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1985年9月~1986年8月我们对南充市郊鸟类进行了调查统计。调查线路从市北部嘉陵江江面起,西经河漫滩、一二级阶地、丘陵宽谷至丘顶,全长约7km。为期1年,分2段同时进行,时速2km,每周统计1次,记录左右视野内看到和听到的鸟类,并辅以望远镜观察。调查结果表明,23年后各生态带及整个统计区的鸟类发生了明显的变化,种类趋于减少。南充市郊区鸟类的变化统计为,鸟类110种,隶属12目31科。较23年前的121种,隶属12目32科,减少3科29种,新出现2科18种。  相似文献   

内蒙古和甘肃交界处的巴丹吉林沙漠,面积与欧洲小国比利时相当,这里的沙尘暴能一口气刮到首都北京。而治理荒漠需要巨大的资金投入,这又是令各级政府最头疼的事。一个叫柴在军的农家汉子,用17年时间在沙漠里打造了一个面积高达3万亩的绿色王国,如今这里林木茂盛、瓜果飘香,各种鸟类和野生动物随处可见,被誉为"荒漠中的桃花源"。他到底是一个什么样的"牛人"?  相似文献   

机场建设对鸟类的影响及机鸟相撞防范措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴娜伟  贾生元 《四川环境》2009,28(3):105-108
机鸟相撞,轻则鸟死机伤,重则机毁人亡,一直是困扰着各国航空飞行安全的重大问题。根据近几年在机场类建设项目环境影响评价中的工作经验,本文就机场鸟类保护与机场建设及避免机鸟相撞问题做一探讨,认为机场鸟类保护与避免机鸟相撞首先在机场建设时要认真做好区域鸟类资源调查,避开候鸟迁徙通道,掌握鸟类活动规律,在机场营运期应积极采取生态措施、工程措施及有效的管理等措施避免鸟类对飞机的威胁,确保飞行安全。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲外来入侵物种米草对滩涂鸟类的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年5,8,10月份分别对黄河三角洲米草分布区与非米草分布区的无棣岔尖、东营市五号桩、小清河口的鸟类作了调查,并辅以2000年黄河三角洲湿地鸟类调查资料,研究了米草入侵对鸟类的影响。结果表明:米草入侵已导致黄河三角洲调查区鸟类种数减少,多样性降低,群落组成和结构发生变化,主要原因是米草入侵使鸟类觅食、栖息生境减少或丧失。  相似文献   

正鸟类在维护生态平衡、保护植物方面起到了很大的作用。上海市金山区朱泾二小组织学生开展识鸟、观鸟、画鸟等生态文明教育系列实践活动,旨在引导学生树立生物多样性和生态文明观念,合理保护野鸟,维护生态环境,践行生态文明。活动一:如何识别及保护鸟类。2017年11月10日,上海市野生动植物保护  相似文献   

通过对安徽省寿县矿山生态环境现状的调查及统计分析得知,目前该县矿山在其开发利用过程中严重破坏了当地的生态环境,其中耕地、林地、草地及其它类型用地破坏面积分别约占总土地破坏面积的54%、19%、18%和9%。截止2004年,全县总体矿山生态环境恢复治理率仅为20.33%,明显低于六安市2005年矿山生态恢复总体规划实现治理率达25%的目标。当前寿县在矿山生态环境恢复治理工作中存在着恢复治理任务量分配不合理、管理执法不到位等问题,需加大生态恢复治理力度。  相似文献   

<正>为保证全国生物多样性观测工作的顺利进行,做好2017年全国鸟类观测工作,全国生物多样性观测项目总负责单位环保部南京环科所于4月在江苏省苏州市组织召开了"2017年生物多样性观测工作推进会"。环保部生态司领导、南京环科所项目组成员及新疆环科院等实施单位代表参会,共计150余人。会上项目组总结了2016年全国鸟类观测工作,实施单位分组讨论交流了鸟类观测现存问题、注意事项、经验等。  相似文献   

"解铃还须系铃人"。如果政府投资不足,治理滇池污染的确需要征收"生态保护费",那首当其冲的也应当是沿池污染企业和个人,甚至广而扩至所有的"本地人",岂能独独算计"到此一游"的外来客?  相似文献   

以迁安市矿山环境恢复治理保证金制度实施情况及效果的调查为基础,总结了迁安市的成功实践经验,强化全社会对资源环境问题的认识,健全矿山生态环境建设责任制,建立矿山生态环境保护与治理数据库,提高矿山环境治理的技术水平。  相似文献   

