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Changes in the aboveground phytomass of a Geranium-Hedysarum meadow community and its constituent species after the removal of dominants, Geranium gymnocaulon and Hedysarum caucasicum, over ten years have been studied in the Northwestern Caucasus. Responses of individual species to this intervention have been revealed. It has been shown that the phytomass of nondominant species increases under such conditions, but this cannot fully counterbalance the loss of phytomass resulting from the removal of dominants. Dominant species of Geranium-Hedysarum meadows exert different influences on the community structure and also compete with each other. However, this competition is fairly weak, which is probably due to considerable divergence of these species with respect to resource consumption.  相似文献   

水生植物群落在湖泊生态修复过程中作用显著,但目前人工重建的水生植物群落抗外界干扰能力弱,群落稳定性差,这就需要我们对人工重建的水生植物群落结构及其演替的生态学过程进行研究,从而探索受损群落的修复途径。于2003年在富营养化水体中采用物理生态工程进行了水生植物群落的重建研究,对群落演替动态变化过程进行了持续3年的观测。结果表明:水生植物之间发生生态位重叠时,其结果往往是以一个物种取代另一个物种,随着生态位重叠程度下降,种间关系和群落结构趋于稳定;而当物种空间位置错开时,生长期相近的物种共存则变为可能,因此在群落的构建过程中应当避免同时引入生态位重叠较高的物种,应注意植物间时间序列及空间结构的分离;此外还通过物种间的竞争表现,对几种常见水生植物构建的群落稳定性做了初步探讨.  相似文献   

Consideration is given to the examples of suppression of restorative succession by invasive plant species (Solidago canadensis L., Helianthus subcanescens (A. Gray) E. Watson, Impatiens glandulifera Royle) in anthropogenic landscapes of southeastern Belarus. Characteristics of communities blocking the succession process have been revealed: low species richness, dominance of alien species in coverage, high level of synanthropization, and the absence of natural regeneration of trees and shrubs. It is suggested that a delay in succession is caused by the suppressing influence of transformer species on seed germination in apophytic trees.  相似文献   

Based on the concept of an ecological niche, the processes of segregation in the Lower Volga populations of great and little bustards (Otis tarda L. and Tetrax tetrax L). have been studied in the evolutionary and adaptive aspects. The results have shown that segregation of the ecological niches of the two species occurs mainly on a trophic basis, when bird specialization in the use of food resources provides the possibility of changing the nesting biotopes. Some trophic adaptations are temporary and do not modify a species-specific stereotype, whereas other adaptations lead to the development of new forms of behavior and their evolutionary stabilization. Spatial characteristics (biotopic preference, nest location, etc.) complement the identified hierarchical series of parameters characterizing the ecological niches of the species studied. In the Transvolga region of Saratov oblast, the total sizes of great and little bustard populations in the breeding season reach approximately 4100 and 5900 birds, respectively.  相似文献   

The composition and structure of the Gray mussel (Crenomytilus grayanus) community in Vostok Bay of the Sea of Japan have been studied. A total of 165 species have been identified in the macrobenthos. Its species composition has changed insignificantly since the 1970s. The total biomass of the biocenosis has decreased, and the size-age composition of the C. grayanus population has changed due to poaching. The trophic structure of the community has also changed, with the Shannon indices of species diversity and equitability (E) becoming lower, due to intensive organic pollution of Vostok Bay resulting from increasing recreational activities and sewage discharge.  相似文献   

Impact of oil pollution on some desert plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The environmental damage to Kuwaiti flora was studied. Four Kuwaiti desert flowering plants, Picris babylonica, Launaea mucronata, Senecio glaucus, and Sonchus oleraceous, which suffered mutagenic modifications with changes in tapetal cell characteristics, were selected for this study. Changes in growth parameters, such as photosynthetic pigments, proteins, free amino acids, phenols, and reducing sugar levels, which could have resulted from the observed genotoxicity of oil pollution, were studied. P. babylonica showed marked differences in the levels of the above parameters as compared to the other three plant species. In P. babylonica, levels of phtosynthetic pigments, reducing sugars, proteins, plamitate/stearate, Linoleate/stearate, and linolenate/stearate fatty acid ratios were higher than in the corresponding plant species collected from control areas away from blazing oil wells. On the other hand, in P. babylonica, the levels of phenols and free amino acids were lower as compared to the plants collected from the control area. It appeared that the level of these parameters was dependent on the level of photosynthetic pigments.  相似文献   

