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Forest structure and regeneration were studied along the altitudinal gradient in the Binsar Wildlife Sanctuary of Uttarakhand Himalaya in India. Stratified random sampling of tree species was done by placing minimum 15 quadrats of 10 × 10 m at each aspect and altitude. The results reveal that along the altitudinal gradient there were three types of forest communities in the Sanctuary viz., chir pine (Pinus roxburghii), oakchir pine (Quercus leucotrichophora and Pinus roxburghii) and oak (Quercus floribunda and Quercus leucotrichophora). Rhododendron arboreum, Cornus macrophylla and Lyonia ovalifolia were main associates of these forest communities. The oak forests had larger shrub population as compared to chir pine. Myrsine africana was the most dominant shrub across the altitudinal gradient, whereas few shrub species were restricted to a certain altitudinal range. The regeneration of chir pine was best at lower altitude on south and east aspects, which indicates that it mostly regenerates on warm and dry slopes. In general, the regeneration potential in most of the tree species declines with the altitude. The density of saplings and seedlings also represented the dominant species at each altitudinal range, which indicates the cyclic regeneration of forests in the Sanctuary area.  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - Natural colorants or dyestuffs are an essential faction of non-timber forest products that are widely used for coloring purposes in various industries....  相似文献   

Pinus roxburghii (chir-pine) and Quercus leucothchophora (banj-oak) are dominant forests of mountainous part of the Uttarakhand Himalaya. The continued anthropogenic disturbance is opening the canopy, forming canopy gaps and as a result forest fragments are developing. Thus, the present study aims to analyze variations in species richness and vegetational parameters in relation to canopy gaps in forests. Total species richness was greater in open canopied forest compared to moderate and close canopied forests. In comparison between oak and pine forest, it was greater in oak forest while the proportion of common species was low between oak—pine forests. Mean species richness did not significantly vary from one canopy gap to another as well as in oak and pine dominated forest. This indicated that dominant forest types played an important role to form the community structure. The shrubs richness were greater in closed canopy and between the forests it was greater in pine forest. Tree and shrub density was low in open canopy while herb density was high in moderate canopy. Thus, this study indicated that the dominant canopy species play an important role in deciding the community structures especially the distribution of under canopy species. These parameters should be considered for conservation and maintenance of plant biodiversity of a region.  相似文献   

This paper reports results of gamma and alpha spectrometric measurements for mosses, lichens, fungi and soil samples from areas in the Balkans targeted by depleted uranium (DU). Samples were collected in 2002 and 2003 in the vicinity of several villages, principally Han Pijesak (Bosnia and Herzegovina, hit by DU in 1995) and Bratoselce (South Serbia, hit by DU in 1999) and in lesser numbers from Gornja Stubla, Kosovo (which is identified as a high natural radon/thoron area) and Presevo close to the Kosovo border. In the course of gamma spectrometric measurements some results suggested samples with unusual high uranium contents which might be considered to be a signature for the presence of DU, although many samples had very high detection limits. Alpha spectrometric measurements directly proved the presence of DU for five samples, all from directly targeted places. These were samples of mosses, lichens and soil. For some samples homogeneity tests were applied which showed a rather even distribution of DU in these samples. No trace of DU was found in any sample from a dwelling.  相似文献   


