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Effects of Artisanal Fishing on Caribbean Coral Reefs   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Abstract:  Although the impacts of industrial fishing are widely recognized, marine ecosystems are generally considered less threatened by artisanal fisheries. To determine how coral reef fish assemblages and benthic communities are affected by artisanal fishing, we studied six Caribbean islands on which fishing pressure ranged from virtually none in Bonaire, increasing through Saba, Puerto Rico, St Lucia, and Dominica, and reaching very high intensities in Jamaica. Using stationary-point fish counts at 5 m and 15 m depth, we counted and estimated the lengths of all noncryptic, diurnal fish species within replicate 10-m-diameter areas. We estimated percent cover of coral and algae and determined reef structural complexity. From fish numbers and lengths we calculated mean fish biomass per count for the five most commercially important families. Groupers (Serranidae), snappers (Lutjanidae), parrotfish (Scaridae), and surgeonfish (Acanthuridae) showed order-of-magnitude differences in biomass among islands. Biomass fell as fishing pressure increased. Only grunts (Haemulidae) did not follow this pattern. Within families, larger-bodied species decreased as fishing intensified. Coral cover and structural complexity were highest on little-fished islands and lowest on those most fished. By contrast, algal cover was an order of magnitude higher in Jamaica than in Bonaire. These results suggest that following the Caribbean-wide mass mortality of herbivorous sea urchins in 1983–1984 and consequent declines in grazing pressure on reefs, herbivorous fishes have not controlled algae overgrowing corals in heavily fished areas but have restricted growth in lightly fished areas. In summary, differences among islands in the structure of fish and benthic assemblages suggest that intensive artisanal fishing has transformed Caribbean reefs.  相似文献   

Parrotfish predation on cryptic sponges of Caribbean coral reefs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Some sponge species that live in crevices in the reef frame appear to be restricted to their cryptic habitat by predation. When cryptic sponges were excavated, on Guigalotupo reef, San Blas, Panama, exposing them to potential predators, they were eaten by fishes that are generally considered to be herbivores, primarily parrotfishes of the genus Sparisoma: S.aurofrenatum (Cuvier & Valenciennes), S.viride (Bonnaterre), and S.chrysopterum (Bloch & Schneider). Of the 9150 bites observed to be taken by these species during paired (i.e., with sponges versus without sponges) trials conducted in defined feeding areas during 1986, 1987, and 1988, 72% (i.e. 6581 bites) were on cryptic sponges, even though these were only offered during half of the total observation time and never constituted more than 7% of the cover of the feeding observation areas. Individual parrotfish returned over and over to take bites of the exposed cryptic sponges until they were entirely consumed. They vigorously chased each other away from the sponges, but exhibited no such defense of their usual algal foods. A total of 18 sponge species were tested. Of the cryptic and semi-cryptic sponge species tested, only one of six was rejected by the parrotfish. Two of these six sponge species were consistently consumed entirely, and two were consumed entirely whenever their surfaces were sliced off with a razor blade, demonstrating that these sponges concentrate defenses against predators in their surfaces. One semi-cryptic species and one semi-exposed species were fed upon, but not entirely consumed. By contrast, 11 of 12 of the exposed and semi-exposed species were rejected. Cryptic sponges grew out of their cavities in the reef only when protected by seasonally thick mats of macroalgae or by cages that excluded fish. Received: 10 January 1997 / Accepted: 4 February 1997  相似文献   

Caribbean coral reefs are increasingly dominated by macroalgae instead of corals due to several factors, including the decline of herbivores. Yet, virtually unknown is the role of crustacean macrograzers on coral reef macroalgae. We examined the effect of grazing by the Caribbean king crab (Mithrax spinosissimus) on coral patch reef algal communities in the Florida Keys, Florida (USA), by: (1) measuring crab selectivity and consumption of macroalgae, (2) estimating crab density, and (3) comparing the effect of crab herbivory to that of fishes. Mithrax prefers fleshy macroalgae, but it also consumes relatively unpalatable calcareous algae. Per capita grazing rates by Mithrax exceed those of most herbivorous fish, but Mithrax often occurs at low densities on reefs and its foraging activities are reduced in predator-rich environments. Therefore, the effects of grazing by Mithrax tend to be localized and when at low density contribute primarily to spatial heterogeneity in coral reef macroalgal communities.  相似文献   

