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激光传输在环境监控中的应用设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对将激光通信技术在环境监控中的应用进行了研究,探讨了大气环境下数据传输的信号调制方式以及提高通信距离和减少系统噪声的方法,设计了可用于环境监控数据传输的激光传输系统实用电路。经安装、调试、运行,结果表明,该系统在视距通信条件下应用,具有电路制作简单、设备架设灵活方便、数据传输性能稳定和传输系统成本低廉等优点。  相似文献   

依据可持续发展理念,提出雨水、污水和中水在城市绿地系统中的应用,并对国内外雨水、污水和中水在城市绿地系统中的应用方法及相关实例进行了综述。  相似文献   

湖泊蓝藻水华预警监测技术的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖泊蓝藻水华已经成为社会公众和政府共同关注的重要环境问题之一。为确保湖泊生态安全以及其周边地区饮用水安全,提高政府应对蓝藻水华的能力,对湖泊蓝藻进行预警监测是判断蓝藻水华发展趋势以及制定相应对策的重要手段。文中从简单的人工观测到实验室分析技术,发展到综合运用多种现代科学技术进行卫星遥感、视频监控、在线监测和水质垂直剖面自动监测系统(无线浮标监测系统)等,全面阐述了蓝藻水华监测技术中的宏观观测和微观分析技术,初步研究了目前湖泊蓝藻预警监测技术的应用。  相似文献   

污染地下水原位处理方法:可渗透反应墙   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
可渗透反应墙法是20世纪90年代新兴的一种地下水污染原位处理方法,该方法目前在欧美已开始进入广泛的工程应用阶段,该方法与早期的一些处理方法相比,具有能持续原位处理,处理组分多,价格相对便宜等特点,本文系统介绍了该处理方法的基本原理,系统的结构构造和类型,处理机理和反应材料以及设计与施工等,为在我国开展该方法的研究和应用打下基础。  相似文献   

利用2013—2014年中国气象局下发的气象信息处理和天气预报制作系统(MICAPS)中的气象资料、廊坊环保局空气污染资料、廊坊气象观测站自动站资料,应用天气学、数理统计等方法对观测期间廊坊市63次"突发"空气重污染的大气环流形势、环境气象要素条件、风场输送通道等演变特征进行深入分析,为后期"突发"空气重污染的预报预警、科学防控提供线索和依据。  相似文献   

系统介绍了美国污染地块风险管控的重要方法——制度控制,并结合中国污染地块风险管控相对薄弱的实际情况,分析了制度控制在中国污染地块风险管控应用中的适用性,提出了制度控制在中国污染地块风险管控中的应用建议。研究认为,制度控制在中国污染地块风险管控中的应用任重而道远,需要在法律体系、实施主体、公众参与和跟踪评价等方面加强建设。  相似文献   

应用非线性动力学、分形理论、混沌学,研究了特大型船闸运行水污染系统,结合葛洲坝特大型船闸运行系统自组织特征和水污染事件,论述了船闸水污染非线性、分形特征,建立了动力方程、水质预测预报模型,指出常规理论方法研究中存在的问题,提出了水污染系统非线性研究是今后着重需要深入探讨研究的领域,具有重要的实用价值。  相似文献   

对将激光通信技术在环境监控中的应用进行了研究,探讨了大气环境下数据传输的信号调制方式以及提高通信距离和减少系统噪声的方法,设计了可用于环境监控数据传输的激光传输系统实用电路.经安装、调试、运行,结果表明,该妹系统在视距通信条件下应用,具有电路制作简单、设备架设灵活方便、数据传输性能稳定和传输系统成本低廉等优点.  相似文献   

针对现有水环境治理装备设计开发技术存在的不足,提出了一种融合全相关技术与CAD、CAE、CAM、CAPP技术的集成一体化装备系统设计开发方案,并给出了这种集成全相关技术的初步实现方法,而且进行了射流曝气器的设计应用。这种方法有望实现水环境治理装备系统完整、可靠的设计,并缩短了设计开发周期。  相似文献   

