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人文发展的基本需要途径从满足基本需要和限制奢侈浪费性排放出发,充分利用技术在实现低碳发展方面的潜力,保障气候目标的实现和代内与代际公平。本文在讨论发展所面临的消除贫困、城市化和工业化挑战的基础上,区分了生存水平和体面生活水平的基本需要,依据国际数据和科学研究成果,对基本需要进行了量化界定。并在此基础上,对满足13亿中国人体面生活水平的基本需要的能源和排放含义,进行了案例研究。最后探讨了基本需要途径在国际气候制度设计中的应用和前景。  相似文献   

生态敏感性极高的滨湖区正面临着人类开发带来的环境威胁。旨在通过滨湖区空间管制,处理好保护与开发的关系,避免和减少开发过程中可能带来的负面环境问题,实现滨湖区持续、健康发展。应用模糊评价与GIS空间分析方法,首先从生态环境敏感性、经济发展潜力两大方面出发,构建了包括2项I 级指标、9项Ⅱ级指标和32项Ⅲ级指标的滨湖区空间管制分区评价指标体系;应用GIS空间分析模块,以500 m网格为基本评价单元,分别进行滨湖区的生态敏感性、经济发展潜力以及二者的叠加评价。结果显示:滨湖区从单元上可确定4类开发功能取向(适宜、较适宜、限制、禁止建设),从区域生态、经济协同发展要求下,从满足生产、生活和生态的需要,宜将滨湖区划定不同功能的空间管制区  相似文献   

一般持续发展论(下)   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
本文比较全面地论述了持续发展的由来、概念、目标和战略要素。作者指出,持续发展的提出反映了人类对自身与环境关系的认识进入新阶段;是既满足当代人和局部需要又不危害后代人和全球满足需要能力的发展,包括一般持续发展论、全球持续性、区域持续性和部门持续性。作者认为,社会福利既包括人造产品也包括自然资本,持续发展的目标在于促进社会福利的增长与公平分配,以及生态系统的持续性;而达到持续发展目标的战略要素则包括经济结构的生态现代化、实行以预防为主的环境政策、经济机制的生态现代化、实行有控制的人口转变以及反贫困。在目标和战略要素的论述中,作者提出了发达和发展中国家(地区)应分别实行强持续性和弱持续性。  相似文献   

适应气候变化的分析框架及政策涵义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
适应气候变化与发展议题密切相关,这也使得适应成为一个过于宽泛的命题,影响了对适应内涵的理解。首先,本文基于国内外对适应问题的探讨,提出了适应气候变化的基本分析框架,即基于不同发展阶段的适应需求,区分增量型适应和发展型适应,并通过工程性适应、技术性适应和制度性适应三种适应手段增强适应能力。增量型适应是指在系统现有基础上考虑新增风险所需的增量投入,这种适应所针对的是发展需求基本得到满足,仅仅需要应对新增的气候风险所需的适应活动;发展型适应是指由于发展水平滞后,使得系统应对常规风险的能力和投入不足,需要协同考虑发展需求及新增的气候风险。其次,分析了适应的四个基本步骤,即:①评估气候风险及脆弱性;②甄别各种可能的适应对策;③选择可行的适应措施;④推荐"成功"的适应行动。还介绍了相应的社会经济分析方法,如脆弱性评估、社会经济影响评估、适应的成本效益分析等。最后,基于中国适应气候变化的基本需求及优先领域,提出了相应的政策建议,如开发农业适应技术、加强流域综合治理、开展健康风险监测、实施灾害保险计划等。  相似文献   

长江流域可持续发展基本政策研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
可持续发展是一种既满足当代人需求又不破坏后代人为满足其需求能力的一种发展模式,任何一个地区,均可以根据自身的资源优势和经济发展特点,走出一条适合于自身的可持续发展道路,实现可持续发展的途径与方式取决于区域的资源特征和经济发展水平;而能否实现可持续发展在较大程度上与地方政府部门制定的政策密切相关,研究实现可持续发展的适宜政策具有实际意义。本文在分析长江流域基本特征和影响因素的基础上,从经济、生态环境  相似文献   