Allozyme variation at six polymorphic loci was examined in foliose dictyoceratid sponges from isolated reefs in the western Coral Sea. Four major genetic groups corresponding to the species Phyllospongia lamellosa, P. alcicornis, Carterospongia flabellifera and Collospongia auris were examined. A further two rare morphotypes from individual reefs formed genetic outliers to the P. lamellosa group, and may represent further taxa related to P. lamellosa. Gene frequencies in individual reef populations were largely in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, suggesting that random mating occurred in local populations of all four common species. Genetic variability was high and observed heterozygosities within populations ranged from 0.13 to 0.40. All four taxa showed significant genetic differentiation among populations (F ST=0.05 to 0.36). Genetic distances (Nei's D) among populations within species ranged from 0 to 0.723 and increased with increasing geographical separation. There was evidence that genetic differentiation between populations to the north and to the south of the southern limit of the South Equatorial Current (SEC) divergence was greater than expected on the basis of their geographical separation. The SEC divergence may form a partial barrier to gene flow among populations of these ecologically important sponges on the submerged Queensland Plateau. Levels of migration among populations of three of the species was less than those required to prevent divergence of the populations through genetic drift (Nm<1). Restricted migration among populations may provide a mechanism to explain the occurrence of highly divergent populations of dictyoceratid sponges whose specific identity is not clear, and may allow them additionally to develop partial reproduction isolation from other populations.  相似文献   

A community ecology approach to the study of the most common group of zooxanthellae, dinoflagellates in the genus Symbiodinium, was applied to symbiotic invertebrate assemblages on coral reefs in the western Caribbean, off the Yucatan peninsula (Puerto Morelos, Mexico) and over 1000 km away in the northeastern Caribbean, at Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas. Sequence differences and intragenomic variation, as determined by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS 2) region, were used to classify these symbionts. Twenty-eight genetically distinct Symbiodinium types were identified, eleven of which were found in hosts from both Caribbean locations. A single symbiont population was detected in 72% of hosts from the Yucatan and 92% of hosts from the Bahamas. The reef-wide community distribution of these symbionts is dominated by a few types found in many different host taxa, while numerous rare types appear to have high specificity for a particular host species or genus. Clade or lineage A Symbiodinium spp. was restricted to compatible hosts located within 3-4 m of the surface, while Symbiodinium spp. types from other lineages displayed differences in vertical zonation correlated with ITS type but were independent of clade designation. A comparison of the symbiont types found in field-collected hosts with types previously cultured from these hosts indicates the existence of low density or "background"-symbiont populations and cryptic, potentially non-mutualistic types in some hosts.  相似文献   

Visual assessments of topographic habitat structure and benthos on coral reefs were appraised using quantitative data collected from 16 replicate surveys within each of 21 sites on Seychelles reefs. Results from visual assessments of reef benthos were similar to those obtained using techniques frequently used to assess benthic complexity and composition. Visual estimates of habitat topography were correlated with rugosity, reef height and holes of 10–70 cm diameter, whilst visual estimates of benthic composition were very similar to those obtained from line intercept transects. Visual estimates of topography correlated strongly with species richness of fish communities and explained 42% of the variation in these data. The relationship between visual estimates of topography and species richness is strongest with fish 10–30 cm total length (TL), abundance of fish within this size category also correlating positively with topographic visual assessments. Visual techniques are prone to observer bias, however with regular training they can be used to quickly provide a reliable and effective means of assessing habitat complexity and benthos on coral reefs.  相似文献   

