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In this paper, human capital is considered a kind of goods in terms of investment. Basic consumption and profit margin are the two important components of human capital goods value. Compared with that of the material capital, the human capital consumption has the following features. The importance of human capital investment determined by the supply-demand mechanism, is growing gradually; The course of investment and return takes a long period of time; Human capital is characterized by strong technicality and weak negotiability; The investment profit margin is changeable and discriminating.  相似文献   

绿色经济新理念及中国开展绿色经济研究的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
联合国里约20周年世界峰会的重要内容之一是倡导绿色经济。绿色经济的概念最早在1989年由英国环境经济学家Pearce提出,但现在的绿色经济却具有全新的意义。本文基于参加联合国有关绿色新政和绿色经济的政策咨询和研究报告,论述了绿色经济的基本背景、三重效益、研究模型以及绿色经济与生活质量的关系,对如何开展中国绿色经济研究进行探讨。首先,文章认为在深入探讨绿色经济前,需要了解当前发展绿色经济的基本背景,明确为什么要发展绿色经济、什么才是我们所需要的绿色经济,以及怎样促进绿色经济发展三个基本问题。其二,绿色经济与褐色经济的情景模拟表明,绿色经济发展模式具有更好的三重底线效益。联合国的T-21模型对过去40年(1970-2010)及未来40年(2010-2050)进行了绿色情景与褐色情景两种模拟,认为在自然资本的环境收益方面,绿色经济发展情景下自然资本的退化得到了基本遏制,而褐色经济发展情景下自然资本的退化会进一步增强;在物质资本的经济收益方面,绿色经济发展情景下,2020年以前经济增长率(2.5%)会低于褐色经济(3%),但从长期平均增长率看绿色经济发展模式(2.5%)可以带来比褐色经济发展模式(2%)更好的经济增长;在人力资本的社会效益方面,在2030年以前绿色经济发展情景下就业机会有小幅减少,但长期来看,绿色经济能够创造与褐色经济同样多的就业机会,甚至可以有小幅的增加(0.6%)。其三,绿色经济研究模型表明,绿色经济投资于自然资本可以实现所需要的经济社会发展与自然资本消耗的脱钩。绿色经济假说是:将资金投资于提高资源能源效率与扩大自然资本两个方面,是否能够导致更好的经济社会发展。基于该理论假设,联合国等国际组织将自然资本引入生产函数,建立了Threshold-21模型,证明绿色经济即投资于自然资本可以实现所需要的经济社会发展与自然资本消耗的脱钩。其四,绿色经济发展模式不仅有利于经济增长,同时能够增加生活质量。绿色经济假说,强调了绿色投资对生活质量有正的影响。通过生态绩效模型、结构方程模型以及典型案例研究等三种方法进行分析,研究表明:减少自然资本消耗可以减少生态环境的治理成本和维护成本、维持与增加自然资本对人类的功能;可以提高自然资本的生产效率,用较少的自然资本投入达到社会稳定所需要的人造资本;可以提高人造资本的服务效率,用一定的物质存量为更多的人服务。其五,开展深化中国绿色经济理论与绿色发展模式的系统研究。联合国等国际组织倡导的绿色经济可以给我们发展中国的绿色经济带来新的启示,笔者认为对中国绿色经济理论与绿色发展模式开展深入和系统的研究,应该包括理论内涵、实证分析、发展情景、行动领域、政策体系等五个依次递进、前后照应的研究模块。  相似文献   

