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Determining the evolutionary basis of variation in reproductive skew (degree of sharing of reproduction among coexisting individuals) is an important task both because skew varies widely across social taxa and because testing models of skew evolution permits tests of kin selection theory. Using parentage analyses based on microsatellite markers, we measured skew among female eggs (n=32.3 eggs per colony, range=20–68) in 17 polygynous colonies from a UK field population of the ant Leptothorax acervorum. We used skew among eggs as our principal measure of skew because of the high degree of queen turnover in the study population. Queens within colonies did not make significantly unequal contributions to queen and worker adult or pupal offspring, indicating that skew among female eggs reflected skew among daughter queens. On average, both skew among female eggs (measured by the B index) and queen–queen relatedness proved to be low (means±SE=0.06±0.02 and 0.28±0.08, respectively). However, contrary to current skew models, there was no significant association of skew with either relatedness or worker number (used as a measure of productivity). In L. acervorum, predictions of the concession model of skew may hold between but not within populations because queens are unable to assess their relatedness to other queens within colonies. Additional phenomena that may help maintain low skew in the study population include indiscriminate infanticide in the form of egg cannibalism and split sex ratios that penalize reproductive monopoly by single queens within polygynous colonies.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) sediment sorption is regarded as the most important buffering process against P increases in overlying water. In this study, two shallow eutrophic sediments (Mei and Hua) with distinct compositions were selected to assess effects of pH (from 6 to 9) and ionic strength (IS) (0, 0.001, 0.01 and 0.1 M KCl) on P sorption. In Mei sediments, the P sorption decreased as pH increased (6.97–9.13), but it increased as IS increased over the pH range in question. These results could be attributed to the negatively charged surface of Mei sediments, as indicated by the salt titration curve, and the high cation exchange capacity (CEC). P sorption in Hua sediments was facilitated by a pH increase (6.12–7.49), but it was hindered by an IS increase. A reasonable explanation for this phenomenon is that calcium phosphate precipitates at high pHs and that Cl? exchanges with P because the surface is weakly charged (small CEC). These results indicate that the sediment P sorption may have trends opposite to one another in relation to the salt change (e.g. drought and rainy season) in the lake water between the two sediments. These data provide additional support to explain P concentration variations in lakes.  相似文献   

Two halophytes, Salicornia europaea and Atriplex verucifera, and the non-halophyte Chenopodium album were grown in pots on sodic and non-sodic Iranian soils spiked with up to 100 mg Cd kg?1. The halophytes grew best on the sodic soil in the absence of Cd spiking, while C. album performed better on non-sodic soil. Cadmium spiking reduced the growth of all plants, with Cd tolerance decreasing in the order S. europaea>A. verucifera>C. album. The observed order of Cd tolerance corresponds to the abilities of the plants to tolerate sodic soil properties. The variation of Cd concentration in shoots in response to sodicity was related to different mechanism, including dilution (C. album) Cd solubilisation by Ca2+ (S. europea) and Ca2+ competition for uptake and translocation of Cd (A. verucifera). Improved understanding of these complex interactions will help to design phytoextraction technology for Cd-polluted soils in arid regions.  相似文献   

In this study, key ecological modelling limitations of a process-based simulation model and a Bayesian network were reduced by combining the two approaches. We demonstrate the combined modelling approach with a case study investigating increases in woody vegetation density in northern Australia's tropical savannas. We found that by utilising the strengths of a simulation model and a Bayesian network we could both forecast future change in woody vegetation density and diagnose the reasons for current vegetation states. The local conditions of climate, soil characteristics and the starting population of trees were found to be more important in explaining the likelihood of change in woody vegetation density compared to management practices such as grazing pressure and fire regimes. We conclude that combining the strengths of a process and BN model allowed us to produce a simple model that utilised the ability of the process model to simulate ecosystem processes in detail and over long time periods, and the ability of the BN to capture uncertainty in ecosystem response and to conduct scenario, sensitivity and diagnostic analysis. The overall result was a model that has the potential to provide land managers with a better understanding of the behaviour of a complex ecosystem than simply utilising either modelling approach in isolation.  相似文献   

