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Altermatt F  Ebert D 《Ecology》2010,91(10):2975-2982
Migration is the key process to understand the dynamics and persistence of a metapopulation. Many metapopulation models assume a positive correlation between habitat patch size or stability and the number of emigrants. However, few empirical data exist, and habitat patch size and habitat stability may affect dispersal differently than they affect local persistence. Here, we studied the production of the migration stage (i.e., resting eggs called ephippia) of the cladoceran Daphnia magna in a metapopulation consisting of 530 rock pool habitat patches over 25 years. Earlier, the functioning of this metapopulation was explained with a Levins-type metapopulation model or with a mainland-island metapopulation model, based on local extinction and colonization data or time series data, respectively. We used pool volume, hydroperiod length, and number of desiccation events to calculate per-pool production of ephippia (i.e., migration stages). We estimated that populations in small and ephemeral habitat patches produced more than half of the 250 000 to 1 million ephippia that were produced in the metapopulation as a whole per year between 1982 and 2006. Furthermore, these small populations contributed approximately 90% of the ephippia exposed during desiccation events, while the contribution of the long-lived populations in large pools was minimal. We term this an "inverse mainland-island" type metapopulation and propose that populations in small, ephemeral habitat patches may also be the driving force for metapopulation dynamics in other systems.  相似文献   

We have developed and applied a process-based model, the Wetland Ecosystem Model (WEM), to evaluate the effects of a prescribed fire on the phosphorus (P) dynamics and cattail (Typha domingensis) growth in a P-enriched area in the Florida Everglades. The WEM couples major ecosystem processes including carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and P biogeochemical cycles, plant growth, hydrology, and fire disturbance. The model is used to assess the effects of a prescribed fire on P dynamics and cattail growth through dynamic interaction among four modules: fire, water chemistry, soil, and vegetation. The simulation results are in agreement with observed data including cattail above- and belowground biomass and dead mass, P concentration in surface-water, pore-water, and soil, and soil and water temperature. Cattail aboveground biomass reached the unburned level one year after burn; belowground biomass recovered to unburned level one and half years after the fire, however, dead mass did not completely reach unburned level two years after fires. The fire increased water and soil temperatures in the short term, while indirectly increasing the sensitivity of water and soil temperature post-fire response to air temperature by altering the energy exchange between air and water through a canopy gap created by fire. The fire also altered the P dynamics in surface-water and pore-water. A post-fire P pulse that lasted for less than one month was observed in surface-water. A similar P pulse, but in a small magnitude and a longer duration, was also observed in the pore-water total phosphorus (TP), and then came back to normal level after approximately three months. No significant changes in soil TP was observed during the study period. Meanwhile, no significant changes in water nutrients were observed downstream of the study plot. This finding indicated that the P-enriched wetlands in Everglades act as a buffer in regulating the P concentration in surface-water. Our study showed that the distance of fire effects on a 300 m × 300 m plot was less than 300 m downstream. Sensitivity analysis identified that the air temperature and hydrological conditions are two important driving factors which may alter the cattail community dynamics in response to prescribed fires. Similar to the filed studies, this study provided evidences that fire played an important role in managing plant growth and P dynamics in the Florida Everglades.  相似文献   

Ovaskainen O  Laine AL 《Ecology》2006,87(4):880-891
We followed the dynamics of local epidemics in three populations of a natural plant-pathogen system for four sequential years. We characterize the overwintering process with spatial statistics and use a stochastic, spatially explicit, modeling approach with Bayesian parameter estimation to study the spread of the infection during the growing season. Our modeling approach allows us to infer coevolutionary signals from spatiotemporal data on pathogen prevalence. Most importantly, we are able to assess the distribution of resistant hosts within the distribution of all host plants. We show that resistant hosts occur in areas with high pathogen encounter rates, and that the occurrence of resistance correlates with overwintering probability of the pathogen. The estimates for essentially all model parameters are characterized by a large amount of variation over the years and the populations. While the variation in the fraction of resistant hosts and in the force of infection is to a large extent explained by the population, the other model parameters (two parameters describing the shape of the dispersal kernel) vary essentially in an unpredictable manner, suggesting that much of the variation may occur at very fine spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   

