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The suitability of a Freundlich-type isotherm, the Sheindorf-Rebuhn-Sheintuch (SRS) equation, to represent the competitive adsorption of Sr, Cs and Co in Ca-montmorillonite suspensions was investigated. Experimental adsorption data were obtained for systems containing these cations as single-component, binary and ternary mixtures. The competition coefficient αij, which were obtained based on the experimental adsorption data for bicomponent systems, can be viewed as a way to quantify competitive interactions. The competition coefficients obtained for the cations under consideration indicate that their competitive interactions are of similar magnitude, with the cation least affected by competitive effects being Cs, while the adsorption of Co was more significantly affected by the presence of Cs, and Sr by the presence of Co. After αij-values were substituted in the SRS equation, the adsorption of systems of three or more components could be predicted. To validate the SRS equation, the adsorption values predicted by this equation for the ternary mixture Sr---Cs--- Co were compared to values determined experimentally. The SRS equation successfully modeled adsorption for the range of concentrations that followed Freundlich behavior.  相似文献   

对低浓度氟利昂11气体在浸渍活性炭 (浸渍炭) 上的吸脱附行为进行了研究。考察了不同的气流比速和气流湿度条件对氟利昂11在浸渍炭床层吸附穿透的影响,利用Wheeler方程和Yoon-Nelson方程描述了吸附动力学过程。探讨了脱附温度、气流比速及床层含水率等影响因素对氟利昂11脱除效果的影响机制,运用LDF和Freundlich脱附动力学模型对脱附过程进行了描述。结果表明:氟利昂11在浸渍炭上的吸附动力学主要受外扩散控制,确定了其1%穿透时间与气流比速的定量关系;气流湿度对氟利昂11吸附行为的影响体现在与水分子发生竞争吸附,从而导致穿透曲线出现卷起现象;氟利昂11的脱附速率大小与脱附温度、气流比速和床层含水率呈正相关;当脱附温度为25~30 ℃,气流比速为0.8 L·min−1·cm−2时为最佳机械泄露测试脱附条件。本研究可为有毒有害气体净化用固定床吸附装置的设计,以及机械泄露非破坏性检验应用方法的建立参考。  相似文献   

Wu CH  Kuo CY  Lo SL  Lin CF 《Chemosphere》2002,47(3):283-292
This study examined the interactions of MoO4(2-) + SO4(2-), MoO4(2-) + SeO4(2-), and MoO4(2-) + SeO3(2-) systems on gamma-Al2O3 to better understand the competitive adsorption of these anions in the natural environment. The Freundlich isotherms of anionic adsorption onto gamma-Al2O3 in single and binary solutes were also investigated to estimate the competition between these anions. Experimental results indicate that a higher concentration of competitive solute yields a higher efficiency of the competitive solute's prevention of MoO4(2-) adsorption. The most significant result was found in the MoO4(2-) + SeO3(2-) system. The Freundlich isotherm constant (n) increases with the competitive solute concentration. The suitability of a Freundlich-type isotherm, the Sheindorf-Rebuhn-Sheintuch (SRS) equation, and the modified SRS equation in representing the competitive adsorption of MoO4(2-), SO4(2-), SeO4(2-), and SeO3(2-) on gamma-Al2O3 surface, was also examined. Each set of isotherm data was found to conform to linear SRS expressions, allowing competition coefficients to be derived on a concentration basis for each binary-solute system. The competition coefficient aij and relative affinity coefficients alphaij can be seen as a way to quantify competitive interactions. The proposed SRS and modified SRS equations are simple mathematical expressions accounting for competitive interactions of anions present in a mixture for the range of concentrations over which each individual component exhibits Freundlich behavior.  相似文献   

Modeling VOCs adsorption onto activated carbon   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The activated carbon adsorption process is affected by the characteristics of adsorbent, adsorbate and environmental conditions. In this study, both adsorption and desorption processes are assumed to occur simultaneously and a numerical model was developed with a non-linear driving force in conjunction with the Langmuir model for predicting the overall adsorption process. The numerical model provides both adsorption and desorption rate constants and activation energies. The resultant equilibrium constants are of the same order of magnitude as reported by other studies. Results show that the model could well predict the adsorption isotherms and breakthrough curves under various conditions.  相似文献   

A bed-type filter composed of thin metal alloy fiber was closely examined with dust capturing in cold and hot runs. The investigation of an individual mechanism across the filter bed indicated that the aerated dust could be initially collected by depth filtration, and after a while, surface filtration dominated the overall dust collection. The present metal fiber bed was comparable to the conventional ceramic filters because of its good collection efficiency with low pressure drop. It also showed potential to be used as a prefilter in a diesel exhaust trapping system.  相似文献   