Coral reefs provide a number of ecosystem services including coastal defense from storms, the generation of building materials, and fisheries. It is increasingly clear that the management of reef resources requires an ecosystem approach in which extractive activities are weighed against the needs of the ecosystem and its functions rather than solely those of the fishery. Here, I use a spatially explicit simulation model of a Caribbean coral reef to examine the ecosystem requirements for grazing which is primarily conducted by parrotfishes (Scaridae). The model allows the impact of fishing grazers to be assessed in the wider context of other ecosystem processes including coral-algal competition, hurricanes, and mass extinction of the herbivorous urchin Diadema antillarum. Using a new analytical model of scarid grazing, it is estimated that parrotfishes can only maintain between 10% and 30% of a structurally complex forereef in a grazed state. Predictions from this grazing model were then incorporated into a broader simulation model of the ecosystem. Simulations predict that scarid grazing is unable to maintain high levels of coral cover (> or = 30%) when severe hurricanes occur on a decadal basis, such as occurs in parts of the northern Caribbean. However, reefs can withstand such intense disturbance when grazing is undertaken by both scarids and the urchin Diadema. Scarid grazing is predicted to allow recovery from hurricanes when their incidence falls to 20 years or less (e.g., most of Central and South America). Sensitivity analyses revealed that scarid grazing had the most acute impact on model behavior, and depletion led to the emergence of a stable, algal-dominated community state. Under conditions of heavy grazer depletion, coral cover was predicted to decline rapidly from an initial level of 30% to less than 1% within 40 years, even when hurricane frequency was low at 60 years. Depleted grazers caused a population bottleneck in juvenile corals in which algal overgrowth caused elevated levels of postsettlement mortality and resulted in a bimodal distribution of coral sizes. Several new hypotheses were generated including a region-wide change in the spatial heterogeneity of coral reefs following extinction of Diadema. The management of parrotfishes on Caribbean reefs is usually approached implicitly through no-take marine reserves. The model predicts that depletion of grazers in nonreserve areas can severely limit coral accretion. Other studies have shown that low coral accretion can reduce the structural complexity and therefore quality of the reef habitat for many organisms. A speculative yet rational inference from the model is that failure to manage scarid populations outside reserves will have a profoundly negative impact on the functioning of the reserve system and status of non-reserve reefs.  相似文献   

Three Caribbean ascidians were sampled from April, 1972 until June, 1973 and the breeding season determined by the presence of larvae in the colonies. In Eudistoma sp. A, larvae occurred from early June until mid-November, in Trididemnum solidum from mid-June until the end of December, and in Didemnum sp. C, throughout the year with occasional interruptions.  相似文献   

The effects of sedimentation on coral reefs are commonly studied at local scales, but larger-scale patterns have been elusive, making it difficult to determine the role of sedimentation in region-wide changes in these ecosystems. We examined the relationships between characteristics of reef-associated surface sediment and benthic composition of 22 reefs around 11 islands of the eastern Caribbean. The terrigenous fraction in surface sediment increased with proximity to a clear source of sediment input. The percent cover of live coral, macroalgae, and turf algae decreased with higher terrigenous sediment fraction, while sponge cover increased. Sites with sediment containing high and low terrigenous fraction differed in coral species assemblages. In particular, the cover of Montastraea annularis complex decreased with increasing terrigenous sediment fraction. The proportion of fine-grained sediment had no effect on benthic composition. These results suggest that sedimentation may play a role in shaping coral reef communities at a regional scale.  相似文献   

This study determined whether the acoustic roughness of Caribbean reef habitats is an accurate proxy for their topographic complexity and a significant predictor of their fish abundance. Fish abundance was measured in 25 sites along the forereef of Glovers Atoll (Belize). At each site, in situ rugosity (ISR) was estimated using the “chain and tape” method, and acoustic roughness (E1) was acquired using RoxAnn. The relationships between E1 and ISR, and between both E1 and ISR and the abundance of 17 common species and the presence of 10 uncommon species were tested. E1 was a significant predictor of the topographic complexity (r 2 = 0.66), the abundance of 10 common species of surgeonfishes, pomacentrids, scarids, grunts and serranids and the presence of 4 uncommon species of pomacentrids and snappers. Small differences in E1 (i.e. ∆0.05–0.07) reflected in subtle but significant differences in fish abundance (~1 individual 200 m−2 and 116 g 200 m−2) among sites. Although we required the use of IKONOS data to obtain a large number of echoes per site, future studies will be able to utilise RoxAnn data alone to detect spatial patterns in substrate complexity and fish abundance, provided that a minimum of 50 RoxAnn echoes are collected per site.  相似文献   

