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The major forest nonpoint source control programs in the West are largely regulatory, either under forest practices acts (California, Idaho, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington) or a streamside management act (Montana). These programs and the specific rules they enforce continue to undergo intensive scrutiny. Still, the questions are the same for these regulatory programs as for states that base nonpoint source control on voluntary BMPs (Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming). Are the rules or BMPs being applied, and are they effective in reducing nonpoint source pollution to levels that protect beneficial uses of water? The level of debate about forestry in the West has resulted in detailed monitoring and research to answer these questions. In the past, state agencies have assumed levels of BMP compliance based on the percent of operations without enforcement actions. These estimates are being replaced by statistically valid and reproducible monitoring of forest practices rules and BMP compliance levels. BMP effectiveness is being assessed using both qualitative and quantitative methods. This can involve field assessments, process-based research, and control watershed studies. Some trend monitoring is also beginning. With the regional implementation rate for forestry BMPs at about 94% and rising, it is likely that effectiveness testing will continue to be a priority and consume the majority of assessment resources for this region.  相似文献   

Wood preserving facilities have used a variety of compounds, including pentachlorophenol (PCP), creosote, and certain metals, to extend the useful life of wood products. Past operations and waste management practices resulted in soil and water contamination at a portion of the more than 700 wood preserving sites in the United States (EPA, 1997). Many of these sites are currently being addressed under federal, state, or voluntary cleanup programs. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Risk Management Research Laboratory (NRMRL) has responded to the need for information aimed at facilitating remediation of wood preserving sites by conducting treatability studies, issuing guidance, and preparing reports. This article presents a practical methodology and computer model for screening the performances and comparing the costs of seven innovative technologies that could be used for the treatment of contaminated soils at user‐specified wood preserving sites. The model incorporates a technology screening function and a cost‐estimating function developed from literature searches and vendor information solicited for this study. This article also provides background information on the derivation of various assumptions and default values used in the model, common contaminants at wood preserving sites, and recent trends in the cleanup of such sites. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

During the past decade, compliance with initiatives to promote forestry best management practices (BMPs) has been monitored in most states of the southern U.S. and suggests an excellent level of acceptance throughout the region. However, effectiveness of these practices to protect water quality and aquatic habitat in streams that are potentially impacted by forest management activities has not been as thoroughly documented as the degree of compliance. The objective of this study was to determine effectiveness of streamside management zones (SMZs), a key element of BMPs designed for protection of water quality, aquatic habitat, and macroinvertebrate communities, in low-order streams within a region of north central Mississippi that is subjected to intensive forest management. Three SMZ treatments (undisturbed reference, clear-cut logging with an SMZ designated by forest managers, or clear-cut logging with no SMZ) were evaluated using a study with three replications of each treatment. Response metrics including water quality parameters, mineral soil exposure and net deposition/erosion within riparian zones, stream habitat indicators, and aquatic macroinvertebrate communities were comparable between streams receiving SMZs and undisturbed reference streams at all sampling intervals during the first year after treatment. Furthermore, significant elevation of streamwater temperature, decline in habitat stability rating, and increase in density of macroinvertebrates occurring in streams without an SMZ in comparison to reference streams provides additional evidence of SMZ effectiveness during the initial year after harvesting.  相似文献   

The very large extent of subsurface and groundwater contamination with toxic organic compounds has prompted research on a number of bioremedial processes. The justification of this research has been to achieve lower overall remedial costs than are incurred by currently existing technologies. Laboratory studies are often undertaken with the notion that a new set of process conditions can reduce reagent consumption or the time for treatment by a significant factor with an attendant reduction in overall remediation costs. Research programs are initiated on the basis of these simple premises. Our work has shown that many research projects have been undertaken for the wrong reasons and that experimental effort has often not been directed toward large-scale implementation. A preliminary process analysis has been shown to be a very valuable component of any research and development program on bioremedial and other innovative technologies. As described in this article, the analysis (1) identifies the critical engineering and cost parameters and (2) provides guidance to the research program in the design of experiments and the collection of data. The methodology is also useful in the review of proposed new technologies and treatment equipment. The article includes an example of a process analysis for an actual development project directed toward the remediation of solids contaminated with chlorinated hydrocarbons to illustrate the benefits and the power of the technique.  相似文献   

