the data collected during the period 2000–2007 to determine the temporal variability patterns and to characterize the geographical structures of microphytoplankton populations. The methodological approach consisted in isolating the temporal variability common to all sampled sites and in analyzing the “residual” site-specific component. Multivariate ordination methods were used to determine the seasonal and interannual variability. The temporal pattern shared by all sites was highlighted and the seasonal cycle of the most frequent phytoplankton communities contrasted the diatoms winter-spring species to the dinoflagellates summer-fall species. Multitable comparison allowed the identification of three areas exhibiting similar phytoplankton population variability. The results, despite the coastal location of sampling sites, indicated that hydrodynamic and geomorphologic properties of the different areas as well as anthropogenic activities play a key role in the structure of the phytoplankton communities.  相似文献   

利用复合生态滤床、底泥生物氧化、水体生物修复和河道生态恢复等技术,对上海漕溪河富营养水体进行治理.结果表明,在每隔7~10 d间歇性流量300~400 m3/次的污水补水进量下,通过生物治理,消除了水体富营养和黑臭现象,从每个污水补给周期开始,3~4 d后COD、NH3-N、TP除去率分别达到50%、40%和55%以上,水体清澈见底.从2005年3~5月,河道生物多样性逐步增加,先后出现枝角类、桡足类动物和鱼类.表明对于已截污的城市半封闭河道,利用浸没式复合生态滤床对污水进行预处理,在此基础上,通过底泥生物氧化、水体增氧、河道生态恢复等措施,进行生物治理,可取得良好治理效果.本研究为城市半封闭河道的治理和养护提供了一套切实可行的方法.  相似文献   

城市半封闭河道水体生态恢复试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用复合生态滤床、底泥生物氧化、水体生物修复和河道生态恢复等技术,对上海漕溪河富营养水体进行治理。结果表明,在每隔7~10d间歇性流量300~400m^3/次的污水补水进量下,通过生物治理,消除了水体富营养和黑臭现象,从每个污水补给周期开始,3~4d后COD、NH3-N、TP除去率分别达到50%、40%和55%以上,水体清澈见底。从2005年3~5月,河道生物多样性逐步增加,先后出现枝角类、桡足类动物和鱼类。表明对于已截污的城市半封闭河道,利用浸没式复合生态滤床对污水进行预处理,在此基础上,通过底泥生物氧化、水体增氧、河道生态恢复等措施,进行生物治理,可取得良好治理效果。本研究为城市半封闭河道的治理和养护提供了一套切实可行的方法。  相似文献   

大莲湖生态修复工程对浮游植物群落结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为构建稳定的大莲湖生态系统,对大莲湖生态修复区内采取了地型塑造、水系沟通、植被恢复和人工增殖放流等措施,分析了生态修复区浮游植物,营养盐的变化状况和放流鱼类生长情况。结果显示,生态修复实施后,水体中藻细胞密度较人工养殖池塘明显下降,藻类结构发生明显变化,蓝藻所占比重逐渐减小,水体中的氮,磷和叶绿素明显下降;放流鱼种生长...  相似文献   

潜水丁坝在湖滨带生态恢复中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为保护和稳固湖滨带,在太湖梅梁湾进行生态恢复研究,并成功地实施了示范工程.沿湖滨带共构筑14道潜水丁坝,每道长23~28 m,坝间距为40~80 m,坝上种植芦苇和菰.构筑的潜水丁坝能经受住太湖常见大风袭击和湖流淘蚀,芦苇和菰等长势良好,湖滨原有芦苇带在一定水深范围内每年向湖延伸2~5 cm,坝上其他水生植物和底栖动物螺蛳等自然繁衍.潜水丁坝所起作用为利用自然力改变岸边流场,使泥沙在湖滨带预定沉积区内沉积,减缓岸边侵蚀和降低沉积物再悬浮,从而为湖滨带水生植物生长创造良好的生境条件.研究发现,在微风条件下,潜水丁坝群能有效拦截麇集于岸边的蓝绿藻,并在湖滨带进行消化降解.研究提出的构筑潜水丁坝并种植水生植物的方案为湖滨带生态恢复提供了一种新的探索途径.  相似文献   