Carson HS  Cook GS  López-Duarte PC  Levin LA 《Ecology》2011,92(10):1972-1984
Recently researchers have gone to great lengths to measure marine metapopulation connectivity via tagging, genetic, and trace-elemental fingerprinting studies. These empirical estimates of larval dispersal are key to assessing the significance of metapopulation connectivity within a demographic context, but the life-history data required to do this are rarely available. To evaluate the demographic consequences of connectivity we constructed seasonal, size-structured metapopulation matrix models for two species of mytilid mussel in San Diego County, California, USA. The self-recruitment and larval exchange terms were produced from a time series of realized connectivities derived from trace-elemental fingerprinting of larval shells during spring and fall from 2003 to 2008. Both species exhibited a strong seasonal pattern of southward movement of recruits in spring and northward movement in fall. Growth and mortality terms were estimated using mark-recapture data from representative sites for each species and subpopulation, and literature estimates of juvenile mortality. Fecundity terms were estimated using county-wide settlement data from 2006-2008; these data reveal peak reproduction and recruitment in fall for Mytilus californianus, and spring for M. galloprovincialis. Elasticity and life-stage simulation analyses were employed to identify the season- and subpopulation-specific vital rates and connectivity terms to which the metapopulation growth rate (lambda) was most sensitive. For both species, metapopulation growth was most sensitive to proportional changes in adult fecundity, survival and growth of juvenile stages, and population connectivity, in order of importance, but relatively insensitive to adult growth or survival. The metapopulation concept was deemed appropriate for both Mytilus species as exchange between the subpopulations was necessary for subpopulation persistence. However, highest metapopulation growth occurred in years when a greater proportion of recruits was retained within the predominant source subpopulation. Despite differences in habitat and planktonic duration, both species exhibited similar overall metapopulation dynamics with respect to key life stages and processes. However, different peak reproductive periods in an environment of seasonal current reversals led to different regional (subpopulation) contributions to metapopulation maintenance; this result emphasizes the importance of connectivity analysis for spatial management of coastal resources.  相似文献   

青藏高原东部过渡区水环境中全氟化合物的分布特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探究高原过渡区水环境中全氟化合物(perfluorinated compounds,PFCs)的污染状况,以青藏高原东部过渡区典型高山峡谷区、若尔盖草原湿地区为研究区,应用固相萃取结合高效液相色谱-电喷雾负电离源串联质谱的方法对研究区内的降雪样品、河水和草原湿地地表径流样品中的全氟化合物进行测定.降雪样品中平均∑PFCs浓度为6266 pg·L~(-1),共检出11种PFCs,其中PFBA含量最高,表明该地区的大气中存在着以PFBA为主的PFCs污染.河水样品中检测到7种PFCs,高山峡谷区河水样品中ΣPFCs浓度范围为272—2244 pg·L~(-1),若尔盖草原湿地区河水样品中ΣPFCs浓度范围为727—5149 pg·L~(-1),远低于我国东部地区及长江黄河下游区域.若尔盖草原湿地地表径流样品检测出11种PFCs,∑PFCs浓度范围为5837—13720 pg·L~(-1),高于当地河水中PFCs的浓度,表明地表径流是当地河水中PFCs不可忽略的非点源污染源.运用熵值法得到青藏高原东部过渡区河水中PFOA、PFOS及PFBA的风险值均远低于参考值,未达到对生态环境具有风险的水平.  相似文献   

Mercury emissions from forest fires in countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea have been estimated on the basis of satellite observations for the year 2006. The assessment has been done by means of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) products (MOD12Q1, MOD14A2, MOD15A2, MOD44B). Estimates show that wild fires have burnt 310,268 ha in the Region, affecting by 45% the Mixed Forest and by 37% the Evergreen Needleleaf Forest and the Evergreen Broadleaf Forest. The amount of biomass burned was about 66,000 Mg for the Evergreen Needleleaf Forest, 72,000 Mg for the Evergreen Broadleaf Forest and 196,000 Mg for the Mixed Forest. The total amount of mercury released to the atmosphere in the Mediterranean countries accounted for 4.3 Mg year−1 with Italy, France, Austria, Bulgaria, Algeria, Spain and Croatia being the most contributing countries with annual emission ranging from 330 to 970 kg year−1. The maximum release of Gaseous Elemental Mercury (GEM) and particulate mercury (Hg(p)) in the region occurred in July with 1,218 kg. The uncertainty of our estimates is comparable with that associated to current assessments of mercury emissions from major industrial sources.  相似文献   

The ecological impacts of extreme climatic events on population dynamics and community composition are profound and predominantly negative. Using extensive data of an ecological model system, we tested whether predictions from ecological models remain robust when environmental conditions are outside the bounds of observation. We observed a 10-fold demographic decline of the Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia) metapopulation on the Åland islands, Finland in the summer of 2018 and used climatic and satellite data to demonstrate that this year was an anomaly with low climatic water balance values and low vegetation productivity indices across Åland. Population growth rates were strongly associated with spatiotemporal variation in climatic water balance. Covariates shown previously to affect the extinction probability of local populations in this metapopulation were less informative when populations were exposed to severe drought during the summer months. Our results highlight the unpredictable responses of natural populations to extreme climatic events.  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Buoyant turbulent plumes are often categorized by their geometry and described as either round plumes, issuing from a point source, or line/planar plumes, issuing...  相似文献   