已有的文献基本上都是关注全要素生产率的研究,很少在全要素生产率的框架下识别每一种投入要素对经济增长的贡献和影响。本文在Chang et al 2012年提出的ISP方法的基础上,突破了其模型规模报酬不变的限制,采用投入导向的SBM模型对Luenberger生产率指数进行改进,在全要素生产率的框架下测算资本、劳动力和土地要素的生产率指数,识别每一种投入要素对全要素生产率的贡献和影响。经研究发现,城市全要素生产率变化主要是资本要素生产率驱动的,提升城市全要素生产率的关键是提升资本要素生产率。本文还从经济发展水平、城市规模、产业结构、市场化程度、人力资本积累、政府规模、投资率、财政科技支出、FDI、基础设施建设等多个方面分析了影响城市资本要素生产率的因素。研究结论主要有:11998—2013年间,中国城市全要素生产率累计下降了23.03%,其中资本要素生产率累计下降了60.71%,不同区域、不同层级、不同类型城市的资本要素生产率存在明显的差异;2城市规模、市场化程度、人力资本积累、FDI资本存量和投资率是影响城市资本要素生产率的主要因素,其中,规模较大的城市占据各方面的优势,能够更好地改进资本要素生产率。市场化的推进和人力资本积累有利于资本生产率的改进,符合经济发展的一般规律。FDI资本存量通过技术溢出效应和示范效应等能推进东道国技术进步和生产率提高;3投资率与资本要素生产率负相关,印证了Krugman随着投资率走高会出现资本边际报酬递减以及资本要素生产率下降的问题的观点;4第二产业占比与资本生产率正相关,而第三产业占比与资本生产率负相关,说明当前中国的居民消费结构层次总体上还比较低,强制推进二三产业间的结构升级只能造成供需结构匹配程度更低、愈加损失效率。短期内中国产业结构升级的方向应该为第二产业内部的调整升级。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of foreign penetration on the public firm in a mixed oligopolistic market. Through the establishment of a mixed double oligopoly market, this paper analyzes how the share of foreign investment affects the environmental policy, the pollutant emission, and the social welfare under the condition of the state tax. The results show that: first, the introduction of foreign investment has some crowding-out effects on the social level of output. Second, the entry of foreign investment increases the profit of the public firm by a large margin, and the maximum profit of the private firm has been reduced. Third, the increase of foreign investment in public firm does not necessarily improve the environment.  相似文献   

基于政府视角的人力资本投资分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文首先分析了政府在人力资本投资中的作用,然后从实现政府工作目标的角度探讨了人力资本投资的重要意义,最后提出增加人力资本投资的政策性建议.  相似文献   

城镇化是发展中国家21世纪的主要发展趋势,在很大程度上主导着人口、经济和产业结构等各方面的转变,成为拉动用水量增长的关键因素。城镇化进程中城镇居民收入、人口结构、人口密度和人力资本等因素的变化,使得城镇化并非表现为线性发展规律,最终导致用水量也存在相应的门槛效应并呈现阶段性增长特征。本文首先对我国各地区城镇化水平和用水量进行统计分析,从地区层面直观描述我国城镇化水平和用水量的变化特征,然后采用面板门槛模型研究城镇化、城镇居民人均收入、人力资本、城市人口密度和人口年龄结构对于用水量的门槛效应,搜寻在城镇化进程中各人口因素对用水量影响的门槛点并分析阶段性变化特征,最后结合PVAR模型研究城镇化进程中各人口因素对用水量的动态影响和作用机制。门槛回归结果发现:城镇化对用水量的影响具有明显的阶段性特征,分别以城镇化和人均收入为门槛变量,超越门槛点后城镇化对用水量的弹性系数分别呈现先升后降的倒"U"型和先降后升的正"U"型变化趋势;以人力资本为门槛变化量,城镇化对用水量的拉动作用则不断减弱。脉冲响应结果显示:城镇化对用水量具有长期且稳定的正向冲击,而居民收入和人口年龄结构对用水量的正向冲击则逐渐收敛于零,人口密度和人力资本对用水量均具有负向冲击,且人口密度的负效应不断增强,而人力资本的负效应不断减弱。方差分解的结果表明,目前我国用水量的增长受自身的影响较大,除年龄结构外,人口密度、居民收入、人力资本和城镇化也具有小规模的贡献程度。  相似文献   

社会保障制度和人力资本投资的关系是近年来劳动经济学中新出现的一个课题,相关研究尚不多见。以我国养老保险的“统帐结合”模式为例,分析了社会保障对人力资本投资的影响,同时结合我国劳动力市场现状,对劳动力市场分割状态下“统帐结合”模式与人力资本投资的关系进行了分析。结果表明,增加“统帐结合”模式中个人账户的比例,将激励个人进行较多的人力资本投资,但劳动力市场分割的存在削弱了这种激励作用。因此,建议:适当增加“统帐结合”模式中个人承担的比例;建立覆盖全国的社会保障体系;加快劳动力市场建设。逐步消除劳动力市场分割状态,促进全国统一的、自由竞争的劳动力市场的形成。  相似文献   

