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芮元鹏  江河 《环境保护》2016,(23):38-39
政府在环境监管中发挥着无可替代的重要作用,但受行政资源约束等因素影响,监管能力存在局限性,亟需探索建立新的环境监管模式,保障环保事业的长期健康发展。文章认为应探索建立起政府、市场与媒体三方共同监督、协同治理的长效机制,对环境问题进行全程有效监管。建议政府应始终作为环境监管的中流砥柱,不断完善治理能力和体系的作用;市场需充分发挥激励机制,成为环境监管的价值准绳;媒体应有效发挥舆论监督作用,成为环境监管的良知之网。  相似文献   

他们的祖辈世代居住在中原腹地,作为东方民系他们对世界文明做出了杰出贡献,他们的祖先几经迁徙最终定居在南方这片山地,他们就是有"中国犹太人"之称的"客家人".被喻为世界客都的梅州,就是这样一个神奇的地方,这里不仅有体现"天人合一"思想的客家围龙屋,还有著名的客家山歌……当悠扬的山歌带着《诗经》遗风飘进耳朵时,梅州的青山绿水便近在眼前了.  相似文献   

The bark beetle, Pityogenes bidentatus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), searches in mixed conifer and deciduous forests of northern Europe for suitable branches of its host, Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). We tested whether odors from several diverse nonhost trees and plants common in the habitat (e.g., mountain ash, Sorbus aucuparia; oak, Quercus robur; alder buckthorn, Frangula alnus; blueberry, Vaccinium myrtillus; raspberry, Rubus idaeus; and grass, Deschampsia flexuosa) would reduce the attraction of the bark beetle to traps releasing its aggregation pheromone components in the field. Volatiles from the leaves or bark of each of these plants significantly reduced the attraction of the beetles to their pheromone. Odors collected from these nonhosts and analyzed by GC/MS contained monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and green-leaf alcohols, several of which (e.g., 1-octene-3-ol and -caryophyllene) reduced the attraction to pheromone in the field and elicited electroantennographic responses. In the laboratory, reproduction by the beetle was marginal in nonhost Norway spruce, Picea abies, and was absent in the other nonhost trees. Olfactory avoidance of unsuitable nonhosts may have evolved due to advantages in avoiding mistakes during host selection.  相似文献   

昆仑 《世界环境》2010,(3):44-45
<正>冰岛对于很多中国人来说,是个十分陌生的国家。只是在不久前,世界性金融危机的突然降临,才让我们的目光一下子集中到这一濒临"破产"的国家。如果问,冰岛气候有什么特点?很多人可能会想当然地认为:那里一定冰天雪地寒冷难耐,  相似文献   

2012年是第41个世界环境日,而今年中国的主题定为"绿色消费,你行动了吗?"为响应其绿色消费理念,唤起公众转变消费观念和行为,节约资源能源,保护生态环境,全球领先的啤酒酿造商百威英博全面推广环保蓄须活动,喊出"环保,那是比须的"口号,不但在中国开展  相似文献   

A case of true mosaicism 46,XX/47,XX,+ 12 was diagnosed prenatally. The pregnancy was terminated in the 21st week of gestation and the aberrant cell line was rediscovered in cultured fetal tissue. However, a detailed examination of the fetus did not disclose any significant physical malformation.  相似文献   

杨伟利  李绍钊 《环境》2005,(8):58-59
广州市创建国家环保模范城市的工作已进入攻坚阶段,广州辖各区创模进展情况如何,将直接关系到全市创模的整体推近日,本刊记者就海珠区的创模工作采访了海珠区环境保护可尧局长。  相似文献   

美术课令大多数学生发愁,类似于煎熬。通过实践,其实也并没有大家想象得难。  相似文献   

杨波 《世界环境》2009,(2):84-85
鸟儿“心仪”的小岛 上海崇明东滩位于中国第三大岛、世界上最大的河口冲积岛——崇明岛的东部,南北濒临长江入海口,向东缓慢过渡伸向浩瀚的东海,并与北部的苏北平原和南部的上海市隔江相望,距上海市中心46公里,是由长江北支和北港两个水道径流及涨落潮流夹带的泥沙堆积而成的沙岛,面积3.261万平方公里,其中水域面积146万平方公里,属河口型滩涂湿地,常称为崇明东滩湿地。  相似文献   

董文茂 《环境》2007,(5):56-59
1962年,《寂静的春天》一书问世,这本彪炳千秋的环保史册系统阐述了农药对环境的污染。作者卡逊认为:农业有害生物的防治需另辟“蹊径”。作为“蹊径”之一的生物农药一经出现就被广泛看好。  相似文献   

A fetus with 48,XXY, + 21 was detected on routine amniocentesis at 15 weeks for advanced maternal age. Fibroblast cultures from six different tissues were initiated after termination and each showed the same karyotype without any tissue limited mosaicism. The only pheno-typic abnormality detected at post-mortem examination was bilateral clinodactyly of the fifth finger which had been detected on ultrasound. The maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein and the femur length were normal. Maternal age remains an essential criterion for prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

We studied the relationships of bird and small mammal species richness, composition, and abundance to vegetation structure and economic profitability across a coffee intensification gradient in central Veracruz, Mexico. We conducted 2 years of point count censuses for summer resident birds, 2 years of Sherman live trapping for small mammals, and gathered vegetation structure data at 147 sampling points distributed over 16 sites spanning a cultivation intensification gradient. We calculated net annual revenue per hectare as an index of profitability from economic and management data collected during interviews with plantation owners/managers. Both the species richness and abundance of forest-affiliated birds were significantly greater in floristically and structurally diverse ‘bajo monte’ coffee and forest compared with commercial polyculture coffee, which was, in turn, significantly richer than statistically indistinguishable specialized shade and sun coffee. Mammal capture rates were extremely low at all but two sites. Forest bird species richness and abundance were explained by multiple linear regression models that included statistically significant effects of shade cover, percent of trees with epiphytes, and canopy height. We found no clear relationship between profitability and biodiversity, with biodiverse bajo monte coffee plantations ranking among the most profitable under all price scenarios. The high profitability of biodiverse bajo monte coffee systems was not dependent on the inclusion of long-term environmental costs or premium pricing systems. Our results demonstrate that high-biodiversity coffee cultivation can be compatible with high profitability, and has significant potential for conserving biodiversity in coffee-growing regions, but only as a substitute for low-biodiversity coffee cultivation, not forest.  相似文献   

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