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Use of small plots and rainfall simulators to extrapolate trends in runoff water quality requires careful consideration of hydrologic process represented under such conditions. A modified version of the National Phosphorus Runoff Project (NPRP) protocol was used to assess the hydrology of paired 1 x 2 m plots established on two soils with contrasting hydrologic properties (somewhat poorly drained vs. well drained). Rain simulations (60 mm h(-1)) were conducted to generate 30 min of runoff. For the somewhat poorly drained soil, simulations were conducted in October and May to contrast dry conditions typically targeted by NPRP protocols with wet conditions generally associated with natural runoff. For the well-drained soil, only dry conditions (October) were evaluated. Under dry antecedent moisture conditions, an average of 64 mm of rainfall was applied to the somewhat poorly drained soil to generate 30 min of runoff, as opposed to 96 mm to the well-drained soil. At an extreme, differences in rainfall were equivalent to a 50-yr rainfall-return period. An absence of detectable spatial trends in surface soil moisture suggests uniformity of runoff processes within the plots. No differences in applied rainfall were evident between wet and dry antecedent conditions for the somewhat poorly drained soil. However, significant differences in runoff generation processes were observed in dissolved P concentrations between wet and dry conditions. As natural runoff from the somewhat poorly drained soil is largely under wet antecedent conditions, this study highlights the need for care in interpreting findings from generalized protocols that favor infiltration-excess runoff mechanisms.  相似文献   

The low-carbon, intensively cropped Coastal Plain soils of Georgia are susceptible to runoff, soil loss, and drought. Reduced tillage systems offer the best management tool for sustained row crop production. Understanding runoff, sediment, and chemical losses from conventional and reduced tillage systems is expected to improve if the effect of a variable rainfall intensity storm was quantified. Our objective was to quantify and compare effects of a constant (Ic) intensity pattern and a more realistic, observed, variable (Iv) rainfall intensity pattern on runoff (R), sediment (E), and carbon losses (C) from a Tifton loamy sand cropped to conventional-till (CT) and strip-till (ST) cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Four treatments were evaluated: CT-Ic, CT-Iv, ST-Ic, and ST-Iv, each replicated three times. Field plots (n=12), each 2 by 3 m, were established on each treatment. Each 6-m2 field plot received simulated rainfall at a constant (57 mm h(-1)) or variable rainfall intensity pattern for 70 min (12-run ave.=1402 mL; CV=3%). The Iv pattern represented the most frequent occurring intensity pattern for spring storms in the region. Compared with CT, ST decreased R by 2.5-fold, E by 3.5-fold, and C by 7-fold. Maximum runoff values for Iv events were 1.6-fold higher than those for Ic events and occurred 38 min earlier. Values for Etot and Ctot for Iv events were 19-36% and 1.5-fold higher than corresponding values for Ic events. Values for Emax and Cmax for Iv events were 3-fold and 4-fold higher than corresponding values for Ic events. Carbon enrichment ratios (CER) were or=1.0 for CT plots (except for first 20 min). Maximum CER for CT-Ic, CT-Iv, ST-Ic, and ST-Iv were 2.0, 2.2, 1.0, and 1.2, respectively. Transport of sediment, carbon, and agrichemicals would be better understood if variable rainfall intensity patterns derived from natural rainfall were used in rainfall simulations to evaluate their fate and transport from CT and ST systems.  相似文献   

Manure applied to agricultural land at rates that exceed annual crop nutrient requirements can be a source of phosphorus in runoff. Manure incorporation is often recommended to reduce phosphorus losses in runoff. A small plot rainfall simulation study was conducted at three sites in Alberta to evaluate the effects of manure rate and incorporation on phosphorus losses. Treatments consisted of three solid beef cattle manure application rates (50, 100, and 200 kg ha(-1) total phosphorus), an unmanured control, and two incorporation methods (nonincorporated and incorporated with one pass of a double disk). Simulated rain was applied to soils with freshly applied and residual (1 yr after application) manure at 70 mm h(-1) to produce 30 min of runoff. Soil test phosphorus (STP), total phosphorus (TP), and dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) concentrations in runoff increased with manure rate for fresh and residual manure. Initial abstraction and runoff volumes did not change with manure rate. Initial abstraction, runoff volumes, and phosphorus concentrations did not change with manure incorporation at Lacombe and Wilson, but initial abstraction volumes increased and runoff volumes and phosphorus concentrations decreased with incorporation of fresh manure at Beaverlodge. Phosphorus losses in runoff were directly related to phosphorus additions. Extraction coefficients (slopes of the regression lines) for the linear relationships between residual manure STP and phosphorus in runoff were 0.007 to 0.015 for runoff TP and 0.006 to 0.013 for runoff DRP. While incorporation of manure with a double disk had no significant effect on phosphorus losses in runoff from manure-amended soils 1 yr after application, incorporation of manure is still recommended to control nitrogen losses, improve crop nutrient uptake, and potentially reduce odor concerns.  相似文献   