研究经济发展的周期性及其驱动因素,"淡化"经济周期的剧烈波动,对优化调控经济管理、促进经济稳定增长具有重要意义。采用经验模态分解(Empirical Mode Decomposition,EMD)和偏最小二乘回归(Partial Least squares Regression,PLSR)相结合方法,对1952~2007年湖北人均GDP进行了多尺度分析及不同时间尺度下的驱动因素分析。结果发现:(1)56 a来,湖北人均GDP在波动中不断增长,存在准47 a、准112 a和准56 a 3个波动周期和一个先轻微下降后持续递增的趋势项;(2)湖北人均GDP不同周期性波动的共同驱动因子有资本形成总额、原煤产量、水泥产量、进出口总额、旅客周转量,不同因子及其驱动大小分别为准47 a依次有社会消费品零售总额、居民消费、农林牧渔总产值、钢产量、货物周转量,准112 a依次有社会消费品零售总额、发电量、农林牧渔总产值、钢产量,准56 a依次有居民消费、政府消费、邮电业务总量,趋势项依次有社会消费品零售总额、居民消费、政府消费、发电量、农林牧渔总产值、钢产量、邮电业务总量、货物周转量。湖北及中央政府相关政策制定者应特别关注促进资本积累与形成,有效调控原煤与水泥等主要工业产品产量,制定合理的进出口贸易政策,提高旅客运输效率及运输能力等。

流域经济是以水系为轴线的区域经济,其发展状况对国民经济有重要影响,其研究为区域开发提供新视角。在理论方法上,根据内生经济增长理论,采用柯布 道格拉斯生产函数,构建一个包括技术进步、物质资本和人力资本作为内生要素的流域经济增长框架。在实践论证上,以长江为样本域,运用面板计量分析方法,测度生产要素对流域上中下游经济增长的影响。结果显示:不同生产要素对流域经济不同域段作用强度不同,且呈现出明显的梯度效应,即沿江而下,技术进步和人力资本对经济增长的贡献度逐渐加大,物质资本则恰好相反。在此基础上,提出缩小流域经济的不平衡程度的政策建议,主要包括促使流域上游地区人力资本开发、实施流域大开发战略和推进流域城市化等  相似文献   

From an economic point of view, the industrial economy is efficient to overcome situations of a scarcity of goods. From a technological point of view, the resource efficiency of the manufacturing processes of the industrial economy has been permanently improved during the last 200 years. In addition, cleaner processes have been developed. However, from an ecologic point of view, an increasing world population with increasing consumption has produced a "global footprint" which approaches the carrying capacity of the planet. A circular economy and its high-value spin-offs-a lake economy and a performance or functional service economy-can fulfil customers' needs with considerably less resource consumption, less environmental impairment in production and considerably less end-of-life product waste, especially in situations of affluence, when a considerable stock of physical goods and infrastructures exists. Also, in situations of a scarcity of natural resources, both energy and materials, often characterised by rapidly rising resource prices, the economic actors of a circular economy have a high competitive advantage over the actors of the industrial economy, due to much lower procurement costs for materials and energy. From a social point of view, a circular economy increases the number of skilled jobs in regional enterprises. However, the shift from a linear manufacturing economy to a circular or service economy means a change in economic thinking from flow (throughput) management to stock (asset) management: in a manufacturing economy with largely unsaturated markets, total wealth increases through accumulation as resource throughput (flow) is transformed into a higher stock of goods of better quality (but in a manufacturing economy with largely saturated markets, wealth represented by the stock of goods will no longer increase); in a circular or service economy, total wealth increases through a smart management of existing physical assets (stock) that are adapted to changes in both technology and customer demand. This second approach not only applies to physical capital but equally to social capital, such as health and education and green GDP. To measure the social wealth of a population, it is not the amount of money spent on schools and hospitals that matters, butif this expenditure has led to a better education of the students, and a better health of the people.  相似文献   

基于水足迹的流域生态补偿标准模型研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
流域水资源是一种公共物品,其系统的整体性以及资源外部性等特征要求各相关区域应共同承担环境保护.如何衡量各区域水资源开发利用与环保投入的关系,建立合理的生态补偿标准模型,已成为流域管理研究领域普遍关注的问题.本文运用水足迹理论和方法,界定流域水足迹内涵,通过反映流域沿岸各区域水生态服务耗费情况判断分析水生态系统安全状态,提出流域生态补偿标准计量流程及不同情况下的流域生态补偿标准测算模型,从而客观、准确地量化流域生态补偿额度,为管理者正确分析和解决流域各区域间利益冲突提供科学的决策依据与支持.同时本文以碧流河为案例,收集并分析了2002-2006年间碧流河沿岸各行政区水足迹和环保投入情况,理清各区域生态系统状态及相互关系,计算补偿标准,进而验证模型的可行性.  相似文献   

