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Multivariate statistical techniques, such as cluster analysis (CA), principal component analysis, and factor analysis, were applied for the evaluation of temporal/spatial variations and for the interpretation of a water quality data set of the Behrimaz Stream, obtained during 1 year of monitoring of 20 parameters at four different sites. Hierarchical CA grouped 12 months into two periods (the first and second periods) and classified four monitoring sites into two groups (group A and group B), i.e., relatively less polluted (LP) and medium polluted (MP) sites, based on similarities of water quality characteristics. Factor analysis/principal component analysis, applied to the data sets of the two different groups obtained from cluster analysis, resulted in five latent factors amounting to 88.32% and 88.93% of the total variance in water quality data sets of LP and MP areas, respectively. Varifactors obtained from factor analysis indicate that the parameters responsible for water quality variations are mainly related to discharge, temperature, and soluble minerals (natural) and nutrients (nonpoint sources: agricultural activities) in relatively less polluted areas; and organic pollution (point source: domestic wastewater) and nutrients (nonpoint sources: agricultural activities and surface runoff from villages) in medium polluted areas in the basin. Thus, this study illustrates the utility of multivariate statistical techniques for analysis and interpretation of data sets and, in water quality assessment, identification of pollution sources/factors and understanding temporal/spatial variations in water quality for effective stream water quality management.  相似文献   

Multivariate statistical techniques such as cluster analysis and principal component analysis were performed on 28 groundwater wells in Bafra Plain. Cluster analysis results show that the groundwater in the study area is classified into three groups (A, B, and C), and factor analysis indicates that groundwater is composed of 89.64 % of total variance of 12 variables and is mainly affected by three factors. Factor 1 (seawater salinization) includes concentrations of electrical conductivity, TDS, Cl?, Na+, and sodium adsorption ratio, factor 2 (mixing water) includes δ18O, δD, and T, and factor 3 (fresh) includes Ca2+. For determination of the source of water, Ca/Cl, Cl/HCO3, Mg/Cl, and Ca/Na as initials and Mg/Ca and SO4/Cl as molar rates which were identified, the rates had been found to be very useful. Cluster analysis was made by using these rates and the waters were classified in two groups (group 1 and group 2). First group waters were affected by seawater, and the second group were very less affected by freshwater or seawater. According to the comparison of two different parameters, group 1 comprised group A and group B-2, -3, and -4 from the same wells, and group 2 comprised group B-1 and group C from the same well. As a result of this study, it could be said that multivariate statistical methods gave very useful results for the determination of the source.  相似文献   

The surface water quality of the Euphrates river basin in Turkey are evaluated by using the multivariate statistical techniques known as factor analysis (FA) and multidimensional scaling (MDS) analysis. When FA was applied to the water quality data obtained from the 15 different surface water quality monitoring stations, two factors were identified, which were responsible from the 86.02% of the total variance of the water quality in the Euphrates river basin. The first factor called the urban land use factor explained 44.20% of the total variance and the second factor called the agricultural use factor explained 41.81% of the total variance. MDS technique showed that electrical conductivity (EC), percent sodium (Na%) and total salt are the most important variables causing difference in the water quality analysis.  相似文献   

The application of different multivariate statistical techniques for the interpretation of a complex data matrix obtained during 2000?C2007 from the watercourses in the Southwest New Territories and Kowloon, Hong Kong was presented in this study. The data set consisted of the analytical results of 23 parameters measured monthly at 16 different sampling sites. Hierarchical cluster analysis grouped the 12 months into two periods and the 16 sampling sites into three groups based on similarity in water quality characteristics. Discriminant analysis (DA) provided better results both temporally and spatially. DA also offered an important data reduction as it only used four parameters for temporal analysis, affording 84.2% correct assignations, and eight parameters for spatial analysis, affording 96.1% correct assignations. Principal component analysis/factor analysis identified four latent factors standing for organic pollution, industrial pollution, nonpoint pollution, and fecal pollution, respectively. KN1, KN4, KN5, and KN7 were greatly affected by organic pollution, industrial pollution, and nonpoint pollution. The main pollution sources of TN1 and TN2 were organic pollution and nonpoint pollution, respectively. Industrial pollution had high effect on TN3, TN4, TN5, and TN6.  相似文献   

