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Coalitionary aggression occurs when at least two individuals jointly direct aggression at one or more conspecific targets. Scientists have long argued that this common form of cooperation has positive fitness consequences. Nevertheless, despite evidence that social bond strength (which is thought to promote coalition formation) is correlated with fitness in primates, cetaceans, and ungulates, few studies have directly examined whether coalitionary aggression improves reproductive success. We tested the hypothesis that among free-ranging chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii), participation in coalitionary aggression increases reproductive output. Using 14 years of genetic and behavioral data from Gombe National Park, Tanzania, we found that coalitionary aggression increased a male’s chances of (A) siring offspring, compared to other males of similar dominance rank, and (B) ascending in rank, a correlate of future reproductive output. Because male chimpanzees form coalitions with many others within a complex network, we used social network analysis to identify the types of connections correlated with these fitness benefits. The beneficiaries of coalitionary aggression were males with the highest “betweenness”—that is, those who tended to have coalition partners who themselves did not form coalitions with each other. This suggests that beyond simply recognizing third-party relationships, chimpanzees may use this knowledge to choose coalition partners. If so, this is a significant step forward in our knowledge of the adaptive value of social intelligence. Regardless of mechanism, however, this is the first evidence of genetic benefits of coalitionary aggression in this species, and therefore has important implications for understanding the evolution of cooperation.  相似文献   

Summary A group of toque macaques took-over the home range of one of its subordinate neighboring groups and fused with it to form a larger cohesive group. In the 7 years before the take-over, the dominant group had consistently won all contests at common feeding sites, yet the fitnesses of the females of these two groups did not differ significantly (Fig. 2A). After the take-over the females of the subjugated group occupied the lowest ranks in the combined dominance hierarchy of the merged groups (Fig. 1) and thereby lost the advantages of an own home range, such as priority of access to food. Consequently, in the merged group, survivorship and reproductive success among the subjugated females were significantly less than among the females of the dominant subgroup (Table 2, 4). The dominant matrilines grew numerically and replaced all of the subjugated females, and all but one of their offspring, within 8 years after the take-over (Fig. 2B). These data support the hypothesis that cooperation among female kin in defending resources against strange females is important in the evolution of female-bonded groups. Before the merger all 5 natal males of the subordinate group had transferred to the dominant group, where they occupied high and mid-level dominance ranks (Fig. 1). These males survived at a significantly greater rate than their subordinate female kin. Thus, the cost of group transfer seems to be greater for females than for males, and this may be one reason that females generally do not emigrate or that groups do not fuse. The data suggested three hypotheses. First, since large body size and other adaptations for fighting, giving males an advantage in male-male competition for mates, are also of advantage in resource competition with males and females, such male characters may also be favored by non-sexual selection, especially where male reproductive strategy involves group transfer. Second, female bonded groups evolved as female defensive coalitions against not only female but also male resource competitors, there having been a mutual influence in the coevolution of large-sized males and female gregariousness. Third, female defensive coalitions against large-sized aggressive males are also advantageous out-side the context of food competition, or, independent of foraging strategy.  相似文献   

Summary Variance in male reproductive success in single and multi-male red howler (Alouatta seniculus) troops was examined through paternity exclusion using genetic markers. Coalitions of relatives were compared to coalitions of non-relatives with regard to duration, stability, and number of offspring expected for each participant based on paternity exclusion results. No evidence of paternity by males living outside of the troop was found. In multi-male troops, only the dominant male was found to father offspring conceived during his tenure. This was the only male observed to mount females. In both troops examined genetically wherein a status change had occurred, paternity changed with status. Coalitions of relatives and potential relatives lasted significantly longer than coalitions of non-relatives, and experienced fewer status changes between males. A direct advantage of forming a coalition for both dominant and subordinate red howler males resulted from the superior competitive ability of coalitions over single males in establishing and maintaining tenure in the limited number of female troops in the population. Although the mating success of a subordinate male in a coalition appears to be extremely low, his chances of achieving membership in a bisexual troop as a single male may be even lower. Since the majority of troops in the population during any given year were multi-male or age-graded male (85%–96%), the number of troops that a single male would be able to invade unaided was very small. A subordinate male may be able to assume dominance, particularly if he is a subadult. In coalitions in which males are related, the subordinate male will further benefit from inclusive fitness. A dominant male that forms a coalition with a relative can expect to have longer reproductive tenure than in a troop with a non-relative, thereby producing more offspring and directly enhancing his fitness. Anecdotal evidence suggests that males choose relatives over non-relatives as coalition partners when possible.  相似文献   

