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The lateral down-slope movement of water, NO3 -, NH4 +, SO4 2-, H+ and DOC through an ablation till was examined from 1987 to 1990 for a one hectaresoil catena on a steep hillslope with uniform forest cover at the Turkey Lakes Watershed (TLW), Ontario, Canada. Natural variation in the export of nutrients from the soil profile via soil water to Little Turkey Lake was assessed in relation to nutrient distribution in soil at different topographic positions.Subsurface throughflow exhibited dramatic differences in nutrientconcentrations and fluxes with slope position, largely reflectingthat of the soil horizons through which the water passed. GreaterNO3 -, SO4 2-, and DOC concentrations in subsurface water in the upper, well-drained hillslope were a reflection of enrichment by contact with more acidic, more developed podzols, and more favorable soil physical and biological conditions for NO3 - retention in solution.Nutrient inputs to the lake were strongly influenced by increaseddown-slope transport of water, and increased SO4 2-, N, and C retention in wetter, less-developed podzolic soils that characterize lower slope positions. An understanding of water movement and soil development variation withtopographic position was required to accurately estimate nutrient budgets for steep slopes at TLW.  相似文献   

Oil refining is among the industrial activities that emit considerable amounts of air pollutants into the atmosphere. Nitrogen oxides are important air pollutants that are emitted by oil refineries as products of combustion processes. The ambient air concentrations of nitrogen oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) were monitored continuously at a site close to an oil refinery, near the city of Corinth in Greece, during autumn 1997 together with the main meteorological parameters. The contribution of the oil refinery to the measured atmospheric levels of nitrogen oxides was estimated. The ambient air concentration of nitrogen oxides in the area surrounding the oil refinery were generally lower than the ambient air concentrations in the urban area of Athens in Greece, and the NO2 levels were always below the existing air quality standards. The influence of the refinery emitted NOx in the photochemical production of ozone seems to be more important in terms of human and vegetation exposure given the high ozone backgrounds measured in the area.  相似文献   

总氮总磷联合测定方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王继国  冯莉霞 《化工环保》1995,15(6):367-370
介绍总氮、总磷联合测定的一种方法。实验中,调整了消解过程的氧化剂用量和酸度,以含有氮和磷的混合标准溶液配制一系列标准样品,经高温、高压消解后,分别进行比色,测定样品中总氮和总磷。该方法与标准方法相比,大大简化了分别测定总氮、总磷的工作量和时间,测定结果令人满意。  相似文献   

化工厂排放SO2对周围植物的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
赖宝华 《化工环保》1996,16(4):230-234
对某厂区及常年盛行风下风向地区植物受SO2危害情况进行了调查,并测定了部分植物叶片中的硫含量。从植物叶片中的硫含量可间接地判断大气被SO2污染的程度及植物对SO2吸收与抵抗能力的强弱。  相似文献   

我国燃煤电厂脱硫技术应用现状及展望   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
介绍了我国二氧化硫排放及污染现状,分别从燃烧前、燃烧中、燃烧后三个阶段,阐述了我国脱硫煤生产、低硫污染燃烧技术及燃煤烟气脱硫的污染控制技术现状和发展方向,提出我国控制燃煤硫污染的对策及建议。  相似文献   

Bacteria, fungi and viruses are often encountered in aerosols and they can be pathogenic or cause allergies following inhalation. Wastewater treatment facilities have been found to generate bioaerosols, which are transported by the prevailing winds downstream to areas that can be up to several hundred meters away. Bioaerosol formation has a significant effect on air quality in the vicinity of the treatment plants. The amount and characteristics of the formed bioaerosols depend on the aeration system employed at the aeration tank of the wastewater treatment facility. In this work we determined Enterobacteria in air and wastewater samples at the main wastewater treatment facility of the city of Chania (Crete, Greece). Concentrations of airborne bacteria were measured near the aeration and sedimentation tanks. Samples of airborne bacteria were taken by using Merck’s MAS-100 bioaerosol collector followed by incubation and enumeration of the colonies. The use of different growth media enabled the separation and enumeration of several classes of microorganisms. As part of this study, Enterobacteria in air samples were also determined by filtration sampling followed by analysis of the collected microorganisms using DAPI staining to determine total cell counts (both viable and non-viable cells). Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with specific 23S rRNA probes was also used in order to identify specific groups of microorganisms (well known pathogens) present in the bioaerosols. The analysis was also performed in wastewater taken from the aeration and secondary sedimentation tanks in an effort to correlate the airborne bacteria with those in the wastewater.  相似文献   

