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The temperate forests of the southern hemisphere are the most likely forests to be affected by increased levels of ultraviolet-B (UVB) radiation resulting from reduced ozone. The review describes these forests and then discusses the morphological changes, physiological effects, and protection mechanisms, particularly UV absorbing compounds that result from present day and increasing UVB radiation. Possible avenues for future research are explored.  相似文献   

This overview of experimentally induced effects of ozone aims to identify physiological and ecological principles, which can be used to classify the sensitivity to ozone of temperate grassland communities in Europe. The analysis of data from experiments with single plants, binary mixtures and multi-species communities illustrates the difficulties to relate individual responses to communities, and thus to identify grassland communities most at risk. Although there is increasing evidence that communities can be separated into broad classes of ozone sensitivity, the database from experiments under realistic conditions with representative systems is too small to draw firm conclusions. But it appears that risk assessments, based on results from individuals or immature mixtures exposed in chambers, are only applicable to intensively managed, productive grasslands, and that the risk of ozone damage for most of perennial grasslands with lower productivity tends to be less than previously expected.  相似文献   

Ecosystem responses to climate changes will affect the exchange of carbon (C) with the atmosphere, thus providing feedback for future climate response. We have developed a C budget model of Canadian forests and forest sector activities and used sensitivity analysis runs with changes in productivity, decomposition, and disturbance regimes to assess the sensitivity of the Canadian forest sector C budget over the next century. The model operates on data derived from Canada's National Forest Biomass Inventory, from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory global soil C data base, and from Canadian data bases that document areas annually disturbed by fire, insects, and harvesting. It simulates the dynamics of biomass and soil C pools (including detritus and coarse woody debris) as they are affected by growth, decomposition, and disturbances. For the reference run of the model, we assumed unchanging climate and disturbance regimes. Under these conditions, total ecosystem C increased by 2 Gt C (2.3%) over the 100-year simulation period. In the sensitivity analysis, we explored the effects of changes in the area annually disturbed by fire and insect-induced stand mortality (-60 to +300%), growth rates (-10 to +20%), decomposition rates (-10 to +25%), and combined changes in growth and decomposition rates. In every model run, the change of total ecosystem C relative to the reference run was less than 10%. Combined changes to growth and decomposition rates yielded very small deviations from the results of the reference run (-0.8 to +1.2%). Because disturbance regime changes affect forest age-class structure as well as forest dynamics, they are expected to affect C budgets strongly. Total ecosystem C, however, is slightly more sensitive to changes in growth and decomposition parameters than to changes in disturbance regimes. Although the sensitivity analysis results suggest that C budgets are little affected by the range of parameter changes implemented here, we must emphasize that our sensitivity analyses do not account for potentially important processes, such as regeneration failure or the shifts in forest distribution.  相似文献   

Atmospheric deposition of inorganic nitrogen was studied at two forested sites in the Montseny mountains (northeast Spain), peripheral to the Barcelona conurbation, and at a nearby lowland town, using bulk deposition, wet-only deposition, throughfall, and dry deposition inferred from branch-washes and surrogate surfaces (metacrylate plates). Bulk deposition inputs of ammonium and nitrate did not show significant temporal trends over a 16-year period. Bulk inputs of inorganic N were moderate, ranging from 6 to 10 kg N ha(-1) year(-1) depending on the time period considered and the degree of site exposure to polluted air masses from the Barcelona conurbation. Large dry-sedimented particles played a minor role, since wet-only inputs were virtually identical to bulk inputs. On the contrary, branch- and plate-washes indicated substantial dry inputs of N gases and small particles. Total atmospheric deposition was estimated at 15-22 kg N ha(-1) year(-1), most of it being retained within the studied broadleaved evergreen forests. Ecosystem N availability is thus likely to be increasing in these forests.  相似文献   

Ozone and forests in South-Western Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper provides basic information about background, objectives and structure of O3SWE (Ozone at the permanent monitoring plots in South-Western Europe), an international co-operative project aimed at evaluating O3 concentrations, cumulative exposure, uptake and effects on forest vegetation in four countries of South-Western Europe (France, Italy, Luxenbourg, Spain and Switzerland). The project covers a total of 83 permanent plots of the EU and UN/ECE intensive forest monitoring programme and span over three years of investigation (2000-2002). The O3SWE project aims to demonstrate how, using data collected routinely in an intensive forest monitoring network, O3 exposure, flux and effects can be assessed and exceedances critically evaluated.  相似文献   