Landslide poses severe threats to the natural landscape of the Lesser Himalayas and the lives and economy of the communities residing in that mountainous topography. This study aims to investigate whether the landscape change has any impact on landslide occurrences in the Kalsi-Chakrata road corridor by detailed investigation through correlation of the landslide susceptibility zones and the landscape change, and finally to demarcate the hotspot villages where influence of landscape on landslide occurrence may be more in future. The rational of this work is to delineate the areas with higher landslide susceptibility using the ensemble model of GIS-based multi-criteria decision making through fuzzy landslide numerical risk factor model along the Kalsi-Chakrata road corridor of Uttarakhand where no previous detailed investigation was carried out applying any contemporary statistical techniques. The approach includes the correlation of the landslide conditioning factors in the study area with the changes in land use and land cover (LULC) over the past decade to understand whether frequent landslides have any link with the physical and hydro-meteorological or, infrastructure, and socioeconomic activities. It was performed through LULC change detection and landslide susceptibility mapping (LSM), and spatial overlay analysis to establish statistical correlation between the said parameters. The LULC change detection was performed using the object-oriented classification of satellite images acquired in 2010 and 2019. The inventory of the past landslides was formed by visual interpretation of high-resolution satellite images supported by an intensive field survey of each landslide area. To assess the landslide susceptibility zones for 2010 and 2019 scenarios, the geo-environmental or conditioning factors such as slope, rainfall, lithology, normalized differential vegetation index (NDVI), proximity to road and land use and land cover (LULC) were considered, and the fuzzy LNRF technique was applied. The results indicated that the LULC in the study area was primarily transformed from forest cover and sparse vegetation to open areas and arable land, which is increased by 6.7% in a decade. The increase in built-up areas and agricultural land by 2.3% indicates increasing human interference that is continuously transforming the natural landscape. The landslide susceptibility map of 2019 shows that about 25% of the total area falls under high and very high susceptibility classes. The result shows that 80% of the high landslide susceptible class is contained by LULC classes of open areas, scrubland, and sparse vegetation, which point out the profound impact of landscape change that aggravate landslide occurrence in that area. The result acclaims that specific LULC classes, such as open areas, barren-rocky lands, are more prone to landslides in this Lesser Himalayan road corridor, and the LULC-LSM correlation can be instrumental for landslide probability assessment concerning the changing landscape. The fuzzy LNRF model applied has 89.6% prediction accuracy at 95% confidence level which is highly satisfactory. The present study of the connection of LULC change with the landslide probability and identification of the most fragile landscape at the village level has been instrumental in delineation of landslide susceptible areas, and such studies may help the decision-makers adopt appropriate mitigation measures in those villages where the landscape changes have mainly resulted in increased landslide occurrences and formulate strategic plans to promote ecologically sustainable development of the mountainous communities in India's Lesser Himalayas.


Soil contamination with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) is an increasing problem in many countries, including China. An extensive and systematic survey has been undertaken to evaluate the contamination with PAHs of urban soils in Beijing, China. Soil samples were collected from campuses of universities, schools and kindergartens, public squares, fallow land and roadsides, and were analyzed for 16 PAHs by GC-MS. There was a high variability in the total PAHs (SigmaPAHs) concentrations, ranging from less than 366 to 27,825 ng g(-1). The highest SigmaPAHs concentrations were found at roadsides and industrial sites. Soil organic carbon (SOC) is one of the important factors that can influence the concentrations of PAHs in soils. It was found that concentrations of SigmaPAHs were significantly correlated with that of soil organic carbon. To trace the sources of PAHs, the ratios of phenanthrene to anthracene and fluoranthene to pyrene were used to identify pyrogenic and petrogenic sources, respectively. In most cases, PAHs in soils in urban areas of Beijing were pyrogenic. These sources included motor vehicle exhausts, industrial activities and coal burning. These data can be further used to assess the health risk associated with soils polluted with PAHs.  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - Renewable energy (RE) plays an increasingly important role in the economy of almost every country in the world. In order to examine the state of...  相似文献   

The distribution of heavy metals viz., Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn in the water, sediments, plants and fish samples collected from the Kali Nadi (India) have been determined. The studies have shown that there was considerable variation in the concentration of heavy metals from one sampling station to the other which may be due to the variation in the quality of industrial and sewage wastes being added to the river at different places. The orders of the concentration of heavy metals in water, sediments, plants (Eicchornia crassipes) and fish (Heteropnuestes fossilis) were Fe > Zn > Cu > Mn > Cr > Ni > Pb > Co > Cd; Fe > Zn > Mn > Ni > Cr > Co > Cu > Pb > Cd; Fe > Mn > Zn > Cu > Ni > Co > Pb > Cr > Cd and Fe > Zn > Mn > Ni > Pb > Co > Cr > Cu > Cd, respectively.  相似文献   