Rapid urban development has led to a critical negative impact on water bodies flowing in and around urban areas. In the present study, 25 physiochemical and biological parameters have been studied on water samples collected from the entire section of a small river originating and ending within an urban area. This study envisaged to assess the water quality status of river body and explore probable sources of pollution in the river. Weighted arithmetic water quality index (WQI) was employed to evaluate the water quality status of the river. Multivariate statistical techniques namely cluster analysis (CA) and principal component analysis (PCA) were applied to differentiate the sources of variation in water quality and to determine the cause of pollution in the river. WQI values indicated high pollution levels in the studied water body, rendering it unsuitable for any practical purpose. Cluster analysis results showed that the river samples can be divided into four groups. Use of PCA identified four important factors describing the types of pollution in the river, namely (1) mineral and nutrient pollution, (2) heavy metal pollution, (3) organic pollution, and (4) fecal contamination. The deteriorating water quality of the river was demonstrated to originate from wide sources of anthropogenic activities, especially municipal sewage discharge from unplanned housing areas, wastewater discharge from small industrial units, livestock activities, and indiscriminate dumping of solid wastes in the river. Thus, the present study effectively demonstrates the use of WQI and multivariate statistical techniques for gaining simpler and meaningful information about the water quality of a lotic water body as well as to identify of the pollution sources.  相似文献   

This study investigates the applicability of multivariate statistical techniques including cluster analysis (CA), discriminant analysis (DA), and factor analysis (FA) for the assessment of seasonal variations in the surface water quality of tropical pastures. The study was carried out in the TPU catchment, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The dataset consisted of 1-year monitoring of 14 parameters at six sampling sites. The CA yielded two groups of similarity between the sampling sites, i.e., less polluted (LP) and moderately polluted (MP) at temporal scale. Fecal coliform (FC), NO3, DO, and pH were significantly related to the stream grouping in the dry season, whereas NH3, BOD, Escherichia coli, and FC were significantly related to the stream grouping in the rainy season. The best predictors for distinguishing clusters in temporal scale were FC, NH3, and E. coli, respectively. FC, E. coli, and BOD with strong positive loadings were introduced as the first varifactors in the dry season which indicates the biological source of variability. EC with a strong positive loading and DO with a strong negative loading were introduced as the first varifactors in the rainy season, which represents the physiochemical source of variability. Multivariate statistical techniques were effective analytical techniques for classification and processing of large datasets of water quality and the identification of major sources of water pollution in tropical pastures.  相似文献   

The present study was intended to develop a Water Quality Index (WQI) for the coastal water of Visakhapatnam, India from multiple measured water quality parameters using different multivariate statistical techniques. Cluster analysis was used to classify the data set into three major groups based on similar water quality characteristics. Discriminant analysis was used to generate a discriminant function for developing a WQI. Discriminant analysis gave the best result for analyzing the seasonal variation of water quality. It helped in data reduction and found the most discriminant parameters responsible for seasonal variation of water quality. Coastal water was classified into good, average, and poor quality considering WQI and the nutrient load. The predictive capacity of WQI was proved with random samples taken from coastal areas. High concentration of ammonia in surface water during winter was attributed to nitrogen fixation by the phytoplankton bloom which resulted due to East India Coastal Current. This study brings out the fact that water quality in the coastal region not only depends on the discharge from different pollution sources but also on the presence of different current patterns. It also illustrates the usefulness of WQI for analyzing the complex nutrient data for assessing the coastal water and identifying different pollution sources, considering reasons for seasonal variation of water quality.  相似文献   