While numerous studies have evaluated the efficacy of outdoor rainfall simulations to predict P concentrations in surface runoff, few studies have linked indoor rainfall simulations to P concentrations in surface runoff from agricultural fields. The objective of this study was to evaluate the capacity of indoor rainfall simulation to predict total dissolved P concentrations [TP(<0.45)] in field runoff for four dominant agricultural soils in South Dakota. Surface runoff from 10 residue-free field plots (2 m wide by 2 m long, 2-3% slope) and packed soil boxes (1 m long by 20 cm wide by 7.5 cm high, 2-3% slope) was compared. Surface runoff was generated via rainfall simulation at an intensity of 65 mm h(-1) and was collected for 30 min. Packed boxes produced approximately 24% more runoff (range = 2.8-3.4 cm) than field plots (range = 2.3-2.7 cm) among all soils. No statistical differences in either TP(<0.45) concentration or TP(<0.45) loss was observed in runoff from packed boxes and field plots among soil series (0.17 < P < 0.83). Three of four soils showed significantly more total P lost from packed boxes than field plots. The TP(<0.45) concentration in surface runoff from field plots can be predicted from TP(<0.45) concentration in surface runoff from the packed boxes (0.68 < r(2) < 0.94). A single relationship was derived to predict field TP(<0.45) concentration in surface runoff using surface runoff TP(<0.45) concentration from packed boxes. Evidence is provided that indoor runoff can adequately predict TP(<0.45) concentration in field surface runoff for select soils.  相似文献   

Manure and animal waste deposited on cropland and grazing lands serve as a source of microorganisms, some of which may be pathogenic. These microorganisms are released along with particles of dissolved manure during rainfall events. Relatively little if anything is known about the amounts and sizes of manure particles released during rainfall, that subsequently may serve as carriers, abode, and nutritional source for microorganisms. The objective of this work was to obtain and present the first experimental data on sizes of bovine manure particles released to runoff during simulated rainfall and leached through soil during subsequent infiltration. Experiments were conducted using 200 cm long boxes containing turfgrass soil sod; the boxes were designed so that rates of manure dissolution and subsequent infiltration and runoff could be monitored independently. Dairy manure was applied on the upper portion of boxes. Simulated rainfall (ca. 32.4 mm h(-1)) was applied for 90 min on boxes with stands of either live or dead grass. Electrical conductivity, turbidity, and particle size distributions obtained from laser diffractometry were determined in manure runoff and soil leachate samples. Turbidity of leachates and manure runoff samples decreased exponentially. Turbidity of manure runoff samples was on average 20% less than turbidity of soil leachate samples. Turbidity of leachate samples from boxes with dead grass was on average 30% less than from boxes with live grass. Particle size distributions in manure runoff and leachate suspensions remained remarkably stable after 15 min of runoff initiation, although the turbidity continued to decrease. Particles had the median diameter of 3.8 microm, and 90% of particles were between 0.6 and 17.8 microm. The particle size distributions were not affected by the grass status. Because manure particles are known to affect transport and retention of microbial pathogens in soil, more information needs to be collected about the concurrent release of pathogens and manure particles during rainfall events.  相似文献   