Remediation of recalcitrant compounds at sites with high concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or nonaqueous‐phase liquids (NAPLs) can present significant technical and financial (long‐term) risk for stakeholders. Until recently, however, sustainability has not been included as a significant factor to be considered in the feasibility and risk evaluation for remediation technologies. The authors present a framework for which sustainability can be incorporated into the remediation selection criteria focusing specifically on off‐gas treatment selection for soil vapor extraction (SVE) remediation technology. SVE is generally considered an old and standard approach to in situ remediation of soils at a contaminated site. The focus on off‐gas treatment technology selection in this article allows for more in‐depth analysis of the feasibility evaluation process and how sustainable practices might influence the process. SVE is more commonly employed for recovery of VOCs from soils than other technologies and generally employs granular activated carbon (GAC), catalytic, or thermal oxidation, or an emerging alternative technology known as cryogenic‐compression and condensation combined with regenerative adsorption (C3–Technology). Of particular challenge to the off‐gas treatment selection process is the potential variety of chemical constituents and concentrations changing over time. Guidance is available regarding selection of off‐gas treatment technology (Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence, 1996; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2006). However, there are common shortcomings of off‐gas treatment technology guidance and applications; practitioners have rarely considered sustainability and environmental impact of off‐gas treatment technology selection. This evaluation includes consideration of environmental sustainability in the selection of off‐gas treatment technologies and a region‐specific (Los Angeles, California) cost per pound and time of remediation comparisons between GAC, thermal oxidation, and C3–Technology. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Forestry Best Management Practices (BMPs) were developed to protect water quality. In the eastern US, those BMPs were often expanded to include maintenance of site productivity. Generally, BMPs recommend the use of pre-harvest planning and careful design for construction of roads and other activities that expose bare soil, minimizing trafficking and areas of bare soil, maintaining streamside management zones, ensuring rapid revegetation following harvesting, minimizing soil disturbance, and ameliorating severe trafficking with site preparation. This review of peer-reviewed research from the past 20 years examined the effects of forest harvesting and site preparation on water quality and site productivity in the eastern US. The review was subdivided into areas having relatively similar physiography and land management (New England, Lake States, Appalachian Plateau, Ridge and Valley, Blue Ridge, Piedmont, Atlantic Coastal Plain, Gulf Coastal Plain, and Ouachitas-Ozarks). In general, data from steeper physiographic regions indicated that forest harvesting and site preparation can increase erosion, sediment and nutrient losses to streams. However, the quantities introduced into streams tended to be relatively low, generally below the values that are considered acceptable for alternative land uses. Also most research indicated that water quality recovers within two to five years following forest operation disturbances, particularly if BMPs are employed. Research from the less mountainous and often more poorly drained Lake States and Coastal Plain regions indicated that soil compaction and rutting may or may not cause site productivity effects, depending on soil types, natural ameliorative properties and site preparation. Overall, the research supports the forestry BMPs recommended in the eastern states.  相似文献   

The development of treatment technologies to limit the discharge of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the atmosphere has proceeded apace with the increasing use of soil venting for the remediation of contaminated soil. This article surveys the commonly-used emission control systems that have developed under air pollution control regulations in California. Emphasis is on equipment operating characteristics, typical performance results (destruction efficiencies of VOCs), and operating costs. A recently commercialized process for treating halogen-containing VOCs is described, and some operating and cost data are included.  相似文献   

A multi-year study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of Florida's Best Management Practices (BMPs) for protecting aquatic ecosystems during intensive forestry operations and forest chemical applications. Five silviculture sites adjacent to stream systems were selected for study from major eco-regions of the state. Replicate stream bioassessments, using a multimetric approach (the Stream Condition Index), were conducted as part of a `before-after, control-impact' (BACI) study design. Bioassessment stations were established above and below the treatment area to determine pre-treatment reference and test conditions. Silviculture treatments of clearcut harvesting, intensive mechanical site preparation and machine planting were then completed, during which all applicable BMPs were adhered to. In addition, two sites received an herbicide application and one site was fertilized. Following the treatments, the sites were re-sampled at the same points both one year, and two years after the first bioassessment. No significant differences in the SCI were observed between the reference and test portions of the streams that could be attributed to the silviculture operations using BMPs. Hence, the study showed that BMPs provided protection to adjacent stream ecosystems, even during intensive silviculture and forest chemical applications.  相似文献   