流域水权制度是否具有内在的节水激励是能否纾缓一个国家或地区水资源危机的关键.水权再分配机制是水权制度的重要组成部分,而水权市场则是水权再分配机制的方式之一.该文通过构建节水投资收益净现值(NPV)模型,分析水权市场对节水激励的作用,讨论各因素对不同层次用水户进行节水投资决策的不同影响,并且应用节水投资收益净现值模型对黄河流域进行了案例分析.分析表明:有效的流域水权市场能够激励用水者进行节水投资,获得水权交易收益,同时缓解水资源供需矛盾,实现流域水资源的优化配置;跨地区跨行业的水权交易由于规模大,需要的投资金额多,交易成本较高,只能由较高级别的水资源管理机构或取水工程完成,但需要采取适当的节水设施管理方式;地区内行业内的水权交易规模小,需要的投资金额少,交易成本低.对于微观用水户具有激励作用,但需要政府提供相应的信贷支持.  相似文献   

生态型港口综合评价指标体系初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于上海市建设生态型城市的长期目标,将港口作为城市生态系统中重要的子系统,对如何建设生态型港口提出了综合评价指标体系。通过筛选得到45项单因素指标,针对不同类型的港区有所分异,整个评价体系分为5个准则层(生态环境、经济效率、污染控制、环境管理、社会评价)和10个因素层(大气/声环境、生物资源、基底质量、经济发展、生产效率、循环经济、污染排放、清洁生产、环保投入、社会参与),并采用AHP(层次分析)法确定了各层次的权重分配。进而根据2005年上海港年均生产状况和2006年上半年的港区环境-资源调查,尝试对上海港7种主要类型(集装箱、件杂货/成品、多用途、干散、粮食港区、液散、客运)的15个港区进行了现状评估。然而,生态港评价系统的指标选取、权重制定、评估级别等实践与完善仍需要多学科和政府职能部门的参与。最后,项目还提出了水生态健康、航道淤积、生态风险、水陆景观等非定量生态港评价因子。  相似文献   

Many researchers have concluded that longer life expectancies prompt increased investment in education,as a prolonged labor supply raises the rate of return on education.Besides explaining the empirical evidence behind this conclusion(at an absolute level),there is another issue to be discussed:does time spent studying and working increase proportionally with higher longevity? Building on an extended life-cycle model,this paper shows that prolonged life expectancy will cause individuals to increase their time in education but may not warrant rises in labor input.Later we show that higher improvement rate of longevity rather than initial life expectancy will promote economic growth,even we exclude the mechanism of human capital formation,and only consider growth effects of higher improvement rate of life expectancy from physical capital investment.  相似文献   


In recent years, scientists have been increasingly interested in the energy embodied in traded goods among countries. In this article, the direct energy intensities in various economic sectors of China were calculated with the data of energy consumption and output value of each sector, and the input–output table was used to estimate the external energy consumption. The total energy intensity of all sectors was then obtained. From the data of international trade, the energy embodied in goods trade of China was estimated for the period of 1994–2001. During this period, the average energy intensity of imported goods was always higher than that of exported ones. As a country with a surplus in international goods trade, China actually imported net embodied energy in the past few years. The net embodied energy imported was at the same magnitude of the imported energy in the form of fossil fuels.  相似文献   