离子色谱法同时测定水中总氮和总磷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刁小冬  黄桂荣  何阳 《化工环保》2012,32(3):291-294
采用碱性过硫酸钾消解—离子色谱法同时测定水中总氮和总磷的含量。该方法避免了国标法中过硫酸钾和氢氧化钠对吸光度的干扰,对总氮和总磷测定的精密度有很大的提高。该方法在实验测定的浓度范围内总氮和总磷的相对标准偏差分别为3.84%和4.24%;总氮和总磷的最低检出限分别为0.007 mg/L和0.009 mg/L,比国标法更低;对实际试样总氮和总磷的加标回收率分别为92.6%~105.3%和94.7%~100.2%。  相似文献   

There is considerable spatial heterogeneity in organic carbon (C), total nitrogen (N), and potentially mineralizable nitrogen (PMN) pools in the soils of the Turkey Lakes Watershed. We hypothesized that topography regulates the spatial pattern of these pools through a combination of static factors (slope, aspect and elevation), which influence radiation, temperature andmoisture conditions, and dynamic factors (catenary position,profile and planar curvature), which influence the transport ofmaterials downslope. We used multiple linear regression (MLR)and tree regression (TR) models as exploratory techniques todetermine if there was a topographic basis for the spatialpattern of the C, N and PMN pools. The MLR and TR modelspredicted similar integrated totals (i.e., within 5% of eachother) but dissimilar spatial patterns of the pools. For thecombined litter, fibric and hemic layer, the MLR models explaineda significant portion of the variance (R2 = 0.38, 0.23 and0.28 for C, N and PMN, respectively), however, the residuals werelarge and biased (the smallest contents were over-predicted andthe largest contents were under-predicted). The TR models (9-branch), in contrast, explained a greater portion of the variance (R2 = 0.75, 0.67 and 0.62 for C, N and PMN, respectively) and the residuals were smaller and unbiased. Based on our sampling strategy, the models suggested that static factors were most important in predicting the spatial pattern of the nutrient pools. However, a nested sampling strategy that included scales where both static (among hillslopes) and dynamic (within hillslope) factors result in a systematic variation in soil nutrient pools may have improvedthe predictive ability of the models.  相似文献   

膜生物反应器在废水脱氮除磷中的应用   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
黄境维  汤兵 《化工环保》2007,27(6):532-535
介绍了两种膜生物反应器(MBR)脱氮除磷工艺:单一反应器间歇曝气MBR工艺和厌氧一好氧MBR工艺。总结了MBR脱氮除磷工艺的国内外研究进展、工艺特点及处理效果,重点探讨了MBR脱氮除磷工艺中同步硝化反硝化、短程硝化反硝化及反硝化除磷的机理,并指出了今后MBR脱氮除磷进一步研究的重点及方向。  相似文献   

NO production and the rate constant of NO consumptionin soil samples from Amazonian forest and pasturesites were determined in the laboratory. The purposewas to study NO production and consumption in soilsfrom both types of land use as functions of soiltemperature and soil moisture. NO productionincreased exponentially with soil temperature. Thedegree of increase depended on soil moisture,indicating that the response of NO production to achange in soil temperature is most pronounced at acertain intermediate soil moisture. NO productionpeaked at a soil moisture of 0.10 g g-1, correspondingto 0.27 and 0.38 water-filled pore space for forestand pasture soils, respectively. The optimum soilmoisture for which maximum NO release was observedwas independent of soil temperature. NO consumptionwas most efficient at high soil temperatures andunder dry soil conditions. NO release wasapproximately 10 times larger for forest than pasturesoil. The difference may be related to the higherNO3- content in forest soil.  相似文献   

