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Marine ecosystems worldwide are threatened by aquatic pollution; however, there is a paucity in data from the Caribbean region. As such, five heavy metals (arsenic, cadmium, copper, zinc, mercury) were measured in tissues of the scleractinian corals Porites furcata and Agaricia tenuifolia and in adjacent sediments in the Bocas del Toro Archipelago, Panama. Samples were collected from five reef sites along a gradient of distance from an international shipping port and were analysed using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry and atomic absorption spectrophotometry for mercury. Copper and zinc were the most abundant metals and ranged from 11 to 63 mg kg?1 and from 31 to 185 mg kg?1 in coral tissues, respectively. The highest concentration of each metal was measured in P. furcata tissues, with copper and mercury concentrations significantly higher in P. furcata than in A. tenuifolia at every site. These results suggest that P. furcata has a higher affinity for metal accumulation and storage than A. tenuifolia. With the exception of cadmium, metal concentrations in coral tissues were generally elevated at coral reefs in closer proximity to the port; however, this pattern was not observed in sediments. Hard coral cover was lowest at reefs in closest proximity to the port, suggesting that metal pollution from port-related activities is influencing hard coral abundance at nearby coral reefs.  相似文献   

This paper examines the causal links between foreign direct investment (FDI), CO2 emissions, and economic growth in a global panel of 101 countries and four diverse income groups (low, lower-middle, upper-middle, and high) countries using the simultaneous equations framework, with data from 1990 to 2014. Considering physical capital and human capital, this is the first time these two determinants have been linked to the FDI-pollution-growth simultaneous equation model. The dependent variables in the three simultaneous equations are inflow of foreign direct investment, CO2 emissions as a proxy for environmental pollution, and real gross domestic product. Three critical inferences can be drawn from the results. First, there is a two-way causal relationship between growth and FDI in the global panel and across all income groups (except for lower-middle-income groups). Likewise, except for high-income countries, there is a two-way causal relationship between FDI and CO2 emissions in the global panel. Second, the results support a one-way causal relationship between economic growth and CO2 emissions in the global panel and the income subgroup, but only in the low-middle and high-income groups support the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) and pollution haven hypothesis (PHH). Third, the heterogeneous impact of human and physical capital on the environment is genuinely striking: human capital improves its quality while physical capital degrades it. The results suggest that physical and human capital contributes to economic growth and attracts foreign direct investment.  相似文献   

No doubt, operator is one of the main fundaments in wastewater treatment plants. By identifying the inadequacies, the operator could be considered as an important key in treatment plant. Several methods are used for wastewater treatment that requires spending a lot of cost. However, all investments of treatment facilities are useable when the expected efficiency of the treatment plant was obtained. Using experienced operator, this goal is more easily accessible. In this research, the wastewater of an urban community contaminated with moderated, diluted and highly concentrated pollution has been treated using surface and deep aeration treatment method. Sampling of these pilots was performed during winter 2008 to summer 2009. The results indicate that all analyzed parameters were eliminated using activated sludge and surface aeration methods. However, in activated sludge and deep aeration methods in combination with suitable function of operator, more pollutants could be eliminated. Hence, existence of operator in wastewater treatment plants is the basic principle to achieve considered efficiency. Wastewater treatment system is not intelligent itself and that is the operator who can organize even an inefficient system by its continuous presence. The converse of this fact is also real. Despite the various units and appropriate design of wastewater treatment plant, without an operator, the studied process cannot be expected highly efficient. In places frequently affected by the shock of organic and hydraulic loads, the compensator tank is important to offset the wastewater treatment process. Finally, in regard to microbial parameters, existence of disinfection unit is very useful.  相似文献   

Uncertainty associated to analytical results is an issue of major interest for the whole analytical community. A large effort has been made to improve analytical techniques and procedures aimed to achieve a well characterized uncertainty associated with analysis. However, it is becoming increasingly recognised that uncertainty deriving from sampling and subsampling can even dominate the global uncertainty budget. A study on subsampling activities on different soil typologies has been performed by granulometry determinations. The differences between sieving methodologies based on both wet and dry mode have been studied. Subsampling is approached by replicated measurements providing a quantitative assessment of the distribution heterogeneity, a suitable method validation scheme and an empirical determination of uncertainty.  相似文献   

