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Seasonal spatial and temporal changes of selected eco-chemical parameters in section of the Danube River flowing through Serbia were analyzed. Data for electrical conductivity (EC), dry and suspended matter, residue on ignition, chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD-5), ultraviolet extinction, dissolved oxygen (DO), oxygen saturation, pH, nitrates, total phosphorus, and nitrogen were collected between 1992 and 2006. The use of monthly medians combined with linear regression and two-sided t test has been proven to be the best approach for resolving trends from natural variability of investigated parameters and for determining trend significance. Patterns of temporal changes between different months were examined. It was also determined that spatial trends of some parameters oscillate in predictable manner, increasing in one part of the year and declining in the other. Regression slope coefficients, an excellent indicator for determining when the water quality is changing the most along the course of the Danube, reach their maximum during summer for temperature (t), electric conductivity, nitrates, and total N, while in the same season suspended matter, COD, BOD-5, DO, and oxygen saturation coefficients reach their minimum. Correlations for used data sets of selected parameters were analyzed for better understanding of their behavior and mutual relations. It was observed that as Danube flows through Serbia, its general eco-chemical status either stagnates or improves, but the rate of river self-purification often depends on the season of the year.  相似文献   

The paper describes an application of a statistical analysis for estimating long-term trends in pollutant concentrations of selected pollutants in the Danube river. The results show the changes of concentrations of NH(4)(+)-N, NO(3)(-)-N, PO(4)(3-)-P, total P, BOD(5) and COD(Cr) in a ten year period with the aim to find how the concentrations vary in the whole stretch of this river. The study was based on the data collected in the frame of Transnational Monitoring Network of the ICPDR. To obtain plausible results we have chosen statistical methods, such as tests based on the Spearman correlation coefficient and median regression, which are not sensitive to departures from normality as high skewness or outliers.  相似文献   

The Croatian part of the Danube River extends over 188 km and comprises 58 % of the country’s overall area used for commercial freshwater fishing. To date, the heavy metal contamination of fish in the Croatian part of the Danube has not been studied. The main purpose of this study was to determine heavy metal levels in muscle tissue of sampled fish species and to analyze the measured values according to feeding habits of particular groups. Lead ranged from 0.015 μg?1 dry weight in planktivorous to 0.039 μg?1 dry weight in herbivorous fish, cadmium from 0.013 μg?1 dry weight in herbivorous to 0.018 μg?1 dry weight in piscivorous fish, mercury from 0.191 μg?1 dry weight in omnivorous to 0.441 μg?1 dry weight in planktivorous fish and arsenic from 0.018 μg?1 dry weight in planktivorous to 0.039 μg?1 dry weight in omnivorous fish. Among the analyzed metals in muscle tissue of sampled fish, only mercury exceeded the maximal level (0.5 mg kg?1) permitted according to the national and EU regulations determining maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs, indicating a hazard for consumers of fish from the Danube River.  相似文献   

The multidisciplinary socio-economic study of fisheries in the bordering part of the Danube River between Serbia and Croatia (at the following sites: Apatin, Ba?ka Palanka, Ba?ko Novo Selo, Bezdan, and Sombor) that was performed in order to investigate various aspects of fish resource utilization (management, policy of protection and exploitation of freshwater fishery resources, present fisheries legislation, catch statistics), was realized during 2004 and 2005. Data were collected via survey with a structured interview. Socio-economic circumstances, together with ecological factors, have had an influence on the fish stock and number of commercial fishermen. Awareness of the occurring problems, both economic and ecological ones, is apparent, regardless of whether it is assessed in the field of commercial or recreational fishing. Fishery sector in Serbia is in a prolonged process of transition, with the enforcement of fishing regulations, but also the lack of control that leaves space for illegal commercial fishing. The statements, consciousness, experience and behavior of commercial fishermen represent a good basis for planning the sustainable development of fishing in this section of the Danube River.  相似文献   

