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Solid or sludgy hydrocarbon waste is a by-product of oil and gas exploration and production. One commonly used method of disposing of this waste is landfarming. Landfarming involves spreading hydrocarbon waste on soils, tilling it into the soil, and allowing it to biodegrade. We used a dynamic flux chamber to measure fluxes of methane, a suite of 54 nonmethane hydrocarbons, and light alcohols from an active and a remediated landfarm in eastern Utah. Fluxes from the remediated landfarm were not different from a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) sheet or from undisturbed soils in the region. Fluxes of methane, total nonmethane hydrocarbons, and alcohols from the landfarm in active use were 1.41 (0.37, 4.19) (mean and 95% confidence limits), 197.90 (114.72, 370.46), and 4.17 (0.03, 15.89) mg m?2 hr?1, respectively. Hydrocarbon fluxes were dominated by alkanes, especially those with six or more carbons. A 2-ha landfarm with fluxes of the magnitude we observed in this study would emit 95.3 (54.3, 179.7) kg day?1 of total hydrocarbons, including 11.2 (4.3, 33.9) kg day?1 of BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes).

Implications: Solid and sludgy hydrocarbon waste from the oil and gas industry is often disposed of by landfarming, in which wastes are tilled into soil and allowed to decompose. We show that a land farm in Utah emitted a variety of organic compounds into the atmosphere, including hazardous air pollutants and compounds that form ozone. We calculate that a 2-ha landfarm facility would emit 95.0 ± 66.0 kg day?1 of total hydrocarbons, including 11.1 ± 1.5 kg day?1 of BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes).  相似文献   

P K Lau  A Koenig 《Chemosphere》2001,44(1):9-15
An attempt has been made to establish a mass balance of industrial organic solvents in Hong Kong. It is estimated that only a small portion, less than 4%, of all the organic solvents consumed in Hong Kong are collected as waste solvents and properly treated, while the remainder are used either in the formulation of solvent containing products, or are lost to the environment through vapour emissions, leaks and spills, or dumped illegally. It was found that solvent recycling has been a common practice in some industries but the existing level of solvent recycling in Hong Kong is difficult to estimate. About 87.4% of all the waste organic solvents disposed of at the licensed facilities are potentially recyclable although whether they can be recycled in practice depends on many factors. Examples of existing waste organic solvent management and recycling practices from selected industries in Hong Kong are presented. The economic feasibility of current and future potential recycling systems is evaluated for a few selected cases. An integrated waste organic solvent management strategy is proposed to minimize adverse impacts of organic solvents to the environment and human health.  相似文献   

对印刷用铝基材碱洗废液进行了循环利用研究。首先将高COD含量的碱洗废液进行除油脱色处理,通过石灰和硬脂酸的协同效应,使COD含量从26300mg/L降至480mg/L,色度降至60°;然后利用含铝碱性废液通过碳化法制备出结晶度66%的拟薄水铝石产品;最后对分离后的碱性废水按配方要求配制,对铝基材进行除油实验,经5次循环表明,除油效果和对铝基材的腐蚀率均100%达标。  相似文献   

医疗垃圾是一种具有急性生物危害性的危险废物。医疗垃圾高压蒸汽消毒法是一种以饱和蒸汽或过热蒸汽为工质的二次污染物少、简便有效、投资省、运行费用低的处理方法。本文以湖南省长沙市为例 ,选 13 2℃ ,2 0 0kPa的过热蒸汽为工质 ,设计了一种用于医疗垃圾集中处理的高压蒸汽消毒器 ,并对其运行过程作了详细分析  相似文献   

