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A toxicity test using spore release of the aquatic green alga, Ulva, was developed and evaluated by assessing the toxicity of different organic and inorganic chemicals and elutriates of sewage or waste sludge. The toxic ranking of four metals was: Cu (EC50 of 0.040mgL(-1))>Cd (0.095mgL(-1))>Pb (0.489mgL(-1))>Zn (0.572mgL(-1)). The EC50 for TBTO ranged from 24 to 63microgL(-1). The most toxic VOC was formalin (EC50 of 0.788microlL(-1)) and the least toxic was acetone. Spore release was significantly inhibited in all elutriates; the greatest and least toxic effects were for industrial sewage (3.29%) and filtration bed (10.08%), respectively. The bioassay is simple, inexpensive and sensitive. The cosmopolitan distribution of Ulva means that the test would have a potential application worldwide.  相似文献   

Biosorption of copper, cobalt and nickel by marine green alga Ulva reticulata were investigated in a packed bed up-flow column. The experiments were conducted to study the effect of important design parameters such as bed height and flow rate. At a bed height of 25 cm, the metal-uptake capacity of U. reticulata for copper, cobalt and nickel was found to be 56.3+/-0.24, 46.1+/-0.07 and 46.5+/-0.08 mgg(-1), respectively. The Bed Depth Service Time (BDST) model was used to analyze the experimental data. The computed sorption capacity per unit bed volume (N0) was 2580, 2245 and 1911 mgl(-1) for copper, cobalt and nickel, respectively. The rate constant (K(a)) was recorded as 0.063, 0.081 and 0.275 lmg(-1)h(-1) for copper, cobalt and nickel, respectively. In flow rate experiments, the results confirmed that the metal uptake capacity and the metal removal efficiency of U. reticulata decreased with increasing flow rate. The Thomas model was used to fit the column biosorption data at different flow rates and model constants were evaluated. The column regeneration studies were carried out for three sorption-desorption cycles. The elutant used for the regeneration of the biosorbent was 0.1 M CaCl2 at pH 3 adjusted using HCl. For all the metal ions, a decreased breakthrough time and an increased exhaustion time were observed as the regeneration cycles progressed, which also resulted in a broadened mass transfer zone. The pH variations during both sorption and desorption process have been reported.  相似文献   

The marine macroalga, Ulva lactuca, has been exposed to different concentrations of antifouling paint particles (4–200 mg L?1) in the presence of a fixed quantity of clean estuarine sediment and its photosynthetic response and accumulation of Cu and Zn monitored over a period of 2 days. An immediate (<2 h) toxic effect was elicited under all experimental conditions that was quantitatively related to the concentration of contaminated particles present. Likewise, the rate of leaching of both Cu and Zn was correlated with the concentration of paint particles added. Copper accumulation by the alga increased linearly with aqueous Cu concentration, largely through adsorption to the cell surface, but significant accumulation of Zn was not observed. Thus, in coastal environments where boat maintenance is practiced, discarded antifouling paint particles are an important source of Cu, but not Zn, to U. lactuca.  相似文献   

Cadmium toxicity to the green alga Stichococcus bacillaris was investigated in media of pH 3-9. A significant decrease of cadmium toxicity occurred in both the acidic and alkaline ranges of pH. In media of pH 3 and 9, cadmium did not affect the dry mass content substantially. Maximum toxicity of cadmium was noticed at pH 6-7. Voltametric investigations showed a significant effect of pH on electrochemically measured cadmium content in the culture media. Hydrolysis of the medium components and formation of cadmium complexes with OH(-) ions caused a considerable decrease in amounts of electrochemically measured cadmium in the alkaline range of pH.  相似文献   

Chen ZS  Lee GJ  Liu JC 《Chemosphere》2000,41(1-2):235-242
Two rural soils contaminated by cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) were used to evaluate the effect of different chemical treatments on changes in speciation and extractability of Cd and Pb, and in phytoavailability to wheat. Triplicates of seven chemical treatments were tested to compare and evaluate the remediation techniques for contaminated soils using pot experiments. Treatments applied were calcium carbonate, a high quantity of phosphate salt, hog composts, iron oxide, manganese oxide, zeolite, and unamended control. Wheat (Triticum aestivum) was planted in the different amended soils for a further one month to evaluate the effectiveness of treatments on uptake of Cd and Pb by the wheat shoots. Results indicated that addition of calcium carbonate, manganese oxide, or zeolite reduces the extractability of Cd or Pb in both soils, and significantly reduce the uptake of Cd and Pb by wheat shoots. Changes in the extractability and metal sequential fractionations indicate that the exchangeable (or available) form of Cd and Pb in two soils can be transformed into unavailable forms after these amendments.  相似文献   

