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近年来,我国污染场地修复工程项目数量快速增长,其中农药化工类污染场地修复过程中的空气二次污染问题受到广泛关注。针对污染场地修复施工过程中存在的挥发性有机物(VOCs)污染来源,提出科学有效的施工过程管理是切断二次污染排放源进入空气途径的主要手段,分析了我国现有施工管理技术与监管方面的不足,并对国内相关的监管措施与研究进展进行了回顾。  相似文献   

我国污染场地问题日益突出,污染场地不仅会对环境自身造成损伤,还会对人身健康和财产造成损害。我国针对污染场地出台了一系列从调查到治理修复及赔偿的指导手册,其中污染损害鉴定的方法是污染场地环境污染损害治理修复及赔偿的关键环节。对国内外污染场地环境污染损害鉴定方法进行梳理,提出污染场地环境污染损害鉴定的基本工作程序,并将污染损害鉴定方法划分为4个类别:调查确认法、溯源鉴定法、模型模拟法、损害价值量化法。对日后污染场地环境污染损害鉴定、环境污染损害鉴定价值货币化及赔偿工作的实施和发展提供了参考。  相似文献   

近年来,随着"退二进三"、"退城进园"和"产业转移"等政策的实施,中国几乎所有的大中城市正面临着重污染工业企业关闭和搬迁问题,城市出现大量工业遗留和遗弃场地。这些受污染的工业场地多存在较为严重的土壤、地表水和地下水污染;另外,工业污染场地的延迟再开发,会产生生活环境变差、就业机会减少、甚至社会不稳定因素增加等社会影响。所以,城市工业污染场地严重威胁着城市人居环境安全和公众健康,阻碍着城市建设和经济发展。面对工业污染场地目前存在的问题,国家及部分地方政府已针对污染场地的管理、修复及其再开发颁布了诸多文件和技术规范标准。然而,由于工业场地类型的多样性和环境管理学科的交叉性,中国城市工业污染场地的环境管理工作仍处于起步阶段,亟需完善。美国、英国和加拿大经过20~30年的发展已经在工业污染场地管理方面积累了丰富的经验,他们不仅在环境管理中体现了人体健康风险评估的理念,而且还立足本国实际出台了相关的法律法规,明确了污染场地的责任主体,实现了"污染者付费"的原则,同时还建立了各自的污染场地治理优先名录,实现了污染场地管理的信息化和网络化。本文鉴于对这些经验的比较分析,结合我国实际,就城市工业污染场地的环境管理提出了现阶段亟须解决的两大问题。首先,制定工业污染场地管理的专门法律,明确污染场地的责任主体。我国现有的与污染场地有关的国家法律法规,都比较笼统地提出了污染场地的利益相关方,缺乏具有可操作性的细则和威慑力的责任追究条款。对于我国这样地域辽阔、自然地理条件差异大、经济水平不均衡的国家来说,通过地方法律法规的建立明确污染场地的责任主体是一个重要的尝试。其次,构建污染场地健康风险评估系统。我国城市工业污染场地涉及诸多工业行业、污染类型繁多复杂。因此,在全国范围内对城市工业污染场地进行排查、建立优先污染场地名录是构建污染场地风险评估系统的重要内容。此外,我国现有的土壤质量标准和场地评估规范仍存在诸多缺陷,无法满足当前国家城市工业污染场地的管理需要。所以,完善场地评估的技术规范和相关标准将为污染场地风险评估系统的构建提供基础性保障。本文的论述和观点可为我国工业企业关停或搬迁遗留地的决策管理和污染场地管理体系的建立提供有意义的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

