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Active biomonitoring with wet and dry moss bags was used to examine trace element atmospheric deposition in the urban area of Belgrade. The element accumulation capability of Sphagnum girgensohnii Russow was tested in relation to atmospheric bulk deposition. Moss bags were mounted for five 3-month periods (July 2005-October 2006) at three representative urban sites. For the same period monthly bulk atmospheric deposition samples were collected. The concentrations of Al, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, and Pb were determined by instrumental neutron activation analyses and atomic absorption spectrometry. Significant accumulation of most elements occurred in the exposed moss bags compared with the initial moss content. High correlations between the elements in moss and bulk deposits were found for V, Cu, As, and Ni. The enrichment factors of the elements for both types of monitor followed the same pattern at the corresponding sites.  相似文献   

Plant susceptibility to acidifying atmospheric pollution was investigated for a wide range of plant species under normal environmental conditions. Physiological and biochemical parameters were recorded for each plant species. Multivariate analysis using hierarchical clustering, principal component analysis ordination, as well as regression analysis were used to interpret the data. Analysis of the data separated plants into pioneer tree species, ruderal herbaceous species and climax, slow growing species. Pioneer and ruderal species showed higher potential for foliar nitrate assimilation coupled with higher base cation content and a tendency to a more neutral leaf pH than climax species. Acidic buffering capacities for leaf tissue from pioneer and ruderal species were higher than those of climax species. Nitrate assimilation produces hydroxyl ions, which in conjunction with high base cation content and more neutral leaf pH, provides better metabolic buffering and therefore make pioneer and ruderal species less susceptible to acidifying inputs. Climax species are less able to buffer against acidifying inputs and are subsequently more prone to acidifying air pollution damage.  相似文献   

A biomonitoring of airborne trace elements was performed in 2006 in Naples urban area through the exposure of devitalised Hypnum cupressiforme for 10 weeks at 4 m height. In one street, the moss was exposed at different heights to assess vertical gradients of element concentrations. Results were compared with those of a 1999 biosurvey. Correlations among Al, Fe and Ti suggested a soil particles contribution to element uptake. Cu, Mo and Fe were related with traffic flows. Long-range transport contributed to Cd, Cu and Mo accumulation in moss at higher heights. As in 1999, the airborne element load was higher in coastal sites, more affected by marine aerosols and traffic. In all sites, contents of Cd, Fe, Pb, Ni and V in moss were remarkably lower than in 1999, indicating a positive effect of actions set up in recent years to reduce the traffic and to improve the city air quality.  相似文献   

We aimed at evaluating the effect of low-level air pollution on leaf area fluctuating asymmetry (FAA) and specific leaf area (SLA) of Salix alba L., taking into account other environmental factors. Cuttings were grown in standardized conditions in the near vicinity of air quality measuring stations in Belgium. Variability of SLA and FAA between measuring stations explained 83% and 7.26%, respectively, of the total variability. FAA was not influenced by air pollution or environmental factors such as shading, herbivory, air temperature and humidity. SLA was increased by an increase in shadow, while NOx and O3 concentrations had only a marginal influence. The influence of SO2 concentration was negligible. Although our data analysis suggests a relationship between SLA and NOx/O3 concentration, the absence of a straightforward relationship between FAA and SLA and air pollution still questions the usefulness of these bio-indicators for monitoring air pollution.  相似文献   

Native and transplanted mosses of the species Scleropodium purum were used to study the possible adaptation of the former to atmospheric contamination. A total of seven assays were carried out with transplanted moss exposed at sites around a thermal power station for 28 and 56 days, and native moss collected from the sites at the same time. Irrigated moss bags were used in order to maintain stable conditions throughout the exposure periods. Determinations were made of levels of Co, Cr, Cu, K, Ni, Pb, Se and Zn in the mosses. No significant differences were found, throughout the exposure time studied, in metal bioconcentration in the native mosses, whereas in the transplanted mosses the differences were significant for all metals except Ni. The degree of bioconcentration was higher at the start of the exposure period and later became more stable. The high levels of Se found in the native mosses compared to the transplanted mosses indicates a possible mechanism of adaptation by detoxification.  相似文献   

