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Spatial variability in the degradation rate of isoproturon in soil   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Thirty samples of soil were taken at 50-m intersections on a grid pattern over an area of 250 x 200 m within a single field with nominally uniform soil characteristics. Incubations of isoproturon (3-(4-isopropylphenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea) under standard conditions (15 degrees C; -33 kPa soil water potential) indicated considerable variation in degradation rate of the herbicide, with the time to 50% loss (DT50) varying from 6.5 to 30 days. The kinetics of degradation also varied between the sub-samples of soil. In many of them, there was an exponential decline in isoproturon residues; in others, exponential loss was followed by more rapid rates of decline; in a few soil samples, rapid rates of loss began shortly after the start of the incubations. In more detailed studies with soils from a smaller number of sub-sites (20), measurements were again made of isoproturon degradation rate, and the soils were analysed for organic matter content, pH, and nutrient status (N, P, K). Measurements were also made of isoproturon adsorption by the soils and of soil microbial biomass. Patterns of microbial metabolism were assessed using 95 substrates in Biolog GN plates. Soils showing rapid biodegradation were generally of higher pH and contained more available potassium than those showing slower degradation rates. They also had a larger microbial biomass and greater microbial metabolic diversity as determined by substrate utilisation on Biolog GN plates. The implications of the results for the efficacy and environmental behaviour of isoproturon are discussed.  相似文献   

微生物法治理油污土壤具有成本低、效果好的特点 ,其原理是微生物利用油烃作为碳源合成自身物质 ,进行生长繁殖 ,从而使油烃的含量得到减少。而与此同时 ,微生物的数量也会发生相应的变化。目前油污土壤微生物的研究主要局限于对污染土壤中分离提纯的单一菌种的降解效能的研究。本文对土著油污土壤微生物在适宜条件下的数量和种类变化进行了实验分析 ,并对油烃的化学组成作了初步探讨。分离出 4株对石油具有耐受性和降解能力的微生物。结果表明 ,在 4株微生物数量都增加的时候 ,石油烃的降解速度最快。  相似文献   

Chemical extractions have been shown to measure the biodegradable fraction of aromatic contaminants in soil; however, there is little research on the chemical prediction of aliphatic hydrocarbon degradation. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential for cyclodextrin extractions to predict hexadecane biodegradation in soil. Soils were amended with 10 or 100 mg kg−1 of a model alkane n-hexadecane and 100 Bq g−114C-n-hexadecane. Correlations between the extents of mineralisation and extractions of the 14C-contaminant were determined. Solvent shake extractions and aqueous CaCl2 extractions were poor predictors of hexadecane bioaccessibility. However, the novel HP-α-CD shake extraction showed close correlation (r2 = 0.90, n = 36, p < 0.05) to the mineralisation data. This novel extraction technique has the potential to be used to assess the biodegradable aliphatic hydrocarbon fraction in contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5) is a cyclic volatile methyl siloxane (cVMS) commonly found in commercially available products. D5 is expected to enter the terrestrial environment through the deposit of biosolids from sewage treatment plants onto agricultural fields for nutrient enrichment. Little to no information currently exists as to the risks of D5 to the terrestrial environment. In order to evaluate the potential risk to terrestrial organisms, the toxicity of a D5 contaminated biosolid in an agricultural soil was assessed with a battery of standardized soil toxicity tests.D5 was spiked into a surrogate biosolid and then mixed with a sandy loam soil to create test concentrations ranging from 0 to 4074 mg kg−1. Plant (Hordeum vulgare (barley) and Trifolium pratense (red clover)) and soil invertebrates (Eisenia andrei (earthworm) and Folsomia candida (springtail)) toxicity tests were completed to assess for lethal and sub-lethal effects. Plant testing evaluated the effects on seedling emergence, shoot and root length, and shoot and root dry mass. Invertebrate test endpoints included adult lethality, juvenile production, and individual juvenile dry mass (earthworms only). Soil samples were collected over time to confirm test concentrations and evaluate the loss of chemical over the duration of a test. The toxicity of the D5 was species and endpoint dependent, such that no significant adverse effects were observed for T. pratense or E. andrei test endpoints, however, toxicity was observed for H. vulgare plant growth and F. candida survival and reproduction. Chemical losses of up to 50% were observed throughout the tests, most significantly at high concentrations.  相似文献   