Ettler V  Vanek A  Mihaljevic M  Bezdicka P 《Chemosphere》2005,58(10):1449-1459
The concentration trends and chemical fractionation of Pb was studied in eight tilled and forest soil profiles heavily polluted by Pb metallurgy in the Pribram district, Czech Republic. The highest Pb concentrations were observed in surface and subsurface horizons attaining 35,300 mg kg-1 in forest soils and 1233 mg kg-1 in tilled soils. Total Pb concentrations were one order of magnitude lower in tilled soil due to intensive ploughing and annual crop off-take. The results of the Tessier sequential extraction procedure showed the preferential binding of Pb in forest soils to operationally-defined exchangeable positions and soil organic matter (oxidisable fraction). The Pb exchangeable fraction is thought to correspond to weak electrostatic binding on the functional groups of organic matter. In tilled soil, Pb is predominantly bound to operationally-defined Fe and Mn oxides (reducible fraction). A comparison with the background Pb concentration values showed a strong contamination even in mineral horizons IIC and confirmed a strong vertical mobility of Pb within the soil profiles. The calculated mobility factors (MF) showed that up to 72% of Pb is mobile and bioavailable in forest soils. In contrast, the bioavailability of Pb in tilled soils was significantly lower as the MF accounted for up to 30%. In the most polluted horizon of forest soil profile, the X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) analysis confirmed the presence of anglesite (PbSO4), derived likely from the smelter emissions.  相似文献   

A method combining (1 h) algal photosynthesis inhibition tests and tangential-flow ultrafiltration (TFF) technique (cut-off 1 kDa) was used to determine the effect of humic substances (HS) on acute metal toxicity to Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata. Three "standard" HS (soil and peat humic acids and Suwannee River fulvic acids) at two concentrations (1 and 5 mg/l) and two metals (Zn at 390 microg/l and Cd at 200 microg/l) were studied. Toxicity of Cd and Zn to P. subcapitata was significantly (p<0.05) reduced in the presence of humic acids (HA) but not in the presence of Suwannee River fulvic acids (SRFA). Metal partitioning between colloidal (1 microm-1 kDa) and truly dissolved (<1 kDa) fractions was found to match a decrease of metal toxicity in the presence of HA, but not in the presence of SRFA. The results suggested that HA reduced Cd and Zn toxicity in two different ways: (1) HA decrease the amount of free metal ions. Metal-HA complexes are high molecular weight, relatively stable with regard to metal-exchange reactions and consequently the metals were less bioavailable. (2) HA adsorbed onto algal surfaces, shielded the cells from free Cd and Zn ions. Several possible explanations can be postulated to account for the observed SRFA results: (1) Cd- and Zn-SRFA complexes are thought to be labile (i.e. undergo rapid dissociation); (2) SRFA coagulated, presumably during equilibration, and that coagulation altered metal complexing behavior of SRFA; (3) FA has a lower ability to adsorb on cell membranes at pH>7.  相似文献   

Uptake of Pd, Cd and Pb by the marine macroalga, Ulva lactuca, has been studied in the presence of an anionic (sodium dodecyl sulphate, SDS), cationic (hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide; HDTMA) and non-ionic (Triton X-100; TX) surfactant. Compared with the surfactant-free system, metal sorption was reduced in the presence of SDS or TX. Neither surfactant, however, had any measurable impact on cell membrane permeability, determined by leakage of dissolved free amino acids (DFAA), or on metal internalisation. We attribute these observations to the stabilisation of aqueous Cd and Pb by SDS and the shielding of otherwise amenable sorption sites by TX. Presence of HDTMA resulted in a reduction in the extent of both sorption and internalisation of all metals and a significant increase in the leakage of DFAA. Thus, by enhancing membrane permeability, HDTMA exerts the greatest influence on metal behaviour in the presence of U. lactuca.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic drug, cisplatin (cis-PtCl2(NH3)2), has been added to cultures of the marine macroalga, Ulva lactuca, under various experimental conditions. Both accumulation and internalisation over a 48 h period was greater when cisplatin was added to coastal sea water (salinity = 33) from a distilled water solution than when added to either sea water or estuarine water (salinity = 16.5) from a saline solution. This effect is attributed to the greater abundance of the more reactive monoaqua complex (cis-PtCl(OH2)(NH3)2+) in the distilled water solution and kinetic constraints on its conversion back to cis-PtCl2(NH3)2 in sea water. Despite its mode of action at the cellular level, cisplatin added up to concentrations of 150 nM did not incur a measurable reduction in the efficiency of photochemical energy conversion under any of experimental conditions tested.  相似文献   

