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为构建河南省淮河流域内伏牛山区的主要植被类型在生态恢复过程中的演替序列,选取了登封市、鲁山县、确山县和泌阳市4个典型地点,利用空间代替时间方法调查了不同演替系列的主要群落类型,采用排序并结合演替度、分层频度等分析方法构建了该区域的演替序列。结果表明:河南省淮河流域伏牛山区生态恢复过程中的植被群落可分为5种类型,即生态林封禁抚育群落、灌草坡封禁保护群落、梯田耕作经济林群落、梯田经济林弃耕群落、禁牧禁樵生态林群落;群落稳定性大小依次为栎类林、经济林与人工针叶林;植被演替可构建为自然恢复、人工种植后的自然恢复、人工经济林、进展与逆行等4个演替序列;其基本序列可识别为草丛、灌丛、人工林、经济林弃耕恢复林、栎类幼龄林、栎类中龄林等,演替度平均值分别为1.06、5.33、6.19、11.09、12.86、12.26;阔叶树种通常具有较大的分层频度,表明其良好的进展性与稳定性,以其为主要种类所构成的群落类型基本上均处于演替序列中的后期阶段;因此,可以将阔叶林以及特殊条件下的人工林设定为该区域生态恢复的目标植被类型。将几种演替分析方法综合运用,可以较全面地从区域微观尺度上揭示植被的演替过程,能较好地阐明植被演替过程;研究结果可以为生态恢复过程中植被动态与水文生态功能动态相关性、流域生态功能区划、生态恢复目标的制定与过程设计、以及流域生态保护策略制定等提供依据。  相似文献   

River restoration success: a question of perception   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
What defines success and failure of river restoration measures is a strongly debated topic in restoration science, but standardized approaches to evaluate either are still not available. The debate is usually centered on measurable parameters, which adhere to scientific objectivity. More subjective aspects, such as landscape aesthetics or recreational value, are usually left out, although they play an important role in the perception and communication of restoration success. In this paper, we show that different perceptions of restoration success exist by analyzing data from 26 river restoration measures in Germany. We addressed both objective parameters, such as hydromorphological changes and changes in fish and benthic invertebrate assemblages, from field investigations, and subjective parameters, such as opinions and perceptions, from water managers via an online survey. With regard to the objective hydromorphological and biotic parameters, our results agree with many studies that have reported improvements in the hydromorphology following restoration; however, there is no similar agreement between results concerning changes in the benthic invertebrate and fish assemblages. The objective results do not correspond to the subjective parameters because self-evaluation of the restoration projects by water managers was overly positive. Indeed, 40% of the respondents admitted that their evaluation was based on gut feeling, and only 45% of the restoration measures were monitored or occasionally checked. This lack of objectively recorded data meant that the water managers were not able to reasonably evaluate restoration success. In contrast, some self-evaluation responses reflected a different perception of the restoration success that was based on landscape aesthetic values or on benefit for the public; others adopted a general "condemned to success" attitude. Based on our data, we argue (1) that goals should be thoughtfully formulated prior to restoration implementation and (2) that it is necessary to monitor river restoration success from different perspectives.  相似文献   

Severe soil erosion in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and the middle reaches of the Yellow River is a serious environmental problem in western China. In order to control this soil erosion, the national government implemented the Grain for Green Program (GGP) in Sichuan Province (in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River) and Shaanxi Province (in the middle reaches of the Yellow River) in 1999. To evaluate the effects of the GGP on soil erosion, the present study investigated the relationships between annual precipitation and three parameters, annual runoff, sediment concentration, and sediment discharge, for these rivers. As the area covered by the GGP increased, sediment concentration and sediment discharge both decreased, and the correlation with the GGP area was much stronger than the correlation with annual precipitation. Therefore, China's GGP appears to be controlling soil erosion in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and the middle reaches of the Yellow River.  相似文献   

黄河下游断流研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了黄河下游断流的发生特点、断流成因及断流对三角洲人民生产生活及对生态环境的影响三个方面的研究成果和进展。这些研究表明:黄河下游断流是自然与人为因素叠加所致,但主要影响因素为人类活动,而气候变化、源区生态环境恶化也是导致黄河径流减少的重要因子,但由气候变化引起的黄河径流量改变的百分比还未确定;黄河下游断流对河口海域生态系统、三角洲演变、工农业生产及城乡人民生活等方面都会产生影响,严重断流时会导致三角洲土地利用格局发生变化,并产生一系列生态问题。今后一段时间,要研究保障区域生态安全的生态用水量,合理利用黄河水量的丰枯周期,从根本上解决黄河下游的断流问题。  相似文献   

