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2012年以来,我国逐步建立完善了国家温室气体自愿减排交易管理机制,在制度体系、登记管理、交易管理等方面取得积极进展,备案了1315个温室气体自愿减排项目,项目产生的核证自愿减排量(CCER)实现全国交易,形成初具规模的二级交易市场。研究表明,受到国家主管部门在2017年暂缓自愿减排项目备案等因素影响,现有国家温室气体自愿减排交易管理机制已无法适应国家“双碳”目标下充分发挥市场机制作用的新要求,以及实现CCER在全国碳排放权交易市场和国际航空减排市场履约抵销等新形势,亟须在制度设计、平台支撑、市场建设、能力保障等各方面优化重塑,以重启为契机,加快推动我国温室气体自愿减排交易机制在新形势下深入发展。  相似文献   

一、背景介绍自工业革命以来,温室气体以惊人的速度在增长。温室气体的大量排放主要与能源的大量使用有关。据测算,CO_2的排放量较工业革命以前增加了1750吨碳,大气中CO_2也从1860年280ppm增加到1990年的353ppm。与此同时,全球平均气温...  相似文献   

文章通过简要阐述新疆油田温室气体重点排放过程,指出新疆油田温室气体减排和控制工作的方向,通过对注汽锅炉、天然气处理、储罐、能源结构优化、科技减排技术研究等工艺的研究分析,提出并实施一系列减排工作,在实践中通过对注汽系统减排措施的应用大幅降低了油田温室气体排放量,为新疆油田公司温室气体减排提出了新方向。  相似文献   

通过农业温室气体减排GTAP-E模型及其数据库构建,模拟了中国农业温室气体减排潜力及其政策意涵,其结论为:农业温室气体减排5%,我国GDP将降低0.059%,社会福利将提高11.6亿美元;水稻的价格上升22.08%,其他农作物价格上升2.9%;牛羊类的价格上升163.43%,猪禽类的价格上升0.57%,其他畜产品价格下降0.98%。农业温室气体减排5%降低了我国农产品在国际市场上的竞争力,使得农产品的出口大大下降,但是却提高了其他部门的出口,导致我国净出口增加了45.5亿美元,农业征收排放税的税收收入为223.11亿美元。  相似文献   

<正>温室气体尤其是二氧化碳的排放逐年上升,成为全球气候变化的罪魁祸首。如果不采取有效措施控制温室气体排放,那么人类的发展将因此而受到极大影响。从联合国气候变化框架公约、京都议定书到巴厘岛路线  相似文献   

积极减排温室气体应对气候变化已经成为石油天然气行业的共识。文章介绍了2011年以来最新的国际和国内应对气候变化的政策环境,分析其对我国石油天然气行业的影响,特别强调国务院《"十二五"控制温室气体排放工作方案》对石油天然气行业的引导作用。在此基础上还提出积极参与行业碳减排政策研究、注重低碳经济发展规划、抓住低碳经济重点发展领域、积极呼应碳金融和碳交易的发展趋势、注重天然气应用技术开发、加强余热余压回收节能等发展低碳经济的建议。  相似文献   

我国炼化企业是高耗能高污染企业,温室气体排放量大而分散,减排潜力巨大。目前我国炼化企业比较重视废气的治理,如SOx,对于温室气体减排工作的研究投入力度相对较小,CDM项目很少且主要集中于N2O减排CDM项目。考虑到第一承诺期结束以后我国可能需要承担减排任务,单纯N2O减排将不能满足我国的温室气体减排需求。因此,我国炼化企业需要开展CO2减排技术研究。同时从节能减排及CO2资源化利用等方面对我国炼化企业进行分析,提出我国炼化企业节能减排措施,为我国炼化企业CO2减排提供理论依据。  相似文献   

杨通进 《环境教育》2009,(12):10-12
2009年是一个"气候变化年"。12月7日至18日,世界各国领导人齐聚丹麦首都哥本哈根,商讨《京都议定书》第一个承诺期(2008年~2012年)结束后,全球应对气候变化的道路何去何从,为后京都时代定下行动的基调。哥本哈根达成的协议将影响人类遏制全球变暖的行动,进而影响我们赖以生存的空气、水、土地以及食物。在伦理层面上,温室气体减排应该遵循什么样的原则?中国社会科学院哲学所研究员杨通进给我们做了解答。  相似文献   

