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Concentrations of Hg and Se were determined for a total of 125Common Loon (Gavia immer) eggs collected from lakes in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and NovaScotia, Canada between 1972 and 1997. Resulting data were compared to Hg and/or Se concentrations known or suspected tocause reproductive impairment in birds. Organic (methyl) Hg analyses were also performed on a subset of 24 loon eggs. Thirty-nine of 125 eggs had total Hg levels exceeding those (0.6 g g-1 ww, or 2.5 g g-1 dw)previously reported to be associated with reproductive impairment in common loons (Barr, 1986), and 9 of 125 eggshad Hg concentrations higher than the level associated withreproductive impairment in birds generally 1 g g-1 ww; (Thompson, 1996). Selenium concentrations in loon egg samples were less than levels known to cause reproductiveimpairment in birds. A weak but significant positive correlation was observed between egg-Hg and -Se concentrations(r = 0.511, p < 0.05). On average, methylmercury accounted for about 87% of total Hg in 24 eggs analysed for both total and organic Hg. In this subset of eggs, the relationship between organic (methyl) Hg and Se was significant (r = 0.538, p = 0.007) while that found between inorganic Hg and Se in the same eggs was not significant (r = 0.353, p = 0.091). This relationship was unexpected and was contrary to relationships established for organic and inorganic Hg vs. Se in adult loon liver and kidney tissue (Scheuhammer et al., 1998b).  相似文献   

Antimicrobial resistance and the mechanisms implicated were studied in 54 enterococci recovered from 57 seagull fecal samples. Almost 78% of the recovered enterococci showed resistance against one or more antibiotics and these isolates were identified to the species level. E. faecium was the most prevalent species (52.4%). High percentages of erythromycin and tetracycline resistances were found among our isolates (95.2%), and lower percentages were identified to other antibiotics. Most of the tetracycline-resistant strains carried the tet(M) and/or tet(L) genes. Genes associated with Tn916/Tn1545 and/or Tn5397 transposons were detected in 45% of tetracycline-resistant isolates. The erm(B) gene was detected in 65% of erythromycin-resistant isolates. The vat(D) and vat(E) genes were present in 5.9% and 11.8% of quinupristin/dalfopristin-resistant isolates, respectively. The ant(6)-Ia gene was identified in 57.1% of streptomycin-resistant isolates. All nine kanamycin-resistant isolates carried the aph(3)'-IIIa gene. The cat(A) gene was found in two chloramphenicol-resistant isolates. Seagulls should be considered a risk species for spreading in the environment antimicrobial resistant enterococci and can serve as a sentinel for antibiotic pressure from the surrounding farm and urban setting.  相似文献   

Performance assessment is a critical objective of management systems. As a result of the non-deterministic and qualitative nature of performance indicators, assessments are likely to be influenced by evaluators’ personal judgments. Furthermore, in developing countries, performance assessments by the Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) department are based solely on the number of accidents. A questionnaire is used to conduct the study in one of the largest steel production companies in Iran. With respect to health, safety, and environment, the results revealed that control of disease, fire hazards, and air pollution are of paramount importance, with coefficients of 0.057, 0.062, and 0.054, respectively. Furthermore, health and environment indicators were found to be the most common causes of poor performance. Finally, it was shown that HSE management systems can affect the majority of performance safety indicators in the short run, whereas health and environment indicators require longer periods of time. The objective of this study is to present an HSE-MS unit performance assessment model in steel industries. Moreover, we seek to answer the following question: what are the factors that affect HSE unit system in the steel industry? Also, for each factor, the extent of impact on the performance of the HSE management system in the organization is determined.  相似文献   