为了探究电子垃圾拆解区不同用地类型土壤重金属的空间分布特征及潜在生态风险,对广东某电子垃圾拆解区稻田、菜地、荒地和拆解地土壤重金属Cu、Zn、Cd和Pb的质量分数及形态空间分布特征进行了研究,并采用地累积指数法和潜在生态风险指数法分别评价重金属潜在的生态风险。结果表明,4种用地类型土壤的Cd质量分数全部超标,超标倍数为1.42~94.2倍,Cd是4种用地类型土壤潜在危害最大的重金属。拆解地土壤的4种重金属质量分数远远超过土壤环境质量标准限值,Cu、Zn、Cd和Pb质量分数分别为标准限值的8.79、1.38、27.6和6.20倍。各用地类型土壤的潜在生态风险指数介于165(荒地)~2 587(拆解地),拆解地土壤达到极强风险水平,其它用地类型土壤为中等风险水平。本研究结果可为电子垃圾拆解区土壤重金属污染防治与修复实践提供理论参考。  相似文献   

The time required to destroy 3 concentrations (10, 100, and 1000 ppm) of 9 formulated herbicides (alachlor, atrazine, bentazon, butylate, cyanazine, 2, 4-D, metolachlor, metribuzin, and trifluralin) and two formulated insecticides (carbofuran and malathion) by ultraviolet (UV)-ozonation (O3) was measured in a 66 UV lamp unit. The time required for 90% destruction was dependent on the concentration and increased as the concentration of pesticide increased. UV irradiation in the presence of ozone rapidly photooxidized all pesticides at 10 and 100 ppm and averaged 22 and 61 min, respectively. Longer times were required for pesticides at 1000 ppm.  相似文献   

The geochemical suitability of a deep bedrock repository for radioactive waste disposal is determined by the composition of geomatrix and groundwater. Both influence radionuclide solubility, chemical buffer capacity and radionuclide retention. They also determine the chemical compatibility of waste forms, containers and backfill materials. Evaluation of different groundwater-host rock systems is performed by modeling the geochemical environments and the resulting radionuclide concentrations. In order to demonstrate the evaluation method, model calculations are applied to data sets available for various geological formations such as granite, clay and rocksalt. The saturation state of the groundwater-geomatrix system is found to be fundamental for the evaluation process. Hence, calculations are performed to determine if groundwater is in equilibrium with mineral phases of the geological formation. In addition, corrosion of waste forms in different groundwater is examined by means of reaction path modeling. The corrosion reactions change the solution compositions and pH, resulting in significant changes of radionuclide solubilities. The results demonstrate that geochemical modeling of saturation state and compatibility of the host formation environment with the radioactive waste proves to be a feasible tool for evaluation of various sites considered as deep underground repositories.  相似文献   

Degradation of organophosphoric esters (OPEs) in leachate from a sea-based solid waste disposal site was investigated by laboratory experiment. Aryl-phosphates, tricresyl phosphate and triphenyl phosphate, in leachate rapidly decreased to less than the detection limit within 20 days under aerobic condition, suggesting high biodegradability. These phosphates also decreased in sterilized leachate, which suggested a contribution to degradation by reactions (adsorption and chemical degradation) with chemicals in the leachate. Concerning alkyl-phosphates, tributyl phosphate decreased rapidly after one week, which is considered to have been caused by biodegradation. Tris-2-ethylhexyl phosphate and tris-2-butoxyethyl phosphate decreased slowly in all samples but that of sterilized distilled water. This however, suggested contribution of biodegradation because the velocity of decrease in the leachate was higher than in control samples. Among chloro alkylphosphates, decrease of tris-2-chloroethyl phosphate and tris-dichloropropyl phosphate were observed though it was not obvious whether by biodegradation or not. Decrease of tris-2-chloropropyl phosphate (TCPP) was not observed for 80 days suggesting that TCPP remains in the leachate over a long period of time. Except for aryl-phosphates decrease of OPEs was not observed under anaerobic condition. It was considered that the composition ratio and the behavior of OPEs in leachate in the field reflects the biological and chemical degradation as well as the chemical properties of OPEs.  相似文献   