In the ladybird fauna of the steppe zone of the Southern Urals and the south of Western Siberia, five variants, three forms, and two habitus types of adult beetles are distinguished, and their hierarchy is established. The habitus diversity of ladybirds is revealed using a new method of describing each form in a polar system of coordinates whose center coincides with the center of gravity of the insect body. The system of ladybird habitus reflects the main directions of trophic specialization in the family.  相似文献   

Urban and rural dual structure in Western China is obvious.The economic development of the central cities is relatively quick while that of the rural areas is lagging behind.The speeding up of urbanization contributes to the intensively uncoordinated development of urban and rural areas.Besides,the eco-fragile environment,shortage of available water resources,adverse geographic location,and relatively backward social economy restrict the development of urbanization in Western China.However,Western China also has the advantages of backwardness.This paper analyzes the present situation and development trend of urbanization in Western China.The results show that Western China has basically formed a development pattern with"industry promotes agriculture and urban leads to village".Therefore,combined with the present situation of Western China,this paper describes and analyzes the opportunities and challenges that may appear in the process of urbanization in Western China,puts forward the development pattern in which urban and rural areas can gain mutual support and co-development,and provides related recommendations.  相似文献   

To assess the stability of individual development of the pygmy wood mouse (Apodemus uralensis) in mountain areas with different ecogeographic conditions, the levels of fluctuating asymmetry in a series of skull phenes have been evaluated in ten samples from the Western and Central Caucasus. Attention has been focused on the influence of change in environmental conditions along the elevational gradient and the impact of some anthropogenic factors. An increase in the index of fluctuation asymmetry FAnm has been revealed in samples from populations exposed to pollutants and, in the absence of pollution, from areas where the average annual temperature drops below 5°С (mid-mountain regions). Instability of skull development observed in A. uralensis from the foothills of the Western Caucasus may be a consequence of competitive relationships with the Black Sea field mouse A. ponticus, a sympatric species that inhabits the same biotopes as does A. uralensis but numerically prevails over it.  相似文献   

The assessment of the environmental quality of coastal lagoons is rather difficult as their intrinsic high variability limits the power of analytical chemistry and ecotoxicological approaches. Aim of the present work was to integrate geochemical and biological data which were simultaneously collected from the Pialassa Baiona lagoon (Ravenna, Italy), and evaluate the usefulness of a biomonitoring strategy based on sentinel organisms and biomarkers. Geochemical analysis on suspended, surface, and subsurface sediments were performed at five different sites of the lagoon; moreover the heavy metal bioaccumulation and a battery of biomarkers was evaluated in Mytilus galloprovincialis transplanted in the same sites. Heavy metals appeared to be diffused throughout the lagoon reaching higher levels in the southernmost sites, and mainly concentrated in suspended sediments. Lysosome membrane stability, neutral lipid and lipofuscin accumulation, and metallothionein levels in mussels indicated the development of a stress syndrome in animals exposed to the polluted sites.  相似文献   

In the diurnal lepidopteran fauna of the northern taiga subzone in the western Russian Plain, the species inhabiting primary biotopic complexes typical of this subzone currently account for slightly more than 60% of the total species richness and abundance. A large part of the fauna is represented by the species of more southern origin, whose expansion to the northern taiga was caused by anthropogenic transformation of landscapes between the 12th and 20th centuries and recent climate warming.  相似文献   