Bioassessment is a useful tool to determine the impact of logging practices on the biological integrity of streams and wetlands. Measuring biota directly has an intuitive appeal for impact assessment, and biota can be superior indicators to physical or chemical characteristics because they can reflect cumulative impacts over time. Logging can affect stream and wetland biota by increasing sedimentation rates, altering hydrologic, thermal, and chemical regimes, and changing the base of food webs. Biotic impacts of logging on streams compared to wetlands probably differ, and in this paper we review some of those differences. In streams, invertebrates, fishes, amphibians, algae, and macrophytes have been used as indicators of logging impacts. In wetlands, bioassessment is just beginning to be used, and plants and birds are the most promising indicator taxa. Various best management practices (BMPs) have been developed to reduce the impacts of logging on stream and wetland biota, and we review quantitative studies that have evaluated the efficacy of some of these techniques in streams and wetlands in the eastern United States. Remarkably few studies that address the overall efficacy of BMPs in limiting biotic changes in streams and wetlands after BMP implementation have been published in scientific journals, although some work exists in reports or is unpublished. We review these works, and compile conclusions about BMP efficacy for biota from this body of research.  相似文献   

Worldwide solid waste generation is nearly 1.3 billion tonnes/year, whereas in India 62 million tonnes of solid waste is generated per year by 377 million urban people. The increasing amount of solid waste in India, nearly 50% of which is organic matter, is the major concern for treatment and waste management. Several technologies are already in practice for the treatment of organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) in India. It is important to assess the sustainability of these processes. In this study, the existing OFMSW technologies in India were examined. Case-study approach was taken for this purpose along with some published secondary reports. It was found that the selection of technology quite depends on the composition of the OFMSW. Food waste rich fractions are recommended for biomethanation, whereas the fractions rich in market waste and household waste are suitable for composting. Fractions rich in lignin and lignocellulosic materials are suitable for pyrolysis and gasification, whereas the rejects are to be sent for RDF preparation. Based on the findings, a sustainable framework has also been proposed, implementation of which may result in better waste management.  相似文献   

Contamination of soil and sediment by pollutants represents a major environmental challenge. Remediation of soil during the original Superfund years consisted primarily of dig and haul, capping, or containment. The 1986 amendments to CERCLA—SARA—provided the incentive for treatment and permanent remedies during site remediation. Thermal treatment, which routinely achieves the low cleanup criteria required by RCRA land-ban regulations, became one of the major technologies used for cleanup under the concept of ARAR. As the remediation industry matured and recognized specific market niches in soil remediation, a number of new technologies emerged. Thermal desorption, bioremediation, soil vapor extraction, soil washing, and soil extraction are being used on sites at which the technology offers advantages over incineration. In addition, a continuing stream of emerging technologies is being presented that requires careful evaluation relative to existing cleanup methods. Each of these technologies offers a range of options for achieving appropriate cleanup criteria, application to different soil matrices, cost, time of remediation, and public acceptability. Balancing cleanup criteria defined by regulation or risk assessment with technology cost and capability affords the opportunity to solve these problems with appropriate balance of cost and protection of human health and the environment.  相似文献   