Dominant mammalian males should gain a reproductive advantage due to their greater fighting abilities. However, the extent to which they can monopolise access to females varies across species. In primates and recently other mammalian species, the Priority of Access (PoA) model is commonly used to measure the degree to which male rank and female receptive synchrony affect mating skew. Few studies have examined the factors which lead to deviations from the expectations of the model. Here, we investigate male mating skew in wild Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus). We examined four of the main factors which affect male mating success: the roles of male rank, female receptive synchrony, coalitionary activity and female behaviour. We found that male mating was skewed up the hierarchy, but there was a large deviation from the PoA model's expectations with high-ranked males not gaining as big a share as expected. Females frequently initiated sexual encounters, predominantly with mid-ranked males, increasing their mating success. Male coalitionary activity independently increased mating success. Frequent associations with females were costly to males as they were the targets of bridging coalitions, decreasing future mating opportunities for the targets. High-ranking males did not increase their mating success directly through bridging coalitions but acted to dilute the effects of female behaviour. By examining different factors affecting mating skew, we are able to show that alternative male and female mating strategies are effective in reducing the monopolisation potential of the dominant male.  相似文献   

Sooty mangabeys are terrestrial monkeys exhibiting female philopatry and male dispersal. Studies in captivity as well as in the wild have found that adult females form linear dominance hierarchies. However, while captive studies found no evidence for a matrilineal social system, a previous study in Taï National Park, Ivory Coast, suggested that relatedness could influence both dominance rank and affiliation pattern among adult females. Here I test whether the dominance rank, coalitionary behavior, and affiliative behavior of juveniles in a group of free-ranging mangabeys in the Taï National Park are in accordance with a matrilineal, individual, or age-related dominance system. I found that juvenile females' dominance ranks remained stable over time and were highly correlated with the dominance ranks of their mothers, whereas juvenile males' dominance ranks were initially correlated with the ranks of their mothers, but showed greater instability with increasing age. Moreover, coalitions occurred mainly between juveniles and animals that were close in rank, including their mothers and siblings. Finally, juvenile females associated and groomed preferentially with close-ranking juvenile and adult females. Juvenile males showed similar preferences in affiliation with adult females, but when associating with juvenile males, they preferred peers. The observed social behavior of free-ranging juvenile sooty mangabeys resembled the social behavior described for juveniles of many matrilineal primate species.  相似文献   

Evaluation of evolutionary mechanisms proposed to promote cooperative behavior depends on the relative influence of the behavior on the reproductive success of individuals, the reproductive success of the group in which they interact behaviorally, and the degree of gene correlation among cooperators. The genetic relationship within cooperative coalitions of female red howler monkeys was examined for three populations with different densities and growth rates. Patterns of gene correlation change within coalitions is documented using data from the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes, and long-term census monitoring. Differences in fecundity and infant survivorship within and between groups of unrelated (=0) and related (≥ 0.25) females are compared. Females that emigrate from their natal groups form coalitions with other migrant females. These coalitions attempt to establish a territory and, once successful in producing offspring, exclude other females from feeding resources. Females in these coalitions had different mtDNA haplotypes and a genetically estimated mean r of 0, supporting demographic data on emigration patterns indicating that these females rarely have the opportunity to form coalitions with kin. Patterns of recruitment and rate of matriline development within social groups supported behavioral data indicating that females actively attempt to promote their own matriline as breeders over that of other females, and that some matrilines are more successful at this than others. Mean r among females was significantly higher in coalitions established as social groups for several generations (=0.44). In these groups, females all shared the same mtDNA haplotype, and mtDNA haplotype divergence was significantly higher between than within groups. Females in coalitions with kin had significantly higher reproductive success than females in unrelated coalitions in all populations. This difference was not a function of coalition size, number of males, socionomic sex ratio, or primiparity, although anecdotal evidence suggests that allomothering may compensate for inept new mothers in related coalitions more often than in unrelated ones. Differences in territory quality could not be ruled out as a potential causal factor in the saturated populations, but were unlikely in the low-density, growing population. There were substantial differences among long-established coalitions in overall reproductive output in all three populations, and this was significantly correlated with the number of breeding females. Increase in coalition size was a function of both group age and the behavioral tolerance among females. Regardless of the underlying reasons for the patterns observed, reproductive success clearly increases with degree of gene correlation among females within cooperative coalitions, and coalitions that recruit more daughters produce more offspring. The nature of the cooperative relationship among group females directly influences both of these outcomes. This is associated with substantial genetic differentiation among social groups within populations, creating conditions in which genetic tendencies towards cooperative behavior can become tightly associated with group reproductive success. Received: 15 September 1999 / Revised: 27 April 2000 / Accepted: 27 May 2000  相似文献   