Herbaceous plant production plays a key role in determining the function of rangeland ecosystems in the semi-arid and Mediterranean regions. Therefore, assessment of herbaceous plant habitats is important for understanding the ecosystem functioning in these regions and for applied purposes, such as range management and land evaluation. This paper presents a model to assess herbaceous plant habitats in a basaltic stony environment in a Mediterranean region. The model is based on geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing and fuzzy logic, while four indirect variables, which represent major characteristics of herbaceous habitats, are modeled: rock cover fraction; wetness index (WI); soil depth; and slope orientation (aspect). A linear unmixing model was used to measure rock cover on a per pixel basis using a Landsat TM summer image. The wetness index and local aspect were determined from digital elevation data with 25 m × 25 m pixel resolution, while soil data were gathered in a field survey. The modeling approach adopted here is process-based and assumes that water availability plays a crucial role in determining herbaceous plant production in Mediterranean and semi-arid environments. The model rules are based on fuzzy logic and are written based on the hypothesized water requirements of the herbaceous vegetation. The results show that on a polygon basis there is positive agreement between the model proposed here and previous mapping of the herbaceous habitats carried out in the field using traditional methods. Intrapolygon tests show that the use of a continuous raster data model and fuzzy logic principles provide an added value to traditional mapping. Moreover, herbaceous biomass measurements at two time intervals—mid- and peak winter season—corresponded with the habitat assessment predictions achieved using a new scenario that is proposed in this research. This scenario suggests that rockiness increases herbaceous production on south-facing slopes, while in other slope aspects the rock cover has lower impact on herbaceous growth. Due to its simplicity, the model suggested here can be used by planners and managers, to adjust range activities over large areas. The process-based approach should allow adaptation of the model to other regions more effectively than models that were formulated on a purely empirical basis. The model could also be used to study the relationship between water availability and ecosystem productivity on a regional scale.  相似文献   

黄河上游沉积物对磷酸盐的吸附动力学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李北罡  刘培怡  马钦 《生态环境》2010,19(11):2693-2697
研究了黄河上游10个不同表层沉积物在黄河水体中对磷酸盐(P)的吸附动力学及其影响因素和吸附机理。结果表明:不同黄河沉积物对P的吸附能力各不相同,但吸附量随时间的变化具有相同的趋势,吸附速率均在前8 h内较快,以后逐渐趋缓,在48 h时基本达到吸附平衡。不同黄河沉积物对P的吸附量均随P初始质量浓度的增加而增大,随沉积物质量浓度增大而减小,且也受水体pH值的影响,在pH为6.0~9.0范围内吸附量比较大。不同沉积物在不同P起始质量浓度下对P的吸附动力学均符合Lagergren二级吸附动力学模型及Weber–Morris扩散方程,求得二级吸附速率常数和扩散速率常数分别在10.85~229.29 g.mg-1.h-1和0.7×10-3~5.2×10-3 mg.g-1?h-1/2)之间,吸附过程由P在沉积物内的扩散控制。  相似文献   

A QWASI model dependent on temperature is parameterized to describe the long-term fate of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the Liao River. The model parameters, namely fugacity capacity, degradation rate, and transfer coefficient, are profoundly affected by temperature. This model is used to simulate the fate of γ-hexachlorocyclohexane (γ-HCH) in the lower reaches of the Liao River from 1998 to 2008. Modeling results show that γ-HCH fugacity capacities in air, water, and sediment increase as temperature decreases, and the transfer and transformation rate coefficients increase as temperature increases. The variations of transfer and transformation parameter D values depend on fugacity capacities, and transfer and transformation coefficients simultaneously. The performance of the model is evaluated by comparing the predicted and observed concentrations in the water and sediment of the Liao River. The predicted values agree well with the observed value in the order of magnitude, in most cases within the factor of 3. It is believed that the model is appropriate for simulating the long term fate of POPs in the Liao River.  相似文献   