分析了苔藓植物适用于大气重金属污染监测的特殊生理特征及其生理响应,总结了利用苔藓植物监测大气中重金属污染的优势,探讨了苔藓植物对重金属的吸收机制及其重金属富集途径,并综述了国内外采用的相关监测方法。最后,还指出了存在问题及发展方向。  相似文献   

This study investigates the ability of the biodynamic model to predict the trophic bioaccumulation of cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni) and zinc (Zn) in a freshwater bivalve. Zebra mussels were transplanted to three sites along the Seine River (France) and collected monthly for 11 months. Measurements of the metal body burdens in mussels were compared with the predictions from the biodynamic model. The exchangeable fraction of metal particles did not account for the bioavailability of particulate metals, since it did not capture the differences between sites. The assimilation efficiency (AE) parameter is necessary to take into account biotic factors influencing particulate metal bioavailability. The biodynamic model, applied with AEs from the literature, overestimated the measured concentrations in zebra mussels, the extent of overestimation being site-specific. Therefore, an original methodology was proposed for in situ AE measurements for each site and metal.  相似文献   

Zhang J  Geng J  Ren H  Luo J  Zhang A  Wang X 《Chemosphere》2011,85(8):1325-1330
Phosphorus (P) is a key biological element and limiting nutrient in aquatic environments. Phosphate (+5) is traditionally associated with the P nutrient supply. However, phosphite (+3) has recently generated a great deal of interest, because of the possibility that it is a P source based on recognition of its vital role in the original life of the early earth. This study investigated whether phosphite can be an alternative P source for Microcystis aeruginosa PCC 7806, one of the predominant bloom species in freshwater systems. The results indicated that M. aeruginosa could not utilize phosphite as a sole P-nutrient directly for cell growth at any concentration, but that phosphite could boost cell numbers and chlorophyll a (Chl-a) content as long as phosphate was provided simultaneously. Specifically, Chl-a production increased sharply when 5.44 mg P L−1 phosphite was added to 0.54 mg P L−1 phosphate medium. Analysis of the maximum yield of PSII indicated that phosphite may stimulate the photosynthesis process of cells in phosphate-phosphite medium. In addition, phosphite failed to support cell growth, even though it more readily permeated the cells in P-deficient medium than in P-sufficient medium. Alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) analysis indicated that, unlike organic P, phosphite inhibits the response of cells to deficient P status, especially under P-deprived conditions.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in soil pH, sulphate concentration and total-S were measured in two brown earth soils, sampled from deciduous woodlands. One site studied was exposed to severe atmospheric pollution from a coking works while the other site was relatively unpolluted but located in an area receiving wet and dry deposited acidity of greater than 1.0 and 2.4 kg H(+) ha(-1) year(-1), respectively The pH of soil at the heavily polluted site was lower than the relatively unpolluted soil at each monthly sample point, except during November. Annual average sulphate concentrations (LiCl-extractable) were highest in the soil exposed to coking pollution, where they peaked during summer and autumn. A marked difference in total-S was found in soils from the two sites, the heavily polluted soil showing the highest concentration with peaks again occurring during late summer and autumn. Only 4.0% (w/w) of the total-S of the heavily polluted soil occurred as LiCl-extractable sulphate, compared to 21.4% (w/w) for the relatively unpolluted soil, showing that organic sulphur is increased in brown earths following exposure to severe atmospheric pollution from the coking works.  相似文献   

根据儿茶酚抑藻的剂量效应关系,研究了铜绿微囊藻在不同的投加剂量下,藻细胞的生理变化特征,采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察细胞形貌,并测定了超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、胞内磷酸酶(AKP)和还原型谷胱甘肽酶(GSH)活性以及还原型抗坏血酸(AsA)和丙二醛(MDA)浓度的变化。结果显示,儿茶酚使细胞表面出现凹陷或者孔洞,致使丙二醛(MDA)相对浓度增加,生物膜受损明显。儿茶酚剂量≤EC50(0.80 mg/L)时,SOD、CAT和AKP酶活性在1~2 d增加,随后下降,接近于对照样。儿茶酚剂量≥EC60(1.20 mg/L)时,SOD、CAT和AKP酶活性被显著抑制,直到完全低于对照样水平。GSH和AsA也表现出类似规律。  相似文献   