Pesticide runoff research relies heavily on rainfall simulation experiments. Most are conducted at a constant intensity, i.e., at a fixed rainfall rate; however, large differences in natural rainfall intensity is common. To assess implications we quantified runoff of two herbicides, fluometuron and pendimethalin, and applied preemergence after planting cotton on Tifton loamy sand. Rainfall at constant and variable intensity patterns representative of late spring thunderstorms in the Atlantic Coastal Plain region of Georgia (USA) were simulated on 6-m2 plots under strip- (ST) and conventional-tillage (CT) management. The variable pattern produced significantly higher runoff rates of both compounds from CT but not ST plots. However, on an event-basis, runoff totals (% applied) were not significantly different, with one exception: fluometuron runoff from CT plots. There was about 25% more fluometuron runoff with the variable versus the constant intensity pattern (P = 0.10). Study results suggest that conduct of simulations using variable intensity storm patterns may provide more representative rainfall simulation-based estimates of pesticide runoff and that the greatest impacts will be observed with CT. The study also found significantly more fluometuron in runoff from ST than CT plots. Further work is needed to determine whether this behavior may be generalized to other active ingredients with similar properties [low K(oc) (organic carbon partition coefficient) approximately 100 mL g(-1); high water solubility approximately 100 mg L(-1)]. If so, it should be considered when making tillage-specific herbicide recommendations to reduce runoff potential.  相似文献   

Incorporation of manure into cultivated soils is generally recommended to minimize nutrient losses. A 3-yr study was conducted to evaluate sediment and nutrient losses with different tillage methods (moldboard plow, heavy-duty cultivator, double disk, and no-incorporation) for incorporation of beef cattle manure in a silage barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cropping system. Runoff depths, sediment losses, and surface and subsurface nutrient transfers were determined from manured and unmanured field plots at Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. A Guelph rainfall simulator was used to generate 30 min of runoff. Sediment losses among our tillage treatments (137.4-203.6 kg ha(-1)) were not significantly different due to compensating differences in runoff depths. Mass losses of total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) in surface runoff were greatest from the no-incorporation (NI) treatments, with reductions in TP loads of 14% for double disk (DD), 43% for cultivator (CU), and 79% for moldboard plow (MP) treatments. Total N load reductions in 2002 were 26% for DD, 70% for CU, and 95% for MP treatments compared to the NI treatments. Nutrient losses following incorporation of manure with the DD or CU methods were not significantly different from the NI treatments. Manure treatments generally had lower runoff depths and sediment losses, and higher phosphorus and nitrogen losses than the control treatments. Subsurface concentrations of NH4-N, NO3-N, and TN were greatest from the MP treatments, whereas subsurface phosphorus concentrations were not affected by tillage method. Tillage with a cultivator or double disk minimized combined surface and subsurface nutrient losses immediately after annual manure applications.  相似文献   

Loss of soil nutrients in runoff accelerates eutrophication of surface waters. This study evaluated P and N in surface runoff in relation to rainfall intensity and hydrology for two soils along a single hillslope. Experiments were initiated on 1- by 2-m plots at foot-slope (6%) and mid-slope (30%) positions within an alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)-orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) field. Rain simulations (2.9 and 7.0 cm h(-1)) were conducted under wet (spring) and dry (late-summer) conditions. Elevated, antecedent soil moisture at the foot-slope during the spring resulted in less rain required to generate runoff and greater runoff volumes, compared with runoff from the well-drained mid-slope in spring and at both landscape positions in late summer. Phosphorus in runoff was primarily in dissolved reactive form (DRP averaged 71% of total P), with DRP concentrations from the two soils corresponding with soil test P levels. Nitrogen in runoff was mainly nitrate (NO3-N averaged 77% of total N). Site hydrology, not chemistry, was primarily responsible for variations in mass N and P losses with landscape position. Larger runoff volumes from the foot-slope produced higher losses of total P (0.08 kg ha(-1)) and N (1.35 kg ha(-1)) than did runoff from the mid-slope (0.05 total P kg ha(-1); 0.48 kg N ha(-1)), particularly under wet, spring-time conditions. Nutrient losses were significantly greater under the high intensity rainfall due to larger runoff volumes. Results affirm the critical source area concept for both N and P: both nutrient availability and hydrology in combination control nutrient loss.  相似文献   