Hog concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) in North Carolina release ammonia (NH3), hydrogen sulfide, VOCs, and particulate matter to the atmosphere. These operations are located mainly in the NC coastal plain and can create potential health hazards for nearby human populations. Limited work has been performed to measure NH3 at the community level to assess potential human exposure. In an effort to address this issue, a study was designed to measure NH3 levels near hog CAFOs and community locations (i.e. homes and schools) in Eastern NC.NH3 was collected using passive diffusion tubes in triplicate exposed primarily in weekly intervals. Sampling occurred from October 2003 to May 2004 (20 sites) and from July 2004 to October 2004 (23 sites) at varying distances from hog CAFOs in close proximity to homes and schools. Average weekly NH3 levels were measured as mass (μg NH3-N) and converted to concentration (ppb). Mean level of 13.8 ppb near homes and schools (<2 km) was 4–12 times greater than ambient background levels (1–3 ppb), reaching as high as 80 ppb. Exposed sites (<2 km from a hog CAFO) had a mean level of 12.8 ppb which was over 2 times higher than the mean level of 5.5 ppb at less exposed sites (>2 km from a hog CAFO).The study establishes that passive sampling can be effectively used to measure average atmospheric ammonia levels at community locations near hog CAFOs in Eastern NC. The collected data indicate the relative exposure for human populations who live near a hog CAFO. The closer a populace is to the hog CAFO, the more intense the exposure. These results require more validation in the field by comparison to a reference method.  相似文献   

G Eduljee  K Badsha  L Price 《Chemosphere》1985,14(9):1371-1382
As part of a long-term environmental monitoring programme, PCBs and heavy metals have been determined on a monthly basis in soil and foliage samples collected from 13 sites, generally located within a 2 km radius of a hazardous and toxic waste disposal facility that has been operating for over ten years. Data are presented for a seven month period, from June 1984 to December 1984, and the results compared with normal worldwide background values given in the literature, and with some isolated U.K. samples. The comparison showed that no elevations indicative of industrial pollution had occurred. A statistical evaluation of the data indicated that there was no correlation suggestive of an airborne mode of transportation from a point source, with respect to distance from the plant or to the predominant wind vectors. The results confirm that the waste disposal facility has had no detrimental effect on the environment.  相似文献   

The geochemical suitability of a deep bedrock repository for radioactive waste disposal is determined by the composition of geomatrix and groundwater. Both influence radionuclide solubility, chemical buffer capacity and radionuclide retention. They also determine the chemical compatibility of waste forms, containers and backfill materials. Evaluation of different groundwater–host rock systems is performed by modeling the geochemical environments and the resulting radionuclide concentrations. In order to demonstrate the evaluation method, model calculations are applied to data sets available for various geological formations such as granite, clay and rocksalt.The saturation state of the groundwater–geomatrix system is found to be fundamental for the evaluation process. Hence, calculations are performed to determine if groundwater is in equilibrium with mineral phases of the geological formation. In addition, corrosion of waste forms in different groundwater is examined by means of reaction path modeling. The corrosion reactions change the solution compositions and pH, resulting in significant changes of radionuclide solubilities. The results demonstrate that geochemical modeling of saturation state and compatibility of the host formation environment with the radioactive waste proves to be a feasible tool for evaluation of various sites considered as deep underground repositories.  相似文献   

Eight terrestrial and four marine water samples were collected from the industrial section of the city of Kavala in northern Greece to determine the occurrence and distribution of organic contaminants, as well as to identify the molecular markers of different emission sources. The samples were analyzed by means of non-target screening analyses. The analytical procedure included a sequential extraction of the samples, GC-FID, GC/MS analyses, and additional quantitative analyses of selected pollutants. The results show a wide variety of compounds including halogenated compounds, technical additives and metabolites, phosphates, phthalates, benzothiazoles, etc. A close relationship between many of the contaminants and their emission sources was determined based on their molecular structures and information on technical applications.  相似文献   

