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将河南平顶山煤气公司原煤气输配系统改造成为自动恒压控制系统,从而提高安全系数,降低煤气输配电耗。  相似文献   

针对几起煤气系统中供配电系统的事故案例 ,分析了供配电系统故障对煤气系统的危害 ,提出了对策与建议。  相似文献   

<正>山西太原钢铁集团有限公司临汾钢铁焦化厂化产车间脱硫工序,是2004年配合焦化厂煤气净化改造工程新建的一套湿式氧化法脱硫工艺系统。它是以氨为碱源的HPF法脱硫工艺,其流程大致如下:鼓风机后的煤气与蒸氨塔顶来的  相似文献   

煤气作为一种二次能源,是城市中使用的主要能源之一.燃气行业的生产、输送、使用过程,从某种角度来讲是高危的作业过程.煤气网管系统的施工和维护过程中充满了种种困难和危险,造成了许多重大损失,其主要原因是缺乏有效的组织引导和规范的安全措施.本文着重分析了煤气网管系统发生泄露事故的原因,提出了煤气网管系统的运行和维护过程中应当遵循的安全事项和采取的安全措施,为煤气网管系统的运行和维护工作提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

将复杂网络相关理论方法引入城市燃气输配系统失效因素的分析中。选取引起城市燃气输配系统失效的主要影响因素为节点,以它们之间的相互关系为边,建立网络并进行相关分析。发现节点的度分布近似具有幂律的特性,幂指数为1.76;通过节点度的分析,确定出管道附属设备、用户设施失效、第三方影响破坏等因素为引起输配系统失效的主要原因,与引起燃气事故的统计分析资料基本相符合。这为确定城市燃气输配系统关键失效因素提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   

转炉煤气是唐山钢铁集团有限责任公司(以下简称唐钢)老区主要能源之一。唐钢原转炉煤气系统有2座5万m^3威金斯煤气柜,分别于1995年和2000年建成投产。自投入运行后,公司一直没有对煤气柜本体进行彻底检修,尤其是1^#煤气柜,柜体出现多处泄漏煤气现象,存在严重安全隐患。为满足安全生产的需求,公司决定拆除原1^#煤气柜,在原址西侧新建了一座8万m^3转炉煤气柜。  相似文献   

针对复杂的城市燃气输配系统,利用因果图和模糊综合评价相结合的方法对其进行风险分析.因果图能找出影响城市燃气输配系统失效的因素,模糊综合评价则可在其基础上对风险量化.以某市的燃气输配系统为例描述了该方法的步骤.结果表明,因果图和模糊综合评价相结合的方法合理且易于工程应用.  相似文献   

水泥工业是耗能大户,其中风机耗电在总耗电量中占很大比重,节能空间很大,对风机采用传统的液力耦合器直联带动加上入口风门调节的运行方式进行改造势在必行,技改实践表明,风机节能的最佳途径是采用变频器调速技术,节能效果尤为明显.  相似文献   

引言 在现代工厂企业、办公大楼、商厦、酒店等环境中,中央空调系统是不可缺少的,它虽然能给人们提供一个舒适的环境,但是耗电量也相当大.因此,对中央空调系统进行节能改造,可以大幅度地节约用电,带来可观的经济效益.  相似文献   

Gas pressure is an important index for evaluating the outburst risk and determining the gas content in coal seams. It is recommended to predict coal-seam gas pressure of the workface at deep levels before extending mining activities to deeper levels. According to the prediction results, measurements are taken for gas outburst prevention and control and for workload estimation. At present, regression methods are always used to process the numerous gas pressure data for prediction. Because there are many factors that influence the gas pressure which could lead to a deviation from actual values, the measured data do not possess basic conditions for regression methods; this can cause unexpected dangers if the methods are adopted.Based on a statistical analysis of actual measured results of coal-seam gas pressure in a same geological section in certain coal mine, two symbol measured points are selected to make a line for prediction, i.e. safety line, and the other measured points should be below the line except the abnormal points due to the confined water. It has been successfully applied in numerous coal mines in China. Particularly, this method is analyzed in this paper for the case of the No. 82 coal seam in the Taoyuan coal mine in Huaibei coalfield, China. By comparatively analyzing the relationship between gas pressure and depth from surface using regression methods, it is found that the safety line method could lead to a better prediction for deep coal-seam gas pressure, and therefore promote early warning ability and mining safety.  相似文献   

瓦斯压力对煤与瓦斯射流突出能量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
瓦斯压力是煤与瓦斯突出的主要动力源,其与突出能量的关系尚不明确。将煤与瓦斯突出视为煤-瓦斯气固两相射流突出,在分析煤与瓦斯射流突出过程的基础上,建立了煤与瓦斯射流突出数值模型,给出了突出能量表达式。通过理论分析、数值模拟相结合,得到了瓦斯压力对煤与瓦斯突出能量、突出强度、瓦斯涌出量等参数的影响规律。结果表明,突出发生时,突出能量具有波动性,即以突出口为界存在能量集聚骤升区和能量释放衰减区。能量集聚骤升发生在突出孔洞至突出口段,瓦斯-煤两相流突出速度成倍增大;能量释放主要发生在突出口附近和巷道中,瓦斯-煤两相流突出速度逐渐减小。煤与瓦斯射流突出产生强烈涡旋,在顶板、底板处尤为显著,与现场观察到的突出后顶板有摩擦和划痕、底板突出煤粉有分选现象一致。瓦斯压力与突出能量间呈线性增加关系,与突出强度和瓦斯涌出量均呈幂指数增加关系。计算得到的煤与瓦斯射流突出能量量级与前人结论基本吻合,结果可为煤与瓦斯突出能量预测提供参考。  相似文献   