In the study, multivariate statistical methods including factor, principal component and cluster analysis were applied to analyze surface water quality data sets obtained from Xiangjiang watershed, and generated during 7 years (1994-2000) monitoring of 12 parameters at 34 different profiles. Hierarchical cluster analysis grouped 34 sampling sites into three clusters, including relatively less polluted (LP), medium polluted (MP) and highly polluted (HP) sites, and based on the similarity of water quality characteristics, the watershed was divided into three zones. Factor analysis/principal component analysis, applied to analyze the data sets of the three different groups obtained from cluster analysis, resulted in four latent factors accounting for 71.62%, 71.77% and 72.01% of the total variance in water quality data sets of LP, MP and HP areas, respectively. The PCs obtained from factor analysis indicate that the parameters for water quality variations are mainly related to dissolve heavy metals. Thus, these methods are believed to be valuable to help water resources managers understand complex nature of water quality issues and determine the priorities to improve water quality.  相似文献   

The Uluabat Lake is a reservoir of 125 km2 surface area, in the boundaries of Bursa province, Turkey. The results showed that Uluabat Lake was still contaminated by organochlorine pesticides and their residues despite the existence of bans over a long time. Considerable amounts of organochlorine pesticides (HCB, p.p-DDT, p.p- DDE, α -, β- and γ-BHC, Aldrin, Heptachlor epoxide, Endrin, Endosulfan I and II) were detected in water and sediment samples during one-year study in this lake. Samples of water and sediment were collected in different regions, (6 sampling point) of the lake between February 2002 and November 2002.The mean levels of organochlorine pesticides in water and sediments were determined. According to results, it was found that various environs in Uluabat Lake were contaminated by 11 different organochlorine pesticides. Residue analyses showed that higher organochlorine pesticides and their residues were generally more accumulated in the sediment samples.  相似文献   

This study sought to evaluate and propose adjustments to the water quality monitoring network of surface freshwaters in the Paraopeba river basin (Minas Gerais, Brazil), using multivariate statistical methods. A total of 13,560 valid data were analyzed for 19 water quality parameters at 30 monitoring sites, over a period of 5 years (2008–2013). The cluster analysis grouped the monitoring sites in eight groups based on similarities of water quality characteristics. This analysis made it possible to detect the most relevant monitoring stations in the river basin. The principal components analysis associated with non-parametric tests and the analysis of violation of the standards prescribed by law, allowed for identifying the most relevant parameters which must be maintained in the network (thermotolerant coliforms, total manganese, and total phosphorus). The discharge of domestic sewage and industrial wastewater, that from mining activities and diffuse pollution from agriculture and pasture areas are the main sources of pollution responsible for the surface water quality deterioration in this basin. The BP073 monitoring site presents the most degraded water quality in the Paropeba river basin. The monitoring sites BP094 and BP092 are located geographically close and they measure similar water quality, so a possible assessment of the need to maintain only one of the two in the monitoring network is suggested. Therefore, multivariate analyses were efficient to assess the adequacy of the water quality monitoring network of the Paraopeba river basin, and it can be used in other watersheds.  相似文献   

In this study, surface water quality of the Ceyhan River basin were assessed and examined with 13 physico-chemical parameters in 31 stations in 3 months during the period of 2005. Multivariate statistical techniques were applied to identify characteristics of the water quality in the studied stations. Nutrients, Cl??? and Na?+? affected mostly to the stations of Erkenez 2, S?r 2, and S?r 3 in the ordination diagram of correspondence analysis. Three factors were extracted by principal component analysis, which explains 79.14% of the total variation. The first factor (PC1) captures variables of EC, DO, NO $_{2}^{\; -}$ , PO $_{4}^{\; \equiv }$ , Cl???, SO $_{4}^{\; =}$ , Na?+?, and Ca?+?+?. The second factor (PC2) is significantly related to pH, NH $_{3}^{\; -}$ , and Mg?+?+?, while water temperature (T) and NO $_{3}^{\; -}$ accounted for the greatest loading for factor 3 (PC3). The stations were divided into three groups for PC1, two groups for PC2, and three groups for PC3 by hierarchical cluster analysis. The stations in the vicinity of cities presented low dissolved oxygen and high concentration of physico-chemical parameter levels. The stations of Erkenez 2, S?r 2, S?r 3, and Aksu 4 located near the city of Kahramanmara? were characterized by an extremely high pollution due to discharge of wastewater from industry and domestic. P?narba?? and Elbistan stations were also influenced by household wastewater of the city of Elbistan. According to criteria of Turkish Water Pollution Control Regulation, Erkenez 2, S?r 2, and S?r 3 stations have high polluted water. This study suggests that it is urgent to control point pollutions, and all wastewater should be purified before discharge to the Ceyhan River basin.  相似文献   