In many cooperatively breeding species, dominant females suppress reproduction in subordinates. Although it is commonly assumed that aggression from dominant females plays a role in reproductive suppression, little is known about the distribution of aggressive interactions. Here, we investigate the distribution of aggressive and submissive interactions among female meerkats (Suricata suricatta). In this species, dominant females produce more than 80% of the litters, but older subordinates occasionally breed. Dominant females commonly kill the pups of subordinates and usually evict older female subordinates from the group 1–3 weeks before the birth of the dominant female's litter. The aggression frequency of the dominant female toward subordinates and the submission frequency that each subordinate female showed to the dominant female increased as the age of the subordinate female increased and as the birth of the dominant female's pups approached. Moreover, as birth approached, both of these behaviors intensified more quickly between the dominant female and older subordinates than between the dominant female and younger subordinates. The aggression frequency of the dominant female toward each subordinate female predicted whether that subordinate female was evicted from the group; the submission frequency by each subordinate female predicted the timing of their eviction during the pregnancy period of the dominant female. These results support the idea that conflict between dominant and subordinate females increases with the age of subordinates and, since older subordinate females are most likely to reproduce, suggest that dominant females may less easily control reproductive attempts by older subordinate females.  相似文献   

Cooperative mate guarding by males is unusual in mammals and birds, largely because fertilizations are non-shareable. Chimpanzees live in fission-fusion communities that have cores of philopatric males who cooperate in inter-group aggression and in defending access to the females in their community. Male contest mating competition is restrained within communities, but single high-ranking males sometimes try to mate guard estrous females. Data from an unusually large chimpanzee commmunity at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda, that contains more males than any previously studied community show new variation in chimpanzee mate-guarding behavior. Contrary to expectation given the large number of males, mate guarding was as common as, or more common than, at other sites, and males other than the alpha male guarded more often. More strikingly, pairs or trios of top-ranking males sometimes engaged in cooperative aggression to prevent estrous females from mating with other males, but tolerated each other's mating activities. Both single males and coalitions mostly guarded periovulatory females. Mate-guarding coalitions were previously unknown in chimpanzees. Coalitions occurred in large mating parties, seemingly because these often contained too many males for single males to maintain exclusive access to estrous females. Coalition members gained higher shares of copulations than they could have expected from solo mate guarding, and suffered lower per capita costs of guarding (as inferred from aggression rates). Two males who most often participated in coalitions formed two-male coalitions at about the point where the number of males present made it unlikely that either could get 50% or more of total copulations on his own, and formed trios when this value dropped below 33%. Kin selection could be a factor in cooperation among male chimpanzees, but coalition members were not necessarily close relatives and the apparent structure of payoffs fit that of mutualism. Furthermore, reliance of male chimpanzees on support from allies to maintain high rank could have led to trading of mating exclusivity for support against mating competitors. Received: 28 May 1997 / Accepted after revision: 16 May 1998  相似文献   

Analyses of the pattern of associations, social interactions, coalitions, and aggression among chacma baboons (Papio hamadryas ursinus) in the Okavango Delta of Botswana over a 16-year period indicate that adult females form close, equitable, supportive, and enduring social relationships. They show strong and stable preferences for close kin, particularly their own mothers and daughters. Females also form strong attachments to unrelated females who are close to their own age and who are likely to be paternal half-sisters. Although absolute rates of aggression among kin are as high as rates of aggression among nonkin, females are more tolerant of close relatives than they are of others with whom they have comparable amounts of contact. These findings complement previous work which indicates that the strength of social bonds enhances the fitness of females in this population and support findings about the structure and function of social bonds in other primate groups.  相似文献   