The spatial structure of 10 populations of rare orchid species (Dactylorhiza incarnata, D. traunsteineri, Listera ovata) has been studied in rich fens sporadically occurring in Murmansk oblast. Two levels of plant aggregation within populations have been distinguished: (1) clusters of individuals and (2) isolated population subsets consisting of clusters. General spatial demographic features of orchid populations in the fens are small area (77 m2) and low ecological density (0.009 ind./m2). Characteristics of the population subsets (their number, area, composition, and distance to the neighboring subset) are species-specific and reflect the degree of species rarity in plant communities.  相似文献   

Changes in the altitudinal position of the timberline in high mountain areas of the Nether-Polar Urals and basic factors that influence such changes have been revealed on the basis of comparison of the age structure of Siberian larch (Larix sibirica) and arctic birch (Betula tortuosa) tree stands and photographs made in different years. On the mountain slopes studied, an upward shift of the timberline took place in areas covered in winter with thick snow (in the late 18th century), with Siberian larch being the pioneer species. Larch began colonizing areas with a thin snow cover in the 20th century. Birch appeared later and has since strengthened its positions. The increase in winter temperatures and precipitation facilitated the expansion of the forest.  相似文献   

Morphological trait variation in populations of rhizomatous (Cypripedium calceolus, Listera ovata) and root-tuber orchid species (Platanthera bifolia, Gymnadenia conopsea) has been studied along a latitudinal gradient in Europe. It has been shown that the structure of shoots changes with transition from the center to the northern or southern periphery of the species range. The reduction in the number of metameres at the range periphery is more distinct in orchids with multimetameric shoots, compared to those with oligometameric shoots. The plasticity of shoot structure observed along the geographic gradient is contingent on climatic factors and can be manifested regionally in cases of long-term temperature deviations. Other morphological parameters, such as shoot height and the sizes of leaves and flowers, can serve as indicators of ecological conditions in habitats.  相似文献   

In the Segara Anakan lagoon, Java, 21 tree species and 5 understorey genera have been identified. Average tree density is 0.80 ± 0.99 Ind./m2 with 48.71% seedlings and an average basal area of 9.86 ± 10.54 cm2/m2. Tree density and diversity are high in the eastern part of the lagoon, located near the city of Cilacap. There, the dominant tree species are Aegiceras corniculatum, Nypa fruticans and Rhizophora apiculata, of which the two latter are characteristic for mature forests. By contrast, understorey species and the pioneer species (Avicennia alba, Aegiceras corniculatum and Sonneratia caseolaris) dominate the central lagoon where several rivers discharge. Compared to former studies, seedling density and tree diameter in the central lagoon has declined considerably and tree species dominance has changed. The high sedimentation rates and deforestation are likely to prevent the formation of a mature forest there. Tree communities are more equilibrated in the eastern lagoon which points to a more stable and less disturbed mangrove forest.  相似文献   

水温分层对香溪河库湾浮游植物功能群季节演替的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
三峡水库水环境问题近年来引起社会广泛关注,以浮游植物功能群为基础,通过对2010年1~12月香溪河库湾水温、浮游植物等进行跟踪监测,探究支流库湾浮游植物群落结构演替趋势及其影响因子。结果表明:香溪河库湾2010年共出现18个浮游植物功能群,其中B、X1、P、Y、X2、D、LO、J、MP、G是代表性功能群;水温分层的季节性发育和消失是浮游植物群落结构演替的主要影响因素;冬季以耐受水温及光照限制的CS/S策略藻种为主;春季弱分层时,CR/R策略藻种适宜生长;夏季汛期时,呈现CR/R/C/CS多种策略藻种混生格局,强分层时,适宜稳定生境的S型策略藻种占据优势;秋季分层被打破,群落结构演替为耐受频繁波动环境的R型群落格局占优势  相似文献   

The current dynamics of ecosystems of the forest-steppe system is most adequately described via determining the probable trajectories of changes in its elements in a simple Markov chain. The obtained data have made it possible to determine the direction of succession and draw its scheme. Theoretically possible series of community development are presented. The succession of community restoration from the spread of shrubs over steppificated fallow lands to the formation of low forests of European bird cherry has been analyzed. The restoration cycle of ecosystem dynamics is described by eight age stages.  相似文献   