Increasing evidences show that inhalation of indoor bioaerosols has caused numerous adverse health effects and diseases. However, the bioaerosol size distribution, composition, and concentration level, representing different inhalation risks, could vary with different living environments. The six-stage Andersen sampler is designed to simulate the sampling of different human lung regions. Here, the sampler was used in investigating the bioaerosol exposure in six different environments (student dorm, hospital, laboratory, hotel room, dining hall, and outdoor environment) in Beijing. During the sampling, the Andersen sampler was operated for 30 min for each sample, and three independent experiments were performed for each of the environments. The air samples collected onto each of the six stages of the sampler were incubated on agar plates directly at 26 °C, and the colony forming units (CFU) were manually counted and statistically corrected. In addition, the developed CFUs were washed off the agar plates and subjected to polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) for diversity analysis. Results revealed that for most environments investigated, the culturable bacterial aerosol concentrations were higher than those of culturable fungal aerosols. The culturable bacterial and fungal aerosol fractions, concentration, size distribution, and diversity were shown to vary significantly with the sampling environments. PCR-DGGE analysis indicated that different environments had different culturable bacterial aerosol compositions as revealed by distinct gel band patterns. For most environments tested, larger (>3 μm) culturable bacterial aerosols with a skewed size distribution were shown to prevail, accounting for more than 60 %, while for culturable fungal aerosols with a normal size distribution, those 2.1–4.7 μm dominated, accounting for 20–40 %. Alternaria, Cladosporium, Chaetomium, and Aspergillus were found abundant in most environments studied here. Viable microbial load per unit of particulate matter was also shown to vary significantly with the sampling environments. The results from this study suggested that different environments even with similar levels of total microbial cuturable aerosol concentrations could present different inhalation risks due to different bioaerosol particle size distribution and composition. This work fills literature gaps regarding bioaerosol size and composition-based exposure risks in different human dwellings in contrast to a vast body of total bioaerosol levels.  相似文献   

Profiles of the bioaccessibility of soil polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in different urban functional areas of Xiamen City, Fujian, China were investigated. A physiologically based in vitro test was used to evaluate the bioaccessibility of total and individual PAHs. There was no obvious correlation between total concentrations of PAHs and bioaccessibility during the gastrointestinal phase for the soils from different functional areas. Results showed that the bioaccessibility variation in the gastrointestinal phase (ranging from 14.6% to 63.2%) was significantly higher than that in the gastric phase (ranging from 4.9% to 21.8%). The bioaccessibility in the gastrointestinal phase was not only determined by soil organic materials but also directly related to physical and chemical properties of individual PAHs, except for two-ring PAHs. Increasing soil organic material content or decreasing ring numbers of PAHs could result in the decrease of PAH bioaccessibility. The total PAH bioaccessibility was largely contributed by individual PAHs with relatively high molecular weight.  相似文献   