Ozone and urban forests in Italy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ozone levels along urban-to-rural gradients in three Italian cities (Milan, Florence, Bari) showed that average AOT40 values at rural and suburban sites were 2.6 times higher than those determined at urban sites. However, O3 also exceeded the European criteria to protect forest health at urban sites, even when the standards for human health protection were met. For protecting street trees in Mediterranean cities, the objectives of measurement at urban sites should extend from the protection of human health to the protection of vegetation as well. A review of forest effects on O3 pollution and of O3 pollution on forest conditions in Italian cities showed that it was not possible to distinguish the effect of O3 in the complex mixture of urban pollutants and stressors. A preliminary list of tree species for urban planning in the Mediterranean area shows the average tree capacity of O3 removal and VOC emission.  相似文献   

The procedure of sampling and gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of air containing volatile emissions from living plants has been elaborated. The qualitative composition of volatile organic compounds (VOC) produced by 22 species of plants which are characteristic for Northern hemisphere forests has been studied. The emission rate of isoprene and terpenes for some of them has been determined. Terpene concentrations in coniferous forests of different regions of the U.S.S.R. have been also determined. The list of compounds identified includes more than 70 substances of different classes. Total terpene concentrations in the coniferous forests air usually vary from 3.5 to 35 μg−3. Strong influence of meteorological conditions on the emission rate and terpene concentrations in the air under the forest canopy has been noted.  相似文献   

CAMFor (Carbon Accounting Model for Forests) is a sophisticated spreadsheet model developed to assist in carbon accounting and projection. This model can integrate information from a range of alternate sources including user input, default parameters and third party model outputs to calculate the carbon flows associated with a stand of trees and the wood products derived from harvests of that stand. Carbon is tracked in the following pools: * Biomass (stemwood, branches, bark, fine and coarse roots, leaves and twigs) * Soil (organic matter and inert charcoal) * Debris (coarse and fine litter, slash, below ground dead material) * Products (waste wood, sawn timber, paper, biofuel, reconstituted wood products). These pools can be tracked following thinning, fires and over multiple rotations. A sensitivity module has been developed to assist examination of the important assumptions and inputs. This paper reviews the functionality of CAMFor and reports on its use in a case study to explore the precision of estimates of carbon sequestration in a eucalypt plantation. Information on variability in unbiased models, measurement accuracy and other sources of error are combined in a sensitivity analysis to estimate the overall precision of sequestration estimates.  相似文献   

On the basis of the last inventory of forests and climatic conditions in Poland, a national evaluation of the emissions of reactive volatile organic compounds (VOCs) was carried out. Calculations took into account the composition and age structure of forests as well as the temperature dependencies of VOC emission rate for the main European forest-forming tree species. In the case of isoprene, the dependence on illumination level and day length was also taken into account. Estimations were made for all 49 administrative regions of Poland. Depending on weather conditions in different years, the total VOC emission of Polish forests can be in the range 186–763 kt yr−1. For instance, for a moderately warm year, 1992, it was estimated at 440.6 kt, which represents 25% of the total VOC emissions in Poland.  相似文献   

In the first part, this contribution presents German results of nitrogen fertilisation experiments on stand growth, published 1958-1987. Over this period Norway spruce and Scots pine have generally responded positively to nitrogen fertilisation, without showing signs of damage, at levels up to at least 1000 kg N ha(-1). In the second part, growth patterns of forest trees and stands in Southern Germany are presented. Norway spruce in particular is now growing better than in earlier years of this century, starting around 1960. It is plausible that increasing nitrogen deposition, which coincides with the growth increase, is the cause, though this cannot be shown unequivocally. At a few sites with poor soil and management and high acid deposition a deterioration is taking place.  相似文献   

The sustainable use of forests constitutes one of the great challenges for the future due to forests’ large spatial coverage, long-term planning horizons and inclusion of many ecosystem services. The mission of the Future Forests programme is to provide a scientifically robust knowledge base for sustainable governance and management of forests preparing for a future characterized by globalization and climate change. In this introduction to the Special Issue, we describe the interdisciplinary science approach developed in close collaboration with actors in the Future Forests programme, and discuss the potential impacts of this science on society. In addition, we introduce the 13 scientific articles and present results produced by the programme.  相似文献   