The pyramid of human needs developed by Abraham Maslow is based upon the presumption that until a person's lower level needs are fulfilled, higher level needs remain irrelevant. Groundwater and land-use management can likewise utilize such a hierarchy in integrating plans and operations with the needs of the society. Only once a region's population has fulfilled more basic concerns can higher-level groundwater and land-use management needs be effectively achieved. Attaining the ultimate goal of resource sustainability would certainly require considerable public backing, both for financial support and minimizing ambient pollution. For efficient water management to supply a society's water needs for future generations, sustainable groundwater management will require the full support of an educated society. The objective of the authors is to point out how essential it is to integrate operational strategies into regional hierarchies of needs applicable to groundwater management, land-use, and social planning. The situation of groundwater resources in Israel's Sharon Coastal aquifer region is taken as a case in point. Remedial groundwater activities have been undertaken in the management program for this aquifer. But it appears that maximal management efficiency cannot be achieved until the public's basic concerns are satisfactorily addressed and water resources planners reach consensus and a working partnership with the society in question. Operational measures must be clearly shown to benefit the region's population as regards their social, economic, and environmental concerns. This can only be achieved through public education, promoting awareness of the issuesbreak involved.  相似文献   

我国生态环境正加速恶化,这要求对环境资源管理体系作出重大改革,其中对政府行为的调整是极其必要的和非常关键的。本文从可持续发展的观点出发,认为应当把“可持续发展”作为我国今后发展的基本原则,建议将建立有效的环境资源管理体系作为近期生态环境管理重点,并就建立支持生态环境保护的财政金融体系提出了看法  相似文献   

中国现代城镇化发育的能源消费   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城镇是现代社会财富积累的中心。矿物燃料为主的一次能源不仅是现代人类社会发展的基本动力来源,也是现代城镇化发育的基本动力来源。随着城镇化发育不断走向成熟,城镇的生存和发展对能源消费的依赖日趋强烈。这种消费需求不仅体现在总量增长方面,而且更体现在质量提高方面。世界和中国的实践均证明了这一点。所不同者,在产业发展政策和能源消费政策的作用下,中国现代城镇化发育的能源消费表现出明显的不尽人意:第一,能源消费总量增长迅速,甚至进入21世纪以来也是如此;第二,能源消费结构演进缓慢、特别是进入国家城镇化快速发育阶段后的表现更是如此;第三,能源产出效率提高有限,甚至出现一定程度的倒退。如此能源消费特征,对中国城镇化的持续发育构成了巨大挑战,因此,建议加快城镇产业结构调整、推进能源消费结构演进和提高城镇能源消费质量。  相似文献   

中国城乡一体化水平的省区分异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
推进形成城乡经济社会发展一体化新格局,是全面建设小康社会、实现城乡社会经济发展方式转型的重要举措。本文采用城乡发展差异系数、城乡一体化水平指数等指标,分析了中国城乡一体化水平的省区差异,揭示了这种地域分异所产生的影响因素,进一步探讨推进全国城乡一体化新格局形成的科学机制。研究表明,中国城乡发展无论是东部相对发达省区,还是西部欠发展省区,差异显著,呈现不均衡特点;城乡一体化水平受自然环境、经济社会发展综合实力和公共政策等因素影响明显;加快建构城乡一体化发展新格局,需要进一步纠正"城市偏向"的发展观,加大城乡统筹力度,推进城乡基本公共服务均等化进程,并根据变化趋势,调整公共政策的着力点,提升城乡一体化发展的区域协调性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework for understanding energy issues in the context of sustainable development. It posits that there are three important ways in which energy is related to sustainable development: (a) energy as a source of environmental stress, (b) energy as a principal motor of macroeconomic growth and (c) energy as a prerequisite for meeting basic human needs. These three dimensions correspond to the three dimensions of the often-used triangle of sustainable development: environmental, economic, and social. Using this framework, the paper traces how successive environmental summits at Stockholm (1972), Rio de Janeiro (1992) and Johannesburg (2002) have dealt with energy issues. It identifies a slow, surprising and important evolution of how energy issues have been treated at these global discussions. Energy has received increasing prominence at these meetings and become more firmly rooted in the framework of sustainable development. Stockholm was primarily concerned with the environmental dimension, Rio de Janeiro focused on both the environmental and economic dimensions, and the major headway made at Johannesburg was the meaningful addition of the social dimension and the linking of energy issues to the UN's Millennium Development Goals.  相似文献   