A Chronology of Nitrogen Deposition in the UK Between 1900 and 2000   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Measurements of the concentrations of nitrogen compounds in air and precipitation in the UK have been made since the mid-19th century, but no networks operating to common protocols and having traceable analytical procedures were established until the 1950s. From 1986 onwards, a high-quality network of sampling stations for precipitation chemistry was established across the UK. In the following decade, monitoring networks provided measurement of NO2, NH3, HNO3 and a satisfactory understanding of the dry deposition process for these gases allowed dry deposition to be quantified. Maps of N deposition for oxidized and reduced compounds at a spatial scale of 5 km × 5 km are available from 1986 to 2000. Between 1950 and 1985, the more limited measurements, beginning with those of the European Air Chemistry Network (EACN) provide a reasonable basis to estimate wet deposition of NO 3 –N and NH 4 + –N. For the first half of the century, estimates of deposition were scaled with emissions assuming a constant relationship between emission and deposition for each of the components of the wet and dry deposition budget at the country scale. Emissions of oxidized N, which dominated total nitrogen emissions throughout the century, increased from 312 kt N annually in 1900 to a peak of 787 kt for the decade 1980–1990 and then declined to 460 kt in 2000. Emissions of reduced N, largely from coal combustion were about 168 kt N in 1900, increasing to a peak of 263 kt N in 2000 and by now dominated by agricultural sources. Reduced N dominated the deposition budget at the country scale, increasing from 163 kt N in 1900 to 211 kt N in 2000, while deposition of oxidized N was 66 kt N in 1900 and 191 kt N in 2000. Over the century, 68 Mt (Tg) of fixed N was emitted within the UK, 78% as NO x , while 29 Mt of nitrogen was deposited (43% of emissions), equivalent to 1.2 t N ha–1, on average, with 60% in the reduced form. Deposition to semi-natural ecosystems is approximately 15 Tg N, equivalent to between 1 and 5 t N ha–1, over the century and appears to be accumulating in soil. The N deposition over the century is similar in magnitude to the total soil N inventory in surface horizons.  相似文献   

The cycling of iron and sulfur in mine tailings depends on various chemical and microbial reactions. The present study was undertaken in order to assess the role played by populations of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) on the fate of Fe and SO4 2- in Cu–Zn and Au tailings. Samples were taken along a 50-cm deep profile at all sites and analyzed for SRB populations, solid-phase mineralogy and porewater geochemistry. Results indicated that the Cu–Zn tailings were highly oxidized near the surface, as shown by the very low pH, high redox potential, large concentrations of soluble Cu, Zn and sulfate in the porewaters, and the depletion of pyrite. On the other hand, Au tailings were more pH neutral, slightly anoxic, and showed low concentrations of Fe and SO4 2- in the porewaters and very little pyrite oxidation. SRB populations in the Cu–Zn tailings increased with depth, just below the oxic/anoxic interface and were linked to a decline of sulfate and DOC concentrations around the same depths. However, large concentrations of dissolved Fe were also observed around the same depth intervals. Our results suggest that SRB could be involved in sulfate reduction in the Cu–Zn tailings, because the solubility of sulfate was not controlled by the precipitation of sulfate-rich minerals. However, the presence of soluble Fe in the reduced portion of the tailings was also indicative of the presence of iron reducing bacteria (IRB). These bacteria were not enumerated in the present study, but their co-occurrence with SRB has been reported in the past in similar mining environments. The decline of sulfate and the release of soluble iron into the porewaters were also paralleled by a pH increase and the generation of alkalinity. In the Au tailings, SRB populations were generally constant throughout the depth profile and could not be ascribed to sulfate reduction in the porewaters. The solubilities of sulfate and iron in these tailings were partially controlled by jarosite and Fe-oxide minerals. It is then clear that SRB populations could be recovered from various mining sites, but their activity cannot be ascertained based on microbial enumeration and geochemical data.  相似文献   