Further studies on the quality of runoff from tillage and cropping systems in the southeastern USA are needed to refine current risk assessment tools for nutrient contamination. Our objective was to quantify and compare effects of constant (Ic) and variable (Iv) rainfall intensity patterns on inorganic nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) losses from a Tifton loamy sand (Plinthic Kandiudult) cropped to cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and managed under conventional (CT) or strip-till (ST) systems. We simulated rainfall at a constant intensity and a variable intensity pattern (57 mm h(-1)) and collected runoff continuously at 5-min intervals for 70 min. For cumulative runoff at 50 min, the Iv pattern lost significantly greater amounts (p < 0.05) of total Kjeldahl N (TKN) and P (TKP) (849 g N ha(-1) and 266 g P ha(-1) for Iv; 623 g N ha(-1) and 192 g P ha(-1) for Ic) than did the Ic pattern. However, at 70 min, no significant differences in total losses were evident for TKN or TKP from either rainfall intensity pattern. In contrast, total cumulative losses of dissolved reactive P (DRP) and NO3-N were greatest for ST-Ic, followed by ST-Iv, CT-Ic, and CT-Iv in diminishing order (69 g DRP ha(-1) and 361 g NO3-N ha(-1); 37 g DRP ha(-1) and 133 g NO3-N ha(-1); 3 g DRP ha(-1) and 58 g NO3-N ha(-1); 1 g DRP ha(-1) and 49 g NO3-N ha(-1)). Results indicate that constant-rate rainfall simulations may overestimate the amount of dissolved nutrients lost to the environment in overland flow from cropping systems in loamy sand soils. We also found that CT treatments lost significantly greater amounts of TKN and TKP than ST treatments and in contrast, ST treatments lost significantly greater amounts of DRP and NO3-N than CT treatments. These results indicate that ST systems may be losing more soluble fractions than CT systems, but only a fraction the total N (33%) and total P (11%) lost through overland flow from CT systems.  相似文献   

Concern over eutrophication has directed attention to manure management effects on phosphorus (P) loss in runoff. This study evaluates the effects of manure application rate and type on runoff P concentrations from two, acidic agricultural soils over successive runoff events. Soils were packed into 100- x 20- x 5-cm runoff boxes and broadcast with three manures (dairy, Bos taurus, layer poultry, Gallus gallus; swine, Sus scrofa) at six rates, from 0 to 150 kg total phosphorus (TP) ha(-1). Simulated rainfall (70 mm h(-1)) was applied until 30 min of runoff was collected 3, 10, and 24 d after manure application. Application rate was related to runoff P (r2 = 0.50-0.98), due to increased concentrations of dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) in runoff; as application rate increased, so did the contribution of DRP to runoff TP. Varied concentrations of water-extractable phosphorus (WEP) in manures (2-8 g WEP kg(-1)) resulted in significantly lower DRP concentrations in runoff from dairy manure treatments (0.4-2.2 mg DRP L(-1)) than from poultry (0.3-32.5 mg DRP L(-1)) and swine manure treatments (0.3-22.7 mg DRP L(-1)). Differences in runoff DRP concentrations related to manure type and application rate were diminished by repeated rainfall events, probably as a result of manure P translocation into the soil and removal of applied P by runoff. Differential erosion of broadcast manure caused significant differences in runoff TP concentrations between soils. Results highlight the important, but transient, role of soluble P in manure on runoff P, and point to the interactive effects of management and soils on runoff P losses.  相似文献   

Nutrients exported from grazing systems contribute to eutrophication of surface waters. In this study the contributions of soil, pasture-plants, and dung to P exports in overland flow were compared using simulated rainfall. The treatments were (i) grazed pasture-plants (isolated from soil by application of petrolatum to the soil surface), (ii) grazed pasture-plants and supporting soil, (iii) grazed pasture-plants and soil and treading, and (iv) grazed pasture-plants and soil and treading and dung. In general, dissolved reactive P (DRP) accounted for the majority of the P exported and P losses decreased in the order: treading and dung treatment>treading>pasture-plants and soil>pasture-plants. Very little dissolved organic P was lost in overland flow and the effects of treading diminished with time. Over a normal grazing cycle (30 d), the portion of P lost from pasture-plants was approximately half that lost from pasture-plants and soil, one-third that lost from treaded pasture-plants and soil, and one-quarter that lost from treaded pasture-plants, soil, and dung. The DRP in the pasture-plants treatment was approximately half that in the pasture-plants and soil treatment and suggests that a significant portion of the P exported from these systems is derived directly from pasture-plants. Due to higher proportions of particulate P (PP) in the treaded and dung treatments, DRP accounted for less of total P than in the pasture-plants and pasture-plants and soil treatments. Lower infiltration capacities probably caused by mechanical disaggregation at the soil surface are consistent with the higher proportions of PP in the treading treatments. These results were used to estimate P exports from a field trial site in Southland, New Zealand. The results suggested that P export attributable to fertilizer, dung, pasture-plants, and soil components were approximately 10, 30, 20, and 40%, respectively. These results suggest that since 90% of the P exports are derived from the soil-plant system and dung returns, managements to lessen P exports should continue to focus on maintaining soil P within the optimal range for pasture-plant production and maintaining soil surface properties that maximize infiltration and minimize overland flow.  相似文献   