This study was performed to elucidate the distribution, concentration trend and possible source of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in surface water and bed sediments of the Hungarian upper section of the Danube River and the Moson Danube branch. A total of 217 samples (water and sediments) were collected from four different sampling sites in the period of 2001–2010 and analysed for the 16 priority US Environmental Protection Agency PAHs. Concentrations of total 16 PAHs (∑PAHs) in water samples ranged from 25 to 1,208 ng/L, which were predominated by two- and three-ring PAHs. The ∑PAH concentrations in sediments ranged from 8.3 to 1,202.5 ng/g dry weight. Four-ring PAHs including fluoranthene and pyrene were the dominant species in sediment samples. A selected number of concentration ratios of specific PAH compounds were calculated to evaluate the possible sources of PAH contamination. The ratios reflected a pattern of pyrogenic input as a major source of PAHs. The levels of PAHs determined were compared with other sections of the Danube and other regions of the world.  相似文献   

To determine the possible contributions of point and non-point sources to carbon and nutrient loading in the Ganga River, we analyzed N, P, and organic carbon (OC) in the atmospheric deposits, surface runoff, and in the river along a 37-km stretch from 2013 to 2015. We also assessed the trophic status of the river as influenced by such sources of nutrient input. Although the river N, P, and productivity showed a declining trend with increasing discharge, runoff DOC and dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) increased by 88.05 and 122.7% between the Adpr and Rjht sites, indicating contributions from atmospheric deposition (AD) coupled with land use where agriculture appeared to be the major contributor. Point source input led to increased river concentrations of NO3 ?, NH4 +, DRP, and DOC by 10.5, 115.9, 115.2, and 67.3%, respectively. Increases in N, P, and productivity along the gradient were significantly negatively correlated with river discharge (p < 0.001), while river DOC and dissolved silica showed positive relationships. The results revealed large differences in point and non-point sources of carbon and nutrient input into the Ganga River, although these variations were strongly influenced by the seasonality in surface runoff and river discharge. Despite these variations, N and P concentrations were sufficient to enhance phytoplankton growth along the study stretch. Allochthonous input together with enhanced autotrophy would accelerate heterotrophic growth, degrading the river more rapidly in the near future. This study suggests the need for large-scale inter-regional time series data on the point and non-point source partitioning and associated food web dynamics of this major river system.  相似文献   

Arsenic released by bottom sediments was determined by experiments in which the sediments were artificially re-suspended using a particle entrainment simulator (PES) to simulate river conditions. Sediment cores were collected from various tributaries to drinking water reservoirs in Connecticut spiked with arsenic, and run in the PES at simulated bed-flow shear stresses from 0.0 to 0.6 N/m2. Under equilibrium conditions, the dissolved fraction of arsenic was found to range from 8.3 to 22.1 μg/l, which in most cases exceeded EPA Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) of 10 μg/l. Experimental results from these simulations have shown that bed-flow shear stress causes an increased concentration of dissolved arsenic, most notably at shear stresses of 0.4, 0.5, and 0.6 N/m2. For the solid phase under equilibrium, the concentrations of arsenic ranged between 71 and 275 mg/kg. The average concentration of arsenic on the solid phase as well as partitioning coefficient values (K p) were highest at initial shear stress. This was attributed to the higher fraction of colloidal material and finer organic particles in the suspended solid mixture. Particles of such nature proved to have higher affinity to arsenic. K p values were determined from PES data and were found to range from 4,687 to 24,090 l/kg. However, on a mass load basis, the amount of arsenic found in suspended sediment increased with the increase of shear stress. Similarly, the amount of arsenic in the solid phase increased significantly for sites with high Volatile Organic Carbon (VOC) content. Because of the influence of Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and VOC concentrations on K p, the use of the PES is more appropriate in obtaining K p values that would be found under real stream conditions when compared to the traditional way of measuring K p using a jar study technique.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the levels of trace elements and to discuss the origin and mobility of these contaminants in the canal sediments (alluvial formation of the Danube River). The most significant fractions binding all of the studied elements were oxides and silicates. The high proportion of elements in the residual fraction and the generally low contents of extractable elements reflected the background geochemical conditions. The contents of trace elements (except Hg and As) were dominantly controlled by the presence of Fe and Mn oxides as well as by the grain size and the geochemical composition of the sediment. The studied alluvial sediments were not heavily contaminated; there were only few sites where an anthropogenic influence on the concentrations of some metals (Cu, Cd, Zn, and Pb) was noticed. The results from this study show that impact of Pan?evo industrial zone on the quality of the Danube River and its contamination with trace element is minor.  相似文献   