Leaching experiments of rebuilt soil columns with two simulated acid rain solutions (pH 4.6–3.8) were conducted for two natural soils and two artificial contaminated soils from Hunan, south-central China, to study effects of acid rain on competitive releases of soil Cd, Cu, and Zn. Distilled water was used in comparison. The results showed that the total releases were Zn>Cu>Cd for the natural soils and Cd>Zn≫Cu for the contaminated soils, which reflected sensitivity of these metals to acid rain. Leached with different acid rain, about 26–76% of external Cd and 11–68% external Zn were released, but more than 99% of external Cu was adsorbed by the soils, and therefore Cu had a different sorption and desorption pattern from Cd and Zn. Metal releases were obviously correlated with releases of TOC in the leachates, which could be described as an exponential equation. Compared with the natural soils, acid rain not only led to changes in total metal contents, but also in metal fraction distributions in the contaminated soils. More acidified soils had a lower sorption capacity to metals, mostly related to soil properties such as pH, organic matter, soil particles, adsorbed SO4 2−, exchangeable Al3+ and H+, and contents of Fe2O3 and Al2O3.  相似文献   

The atmospheric deposition of reactive nitrogen on turf grassland in Tsukuba, central Japan, was investigated from July 2003 to December 2004. The target components were ammonium, nitrate, and nitrite ions for wet deposition and gaseous ammonia, nitric and nitrous acids, and particulate ammonium, nitrate, and nitrite for dry deposition. Organic nitrogen was also evaluated by subtracting the amount of inorganic nitrogen from total nitrogen. A wet-only sampler and filter holders were used to collect precipitation and the atmospheric components, respectively. An inferential method was applied to calculate the dry deposition velocity of gases and particles, which involved the effects of surface wetness and ammonia volatilization through stomata on the dry deposition velocity. The mean fraction of the monthly wet to total deposition was different among chemical species; 37, 77, and 1% for ammoniacal, nitrate-, and nitrite-nitrogen, respectively. The annual deposition of inorganic nitrogen in 2004 was 47 and 48 mmol m−2 yr−1 for wet and dry deposition, respectively; 51% of atmospheric deposition was contributed by dry deposition. The annual wet deposition in 2004 was 20, 27, and 0.07 mmol m−2 yr−1, and the annual dry deposition in 2004 was 35, 7.4, and 5.4 mmol m−2 yr−1 for ammoniacal, nitrate-, and nitrite-nitrogen, respectively. Ammoniacal nitrogen was the most important reactive nitrogen because of its remarkable contribution to both wet and dry deposition. The median ratio of the organic nitrogen concentration to total nitrogen was 9.8, 17, and 15% for precipitation, gases, and particles, respectively.  相似文献   

Emissions of sulphur and oxidized nitrogen compounds in Europe have been reduced following a series of control measures during the last two decades. These changes have taken place during a period in which the primary gases and the wet deposition throughout Europe were extensively monitored. Since the end of the 1970s, for example land based sulphur emissions declined by between 90 and 70% depending on the region. Over the same period the total deposition of sulphur and its partitioning into wet and dry deposition have declined, but the spatial pattern in the reduction in deposition differs from that of emission and has changed with time. Such non-linearities in the emission-deposition relationship are important to understand as they complicate the process of assessing the effects of emission reduction strategies. Observed non-linearities in terrestrial sulphur emission-deposition patterns have been identified in north west Europe due to increases in marine emissions, and are currently slowing the recovery of freshwater ecosystems. Changes in the relative amounts of SO2 and NH3 in air over the last two decades have also changed the affinity of terrestrial surfaces for SO2 and have therefore changed the deposition velocity of SO2 over substantial areas. The consequence of this effect has been the very rapid reduction in ambient SO2 concentration in some of the major source areas of Europe, where NH3 did not change much. Interactions between the different pollutants, generating non-linearities are now being incorporated in long-range transport models to simulate the effects of historical emission trends and to provide projections into the future. This paper identifies non-linearities in emission deposition relationships for sulphur and nitrogen compounds in Europe using data from the EMEP long-rang transport model and measured concentration fields of the major ions in precipitation and of SO2 and NO2 in surface air.  相似文献   