Cutrofello M  Durant JL 《Chemosphere》2007,68(7):1365-1376
Halls Brook (eastern Massachusetts, USA) is a significant source of total dissolved ammonia (sum of NH(3) and NH(4)(+); (NH(3))(T)) to the Aberjona River, a water body listed for NH(3) impairment on the Clean Water Act section 303(d) list. We hypothesized (1) that (NH(3))(T) in Halls Brook derived from a hazardous waste site via groundwater discharging to a two-basin pond that feeds the brook; and (2) that transport of (NH(3))(T) to the Aberjona River was controlled by lacustrine and wetland processes. To test these hypotheses we measured (NH(3))(T) levels in the brook, the pond, and a wetlands directly downstream of the pond during both dry and wet weather over a ten month period. In addition, we analyzed sediment cores and nitrogen isotopes, and performed mass balance calculations. Groundwater discharge from beneath the hazardous waste site was the major source of (NH(3))(T) (20-67 kg d(-1)) and salinity to the north basin of the pond. The salty bottom waters of the north basin were anoxic on all sampling dates, and exhibited relatively stable (NH(3))(T) concentrations between 200 and 600 mg Nl(-1). These levels were >100-times higher than typical background levels, and 8-24-times above the acute effects level for (NH(3))(T) toxicity. Bottom waters from the north basin continuously spill over into the south basin contributing approximately 50% of the (NH(3))(T) load entering this basin. The remainder comes from Halls Brook, which receives (NH(3))(T) loadings from as yet unknown sources upstream. During storm events up to 50% of the mass of (NH(3))(T) was flushed from the south basin and into the wetlands. The wetlands acted as a (NH(3))(T) sink in dry weather in the growing season and a discharge-dependent (NH(3))(T) source to the Aberjona River during rainstorms.  相似文献   

研究了泥区废液回流对污水处理系统出水水质特性的影响,为污水再生与安全回用提供参考。通过模拟泥区废液回流SBR污水处理系统,分别对不同回流比出水的COD、UV2254、表观分子量分布以及三维荧光光谱特性进行检测分析。研究显示:虽然泥区废液回流污水处理系统一般不会引起处理系统出水COD的显著变化,但出水残留有机物的芳香性和...  相似文献   

Synthetic fuel is prepared to imitate municipal solid waste (MSW) in experimental studies of incineration processes. The fuel is composed based on the Environmental Protection Agency reports on the materials contained in MSW. Uniform synthetic fuel pellets are prepared using available and inexpensive components including newsprint, hardwood mulch, low density polyethylene, iron, animal feed, sand, and water to imitate paperbound, wood, yard trimming, plastic, metal, food wastes, and other materials in MSW. The synthetic fuel preparation procedure enables one to reproduce and modify the fuel for a wide range of experiments in which the mechanisms of waste incineration are addressed. The fuel is characterized using standard ASTM tests and it is shown that its parameters, such as combustion enthalpy, density, as well as moisture, ash and fixed carbon contents are adequate for the representation of municipal solid waste. In addition, chlorine, nitrogen, and sulfur contents of the fuel are shown to be similar to those of MSW. Experiments are conducted in which the synthetic fuel is used for operation of a pilot-scale incinerator research facility. Steady-state temperature operation regimes are achieved and reproduced in these experiments. Thermodynamic equilibrium flame conditions are computed using an isentropic one-dimensional equilibrium code for a wide range of fuel/air ratios. The molecular species used to represent the fuel composition included cellulose, water, iron, polyethylene, methanamine, and silica. The predicted concentrations of carbon monoxide, nitric oxides, and oxygen in the combustion products are compared with the respective experimental concentrations in the pilot-scale incinerator exhaust.  相似文献   

The disposal of hazardous waste is a very critical issue. It is associated with many risks. Efforts are made to minimise these by consistent legislation and by proper treatment of the waste. The goal of a hazardous waste disposal site, as described in this paper, is to ensure that hazardous waste is treated and disposed of in a way that does not harm human beings or the environment. To assure this it is necessary to observe the handling of the hazardous waste from its producer up to the disposal site, and to identify possible inherent risks.  相似文献   

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