Soluble salts, nutrients, and pathogenic bacteria in feedlot-pen runoff have the potential to cause pollution of the environment. A 2-yr study (1998-1999) was conducted at a beef cattle (Bos taurus) feedlot in southern Alberta, Canada, to determine the effect of bedding material [barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) straw versus wood chips] and within-pen location on the chemical and bacterial properties of pen-floor runoff. Runoff was generated with a portable rainfall simulator and analyzed for chemical content (nitrogen [N], phosphorus [P], soluble salts, electrical conductivity [EC], sodium adsorption ratio [SAR], dissolved oxygen [DO], and pH) and populations of three groups of bacteria (Escherichia coli, total coliforms, total aerobic heterotrophs at 27 degrees C) in 1998 and 1999. Bedding had a significant (P < or = 0.05) effect on NH4-N concentration and load in 1999, SO4 load in 1998, SO4 concentration and load in 1999, and total coliforms in both years; where these three variables were higher in wood than straw pens. Location had a significant effect on EC and concentrations of total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), Na, K, SO4, and Cl in 1998, and total coliforms in both years. These seven variables were higher at the bedding pack than pen floor location, indicating that bedding packs were major reservoirs of TKN, soluble salts, and total coliforms. Significantly higher dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP), total P, and NH4-N concentrations and loads at the bedding pack location in wood pens in 1998, and a similar trend for TKN concentration in 1999, indicated that this bedding-location treatment was a greater source of nutrients to runoff than the other three bedding-location treatments. Bedding, location, and their interaction may therefore be a potential tool to manage nutrients, soluble salts, and bacteria in feedlot runoff.  相似文献   

Fresh beef cattle (Bos taurus) manure has traditionally been applied to cropland in southern Alberta, but there has been an increase in application of composted manure to cropland in this region. However, the quality of runoff under fresh manure (FM) versus composted manure (CM) has not been investigated. Our objective was to compare runoff quality under increasing rates (0, 13, 42, 83 Mg ha(-1) dry wt.) of FM and CM applied for two consecutive years to a clay loam soil cropped to irrigated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). We determined total phosphorus (TP), particulate phosphorus (PP), dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP), total nitrogen (TN), NH4-N, and NO3-N concentrations and loads in runoff after one (1999) and two (2000) applications of FM and CM. We found significantly (P < or = 0.05) higher TP, DRP, and NH4-N concentrations, and higher DRP and TN loads under FM than CM after 2 yr of manure application. The TP loads were also higher under FM than CM at the 83 Mg ha(-1) rate in 2000, and DRP loads were higher for FM than CM at this high rate when averaged over both years. Application rate had a significant effect on TP and DRP concentrations in runoff. In addition, the slope values of the regressions between TP and DRP in runoff versus application rate were considerably higher for FM in 2000 than for FM in 1999, and CM in both 1999 and 2000. Significant positive relationships were found for TP and DRP in runoff versus soil Kelowna-extractable P and soil water-extractable P for FM and CM in 2000, indicating that interaction of runoff with the soil controlled the release of P. Total P and DRP were the variables most affected by the treatments. Overall, our study found that application of CM rather than FM to cropland may lower certain forms of P and N in surface runoff, but this is dependent on the interaction with year, application rate, or both.  相似文献   