By using the self-developed triaxial servo-controlled seepage equipment for thermo-fluid-solid coupling of coal containing gas and the self-developed coal and gas outburst simulation test device, experiments to study the influence mechanism of gas seepage on coal and gas outburst disasters. The results show that: (i) gas seepage decreases the strength of coal containing gas and accelerates its failure process; (ii) under the same gas pressure, the confining pressure is larger, the more difficult the gas flows and the greater the intensity of coal containing gas is; (iii) in the process of coal and gas outburst, the greater the vertical ground stress is, the more powerful the outburst will be; (iv) the influence mechanism of gas seepage on coal and gas outburst disasters is as follows: firstly, gas seepage weakens the mechanical properties of coal body, which makes it much easier for coal and gas outburst to occur; secondly, on the same effect of external force, it will be easy to form a high gas pressure zone in the coal body under the difficult condition of gas seepage, and accumulate more gas compression energy, which is the energy source for coal and gas outburst, and it is also the main dynamic source to throw and grind the coal.  相似文献   

When coal and gas outburst occurs, high-speed gas flow and air shock wave with high kinetic energy could be created. In this paper, the formation process of outburst shock waves and gas flow has been analyzed firstly. Afterwards, the numerical simulation models of the roadways with right-angled intersection have been established, by which real-time simulation of the propagation of outburst gas flow and the process of gas transport has been conducted. Gas pressure, gas velocity and gas concentration can be simulated and shown. From analyzing the simulation results, qualitative and quantitative conclusions that the characteristics and patterns of the propagation and attenuation of outburst shock waves and gas flow can be arrived at. Finally, experimental models have been carried out to investigate the outburst shock waves and gas flow at the roadways with the similar shapes as the simulated ones. The results indicate that when shock wave and gas flow passes the intersection, most of the shock wave and gas flow will flow into the roadway of section opposite the intersection, and a little of it would flow into the roadway below the intersection. And turbulence will appear, shock wave reflects and diffracts at branches with more influence on the roadway below the intersection.  相似文献   

介绍了变频调速技术,结合实例论述了出铁场除尘系统采用此技术的经济性,并与其他调节方式作了比较,证明其在技术上及经济上均较优越。  相似文献   

通过对安太堡露天煤矿职业健康安全管理体系认证前后安全生产管理基础数据的调查和统计,采用定性和定量的分析方法对该企业的安全管理水平进行了绩效对比分析和模型分析。结果表明,对于露天煤矿企业,建立职业健康安全管理体系有利于提高企业安全管理的水平;同时证明,该绩效分析方法具有分析过程简单、分析结果科学实用等优点。  相似文献   

运用自主研制的含瓦斯煤热流固耦合三轴伺服渗流试验装置,以原煤煤样作为研究对象,进行了含瓦斯煤固定轴向压力、卸围压的渗流试验,研究了卸围压过程中瓦斯压力对煤样力学特性和能量特征的影响。结果表明:在轴压加载阶段,煤样的变形模量基本不变,泊松比逐渐减小;在定轴压卸围压阶段,煤样的变形模量先小幅度增加,然后逐渐减小,泊松比则逐渐增大。瓦斯压力越高,煤样的承载能力越低,煤样发生破坏时相应的轴向应变和围压卸荷量百分比越小,而煤样破坏时的径向变形和扩容量越大。各应变围压柔量Δεi与瓦斯压力呈线性关系且线性相关性良好。随瓦斯压力升高,轴向应变的围压敏感性降低,径向应变和体积应变的围压敏感性显著升高。随瓦斯压力升高,煤样发生破坏时存储的弹性应变能Ue减小,而总能量U、耗散能Ud和耗散能比例Ud/U都增大。  相似文献   

根据鹤壁矿区实测煤层瓦斯含量和瓦斯压力结果,从力能角度分析了地应力、瓦斯、煤体结构对煤与瓦斯突出的影响,确定了地应力为鹤壁矿区煤与瓦斯突出的主控因素。受区域地质构造的控制,南部矿井构造应力大,瓦斯含量高,煤岩体弹性潜能、瓦斯膨胀能大;且构造煤普遍发育,煤体破碎功小。基于力能角度分析,南部矿井在埋藏较浅处,突出动力能量即大于突出阻力能量,是其始突深度较浅的主要原因,鹤壁矿区始突深度呈现南浅北深的特点。在地应力控制作用的基础上,结合三矿实测瓦斯压力、瓦斯突出能量分析,确定三矿在煤层底板标高-510 m以深为突出危险区。  相似文献   

煤和瓦斯突出过程中瓦斯作用机理的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
阐述了瓦斯在煤和瓦斯突出过程中所起的作用 ;指出煤层中瓦斯的存在改变了煤岩体的物理力学性质及响应特性 ,使之成为非稳定介质 ;特别强调在瓦斯突出发生时 ,瓦斯膨胀能起了至关重要的作用 ;由于瓦斯的存在 ,加剧了煤体失稳破坏的过程。  相似文献   

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