Combustion-derived black carbon has received attention as a form of refractory organic carbon that may be preferentially preserved in soils and sediments. However, little is understood about the environmental roles of black carbon in urban soils. This investigation represented the preliminary study to characterize black carbon (BC) concentrations and enrichment ratios in Xuzhou urban roadside topsoil. Data from 21 roadside topsoil samples showed that the median of BC concentrations is 21.8 mg/g, which is significantly higher than local background value that averages 3.8 mg/g. Hierarchical clustering analysis indicated that BC in Xuzhou urban roadside soils are mainly from the traffic emissions. The marked positive correlations between BC and the concentrations of heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Zn, Mo, and Sc; Pearson correlation coefficient, 0.623, 0.809, 0.846, 0.742 and 0.831, respectively) suggested that these heavy metals are likely to be strongly retained by BC present in roadside topsoil. The significant positive correlation between BC and specific magnetic susceptibility was also observed. Thus, the simple environmental magnetic method is potentially an efficient alternative technique for assessing BC concentration in roadside topsoil.  相似文献   

4-[N,N-(Diethyl)amino] benzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone (DEABT) is proposed as an analytical reagent for the spectrophotometric determination of platinum(IV). The DEABT forms 1:2 yellow complex with Pt(IV), which is sparingly soluble in water and completely soluble in water–ethanol–DMF medium. The Pt(IV)–DEABT complex shows maximum absorbance at 405 nm. Beer’s law is valid up to 7.80 μg cm???3, and optimum concentration range for the determination of platinum(IV) is 0.48–7.02 μg cm???3. The molar absorptivity and Sandell’s sensitivity of the method are found to be 1.755 × 104 dm3 mol???1 cm???1 and 0.0012 μg cm???2, respectively. The relative error and coefficient of variation (n?=?6) for the method does not exceed ±0.43% and 0.35%, respectively. Since the method tolerates a number of metal ions commonly associated with platinum, it can be employed for the determination of platinum in environmental samples, pharmaceutical samples, alloys, catalysts, and complexes. The method is rapid as the Pt(IV)–DEABT complex is soluble in water–ethanol–DMF medium and not requiring any time consuming extraction method for the complex.  相似文献   

Sediments from the Tagus estuary (Portugal) were collected at 40 stations in July and December 2004. Total LAS concentrations ranged between 0.03 and 17.76 mg LAS.kg(-1) dry weight in July, and between 0.09 and 9.57 mg LAS.kg(-1) in December. Highest LAS concentrations were found at the upper northern part of the estuary, coincident with the localisation of an important waste water treatment station. According to the Predicted No Effect Concentration (PNEC) of 8.1 mg.kg(-1) derived for this compound, Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) identified a hazard for the ecosystem at the station with the highest LAS concentration, and similar results are obtained by Equilibrium Partitioning Method (EPM). Nevertheless, LAS concentrations decreased significantly between samplings in the stations with the highest LAS concentrations in July, whereas increased LAS concentrations at adjacent stations were found in December. In the remaining stations, LAS concentrations were up to three orders of magnitude lower, representing no hazard for the sediment community.  相似文献   

The eastern Baltic Sea near the Estonian coast is heavily navigated by numerous cargo ships and oil tankers. Hundreds of accidents and oil spills happen yearly in this area. Yet, there is a lack of data concerning the distribution and effects of the environmental contaminants, especially polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Different parts of the Baltic Sea have different levels of contamination; therefore a wide range of monitoring stations in coastal areas in the Gulf of Finland and Gulf of Riga were chosen. The aim of the present research was to document the responses of chosen biomarkers of environmental contaminants in different unstudied areas of the Estonian coastal sea. During 2009 and 2010 we measured PAH metabolites, EROD activities, geno- and cytotoxicity, histology, parasites and other biomarkers from the eelpout (Zoarces viviparus), a resident benthic fish species. The results showed that fish from the Gulf of Riga emitted lower levels of fluorescence in fixed wavelength analyses (representing equivalents of PAH metabolites in bile and urine), and consistently, showed less geno- and cytotoxicity and parasite infection, higher liver somatic index (LSI) and a higher condition factor (CF) than fish inhabiting areas close to the Baltic proper and in the Gulf of Finland. The results point to the effect of long-range contaminant transportation, whether atmospheric or hydrodynamic, and also to the intensive shipping activity in international routes. This study fills the gap of knowledge in this area that has persisted until now. Nevertheless, more studies in this area on the different groups of contaminants are necessary, to specify the factors that are responsible for observed biological effects.  相似文献   