石油烃污染场地环境风险评价与风险管理   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
石油烃污染场地是我国最突出环境问题之一,目前该领域的环境风险评价与管理仍十分薄弱.论文较系统地分析了国际上石油烃污染场地环境管理方法的特点和发展趋势,并结合我国的实际情况,提出了在我国建立基于风险的石油烃污染场地环境管理模式的对策建议,同时指出了问题最突出、形势最为紧迫的污染场地类型,即加油站和储油罐的渗漏问题.该类石油烃污染场地分布广,危害严重,需要高度重视这一方面的研究与环境管理.基于风险的石油烃污染场地环境管理中,污染场地的环境风险评价是核心内容.围绕这一中心问题,论文深入阐述了包括基于风险的场地分类方法、场地环境标准的制定、评价指标的选取以及模型方法的应用等内容,指出目前国际上对于石油烃污染场地管理的主流模式主要呈现4大特点:1)基于风险的场地管理取代了通用的、一刀切的环境质量标准;2)分层次的方法(Tiered Approach)得到广泛采用;3)指示污染物和石油馏分相结合的方法逐渐取代了基于总石油烃的评价方法;4)各种预测模型得到广泛应用.  相似文献   

土壤污染风险管控是指通过在土壤污染预防与治理全生命周期中,综合配套采用一系列减缓或控制土壤污染风险的管理制度和技术方法,以降低治理成本,达到污染场地治理与再利用的目的。由于中国土壤污染具有数量大以及复合污染等特点,以污染修复清除为导向的管理措施耗费巨大,而土壤污染风险管控作为一种经济实用的措施,以风险管理为导向,对污染土壤实行分类管理,采取风险管控的策略和模式,对污染土地的风险可以做到有轻重缓急的修复和管理控制,在中国具有广阔的应用前景。为了加强对中国土壤污染的风险管控,规范对污染土壤的开发利用,文章全面系统地总结了国内外主要风险管控技术类型的特点和局限性,以及其应用模式、体系和发展趋势,拓展了土壤污染风险管控的定义,形成了一套风险管控的基本流程,为中国土壤环境污染的防治提供参考和经济有效的技术支撑。  相似文献   

北京市某废弃化工厂的人类健康风险评价   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
由于北京城市化速度的加快,五环路内的工厂将陆续搬迁,搬迁后的土地,使用功能将发生根本性变化,由于修复成本较高,是否对受污染土地进行修复,需要借助健康风险评价,以便确保人们的健康安全.运用美国的健康风险评价框架,对北京市某废弃化工厂场地进行了健康风险分析,计算了将该废弃场地用作居住用地对人类的健康风险指数及确定是否需要进行修复.在场地内,分2次进行了3层土壤采样,共采集到80个样品.选取Cr、Zn、Ni、Pb、Hg、Cu、As、Cd、DDT、六六六(HCH)和邻苯二甲酸二辛酯(DP)11种超标污染物作为目标污染物,对其进行健康风险评价.按照美国EPA的方法,选取了95%置信上限含量进行风险指数的计算.评价结果显示,该场地成人的非致癌风险指数为15.85,儿童的非致癌风险指数为18.17,均超过了非致癌风险指数可接受值1.0,表明该化工厂场地对成人和儿童均有非致癌风险;对成人,邻苯二甲酸二辛酯的致癌风险指数为不可接受值(>1×10-4),对儿童,邻苯二甲酸二辛脂和DDT的致癌风险为不可接受值(>1×10-4),其它污染物的致癌风险均在可接受范围之内.由于案例中的场地将被用作居住用地,建议对该场地进行部分修复.  相似文献   

正甲苯-2,4-二异氰酸酯(TDI)是一种挥发性较强的有毒物质,是当前含有TDI的塑胶场地潜在毒性最大,污染时间最长,需重点预防的污染物.本文采用电喷雾质谱法和自制气体采样装置,对某塑胶场地上不同高度空气中游离TDI污染情况进行了采样和检测.对气体中游离TDI的污染进行快速准确的测定,对于全面认识和了解气体中TDI污染,保护活动人员的身体健康具有一定参考价值.  相似文献   

土壤中总石油烃污染(TPH)的微生物降解与修复研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
微生物降解和修复是处理土壤中总石油烃(TPH)污染最简单、有效的方法之一.论文阐述了土壤TPH污染的产生、危害以及物理、化学、生物等修复方法的各自特点,其中重点介绍了微生物修复方法,论述了土壤中TPH在微生物表面的吸附、转运,在微生物体内的降解以及相关降解酶及基因;详细介绍了电子受体、温度、pH、营养元素等外界因素对微生物修复TPH污染的影响,在此基础上对土壤TPH污染的微生物修复现状和发展趋势进行了讨论.  相似文献   