Urban stormwater from simulated rainfall on three different landuses in Queensland State, Australia (residential, industrial, commercial) was analysed for heavy metals and physico-chemical parameters such as Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS). Rainfall events were simulated using a specially designed rainfall simulator for paved surfaces. Event mean concentration samples were separated into five different particle sizes and analysed individually for eight metal elements (Zn, Fe, Cr, Cd, Cu, Al, Mn and Pb). Multivariate data analysis was carried out for the data thus generated. It was found that DOC and TSS influence the distribution of the metals in the different particle size classes. Zn was correlated with DOC at all three sites. Similarly, Pb, Fe and Al were correlated with TSS at all sites. The distribution of Cu was found to vary between the three sites, whilst Cd concentrations were too low to assess any relationships with other parameters. No correlation between Electrical Conductivity (EC), pH and heavy metals was found at the three sites. The identification of physico-chemical parameters influencing the distribution process kinetics of heavy metals in urban stormwater will significantly enhance the efficiency of urban stormwater management systems.  相似文献   

Regression models for predicting total streamflow (TSF), baseflow (TBF), and storm runoff (TRO) are needed for water resource planning and management. This study used 54 streams with >20 years of streamflow gaging station records during the period October 1971 to September 2001 in Pennsylvania and partitioned TSF into TBF and TRO. TBF was considered a surrogate of groundwater recharge for basins. Regression models for predicting basin-wide TSF, TBF, and TRO were developed under three scenarios that varied in regression variables used for model development. Regression variables representing basin geomorphological, geological, soil, and climatic characteristics were estimated using geographic information systems. All regression models for TSF, TBF, and TRO had R(2) values >0.94 and reasonable prediction errors. The two best TSF models developed under scenarios 1 and 2 had similar absolute prediction errors. The same was true for the two best TBF models. Therefore, any one of the two best TSF and TBF models could be used for respective flow prediction depending on variable availability. The TRO model developed under scenario 1 had smaller absolute prediction errors than that developed under scenario 2. Simplified Area-alone models developed under scenario 3 might be used when variables for using best models are not available, but had lower R(2) values and higher or more variable prediction errors than the best models.  相似文献   

Excessive manure phosphorus (P) application increases risk of P loss from fields. This study assessed total runoff P (TPR), bioavailable P (BAP), and dissolved reactive P (DRP) concentrations and loads in surface runoff after liquid swine (Sus scrofa domesticus) manure application with or without incorporation into soil and different timing of rainfall. Four replicated manure P treatments were applied in 2002 and in 2003 to two Iowa soils testing low in P managed with corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] rotations. Total P applied each time was 0 to 80 kg P ha(-1) at one site and 0 to 108 kg P ha(-1) at the other. Simulated rainfall was applied within 24 h of P application or after 10 to 16 d and 5 to 6 mo. Nonincorporated manure P increased DRP, BAP, and TPR concentrations and loads linearly or exponentially for 24-h and 10- to 16-d runoff events. On average for the 24-h events, DRP, BAP, and TPR concentrations were 5.4, 4.7, and 2.2 times higher, respectively, for nonincorporated manure than for incorporated manure; P loads were 3.8, 7.7, and 3.6 times higher; and DRP and BAP concentrations were 54% of TPR for nonincorporated manure and 22 to 25% for incorporated manure. A 10- to 16-d rainfall delay resulted in DRP, BAP, and TPR concentrations that were 3.1, 2.7, and 1.1 times lower, respectively, than for 24-h events across all nonincorporated P rates, sites, and years, whereas runoff P loads were 3.8, 3.6, and 1.6 times lower, respectively. A 5- to 6-mo simulated rainfall delay reduced runoff P to levels similar to control plots. Incorporating swine manure when the probability of immediate rainfall is high reduces the risk of P loss in surface runoff; however, this benefit sharply decreases with time.  相似文献   