Two models, artificial neural network (ANN) and multiple linear regression (MLR), were developed to estimate typical grassland aboveground dry biomass in Xilingol River Basin, Inner Mongolia, China. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and topographic variables (elevation, aspect, and slope) were combined with atmospherically corrected reflectance from the Landsat ETM+ reflective bands as the candidate input variables for building both models. Seven variables (NDVI, aspect, and bands 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7) were selected by the ANN model (implemented in Statistica 6.0 neural network module), while six (elevation, NDVI, and bands 1, 3, 5 and 7) were picked to fit the MLR function after a stepwise analysis was executed between the candidate input variables and the above ground dry biomass. Both models achieved reasonable results with RMSEs ranging from 39.88% to 50.08%. The ANN model provided a more accurate estimation (RMSEr = 39.88% for the training set, and RMSEr = 42.36% for the testing set) than MLR (RMSEr = 49.51% for the training, and RMSEr = 53.20% for the testing). The final above ground dry biomass maps of the research area were produced based on the ANN and MLR models, generating the estimated mean values of 121 and 147 g/m2, respectively.  相似文献   

Part 2 presents measures at the city scale, which are distinguished into object- and area-related means. The former ones include emission reduction, energy gaining and saving, as well as the climate-improving impact of rooftop and façade greening. Area-related means refer to the reduction of radiation temperature through shading and transpiration as well as impact of urban green areas of different size on the urban climate. Furthermore the opportunities to use subsurface urban heat island as an energy-reservoir for cooling or heating are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the three-spot damselfish species complex [ Dascyllus albisella Gill, D. auripinnis Randall and Randall, D. strasburgi Klausewitz, D. trimaculatus (Ruppell)] is an assemblage of five geographically distinct clades. The one exception was a single D. trimaculatus from French Polynesia, which grouped with "Pacific Rim" individuals. In the present study, an additional 252 individuals from French Polynesia collected between June 1996 and January 2002 were analyzed using PCR amplifications, restriction fragment length polymorphisms, and DNA sequencing of the mitochondrial control region. The French Polynesian D. trimaculatus belong to two distinct clades. One clade comprising 96% of the individuals includes haplotypes found only in French Polynesia. The other clade (4% of the individuals) is comprised of haplotypes that cluster with "Pacific Rim" individuals, a clade with widespread distribution from Japan to the Line Islands and from Wallis to Palau. Present data suggest that a small number of larvae from northwestern reefs (possibly Line Islands) may have occasionally reached and colonized French Polynesian reefs.  相似文献   



Few suitable and standardized test methods are currently available to test the effects of genetically modified plants (GMP) on non-target organisms. To fill this gap and improve ecotoxicological testing for GMP, we developed a new soil ecotoxicological test method using sciarid larvae as test organisms.


Bradysia impatiens was identified as a candidate species. Species of the genus Bradysia occur in high numbers in European agroecosystems and B. impatiens can be reared in the laboratory in continuous culture. A functional basic test design was successfully developed. Newly hatched larvae were used as the initial life stage to cover most of the life cycle of the species during the test. Azadirachtin was identified as a suitable reference substance. In several tests, the effects of this substance on development time and emergence rate varied for different temperatures and test substrates. The toxicity was higher at 25 °C compared to 20 °C and in tropical artificial soil compared to coconut fiber substrate.

Conclusions and outlook

Results suggest that the developed test system is suitable to enter a full standardization process, e.g., via the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Such a standardization would not only assist the risk assessment of GMP, but could include other stressors such as systemic pesticides or veterinary pharmaceuticals reaching the soil, e.g., via spreading manure. The use of sciarid flies as test organisms supports recommendations of EFSA, which stressed the ecological role of flies and encouraged including Diptera into test batteries.

Reproduction of Diadema aff. antillarum was examined between 2002 and 2005 at subtidal rocky bottoms around the Canary Islands. Two contrasting habitats (urchin barrens and grazing fronts) characterized by different levels of food availability were chosen, and factors thought to influence reproductive periodicity were monitored, including temperature, photoperiod, phytoplankton abundance and benthic food availability. Histological analyses showed that D. aff. antillarum had an annual reproductive cycle that was relatively synchronous across the studied sites and habitats. Photoperiod was the most significant factor that correlated with gonad periodicity; benthic food availability of 2 month lag was also correlated. However, some differences were detected between males and females in the timing of the onset of gametogenesis. Spawning was synchronized between both sexes from June to August. Results suggest that the optimum time of year to harvest urchin gonads would be between May and June when gonads were maximal in size but not full of gametes. This species may not provide optimal conditions for an industrial scale fishery, as sea urchins occurring in high density had small gonads and those producing larger volume or more marketable gonad tissue occurred in low densities where harvesting costs would exceed profit.  相似文献   

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