以美国历史上最严重的石油污染环境事件———墨西哥湾溢油事件为例,分析研究了事故发生的过程、应急处置措施、对生态的影响、以及事故发生十年后的长期影响和补偿措施。研究结果表明,墨西哥湾溢油事件对整个墨西哥湾北部地区的鱼类、鸟类、底栖生物、珍稀濒危生物等均造成了生物生理、生态层面的长期影响,在采取多项补偿措施后,影响得到削减,但无法完全消除。  相似文献   

当今世界人们最为关注的问题之一是生物多样性的保护,任何一种物种的消亡都是对我们这个世界的一种巨大损失.为保护世界极旱荒漠区的新疆罗布泊野骆驼,在国家环保总局的支持和全球环境基金会、联合国环境规划署、野骆驼保护基金会等国际组织的资助下,新疆政府成立了罗布泊自然保护区.但是由于人为活动因素和大气候环境的变化,该区域生存的野骆驼等野生动物栖息地环境也发生了不利的变化,为了改善野骆驼的饮水和觅食环境,保护区采取了打井等多种管理措施.对保护区目前野骆驼生存环境的变化进行剖析,并介绍生态恢复措施等.  相似文献   

北戴河及相邻地区的鸟类种数繁多,约有409种,其中属国家一类保护鸟类的有12种,二类保护鸟类的有49种。分析其原因,一是北戴河位于中国东部候鸟迁徙的停歇地;二是生境复杂多样,环境质量优良。为保护鸟类及其生境,应制定并实施相应的地方法规和经济技术政策,建立并完善自然保护区,开展宣传教育,动员公众参与。  相似文献   

Oil production operations produce waste fluids that may be stored in pits, open tanks, and other sites accessible to wildlife. Birds visit these fluid-filled pits and tanks (“oil pits”), which often resemble water sources, and may become trapped and die. The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has a program to reduce these impacts by locating problem pits, documenting mortality of protected wildlife species, and seeking cleanup or corrective action at problem pits with the help of state and federal agencies regulating the oil industry. Species identification and verification of protected status for birds recovered from oil pits are performed at the USFWS National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory. From 1992 to 2005, a minimum of 2060 individual birds were identified from remains recovered from oil pits, representing 172 species from 44 families. The taxonomic and ecological diversity of these birds indicates that oil pits pose a threat to virtually all species of birds that encounter them. Ninety-two percent of identified bird remains belonged to protected species. Most remains identified at the Forensics Laboratory were from passerines, particularly ground-foraging species. Based on Forensics Laboratory and USFWS field data, oil pits currently cause the deaths of 500,000–1 million birds per year. Although law enforcement and industry efforts have produced genuine progress on this issue, oil pits remain a significant source of mortality for birds in the United States.  相似文献   

We followed selection guidelines commonly used by management agencies to select mountain quail (Oreortyx pictus) as an indicator species for an ecological guild of birds. We then evaluated the ability of mountain quail to indicate the presence of other species from the guild and to index the quality of the habitat for other species. The ability of quail to indicate the presence of species from the ecological guild varied widely within and among vegetation types. Species compositions of the ecological guild were more consistent in comparisons of sites within vegetation types than they were in comparisons of sites between vegetation types. Mountain quail habitat was significantly different from the habitats of sympatric species from the guild for 14 of 15 multivariate contrasts. We suggest that managers use indicator species with caution. If indicators are used, they should be applied to guilds composed of species that closely share ecological affinities. The habitat of the indicator species should overlap extensively with those of all other guild members. The use of indicators should be restricted to very similar sites within the same general vegetation type.  相似文献   

Power line rights-of-way provide a major portion of the shrub habitat in New York. Since this habitat type is on the decline, many of the birds dependent on shrub habitat are also declining. The methods used to control right-of-way vegetation could therefore have serious impacts on several birds of conservation concern. Since New York is increasingly using selective herbicide treatments in vegetation management, we sought to investigate the potential impacts of these treatments on nesting birds. The study looked at plots in two adjacent rights-of-way before and after a selective herbicide treatment in one of the rights-of-way. We investigated three bird species: alder flycatcher (Empidonax alnorum), chestnut-sided warbler (Dendroica pensylvanica), and gray catbird (Dumetella carolinensis). All three species exhibited a preference for shrub vegetation around nest sites. The selective herbicide treatment did not significantly decrease that shrub vegetation, and neither the density nor the nesting success of the three species declined following the treatment. We conclude that selective herbicide vegetation management encourages the development of shrub habitat without negatively impacting the birds nesting in the habitat.  相似文献   

江苏盐城沿海有我国至今仍保存较为完好的滩涂原生生态系统,栖息着330余种鸟兽资源,其中被列为我国重点保护的种类达57种之多;然而,如何保护、发展和合理利用野生动物资源,力争做到既能维持生态平衡,又能促进经济发展,是我们今天所面临的新课题。本文对盐城沿海珍稀动物保护与经济发展的关系进行了探讨。  相似文献   