The phenylurea herbicide isoproturon, 3-(4-isopropylphenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (IPU), is widely used to control pre- and post-emergence of grass and broad-leaved weeds in cereal crops. Its degradation in soils is a key process for assessing its leaching risk to groundwater resources. The degradation properties of various samples from surface and subsurface soil (down to 1m depth) of a heterogeneous agricultural field were studied using (14)C-IPU. Laboratory incubations were carried out at 22 and 10 degrees C and at water contents 90% and 50% of the estimated water holding capacity (eWHC) corresponding to water potentials between -56 kPa and -660 MPa. Degradation was found to be more sensitive to water content variations than to temperature variations in the ranges that we used. For surface layers, at 10 and 22 degrees C, the degradation half-life increased by a factor 10 and 15, respectively, when water content decreased from 90% to 50% eWHC. Under optimal degradation conditions (i.e. 22 degrees C and 90% eWHC), 3-(4-isopropylphenyl)-1-methylurea (MDIPU) was the main metabolite in surface samples. At subsurface depths, IPU half-lives were larger than 100 d, IPU was the main compound after 92 d of incubation and the main metabolite was an unidentified polar metabolite. These results suggest a metabolic pathway involving hydroxylations for subsurface materials. IPU degradation was largely affected by water availability in both surface and subsurface horizons. Clay content seemed to play a major role in degradation processes in subsurface soil by determining through sorption IPU availability in soil solution and/or by limiting water availability for microorganisms.  相似文献   

The environmental fate of the worldwide used herbicide isoproturon was studied in four different, undisturbed lysimeters in the temperate zone of Middle Europe. To exclude climatic effects due to location, soils were collected at different regions in southern Germany and analyzed at a lysimeter station under identical environmental conditions. 14C-isoproturon mineralization varied between 2.59% and 57.95% in the different soils. Barley plants grown on these lysimeters accumulated 14C-pesticide residues from soil in partially high amounts and emitted 14CO2 in an extent between 2.01% and 13.65% of the applied 14C-pesticide. Plant uptake and 14CO2 emissions from plants were inversely linked to the mineralization of the pesticide in the various soils: High isoproturon mineralization in soil resulted in low plant uptake whereas low isoproturon mineralization in soil resulted in high uptake of isoproturon residues in crop plants and high 14CO2 emission from plant surfaces. The soil water regime was identified as an essential factor that regulates degradation and plant uptake of isoproturon whereby the intensity of the impact of this factor is strongly dependent on the soil type.  相似文献   

通过测坑定位试验,测定了稻田不同深度土壤溶液中溶解性有机氮(DON)、溶解性有机碳(DOC)的含量,并将原位提取的土壤溶液加入到人工土壤中,开展土壤溶液中DON、DOC的微生物降解试验,研究不同施肥处理DON、DOC的含量分布及其微生物降解特性。结果表明:(1)两种施肥处理0~10cm土壤溶液中TN、DON显著低于其他两层土壤;土壤溶液中DON占TN的比例均在62.9%~79.8%,为氮素组成的主要形式。(2)有机无机混合肥处理中DOC占TC的比例随土壤深度加大而逐渐增加,比例为21.1%~25.1%,而无机肥处理中DOC占TC比例则是逐渐下降,比例为18.9%~20.0%。(3)稻田土壤溶液中DON和DOC具有较好的微生物降解特性。降解28d后,DON占初始DON的30.1%~34.9%,而DOC占初始DOC的24.3%~28.2%。  相似文献   

分别以孤东油区石油污染土壤中的原油、柴油馏分(180~360℃)、蜡油馏分(360 ~ 500℃)为研究对象,采用BC-Ⅰ和BC-E 2种菌剂,对其进行微生物降解.研究表明,BC-Ⅰ和BC-E菌剂对石油污染土壤中石油烃的降解效果明显,BC-E菌剂对孤东油区石油污染土壤中石油烃的降解率达35.7%.2种菌剂对石油烃中轻馏分的降解效率均远远高于其对重馏分的降解效率.柴油馏分降解产物中鉴定出O1、O2、N1等多种分子类型,其中O2相对丰度远高于O1、N1类型,研究表明,该类化合物是脂肪酸,油样中脂肪酸存在明显的C16、C18优势,降解后低碳数脂肪酸相对丰度略有增加.蜡油(VGO)降解后以m/z=293(C19双环环烷酸)为中心正态分布,烷基咔唑中C5-咔唑丰度最高,苯并咔唑相对丰度很低.O2类化合物丰度很低,表明脂肪酸含量很低,DBE为4或5的O2类化合物明显占优势,对应3~4环环烷酸丰度较高.  相似文献   