生物流化床的床层膨胀行为直接与生化反应区的水动力学和效率相关,床层膨胀特性是进行合理设计和运行的重要依据。目前流化床设计一般没有考虑生物膜的影响,但生物颗粒的流化行为有别于光滑载体,因此需要对曳力系数Cd和膨胀特性方程中的ui进行必要的修正。在综合分析基础上,探讨了优化两相流化床设计和运行的程序和方法。  相似文献   

系统实现了64个预置点的烟气排放林格曼指数自动监测功能,系统可以工作在手动模式和自动扫描模式。每一个预置点都有3个参考区域,通过扣除背景有效地降低了误报概率,对于超标数据采取本地数据库和远程数据库同时存储的方法,远程数据库提供了基于局域网上的分级查询和统计,超标图像存储采用JPEG图像格式和自定义的无损压缩格式。  相似文献   

WebGIS与一维水质模型的集成研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
结合江苏省环保信息系统的建设,讨论WebGIS与一维水质模型集成的关键技术问题,阐明模型计算中评价河段截取、空间离散及空间数据重采样的方法和过程,对实现水环境模型的跨平台操作和数据信息共享作出了尝试,设计了基于浏览器方式的集成系统。  相似文献   

应用GIS分析太湖水质的污染现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着空间技术和计算机技术的日益发展,地理信息系统(GIS)作为一门技术,不但在地学方面有了较为广泛的应用,而且在环境部门也越来越显出其优势性。以水质采样监测的大量第一手资料为基础,应用GIS工具,对太湖水质的污染现状进行了分析,并对此进行解释提出了可能的解决办法。  相似文献   

环境应急信息管理平台   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境应急信息管理平台是以信息化技术手段作为支撑的、面向环境应急事件的综合性的信息管理、事态预测、应急决策系统。系统以GIS为基础,可以快速地了解突发环境事件的发展状况,同时通过对环境背景数据库、空间信息数据库、环境应急专项数据库中的相关知识与数据进行综合分析,建立污染物扩散模型以及辅助决策模型,为决策者快速提供一个直观、科学、合理、优化的应急处置方案和指挥调度方案,并能够为事件后期评估、科学制定善后处理措施提供必要保障。  相似文献   

Müller A  Schulz W  Ruck WK  Weber WH 《Chemosphere》2011,85(8):1211-1219
Non-target screening via high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) has gained increasingly in importance for monitoring organic trace substances in water resources targeted for the production of drinking water. In this article a new approach for evaluating the data from non-target HPLC-MS screening in water is introduced and its advantages are demonstrated using the supply of drinking water as an example. The crucial difference between this and other approaches is the comparison of samples based on compounds (features) determined by their full scan data. In so doing, we take advantage of the temporal, spatial, or process-based relationships among the samples by applying the set operators, UNION, INTERSECT, and COMPLEMENT to the features of each sample. This approach regards all compounds, detectable by the used analytical method. That is the fundamental meaning of non-target screening, which includes all analytical information from the applied technique for further data evaluation. In the given example, in just one step, all detected features (1729) of a landfill leachate sample could be examined for their relevant influences on water purification respectively drinking water. This study shows that 1721 out of 1729 features were not relevant for the water purification. Only eight features could be determined in the untreated water and three of them were found in the final drinking water after ozonation. In so doing, it was possible to identify 1-adamantylamine as contamination of the landfill in the drinking water at a concentration in the range of 20 ng L−1. To support the identification of relevant compounds and their transformation products, the DAIOS database (Database-Assisted Identification of Organic Substances) was used. This database concept includes some functions such as product ion search to increase the efficiency of the database query after the screening. To identify related transformation products the database function “transformation tree” was used.  相似文献   