Most of the oyster mariculture beds in Taiwan are in areas located along the west of the island. One of these areas is the Charting coast, where green oysters were found in 1986. During this incident, which became internationally notorious, mass mortality occurred in the Charting oyster beds. After this discovery, measures were taken by the authorities to counter pollution which lead to the problem. The effectiveness of these pollution control actions was evaluated in this study. Two water column indicators, particulate and sediment, and oysters were sampled and analyzed for metals (Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni) in Charting and its neighboring areas, Kuen-Shen Lake and Shin-Da Harbor, and the control area/station, Dah-Pen Wan. The current study shows that copper and zinc concentrations in both oysters and particulates significantly decreased in the Charting area, compared with concentrations found during the period of the green oyster incident. Six years after the incident, the copper concentration in oysters had fallen from a high of 4400 μg/g dry weight to an average of 300±69 μg/g dry weight, figures similar to the copper concentration in 1982. The pollution control actions taken after the incident are believed to be the cause of this recovery of the coastal environment. Nevertheless, Charting still produced oysters with the highest copper and zinc concentrations among the areas investigated. Further measures currently being taken by the government, including removing the sediment of some portions of Erhjin Chi, should be able to bring the oyster copper concentrations down to the levels similar to those observed in the neighboring area, (average concentration below 200 μg/g dry weight or all time maximum concentration below 500 μg/g dry weight).  相似文献   

In the present paper we investigated the effects of sub-lethal concentrations of Cu2+ in the growth and metabolism of Scenedesmus incrassatulus. We found that the effect of Cu2+ on growth, photosynthetic pigments (chlorophylls and carotenoids) and metabolism do not follow the same pattern. Photosynthesis was more sensitive than respiration. The analysis of chlorophyll a fluorescence transient shows that the effect of sub-lethal Cu2+ concentration in vivo, causes a reduction of the active PSII reaction centers and the primary charge separation, decreasing the quantum yield of PSII, the electron transport rate and the photosynthetic O2 evolution. The order of sensitivity found was: Growth > photosynthetic pigments content = photosynthetic O2 evolution > photosynthetic electron transport > respiration. The uncoupled relationship between growth and metabolism is discussed.  相似文献   

Rice seeds (Tianyou, 3618) were used to examine the physiological and biochemical responses to phosphine exposure during germination. A control (0 mg m−3) and four concentrations of phosphine (1.4 mg m−3, 4.2 mg m−3, 7.0 mg m−3 and 13.9 mg m−3) were used to treat the rice seeds. Each treatment was applied for 90 min once per day for five days. The germination rate (GR); germination potential (GP); germination index (GI); antioxidant enzymes, including superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), and catalase (CAT); and lipid peroxidation measured through via malondialdehyde (MDA) were determined as indicators of the physiological and biochemical responses of the rice seeds to phosphine exposure. These indicators were determined once per day for five days. The results indicated that the GR, GP and GI of the rice seeds markedly decreased after phosphine exposure. The changes in the activities of the antioxidant enzymes due to the phosphine exposure were also significant. The exposure lowered the CAT and SOD activities and increased POD activity in the treated rice seeds compared with controls. The MDA content exhibited a slow increase trend with the increase of phosphine concentration. These results suggest that phosphine has inhibitory effects on seed germination. In addition, phosphine exposure caused oxidative stress in the seeds. The antioxidant enzymes could play a pivotal role against oxidative injury. Overall, the effect of phosphine on rice seeds is different from what has been reported previously for insects and mammals.  相似文献   

对天津市11个采样点的空气颗粒物和土壤样品进行采样调查,采用气相色谱/质谱联用仪分析样品中15种酞酸酯类化合物(PAEs)的含量。结果表明,11个采样点空气颗粒物样品中总酞酸酯类化合物(TPAEs)以体积计质量浓度为90.87~1355.70ng/m3,以质量计质量浓度为783.84~8712.37mg/kg;土壤中TPAEs质量浓度为0.53~2.53mg/kg。邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)与邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯(DEHP)是空气颗粒物和土壤样品中的主要污染物。土壤与空气颗粒物中TPAEs和DBP存在相关关系,Pearson相关系数分别为0.825和0.864(双尾检验,显著性水平0.01),且空气颗粒物中各种PAEs浓度为土壤PAEs浓度的数百至数万倍,说明空气沉降可能是土壤PAEs污染的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