Offspring survival can be influenced by resources allocated to eggs, which in turn may be affected by the environmental factors the mother experiences during egg formation. In this study, we investigated whether experimentally elevated social interactions and number of neighbouring pairs influence yolk composition of collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis). Social challenge was simulated by presentation of a conspecific female. Experimental females spent more time near the cage and produced eggs with higher androgen concentration, but local breeding density did not affect yolk androgen level. Moreover, we found that females exposed to more intra-specific interactions and those that bred at higher density produced eggs with smaller yolk. These females may be more constrained in foraging time due to more frequent social encounters, and there might be increased competition for food at areas of higher density. In contrast, the present study did not reveal any evidence for the effect of social environment on yolk antioxidant and immunoglobulin levels. However, we found that yolk lutein and immunoglobulin concentrations were related to the female’s H/L ratio. Also, yolk lutein and α-tocopherol levels showed a seasonal increase and were positively related to the female’s plasma carotenoid level. Mothers may incur significant costs by transferring these compounds into the eggs, thus only females in good physiological condition and those that lay eggs later, when food is probably more abundant, could allocate higher amounts to the eggs without compromising their defence mechanisms. Our results suggest that environmental circumstances during egg formation can influence conditions for embryonic development.  相似文献   

Many species possess multiple sexually dimorphic traits, which incorporate different sensory modalities (e.g., acoustic, olfactory and visual), although their relative roles in sexual selection and in determining reproductive success are still poorly understood for most taxa. We assessed the role of multiple male traits, including one acoustic (dominant call frequency) and one visual (yellow throat patch) trait, in residency advertisement, contest behavior, and breeding success in barking geckos (Ptenopus garrulus garrulus). We show that male barking geckos maintain largely exclusive home ranges, with a trend for larger males to maintain larger home ranges. We also show that larger males have a lower dominant calling frequency. When aggressive behavior was elicited in the field using a recorded call of average frequency, resident males with low frequency calls were more likely to respond aggressively and charge the speaker compared to males with high frequency calls. However, body size and small relative throat patch size, rather than call frequency, were the best predictors of overall aggressiveness. Body size was also the best predictor of whether males bred. We suggest that call frequency in this crepuscular species constitutes an effective long-range signal of body size, used by males for remote rival assessment and to advertise home range boundaries in low-light environments.  相似文献   

We examined how fire hazard was affected by prescribed burning and fuel recovery over the first six years following treatment. Eight common Mediterranean fuel complexes managed by means of prescribed burning in limestone Provence (South-Eastern France) were studied, illustrating forest and woodland, garrigue and grassland situations. The coupled atmosphere-wildfire behaviour model FIRETEC was used to simulate fire behaviour (ROS, intensity) in these complex vegetations. The temporal threshold related to the effectiveness of prescribed burning in reducing the fire hazard was assessed from derivated fuel dynamics after treatment. The study showed that prescribed burning treatment was effective for the first two years in most of the Mediterranean plant communities analysed. Thereafter, all forests and shrublands were highly combustible with a fire line intensity of more than 5000 kW/m except for pine stands with or without oak (medium intensity of 2000 kW m−1 3 years after treatment). Low fire line intensity (900 kW m−1) was obtained for grassland which was entirely treatment-independent since the resprouter hemicryptophyte, Brachypodium retusum, is highly resilient to fire. Fire behaviour was greatly affected by fuel load accumulation of Quercus ilex in woodland, and by standing necromass of Rosmarinus officinalis in treated garrigue. Pure pine stands with shrub strata similar to garrigue showed a lower fire intensity due to wind speed decrease at ground level under tree canopy, underlining the advantage of maintaining a proportion of canopy cover in strategic fuel-break zones.  相似文献   