Experimental results from plants receiving elevated doses of UV-B radiation generally show that Mediterranean forest species are well protected against increases in UV-B radiation. Natural adaptations to water stress and excess light (elevated concentrations of UV-B screening compounds, leaf hairs, thick cuticle and epidermis), and UV-B responses (thickening of the cuticle, increase in carotenoids) may avoid or counter-balance UV-B radiation damage. This response confirms that Mediterranean forest vegetation is adapted to face oxidative stress factors, such as elevated tropospheric ozone concentrations, drought and high radiation, including UV-B. Nevertheless, in the long term, species-specific and season-specific differential responses in growth, physiology, phenology and reproductive behaviour may alter the interactions between species and lead to slow but important changes in ecosystem structure and function.  相似文献   

杭州虾龙圩河由于多年污染,河道水质严重黑臭,自净能力遭到破坏。本研究通过综合利用底泥污染物削减、生物接触氧化水质净化、造流曝气及水生生态系统修复等技术对虾龙圩河进行治理。结果显示,此项综合技术对城市河流污水具有良好的污染物去除性能,COD、NH3-N和TP的去除率分别可达到73.3%、80.1%和81.7%。通过1年的运行与养护,虾龙圩河治理段的水质、生态环境等有了明显改善,没有发生过水华及黑臭现象,河道水体具备了较强的自净能力。  相似文献   

杭州西湖水生高等植物的恢复与水生生态修复   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
在过去的50年,西湖一直被富营养化问题所困扰。迄今为止,采用了各种工程措施进行治理,耗资数亿,但收效不明显。为了进一步解决西湖富营养化问题,提出需要用生态方法去解决生态问题,通过生态学手段,恢复、重建高等水生植物带落,增加水生生物多样性,改善西湖水生生态系统的结构和功能,控制藻类来修复西湖水生生态系统。科学地选择先锋种类组合、消除草食性鱼类的影响、合理地控制水位是西湖水生植被恢复过程中的三个重要措施。  相似文献   

大莲湖生态修复工程对水质影响的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
大莲湖是淀山湖水系中富营养化程度较为严重的湖泊,从2008年12月起,为了改善水质,重建大莲湖生态环境,采取了塑造地型、设计护坡、调整水系、配置植物、构建快速渗透系统等措施治理大莲湖,分析了生态工程完工后半年多来大莲湖水质变化状况;结果表明:经过生态修复后,其水质得到明显改善,COD、总氮和总磷分别比生态区外的鱼塘下降了68%、62%和74%;氨氮平均为0.27 mg/L,亚硝态氮平均0.02 mg/L,叶绿素a平均下降了72%。因此,将工程措施与生物净化方法有机结合在一起,并因地制宜地构建快速渗透系统是湖泊治理的一条有效途径,该修复工程的成功实施也为其他生态修复工程提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

In ecotoxicology, derivation of a "safe" environmental concentration is usually achieved by the use of extrapolation factors or by statistical extrapolation from a set of single species toxicity data. These approaches ignore ecological interactions between species in the field. An ecology-based alternative to this pragmatic approach can be ecosystem modelling, which can account for ecological interactions. However, it is largely unexplored how well the predictions of these models quantitatively agree with large-scale experimental studies. Therefore, we evaluated the capacity of a flexible ecosystem model to predict population and ecosystem-level no observed effect concentrations (NOECs) of 7 organic toxicants. These NOECs were compared with population and ecosystem-NOECs observed in 11 micro- and mesocosm studies. For each of the latter studies, the model was customized to account for the specific ecological interactions within these systems and combined with appropriate single-species toxicity data from literature. Population-NOEC predictions were accurate, or at least protective, for 60, and 85% of all considered model populations, respectively. For all 11 studies, a protective ecosystem-NOEC could be derived, being accurate in 7 cases, and conservative in 4 cases. In general, it can be stated that this type of models can serve as an ecology-based alternative to current extrapolation techniques in EEAs and water quality standard setting.  相似文献   