硫化钠对土壤中铅镉的固定效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了硫化钠用于固定土壤中铅镉的可行性,考察了硫化钠用量及土壤pH、有机质对固定过程中土壤铅、镉赋存形态及固定效果的影响。结果表明,添加硫化钠可改变土壤中铅镉的形态分布,明显降低可交换态铅镉的含量。条件适当时,铅镉可交换态下降值分别为63%和73%。硫化钠在固定铅的过程中,固定效率对土壤pH、有机质含量的变化较为敏感,在有机质含量较低或酸性土壤中,硫化钠对铅固定效率较高;相对于铅,有机质含量和pH变化对镉的固定效率影响不是很大。  相似文献   

Previous studies have highlighted a reduction in occurrence and biomass of Ulva lactuca L. (Chlorophyceae) on shores where inputs of colliery waste occur. It was postulated that this was owing to an abrasive effect of colliery waste on macroalgal fronds. To test this, individual U. lactuca plants were exposed to colliery waste (three different grain size categories: < 500 microm, 500-2000 microm, and 0-2000 microm) in both shaken (turbulent) and still conditions in the laboratory. Over an 8-day period, U. lactuca plants lost weight when colliery waste was present and gained weight when no colliery waste was present. Weight loss was most pronounced in U. lactuca exposed to colliery waste of 500-2000 microm grain sizes in shaken conditions (- 18.8% +/- 4.65 SE, n = 4). However, greatest weight gain (+ 26.8% +/- 6.26 SE, n = 4) also occurred in the presence of colliery waste (0-2000 microm), but in still conditions. Weight gain was also observed after 60 days in still conditions in the presence of colliery waste (grain sizes 0-2000 microm); U. lactuca showed significant growth (+ 69% +/- 67 SE of starting weight, n = 5) compared with controls (- 51% +/- 41 SE, n = 5). These results suggest that 'large' grains of colliery waste act as a physical abrading agent on macroalgae when in turbulent conditions, and may be responsible for lowering of species richness of macroalgae where colliery waste inputs occur. However, by contrast, colliery waste in still conditions promotes the growth of U. lactuca, suggesting that, for example, rock pool flora may benefit from its presence  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Lead (Pb) bioaccessibility measurements have been the subject of much research in recent years, given the desire to develop a cost-effective and...  相似文献   


The effects of cadmium and lead on chronic mercury accumulation were investigated in O. aureus. After 140 days’ exposure the accumulation of mercury in the liver, brain, gill filaments, intestine, caudal muscle, spleen, trunk kidney and eye was analysed. The exposure concentrations were 0.05, 0.10 and 0.20 mg/L for mercury alone. O. aureus was also exposed to mixtures of 0.05 mg/L mercury with lead (0.05 mg/L and 0.50 mg/L or cadmium (0.05 mg/L) and 0.10 mg/L mercury with 0.10 mg/L cadmium. In food fish, a knowledge of toxic metal accumulation patterns is of great importance because of their contribution to the human diet and, as fishmeal, to the diet of agricultural animals. The trunk kidney consistently accumulated higher concentrations of mercury than any of the other tissues investigated.  相似文献   

Liu JG  Liang JS  Li KQ  Zhang ZJ  Yu BY  Lu XL  Yang JC  Zhu QS 《Chemosphere》2003,52(9):1467-1473
The absorption and accumulation of Cd2+, Fe3+, Zn2+, Mn2+, Cu2+ and Mg2+ in the roots and leaves of 20 rice cultivars (Oryza sativa L.) with different genotypes under cadmium (Cd) stress were investigated with pot experiments. The results showed that there existed significant differences among the rice cultivars in the contents of six mineral elements in both roots and leaves at both heading and ripening periods. The statistical analysis showed that, for their contents in roots, significant and positive correlations between Cd2+ and Fe3+, Cd2+ and Zn2+, Cd2+ and Mn2+, Cd2+ and Cu2+ existed, but no significant correlation between Cd2+ and Mg2+, at the two periods. In the leaves, Cd also showed significant and positive correlations with Fe3+, Zn2+ and Cu2+ at the both periods, but a significant and negative correlation with Mn2+ and no significant correlation with Mg2+ at heading, a significant and positive correlation with Mg2+ and no significant correlation with Mn2+ at ripening. These results suggested that there were cooperative absorption between Cd2+ and Fe3+, Mn2+, Cu2+, Mn2+ in rice plants. Genotypic differences in Cd uptake and translocation among the rice cultivars suggested that paddy field of some rice cultivars may be irrigated with partially treated sewage water.  相似文献   