Ozone impact on Mediterranean forests remains largely under-investigated, despite strong photochemical activity and harmful effects on crops. As representative of O3 impacts on Mediterranean vegetation, this paper reviews the current knowledge about O3 and forests in Italy. The intermediate position between Africa and European mid-latitudes creates a complex patchwork of climate and vegetation. Available data from air quality monitoring stations and passive samplers suggest O3 levels regularly exceed the critical level (CL) for forests. In contrast, relationships between O3 exposure and effects (crown transparency, radial growth and foliar visible symptoms) often fail. Despite limitations in the study design or underestimation of the CL can also affect this discrepancy, the effects of site factors and plant ecology suggest Mediterranean forest vegetation is adapted to face oxidative stress, including O3. Implications for risk assessment (flux-based CL, level III, non-stomatal deposition) are discussed.  相似文献   

中低温厌氧处理城市污水污泥颗粒化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用高径比为3∶1的UASB反应器分别在35℃和室温条件下处理模拟城市污水,研究了污泥的颗粒化过程。比较了在不同温度、浓度下形成的颗粒污泥的特征。水温为9~25℃,进水浓度为100~200 mg COD/L,水力上流速度(Vup)在0.013~0.11 m/h的4#UASB反应器在60 d内在形成了成熟的颗粒污泥。研究表明,进水中低的有机物浓度,低的Ca2+、Mg2+浓度和低的Vup没有抑制颗粒化进程。  相似文献   

A budget for the methane (CH4) cycle in the Xilin River basin of Inner Mongolia is presented. The annual CH4 budget in this region depends primarily on the sum of atmospheric CH4 uptake by upland soils, emission from small wetlands, and emission from grazing ruminants (sheep, goats, and cattle). Flux rates for these processes were averaged over multiple years with differing summer rainfall. Although uplands constitute the vast majority of land area, they consume much less CH4 per unit area than is emitted by wetlands and ruminants. Atmospheric CH4 uptake by upland soils was ?3.3 and ?4.8 kg CH4 ha?1 y?1 in grazed and ungrazed areas, respectively. Average CH4 emission was 791.0 kg CH4 ha?1 y?1 from wetlands and 8.6 kg CH4 ha?1 y?1 from ruminants. The basin area-weighted average of all three processes was 6.8 kg CH4 ha?1 y?1, indicating that ruminant production has converted this basin to a net source of atmospheric CH4. The total CH4 emission from the Xilin River basin was 7.29 Gg CH4 y?1. The current grazing intensity is about eightfold higher than that which would result in a net zero CH4 flux. Since grazing intensity has increased throughout western China, it is likely that ruminant production has converted China's grazed temperate grasslands to a net source of atmospheric CH4 overall.  相似文献   

中低温厌氧处理城市污水污泥颗粒化的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用高径比为3:1的UASB反应器分别在35℃和室温条件下处理模拟城市污水,研究了污泥的颗粒化过程.比较了在不同温度、浓度下形成的颗粒污泥的特征.水温为9~25℃,进水浓度为100~200 mg COD/L,水力上流速度(Vup)在0.013~0.11 m/h的4^#UASB反应器在60 d内在形成了成熟的颗粒污泥.研究表明,进水中低的有机物浓度,低的Ca^2+、Mg^2+浓度和低的Vup没有抑制颗粒化进程.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the potential environmental risk posed by metals depends to a great extent on modeling the fate and mobility of metals with soil-solution partitioning coefficients (Kd). However, the effect of biological cycling on metal partitioning is rarely considered in standard risk assessments. We determined soil-solution partitioning coefficients for 5 metals (Cd, Zn, Pb, Co and Ni) at 46 forested sites that border the Precambrian Shield in central Ontario, where soil pHaq varied from 3.9 to 8.1. Foliage from the dominant tree species and forest floor samples were also collected from each site to compare their metal levels with Kd predictions. Analogous to other studies, log Kd values for all metals were predicted by empirical linear regression with soil pH (r2=0.66-0.72), demonstrating that metal partitioning between soil and soil solution can be reliably predicted for relatively unpolluted forest mineral soils by soil pH. In contrast, whereas the so-called bioavailable water-soluble metal fraction could be predicted from soil pH, metal concentrations in foliage and the forest floor at each site were not consistently related to pH. Risk assessment of metals should take into account the role of biota in metal cycling and partitioning in forests, particularly if metal bio-accumulation and chronic toxicity in the food chain, rather than metal mobility in soils, are of primary concern.  相似文献   