Non-volatile dissolved organic iodine (DOI) can be a major, or even the dominant, species of dissolved I in coastal, inshore and estuarine waters. It can be converted to IO3- in the presence of an oxidizing agent and to I- by reacting it with a reducing agent. Depending on the exact experimental conditions, the yields of these reactions may not be quantitative. In previous analytical schemes for the determination of IO3-, I- and DOI in marine waters, if oxidation or reduction steps are involved and the concentrations of one or more species are estimated by difference, the presence of DOI can lead to an overestimation of the concentrations of the inorganic species determined by difference and an underestimation of the concentration of DOI. In two cruises covering the James River to the southern Chesapeake Bay and from the southern Chesapeake Bay to the Atlantic, above a salinity (S) of 2, the contribution of DOI to total I increased with decreasing salinity and reached a maximum of 80%. DOI, I- and IO3- were successively the dominant form of dissolved I at 0.1 < S < 15 in the James River estuary, 15 < S < 30 in the Southern Chesapeake Bay and S > 30 in the Atlantic Ocean at the Bay mouth, respectively. Total I behaved conservatively (i.e., no evidence of consumption or production) during estuarine mixing during both cruises. In the southern Chesapeake Bay, total inorganic I was also approximately conservative. The primary process affecting the speciation of dissolved I was the conversion of IO3- to I-. In the James River estuary, there were indications of the conversion of both IO3- and I- to DOI. The concentrations of total I, IO3-, I- and DOI in James River water were 0.121, undetectable, 0.068 and 0.053 microM, respectively. These concentrations of total I and I- are significantly higher while that of IO3- is noticeably lower than those used presently for estimating global riverine input of these I species to the oceans. The riverine flux of DOI to the oceans is presently unknown.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the ability of reflectance spectroscopy to predict some of the most important soil parameters for irrigation such as field capacity (FC), wilting point (WP), clay, sand, and silt content. FC and WP were determined for 305 soil samples. In addition to these soil analyses, clay, silt, and sand contents of 145 soil samples were detected. Raw spectral reflectance (raw) of these soil samples, between 350 and 2,500-nm wavelengths, was measured. In addition, first order derivatives of the reflectance (first) were calculated. Two different statistical approaches were used in detecting soil properties from hyperspectral data. Models were evaluated using the correlation of coefficient (r), coefficient of determination (R 2), root mean square error (RMSE), and residual prediction deviation (RPD). In the first method, two appropriate wavelengths were selected for raw reflectance and first derivative separately for each soil property. Selection of wavelengths was carried out based on the highest positive and negative correlations between soil property and raw reflectance or first order derivatives. By means of detected wavelengths, new combinations for each soil property were calculated using rationing, differencing, normalized differencing, and multiple regression techniques. Of these techniques, multiple regression provided the best correlation (P?<?0.01) for selected wavelengths and all soil properties. To estimate FC, WP, clay, sand, and silt, multiple regression equations based on first(2,310)-first(2,360), first(2,310)-first(2,360), first(2,240)-first(1,320), first(2,240)-first(1,330), and raw(2,260)-raw(360) were used. Partial least square regression (PLSR) was performed as the second method. Raw reflectance was a better predictor of WP and FC, whereas first order derivative was a better predictor of clay, sand, and silt content. According to RPD values, statistically excellent predictions were obtained for FC (2.18), and estimations for WP (2.0), clay (1.8), and silt (1.63) were acceptable. However, sand values were poorly predicted (RDP?=?0.63). In conclusion, both of the methods examined here offer quick and inexpensive means of predicting soil properties using spectral reflectance data.  相似文献   

Soil samples (0-25 cm) have been taken annually since 1991 from three protected plots set up at an upland location at Glensaugh in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. The soils were analysed using the original BCR sequential extraction procedure and the lead isotopic composition was determined in each of the fractions, as well as the unfractionated soil using thermal ionisation mass spectrometry (TIMS). The lead concentrations in all the soils, including those well away from the road, were much higher than typical background values indicating that the whole area has been subject to deposition of anthropogenic lead. The distribution of lead between the different fractions was similar for the two non-roadside soils with most lead present in the oxidizable fraction. Although most lead in the roadside soil was also present in the oxidizable fraction, a substantial proportion (about 10%) was in the easily soluble fraction suggesting that roadside lead could be more mobile than lead in the other soils. Good reproducibility was obtained for the isotope analyses in all the fractions. The ratios calculated for the bulk soil from the ratios in the individual fractions agreed very closely with those measured directly in the unfractionated soil thereby demonstrating both reproducibilty and accuracy. The lowest (206)Pb/(207)Pb ratios were found in the roadside soil consistent with the recent deposition of petrol lead. The (206)Pb/(207)Pb ratios in all fractions of the other soils fell into a narrow band and it was necessary to use (204)Pb ratios to differentiate between lead in the extractable fractions and lead in the residual component. It is probable that lead in the non-roadside soils was deposited a considerable time ago and is characterised by a relatively high (206)Pb/(207)Pb ratio. Use of the (204)Pb ratios showed that the residual components in each of the three soils were isotopically distinct.  相似文献   