本文以铜绿山矿区周围的土壤为研究对象,对土壤中As、Cd、Pb和Zn等4种重金属的含量进行分析,通过不同时间跨度上3个批次的数据对比,对该矿区周围土壤的污染程度进行评价,为今后开展矿区土壤修复工作提供参考依据.1样品采集与测试研究以矿区为中心放射状采样方式设计了13个采样点,将采样点分为东南至西北以及东北至西南两个主方...  相似文献   

针对南京市某大型化工企业退役场地,结合场地修复目标,使用生石灰对场地氯苯类挥发性有机污染物(VOCs)污染土壤进行异位低温热脱附处理。实验室试验结果表明,该方法可有效去除土壤中的VOCs,处理后各污染物去除率均达85%以上。在现场试验中,采用专业土壤修复设备KH200进行土壤破碎和药剂混合,处理过程全封闭运行,可有效降低扬尘等问题。通过投加生石灰提高土壤温度、降低土壤含水量的方法,有效地促进了土壤中VOCs的解吸和挥发,是一种高效率、低成本的土壤修复技术,经过KH200修复设备处理后土壤中各污染物均达到场地修复目标,具备工程应用可行性。  相似文献   

The European Union Water Framework Directive recognises the need for and value of biological monitoring. This paper reviews the modelling approach known as River Invertebrate Prediction and Classification System (RIVPACS for assessing the ecological quality of river sites using macroinvertebrate sampling. The RIVPACS philosophy is to develop statistical relationships between the fauna and the environmental characteristics of a large set of high quality reference sites which can be used to predict the macroinvertebrate fauna to be expected at any site in the absence of pollution or other environmental stress. The observed fauna at new test sites can then be compared with their site-specific expected fauna to derive indices of ecological quality. All methodological decisions in any such model development have implications for the reliability, precision and robustness of any resulting indices for assessing the ecological quality and ecological grade (‘status’) of individual river stretches. The choice of reference sites and environmental predictor variables, the site classification and discrimination methods, the estimation of the expected fauna, and indices for comparing the agreement, or lack of it, between the observed and expected fauna, are all discussed. The indices are assessed on the reference sites and on a separate test set of 340 sites, which are subject to a wide range of types and degrees of impairment.  相似文献   

Estimates of biodiversity change are essential for the management and conservation of ecosystems. Accurate estimates rely on selecting representative sites, but monitoring often focuses on sites of special interest. How such site-selection biases influence estimates of biodiversity change is largely unknown. Site-selection bias potentially occurs across four major sources of biodiversity data, decreasing in likelihood from citizen science, museums, national park monitoring, and academic research. We defined site-selection bias as a preference for sites that are either densely populated (i.e., abundance bias) or species rich (i.e., richness bias). We simulated biodiversity change in a virtual landscape and tracked the observed biodiversity at a sampled site. The site was selected either randomly or with a site-selection bias. We used a simple spatially resolved, individual-based model to predict the movement or dispersal of individuals in and out of the chosen sampling site. Site-selection bias exaggerated estimates of biodiversity loss in sites selected with a bias by on average 300–400% compared with randomly selected sites. Based on our simulations, site-selection bias resulted in positive trends being estimated as negative trends: richness increase was estimated as 0.1 in randomly selected sites, whereas sites selected with a bias showed a richness change of −0.1 to −0.2 on average. Thus, site-selection bias may falsely indicate decreases in biodiversity. We varied sampling design and characteristics of the species and found that site-selection biases were strongest in short time series, for small grains, organisms with low dispersal ability, large regional species pools, and strong spatial aggregation. Based on these findings, to minimize site-selection bias, we recommend use of systematic site-selection schemes; maximizing sampling area; calculating biodiversity measures cumulatively across plots; and use of biodiversity measures that are less sensitive to rare species, such as the effective number of species. Awareness of the potential impact of site-selection bias is needed for biodiversity monitoring, the design of new studies on biodiversity change, and the interpretation of existing data.  相似文献   