Pesticide disappearance from soils was observed in laboratory studies in which leaching and runoff were impeded, and volatilisation and degradation evaluated. Advection by volatilisation was negligible for the less volatile chemicals, and significant for the more volatile (Trifluralin and Heptachlor). Basic statistics applied to degradation DT50 data of 14 active ingredients in four different soils showed that the properties of pesticides play a major role in determining their degradability.  相似文献   

热解吸对土壤中POPs农药的去除及土壤理化性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索土壤热解吸修复技术对POPs污染土壤的修复效果及修复后土壤可耕作性,选择北京某农药厂旧址的POPs农药污染土壤,研究了不同温度下热解吸处理后土壤中滴滴涕(DDTs)和六六六(HCHs)各组分的去除率以及土壤理化性质的变化。结果表明,热解吸修复技术可有效去除土壤中POPs农药,其中,p,p’-DDE与α-HCH组分去除率受热解吸温度的影响比其他组分更为明显。∑HCH与∑DDT在310℃、340℃时分别达到97%、99%的去除率,且此时土壤中的污染物含量低于我国《展览会用地土壤环境质量评价标准》,此后去除率受温度的影响不明显。热解吸温度对修复后土壤的理化性质有一定的影响,不同温度影响的程度各不相同,其中,有机质含量与全氮含量分别由0.78%、0.0352%降至0.14%、0.0107%;pH波动幅度较小,由7.80变至8.25;阳离子交换量变化存在波动,但呈整体下降趋势,由7.87 mg/kg降至5.00mg/kg;土壤中速效磷显著增加,由7.59 mg/kg升至21.8 mg/kg。而在最优温度条件下,土壤理化性质受热解吸温度的影响较小。由此可以说明,热解吸技术可以用于POPs污染土壤的修复,选择适当的热解吸温度对土壤的可耕作性影响有限,因而是一种潜在的绿色修复技术。  相似文献   

The effects of charcoal amendment on adsorption, leaching and degradation of the herbicide isoproturon in soils were studied under laboratory conditions. The adsorption data all fitted well with the Freundlich empirical equation. It was found that the adsorption of isoproturon in soils increased with the rate of charcoal amended (correlation coefficient r=0.957**, P<0.01). The amount of isoproturon in leachate decreased with the increase of the amount of charcoal addition to soil column, while the retention of isoproturon in soils increased with an increase in the charcoal content of soil samples. Biodegradation was still the most significant mechanism for isoproturon dissipation from soil. Charcoal amendment greatly reduced the biodegradation of isoproturon in soils. The half-lives of isoproturon degradation (DT(50)) in soils greatly extended when the rate of added charcoal increased from 0 to 50 g kg(-1) (for Paddy soil, DT(50) values increased from 54.6 to 71.4 days; for Alfisol, DT(50) from 16.0 to 136 days; and for Vertisol, DT(50) from 15.2 to 107 days). The degradation rate of isoproturon in soils was significantly negatively correlated with the amount of added charcoal. This research suggests that charcoal amendment may be an effective management practice for reducing pesticide leaching and enhancing its persistence in soils.  相似文献   

Total of 260 soil profiles were reported to investigate the arsenic spatial distribution and vertical variation in Guangdong province. The arsenic concentration followed an approximately lognormal distribution. The arsenic geometric mean concentration of 10.4 mg/kg is higher than that of China. An upper baseline concentration of 23.4 mg/kg was estimated for surface soils. The influence of soil properties on arsenic concentration was not important. Arsenic spatial distributions presented similar patterns that high arsenic concentration mainly located in limestone, and sandshale areas, indicating that soil arsenic distribution was dependent on bedrock properties than anthropogenic inputs. Moreover, from A- to C-horizon arsenic geometric mean concentrations had an increasing tendency of 10.4, 10.7 to 11.3 mg/kg. This vertical variation may be related to the lower soil organic matter and soil degradation and erosion. Consequently, the soil arsenic export into surface and groundwaters would reach 1040 t year-1 in the study area.  相似文献   