Recent research on primates and other taxa has shown that the relationships individuals form with members of the same sex affect their reproductive success. Evidence showing that intersexual relationships also influence reproduction, however, is more equivocal. Here, we show that male chimpanzees living in an exceptionally large community display long-term tendencies to associate with particular females. These association patterns are likely to arise because individuals of both sexes selectively range in specific areas of the communal territory, with males inheriting the ranging patterns of their mothers. These differentiated male–female socio-spatial relationships involved males of widely varying ranks, and their effect on reproduction is as strong as that of male dominance rank, which in turn is as strong a predictor of reproductive success at Ngogo as in other smaller chimpanzee communities. These results show that male–female socio-spatial relationships can play a large role in chimpanzee male reproductive strategies, although they probably neither weaken nor strengthen the relationship between male dominance rank and reproductive success. Our results linking male–female socio-spatial relationships to reproduction in chimpanzees suggest that the gap between the social and mating systems of humans and their closest living relatives may not be as large as previously thought.  相似文献   

Summary Female red-necked wallabies settle within their mothers' home ranges, apparently for life, while males disperse at about two years of age. However, sons spend much more time with their mothers before dispersing than do daughters of similar ages. Females who associate regularly with their subadult offspring are less likely to reproduce successfully at their next breeding attempt than are females who spend little time with their subadults, and sons therefore impose greater short-term reproductive costs on their mothers than do daughters. Females who are generally gregarious also suffer reduced reproductive success, even though reproductive success is independent of local density. It is suggested that the reproductive costs to females of associating with their subadult offspring, and other relatives, are incurred through tolerance of ecological competition from those kin, and therefore reflect a form of prolonged maternal investment, which is initially heaviest in sons but is sustained for longer periods in daughters. Females produce equal numbers of male and female offspring, and spend equal amounts of time suckling them in infancy.  相似文献   

Tug-of-war over reproduction in a cooperatively breeding cichlid   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In group-living animals, dominants may suppress subordinate reproduction directly and indirectly, thereby skewing reproduction in their favour. In this study, we show experimentally that this ability (‘power’) is influenced by resource distribution and the body size difference between unrelated dominants and subordinates in the cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher. Reproduction was strongly skewed towards the dominant female, due to these females producing more and larger clutches and those clutches surviving egg eating better than those of subordinate females, but was not so when subordinates defended a patch. If breeding shelters were provided in two patches, subordinate females were more likely to exclusively defend a patch against the dominant female and breed, compared to when the same breeding resource was provided in one patch. Relatively large subordinate females were more likely to defend a patch and reproduce. Females also directly interfered with each other’s reproduction by eating the competitors’ eggs, at which dominants were more successful. Although dominant females benefited from subordinate females due to alloparental care and an increase in egg mass, they also showed costs due to reduced growth in the presence of subordinates. The results support the view that the dominant’s power to control subordinate reproduction determines reproductive partitioning, in agreement with the predictions from tug-of-war models of reproductive skew.  相似文献   

In a genetic analysis of the mating system of cooperatively breeding Arabian babblers (Timalidae: Turdoides squamiceps), we identified which individuals in the population are breeding, and how reproductive success was distributed among group members with respect to their dominance rank, for both males and females. The population was characterized by an asymmetrical distribution of reproductive success; behaviorally dominant males produced 176 of 186 (95%) of the offspring in 44 social groups analyzed, and alpha females produced 185 of 186 (99.5%). We evaluated models of reproductive skew by examining genetic and demographic correlates of reproduction by␣subordinates. Subordinate (beta) males that sired young were more likely to be recent dispersers from their natal groups or members of newly formed groups than betas that did not reproduce. Breeding beta males had spent smaller proportions of their lives with the current alpha male and female as alphas than had beta males that did not sire young. One consequence of the linkage of dispersal with breeding in newly formed, nonnatal groups is that beta males that sired young had significantly lower genetic similarity to the alpha males in their groups (based on band-sharing coefficients using multilocus minisatellite DNA fingerprinting) than those that did not sire young. This pattern may occur generally in species in which group membership accrues both through nondispersal of young (forming groups of relatives) as well as through dispersal involving coalitions that sometimes include nonrelatives. Received: 22 July 1997 / Accepted after revision: 5 February 1998  相似文献   