The influence of low dietary calcium on the accumulation and effects of dietary lead, cadmium and aluminum was examined in zebra finches and ring doves. In zebra finches fed a diet containing 0.3% Ca, the hepatic and renal accumulation of lead was enhanced approximately 400% and of cadmium about 150-200%, compared to birds fed a 3.0% Ca diet. Low dietary Ca also caused bones of female finches to lose an average of about 60% of their normal Ca content. Loss of bone-Ca was also observed in male finches, but was less than in females. In reproductively active ring doves, low (0.4%) dietary Ca enhanced the accumulation of lead and cadmium, but not of aluminum, compared with accumulation in doves consuming a 2.0% Ca diet. Enhanced accumulation of lead and cadmium was accompanied by increased synthesis of the metal-binding protein metallothionein and by greater inhibition of delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase activity. These results indicate that, under conditions of reduced dietary Ca availability, such as can occur in acid-impacted environments, wild birds risk increased uptake of certain toxic metals and may accumulate toxic concentrations of these metals more rapidly. Researchers should take account of dietary Ca levels when interpreting results of dosing studies in which metals such as lead and cadmium are administered to birds.  相似文献   

A field survey of terrestrial plants growing on Bo Ngam lead mine area, Thailand, was conducted to identify species accumulating exceptionally high concentrations of lead. Plant and soil samples were collected from five areas. Lead concentrations in surface soil ranged from 325 to 142,400 mg/kg. The highest lead concentration in soil was found at the ore dressing plant area and lowest at a natural pond area. In different areas, the concentrations of lead in plants were different when comparing various study sites. A total of 48 plant species belonging to 14 families were collected from five sampling sites. Twenty-six plant species had lead concentrations more than 1000 mg/kg in their shoots. Three species (Microstegium ciliatum, Polygala umbonata, Spermacoce mauritiana) showed extremely high lead concentrations in their shoots (12,200-28,370 mg/kg) and roots (14,580-128,830 mg/kg).  相似文献   

The concentrations of heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn and Mn) and macroelements (K, Na, Ca and Mg) were determined in green alga Enteromorpha sp. from the coastal zone of the southern Baltic including Gulf of Gdańsk and Vistula Lagoon in 2000-2003. In order to estimate the degree of accumulation of each element by the green alga, concentration and discrimination factors (CFs) with respect to seawater were calculated. The results of factor analysis (FA) and ANOVA clearly indicate geographical differences between concentrations of chemical elements. Enteromorpha sp. from Vistula Lagoon and the southern Baltic exhibited higher levels of Mn and Ni, and Na and K, respectively. Anthropogenic impact of Cu, Pb and Zn, possibly originated from municipal sewage, was identified in alga samples collected in the Gulf of Gdańsk, especially in the vicinity of Gdynia. From comparison our data with those published earlier results that Pb content in Enteromorpha sp. from the Gulf of Gdańsk decreased within 1978-2003 reflecting reducing use of leaded petrol in Baltic countries in this period. The alga Enteromorpha sp. can be used for biomonitoring surveys of metal contaminants in coastal areas of the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

The Siam weed, Chromolaena odorata (L.) King & Robinson, Family Asteraceae, was found to be a new Pb hyperaccumulator by means of field surveys on Pb soil and hydroponic studies. Plants from field collection accumulated 1377 and 4236mgkg(-1) Pb in their shoots and roots, respectively, and could tolerate soil Pb concentrations up to 100000 mgkg(-1) with a translocation factor of 7.62. Very low concentrations of Cd and Zn were found in plants collected from the field. Under nutrient solution culture condition, C. odorata from the contaminated site (CS) and from non-contaminated site (NCS) grew normally with all three metals (Pb, Cd, Zn) supplied. However, the relative growth rates of all treated plants decreased with increased metal concentrations. The percentage uptakes of Pb, Cd, and Zn by C. odorata increased with increasing metal concentrations. Pb concentration in shoots and roots reached its highest values (1772.3 and 60655.7mgkg(-1), respectively) at a Pb supply level of 10mgl(-1). While the maximum concentrations of Cd (0.5mgl(-1)) in shoots and roots of C. odorata were 102.3 and 1440.9mgkg(-1), and the highest concentrations of Zn (20mgl(-1)) were 1876.0 and 7011.8mgkg(-1), respectively. The bioaccumulation coefficients of Pb and Cd were greater than 1000. These results confirm that C. odorata is a hyperaccumulator which grows rapidly, has substantial biomass, wide distribution and has a potential for the phytoremediation of metal contaminated soils.  相似文献   

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