Three representative areas (lowland, semi-mountainous, and coastal) have been selected for the collection of drinking water samples, and a total number of 28 physical, chemical, and biological parameters per water sample have been determined and analyzed. The mean values of the physical and chemical parameters were found to be within the limits mentioned in the 98/83/EEC directive. The analysis of biological parameters shows that many of the water samples are inadequate for human consumption because of the presence of bacteria. Cluster analysis (CA) first was used to classify sample sites with similar properties and results in three groups of sites; discriminant analysis (DA) was used to construct the best discriminant functions to confirm the clusters determined by CA and evaluate the spatial variations in water quality. The standard mode discriminant functions, using 17 parameters, yielded classification matrix correctly assigning 96.97% of the cases. In the stepwise mode, the DA produced a classification matrix with 96.36% correct assignments using only ten parameters (EC, Cl???, NO3 ???, HCO3 ???, CO3 ???2, Ca?+?2, Na?+?, Zn, Mn, and Pb). CA and factor analysis (FA) are used to characterize water quality and assist in water quality monitoring planning. CA proved that two major groups of similarity (six subclusters) between 17 physicochemical parameters are formed, and FA extracts six factors that account for 66.478% of the total water quality variation, when all samples’ physicochemical data set is considered. It is noteworthy that the classification scheme obtained by CA is completely confirmed by principal component analysis.  相似文献   

Different multivariate statistical analysis such as, cluster analysis, principal component analysis, and multidimensional scale plot were employed to evaluate the trophic status of water quality for four monitoring stations. The present study was carried out to determine the physicochemical parameters of water and sediment characteristics of Pondicherry mangroves—southeast coast of India, during September 2008–December 2010. Seasonal variations of different parameters investigated were as follows: salinity (10.26–35.20 psu), dissolved oxygen (3.71–5.33 mg/L), pH (7.05–8.36), electrical conductivity (26.41–41.33 ms−1), sulfide (1.98–40.43 mg/L), sediment texture sand (39.54–87.31%), silt (9.89–32.97%), clay (3.06–31.20%), and organic matter (0.94–4.64%). pH, temperature, salinity, sand, silt, clay, and organic matter indicated a correlation at P < 0.01. CA grouped the four seasons in to four groups (pre-monsoon, monsoon, post-monsoon, summer) and the sampling sites in to three groups. PCA identified the spatial and temporal characteristics of trophic stations and showed that the water quality was worse in stations 3 and 4 in the Pondicherry mangroves.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal variations of sediment quality in Matanzas Bay (Cuba) were studied by determining a total of 12 variables (Zn, Cu, Pb, As, Ni, Co, Al, Fe, Mn, V, CO3 2?, and total hydrocarbons (THC). Surface sediments were collected, annually, at eight stations during 2005–2008. Multivariate statistical techniques, such as principal component (PCA), cluster (CA), and lineal discriminant (LDA) analyses were applied for identification of the most significant variables influencing the environmental quality of sediments. Heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Pb, V, and As) and THC were the most significant species contributing to sediment quality variations during the sampling period. Concentrations of V and As were determined in sediments of this ecosystem for the first time. The variation of sediment environmental quality with the sampling period and the differentiation of samples in three groups along the bay were obtained. The usefulness of the multivariate statistical techniques employed for the environmental interpretation of a limited dataset was confirmed.  相似文献   

水质判别是一个多参数多级别的模糊概念,基础的模糊综合评价法存在局限性,对基础模糊数学法中隶属度函数及最大隶属度原则进行改进,建立一种改进的模糊综合评价法。以太湖流域水质判别为实例验证了此方法比传统的方法更有效,且适合在太湖流域应用。  相似文献   

WPI指数在地表水环境质量评价中的运用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在地表水环境质量评价中提出了 WPI指数 ,并对其使用方法作了详细说明 ,提供了计算 API指数和判定水质类别的 wpix( data,bh,lx)函数  相似文献   

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