Reproduction in marmoset and tamarin groups is typically restricted to a single dominant female, but it is unclear why subordinate females tolerate delayed reproduction. The presence of two breeding females in free-ranging groups of common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) presented a unique opportunity to examine differences in the reproductive strategies of dominant and subordinate females. Three groups were monitored for 12–18 months at a forest reserve in northeastern Brazil. Data on infant care were collected during two consecutive all-day follows every 10 days until the infants were 2 months old. Carrying patterns for infants born to dominant females were similar to those observed in groups containing a single breeding female. All group members over 5 months of age participated in infant care, and dominant females allowed some group members to carry their infants from the 1 st day of life. In contrast, subordinate females were protective of their offspring and were their sole caretakers for at least a week following birth. One infant born to a subordinate was killed in an attack involving the dominant female. Overall, dominant females gave birth to more infants and had higher infant survival than did subordinate breeding females. subordinate females were successful in rearing young only when the timing of births was such that they did not overlap with the dependency period of infants born to the dominant female. These patterns suggest that subordinate females may face resource competition, especially over access to helpers. In times of severe competition, subordinate females that delay reproduction may be avoiding a wasted reproductive effort.  相似文献   

Although female animals tend to be choosier than males in selecting mates, sexual selection theory predicts that males should also be choosy when female fecundity varies. Reproductive success among female spotted hyenas varies greatly with social rank. Our goals were therefore to determine whether male hyenas preferentially associate with high-ranking females, and whether male preferences are affected by female reproductive state. Interactions between adult males and females were observed intensively, and association indices calculated for all male-female pairs, over a 7-year period in one population of free-living hyenas. Males initiated most affiliative interactions with females, and males associated most closely with females that were likeliest to be fertile. High- and middle-ranking males associated most closely with high-ranking females, but low-ranking males associated equally closely with females in all rank categories. We used molecular markers to determine the paternity of cubs born during the study period, and found that sires associated more closely with the mothers of those cubs than did non-sires, particularly during the last months before conception. These association data indicate that male spotted hyenas do indeed exhibit selective mate choice, and that they prefer females likeliest to maximize male reproductive success.  相似文献   

The leaf-curling spider Phonognatha graeffei incorporates a twisted leaf into the central hub of its orb-web that is used as a retreat. This species is unusual among orb-weaving spiders because males cohabit in the leaf retreat with both immature and mature females, mating with the former shortly after the female molts. Cohabitation appears to be a form of mate-guarding because cohabiting males respond agonistically to rival males that venture onto the web, and their behaviour depends upon the reproductive status of the female; males defending immature females are more aggressive than those defending virgin, adult females. Males copulate with previously mated females for significantly longer than with virgin females. Females may cannibalise cohabiting males, which occurs independently of whether the female has been deprived of food. Females that cannibalise a single male do not have a higher fecundity than non-cannibalistic females. Received: 2 February 1996 / Accepted after revision: 27 October 1996  相似文献   

Brown jays (Cyanocorax morio) are long-lived, social corvids that live in large, stable, territorial groups (mean = 10 individuals). In this study, I determined the distribution of reproductive success within groups using multi-locus DNA fingerprinting. Breeding females produced virtually all (99%) of the young within their own nests. Reproduction within groups was highly skewed towards a single primary female, although long term data indicate that secondary females (female breeders that were usually younger and subordinate to the primary female) were sometimes successful. The high reproductive skew observed for females was associated with primary female aggression. Successful reproduction by secondary females may have been due to parental facilitation or the inability of primary females to completely suppress secondary females. Multiple paternity occurred in 31–43% of broods and extra-group paternity occurred in a minimum of 22% of broods. Patterns of paternity also varied between years, since females often switched or included new genetic mates. Although male consorts of nesting females fathered relatively few offspring (20%), they still had a higher chance of fathering offspring than any other single group male. Reproduction was less skewed for males than females as a result of female mating patterns. Female reproductive patterns are consistent with some of the predictions and assumptions from optimal skew models, while male reproductive patterns are not. The factors affecting skew in species with complex social systems such as incomplete control by breeders over subordinate reproduction, female control of paternity, and resource inheritance have not been well incorporated into reproductive skew models.Communicated by: J. Dickinson  相似文献   