This study focused on the seasonal and spatial analysis of the mesozooplankton community in a human-impacted subantarctic bay in Argentina and aimed to detect assemblages associated with environmental variability. Mesozooplankton samples and environmental data were obtained in the Ushuaia Bay (UB) seasonally, from August 2004 to June 2005, and spatially, from coastal (more polluted), middle (less influenced) and open sea water (free polluted) sampling stations. Remarkable seasonal changes on the mesozooplankton community were observed. Nitrogenated nutrients, chlorophyll a, salinity and temperature were the prevailing environmental conditions likely associated with the different mesozooplankton assemblages found in the bay. The copepods Eurytemora americana, Acartia tonsa, Podon leuckarti and Nematoda were particularly observed on the northwest coast of the bay, characterized by the highest level of urban pollution, eutrophicated by sewage and freshwater inputs from the Encerrada Bay which is connected to it. The stations situated in the northeast area, mostly influenced by freshwater input from rivers and glacier melting, showed low mesozooplankton abundances and an important contribution of adventitious plankton. The copepods Ctenocalanus citer, Clausocalanus brevipes and Drepanopus forcipatus were mostly observed at the stations located near the Beagle Channel, characterized by open sea and free polluted waters. Our findings suggest that the variations observed in the mesozooplankton assemblages in the UB seem to be modulated by environmental variables associated with the anthropogenic influence, clearly detected on the coast of the bay. Certain opportunistic species such as A. tonsa and E. americana could be postulated as potential bioindicators of water quality in subantarctic coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

Coolia monotis is a potentially toxic epiphytic dinoflagellate widespread along the Mediterranean coasts, where it is frequently detected year round at low concentrations. However, it only proliferates recurrently in some localities. The North Lake of Tunis is one of the affected areas in the southwestern part of the Mediterranean Sea. This site is one of the most productive aquatic Tunisian areas (Recreational Fisheries and shellfish collecting). In the south part of this area of study, recurrent C. monotis proliferation (5 ×105 cells per liter) took place in late spring and early summer of 2006. During this proliferation, the spatial distribution of C. monotis species, phytoplankton community, and abiotic factors were studied. The composition of the phytoplankton community exhibited a clear dominance of dinoflagellates over other genera. We suggest that proliferation development of C. monotis was linked to climatic conditions, water temperature (r?=?0.24, p?<?0.05) and high concentrations of nitrogenous nutrients, essentially NH4 ?+? (r?=?0.18, p?<?0.05) and NO3 ??? (r?=?0.21, p?<?0.05).  相似文献   

A Burkard personal volumetric sampler was used at Sriniketan, a town about 150 km northwest of Calcutta, in the state of West Bengal, in eastern India to record the frequency of three common airborne Cassia pollen types, Cassia tora, Cassia occidentalis, and Cassia fistula for two consecutive years (2004–2006). Correlation was made between the meteorological factors and the pollen concentration in the atmosphere. The study reports Cassia pollinosis by in vivo skin prick test in respiratory allergic patients. The highest positive reactions were exhibited by C. tora (34.7 %), C. fistula (33.3 %), and C. occidentalis (28.5 %). The allergic potential of these was investigated by in vitro enzyme linked immunosorbent assay test. Their protein components were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, in the range of 15.8–81.5 kDa. In C. occidentalis and C. fistula, 11 bands were found, while it was 10 in C. tora. The results show that the Cassia pollen occur significantly in the atmosphere with the potential to elicit an allergic response in susceptible patients.  相似文献   

Concentrations of Cd, Co, Cu, Ni and Pb were measured in particulate and dissolved phases at 11 sites located upstream and near Athabasca oil sands development. The in situ discrimination between non-labile and labile dissolved metals was done using diffusive gradients in thin-films (DGT) devices. The DGT-labile fraction of Co and Ni was 30% lower near development sites whereas Cu, Cd and Pb showed minor changes spatially. It was found that an 8-fold increase in dissolved organic matter (DOM) near development induced a rapid decrease in DGT-labile metals. Dissolved metal concentrations were used along with DOM, major ions, nutrients, pH and conductivity to calculate the distribution of dissolved metal species using the speciation model WHAM. Labile-DGT metal concentrations agreed well with WHAM-predicted concentrations. It was also found that a significant amount of metals were associated with the non-DGT labile fraction (i.e. colloidal DOM) and colloid abundance was more important than suspended particulate matter abundance in influencing metal mobility near Athabasca oil soils development. Since changes in colloidal DOM levels are likely to be the result of surface mining activities, this confirms the serious effects of oil sands activities on metal biogeochemical cycles in the lower Athabasca River.  相似文献   