Fixed bed adsorption of acid dyes onto activated carbon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The context of the study here is the adsorption of acid dyes from wastewater arising from a nylon carpet printing plant which currently receives no treatment. Since nylon is a particularly difficult fibre to dye, acid dyes are required for successful coloration. However, their presence, in high concentrations, in aqueous effluent arising from the plant can create major problems with respect to disposal. A treatment method based on adsorption onto granular activated carbon (GAC F400) in a fixed column configuration is described and breakthrough data of the dyes determined. The breakthrough data were correlated using a model based on liquid and pore diffusion with a good fit of experimental results obtained. Trends in the effective diffusivity used in the model correlated with other authors. A slight decrease in effective diffusivity was found with decrease in particle size and was attributed to interactions between the relatively large molecular sized dye and the microspore structure found in granular activated carbon.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The objective of this study deals with column optimization of adsorption-based on removal of arsenite ion using rice husk. The parameters affecting...  相似文献   

The adsorption of phenol, p-chlorophenol and mercuric ions from aqueous solution onto activated carbon has been studied in fixed bed columns. The influence of varying parameters such as bed depth, solution flowrate and pollutant concentration has been studied. The Bed Depth Service Time has been used to analyse the experimental data and identify design correlations. Furthermore, an optimization procedure based on the Empty Bed Residence Time has been applied to the data.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Novel functionalized polymeric beads have been prepared by a simple phase inversion technique and its potential as an effective sorbent for reactive...  相似文献   

为了探究同步去除酸性矿山废水(AMD)中酸度及重金属离子的新型多功能矿物环保材料,确定最佳运行方式,在固定床操作条件下,对比研究复合颗粒吸附柱、锰砂柱、复合颗粒-锰砂混合填充柱对AMD中酸度、Mn2+的去除效果,确定小型连续流反应器的最佳吸附剂;在确定最佳吸附剂的基础上,对比研究升流淹没式、降流淹没式、降流非淹没式吸附柱对AMD中酸度、Mn2+的去除效果,确定小型连续流反应器的最佳运行方式;并结合SEM、XRD等微观分析揭示复合颗粒动态吸附去除重金属离子的规律及机理。实验结果表明:3种吸附材料对Mn2+的吸附容量关系为:PG柱(28.871 mg·g-1)>PG-MS柱(16.935 mg·g-1)>MS柱(2.194 mg·g-1);3种运行方式对Mn2+的吸附容量关系为:降流非淹没式(28.817 mg·g-1)>升流淹没式(26.532 mg·g-1)>降流淹没式(23.479 mg·g-1)。因此,固定床吸附柱处理含Mn2+酸性矿山废水动态实验的最佳吸附材料为膨润土-钢渣复合颗粒,复合颗粒的最佳运行方式为降流非淹没式。PG在去除Mn2+的过程中不仅存在吸附、化学沉淀等作用,还存在聚沉作用,即具有吸附-聚沉协同作用,并且Mn2+在复合颗粒表面的赋存状态主要以Mn-Si-O相结合的矿物相以及CaMn7O12沉淀物存在。  相似文献   

除草剂在土壤中的吸附行为研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
除草剂在土壤上的吸附和解吸行为是支配该除草剂在环境中的生物有效性和持久性的重要因素之一 ,同时对于预测除草剂在土壤和潜层水中的运动也是有重要作用。本文从吸附机理、实验技术、动力学、影响因素、常数的计算方法等方面阐述了除草剂在土壤中的吸附行为及其环境学意义。  相似文献   

以多孔硅酸钙滤料为吸附载体处理含磷的二沉池出水.通过静态吸附试验和动态吸附试验,研究了滤料粒径及投加量、初始pH、反应时间、温度以及滤料填充高度对除磷效果的影响.在静态吸附试验中,取初始磷质量浓度为4.98 mg/L的含磷废水100 mL,当多孔硅酸钙滤料粒径为4~14目,投加量为1.0g,吸附时间为2.5h,温度为25℃,溶液初始pH为7.0~9.0时,磷的去除率可达95%以上,出水磷满足《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918-2002)的一级A标准(≤0.5 mg/L).动态吸附试验表明,在长期运行条件下,多孔硅酸钙滤料吸附床能持续有效地去除污水中的磷,综合考虑吸附率和运行费用,选择水力停留时间为30 min,滤料填充高度为60 cm为宜.  相似文献   