以金鱼藻为研究对象,分析悬浮物不同扰动方式(机械扰动和曝气扰动)、扰动强度以及悬浮物浓度对沉水植物生理特性的影响。结果表明,与曝气扰动相比,机械扰动对金鱼藻生理特性影响显著,搅拌强度的增大,金鱼藻叶绿素a、叶绿素b、类胡萝卜素含量和POD活性不断下降,60 r/min时下降最快,搅拌强度与POD活性显著负相关。曝气扰动在前期促进金鱼藻的生长,后期抑制其生长,曝气强度4 m3/h时,金鱼藻生理指标降低最大,曝气强度与金鱼藻生理特性相关性不显著。随悬浮物浓度升高,金鱼藻叶绿素a、叶绿素b、类胡萝卜素含量先升高后下降,金鱼藻生长最适悬浮物浓度为0.4~0.8 g/L。  相似文献   

The drainage of abandoned mines leads to several ecological problems, particularly the acidification of surface freshwater systems and heavy metal contamination. In order to study the possibility of using the behavioural early warning responses of Portuguese indigenous benthic invertebrates to detect an acute short-term pulse of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD), experiments with the Multispecies Freshwater Biomonitor MFB™ were performed and locomotion and ventilation were measured as endpoints. AMD was collected from the “São Domingos” mine (Southeast Portugal) and the following species were selected: Echinogammarus meridionalis (Pinkster, 1973), Hydropsyche pellucidula (Curtis, 1834) and Choroterpes picteti (Eaton, 1870). For simulating the pulsed exposure, AMD was added to river water where invertebrates were collected and pH was lowered until reaching 3.5. The effects of H+ and heavy metals were discriminated using HCl positive controls. In addition to behaviour, mortality was registered. E. meridionalis was the most sensitive species in terms of mortality and behavioural endpoints, followed by C. picteti and H. pellucidula. E. meridionalis early warning responses consisted of increased locomotion with subsequent increase in ventilation, whereas for C. picteti only an increase in locomotion was observed. H. pellucidula showed no early warning responses. This work demonstrates the suitableness of using benthic invertebrates' behavioural early warning responses for detecting spikes of pollutants like AMD.  相似文献   

To define a harmonized methodology for the use of moss and lichen bags as active monitoring devices of airborne trace elements in urban areas, we evaluated the element accumulation in bags exposed in Naples in different spring weather conditions for 6- and 12-weeks. Three different pre-exposure treatments were applied to moss and lichen materials: water-washing, acid-washing and oven-drying. During the different exposure periods in the Naples urban environment the moss accumulated always higher amounts of elements (except Hg) than lichens and the element accumulation increased during wetter weather and higher PM10 conditions. The oven pre-treatment did not substantially modify the morphology and element composition of moss and the exposure in bags of this material for 6-weeks was sufficient to detect the pattern of airborne trace elements.  相似文献   

The suitability of the two pleurocarpous mosses Pleurozium schreberi and Scleropodium purum for assessing spatial variation in nitrogen deposition was investigated. Sampling was carried out at eight sites in the western part of Germany with bulk deposition rates ranging between 6.5 and 18.5 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1). In addition to the effect of deposition on the nitrogen content of the two species, its influence on 15N natural abundance (delta15N values) and on productivity was examined. Annual increases of the mosses were used for all analyses. Significant relationships between bulk N deposition and nitrogen content were obtained for both species; delta15N-values reflected the ratio of NH4-N to NO3-N in deposition. A negative effect of nitrogen input on productivity, i.e. decreasing biomass per area with increasing N deposition due to a reduction of stem density, was particularly evident with P. schreberi. Monitoring of N deposition by means of mosses is considered an important supplement to existing monitoring programs. It makes possible an improved spatial resolution, and thus those areas that receive high loads of nitrogen are more easily discernible.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Copper (Cu) can be toxic to vegetables when it is absorbed and accumulated at large concentrations, a fact that increases the risk of excessive...  相似文献   

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