Levels of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, manganese, selenium, and strontium88 were examined in heart, kidney, muscle, spleen and liver of raccoons (Procyon lotor) from four areas on the Department of Energy's Savannah River Site (SRS), including near a former reactor cooling reservoir and a coal ash basin, and from public hunting areas within 15 km of the site. Mercury is mentioned briefly because it is discussed more fully in another paper. We test the hypotheses that there are no differences in metal levels between raccoons on SRS and off the SRS (off-site), and among different locations on the SRS. Although raccoons collected off-site had significantly lower levels of mercury and selenium in both the liver and kidney, there were few consistencies otherwise. There were significantly higher levels of cadmium in liver of on-site compared to off-site raccoons, and significantly higher levels of chromium and strontium88 in kidney of on-site compared to off-site raccoons. Copper and manganese were highest in the liver; cadmium, lead, mercury and selenium were highest in the liver and kidney; chromium was highest in the spleen and muscle; arsenic was highest in the heart, and strontium88 was slightly higher in the kidney than other organs. Where there were significant differences on site, chromium, manganese were highest in raccoon tissues from Steel Creek; arsenic, lead and selenium were highest in the Ash Basin; cadmium was highest at Upper Three Runs; and strontium88 was highest at Upper Three Runs and Steel Creek. The patterns were far from consistent.  相似文献   

The paper discusses ambient concentrations of PM2.5 (ambient fine particles) and of 29 PM2.5-related elements in Zabrze and Katowice, Poland, in 2007. The elemental composition of PM2.5 was determined using energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF). The mobility (cumulative percentage of the water-soluble and exchangeable fractions of an element in its total concentration) of 18 PM2.5-related elements in Zabrze and Katowice was computed by using sequential extraction and EDXRF combined into a simple method. The samples were extracted twice: in deionized water and in ammonium acetate. In general, the mobility and the concentrations of the majority of the elements were the same in both cities. S, Cl, K, Ca, Zn, Br, Ba, and Pb in both cities, Ti and Se in Katowice, and Sr in Zabrze had the mobility greater than 70%. Mobility of typical crustal elements, Al, Si, and Ti, because of high proportion of their exchangeable fractions in PM, was from 40 to 66%. Mobility of Fe and Cu was lower than 30%. Probable sources of PM2.5 were determined by applying principal component analysis and multiple regression analysis and computing enrichment factors. Great part of PM2.5 (78% in Katowice and 36% in Zabrze) originated from combustion of fuels in domestic furnaces (fossil fuels, biomass and wastes, etc.) and liquid fuels in car engines. Other identified sources were: power plants, soil, and roads in Zabrze and in Katowice an industrial source, probably a non-ferrous smelter or/and a steelwork, and power plants.  相似文献   

A simple zero‐dimensional model was developed which describes the oxygen concentrations and major nutrient processes in the tidal influenced Elbe estuary. The model was calibrated by way of comparison with continuous measurements of the oxygen‐ and chlorophyll concentrations at the non‐tidal part of the estuary. A special calibration method was applied which utilised the fact that natural steady‐state conditions are often found during which the range and the average value of the day–night fluctuations remain constant over a period of several days. Subsequent model runs were carried out to simulate the oxygen concentrations downstream, i.e., after a few days of transport time of the water body. The varying depth of the Elbe downstream of Hamburg harbour was taken into account by altering the model parameters ‘light penetration’ and ‘aeration’. The oxygen concentrations resulting from the model showed a distinct minimum, which agreed well with the minimum measured in longitudinal profiles, thus indicating that the occurrence of the oxygen minimum in the Elbe estuary can mainly be explained by the processes included in our simple model. Sensitivity checks identified some relationships, e.g., light intensity ? growth rate, which are critical for the oxygen balance. With this work it could be demonstrated that even simple zero‐dimensional models can improve our understanding of the complex interrelationship of different physical, chemical and biological processes in rivers and that such models can be used for simple scenarios in water quality management.  相似文献   