This study presents a classification method combining logistic regression and fuzzy logic in the determination of sampling sites for feral fish, Nile Tilapia (Tilapia rendalli). This method statistically analyzes the variable domains involved in the problem, by using a logistic regression model. This in turn generates the knowledge necessary to construct the rule base and fuzzy clusters of the fuzzy inference system (FIS) variables. The proposed hybrid method was validated using three fish stress indices; the Fulton Condition Factor (FCF) and the gonadossomatic and hepatossomatic indices (GSI and HSI, respectively), from fish sampled at 3 different locations in the Rio de Janeiro State. A multinomial logistic regression allowed for the FIS construction of the proposed method and both statistical approaches, when combined, complemented each other satisfactorily, allowing for the construction of an efficient classification method regarding feral fish sampling sites that, in turn, has great value regarding fish captures and fishery resource management.  相似文献   

This study characterized diurnal variations in the compositions of total suspended particulates (TSP) and dry deposits of particulates from ambient air, and the metallic elements that are contained in them at harbor, airport and farmland (HAF) sampling sites from August, 2013 to July, 2014. Two-way ANOVA of the amounts of metallic elements in the TSP and dry deposits was carried out in all four seasons at the HAF sampling sites. The metallic elements Cr and Cu originated in local emission sources at the airport. Metallic elements Zn and Pb originated in local emission sources at the harbor. Finally, metallic element Cd originated in local emissions form farmland. The following results were also obtained. (1) The metallic composition of the TSP differed significantly from that of the dry deposits in all four seasons at the harbor and farmland sampling sites, but not at the airport sampling site. (2) High correlations coefficients were found between the amounts of metallic elements Cr and Cu in the TSP and those in the dry deposits at the airport sampling site. (3) Pb was present in the TSP and the dry deposits at the harbor sampling site.  相似文献   

The article presents the results of screening research on acute toxicity of groundwater contaminated by leachates to the bacterium Vibrio fischeri (ToxAlert 100® test) and crustacean Daphnia magna (Daphtoxkit F? magna test according to PN-EN ISO 6341), as well as on chronic toxicity to D. magna (test according to ISO 10706). The groundwater samples were taken from seven large city landfills in the Pomeranian province (Poland), which were open before 1990 and designed without proper attention to being leak-tight. Due to the lack of either European or Polish classification of ecotoxicological qualities of surface and underground waters, an attempt was made to evaluate the ecotoxicological quality of the examined waters on the basis of the Helsinki Committee's recommendations for industrial effluents, the classification of sediment according to Krebs (Krebs F. The pT-value as a classification index in aquatic toxicology. GIT Edition Umweltanalytik-Umweltschutz 1988;1:57–63) and the classification system of toxicity levels for natural waters and sewers, recently proposed by Persoone et al. (Persoone G, Marsalek B, Blinova, I, Törökne A, Zarina D, Manusadzianas L, Nalecz-Jawecki G, Tofan L, Stepanova N, Tothova L, Kolar B. A practical and user-friendly toxicity classification system with microbiotests for natural waters and wastewaters. Environ. Toxicol. 2003;18 (6):395-402).  相似文献   

The adsorption of some heavy metals onto the walls of harvested, washed, and dried non-living biomass cells of different Pseudomonas strains was studied at optimum experimental conditions using a simplified single component system. The Langmuir adsorption model was found to be a suitable approach to describe the system via multi-step processes. Isotherms measured at 30.0°C and pH 5.5 with [M]total?=?10–100 mM for tight, reversible Cr6+(aq), Ni2+(aq), Cu2+(aq) and Cd2+(aq) binding by the cell walls of the investigated biomass fit the Langmuir model and give the pH-independent stoichiometric site capacities ν i and equilibrium constants K i for metal binding at specific biomass sites i?=?A, B, C, and D. Tight binding sites A, B, and D of the non-living biomass are occupied by CrVI, sites A and C by NiII, sites A and D by CdII, and only site B by CuII. It is concluded that ν i is a stoichiometric parameter that is independent of the magnitude of K i for binding site i and that the studied heavy metals selectively and tightly bind at different biomass sites.  相似文献   