乡村生活空间网络是一定地域乡村居民依托社区节点,通过日常生活实践彼此联系而形成的社会空间系统,探究其空间结构与优化策略对认识乡村生活空间内涵、重塑乡村日常生活秩序具有重要意义。以江汉平原典型乡建片区培育的9个节点社区为研究对象,基于乡村生活空间网络三元系统,构建社区生活质量指标体系,运用改进引力模型与社会网络分析法描述网络结构总体与节点特征,提出乡村生活空间网络优化策略。研究表明:区域乡村生活空间网络结构处于发育阶段,网络兼具整体松散与局部集聚特征,社区间联系正在加强;乡村生活空间网络节点质量有待提升,网络呈现层次清晰的3级节点体系,核心节点虽具有无法替代的网络地位但本身质量不高,次级节点的结构具有相似性需要择优培育,边缘节点需要丰富网络内外联系;基于此,必须构建“1心、8点、1轴、3区”的乡村生活空间网络结构。为评估并识别区域网络节点特征,预测并构建区域网络化发展体系提供了新思路,为平原农区的乡建片区提供了网络化发展的新模式。  相似文献   

At present,water pollutant emission trading plays an increasingly important role in pollution control in many foreign countries,and its pilot studies and demonstration have also been started in China.In order to solve the problem of initial allocation of emission permits: premise and basis of emission trading in a river basin,basic principles on initial allocation of actual emission permits in China are put forward.And it is thought that local development stage of industry should be taken into full account for initial allocation model of emission permits.There are five different allocation models in different development stages of industry,including models like distribution according to needs,improved same-rate reduction,performance,integration and environmental capacity,etc.The initial allocation of emission permits in various basins should choose a suitable model in accordance with their respective development stages.It is suggested in this article that integrated allocation model should be a main choice for current development stage of industry in China.  相似文献   

人类社会的发展是一个世代发展的过程。因此.代际公平是可持续发展的根本所在。根据“代际”一词有不同的理解。“公平”在不同的社会有不同的含义,尤其是对代际公平的含义、原则进行了探讨。代际公平实现的策略是:基于压力-状态-反应的人力资源可持续开发;基于艾奇沃斯方框图分析的自然资源可持续利用;鉴于客观上当代具有优先权,代际之间在环境污染上则采用非合作博弈。  相似文献   

我国水资源循环经济发展与创新体系构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
循环经济是针对持续经济增长对资源和环境压力而提出的一种发展理念、经济制度和技术范式相结合的新的经济发展模式,它以高效利用和循环利用为核心,以低消耗、低排放、高效率为基本特征,符合可持续发展思想。当前我国面临严重的水资源危机,循环经济是实现我国人口、资源与环境可持续发展的重要途径和有效措施,是我国水资源新战略的理想选择。水资源循环经济力图使人类对水资源的开发利用活动既符合水循环自然规律,又遵循社会经济规律,实现水循环与经济循环的和谐统一。水资源循环经济遵循减量化、再利用、再循环原则。我国发展水资源循环经济虽然已经具备一定的基础,但必须改革现有机制和体制,建立长效机制,构建水资源制度、技术和观念创新的体系。  相似文献   

In the last two centuries, developed nations have had an unprecedented generation of wealth showing a strong economic progress. Unfortunately, such economic development has not been witnessed in all countries and it does not represent the holistic face of the social progress. The main reason stands in the ideological limitations of capitalism itself, often ignoring local communities and environment while focusing exclusively on profit maximization, market share, dividends and bonuses. This failure it is also because of the division between two basic entities: nonprofit and for profit sectors. The segregation created between the economic values and social values, has created a system where the two different entities have failed to capture and integrate the multi-dimensional nature of the human being to satisfy social needs. Because of this increasing tension, the society needs to find a common ground solution, where the social and economic benefits of these two entities are merged together to generate an anti-fragile system. This research is an attempt to determine if the social business (SB) is capable to solve the problems arose from the free market idealogy, nonprofit philosophy, and the consequent social and economic inefficiency. Thus, the boundaries between the private, public and nonprofit sectors need to be changed. In addition, it is aimed to show that SB can solve social, economic, and environmental problems by using the entrepreneurial engine and the profit instrument, proving at the end to be by default a sustainable business model that respects the triple bottom line approach. The investigation method is based on literature review and theory development from three different fields: economics, development studies, and nonprofit management.  相似文献   