An important alternative for sustainable use of tucunaré stocks and improvement in fishermen welfare in Balbina reservoir, Central Amazon, would be to train commercial fisherman to also become tourist guides for sport fishing. In this study, we modeled fishermen response to this question, in order to evaluate the acceptance of such an idea. Thus, we surveyed 47 fishermen, who currently comprise approximately 75% of the total fishermen population. This survey was implemented during December of 2001 and January of 2002. We used a probity analysis to run two models. The first model includes the variables: family size, school level, fishing time, residence time and boat ownership. On the other hand, the second model includes the number of children under and above eight years old but not the family size. Both models are significant and the most relevant variables are: fishing time (years of participation of fisherman is in the activity) and residence time (length of residency of particular fishermen live at the village nearby the reservoir).  相似文献   

The abundance of Orchidaceae on three calcareous grasslands is studied in relation to floristic composition, environmental and vegetational factors and plant traits (ecological and life forms). The aims are: (i) to identify a group of species that is significantly correlated with the abundance of Orchidaceae or with individual species of orchids on calcareous grasslands; (ii) to study the relationship between traits associated with habitat specialisation, community life forms and the abundance of orchids; (iii) to identify the main environmental and vegetational predictors of the abundance of orchids. A shortlist of species is found to be significantly correlated with the abundance of total orchids, Orchis pauciflora and O. morio. The life forms of the community species do not show any correlation with the orchids, with the exception of Orchis pauciflora, which tends to increase in communities rich in hemicryptophytes and poor in annual species. Analyses of Orchis morio seem to suggest that it has a high level of ecological tolerance. The most important predictors of the abundance of orchids are the substrate reaction (basic) and arid grassland with low herbaceous vegetation cover (i.e. high soil reaction and luminosity values, positive correlation with the cover of lichens and rockiness, negative correlation with tree cover and herbaceous layer). The least favourable sites were the least basic and most superficial and arid sites.  相似文献   

We investigated the ecophysiology (physiological ecology) of plant succession within a coastal wetland community. The photosynthetic characteristics of six plants were studied; Scirpus mariqueter and Carex scabrifolia in early successional communities, Phragmites communis and Tamarix chinensis in mid successional communities, and Salix matsudana and Imperata cylindrica in later successional communities. Environmental factors were concurrently determined for each community. Relationships between photosynthetic and environmental factors were analyzed by path analysis, and the dependence of photosynthesis on particular environmental factors was shown to vary between plants in the differing successional communities. Ability to cope with irradiation appears to be one of the most important factors influencing plant succession. The increasing stratification of plant communities following colonization of new coastal land necessitates differing physiological strategies and photosynthetic dynamics in the later colonizing plants.  相似文献   


Climate change is projected to influence the genetic resources of plant species. Recent research has examined genetic diversity patterns under current climate conditions, with little attention to the future genetic consequences for species. In this study, we combined ecological niche modeling and population genetic approaches to project future changes in genetic diversity using plastid and nuclear DNA and reconstructed distribution patterns of three circumboreal plants (Chamaedaphne calyculata, Linnaea borealis ssp. borealis, and Pedicularis sceptrum-carolinum ssp. sceptrum-carolinum) in the last glacial maximum. We found that circumboreal plants could potentially lose their geographic ranges in the future (2070; 35–52% in RCP 4.5 (representative concentration pathways), 37–53% in RCP 6.0, and 56–69% in RCP 8.5), only slightly compensated by a predicted range gain of 18–33% (across the three RCPs). It is expected that future genetic diversity level could remain similar or lower than the present level. On the other hand, the homogeneity of the genetic background—a lack of admixture and domination of one gene pool in most populations of C. calyculata and L. borealis ssp. borealis—was predicted to become more pronounced in the future. Combining the paleoecological niche modeling and genetic data revealed, more precisely, the climate refugia for circumboreal plants in the Alps, central Asia, Beringia, and southern North America and the macrorefugia more restricted to the northern part of Eurasia and North America, reaching the arctic zone.