This article presents a review of in situ technologies for the remediation of soils contaminated with lead, zinc, and/or cadmium. The objective of this review is to assess the developmental status of the available in situ technologies and provide a general summary of typical applications and limitations of these technologies. The literature review identified seven in situ remediation technologies—solidification/stabilization, vitrification, electrokinetic remediation, soil flushing, phytoextraction, phytostabilization, and chemical stabilization. These technologies were considered for their ability to meet a specific set of remediation objectives under a range of conditions. Each of these technologies has both strengths and weaknesses for addressing particular remedial situations discussed in the article for each of the technologies. A general summary of which technologies are most applicable to common remedial scenarios is also provided. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe the application and progress of the Reduce-Reuse-Recycle (3R) initiative and its gradual implementation and development in solid waste management in Vietnam through the study of the municipal solid waste management (MSWM) systems of eight major urban cities and provinces. The resulting survey and studies showed that there are big challenges for MSWM in the study areas due to the absence of an appropriate master plan for MSWM; there is a clear need to set up indicators for waste reduction and greenhouse gas emission reduction from waste generators and enterprises involved in MSWM, especially in terms of using 3R activities in the management of industrial waste. The strength and organic combination of institutional frameworks, support measures, and technologies for 3R promotion need to be applied as soon as possible in order to implement MSWM practices using more effective measures; in particular, a reduction in the amount of hazardous substances discarded and improvements in the handling of hazardous waste are required.  相似文献   

1,4‐Dioxane remediation is challenging due to its physiochemical properties and low target treatment levels. As such, applications of traditional remediation technologies have proven ineffective. There are a number of promising remediation technologies that could potentially be scaled for successful application to groundwater restoration. Sustainable remediation is an important consideration in the evaluation of remediation technologies. It is critically important to consider sustainability when new technologies are being applied or new contaminants are being treated with traditional technologies. There are a number of social, economic, and environmental drivers that should be considered when implementing 1,4‐dioxane treatment technologies. This includes evaluating sustainability externalities by considering the cradle‐to‐grave impacts of the chemicals, energy, processes, transportation, and materials used in groundwater treatment. It is not possible to rate technologies as more or less sustainable because each application is context specific. However, by including sustainability thinking into technology evaluations and implementation plans, decisions makers can be more informed and the results of remediation are likely to be more effective and beneficial. There are a number sustainable remediation frameworks, guidance documents, footprint assessment tools, life cycle assessment tools, and best management practices that can be utilized for these purposes. This paper includes an overview describing the importance of sustainability in technology selection, identifies sustainability impacts related to technologies that can be used to treat 1,4‐dioxane, provides an approximating approach to assess sustainability impacts, and summarizes potential sustainability impacts related to promising treatment technologies. ©2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Industry and regulatory demands for rapid and cost-effective clean up of hydrocarbon and other contamination in soil and groundwater has prompted development and improvement of in-situ remediation technologies. In-situ technologies offer many advantages over ex-situ treatment alternatives, including lower initial capital and long-term operation and maintenance costs, less site disruption, no Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) liability, and shorter treatment time necessary to achieve cleanup objectives. Fenton's reagent, a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ferrous iron that generates a hydroxyl free radical as an oxidizing agent, is widely accepted for chemical oxidation of organic contaminants in the wastewater industry. In-situ implementation of Fenton's reagent for chemical oxidation of organic contaminants in soil and groundwater continues to grow in acceptance and application to a wide variety of environmental contaminants and hydrogeologic conditions (EPA, 1998).  相似文献   

The Army National Guard initiated an Innovative Technology Evaluation (ITE) Program in March 2000 to study potential remedial technologies for the cleanup of explosives‐contaminated soil and groundwater at the Camp Edwards site on the Massachusetts Military Reservation. The soil technologies chosen for the ITE program were: soil washing, chemical oxidation, chemical reduction, thermal desorption/destruction (LTTD), bioslurry, composting, and solid phase bioremediation. The technologies were evaluated based on their ability to treat both washed and untreated soil. A major factor considered was the ability to degrade explosives, such as RDX, found in particulate form in the soils. The heterogeneous nature of explosives in soils dictates that the preferred technology must be able to treat explosives in all forms, including the particulate form. Groundwater remediation technologies considered include: in situ cometabolic reduction, two forms of in situ chemical oxidation, Fenton‐like oxidation and potassium permanganate. This article presents the results of each of the remedial technologies evaluated and discusses which technologies met the established ITE performance goals. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