肥料的类型、施用量、施肥方式以及施肥时间都会影响农田温室气体的排放。以国内外相关文献为基础,综述了施肥对农田温室气体排放影响的研究进展,提出合理的减排施肥措施。  相似文献   

自愿性减排(Voluntary emission reduction,VER)是指完全出于自愿的、相关法律没有要求或者超过法律要求的温室气体或者大气污染物的减排行为,是近年来最重要的温室气体减排的新兴形式之一。本文概述了自愿性减排与自愿性碳市场(Voluntary carbon markets)的特征,从目前国际上自愿碳市场的交易变化、采用标准、登记与交易等方面总结了自愿性碳交易演变趋势,探讨了我国自愿碳市场发展中存在的问题和前景,并提出了相应建议。  相似文献   

城市固体废弃物管理系统是产生温室气体的一个不可忽视的排放源。随着社会经济的快速发展和城市化水平的提高,城市固体废弃物排放量逐年增多,如何准确地核算城市固体废弃物管理系统温室气体排放已成为国内外关注的热点问题之一。本文概述了城市固体废弃物管理系统的演进与优化研究进展,重点对城市固体废弃物管理系统温室气体排放核算规范和标准及其影响因素的研究进行了综述,指出了研究中存在的问题。并进一步建议今后在城市不同类别的固体废弃物管理系统演进过程及其影响、温室气体排放的核算方法、温室气体排放的校正系数、城市固体废弃物管理系统的优化模式及温室气体减排机制等方面加强研究。  相似文献   

Global greenhouse gas emissions from air travel (GHG-A) are on the rise, and projections point towards a rapid growth in the coming decades. This study aims to examine how local government (cities), addresses GHG-A in their Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP). To fulfil this aim, over 200 SEAPs were analysed focusing on three issues: (1) Treatment of GHG-A in local emissions inventories; (2) Policy initiatives within this domain; and (3) The cities’ perceptions of the conflicts of interests. Results showed that more than half of the cities acknowledge the challenge of GHG-A, around one third include GHG-A in their emissions inventories, and more than one quarter have initiated policy interventions. To categorise these interventions, we have added a mode ‘governing by agenda setting’ to an existing analytical framework, ‘Modes of governing’. With their authority limited to the local setting, this mode of governing is a common channel for cities to push changes at higher levels.  相似文献   

The Canadian province of British Columbia (BC) is taking significant steps towards climate change mitigation, including a carbon tax on fossil fuels and legislation that mandates greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions within public sector organisations and GHG reduction targets for municipalities. This paper carries out a preliminary scan of the GHG emissions of BC communities using the provincially mandated Community Energy and Emissions Inventory reports. We map trends in energy consumption and emissions per capita while uncovering correlations between these variables and land-use planning, geographic, and demographic variables. These data have shown that: (1) energy consumption in BC is an adequate proxy for GHG emissions; (2) transportation, more than buildings, is a strong driver of overall GHG emissions; (3) building emissions are not likely to be strongly influenced by dwelling type, but density of buildings is crucial; (4) geographic location influences emissions; and (5) population size and age do not appear to influence per capita emissions. These findings are particularly important as they suggest that the potentially intransigent factors of income and population size need not be barriers to achieving significant GHG reductions. The policy onus thus falls squarely on transportation planning, land-use, energy conservation, and fuel switching. This in turn highlights the importance of deeper underlying sociocultural and political preferences, which shape the behaviours that have a strong bearing on emissions profiles.  相似文献   