In this study eight different species of barnacles were found within nine species of sponges from the Red Sea. This brings to 11 the number of sponge-symbiotic barnacles reported from the Red Sea, two of these are new Acasta species (not described herein) and one (A. tzetlini Kolbasov) is a new record for this sea. This number is much higher than that of symbiotic barnacles found within sponges from either the N. Atlantic (2) or the Mediterranean (4). Two possible explanations for this are the presence of numerous predators in coral reefs and scarcity of available substrate for settlement. These factors can lead to high incidence of symbiotic relationships. Of the nine sponge species, only one (Suberites cf. clavatus) had previously been known to contain barnacles. Even at the family level, this is the first record of symbiotic barnacles in two out of the seven sponge families (Latrunculiidae, Theonellidae). Our present findings strengthen the apparent rule that the wider the openings in a barnacle shell, the fewer the host taxa with which it will associate, usually from one or two closely related families, and the more frequent it will associate with elastic sponges. Most Neoacasta laevigata found on Carteriospongia foliascens were located on the same side as the sponge's ostia, i.e. facing the incoming water. This adaptation allows the barnacles to catch more suspended particles from the water, provides them with more oxygen and prevents their exposure to discharged sponge waste. The highest density of barnacles observed on one face of a “leaf ” (with ostia) was 0.389 barnacles cm−2 (one barnacle per 2.57 cm2) and on average 0.181 ± 0.68, while the average on the other side was only 0.068 ± 0.52 barnacles cm−2. As indicated by the Morisita index, these barnacles most frequently (58%, n = 12) had a clumped spatial distribution (while the rest were randomly distributed), as is to be expected from such sessile organisms with internal fertilization via copulation. The presence of N. laevigata induced the growth of secondary perpendicular projections of its host C. foliascens. Of the N. laevigata examined, 17% brooded 324 ± 41 embryos each, of 286 ± 17 μm total length; only 5.7% (n = 123) were found to be dead. Size distribution analysis of skeletal elements from dead barnacles showed them to be significantly larger than the skeletal elements of the population of live barnacles ( p < 0.05). Received: 26 June 1998 / Accepted: 1 December 1998  相似文献   

A pilot study was conducted at Davies Reef on the central Great Barrier Reef between 20 November 1991 and 20 January 1992 to assess the suitability of settlement collectors for measuring larval settlement rates of echinoderms on coral reefs. The collectors were deployed for two months during summer when many echinoderm species are known to spawn. A total of 657 newly settled echinoderms were recovered from just 47 collectors, each having a volume of just 0.005 m3 but with a utilisable surface area of about 1.44 m2, indicating that competent-to-settle larvae were very abundant during the sampling period. Echinoids (7.8 sampler-1) and ophiuroids (5.6 sampler-1) were the most abundant groups on the collectors. Asteroids (0.2 sampler-1) and crinoids (0.3 sampler-1 were less common. The asteroids were all identified to species and included the crown-of-thorns starfish Acanthaster planci, Choriaster granulatus and Culcita novaeguineae. The newly settled echinoids could not be distinguished from each other but included Echinometra mathaei and Mespilia globulus. The abundance of each of the five different classes of echinoderms on the samplers was correlated with their abundance on the natural substratum. Significant spatial variability was found in settlement rates of echinoids over 1000s of metres and ophiuroids over 100s of metres, but not over smaller spatial scales. It is concluded that the collectors can provide a useful tool for monitoring spatial and temporal variability in settlement rates of echinoderms on coral reefs and for testing hypotheses about patterns of larval dispersal.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Recent episodes of coral bleaching have led to wide-scale loss of reef corals and raised concerns over the effectiveness of existing conservation and management efforts. The 1998 bleaching event was most severe in the western Indian Ocean, where coral declined by up to 90% in some locations. Using fisheries-independent data, we assessed the long-term impacts of this event on fishery target species in the Seychelles, the overall size structure of the fish assemblage, and the effectiveness of two marine protected areas (MPAs) in protecting fish communities. The biomass of fished species above the size retained in fish traps changed little between 1994 and 2005, indicating no current effect on fishery yields. Biomass remained higher in MPAs, indicating they were effective in protecting fish stocks. Nevertheless, the size structure of the fish communities, as described with size-spectra analysis, changed in both fished areas and MPAs, with a decline in smaller fish (<30 cm) and an increase in larger fish (>45 cm). We believe this represents a time-lag response to a reduction in reef structural complexity brought about because fishes are being lost through natural mortality and fishing, and are not being replaced by juveniles. This effect is expected to be greater in terms of fisheries productivity and, because congruent patterns are observed for herbivores, suggests that MPAs do not offer coral reefs long-term resilience to bleaching events. Corallivores and planktivores declined strikingly in abundance, particularly in MPAs, and this decline was associated with a similar pattern of decline in their preferred corals. We suggest that climate-mediated disturbances, such as coral bleaching, be at the fore of conservation planning for coral reefs.  相似文献   