本文利用灰色系统的关联分析方法对影响城市大气质量的主要因素进行分析,结果发现.燃料的消耗量是影响深圳大气环境质量的主要因素,机动车辆的增长是次主要因素,工业总产值的变化对城市大气质量影响极弱,而城市的发展对大气质量均有影响,对大气中NOx和降尘的影响最明显。  相似文献   

Although the majority of rivers and streams in the Mediterranean area are temporary, no particular attention is being paid for such systems in the Water Framework Directive (WFD). A typical temporal Mediterranean river, draining an intensively cultivated basin, was assessed for its chemical status. Elevated concentrations of nitrates and salts in river water as well as nutrients and heavy metals in river sediments have been attributed to agricultural land uses and practices and point sources of organic pollution. A scheme for the classification of the river's chemical status (within the ecological quality classification procedure) was applied by combining pollution parameters in groups according to related pressures. In light of the temporal hydrological regime and anthropogenic impacts, sediment chemical quality elements were considered, in addition to hydrochemical ones. Despite the extensive agricultural activities in the basin, the majority of the sites examined showed a good quality and only three of them were classified as moderate. For the classification of the chemical quality of temporary water bodies, there is a need to develop ecologically relevant salinity and sediment quality standards.  相似文献   

The temporal variation in the Specific Growth Rate (SGR) of natural population of heterotrophic bacterioplankton of the river Cauvery and its four down stream tributaries in Karnataka State was monitored over a period of two years from February 2000 to January 2002. The SGR was calculated by taking into account only the abundance of bacterioplankton at the beginning (0 h) and at the end (48 h) incubation period, at room or river temperature. The mean SGR was less and significantly different in the surface waters of river Kapila, Shimsha, Suvarnavathy and Arkavathy. But it was more and significantly different in river Cauvery when compared to other tributaries. This suggests that the river Cauvery was more favorable habitat for SGR of bacterioplankton than the other four watercourses studied. Investigation of interrelationship between SGR and other bacterial variables showed presence of only one correlation with direct counts of particle bound bacteria in river Arkavathy. Further, the relationship between SGR of bacterioplankton and other environmental variables showed the presence of six correlations in river Shimsha, five in river Suvarnavathy, three in river Cauvery, and two each in river Kapila and river Arkavathy. Negative SGR were recorded on thirteen occasions in river Cauvery followed by eleven in river Shimsha, nine in river Suvarnavathy, seven in river Arkavathy and five in river Kapila, out of fifty SGR determinations. This negative SGR were a result of decrease in the observed bacterial cell counts after 48 h incubation from that of 0 h count. The probable reason for such negative growth rate and dependency of SGR of bacterioplankton and environmental variables has been discussed.  相似文献   

Measurements of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, nitrogen as ammonia, nitrate and nitrite, and phosphate along with chlorophyll were carried out at three stations on the coastal waters of Cochin, south west India, at two-levels of the water column over a period of five years. The data set has been factorised using principal component analysis (PCA) for extracting linear relationships existing among a set of variables. A graphical display of the scores generated from the PCA was done by means of boxplots and biplots, which helped in the interpretation of the data. The major factors conditioning the system are related to the input of fresh water from the estuary of the Periyar river and the high organic load of the bottom sediment in the coastal area which results in a reducing environment, as reflected in the parameters of dissolved oxygen, ammoniacal-nitrogen and nitrite-nitrogen. Another factor which contributes to the variation in the system is related to the unloading activity in the port area. The present approach presents a logical way to interpret the complex data of the physico-chemical measurements.  相似文献   