循环流化床烟气脱硫系统中的压降是保证反应器安全运行的重要参数,了解反应器内的气固流动状况以及压降分布并对其加以调节是系统稳定运行的关键.通过分析循环流化床内气固两相的流动状态,基于一维轴向流动模型,研究循环流化床烟气脱硫系统内的压降轴向分布特性.模型预测结果表明,压降受烟气流速和循环流量影响下的变化趋势与实验结论一致,证明了模型的有效性.可以用于循环流化床内脱硫传质研究,以及为反应器的设计与运行提供指导.  相似文献   

硫自养填充床生物反应器去除水中的高氯酸盐   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立了硫自养填充床生物反应器用于水中ClO4-的去除,考察水力停留时间(HRT)、水温的影响及副产物产生规律。结果表明,当进水ClO4-浓度为22.40~21.07 mg/L时,逐步缩短HRT为12、8、4、2、1.5和1 h,经4~6 d的适应期,反应器对其去除率可达99%以上;低浓度的NO3--N(2.17 mg/L)的存在对ClO4-的降解不产生抑制,两者可同步去除;3℃以内的水温波动对其去除影响较小,较大的温度波动(-8℃)会造成去除率下降;Cl-作为惟一还原产物,其浓度增多符合化学计量比。同时,研究证实了硫歧化反应的发生,出水SO42-浓度的增加量大于理论值,S2-离子浓度较低(4-完全去除时,出水pH值比进水降低约1.1个单位。  相似文献   

喷雾-喷动床半干法烟气脱硫实验研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
实验采用 Ca( OH) 2 做脱硫剂 ,考察了 n( Ca)∶ n( S)、入口 SO2 质量浓度、进气温度、绝热饱和温差、表观气速、静床层高度、喷动粒子直径等对脱硫率的影响。结果表明 ,脱硫率随着 n( Ca)∶ n( S)、入口 SO2 质量浓度、静床层高度的增大而增大 ;随进气温度、绝热饱和温差、表观气速、喷动粒子直径的增大而减小。当 n( a)∶n( S) >1.0 0 ,绝热饱和温差为 7℃时 ,脱硫效率可高达 90 %以上。此脱硫技术具有流态化性能好 ,传热传质效率高 ,脱硫效果好等优点 ,特别适合于中小型燃煤锅炉的烟气脱硫  相似文献   

以可溶性淀粉为原料,N,N’-亚甲基双丙烯酰胺(MBAA)为交联剂,通过反相悬浮聚合得到淀粉微球作为吸附载体,研究了pH、吸附时间、温度对其苯酚吸附性能的影响,以及淀粉微球吸附苯酚的热力学和动力学特性,并利用扫描电镜仪、红外光谱仪对淀粉微球的结构进行了表征。结果表明,淀粉微球粒度分布均匀,表面粗糙多孔,具有相当大的孔容积和比表面积,具有较好的吸附性能;在20℃、pH为5.3时,吸附30 min后,淀粉微球对苯酚的吸附容量达到饱和,最大吸附量为18.71 mg/g;采用准二级吸附动力学方程能更好地描述淀粉微球对苯酚的吸附行为,淀粉微球对苯酚的吸附是以化学吸附为主控步骤的作用过程,淀粉微球对苯酚的吸附主要是通过氢键作用来完成的。  相似文献   

十溴联苯醚在土壤中吸附行为的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
初步研究了十溴联苯醚(BDE-209)在土壤上的吸附行为,并探讨了影响吸附行为的环境因素:pH值、温度.结果表明,pH对BDE-209的吸附影响不显著;温度越高,吸附量越大.土壤对BDE-209的吸附经历了2个平衡:0~32 h达到第1次平衡;32~72 h达到第2次吸附平衡;吸附平衡时间为48 h.土壤对BDE-20...  相似文献   

A thin film coats impervious urban surfaces that can act as a source or sink of organic pollutants to the greater environment. We review recent developments in the understanding of film and film-associated pollutant behavior and incorporate them into an unsteady-state version of the fugacity based Multimedia Urban Model (MUM), focusing on detailed considerations of surface film dynamics. The model is used to explore the conditions under which these atmospherically-derived films act as a temporary source of chemicals to the air and/or storm water. Assuming film growth of 2.1 nm d−1 (Wu et al., 2008a), PCB congeners 28 and 180 reach air-film equilibrium within hours and days, respectively. The model results suggest that the film acts as a temporary sink of chemicals from air during dry and cool weather, as a source to air in warmer weather, and as a source to storm water and soil during rain events. Using the downtown area of the City of Toronto Canada, as a case study, the model estimates that nearly 1 g d−1 of ∑5PCBs are transferred from air to film to storm water.  相似文献   

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