A growing number of programs seek to facilitate species conservation using incentive-based mechanisms. Recently, a market-based incentive program for the federally endangered Golden-cheeked Warbler (Dendroica chrysoparia) was implemented on a trial basis at Fort Hood, an Army training post in Texas, USA. Under this program, recovery credits accumulated by Fort Hood through contracts with private landowners are used to offset unintentional loss of breeding habitat of Golden-cheeked Warblers within the installation. Critical to successful implementation of such programs is the ability to value, in terms of changes to overall species viability, both habitat loss and habitat restoration or protection. In this study, we sought to answer two fundamental questions: Given the same amount of change in breeding habitat, does the change in some patches have a greater effect on metapopulation persistence than others? And if so, can characteristics of a patch (e.g., size or spatial location) be used to predict how the metapopulation will respond to these changes? To answer these questions, we describe an approach for using sensitivity analysis of a metapopulation projection model to predict how changes to specific habitat patches would affect species viability. We used a stochastic, discrete-time projection model based on stage-specific estimates of survival and fecundity, as well as various assumptions about dispersal among populations. To assess a particular patch's leverage, we quantified how much metapopulation viability was expected to change in response to changing the size of that patch. We then related original patch size and distance from the largest patch to each patch's leverage to determine if general patch characteristics could be used to develop guidelines for valuing changes to patches within a metapopulation. We found that both the characteristic that best predicted patch leverage and the magnitude of the relationship changed under different model scenarios. Thus, we were unable to find a consistent set of relationships, and therefore we emphasize the dangers in relying on general guidelines to assess patch value. Instead, we provide an approach that can be used to quantitatively evaluate patch value and identify critical needs for future research.  相似文献   

Summary Decreasing levels of simulated solar radiation have the following effects in the diurnal basking lizard Lacerta vivipara: (i) increase in time spent basking with a consequent decrease in time available for foraging (ii) decrease in speed of movement whilst foraging (iii) decrease in total foraging distance, and hence contact with potential prey (iv) decrease in searching efficiency in an experimental arena. Complete absence of simulated solar radiation accentuates these effects, and reduces the proportion of faster-moving prey in the diet. Time taken to swallow prey (handling time) increases exponentially with decreasing body temperature. It is concluded from these results that maintaining relatively high activity temperatures (30–36°C) is adaptive for the species because the loss of potential foraging time caused by lengthy periods of basking is offset by the following advantages: increased contact with and capture of prey, increased efficiency of prey handling, and availability of a wider range of prey types.  相似文献   

This paper investigates privately and socially optimal patterns of economic development in a two-sector endogenous growth model with clean and dirty goods. We consider a second-best fiscal policy framework in which distortionary taxes jointly influence economic growth and environmental quality. In this policy setting, three conditions produce an Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC): (i) dirty output is bounded; (ii) clean output grows endogenously; and (iii) growth in the dirty sector reduces growth in the clean sector. These conditions do not arise with a consumption externality, but can emerge with a production externality. Endogenous labor supply implications are also investigated. Although not necessary for producing an EKC, endogenous labor supply provides additional linkages that produce an EKC under circumstances in which it would otherwise not appear.  相似文献   

Thirty-six samples of benthic algae were collected from the continental shelf along the eastern Gulf of Mexico. The algae contain 82.8±143 ppm aliphatic hydrocarbons by dry weight and 11.8±22.7 ppm aromatic and polyolefinic hydrocarbons. The aliphatic constituents of red algae are composed almost entirely of n-C17 (70 to 95% of aliphatic weight); green algae have varying amounts of n-alkanes in the range of n-C15 to n-C19, with homologous series of odd carbon number n-alkenes. Phytadienes occur as high as 740 ppm dry weight in the green algae and do not appear to be related to time or place of collection or to presence of any petroleum pollutants. The single brown algal species contains predominantly n-C15. About 30% of the samples have hydrocarbons resembling degraded petroleum residues, but no petroleum pollution of recent origin was detected in any specimen.  相似文献   

Differential treatment of neighbours and strangers (the dear enemy phenomenon) can reduce the costly effects of territory defence. Individual recognition, and by extension the dear enemy phenomenon, was examined in the cordylid lizard Platysaurus broadleyi. I had no knowledge of familiarity between individuals and therefore classed intruders as neighbours or non-neighbours and tested for differences in agonistic response consistent with the dear enemy phenomenon. In the dear enemy phenomenon, levels of aggression are inversely related to degree of familiarity such that residents are more tolerant of immediate neighbours than distant territory holders. A manipulative field experiment in conjunction with field observations of known territory holders revealed that resident males allowed neighbours to approach more closely than non-neighbours before challenging them, residents were more aggressive towards non-neighbours than neighbours, contests between neighbours were significantly longer than between neighbours and non-neighbours and contests between residents and non-neighbours were likely to result in a win for the resident, while neighbours frequently drew contests. These results suggest a level of recognition consistent with the dear enemy phenomenon. I also manipulated front leg colour to test the hypothesis that it alone could serve as a cue for individual recognition. I found no support for this hypothesis and suggest that multiple cues operate in individual recognition. Received: 4 March 1999 / Received in revised form: 11 April 1999 / Accepted: 19 April 1999  相似文献   

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