Atmospheric concentrations and deposition of the major nitrogenous (N) compounds and their biological effects in California forests are reviewed. Climatic characteristics of California are summarized in light of their effects on pollutant accumulation and transport. Over large areas of the state dry deposition is of greater magnitude than wet deposition due to the arid climate. However, fog deposition can also be significant in areas where seasonal fogs and N pollution sources coincide. The dominance of dry deposition is magnified in airsheds with frequent temperature inversions such as occur in the Los Angeles Air Basin. Most of the deposition in such areas occurs in summer as a result of surface deposition of nitric acid vapor (HNO3) as well as particulate nitrate (NO3-) and ammonium (NH4+). Internal uptake of gaseous N pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide (NO2), nitric oxide (NO), HNO3, peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN), ammonia (NH3), and others provides additional N to forests. However, summer drought and subsequent lower stomatal conductance of plants tend to limit plant utilization of gaseous N. Nitrogen deposition is much greater than S deposition in California. In locations close to photochemical smog source areas, concentrations of oxidized forms of N (NO2, HNO3, PAN) dominate, while in areas near agricultural activities the importance of reduced N forms (NH3, NH4+) significantly increases. Little data from California forests are available for most of the gaseous N pollutants. Total inorganic N deposition in the most highly-exposed forests in the Los Angeles Air Basin may be as high as 25-45 kg ha(-1) year(-1). Nitrogen deposition in these highly-exposed areas has led to N saturation of chaparral and mixed conifer stands. In N saturated forests high concentrations of NO3- are found in streamwater, soil solution, and in foliage. Nitric oxide emissions from soil and foliar N:P ratios are also high in N saturated sites. Further research is needed to determine the ecological effects of chronic N deposition, and to develop appropriate management options for protecting water quality and managing plant nutrient resources in ecosystems which no longer retain excess N.  相似文献   

The seasonal decline in ozone in the Antarctic atmosphere has been termed the ‘Antarctic ozone hole’. Possibly this hole is caused by upper atmospheric wind, due to resumption of high solar activity after the polar night which produces large amounts of ozone-destroying nitric oxide or due to unusual chlorine chemistry at extreme cold temperatures and associated polar stratospheric clouds. Of particular concern is that the observed changes in ozone could be linked to the observed increases in the gases that affect ozone such as methane, nitrous oxide, etc. All these gases affect the climate of the Earth through their so-called ‘greenhouse’ action. We have examined the nature of the greenhouse effect on polar climate due to observed changes in atmospheric trace gases in Antarctica which are reported here.  相似文献   

DDT translocation in the environment by resuspension and volatilization processes was measured after the spraying of a Pacific Northwest forest with DDT to control a tussock moth infestation. The objective of this study was to determine a resuspension rate from a forested area by sampling airborne DDT.Airborne DDT was sampled by a Cessna 411 aircraft-mounted, high-volume sampler on tour consecutive days. The aircraft sample collector consisted of a Gelman type A glass-fiber filter for DDT particulate and a back-up filter consisting of cylindrical polyurethane foam for DDT vapor. Sample flow rates varied between 2 and 3 m3 min−1.Air samples contained significant amounts of p,p'-DDT, o,p'-DDT, and p,p'-DDE except for background samples taken upwind of the spray areas, and some of the high altitude samples. Maximum total DDT concentration observed was 19 ng m−3 which was collected about 2 h after spray operation at about 150 m above the trees. Concentrations were 2 ng m−3 or less after 26 h. Particulate DDT concentrations were generally larger than vapor DDT concentrations.Valley-slope winds, convection and convective turbulence were predominant mechanisms for DDT translocation. Resuspension rates for DDT were from 10−7 to 10−8 fraction resuspended per second. Airborne DDT levels had decreased to background levels within 86 days after spraying.  相似文献   

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