塔里木河下游植物群落结构特征分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张绘芳  李霞  王建刚  杨艳静 《生态环境》2007,16(4):1219-1224
对塔里木河下游经30a断流后的应急输水河畔植被进行外业调查,分析了调查区植物群落的种类组成、垂直结构、密度结构以及优势种群的格局分布,旨在了解输水后研究区植物群落在结构特征方面恢复程度。结果表明:调查样地内有植物13种,其中胡杨(Populus euphratica)、柽柳(Tamarix)、黑果枸杞(Lycium ruthenicum)、花花柴(Karelinia caspica)和疏叶骆驼刺(Alhagi sparsifolia)为优势种。不同地下水条件物种的重要值不同,表现在不同离河距离具有不同的物种组成结构,随地下水埋深不同植物群落由以胡杨和胀果甘草为主到以柽柳、黑果枸杞、花花柴和疏叶骆驼刺等抗旱耐盐碱植物为主。乔木层密度随着离河距离加大而减小,灌木层和草本层密度随离河距离加大呈先增加后减小的趋势。群落垂直结构随离河距离加大由乔-灌-草3层逐渐转变为灌-草2层,随离河距离加大趋于简单。优势种群胡杨在离河300m以内呈聚集分布,聚集强度随离河距加大而增强;柽柳灌丛在离河50m呈均匀分布,离河150m以外呈聚集分布,但离河750m段有向随机分布发展趋势。植物群落结构特征在不同的离河距离具有差异,说明经过输水下游植物群落的恢复在结构特征方面有响应,为区域生态治理和保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Among the driving processes responsible for riparian forest dynamics the species-specific impact of flooding on the development of woody plants plays a key role—particularly for lowland rivers. Only a few of the forest succession models currently in use incorporate the flooding stress response of trees. This situation is mainly due to the incomplete investigation of the flooding tolerance processes and the related abiotic and biotic factors. In an attempt to use the wide-ranging but still rather vague knowledge available on flooding stress, the research presented in this paper proposes an approach to model tree response to flooding using the fuzzy set theory. The model is illustrated for the case of central European species. Flooding stress response to the abiotic factors of duration, depth and frequency of flooding differs according to five flooding tolerance classes and is expressed by means of a growth factor that limits optimal tree growth. We show that existing fuzzy set theory is able to generate and calibrate a flood stress response model which in turn can be incorporated into more complex forest succession models adapted to riparian areas.  相似文献   

Previous studies evaluating the success of river restorations have rarely found any consistent effects on benthic invertebrate assemblages. In this study, we analyzed data from 24 river restoration projects in Germany dating back 1 to 12 years and 1231 data sets from adjacent river reaches that lie within 0-5, 5-10, and 10-15 km rings centered on the restored sites. We calculated restoration success and recolonization potential of adjacent river reaches based on stream-type-specific subsets of taxa indicative for good or bad habitat quality. On average, the restorations did not improve the benthic invertebrate community quality. However, we show that restoration success depends on the presence of source populations of desired taxa in the surrounding of restored sites. Only where source populations of additional desired taxa existed within a 0-5 km ring around the restored sites were benthic invertebrate assemblages improved by the restoration. Beyond the 5-km rings, this recolonization effect was no longer detected. We present here the first field results to support the debated argument that a lack of source populations in the areas surrounding restored sites may play an important role in the failure to establish desired invertebrate communities by the means of river restorations. In contrast, long-range dispersal of invertebrates seems to play a subordinate role in the recolonization of restored sites. However, because the surroundings of the restored sites were far from good ecological quality, the potential for improvement of restored sites was limited.  相似文献   

涟江上游表层岩溶泉水污染源解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确涟江上游表层岩溶泉水化学污染特征及其污染来源,选取区域内7个地表饮用泉作为研究对象.测定泉水水温(T)、电导率(EC)、溶解氧(DO)、pH、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、氨氮(NH4-N)、硝氮(NO3-N)、高锰酸盐指数(COD)并研究其与泉眼半径200、500、1000m范围内耕地、住宅用地及交通用地面积的相...  相似文献   

李北罡  马钦  刘培怡 《生态环境》2010,19(8):1901-1905
研究了黄河中下游10个不同表层沉积物在黄河水体中对磷酸盐(P)的吸附动力学及其影响因素和吸附机理。结果表明:(1)不同黄河沉积物对P的吸附能力各不相同,但吸附量随时间的变化具有相同的变化趋势,吸附速率均在前8h内较快,以后逐渐趋缓,在48h时基本达到吸附平衡。不同黄河沉积物对P的吸附量均随P初始质量浓度的增加而增大,随沉积物含量增大而减小;(2)不同沉积物在不同P初始质量浓度下对P的吸附动力学均符合Lagergren二级吸附动力学模型及Weber-Morris扩散方程,求得二级吸附速率常数和扩散速率常数分别在11.9866~157.55g·mg^-1·h^-1和0.0005~0.0119mg·g^-1·h^-1/2之间,吸附过程由P在沉积物内扩散控制。  相似文献   