Greenhouse gases (GHG), basically methane (CH(4)), carbon dioxide (CO(2)) and nitrous oxide (N(2)O), occur at atmospheric concentrations of ppbv to ppmv under natural conditions. GHG have long mean lifetimes and are an important factor for the mean temperature of the Earth. However, increasing anthropogenic emissions could produce a scenario of progressive and cumulative effects over time, causing a potential "global climate change". Biological degradation of the organic matter present in wastewater is considered one of the anthropogenic sources of GHG. In this study, GHG emissions for the period 1990-2027 were estimated considering the sanitation process and the official domestic wastewater treatment startup schedule approved for the Metropolitan Region (MR) of Santiago, Chile. The methodology considers selected models proposed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and some others published by different authors; these were modified according to national conditions and different sanitation and temporal scenarios. For the end of the modeled period (2027), results show emissions of about 65Tg CO(2) equiv./year (as global warming potential), which represent around 50% of national emissions. These values could be reduced if certain sanitation management strategies were introduced in the environmental management by the sanitation company in charge of wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the nexus between greenhouse gas emissions and poverty alleviation in the Economic Commission of West African States between 1985 and 2020 applying autoregressive distributed lag and Granger causality techniques. The results reveal that carbon dioxide non-significantly relates to gross domestic product per capita positively while nitrous oxide and foreign direct investment impacts gross domestic product per capita positively. Methane negatively impacts gross domestic product per capita. The governments should use conventions to regulate greenhouse gas emissions’ effects on environmental degradation regionally and globally. The study underscores that countries should diversify to cleaner energy sources. This would reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. Massive technological investment is required to mitigate the greenhouse gas emissions’ negative impacts on the environment which create poverty. This policy implication ensures environmental sustainability and reverses the ugly trend of greenhouse gas emissions on poverty.  相似文献   

This study analyses the general-equilibrium impacts of an international climate change response policy on the economy of Western Australia (WA), one of the most mining-based and energy-intensive states of Australia. It finds that emissions would fall by up to 11% from the base level in WA. However, such environmental benefits emanate at some costs to the state economy; in terms of foregone gross state product, the costs are up to 3% of the base level. Indeed, the actual costs and benefits depend on the precise design of the climate change response policy as well as on the other policies within which it operates. For example, when emission quota permits are sold to industries and no tradeable carbon credits (i.e. credits for the carbon sequestrated in Kyoto forests) are granted, emissions decline by about 8% and GSP falls by about 3% of the base levels. If carbon credits are tradeable, however, the environmental benefits could be increased and the GSP cost could be reduced substantially. Also, the reduced economic activity caused by emission abatement results in a modest fall in net government revenue, despite the additional revenue from permit sales in some cases. Accordingly, government’s fiscal package surrounding the emission permits would influence the emission abatement impacts on the economy. With regard to the effects on the structure of the state economy, the oil and gas industry suffers only a slight contraction but the energy-supplying sector as a whole contracts substantially. It is therefore not surprising that the impacts on the WA economy of curbing emissions by energy and transport industries alone are quite significant when compared to those resulted from all industries’ compliance with the abatement scheme. It needs to be noted that the model projections analysed in the paper are based on simplifying assumptions and tentative scenarios, and hence should be viewed with caution and not be understood as unconditional forecasts.  相似文献   

This study presents a two-stage vertex analysis (TSVA) method for the planning of electric power systems (EPS) under uncertainty. TSVA has advantages in comparison to other optimization techniques. Firstly, TSVA can incorporate greenhouse gas (GHG) abatement policies directly into its optimization process, and, secondly, it can readily integrate inherent system uncertainties expressed as fuzzy sets and probability distributions directly into its modeling formulation and solution procedure. The TSVA method is applied to a case study of planning EPS and it is demonstrated how the TSVA efficiently identify optimal electricity-generation schemes that could help to minimize system cost under different GHG-abatement considerations. Different combinative considerations on the uncertain inputs lead to varied system costs and GHG emissions. Results reveal that the total electricity supply will rise up along with the time period due to the increasing demand and, at the same time, more non-fossil fuels should be used to satisfy the increasing requirement for GHG mitigation. Moreover, uncertainties in connection with complexities in terms of information quality (e.g., capacity, efficiency, and demand) result in changed electricity-generation patterns, GHG-abatement amounts, as well as system costs. Minimax regret (MMR) analysis technique is employed to identify desired alternative that reflects compromises between system cost and system-failure risk.  相似文献   

