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New approaches to characterizing urban air particles in central London   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 IntroductionOnaninternationalscale,thenatureofurbanairpollutionhaschangedsignificantlyoverthelast50years.Inthe1950sand1960s,themostimportantenvironmentalhealthissuesstemmedfromtheoccurrenceofurbansmogs,anatmosphericcocktailcharacterizedbyhighconcen…  相似文献   

Studies based on information acquired by participative geographic approaches have sought to cope with emergency situations and disasters such as floods. However, the impact of these approaches to flood risk governance systems in order to understand these types of events as a complete risk cycle is still not clear. This paper focuses on analysing the governance possibilities of using participative geographic information like volunteered and public participatory geographic information for flood risk reduction in the case of Santiago de Chile, a city which regularly experiences urban floods during rainy seasons. Based on in-depth interviews and document analysis, our study indicates that a relevant part of the current information used for flood risk reduction efforts is provided to local and regional authorities by the affected population. Though, local actors are not recognized by central agencies as valid agents for the production of official information. Moreover, there are neither instances of communication or deliberation with the community, which reduces the capacity of local actors to discuss possible solutions. Participative geographic instruments are seen as potential mechanisms to strengthen work relations among local actors and authorities, by enhancing new logics for producing and sharing information. The impacts for the current risk governance system though can be diverse depending on the participants' level of commitment of participants and the political relations between actors and agencies. Considered as merely data acquisition and analysis mechanisms, participative instruments reproduce the existing hierarchical top-down structures. Furthermore, local-based approaches can enhance local work, support local diagnostics and increase the decision capacity of citizens.  相似文献   

Tourism can form an important component of a nation's GDP,and Vietnam is among the most visited countries in Southeast Asia.Most studies on personal exposure focus on the general population,or occupational cohorts with exposure to specific pollutants.However,short-term exposure to air pollutants while visiting regions with high levels of air pollution can lead to acute health effects.A personal exposure study was conducted across three cities in Vietnam to estimate exposure to particulate matter(PM_(2.5)) and black carbon for tourists.Measurements were conducted during the wet season in 2014 in Ho Chi Minh City,Da Lat and Nha Trang using portable instrumentation.Average 24-hr PM_(2.5) and BC exposures were estimated as 18.9 ± 9.24 and 3.41 ± 1.33 μg/m~3 and among the three cities,Ho Chi Minh was found to have the highest PM_(2.5) concentrations.Environmental tobacco smoke,commuting and street food stands were found to contribute to highest levels of exposure to PM_(2.5) and BC across all cities.  相似文献   

就沈阳市城市林业状况,论述实现城市林业可持续发展的必要性和途径,以期成为城市环境建设的行动参考.  相似文献   

Set-aside programs of the European government have a double impact on the regional soil erosion risk in agricultural regions: (1) there is less area susceptible to soil erosion and (2) fields with a high erosion rate are preferably taken out of production resulting in a decrease of the average erosion risk. In order to quantify this double effect an inquiry among farmers in central Belgium was set up to find out which fields are preferably taken out of production. A statistical analysis pointed out that fields with a weak slope gradient, a loamy topsoil and good soil drainage have a low probability of being taken out of production. The results of the questionnaire were used to construct a transition probability map representing for each field the probability that it will be taken out of production. These transition probabilities were used to simulate the decrease in regional erosion risk for different scenarios. The outcome of these simulations suggests that there is a negative power relation between the set-aside percentage and the regional soil erosion risk.  相似文献   

Climate change is expected to increase the frequency and intensity of natural disasters. Adaptation investments are required in order to limit the projected increase in natural disaster risks. Adaptation measures can reduce risk partially or completely eliminate risk. The literature on behavioural economics suggests that individuals rarely undertake measures that limit risk partially, while they may place a considerable value on measures that reduce risk to zero. This is studied for a case of adaptation to climate change and its effects on flood risk in the Netherlands. In particular, we examine whether households are willing to invest in elevating newly built structures when this is framed as eliminating flood risk. The results indicate that a majority of homeowners (52%) is willing to make a substantial investment of €10,000 to elevate a new house to a level that is safe to flooding. Differences between willingness to pay (WTP) for flood insurance and WTP for risk elimination through elevation indicate that individuals place a considerable value on the latter adaptation option. This study estimates that the “safety premium” which individuals place on risk elimination is approximately between €35 and €45 per month. The existence of a safety premium has important implications for the design of climate change adaptation policies. The decision to invest in elevating homes is significantly correlated with the expected negative effects of climate change, perceptions of flood risks, individual risk attitudes, and living close to a main river.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the relationship between urban development and noise pollution. The analysis, based on a wide range of measurements and statistical data,reveals the changes of the ambient noise resulting from city development. In conclusion the paper suggests some fundamental measures for improving the acoustical environment, the division of cities into functional areas and the development of a well designed road network. In addition, it is suggested that town planning, architecture and the implementation of appropriate regulations could also help to reduce noise levels.  相似文献   