关于Ramsey模型及其改进的研究和启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
缺水已经成为我国经济发展和社会进步的重要制约因素之一.而对水价的制定到对水资源的利用效率起科十分关键的作用。本文通过对Ramsey模型及其改进的研究.得出如下启示.即实行阶梯水价既有利于实现杜会福利的优化,也可以起到节约水资源的效果。由于阶梯水价机制的设计可以为制度安排、资本进入和市场运行提供更大的弹性空间.因此.本文的政策含义是:在实施阶梯水价的背景下.政府只需对基量水价按边际成本的定价原则来严格规制.从而有效提升水务市场的运行效率。上述举措的优点在于:由于基量水价被严格规制.消费者的基本用水福利可以得到满足;超过基本用水量的水价和再生水价的相对放松规制会鼓励社会资本进入水务行业.使行业运营效率得到提高;国有资本退出水务行业使得政府财政负担减轻,同时.由于放松规制.政府的规制成本也得以降低。最终城市水务行业可以真正做到可持续的发展。  相似文献   

This paper serves to establish an appropriate framework for prioritizing policy related to sustainable development by combining elements of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory with Porter’s value chain theory. An appropriate balance of social sustainability, economic sustainability, and environmental sustainability is defined so that policy makers may be provided some direction in regard to appropriate and socially just resource priorities. The model that forms the basis for this framework is then tested through hierarchal regression analysis using data from 45 developing countries. Using these results, the values chain framework has been refined to consider that self-actualization and sustainable development are one and the same and that the satisfaction of society’s physiological needs through the prioritization of policies related to environmental sustainability is the principle motivator for moving on to the attainment of higher-order needs such as increased levels of sustainable development.  相似文献   

As environmental issues changed its focus from pollution and endangered species to fulfilling basic human needs, such as health, education, shelter, sanitation, hygiene, on the one hand and social justice on the other hand, it widened in its scope. People questioned about adequacy of ecological knowledge in solving daily questions in their life, and also contribution of their values, objective life situations and idea of quality of life for ecological well-being. Two core and complimentary values strongly emerged from the concept of sustainable development; namely environmental protection and justice. Unfortunately, there is lack of awareness on dimensions of human life and its linkages with the wider environment. To combine the values, dimensions of human life and its linkages with external environment, fundamental changes in human behaviour for human development is required. Present article reflects on dimensions of life, essential skills and practical tools for environmental protection and human development.  相似文献   

On-going population growth and resulting domestic demand for water require rapid and effective decision-making as regards groundwater management and control of the various sources of salinization and pollution in Coastal aquifers. Sustainability of water resources for utilization by future generations must therefore be a high priority, not only for the purpose of fulfilling needs for water usage but also for bringing people into harmony with their ambient natural environment.The objective of this paper is to propose an empirical approach for prioritization of the needs involved for sustainable aquifer management. The approach involves a schematic format to:(1) develop a global understanding of an aquifer's hydrological and environmental properties in order to delineate appropriate eco-hydrological scenarios and recommend corresponding operational management activities; and(2) emphasize the importance of educating and increasing the awareness of the population involved as to the need for and viability of socially acceptable measures for sustainable management of groundwater and other resources.The psychologist Abraham Maslow utilized a pyramid to illustrate that until people's most basic needs were fulfilled, higher levels of needs would remain irrelevant. This paper postulates a comparable pyramid prioritizing hydrological needs required for progressing towards sustainable groundwater resources. Two sub-regions of Israel's Coastal aquifer in the Sharon region have been presented as representative areas, each characterized by different stress of exploitation. In assessing these sub-regions situation, specific measures have been recommended for achieving and/or maintaining sustainable groundwater resources in light of the ambient environment, and the level of the population on the pyramidal hierarchy of groundwater needs.  相似文献   

A framework for the protection of the general public has been in existence for a very long time, although steps have recently been made by the ICRP to ensure that it is more fully comprehensive with regard to all actual and potential exposure situations. Protection of the environment, however, has only recently begun to be addressed in a structured manner, and is still an evolving subject. Nevertheless, it needs to be centred around some form of parallel framework to that which has evolved for the protection of human beings, although clearly on a different scale. It also needs to be embedded within the basic science of radiobiology, and form a central part of radioecology.  相似文献   

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