作为一种典型的绿色生产方式,秸秆还田兼具环境污染治理与资源循环利用之效,但现实中农户响应并不积极。个体的意愿选择通常会面临着个人及家庭资本禀赋的约束,为探究农户在秸秆还田问题上是否也面临着相同的境况,本文基于相关理论分析,提出了资本禀赋水平和结构会对农户秸秆还田投资意愿产生作用的假说,利用实地调研数据,运用熵值法和CVM方法对农户的资本禀赋水平和结构、秸秆还田投资意愿与水平进行了评价分析,以Probit和Tobit模型实证检验了资本禀赋及其结构对农户秸秆还田投资意愿的影响效应。结果表明:(1)农户的资本禀赋水平存在较大差异,各类资本禀赋按照水平排序为:社会资本(97.99)自然资本(95.42)物质资本(94.88)经济资本(94.23)人力资本(90.01),结构方面以社会资本占优型农户居多,占比40.49%,人力资本占优型的农户个数为0。(2)仅有35.26%的农户愿意投资秸秆还田,但投资意愿水平分布较为均衡,平均投资意愿约为5.62—15.94元/666.7m2·季。(3)自然资本(地形)、物质资本(家电数量)、人力资本(性别比例)、经济资本(收入稳定性和融资能力)和社会资本(制度信任)等水平的提升以及资本禀赋结构的优化均被证明可显著增强农户秸秆还田的投资意愿,可见农户秸秆还田投资意愿不高或因资本禀赋约束所致。由此提出了加强农户资本禀赋积累,优化农户资本禀赋结构的政策建议,以促进秸秆还田等绿色生产方式的推广应用。  相似文献   

Based on the data of 30 Chinese provinces for the period from 2004 to 2015, this paper expounds the carbon emissions effect of two-way foreign direct investment (FDI) from the perspective of scale effect and factor market distortions. This study uses Kaya identity to decompose carbon emission and construct simultaneous equations model to empirically examine the factor market distortion and the carbon emission scale effect of two-way FDI. The results show that the inward foreign direct investment (IFDI) increase regional carbon emission through scale effect and also exacerbates factor market distortion in China, whereas the outward FDI trends reduce carbon emission and reduces factor market distortions in China. The study also shows that human capital, research and development (R&D), trade openness, and capital accumulation are important determinants of two-way FDI. Therefore, the study proposes that IFDI policies should focus on acquiring green technologies. In addition, the domestic enterprises should be encouraged to participate in global business.  相似文献   

This paper identifies a line of reasoning based on a number of concepts and tools to facilitate river basin management, which have been applied in a case study. For long-term sustainable river basin management, a balance is needed between the human use of the river and its basin, the ecological functioning of the river and receiving waters, and the river's capacity to supply goods and services. To find such a balance a framework is needed that illustrates and clarifies possible trade-offs between economic use and environmental supply by integrating scientific information on cause–effect chains on a catchment scale. A number of concepts and tools are proposed as a basis for this framework. The tools are: (1) indicators that describe the complex interactions and processes in rivers; (2) a suite of linked models that predict the economic, environmental and ecological effect of management measures; (3) an evaluation framework to rank different management alternatives on the basis of three objectives: economic efficiency, spatial equity in costs and benefits and environmental quality of the river and receiving lakes. The concept of environmental quality defines the potential of the river environment (i.e. natural capital) to contribute to human welfare. The concept of environmental functions is used to identify societal interest in natural capital. The concept and tools have been applied in a case study involving the evaluation of four management strategies on nutrient abatement in the Rhine basin. The result of the case study is that economic efficiency is in conflict with spatial equity and environmental quality. Spatial equity is in agreement with environmental quality. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

旅游资源资本化的机制和方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对目前我国旅游资源开发和管理方面存在的突出问题以及旅游实践发展的需要,提出“旅游资源资本化”--一种新的以价值为导向的旅游资源开发管理的理念和方法,强调了旅游资源的价值性、所有性和收益性。在国家政策和法律允许的前提下,旅游资源的所有者将旅游资源作为一种资本形态,与货币资本、实物资本、人力资本等一起投入到旅游开发活动中,进行市场化的开发、经营、运作和管理,从而带来良好的经济效益、环境效益和社会效益,使旅游资源实现价值增值,而旅游资源的所有者也从中获得经营收益。深入探讨了旅游资源转化为旅游资本的内部机制、外部条件、实现途径、方法模式等问题,指出旅游资源资本化有利于拓宽旅游融资渠道、优化资源配置、提高旅游资源的利用效率和开发管理的水平,实现旅游产业的可持续发展.  相似文献   

Soil erosion is a major environmental problem and threat to rural development in Kenya. Numerous attempts to address the problem have apparently had little success. There are however some districts that have been very successful, notably Machakos. In this study we search for the factors that determine successful development in soil conservation such as social capital, human capital and market integration. One of our main results is that social capital measures are significant determinants of investment in soil conservation. A better understanding of the relevant mechanisms is essential for developing policies targeting improvement in natural resource management.
Wilfred NyangenaEmail:

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