The seasonal variations and spatial distributions of 4-tert-octylphenol (OP), 4-nonylphenol (NP) and bisphenol A (BPA) in surface waters, suspended solids and surface sediments in the Huangpu River and its tributaries (Suzhou River and Yunzao Brook) were firstly investigated. The mean concentrations of OP, NP and BPA in the three rivers were 10.59, 120.96 and 22.93 ng L?1 in surface waters, 199.87, 2,300.87 and 84.11 ng g?1 in suspended solids and 9.49, 119.44 and 7.13 ng g?1 dry weight in surface sediments, respectively. The concentrations of NP and OP were higher in summer than in winter in the suspended solids and surface sediments, while the reverse was true in surface waters. Similarly, the levels of BPA were lower in summer than in winter in surface sediments, while the opposite was true in surface waters and suspended solids. These seasonal variations might be attributed to temperature and stream flows. High levels of OP, NP and BPA were found in surrounding river intersections, residential and industrial areas. Their concentrations decreased gradually with increasing distance from those areas, while the lowest levels were measured in near less urbanized and agricultural areas. These phenomena might indicate that the stream current and pollutant source were the major factors that affect the spatial distributions of OP, NP and BPA in the three rivers. Ecological risk assessment indicated that NP was the only one of the three pollutants with the potential to influence local aquatic organisms. The results of this study provide scientific support for control of these pollutants.  相似文献   

Contamination of man and ecosystems by pesticides has become a major environmental concern. Whereas many studies exist on contamination from agriculture, the effects of urban sources are usually omitted. Fluvial sediment is a complex matrix of pollutants but little is known of its recent herbicide content. This study proposes a method for a fast and reliable analysis of herbicides by employing the accelerated solvent extractor (ASE). The aim of the study is to show the impact of a major town (Toulouse) on the herbicide content in the river. In this study, three herbicide families (i.e.s-triazine, substituted ureas and anilides) were analysed in fluvial sediment fractions at 11 sampling sites along the mid-Garonne River and its tributaries. River water contamination by herbicides is minor, except for at three sites located in urban areas. Among the herbicidal families studied, urban and suburban areas are distinguished from rural areas and were found to be the most contaminated sites during the study period, a winter low-water event. The herbicide content of the coarse sediment fractions is about one third of that found in the fine fractions and usually ignored. The distribution of pesticide concentrations across the whole range of particle sizes was investigated to clarify the role of plant remains on the significant accumulation in the coarse fractions.  相似文献   

The Norwegian Government has initiated a plan to reduce agricultural pollution. One of the projects in this plan is aimed at investigating the effects of different measures in order to evaluate their effects and costs.A set of experiments has been designed to estimate the effects of measures to reduce or control the use of fertilizers and erosion. The project started in 1985. It comprises continuous measurements in two water courses in each of four counties: one test drainage area where the relevant measures were implemented at the end of 1986, and one reference area where no specific measures are carried out. A series of chemical parameters are measured together with runoff and other hydrological and meteorogical data.The paper provides a preliminary analysis of the data collected in one of the counties during the period June 1985 to April 1988. It contains examples of analysis of covariance to show possible effects of the measures carried out in the test area.Natural variations in precipitation and pollution are large, making it difficult to see the effects of the measures without using statistical techniques to take the multivariability of the problem into account. Some effects can be shown with analysis of covariance. However, the relatively short measurement period makes it neccessary to be careful when interpreting the results.  相似文献   