Diets of the Long-eared and Short-eared Owls, closely related species with overlapping ranges, have been studied in the south of Western Siberia (the Baraba Lowland) by analyzing bone remains in pellets. The results show that both species in the south of the Baraba Lowland employ similar strategies of food resource use, which, however, differ in some aspects. In the Short-eared Owl, the hunting range is apparently more restricted. During the nesting period, these birds occupy relatively moist habitats along riverbanks and protect their hunting grounds. The Long-eared Owl nests in mainly mesic habitats, in forest outliers, and can supplement its diet with shrews (Sorex) and steppe rodent species. The diets of both species largely consist of murine rodent species that are dominant or subdominant in the small mammal community of the Baraba forest-steppe. Seasonal and interannual variations in the food spectra of both species have been revealed.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the mutagenicity of an organic extract of a composite sample of urban air particulates and of thirty PAH compounds in such samples, including four quinone derivatives, isolated quantitatively by thin-layer chromatography and identified by fluorescence or other spectral techniques. Mutagenic activity was determined by the Ames assay, using histidine auxotrophs of Salmonella typhimurium strains TA98, TA100, TA1537 and TA1538. All compounds were dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) which was the least toxic of eight organic solvents tested.The mutagenic activity of a benzene extract of suspended particulates from the air of Hamilton, Ontario was significantly greater with strain TA98 than with strain TA100, suggesting the presence of more frame-shift acting mutagens. The mutagenic response of this extract was similar with and without S-9 activation.Mutagenic tests on the 30 PAH compounds indicated that only the benzo(a)pyrene quinones were direct acting mutagens. All of the chemical compounds were tested with and without S-9 activation. The following PAH showed unequivocal mutagenic activity, with S-9 activation: benz(a)anthracene, benzo-(a)pyrene, benzo(ghi)perylene, benzo(rst)pentaphene, benzophenanthrene, chrysene, 1, 2, 3, 4-dibenzanthracene, 2, 3, 6, 7-dibenzanthracene, and 3-methyl cholanthrene. The quinones of 1, 6-; 3, 6-; and 6, 12-benzo(a)pyrenes showed weak mutagenic activity but 3, 6-benzo(a)pyrene elicited also a photodynamic response.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a large group of organic compounds comprised of two or more fused benzene rings arranged in various configurations. PAHs are widespread environmental contaminants formed as a result of incomplete combustion of organic materials such as fossil fuels. The occurrence of PAHs in ambient air is an increasing concern because of their carcinogenicity and mutagenicity. Although emissions and allowable concentrations of PAHs in air are now regulated, the health risk posed by PAH exposure suggests a continuing need for their control through air quality management. In light of the environmental significance of PAH exposure, this review offers an overview of PAH properties, fates, transformations, human exposure, and health effects (acute and chronic) associated with their emission to the atmosphere. Biomarkers of PAH exposure and their significance are also discussed.  相似文献   

In view of the extensive use of foraminifers for the pollution monitoring especially their unmatched utility in deciphering the temporal variation in the type and concentration of pollutants at a given location, the literature dealing with the application of foraminifers for pollution studies has been reviewed. The pollution monitoring through foraminifers started with attribution of peculiar foraminiferal features at any location to the circumstantial presence of pollutants at that site. These peculiar features of the foraminifers in polluted areas included, variation in the abundance of total, calcareous and agglutinated foraminifers, species diversity, abnormal tests, etc. The abnormalities of tests included stunted growth, abraded margins, dissolved ornamentations, etc. Initially, much attention was paid to the effects of sewage pollution on the foraminifers but later on all kinds of human induced as well as natural pollutants came under the preview of foraminiferologists working on pollution aspects. The advantage of application of foraminifers, over other chemical and biological techniques, for pollution monitoring lies in their potentiality to decipher temporal variation in type and concentration of pollutants at any site even in the absence of pre-pollution studies, based on the recovery of foraminifers from the sediment core samples. Realizing the potential application of characteristic foraminiferal features from the polluted areas to decipher the variation in introduction and concentration of pollutants at any given location with time, efforts were made to characterize the specific types of foraminiferal features to the specific pollutants. It was at this point that the need of culture studies was widely felt which resulted in numerous lab and field culture studies where foraminifers were subjected to specific pollutants in order to document their response to these pollutants and to develop effective foraminiferal proxies for pollution monitoring through time. Such studies are still going on and it is felt that culture studies need to be supplemented with advanced crystallographic and molecular studies in order to find the mechanism through which foraminifers respond to the pollutants.  相似文献   

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