Closed lakes located in urban parks act as sinks of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), which have been used, for decades, as insecticides, herbicides and fungicides. The closed lakes from Bucharest, Romania, are periodically managed to prevent eutrophication and accumulation of pollutants. However, it is not known if these practices reduce or enhance the legacy pollution with OCPs. The aim of this study was to explore the spatial variation of OCPs in closed lakes. The total concentration of OCPs in water and sediments ranged between 0.0176 and 37.1?µg/L, and between 122 to 1,890?ng/g, respectively. The concentrations of OCPs were compared with the consensus-based sediment quality guidelines (SQGs) in order to evaluate the ecological risks of sediments. The highest potential adverse effects were associated with γ-HCH exposure. Periodical draining and dredging of lakes lead to the resuspension of contaminants, increasing pesticide bioavailability and accumulation in sediments. In addition, we observed that fluorescent dissolved organic matter (DOM) might influence the OCPs cycle. The quantity and character of fluorescent DOM can provide further insight into OCPs degradation. Also, this study may help urban planners to determine the state of urban waters and to find the best solution for water management.  相似文献   

Olive mill wastewater (OMW) is a problematic by-product of olive oil production. While its high organic load and polyphenol concentrations are associated with troublesome environmental effects, its rich mineral and organic matter contents represent valuable nutrients. This study aimed to investigate the valorization of this waste biomass as a potential soil conditioner and fertilizer in agriculture. OMW was assayed at three doses 50, 100, and 200 m3 ha−1 year−1) over three successive years in olive fields. The effects of the effluent on the physico-chemical and microbial properties of soil-layers were assessed. The findings revealed that the pH of the soil decreased but electrical conductivity and organic matter, total nitrogen, sodium, and potassium soil contents increased in proportion with OMW concentration and frequency of application. While no variations were observed in phosphorus content, slow increases were recorded in calcium and magnesium soil contents. Compared to their control soil counterparts, aerobic bacteria and fungi increased in proportion with OMW spreading rates. The models expressing the correlation between progress parameters and OMW doses were fitted into a second degree polynomial model. Principal component analysis showed a strong correlation between soil mineral elements and microorganisms. These parameters were not related to phosphorus and pH.  相似文献   

A study was made of the influence of the application of sewage sludge on the degradation of pesticides in the soil. Two kinds of sludge were used, with different characteristics, one from an urban treatment plant and one from a food processing plant. Three organophosphorus insecticides, fenitrothion, diazinon and dimethoate, were studied. The relative importance was determined of the chemical and biological degradation processes, which involved experiments on soil and sterile soil samples. A comparative study was also made of the degradation of pesticide residues and the evolution of the microbial population. The application of sludge seems to have a complex effect on the degradation of pesticides, determined by the bioavailability and biodegradability of their active ingredient. The biodegradation of pesticide residues brings about alterations in the microorganism population of the soil.  相似文献   

Xie XM  Liao M  Yang J  Chai JJ  Fang S  Wang RH 《Chemosphere》2012,88(10):1190-1195
The effect of ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) root-exudates concentration on pyrene degradation and the microbial ecological characteristics in the pyrene contaminated soil was investigated by simulating a gradually reducing concentration of root exudates with the distance away from root surface in the rhizosphere. Results showed that, after the root-exudates were added 15 d, the pyrene residue in contaminated soil responded nonlinearly in the soils with the same pyrene contaminated level as the added root-exudates concentration increased, which decreased first and increased latter with the increase of the added root-exudates concentration. The lowest pyrene concentration appeared when the root exudates concentration of 32.75 mg kg(-1) total organic carbon (TOC) was added. At the same time, changes of microbial biomass carbon (MBC, C(mic)) and microbial quotient (C(mic)/C(org)) were opposite to the trend of pyrene degradation as the added root-exudates concentration increased. Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis revealed that bacteria was the dominating microbial community in pyrene contaminated soil, and the changing trends of pyrene degradation and bacteria number were the same. The changing trend of endoenzyme-dehydrogenase activity was in accordance with that of soil microbe, indicating which could reflect the quantitative characteristic of detoxification to pyrene by soil microbe. The changes in the soils microbial community and corresponding microbial biochemistry characteristics were the ecological mechanism influencing pyrene degradation with increasing concentration of the added root-exudates in the pyrene contaminated soil.  相似文献   