Cleanup standards at hazardous waste sites include (i) numeric standards (often risk-based), (ii) background standards in which the remediated site is compared with data from a supposedly clean region, and (iii) interim standards in which the remediated site is compared with preremediation data from the same site. The latter are especially appropriate for verifying progress when an innovative, but unproven, technology is used for remediation. Standards of type (i) require one-sample statistical tests, while those of type (ii) and type (iii) call for two-sample tests. This paper considers two-sample tests with an emphasis upon the type (iii) scenario. Both parametric (likelihood ratio) and nonparametric (linear rank) protocols are examined. The methods are illustrated with preremediation data from a site on the National Priorities List. The results indicate that nonparametric procedures can be quite competitive (in terms of power) with distributional modelling provided a near optimal rank test is selected. Suggestions are given for identifying such rank tests. The results also confirm the importance of sound baseline sampling; no amount of post-remediation sampling can overcome baseline deficiencies.This paper has been prepared with partial support from the United States Environmental Protection Agency under a Cooperative Agreement Number CR-815273. The contents have not been subject to Agency review and therefore do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Agency and no official endorsement should be inferred.  相似文献   

中国生物多样性重点保护区评价标准探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从基于景观大尺度的评价和基于保护区域小尺度的评价2个层次,综述了国内外研究者在生物多样性重点区域评价方面开展的工作.尝试构建一般标准和鉴定标准的双重中国生物多样性重点保护区评价标准.其中,一般标准是作为重点保护区的基本条件,必须全部满足,而鉴定标准是依据相应指标进行判断,凡具有任意1项或多项指标的区域可被确认为重点保护区.并就指标体系和评价标准的具体内涵作了阐述.  相似文献   

The Bay of Aiguillon is a national French Nature Reserve of great importance for birds. Recently, the managers of the Reserve (ONCFS-LPO) paid attention to the influence of saltmarshes management on the nursery function for fish feeding in creeks at high tide. A study carried out from March to July 2012 aimed to evaluate the use of saltmarshes by fish juvenile fraction according to the mowing intensity in salt marshes surrounding creeks: ceased, irregular or annual mowing. This community approach was completed by a focus on the European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax individual diet, vacuity index and growth, and the biomass of a main potential prey (the amphipod Orchestia gammarella). Whatever the mowing intensity, the juvenile fraction was very high for the main species, which were the grey mullet Liza ramada, the European sea bass, undetermined clupeid and the European flounder Platichthys flesus. Adult and subadult for these species were anecdotic or totally absent. Despite very different biomasses of amphipods between mown and natural sites, vacuity index, prey composition and their relative abundance in the diet of European sea bass juveniles were little different, contrary to their hypothetical growth (i.e. when assuming site fidelity), which appeared higher in non-mown site. The low distance between sampling sites could allow fish exchange over time between optimal and suboptimal creeks to feed on, as a hypothesis to explain such results. Because mowing was subsidized by European Union (EU) to favour open habitats for geese and maintain an economic activity, indirect impacts on nursery for fish called into question the appropriateness of such agro-environmental measure on natural habitats, and related fish nursery function.  相似文献   

To determine the role of echinoderms as bioindicators of seawater pollution we collected sea‐water and urchin samples from two sites in N. Peloponnesus, Greece. One site was in Patraicos gulf (Patras) and was influenced by point source pollution (urban sewage outfalls) while the second was in Korinthiacos gulf (Akoli) with no evident habitat pollution.

Three heavy metals (copper, nickel and zinc) have been measured in the gonads of two edible species of echinoderms, Arbacia lixula and Paracentrotus lividus.

Statistical treatment of the results showed statistically significant differences in bioaccu‐mulation related to the dry‐weight of gonads, to species, to sex of echinoderms, to season of sampling and to sampling station.

The concentrations of zinc were higher than those of Ni and Cu at in both sampling sites.

Microbiological analysis showed that contamination of the urchins was correlated to that of the surrounding seawater.

Finally both sampling sites seems to be influenced, directly or indirectly, by heavy metal and bacterial habitat pollution.  相似文献   

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