Socioecological models relate differences in feeding strategies to variation in the nature of female social relationships. Among the African forest guenons, females consume large quantities of fruit and other plant reproductive parts, resources which are thought to promote contest competition, yet these monkeys have been characterized as having agonistically undifferentiated relationships in which rank, if discernible at all, does not correlate with fitness benefits. To determine whether female relationships become more hierarchical under relevant ecological conditions, we monitored the adult females of two blue monkey groups (Cercopithecus mitis stuhlmanni) over a complete annual cycle in the Kakamega Forest, Kenya. Females competed aggressively for plant reproductive parts more often than any other resource type, and in both groups we detected linear dominance hierarchies. Nonetheless, agonism rates remained low throughout our study, and did not vary with changes in ecological conditions. Rather, when plant reproductive parts were scarce, subordinate females spent more time feeding and less time resting in an apparent attempt to compensate for a reduced efficiency of food intake. The effects of rank and food abundance were not reflected, however, in the distribution of grooming. The use of alternative feeding strategies appeared to blunt competition – females of all ranks were unlikely to be near others while feeding and spent more time consuming alternative resources when plant reproductive parts were scarce. The diverse diet of this species may allow females to avoid conflict so that dominance has only subtle effects that are difficult to detect. While socioecological models often simplify the connection between resources and female interactions, our results emphasize that the behavior of animals consuming particular resources, and not the resources themselves, are critical predictors of social patterns.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that females in species with matrilineal dominance hierarchies should use nepotistic support systems to maintain their family’s rank. Female Old World monkeys, however, form alliances against other females at surprisingly low rates. Nonetheless, in many species, females utter threat vocalizations when observing others’ disputes, suggesting that these vocalizations may function as ‘vocal alliances’. We describe a playback experiment testing the efficacy of vocal alliances in free-ranging female baboons. Subjects were played the same female’s threat-grunts under three separate conditions: after being threatened by the signaller’s close relative to mimic kin support, after being threatened by a female maternally unrelated to the signaller to mimic non-kin support, and after a friendly interaction with the signaller’s close relative as a control. Subjects responded more strongly to the playback and avoided the signaller and her matrilineal relatives for a longer period of time in kin support trials than in either non-kin support or no aggression trials. In contrast, there was no difference in subjects’ behaviour between non-kin support and no aggression trials. These results corroborate observational data showing that vocal support occurs at a higher rate than physical support in female baboons, and that kin are more likely to provide vocal support than non-kin. We conclude that vocal support plays a similar role as physical support in the alliances of female baboons.  相似文献   

The primates of Madagascar (Lemuriformes) are unusual among mammals in that polygynous species lack sexual dimorphism, and females dominate males socially in most species. Moreover, lemur groups are relatively small and characterized by even adult sex ratios despite the fact that one male should be able to exclude other males from the group. One hypothesis to explain this combination of behavioral, morphological, and demographic traits (the “lemur syndrome”) postulates that male–male competition is relaxed and, hence, variance in male reproductive success is low. Reproductive skew theory provides a framework for testing this and several related predictions about lemur social evolution. Specifically, low reproductive skew is also predicted if dominant males or adult females make reproductive concessions to subordinates or if the latter group successfully pursues alternative reproductive tactics. However, suitable data on paternity, demography, and behavior for a conclusive test of these predictions have not been available in the past. In this paper, we show that male reproductive success in ten groups of Verreaux’s sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi) was extremely skewed in favor of the dominant male over 9 years. Our genetic analyses also revealed that more than a third of all groups are effectively harem groups because only one male was unrelated to the resident female(s). In groups with two or more non-natal males, the dominant sired 91% of 33 infants. Together, males pursuing one of several alternative reproductive tactics, such as roaming among several groups or immigrating peacefully, sired only 11% of infants. Thus, female sifakas do not control group composition by offering reproductive opportunities to subordinate males as staying incentives, intrasexual selection is not relaxed, and dominant males prevail in a tug-of-war over subordinate males. Because male reproductive skew in sifakas is even more pronounced than in harem-living anthropoids studied to date, intrasexual selection is clearly not relaxed, and the lemur syndrome is more puzzling than ever.  相似文献   

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