Environmental pressure to reduce nutrient losses from agricultural fields has increased in recent years. To abate this nutrient loss to the environment, better management practices and new technologies need to be developed. Thus, research was conducted to evaluate if subsurface banding poultry litter (PL) would reduce nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) loss in surface water runoff using a four-row prototype implement. Rainfall simulations were conducted to create a 40-min runoff event in an established bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon L.) pasture on soil types common to the Coastal Plain and Piedmont regions. The Coastal Plain soil type was a Marvyn loamy sand (fine-loamy, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Kanhapludults) and the Piedmont soil type was a Hard Labor loamy sand (fine, kaolinitic, thermic Oxyaquic Kanhapludults). Treatments consisted of surface- and subsurface-applied PL at a rate of 9 Mg ha(-1), surface broadcast-applied commercial fertilizer (CF; urea and triple superphosphate blend) at the equivalent N (330 kg N ha(-1)) and P (315 kg N ha(-1)) content of PL, and a nonfertilized control. The greatest loss for inorganic N, total N, dissolved reactive P (DRP), and total P occurred with the surface broadcast treatments, with CF contributing to the greatest loss. Nutrient losses from the subsurface banded treatment reduced N and P in surface water runoff to levels of the control. Subsurface banding of PL reduced concentrations of inorganic N 91%, total N 90%, DRP 86%, and total P 86% in runoff water compared with surface broadcasted PL. These results show that subsurface band-applied PL can greatly reduce the impact of N and P loss to the environment compared with conventional surface-applied PL and CF practices.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) export from soils can play a significant role in soil C cycling and in nutrient and pollutant transport. However, information about DOC losses from agricultural soils as influenced by management practices is scarce. We compared the effects of mineral fertilizer (MF) and liquid hog manure (LHM) applications on the concentration and molecular size of DOC released in runoff and tile-drain water under corn (Zea mays L.) and forage cropping systems. Runoff and tile-drain water samples were collected during a 2-mo period (October to December 1998) and DOC concentration was measured. Characterization of DOC was performed by tangential ultrafiltration with nominal cut-offs at 3 and 100 kDa. Mean concentration of DOC in runoff water (12.7 mg DOC L(-1)) was higher than in tile-drain water (6.5 mg DOC L(-1)). Incorporation of corn residues increased the DOC concentration by 6- to 17-fold in surface runoff, but this effect was short-lived. In runoff water, the relative size of the DOC molecules increased when corn residues and LHM were applied probably due to partial microbial breakdown of these organic materials and to a faster decomposition or preferential adsorption of the small molecules. The DOC concentration in tile-drain water was slightly higher under forage (7.5 mg DOC L(-1)) than under corn (5.4 mg DOC L(-1)) even though the application rates of LHM were higher in corn plots. We suggest that preferential flow facilitated the migration of DOC to tile drains in forage plots. In conclusion, incorporation of corn residues and LHM increased the concentration of DOC and the relative size of the molecules in surface runoff water, whereas DOC in tile-drain water was mostly influenced by the cropping system with relatively more DOC and larger molecules under forage than corn.  相似文献   

Drainable lysimeters offer the possibility to integrate heterogeneous solute leaching conditions caused by row crops and transient water regime, and to conveniently measure water and solute fluxes at the drainage outlet. To compare solute leaching behavior in and around drainable lysimeters operating under a transient water regime in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) fields, parameters of the convective lognormal transfer (CLT) function model were fitted using bromide (Br-) flux concentrations (Cf) measured in lysimeters and from Br- resident concentrations (Cr) measured in adjacent soil cores. Expected mean values Ez(I) obtained from Cr and Cf CLT parameters were equivalent and well correlated (R2 = 0.78). However, estimated median values mu of the CLT function were smaller when derived from Cr (1.05 to 1.28) compared with Cf (1.23 to 2.14). Most mu values were also smaller than previously reported values for a 30-cm reference depth, indicating that 50% of solute mass would leach more readily in these coarse sandy soils. Higher variance and dispersion of Cr compared with those of Cf could be related to a smaller sampling support (sample size/sampling area) in the case of Cr measured by soil coring, or to disruption of solute transport mechanisms in the repacked lysimeter. Retained Br- in the top soil layer after 12 to 17 cm of cumulative drainage was indicated by measured Cr. Neither CLT function simulated well residual topsoil Cr values, indicating that Br- plant cycling or preferential flow probably interfered even though tuber Br- uptake was relatively small.  相似文献   

The EPA Storm Water Management Model was used to model the effects of urban and agricultural development on storm water runoff from uplands bordering a Louisiana swamp forest. Using this model, we examined the effects of changing land use patterns. By 1995 it is projected that urban land on the uplands bordering the swamp will increase by 321 percent, primarily at the expense of land currently in agriculture. Simulation results indicate that urbanization will cause storm water runoff rates to be up to 4.2 times greater in 1995 than in 1975. Nutrient runoff will increase 28 percent for nitrogen (N) and 16 percent for phosphorus (P) during the same period. The environmental effects of these changes in the receiving swamp forest are examined.  相似文献   

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