Dongping Lake is the final adjusting and storing lake in the east route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project in China, and there has been serious concern regarding the water quality. Understanding the process of phytoplankton variation can be particularly useful in water quality improvement and management decisions. In this study, the phytoplankton taxonomic composition, abundance, temporal variations, spatial distribution, and diversity were studied based on a monthly sampling campaign from three sampling stations between May 2010 and May 2011. A total of 132 species (8 phyla, 72 genera), including 64 species of Chlorophyta, 26 species of Bacillariophyta, 21 species of Cyanophyta, 12 species of Euglenophyta, 3 species of Cryptophyta, 2 species of Xanthophyta, 1 species of Pyrrophyta, and 3 species of Chrysophyta were identified. Average phytoplankton diversity index and evenness values were 3.83 and 0.77, respectively, revealing a high biodiversity of phytoplankton community. The phytoplankton abundance averaged 5.11?×?106 cells/L, with Bacillariophyta dominant in winter and spring, but Cyanophyta in summer and autumn. There were 14 predominant species including Pseudanabaena limnetica, Chlamydomonas simplex, Cyclotella stelligera, and Chroomonas acuta. Phytoplankton community structure and water quality variables changed substantially over the survey period; redundancy analysis, Pearson correlations, and regression analysis as an integrated approach were applied to analyze the relationships among them. Total phosphorus and ammonium played governing roles in the phytoplankton dynamics of Dongping Lake during all periods investigated.  相似文献   

Composite samples of septage discharging at the Khirbit As-Samra municipal wastewater treatment plant were analyzed during the period from February to the end of October 2007. Septage showed difference in concentrations of pollutants between summer and winter. The average total chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 6,425 mg/L during summer was 2.16 times greater than that in winter, which is 2,969 mg/L. The total biochemical oxygen demand (5 d) represented 45% of total COD in both winter and summer. Anaerobic biodegradability was 75% after 81 d of digestion at 35°C with a biodegradation rate constant (k) of 0.024 d???1, which was lower compared with 0.103 d???1 calculated for wastewater with domestic origin in Jordan. Aerobic biodegradability for septage was 48%??COD basis??after 7 d of digestion at 35°C. The lower anaerobic biodegradation rate of septage compared with that of raw wastewater of domestic origin suggested that septage could have a negative effect on the performance of a domestic wastewater treatment plant if septage discharges are not taken into account in the original design of the treatment plant.  相似文献   

One thousand three-hundred and ninety-four drinking water sources comprising ground water, surface water and piped supplies were tested in order to compare the presence-absence (P-A) test with standard MPN method to detect coliforms as indicators of water quality. Out of 1394 samples, 1074 (77.04%) and 1030 (74.88%) were positive by the MPN and P-A test, respectively. The P-A test detected 96% of the positives detected by the MPN test. The P-A test may be effectively used as a rapid screening method to detect coliform contamination in less polluted sources such as ground water and piped supplies.  相似文献   

Morphological mentum deformities which represent sublethal effect of exposure to different types of pollutants were evaluated in Chironomus spp. larvae inhabiting three polluted rivers of Juru River Basin in northwestern peninsular Malaysia. Using mentum deformity incidences, the modified toxic score index (MTSI) was developed based on Lenat??s toxic score index (TSI). The suggested MTSI was compared with TSI in terms of its effectiveness to identify different pollutants including heavy metals. The MTSI showed stronger relationship to total deformity incidence expressed as percentage. Additionally, the multivariate RDA model showed higher capability of MTSI to explain the variations in heavy metal contents of the river sediments. The MTSI was recommended in bioassessment of water and sediment quality using the mentum deformities of Chironomus spp. larvae from aquatic ecosystems receiving anthropogenic, agricultural, or industrial discharges.  相似文献   

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