The estimation of nutrient fluxes, the determination of spatial and temporal response and the understanding of biogeochemical changes in the past, present and future in the Axios River catchment, in Greece, as well as the impacts to the coastal zone of Thermaikos Gulf were accomplished by the use of harmonized watershed and coastal zone models. The mathematical model MONERIS was the watershed management model that was used to model the export loads of nutrients in Axios River. MONERIS was developed to estimate the nutrient inputs into river basins by point sources and various diffuse pathways. Watershed hydrologic and water quality data were collected and synthesized to develop input data sets for the simulation of Axios River catchment. The model was modified to better assess organic nitrogen export loads in Mediterranean watersheds. The results showed the importance of agricultural and livestock activities, concerning their nutrients emissions in the River. MONERIS was integrated with the coastal zone model WASP 6.0 to assess the impacts of the nutrient loads to the eutrophication status of the coastal zone. Several management scenarios were assessed. Management scenarios included measures for reduction in the emissions from the fertilizer plant of Veles, removal of phosphorous from the detergents in FYROM, treatment of urban wastes to EU Standards, reduction in N-fertilizer input, reduction in erosion and the green scenario that represented the maximum reduction scenario of all the measures together. The model simulations indicated that the coastal zone of Axios mouth will be eutrophic for nitrate (2.69–3.34 μM) and phosphate (0.2–0.68 μM) and upper mesotrophic for chlorophyll-a (0.74–1.45 μg/l) for the scenarios tested. The results suggest that the impact of the management scenarios will be largely negligible (no change in trophic status) for the Thermaikos Gulf sector nearby the Axios River due to additional sources such as the loads from Thessaloniki's waste water treatment plant which appear to affect the region to a greater extent. The integration of watershed and coastal zone models can be used to assess management scenarios in order to illustrate the significance of various land use practices to the eutrophication of the Gulf.  相似文献   

从耕地占有数量及利用效率、土地资源构成、村落农业生产技术以及村落布局4个方面,研究岷江上游4个典型村落农业资源利用变化特点,认为农业资源禀赋条件、科技进步程度、民族文化和历史因素、制度政策、市场因子以及生态环境状况是形成村落资源利用的基本动因。  相似文献   

长江中下游湖泊富营养化过程的湖泊沉积记录   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
长江中下游湖群区,历来是人类最活跃的场所,但由于近年来社会经济的迅速发展,湖泊富营养化问题日趋严重,对湖泊湿地变化与湖泊营养盐状况关系的分析是制定湖泊环境整治和生态修复的重要科学依据。长江中游湖泊——龙感湖的湖中心钻孔沉积物中硅藻组合和总磷变化记录了近百年来龙感湖富营养化过程。沉积物中湿地花粉与人湖营养盐关系以及磁化率的分析表明,流域内人类活动对湖周滩地的改造,破坏了湿地植被,助长了人湖物质的增加,湖泊营养相对富集,而流域农业化肥的使用导致了水质的进一步恶化。  相似文献   

塔里木河下游阿拉干断面胡杨枝下高对应急输水的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据近5 a来对塔里木河下游阿拉干断面胡杨林(Populus euphratica Oliv.)的监测数据和不同离河距离的地下水位监测信息,结合"面"上宏观调查与"点"上典型研究,集中对100 hm2长期监测样方内的4 499棵胡杨树进行了详细的调查,将胡杨个体实测数据和卫星影像信息进行对比,分析了塔里木河下游胡杨枝下高对应急生态输水的响应.结果显示,塔里木河下游的胡杨具有伴河生长的特性,不同等级枝下高的胡杨都主要分布在距离河道200 m的范围,且其分布都与离河道距离呈显著负相关关系;应急输水后,不同离河距离的胡杨枝下高都有不同程度的下降,河道附近100 m的范围内下降幅度最大,达到了0.36 m,枝下高的下降主要是由于胡杨茎部和基部萌生新枝所引起的,说明应急输水对于胡杨的自然更新产生了积极的影响.  相似文献   