Flood risk assessments provide inputs for the evaluation of flood risk management (FRM) strategies. Traditionally, such risk assessments provide estimates of loss of life and economic damage. However, the effect of policy measures aimed at reducing risk also depends on the capacity of households to adapt and respond to floods, which in turn largely depends on their social vulnerability. This study shows how a joint assessment of hazard, exposure and social vulnerability provides valuable information for the evaluation of FRM strategies. The adopted methodology uses data on hazard and exposure combined with a social vulnerability index. The relevance of this state-of-the-art approach taken is exemplified in a case-study of Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The results show that not only a substantial share of the population can be defined as socially vulnerable, but also that the population is very heterogeneous, which is often ignored in traditional flood risk management studies. It is concluded that FRM measures, such as individual mitigation, evacuation or flood insurance coverage should not be applied homogenously across large areas, but instead should be tailored to local characteristics based on the socioeconomic characteristics of individual households and neighborhoods.  相似文献   

梁霞  李小平  顾洁 《环境科学》2007,28(8):1662-1669
通过对上海地区主要水体黄浦江、苏州河7个断面周丛藻类群落及水质情况的全年连续监测,同时结合研究区域的物理生境、水文学指标等环境因子,采用多元统计方法,分析藻类群落的种类组成与数量特征,以及环境因子对藻类群落的主要影响关系.结果表明,①周丛藻类群落具有明显的时空变化趋势,藻类数量及群落密度均在上游区域以及水温较高条件下增加,而群落多样性则在下游及低温条件下显著降低(p<0.05);②水质、水域功能区划类型以及氮、磷等营养物质浓度是影响藻类种类组成及分布差异的主要环境因子;③一些具有较高优势度的周丛藻类,如系带舟形藻(Navicula cincta)、微小色球藻(Chroococcus minutus)和钝脆杆藻(Fragilaria capucina)对水体氮、磷营养物质变化具有很高的敏感性,从而可作为不同区域水体水质的有效指示藻类.  相似文献   

细菌是河流生态系统的重要组成部分,在污染物降解、物质循环和能量流动等方面扮演着重要角色.然而亚热带城市河流细菌群落的季节演替和构建机制(确定性和随机性过程)仍不明晰.以流溪河及广州珠江段为研究对象,采用16S rRNA高通量测序分析探讨了不同季节(丰水期和枯水期)水体细菌群落的变化及其构建机制.结果表明:不同季节水体细菌群落的组成存在显著差异,丰水期,变形菌门和异常球菌-栖热菌门的丰度更高;而枯水期,拟杆菌门和厚壁菌门的丰度更高.细菌群落的α和β多样性同样具有显著的季节差异,T、NH4+-N、TOC、pH、EC、DO、NO3--N和DSi是影响细菌群落季节变化的主要环境因子.水体细菌群落的生态网络具有典型的模块化结构,物种间以正相关作用(合作关系)为主,且丰水期物种间的合作关系强于枯水期.随机性过程主导了细菌群落的构建,尤其以扩散限制贡献最大,且细菌群落在枯水期面临的扩散限制要高于丰水期.  相似文献   

Globally, municipalities are tackling climate adaptation and resilience planning. Urban green space has crucial biophysical buffering capacities, but also affects social interactions and human well-being. This paper considers the social dimension of urban green space, through an assessment focused on park use, function, and meanings, and compares results to categories of cultural ecosystem services. We develop a mixed-method approach for assessment of uses and social meanings of parkland and pilot this method in 2140 acres of parkland in waterfront neighborhoods surrounding New York City’s Jamaica Bay, an area heavily affected by Hurricane Sandy. This method combines observation of human activities and signs of prior human use with structured interviews of park users. We find that urban parkland is a crucial form of ‘nearby nature’ that provides space for recreation, activities, socialization, and environmental engagement and supports place attachment and social ties. We show that parks, through their use by and interactions with humans, are producing vital cultural ecosystem services that may help to strengthen social resilience. Certain services were more easily detectable than others via our assessment technique, including recreation, social relations, and sense of place. The assessment method was designed to be spatially explicit, scalable, and replicable; natural resource managers engaged in park management and/or resilience planning could apply this method across individual sites, in particular districts—such as vulnerable waterfront areas, and citywide. This study demonstrates a way in which cultural ecosystem services and an understanding of social meaning could be incorporated into park management and resilience planning.  相似文献   

模拟了氮元素在水、能源、食品、林业、废物管理等多部门的代谢流动,以苏州为例构建了元素代谢系统分析模型,识别了氮元素代谢的重要部门和关键环节,针对性地提出尿源分离、污泥热解、高温热解、藻类净水等四种氮回收技术及组合,分析技术应用对城市氮元素代谢性能的影响.结果表明:苏州氮元素从外界输入160万t/a,90%来自煤炭和天然气;能源、食品和水部门是氮回收的关键环节;四项氮回收技术组合应用可实现氮元素整体代谢效率提至52%,优化调控效果最好,可促进低氮型社会的构建.  相似文献   