Narmada is considered to be the lifeline of the state of Madhya Pradesh in Central India. The Narmada water is used for bathing, drinking, irrigation and industrial purposes. The city sewage and industrial effluent from Security paper mill at Hoshangabad drains in the Narmada River and pollutes the water quality. Urban sewage enters into Narmada through main nallas. River water quality at Hoshangabad has become a matter of concern due to continuous changing environment and increasing social and industrial activity that influence the water quality directly or indirectly. The present investigation is undertaken to study the effect of domestic sewage and effluent from Security paper Mill on the water quality and ecology of river Narmada at Hoshangabad. The study is carried on at four sites along with the bank of river Narmada. Water samples from four stations were collected, out of which three main sewage mixing points of the city and one fresh water site are taken into account. The samples collected were analyzed, as per standard methods parameters such as Temperature, pH, were measured in-situ. The statistical evaluations were also made. The result showed increase in BOD, Nitrates, Phosphates and Total Coliforms, No. of phytoplanktons. The results revealed that most of the water samples were below or out of limited; according to the WHO, BIS standards.  相似文献   

In the lower Guadalquivir river basin, a system stressed by a wide variety of anthropogenic activities, eight pesticides (four triazines, two chloroacetanilide herbicides, one organochlorine, and one organophosphorus insecticide); and four emerging pollutants (two personal care products, one organophosphorous flame retardant, and one xanthine alkaloid) were analyzed in river water during a 2-year monitoring program, and after rain episodes. Samples were extracted using the solid phase extraction (SPE) technique prior to determination of compounds using gas chromatograph coupled to a mass spectrometer detector. Except for caffeine, recoveries were mostly above 80 %, while limits of detection and quantification were in the low nanograms per liter level (except for dimethoate). Terbuthylazine, simazine (triazine herbicides), and dimethoate (organophosphorus insecticide), present in agrochemicals, were predominant in the river water, although concentrations were below the quality standards established by the EU Water-Framework-Directive. A general trend to increase concentration was observed after rain events, in particular for pesticides, possibly as a consequence of surface runoff.  相似文献   

Mercury is a heavy metal which has garnered attention recently in India. Minamata Convention on mercury was established on October 2013 and was joined by India on September 30, 2014. India is seen as a major mercury pollution source after China according to many studies in the past. Various mercury pollution sites that are currently recognized in India are Kodai Lake, Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, and Thane Creek, Mumbai. Since 1992, chlor-alkali plants have been regulated to eliminate mercury cell process of manufacturing. Also, medical and health care facilities are discarding mercury-containing equipment and processes. Various anthropogenic sources of mercury to the atmosphere include combustion of fossil fuels, processing and mining of primary metal ores, cement manufacturing units, chlor-alkali plants, and use of mercury in various products like paints, electric switches, and relays. The hazard associated with mercury pollution becomes extremely serious when we consider its ability to be transported over long-range distances. Various atmospheric transport models suggest India and other Asian countries to be a major source of long-range transport of mercury to North America. Considering the hazards of mercury and its widespread presence in our life, a study on mercury pollution in an urban water body is conducted. This study deals with Mithi River located in Mumbai Metropolitan Region (19.0760° N, 72.8777° E) to study the total mercury in water and derive its relationship with other pollution parameters.  相似文献   

杭州市钱塘江干支流水质多元统计分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用多元统计方法分析了杭州市钱塘江干支流上26个断面的水质监测指标。利用系统聚类分析方法将断面所在河流分为3组,与钱塘江流域污染空间分布现状基本一致。对各组水质的主成分分析表明,第1组河流水质以有机污染为主,水体中氮、磷营养盐浓度较高,水体污染程度较轻,污染来源相对单一;第2组河流水体受有机物、重金属、石油类等多个污染指标的影响,水体水质较第1组差,污染来源相对复杂;第3组河流水体既有一般有机污染,也有重金属、有毒有害物质的污染,水体水质污染严重。  相似文献   

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