The trophic status of herbivorous fishes on coral reefs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dietary analyses of 17 species of nominally herbivorous fishes on the northern Great Barrier Reef were carried out to resolve the questions to what extent diet in nominally herbivorous reef fishes is dominated by living plant material and whether short-chain fatty acid profiles in the alimentary tract predict diet. The fishes included members of the families Acanthuridae, Scaridae and Kyphosidae. The analyses revealed consumption of a wide range of food resources including macroscopic algae, turfing algae, pelagic and planktonic animal matter, organic detritus and sediments. In only 7 of the 17 species was living algae the dominant dietary item. Gastrointestinal short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) profiles reflecting the fermentative activities of gut symbionts were used as a framework for the initial analysis of dietary patterns. The feeding patterns implied by the SCFA profiles were validated by direct observation of food material through gut content analysis. We identified four main trophic groupings differentiated by fermentation profiles and diet. These were: (1) species with low levels of SCFA in gut samples (mean mM 9.2ǂ.8) but a high proportion of isovalerate (mean 15.4%dž.7): Acanthurus nigricauda, A. olivaceus, Ctenochaetus striatus, Chlorurus microrhinos, C.sordidus, Scarus schlegeli; (2) species that fed on turfing, filamentous and small thallate algae and displayed moderate levels of SCFA (mean mM 21.9DŽ.9): Acanthurus nigricans, A.lineatus, Naso tuberosus; (3) species that fed on large thallate (macroscopic) algae with high levels of SCFA (mean mM 41.2Dž.5) with very low proportions of isovalerate (mean 0.5%ǂ.1): Kyphosus cinerascens, K.vaigiensis, Naso unicornis, Zebrasoma scopas; and (4) species with diets dominated by planktonic animal material with moderate levels of SCFA (mean mM 21.3ǃ.5): Naso annulatus, N. brevirostris, N. hexacanthus, N. vlamingii. We conclude that a wide range of dietary items are taken by the 17 nominal herbivores, and that dietary groupings do not reflect taxonomic relationships. There was evidence of convergence in feeding modes and diet between phylogenetically distinct taxa and divergence within particular lineages.  相似文献   

Biodiversity may provide insurance against ecosystem collapse by stabilizing assemblages that perform particular ecological functions (the "portfolio effect"). However, the extent to which this occurs in nature and the importance of different mechanisms that generate portfolio effects remain controversial. On coral reefs, herbivory helps maintain coral dominated states, so volatility in levels of herbivory has important implications for reef ecosystems. Here, we used an extensive time series of abundances on 35 reefs of the Great Barrier Reef of Australia to quantify the strength of the portfolio effect for herbivorous fishes. Then, we disentangled the contributions of two mechanisms that underlie it (compensatory interactions and differential responses to environmental fluctuations ["response diversity"]) by fitting a community-dynamic model that explicitly includes terms for both mechanisms. We found that portfolio effects operate strongly in herbivorous fishes, as shown by nearly independent fluctuations in abundances over time. Moreover, we found strong evidence for high response diversity, with nearly independent responses to environmental fluctuations. In contrast, we found little evidence that the portfolio effect in this system was enhanced by compensatory ecological interactions. Our results show that portfolio effects are driven principally by response diversity for herbivorous fishes on coral reefs. We conclude that portfolio effects can be very strong in nature and that, for coral reefs in particular, response diversity may help maintain herbivory above the threshold levels that trigger regime shifts.  相似文献   