An important aspect of a best management practices (BMP) program is providing credible information on the extent to which BMPs are being applied within the state. This paper, summarizing the responses of a survey to states about their BMP monitoring program, indicates nearly three of four states in the eastern U.S. have monitoring programs to determine if voluntary or mandatory forest practices are being applied. BMP compliance monitoring programs vary extensively among states in such areas as: the agency(s) responsible for undertaking the monitoring, the types of practices monitored, reasons for establishing the monitoring program, and the frequency and costs of compliance monitoring implementation. The survey found that information from compliance monitoring is used to modify forest practice rules or guidelines, redirect education and training programs, and inform policy makers and the general public of forest practice application rates. Major issues associated with implementing compliance monitoring programs as indicated by the survey include: specifying the types of information to be gathered, selecting harvest sites, accessing private property, determining monitoring responsibility, and reporting and using the information collected.  相似文献   

A detailed cradle‐to‐grave life‐cycle assessment (LCA) of an in situ thermal treatment remedy for a chlorinated‐solvent‐contaminated site was performed using process LCA. The major materials and activities necessary to install, operate, monitor, and deconstruct the remedy were included in the analysis. The analysis was based on an actual site remedy design and implementation to determine the potential environmental impacts, pinpoint major contributors to impacts, and identify opportunities for improvements during future implementation. The Electro‐Thermal Dynamic Stripping Process (ET‐DSP?) in situ thermal technology coupled with a dual‐phase extraction and treatment system was evaluated for the remediation of 4,400 yd3 of tetrachloroethene‐ and trichloroethene‐impacted soil, groundwater, and bedrock. The analysis was based on an actual site with an estimated source mass of 2,200 lbs of chlorinated solvents. The remedy was separated into four stages: remedy installation, remedy operation, monitoring, and remedy deconstruction. Environmental impacts were assessed using Sima Pro software, the ecoinvent database, and the ReCiPe midpoint and endpoint methods. The operation stage of the remedy dominated the environmental impacts across all categories due to the large amount of electricity required by the thermal treatment technology. Alternate sources of electricity could significantly reduce the environmental impacts of the remedy across all impact categories. Other large impacts were observed in the installation stage resulting from the large amount of diesel fuel, steel, activated carbon, and asphalt materials required to implement the technology. These impacts suggest where opportunities for footprint reductions can be found through best management practices such as increased materials reuse, increased recycled‐content materials use, and clean fuels and emission control technologies. Smaller impacts were observed in the monitoring and deconstruction stages. Normalized results show the largest environmental burdens to fossil depletion, human toxicity, particulate matter formation, and climate‐change categories resulting from activities associated with mining of fossil fuels for use in electricity production. In situ thermal treatment can reliably remediate contaminated source areas with contaminants located in low‐permeability zones, providing complete destruction of contaminants in a short amount of time, quick return of the site to productive use, and minimized quantities of hazardous materials stored in landfills for future generations to remediate. However, this remediation strategy can also result in significant emissions over a short period of time. It is difficult to quantify the overall value of short‐term cleanups with intense treatment emissions against longer‐term cleanups with lower treatment emissions because of the environmental, social, and economic trade‐offs that need to be considered and understood. LCA is a robust, quantitative tool to help inform stakeholder discussions related to the remedy selection process, trade‐off considerations, and environmental footprint‐reduction opportunities, and to complement a broader toolbox for the evaluation of sustainable remediation strategies. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Division of Environmental Remediation (DER) issued a program policy focused on the overall sustainability of hazardous waste site cleanups on August 11, 2010. This DER‐31/Green Remediation program policy (DER‐31) was issued in accordance with 6 New York Codes, Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) Part 375 Environmental Remediation Programs. DER‐31 represents one of the first government‐issued green and sustainable remediation (GSR) policies in the United States. Consistent with other DER policies, DER‐31's provisions are broadly considered to be an expectation/requirement. GSR experts from within AECOM's Remediation Services (RS) Practice Area developed and implemented a GSR program designed to comply with DER‐31 provisions and have now broadly incorporated GSR into our New York remediation projects. Lessons learned from this experience in New York have influenced AECOM's global GSR program and implementation procedures and prompted the development of a new GSR tool (GSRxTM) for identifying and assessing GSR best management practices (BMPs), which has also been employed globally. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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