Urban sprawl is a widely recognized phenomenon in many major cities worldwide and is a significant land use planning and management issue. This process has many impacts on the ecological function and structure of the landscape. In this article, we analyze the effects of urban sprawl on the ecological patterns and processes in the Montreal Metropolitan Region (MMR) between 1966 and 2010. The dispersed sprawl of low-density urban areas within the territory during this period sharply increased the fragmentation of the territory, isolating the few remaining natural spaces and decreasing their ecological connectivity and, ultimately, biodiversity. The results obtained clearly show that land-use changes that occurred in the MMR have caused profound changes in landscape properties, both structurally and functionally, and especially from 1981 to 2010. In 1966, around 45% of the land had a high or very high level of connectivity, and almost 38% in 1981. By 2010 only 6.5% of the landscape was connected and 73% of the territory possessed no or low connectivity.  相似文献   

South Africa faces several development challenges including those linked to climate change. Energy usage in South Africa, for example, is already constrained because of a range of development challenges (the dependence on cheap coal as a heating source; energy availability; access; affordability of alternative energy sources; and a range of health impacts, including air pollution). Notwithstanding calls for a transition to a low carbon economy, there have been few, recent assessments in South Africa of the costs associated with such a transition, particularly the social and economic costs for the poor who use energy in a variety of ways. In this paper we focus on trying to unravel some of the complex energy-use behaviour including understanding what drives consumers in resource-poor areas to choose and use persistently risky energy options. Analysis of qualitative data in two township areas, Doornkop and Kwaguqa, shows that township households, whether electrified or not, continue to burn coal. In both study areas, an estimated 80% of electrified households burn coal for space heating and cooking and also make use of multiple fuel sources for a range of activities. Although the major obstacles preventing people from discontinuing domestic coal combustion are poverty, the ready availability and social acceptability of coal together with other social customs cannot be underrated. This paper therefore highlights some of the persistent challenges associated with sustainable energy transitions in South Africa including implications for improved mitigation and adaptation for the energy sector in wider climate change efforts.  相似文献   

Air pollution is a major obstacle to future sustainability, and traffic pollution has become a large drag on the sustainable developments of future metropolises. Here, combined with the large volume of real-time monitoring data, we propose a deep learning model, iDeepAir, to predict surface-level PM2.5 concentration in Shanghai megacity and link with MEIC emission inventory creatively to decipher urban traffic impacts on air quality. Our model exhibits high-fidelity in reproducing pollutant concentrations and reduces the MAE from 25.355 µg/m3 to 12.283 µg/m3 compared with other models. And identifies the ranking of major factors, local meteorological conditions have become a nonnegligible factor. Layer-wise relevance propagation (LRP) is used here to enhance the interpretability of the model and we visualize and analyze the reasons for the different correlation between traffic density and PM2.5 concentration in various regions of Shanghai. Meanwhile, As the strict and effective industrial emission reduction measurements implementing in China, the contribution of urban traffic to PM2.5 formation calculated by combining MEIC emission inventory and LRP is gradually increasing from 18.03% in 2011 to 24.37% in 2017 in Shanghai, and the impact of traffic emissions would be ever-prominent in 2030 according to our prediction. We also infer that the promotion of vehicular electrification would achieve further alleviation of PM2.5 about 8.45% by 2030 gradually. These insights are of great significance to provide the decision-making basis for accurate and high-efficient traffic management and urban pollution control, and eventually benefit people's lives and high-quality sustainable developments of cities.  相似文献   

Urban forest management and policies have been promoted as a tool to mitigate carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. This study used existing CO2 reduction measures from subtropical Miami-Dade and Gainesville, USA and modeled carbon storage and sequestration by trees to analyze policies that use urban forests to offset carbon emissions. Field data were analyzed, modeled, and spatially analyzed to compare CO2 sequestered by managing urban forests to equivalent amounts of CO2 emitted in both urban areas. Urban forests in Gainesville have greater tree density, store more carbon and present lower per-tree sequestration rates than Miami-Dade as a result of environmental conditions and urbanization patterns. Areas characterized by natural pine-oak forests, mangroves, and stands of highly invasive trees were most apt at sequestering CO2. Results indicate that urban tree sequestration offsets CO2 emissions and, relative to total city-wide emissions, is moderately effective at 3.4 percent and 1.8 percent in Gainesville and Miami-Dade, respectively. Moreover, converting available non-treed areas into urban forests would not increase overall CO2 emission reductions substantially. Current CO2 sequestration by trees was comparable to implemented CO2 reduction policies. However, long-term objectives, multiple ecosystem services, costs, community needs, and preservation of existing forests should be considered when managing trees for climate change mitigation and other ecosystem services.  相似文献   

This paper considers relationships between sustainability objectives, transport, spatial design of the built environment and rational use of energy. Conventional transport modelling, housing supply and energy assessment tools are drawn together to provide a common platform for appraisal of city-wide energy use by stationary and mobile sources. The paper outlines methodologies developed for the city of Belfast, Northern Ireland. The paper concludes by briefly reviewing the effect in terms of mobile and stationary energy consumption and travel behaviour of implementing sustainable policy measures in current and future years within the study area.  相似文献   

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