In Asturias (NW Spain) there are many abandoned mines, of which Hg mines are of particular significance from an environmental point of view, due to the presence of Hg and particularly As, which is found either in the form of specific (orpiment and realgar) or non-specific minerals (As-rich pyrite). The instability of these minerals leads to the presence of As-rich mine drainage and spoils heap leachates that enter surface waters or groundwaters. A study including the three most important Hg mines in the region (La Soterraña, Los Rueldos and El Terronal) has been conducted. Watercourses flowing through these mining areas are tributaries of the River Caudal, one of the most important rivers in the area. High concentrations of As were found in some of these waters, which were monitored over a period of three hydrological years and classified according to a water quality index. Those waters sampled close to the mines are generally of poor-to-bad quality, with low alkalinity and in some cases high metal content, but the quality of these waters improves with distance from the mines. The average mass load of As entering the River Caudal has been evaluated as: 200, 12 and 9,800 kg year?1 from La Soterraña, Los Rueldos and El Terronal mine sites, respectively. Despite the constant input of about 10 tonnes of As per year, the total As concentration remains below analytical detection thresholds on account of the river’s high water flow. Nevertheless, an important part of this As load is presumably retained in the river sediments, representing a potential risk of pollution of the aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   



Relocations and restorations do not only change the ecological passability and sediment continuity of a river but also its flow behavior and fluvial morphodynamics. Sediment transport processes and morphological development can be assessed with field measurements, also taking the transport of sediment-bounded contaminants as a tracer material for fluvial morphodynamics into account. The objective of this study was to determine the morphological development of the Inde River (a tributary of the Rur River in North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany) towards its pre-defined guiding principle after a relocation and restoration in 2005 AD.


The fluvial morphodynamics of the Inde River were analyzed over a period of almost 15 years taking sediment samples, analyzing echo soundings of the river’s bathymetry and determining the heavy metal content of the sediment as a tracer material for the morphological development.


The results show that the relocation and restoration of the Inde River initiates new hydrodynamic processes, which cause morphological changes of the river widths, meander belts and channel patterns. The riverbed of the new Inde River has incised into the ground due to massive erosion, which has led to increased fine sediment transport in the downstream direction. The reasons for and consequences of this fine sediment transport are discussed and correlated to the sediment continuity of a river.


Overall, the new Inde River has reached its goal of being a natural river as a consequence of the relocation and restoration and has adapted its new conditions towards a dynamic morphological equilibrium.

Recognition of the spatial-temporal distribution characteristics of soil salinity has become an important basis for the formulation of strategies required in the utilisation and sustainable development of soil resources in arid and semi-arid area. In this paper, based on vegetation cover dataset during 1998–2015 in Ejina region combined with the collected soil salinity data, geostatistical methods were used to explore the temporal and spatial dynamic characteristics of soil salinity and its impact on vegetation in the study area. The results showed significant differences in soil salinisation characteristics with a large variability in the soil salinity among the different soil depths, with a variation coefficient ranging from about 0.97–1.47. Soils are represented by a continuous variation, both in space and time. Soil salinity showed an obvious spatial autocorrelation, with a plaque type distribution. The areas of the salinised soil found for the years 2003, 2011 and 2015 were approximately 18,565, 23,206 and 17,721?km2, respectively. From the relationships deduced between the normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) and soil moisture and salt content in different soil depths, the present study ascertains that the soil moisture content is the most important limiting factor of vegetation growth in Ejina Oasis.  相似文献   

Based on the available toxicity data and the concentrations of DDTs and HCHs in surface water from the upper reaches of the Huaihe River, overlapping areas of probability density and margin of safety (MOS10) were used to estimate the risk levels of DDTs and HCHs to aquatic organisms. The overlapping areas of α-HCH, γ-HCH, p,p′-DDE, p,p′-DDD, and p,p′-DDT were found to be 9.3 × 10?5, 4.6 × 10?3, 4.3 × 10?2, 2.2 × 10?2, and 4.2 × 10?2, respectively. The risks from DDTs were higher than those from HCHs, the risk from α-HCH being the smallest. The MOS10 values of α-HCH, γ-HCH, p,p′-DDE, p,p′-DDD, and p,p′-DDT were 2.6 × 103, 97, 5.9, 15, and 8.6, respectively, i.e. greater than 1.0, indicating limited overlaps between the distributions of exposure concentrations and of toxicity data, and thus minimal ecological risk. Health risk calculations based on incremental lifetime risks for HCHs and DDTs were conducted to evaluate human cancer risk and non-carcinogenic hazard. The total cancer risks from organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in the studied area were in the range of 10?8–10?7, lower than the baseline value of acceptable risk (10?6). Non-carcinogenic hazard indices of OCPs ranging from 10?6 to 10?5 were much lower than the threshold values (1.0). These results suggest that the water from the upper reaches of the Huaihe River does not pose any health risk for local residents using river water as a source for drinking water.  相似文献   

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