The approaches used for setting or reviewing air quality standards vary from country to country. The purpose of this research was to consider the potential to improve decision-making through integration of HIA into the processes to review and set air quality standards used in Australia.To assess the value of HIA in this policy process, its strengths and weaknesses were evaluated aligned with review of international processes for setting air quality standards.Air quality standard setting programmes elsewhere have either used HIA or have amalgamated and incorporated factors normally found within HIA frameworks. They clearly demonstrate the value of a formalised HIA process for setting air quality standards in Australia.The following elements should be taken into consideration when using HIA in standard setting. (a) The adequacy of a mainly technical approach in current standard setting procedures to consider social determinants of health. (b) The importance of risk assessment criteria and information within the HIA process. The assessment of risk should consider equity, the distribution of variations in air quality in different locations and the potential impacts on health. (c) The uncertainties in extrapolating evidence from one population to another or to subpopulations, especially the more vulnerable, due to differing environmental factors and population variables. (d) The significance of communication with all potential stakeholders on issues associated with the management of air quality.In Australia there is also an opportunity for HIA to be used in conjunction with the NEPM to develop local air quality standard measures. The outcomes of this research indicated that the use of HIA for air quality standard setting at the national and local levels would prove advantageous.  相似文献   

The environmental risk of aquatic phosphorus (P) critically depends on its mobility and bioavailability, both of which are greatly affected by the size distribution and composition of P. The size distribution (particulate, colloidal and truly dissolved phase) of P, composed of molybdate reactive P (MRP) and molybdate unreactive P (MUP), was determined at twenty-three typical sections of the East Tiao River, China in the plum rain season. Results indicated particulate P was dominant followed by the truly dissolved P, while colloidal P was quantitatively the lowest in the whole river. From upstream to downstream, particulate P sharply increased, along with a slight decrease of truly dissolved P. However, colloidal P remained at a relatively stable level in the whole river, ranging from below detection limit to 0.025 mg L(-1), 0 to 13.4% of total P (TP). Furthermore, colloidal MRP exhibited a rising trend downriver as compared to upriver, with the notable transfer of MRP from the truly dissolved phase to particulate and colloidal phases. Particle concentration effect for colloids, observed in the study of MRP distribution, further corroborated the role of colloids in MRP solid/liquid partitioning. These observations, in this large-scale field investigation, fitted the "colloidal pumping" hypothesis. It may be concluded that colloids act as the intermediate and buffer in the dynamically balanced transfer of P from truly dissolved phase to large particulate phase, having a significant role in size distribution of P.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, the ecosystem service (ES) approach has gained increasing attention because it offers important advantages for enhancing decision-making. However, a key and remaining challenge is how to implement this approach in real-world decision problems. This challenge is particularly relevant for governance and policy instruments, such as spatial planning and strategic environmental assessment (SEA), where including the ES approach is recognized as a great opportunity for achieving sustainable development goals. Consequently, this opinion paper proposes the use of the ES cascade model, as the basis to develop a framework that makes explicit the links among development objectives, sustainability goals, and the overall dependency on the ES supply. The main reflections address the need for a collaborative work between policy and science as a cross-cutting aspect for an interactive, participative and transparent research process that allows 1) the development of spatial indicators of ecosystem structures, 2) valuation and spatial modeling of ES, 3) identification of benefits and networks of actors, 4) the definition of values and, 5) generation of scenarios for a trade-off assessment of development alternatives. Finally, in addition to the information and knowledge generation regarding multi-scale relationships of the different components of the ES cascade, real-world evidence is urgently needed.  相似文献   

To investigate seasonal variations of nutrient distribution in the mudflat–shallow water system, we conducted field surveys once a month from August 2007 to July 2008 in the inner area of Ariake Bay (IAB), Japan. The NH4 +–N concentration of the water column increased in autumn because of the high NH4 + release from the sediments, ranging from 850 to 3,001 μmol?m?2?day?1. The NO3 ?–N concentration was maximal in January, which was thought to be caused by NO3 ? release from the oxic sediments and by NO3 ? regeneration due to water column nitrification. The PO4 3?–P concentration of the water column was high in summer–autumn due to the high PO4 3? release from the reduced sediments, ranging from 22 to 164 μmol?m?2?day?1. We estimated the total amounts of DIN and PO4 3?–P release (R DIN and $ {R_{{\mathrm{P}{{\mathrm{O}}_4}}}} $ , respectively) from the muddy sediment area of the IAB. In summer–autumn, R DIN and $ {R_{{\mathrm{P}{{\mathrm{O}}_4}}}} $ corresponded to about 47.7 % of DIN input and about 116.6 % of PO4 3?–P input from the river, respectively. Thus, we concluded that the muddy sediments were an important source of nutrients for the water column of the IAB during summer–autumn. In addition, we found that phosphorus necessary for the growth of Porphyra (Porphyra yezoensis, Rhodophyceae) would be insufficient in the water column when phosphorus during the Porphyra aquaculture period is supplied only from the river. Therefore, the phosphorus release from the muddy sediments was thought to play an important role in the sustainable production of Porphyra in Ariake Bay.  相似文献   