基于Web GIS的饮用水水质监控系统,利用Internet/Intranet技术、GIS技术、数据库技术和环境保护技术,建立了完善的水污染监测与管理网络体系,实现了水源地污染空间信息、属性信息的综合管理.首先介绍了此系统的需求目标,进一步阐述了系统的体系结构、数据库设计和主要功能.  相似文献   

A speciated, hourly, and gridded air pollutants emission modeling system (SHEMS) was developed and applied in predicting hourly nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ozone (O3) levels in the Seoul Metropolitan Area (SMA). The primary goal of the SHEMS was to produce a systemized emission inventory for air pollutants including ozone precursors for modeling air quality in urban areas. The SHEMS is principally composed of three parts: (1) a pre-processor to process emission factors, activity levels, and spatial and temporal information using a geographical information system; (2) an emission model for each source type; and (3) a post-processor to produce report and input data for air quality models through database modeling. The source categories in SHEMS are point, area, mobile, natural, and other sources such as fugitive emissions. The emission database produced by SHEMS contains 22 inventoried compounds: sulfur dioxide, NO2, carbon monoxide, and 19 speciated volatile organic compounds. To validate SHEMS, the emission data were tested with the Urban Airshed Model to predict NO2 and O3 concentrations in the SMA during selected episode days in 1994. The results turned out to be reliable in describing temporal variation and spatial distribution of those pollutants.  相似文献   

放射源管理系统是一种基于环境地理信息系统平台的资源管理系统,是GIS技术与环境监测技术、环境管理技术、数据库技术等各种环境信息分析和处理技术的集成。系统为环保部门提供了一个功能强大的空间信息服务和管理工具,可以直观、方便地获取放射源的监控、管理等数据信息,为环境管理部门的决策提供依据。  相似文献   


A speciated, hourly, and gridded air pollutants emission modeling system (SHEMS) was developed and applied in predicting hourly nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ozone (O3) levels in the Seoul Metropolitan Area (SMA). The primary goal of the SHEMS was to produce a systemized emission inventory for air pollutants including ozone precursors for modeling air quality in urban areas.

The SHEMS is principally composed of three parts: (1) a pre-processor to process emission factors, activity levels, and spatial and temporal information using a geographical information system; (2) an emission model for each source type; and (3) a post-processor to produce report and input data for air quality models through database modeling. The source categories in SHEMS are point, area, mobile, natural, and other sources such as fugitive emissions. The emission database produced by SHEMS contains 22 inventoried compounds: sulfur dioxide, NO2, carbon monoxide, and 19 speciated volatile organic compounds. To validate SHEMS, the emission data were tested with the Urban Airshed Model to predict NO2 and O3 concentrations in the SMA during selected episode days in 1994. The results turned out to be reliable in describing temporal variation and spatial distribution of those pollutants.  相似文献   

Currently, the depiction of urban air quality at boundary layer scale uses modelled climatic and land cover data. However, such models are difficult to verify, and only low to moderate accuracy may be achieved due to the complexity of the input data required and the reliance on assumptions about dispersion patterns. The provision of comprehensive air quality data to urban residents in city districts, at a level of detail commensurate with other Location-Based Services (LBS) which are time- and place-sensitive, has therefore not been possible. A method for urban air quality monitoring over cities at boundary layer scale, other than by the use of air quality models is presented here. The system presented uses empirical Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) data in near-real time, combining AOT data from AERONET with aerosol vertical profiles computed from twice-daily MODIS satellite images at 500 m resolution, to give three dimensional (3D) air quality data over the urban landscape. There has been no previous attempt to project the horizontal spatial distribution of aerosols from satellite image pixels into a vertical dimension to give a spatially comprehensive three dimensional record of air quality. The paper describes the sources and accuracy of the AOT data input to the system as well as its storage and retrieval on a Geographic Information System (GIS) platform, to provide air quality and visibility information according to user query at any 3D geographical location, including individual buildings or building floor.  相似文献   

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