The composition of saprotrophic soil fungi in the mor layerof a Calluna-dominated, Danish heathland wasinvestigated after two years of fertilization with ammoniumnitrate (0, 35, 50 and 70 kg N ha1- yr-1) using asoil washing technique. The most frequently isolated generafrom the soil particles plated were Penicillium, Trichoderma, Mortierella and Mucor. Eightspecies of Penicillium were identified and Penicillium spinulosum was the most frequently isolated.The occurrence of dark, sterile fungi on the soil particleswas low. There were no measurable changes in the specificcomposition of the saprotrophic soil fungal groups due tothe nitrogen treatments, beside from an increasedoccurrence of Absidia californica. I conclude that adirect impact on the composition of the saprotrophic fungiin heathland soil is unlikely under enhanced nitrogen input.  相似文献   

The biological mechanisms regulating methane emission fromnatural wetlands are the focus of this article. A novel techniqueprovides estimates of the distribution of CH4 sources withinan undisturbed soil profile by recording the transient gasdynamics after soil enclosure by deep (50 cm) chamber. Thecombined use of conventional surface and soil chambers across a200-m fen transect allowed us to relate the observed methaneemission to its instant generation and uptake. Surprisingly, themethane generation was relatively constant (9–12 mg CH4-C hr-1 m-2) and highly variable net emission (0.2–20 mg CH4-C hr-1 m-2) was closely correlated (r = –0.809)with methane uptake. In laboratory incubations, CH4 uptakefollowed Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Added chloride and nitrateirrespective of the cation's nature suppressed uptake as a strongnoncompetitive inhibitors (K i 0.5 mM). The methaneformation turned out to be unstable and under anaerobicincubation, the formation of CH4, CO2 andH2displayed sustained weekly oscillations. We conclude that effectsof environmental factors alone are not sufficient topredict the variation in emission, which depends also on metabolic control of respective soil organisms. The multitude ofsuch controls is dependent on diversity of respective soilorganisms and could be grouped into a limited number ofcategories considerably simplifying large-scale simulations.  相似文献   

Stable isotope (18O–H2O, 2H–H2O 34S–SO4 2-) andhydrochemical data (SO4 2-, Fe-concentrations) have beenused to estimate the annual groundwater inflow and outflow of mining lake ML 111 and to calculate the total amount of dissolvedsulfate and iron that is carried into the lake by groundwater. The hydrological balance suggests an annual groundwater inflow of 23 700 m3 and an annual groundwater outflow of 15 700 m3. The calculation of the sulfur and iron balances yielded an annual sulfate input of 37 800 kg and an annual iron input of 7000 kg with the groundwater inflow. Furthermore it was shown that significant fluxes of these elements go into the lake sediments which results in continuous release of acidity in the lake water.  相似文献   

500t/h污水处理场开车总结及几点建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韦国栋 《化工环保》1998,18(3):176-179
介绍了胜利石化总厂500t/h污水处理场的流程,总结了开车后遇到的问题、采取的措施及取得的效果,并结合本厂实际提出了改进意见。  相似文献   

Measurements of nitrogen dioxide, nitrous and nitric acids as well as ozone were made using newly developed instrumentation onboard the research vessel Aegeon in the Aegean Sea between 25th–29th July 2000. Typical nitrogen dioxide concentrations observed aboard the boat were 4–6 ppb (v/v) with a broad maximum of 20–30 ppb (v/v). Ozone concentrations typically ranged between 40 and 80 ppb (v/v). Mixing ratios of both nitric and nitrous acids in the ambient air of the Aegean Sea were mainly below 50 ppt (v/v). The data also showed a number of short pollution episodes with rapid changes in the concentration of reactive nitrogen compounds [nitrogen dioxide maximum up to 164 ppb (v/v), nitric acid maximum up to 12 ppb (v/v), nitrous acid maximum up to 2.7 ppb (v/v)] and ozone [maximum up to 88 ppb (v/v)]. These episodes were correlated with pollution plumes originating from boats upwind, at short distance, from the R/V Aegeon. The measurements revealed the importance of nitrous and nitric acids for the transport of nitrogen to marine biota in busy ship lanes.  相似文献   

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