Estimates of feeding rates, alimentary tract structure and temporal patterns of food processing obtained from twelve species of nominally herbivorous fishes on the northern Great Barrier Reef were compared. These included members of the families Acanthuridae, Scaridae and Kyphosidae. Based on an analysis of diet and short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) profiles from a previous study we initially partitioned the twelve species into four dietary categories, as follows: (a) Category 1: herbivores with a diet of macroscopic brown algae and high SCFA profiles in the hindgut region (Naso unicornis, Kyphosus vaigiensis); (b) Category 2: herbivores feeding on turfing and filamentous red and green algae with moderate SCFA profiles in the hindgut region (N. tonganus, K. cinerascens, Zebrasoma scopas, Acanthurus lineatus); (c) Category 3: zooplankton feeders with moderate SCFA profiles (N. vlamingii, N. brevirostris); (d) Category 4: species feeding on detrital and sedimentary materials with low levels of SCFA (Chlorurus microrhinos, Scarus schlegeli, Ctenochaetus striatus, A. olivaceus). The purpose of this comparison was to determine whether measures of feeding activity, alimentary tract structure, and food processing were concordant with diet. A dichotomy in feeding rates was observed. Species with a diet of algae and zooplankton (categories 1–3) had slower feeding rates than those feeding on detrital aggregates and sediment (category 4). The pattern of food processing also followed the same dichotomy with species of categories 1–3 retaining food in the alimentary tract overnight and commencing the feeding day with substantial amounts of food in the intestine and hindgut. Category-4 species commenced the feeding day with empty alimentary tracts suggesting a rapid turnover of gut contents. Within the herbivorous and zooplankton-feeding species neither alimentary tract structure nor food processing mode were predicted by diet or SCFA profiles. A hindgut fermentation chamber was present in K. vaigiensis but not in N. unicornis, a species with high levels of SCFA in the hindgut region and a diet of brown macroscopic algae. In contrast N. vlamingii, with a diet dominated by animal matter, retained large amounts of food material in a hindgut chamber over the entire feeding cycle. In tropical perciform fishes, herbivory and fermentation are not associated with the alimentary tract structures that characterise herbivorous terrestrial vertebrates. Estimates of the abundance of the different groupings of nominally herbivorous fishes indicated that the dominant elements in the reef grazing and browsing fauna were consumers of detrital and sedimentary materials. These could not be classified as herbivores. Members of this group were dominant in all habitats investigated. Explicitly herbivorous taxa were a minority component in all habitats investigated.Communicated by G.F. Humphrey, Sydney  相似文献   

Levenbach S 《Ecology》2008,89(10):2819-2828
Little attention has been given to associational refuges in ecology, despite their potential for maintaining species diversity and supporting higher trophic levels. Here I show how the colonial anemone, Corynactis californica, creates a refuge for benthic macroalgae and invertebrate fish prey on intensively grazed shallow rocky reefs in the Santa Barbara Channel off southern California, U.S.A. On reefs heavily grazed by sea urchins, benthic macroalgae and invertebrate fish prey were relatively more abundant among Corynactis colonies than adjacent areas lacking the anemone. Results from field experiments showed that Corynactis facilitated the recruitment of macroalgae and tubicolous amphipods in "urchin-barren" areas subjected to intensive grazing. In areas forested by giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera), where grazing intensity from urchins was low, Corynactis suppressed algal recruitment but facilitated tubicolous amphipods. A manipulation of fish and sea urchins suggested that grazing by urchins, as opposed to predation from fish (primarily surfperch Embiotocidae), suppressed tubicolous amphipods, and this activity was hindered by the presence of Corynactis. In systems where human activity has intensified herbivory, associational refuges may maintain species diversity and support higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

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