The acquaintance of arsenic concentrations in rice grain is vital in risk assessment. In this study, we determined the concentration of arsenic in 282 brown rice grains sampled from Hainan Island, China, and discussed its possible relationships to the considered soil properties. Arsenic concentrations in the rice grain from Hainan Island varied from 5 to 309 μg/kg, with a mean (92 μg/kg) lower than most published data from other countries/regions and the maximum contaminant level (MCL) for Asi in rice. The result of correlation analysis between grain and soil properties showed that grain As concentrations correlated significantly to soil arsenic speciation, organic matter and soil P contents and could be best predicted by humic acid bound and Fe-Mn oxides bound As fractions. Grain arsenic rises steeply at soil As concentrations lower than 3.6 mg/kg and gently at higher concentrations.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the adsorption/desorption of butachlor, myclobutanil and chlorpyrifos on five soils using a batch equilibration technique and to study the relationship between bioavailability to Allolobophora caliginosa and the adsorption/desorption of these three pesticides. The results showed that the adsorption/desorption processes of the tested compounds were mainly controlled by soil organic matter content (OM) and octanol/water-partitioning coefficient (K(ow)), and that the bioavailability of the pesticides was dependent on characteristics of pesticides, properties of soils, and uptake routes of earthworms. Bioconcentration of butachlor and myclobutanil was negatively correlated with Freundlich adsorption constant K(af) and K(df). However, only a slightly positive correlation between bioconcentration and K(af) and K(df) was observed for chlorpyrifos due to its high affinity onto soil.  相似文献   

Effects of the common antibacterial agent triclosan on microbial communities and degradation of domestic xenobiotics were studied in simulated sewage-drain-field soil. Cultivable microbial populations decreased 22-fold in the presence of 4 mg kg−1 of triclosan, and triclosan-resistant Pseudomonas strains were strongly enriched. Exposure to triclosan also changed the general metabolic profile (Ecoplate substrate profiling) and the general profile (T-RFLP) of the microbial community. Triclosan degradation was slow at all concentrations tested (0.33-81 mg kg−1) during 50-days of incubation. Mineralization experiments (14C-tracers) and chemical analyses (LC-MS/MS) showed that the persistence of a linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) and a common analgesic (ibuprofen) increased with increasing triclosan concentrations (0.16-100 mg kg−1). The largest effect was seen for LAS mineralization which was severely reduced by 0.16 mg kg−1 of triclosan. Our findings indicate that environmentally realistic concentrations of triclosan may affect the efficiency of biodegradation in percolation systems.  相似文献   

Methyl bromide (CH3Br) is currently the most widely used soil fumigant, and its emission into the atmosphere after application reportedly contributes to ozone depletion in the stratosphere. Irreversible degradation and partially reversible sorption reactions affect the quantity of this furnigant reaching the soil surface and escaping into the atmosphere. Incubation studies in closed headspace vials under controlled conditions showed that degradation of CH3Br was highly dependent on soil organic matter content, and to a lesser extent, on the moisture level in the soil. Methylation of CH3Br on organic matter was suggested to be the major reaction that CH3Br undergoes in the soil environment. Other soil constituents such as clay did not contribute to the degradation under moist or air-dried conditions, though enhanced degradation was observed on oven-dried montmorillonite and kaolinite clays. Within soil profiles, degradation of CH3Br decreased with soil depth mainly due to the reduction of soil organic matter content with depth. In both Greenfield and Wasco sandy loams, the degradation rate of CH3Br in soil layers from 0 to 270 cm could be estimated from soil organic matter content. Sorption of CH3Br on moist soils was generally limited, and varied with soil depth. The degree of sorption could be predicted from soil moisture alone or soil moisture and organic matter content.  相似文献   

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