The pyrophytic properties of the larch Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Rupr. growing in the northern taiga of central Siberia have been studied. It has been found that, although the trees are highly combustible and fire resistance of tree stands is low, the species is highly pyrophytic, which allows it to retain its geographic range. At early stages of postfire successions, the larch exhibits characteristics of pyrogenic explerent and is subject to r-selection. When forest restoration is close to completion, the species passes into the patient state and acquires properties subject to K-selection.  相似文献   


Picea neoveitchii is an endemic species in China. It had been listed as an endangered species in red data books. It scatters in several locations of south slope of the Qinling Mountain of China. Upon reviewing the related literature, discussing with leading scholars on gymnosperm, ecology and plant conservation, the field survey was carried out in four locations. There are eleven mature individuals and two seedlings surviving in its natural habitats. With the survey of quadrat method in four locations, related community index were calculated such as relative important value (RIV), species richness, similarity index, diversity index and evenness index etc. The community could be sorted and characterized as three groups based on the community parameters. The analysis of vegetation table elucidates that Picea neoveitchii is a dominant species with low grouping rate in most surveyed sites.

The RAPD analysis shows target species has intraspecific genetic variability. The estimation of Shannon's phenotypic diversity index (Ho) also explains the difference of genetic variations of different locations.

Due to the lack of enough knowledge and professional guide of conservation biological perspective, Picea neoveitchii had been clear-cut for timber production. The extent of occurrence and area of occupancy declined rapidly from 1950s to 1990s. According to the Conservation Category guideline proposed by the World Conservation Union, the conservation status of Picea neoveitchii was reevaluated as Critically Endangered (CR) B2b C2a D. Upon research in areas of ecology, molecular biology, cluster analysis of environmental parameters, a practical conservation strategy is recommended in this research.  相似文献   

We tested separately the effect of two taxonomically related rotifers (B. patulus and B. macracanthus) on the population dynamics of another species (A. fissa) at low (0.5 ×10 6) and high food levels (1.5 × 106 cells/ml of Chlorella vulgaris) using different inoculation densities (0–100%). We also quantified the impact of A. fissa on the two brachionid species. Regardless of the presence of the competing species, an increase in the availability of food led to increase in the abundances of the three rotifers. The population growth of B. patulus, B. macracanthus, or A. fissa was affected negatively when cultured together with another species. An increase in the initial density of any one of the competing species became advantageous to maintain a certain population size. At a low algal food level, B. patulus was able to suppress A. fissa more strongly than B. macracanthus. On the other hand, at a high food level, B. macracanthus suppressed the population of A. fissa more strongly than B. patulus. Peak population densities for A. fissa varied from about 150 to 1000 ind./ml, depending on food density and the presence of competitors. The rate of population increase (r) of A. fissa, B. patulus, and B. macracanthus increased with an increase in food availability but decreased with increasing initial density of the competitor. Both Brachionus spp. experienced negative growth rates in the presence of A. fissa, especially at a high initial density of the latter. Published in Russian in Ekologiya, 2007, Vol. 38, No. 5, pp. 381–390. The article was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

Methods of geometric morphometrics and population phenogenetics have been used to evaluate morphogenetic rearrangements in two sympatric species of Myodes voles (M. glareolus Schreb. 1780 and M. rutilus Pall. 1779) from syntopic populations recovering after exposure to local “ecological vacuum” created as a result of rodent extermination in a natural focus of hemorrhagic fever in the southern taiga subzone of the Udmurt Republic. The model used in the study simulates the situation that arises upon nonselective elimination of rodent populations and communities in spring and their subsequent recovery. Analysis of variation in the size and shape of the mandible and in a complex of 30 nonmetric cranial characters has revealed similar (parallel) and species-specific morphogenetic and epigenetic changes occurring during the recovery of local rodent community. Species-specific differences in the pattern of change in the parameter characterizing within-group morphological disparity in the mandible shape (MNND) have been revealed between the dominant species (M. glareolus) and the subdominant species competing with it for territory (M. rutilus). Different reactions of close Myodes species in the course of filling the ecological vacuum are considered as a result of reduction in the level of competition for the subdominant species and a compensatory increase of morphological disparity in the dominant species under conditions of low density and incomplete composition of the community, in accordance with Chernov’s (2005) ecological compensation principle.  相似文献   

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