/ Tidal marshes have been actively restored in Connecticut for nearly 20 years, but evaluations of these projects are typically based solely on observations of vegetation change. A formerly impounded valley marsh at the Barn Island Wildlife Management Area is a notable exception; previous research at this site has also included assessments of primary productivity, macroinvertebrates, and use by fishes. To determine the effects of marsh restoration on higher trophic levels, we monitored bird use at five sites within the Barn Island complex, including both restoration and reference marshes. Use by summer bird populations within fixed plots was monitored over two years at all sites. Our principal focus was Impoundment One, a previously impounded valley marsh reopened to full tidal exchange in 1982. This restoration site supported a greater abundance of wetland birds than our other sites, indicating that it is at least equivalent to reference marshes within the same system for this ecological function. Moreover, the species richness of birds and their frequency of occurrence at Impoundment One was greater than at 11 other estuarine marshes in southeastern Connecticut surveyed in a related investigation. A second marsh, under restoration for approximately ten years, appears to be developing in a similar fashion. These results complement previous studies on vegetation, macroinvertebrates, and fish use in this system to show that, over time, the reintroduction of tidal flooding can effectively restore important ecological functions to previously impounded tidal marshes.KEY WORDS: Estuarine; Tidal marsh; Wetland birds; Restoration  相似文献   

This paper develops a comprehensive and objective picture of bird distributions relative to habitats across Britain. Bird species presence/absence data from an extensive field survey and habitat data from the remotely sensed UK Land Cover Map 2000 were analysed in 36,920 tetrads (2 kmx2 km) across Britain (a 65% sample of Britain's c. 240,000 km2). Cluster analysis linked birds to generalised landscapes based on distinctive habitat assemblages. Maps of the clusters showed strong regional patterns associated with the habitat assemblages. Cluster centroid coordinates for each bird species and each habitat were combined across clusters to derive individualised bird-habitat preference indices and examine the importance of individual habitats for each bird species. Even rare species and scarce habitats showed successful linkages. Results were assessed against published accounts of bird-habitat relations. Objective corroboration strongly supported the associations. Relatively scarce coastal and wetland habitats proved particularly important for many birds. However, extensive arable farmland and woodland habitats were also favoured by many species, despite reported declines in bird numbers in these habitats. The fact that habitat-specialists do not or cannot move habitat is perhaps a reason for declining numbers where habitats have become unsuitable. This study showed that there are unifying principles determining bird-habitat relations which apply and can be quantified at the national scale, and which corroborate and complement the cumulative knowledge of many and varied surveys and ecological studies. This 'generality' suggests that we may be able, reliably and objectively, to integrate and scale up such disparate studies to the national scale, using this generalised framework. It also suggests the potential for a landscape ecology approach to bird-habitat analyses. Such developments will be important steps in building models to develop and test the sustainable management of landscapes for birds.  相似文献   

Reestablishing Naturally Functioning Dunes on Developed Coasts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Common beach management practices reduce the ecological values of coastal dunes. Mechanical beach cleaning eliminates incipient dunes, habitat for nesting birds, seed sources for pioneer dune colonizers and food for fauna, and artificially small, stabilized foredunes reduce the variability in microenvironments necessary for biodiversity. Recent initiatives for reducing coastal hazards, protecting nesting birds, and encouraging nature-based tourism provide incentive for the development of a restoration program for beaches and dunes that is compatible with human use. Suggested changes in management practice include restricting or rerouting pedestrian traffic, altering beach-cleaning procedures, using symbolic fences to allow for aeolian transport while preventing trampling of dunes, and eliminating or severely restricting exotic species. Landforms will be more natural in function and appearance but will be more dynamic, smaller and in a different position from those in natural areas. Research needs are specified for ecological, geomorphological, and attitudinal studies to support and inform restoration planning.  相似文献   

田丽  庞锐锋 《资源开发与市场》2008,24(2):160-161,164
2006年12月、2007年1—4月对湛江市寸金公园的鸟类资源状况进行了初步的研究,共记录到鸟类16种,隶属4目10科。其中,雀形目鸟类最多,共7科11种,约占总数的69%;其次为佛法僧目1科2种,约占总数的12.5%;鸡形目和鹃形目各1科1种,约占总数的6.25%。其中有国家Ⅱ级保护鸟类1种,占总数的6.25%。此外,属国家林业局发布的"国家重点保护的有益、有经济价值或有科学研究价值的动物"的鸟类7种,占总数的43.75%;被纳入省级重点保护鸟类的有2种,占总数12.6%;被纳入中澳候鸟协定鸟类的有1种,占总数的6.25%。  相似文献   

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