Despite the growing popularity of ecological restoration approach, data on primary succession on toxic post-mining substrates, under site environmental conditions which considerably differ from the surrounding environment, are still scarce. Here, we studied the spontaneous vegetation development on an unusual locality created by long-term and large-scale fluvial deposition of sulphidic tailings from a copper mine in a pronouncedly xerothermic, calcareous surrounding. We performed multivariate analyses of soil samples (20 physical and chemical parameters) and vegetation samples (floristic and structural parameters in three types of occurring forests), collected along the pollution gradients throughout the affected floodplain. The nature can cope with two types of imposed constraints: (a) excessive Cu concentrations and (b) very low pH, combined with nutrient deficiency. The former will still allow convergence to the original vegetation, while the latter will result in novel, depauperate assemblages of species typical for cooler and moister climate. Our results for the first time demonstrate that with the increasing severity of environmental filtering, the relative importance of the surrounding vegetation for primary succession strongly decreases.  相似文献   

流域生态恢复潜力评估研究经常面临赋权方法选择问题,不同数据完整度情景选择合适的权重方法可以使评估结果更为准确。以小南海湖为研究对象,按照生态恢复潜力评估方法要求,分别选取层次分析法、熵权法、Critic法、因子分析法这4种赋权方法开展适用情景分析研究。结果表明,层次分析法适用于各评估指标客观数据不足需要专家主观经验判断的情景,熵权法适用于各评估指标间独立性较强且数据较多的情景,Critic法适用于各评估指标间联系清晰且数据较少的情景,因子分析法适用于数据同质化严重且评估指标选取过多的情景。该研究结果对于流域生态恢复潜力评估研究赋权方法的选择具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

Burke A 《Ambio》2001,30(1):29-36
The southern Namib is characterized by high biodiversity, changes in winter and summer rainfall, extreme climatic conditions and associated geomorphologic processes, a paucity of ecological knowledge, and multiple environmental threats posed by conflicting development options. With the long-term view to establish a research initiative focussing on restoration ecology in the southern Namib Desert, this article provides a review of current ecological knowledge and proposes potential research priorities. The aims of a research initiative would be two-fold. On the academic side, understanding processes operating at different scales will be critical to develop methods of ecological restoration suitable for southern Namib ecosystems. On the practical side, the development of appropriate methods will focus on facilitating ecological processes such as restoration of biologically active substrate, natural succession, and concentration of limited resources. The function of landscapes, plant-soil interface, soil-, vegetation- and plant population dynamics will likely provide some of the answers for ecological restoration.  相似文献   

Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) represent a fraction of petroleum hydrocarbons and are currently one of the foremost sources of generating energy in today’s contemporary society. However, evidence highlighted in this review show that PAH pollution, as a result of oil spills, hazardous PAH-contaminated working environments and technologies which do not efficiently utilise fuels, as well as natural sources of emissions (e.g. forest fires) may have significant health implications for all taxa. The extent of damage to organisms from PAH exposure is dependent on numerous factors including degree and type of PAH exposure, nature of the environment contaminated (i.e. terrestrial or aquatic), the ability of an organism to relocate to pristine environments, type and sensitivity of organism to specific hydrocarbon fractions and ability of the organism to metabolise different PAH fractions. The review highlights the fact that studies on the potential damage of PAHs should be carried out using mixtures of hydrocarbons as opposed to individual hydrocarbon fractions due to the scarcity of individual fractions being a sole contaminant. Furthermore, potential damage of PAH-contaminated sites should be assessed using an entire ecological impact outlook of the affected area.  相似文献   

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