Achieving adequate and desirable forest regeneration is necessary for maintaining native tree species and forest composition. Advance tree seedling and sapling regeneration is the basis of the next stand and serves as an indicator of future composition. The Pennsylvania Regeneration Study was implemented statewide to monitor regeneration on a subset of Forest Inventory and Analysis plots measured by the U.S. Forest Service. As management techniques are implemented to improve advance regeneration, assessments of the change in the forest resource are needed. When the primary focus is on detecting change, hypothesis tests should have small type II (β) error rates. However, most analyses are based on minimizing type I (α) error rates and type II error rates can be quite large. When type II error rates are high, actual improvements in regeneration can remain undetected and the methods that brought these improvements may be deemed ineffective. The difficulty in detecting significant change in advance regeneration when small type I error rates are given priority is illustrated. For statewide assessments, power (1-β) to detect changes in proportion of area having adequate advance regeneration is relatively weak (≤0.5) when the change is smaller than 0.05. For evaluations conducted at smaller spatial scales, such as wildlife management units, the reduced sample size results in only marginal power even when relatively large changes (≥0.20) in area proportion occur. For fixed sample sizes, analysts can consider accepting larger type I error rates to increase the probability of detecting change (smaller type II error rates) when it occurs, such that management methods that positively affect regeneration can be identified.  相似文献   

Identifying areas that are susceptible to soil erosion is crucial for water resource planning and management efforts. Furthermore, modeling has proven helpful in recognizing and monitoring high-risk areas at the watershed scale. The Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) geospatial interface (GeoWEPP) software integrates GIS with the WEPP to analyze the spatial variation in soil loss, and it has been used as a modeling tool to determine the areas that are most prone to soil erosion and to evaluate best management practices for the Kasilian watershed in Iran. As much as 62.4 % of the agronomic land in the Kasilian watershed is affected by a high magnitude of erosion (>5 t/ha). On the basis of this study, by using soybeans, high fertilization levels, and the drill-no-tillage system, reductions of erosion by almost 32.68–34.02 % are perceivable in three critical subwatersheds that are located in the cultivated lands. Also, it is projected that reductions in the production of sediment in the range of about 36.7–47.1 % are achievable by structural management within two critical, upland subwatersheds. So, by utilizing the best management strategies, sediment yield can be lowered and the conservation of soil and water is feasible at the watershed scale. These results objectively indicate that GeoWEPP can be efficaciously used for evaluating effective management practices for developing watershed conservation.  相似文献   

Using a novel high-sensitivity capillary electrophoretic method, vertical distributions of iodate, iodide, total inorganic iodine, dissolved organic iodine and total iodine in the North Pacific Ocean (0-5500 m) were determined without any sample pre-treatment other than UV irradiation before total iodine analysis. An extensive set of data demonstrated that the iodine behaviour in the ocean water collected during a cruise in the North Pacific Ocean in February-March 2003 was not conservative but correlated with variations in concentrations of dissolved oxygen and nutrient elements such as silicon, nitrogen and phosphorus. This suggests that the vertical distribution of iodine is associated with biological activities. The dissolved organic iodine was found in the euphotic zone in accord with observations elsewhere in the oceans. The vertical profile of dissolved organic iodine also appears to be related to biogeochemical activity. The concentrations of all measured iodine species vary noticeably above 1000 m but only minor latitudinal changes occur below 1000 m and slight vertical alterations can be observed below 2400 m. These findings are thought to reflect the stratification of nutrients and iodine species with different biological activities in the water column.  相似文献   

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