International emissions trading under the Kyoto Protocol or an alternative international regime need a registration system to prevent the creation of fake emission permits. We suggest a two-tier system consisting of an International Registry (IR) and a set of national registries. National registries have to adhere to a set of minimum standards. The IR maintains accounts for countries and private entities. The latter would thus be ensured against expropriation. We suggest that permits should become fungible across all Kyoto Mechanisms, and are allocated a serial number to allow tracking. The IR should collect fees for adaptation and administration. It should also be charged with reallocation of emission budgets owing to various causes, enforcing of eventual caps, and discounting of permits owing to non-compliance. We discuss the registration process and a timetable for the set-up of the registries. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To establish energetically and environmentally viable paddy rice-based bioethanol production systems in northern Japan, it is important to implement appropriately selected agronomic practice options during the rice cultivation step. In this context, effects of rice variety (conventional vs. high-yielding) and rice straw management (return to vs. removal from the paddy field) on energy inputs from fuels and consumption of materials, greenhouse gas emissions (fuel and material consumption-derived CO(2) emissions as well as paddy soil CH(4) and N(2)O emissions) and ethanol yields were assessed. The estimated ethanol yield from the high-yielding rice variety, "Kita-aoba" was 2.94 kL ha(-1), a 32% increase from the conventional rice variety, "Kirara 397". Under conventional rice production in northern Japan (conventional rice variety and straw returned to the paddy), raising seedlings, mechanical field operations, transportation of harvested unhulled brown rice and consumption of materials (seeds, fertilizers, biocides and agricultural machinery) amounted to 28.5 GJ ha(-1) in energy inputs. The total energy input was increased by 14% by using the high-yielding variety and straw removal, owing to increased requirements for fuels in harvesting and transporting harvested rice as well as in collecting, loading and transporting rice straw. In terms of energy efficiency, the variation among rice variety and straw management scenarios regarding rice varieties and rice straw management was small (28.5-32.6 GJ ha(-1) or 10.1-14.0 MJ L(-1)). Meanwhile, CO(2)-equivalent greenhouse gas emissions varied considerably from scenario to scenario, as straw management had significant impacts on CH(4) emissions from paddy soils. When rice straw was incorporated into the soil, total CO(2)-equivalent greenhouse gas emissions for "Kirara 397" and "Kita-aoba" were 25.5 and 28.2 Mg CO(2) ha(-1), respectively; however, these emissions were reduced notably for the two varieties when rice straw was removed from the paddy fields in an effort to mitigate CH(4) emissions. Thus, rice straw removal avers itself a key practice with respect to lessening the impacts of greenhouse gas emissions in paddy rice-based ethanol production systems in northern Japan. More crucially, the rice straw removed is available for ethanol production and generation of heat energy with a biomass boiler, all elements required for biomass-to-ethanol transformation steps including saccharification, fermentation and distillation. This indicates opportunities for further improvement in energy efficiency and reductions in greenhouse gas emissions under whole rice plant-based bioethanol production systems.  相似文献   

Climate change is one of the major worldwide environmental concerns. It is especially the case in many developed countries, where the greenhouse gas emissions responsible for this change are mainly concentrated. For the first time, the Kyoto Protocol includes an international agreement for the reduction of the net emissions of these gases. To fulfil this agreement measures designed to reduce or limit current emissions have to be brought into force. Consequently, fears have arisen about possible consequences on competitiveness and future development of manufacturing activities and the need for support mechanisms for the affected sectors is obvious. In this paper, we carry out a study of the emissions of gases responsible for climate change in Asturias (Spain), a region with an important economic presence of sectors with intensive emissions of CO(2), the chief greenhouse gas. To be precise, in the first place, the volumes of direct emissions of the said gases in 1995 were calculated, showing that the sectors most affected by the Kyoto Protocol in Asturias are iron and steel and electricity production. Secondly, input-output analysis was applied to determine the direct and indirect emissions and the direct, indirect and induced emissions of the different production sectors, respectively. The results derived from the direct and indirect emissions analysis and their comparison with the results of the former allow us to reach some conclusions and environmental policy implications.  相似文献   

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