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In polygynous mammals, high-quality females may increase their fitness by providing superior care to their offspring. Based on the agonistic interactions of female reindeer in an experimental herd during two consecutive years (1997 and 1998), we tested whether maternal social rank influenced: (1) winter body-mass change of females, (2) preparturition reproductive effort (measured as fecundity, the birth mass and the birth date of their calves), (3) preweaning maternal effort (measured as calves preweaning mortality, early preweaning and late preweaning growth rate and September body mass of calves), and (4) postweaning maternal effort (measured as calves body-mass change during their first winter). In the models, we included September females body mass as a covariate to separate the effects of maternal rank and body mass. We also tested whether the effect of social rank on maternal efforts was dependent on offspring sex. High-ranked females gained body mass whereas low-ranked females lost weight during the winter. Fecundity was higher and date of birth was earlier in high-ranked females than in subordinates, whereas no effect of females rank on birth mass of calves was found. Early preweaning growth rate and September body mass of calves increased with increasing females social rank, whereas late preweaning daily growth rate of calves was not influenced by females rank. Calves preweaning mortality was only influenced by year, which also explained most of the variance in the winter body-mass change of calves. The effects of females rank on the reproductive-efforts parameters studied were not specific to offspring sex. These findings suggest that females rank influences reproductive effort during the preparturition, as well as the preweaning, period, the effect being sex independent.Communicated by R. Gibson  相似文献   

The quantity and particle size characteristics of lead in dust released during three different paint removal techniques was determined under controlled conditions and in situ in a dwelling. Air-lead and deposited dust-lead levels were highest after sanding but burning-off and hot-air removal methods also produced significant contamination. The importance of dust particle-size and lead is discussed in relation to the potential hazard to home renovators via inhalation and to children via the hand-to-mouth route.This paper is also being published in Proceedings of the Conference on Lead in the Home Environment and is one of several selected from SEGH sponsored conferences for simultaneous publication in this journal.  相似文献   

Behavioral precursors of 12 divorces were examined in 30 color-banded pairs of common murres (Uria aalge) over six breeding seasons. Common murres are long-lived seabirds that typically return each year to the same mate and nest site in dense colonies. At least one parent is present continuously from egg lay to chick fledging. Murres, therefore, have considerable opportunities to compare their mates parental behavior with that of several familiar neighbors. Previous reproductive success was lower for divorcing birds than for reuniting pairs. As predicted by the better option hypothesis, there were clear choosers (seven females and five males) that initiated divorce by moving to a new birds site or by courting a new partner at their current site. Choosers improved their reproductive success after the divorce, whereas their previous partners, the victims did not. Yearly divorce rates (average 8.2% per year) were significantly correlated with yearly mortality rates. Divorces appear to be opportunistic: pairs divorced after varying numbers of reproductive failures with the immediate precursor usually being the disappearance (death) of a murre from a successful neighboring site. In contrast to the delays experienced by victims, choosers formed new pairs quickly and laid their eggs no later than reuniting pairs. Prior to the divorce, victims fed their chicks less often than choosers, and some engaged in other behaviors that compromised egg or chick survival. These observations suggest that deficiencies in parental behavior were precursors to the divorce. This report is one of the first cases where reproductive failure of divorcing pairs has been linked to deficits in the parental behavior of the subsequent divorce victim.Communicated by C. Brown  相似文献   

In East Africa, spotted hyenas live in large clans in a highly structured society dominated by females. A clan is a fission-fusion society where members are often solitary or in small groups. Spotted hyenas have a ritualized greeting during which two individuals stand parallel and face in opposite directions. Both individuals usually lift their hind leg and sniff or lick the anogenital region of the other. The unique aspect of greetings between individuals is the prominent role of the erect penis in animals of both sex. Female spotted hyenas have fused outer labiae and a pseudo-penis formed by the clitoris which closely resembles the male penis and can be erected. During greetings subordinates signalled submission with gestures which were not necessarily reciprocated by the dominant participant. Asymmetries were most pronounced in greetings between adult females where the probability of asymmetries increased with the divergence in rank between partners. Greetings between adult females and males were uncommon and restricted to males above median rank, principally the alpha male. Models of primate affiliative behavior assume that benefits derived from social relationships with different individuals are not equal and that individuals are selected to maximize the benefits they receive from social relationships with others. The observed distribution of greetings between partners of different rank matched the predictions of these models. An examination of non-adaptive hypotheses on the evolution of the pseudo-penis demonstrated that the conventional scenario linking (initial) virilization of female genitalia with selection for female dominance does not explain either the initial virilization, nor the evolution of the pseudo-penis to its current form and use. We sketch a new scenario that links (1) initial virilization to the occurrence of neonatal siblicide amongst members of a twin litter, and (2) costs of maintenance, pseudo-penile control over copulation and male submission. Our analysis confirms previous adaptive hypotheses on the function of the pseudo-penis in greetings and suggests new hypotheses to account for hitherto unexplained features. Correspondence to: M.L. East  相似文献   

Free-ranging adult male baboons give loud two-syllable wahoo calls during dawn choruses, interactions between groups, when chasing females, and in aggressive interactions with other males. Previous research has shown that the rate and duration of these contest wahoos are correlated with a males competitive ability: high-ranking males call more often, call at faster rates, and call for longer bouts than do low-ranking males. Here we report that acoustic features of wahoos also reveal information about male competitive ability. High-ranking males give wahoos with higher fundamental frequencies (F0) and longer hoo syllables. Within-subject analyses revealed that, as males fall in rank, the hoo syllables tend to shorten within a period of months. As males age and continue to fall in rank, F0 declines, hoo syllables shorten, and formant dispersion decreases. Independent of age and rank, within bouts of calling F0 declines and hoo syllables become shorter. Because wahoos are often given while males are running or leaping through trees, variation in these acoustic features may function as an indicator of a males stamina. The acoustic features of contest wahoos thus potentially allow listeners to assess a males competitive ability.Communicated by C. Nunn  相似文献   

In a recent review, Westneat and Stewart (2003) compiled evidence that extra-pair paternity results from a three-player interaction in which sexual conflict is a potent force. Sequentially polyandrous species of birds appear to fit this idea well. Earlier breeding males may attempt to use sperm storage by females to obtain paternity in their mates subsequent clutches. Later-breeding males may consequently attempt to avoid sperm competition by preferring to pair with previously unmated females. Females may bias events one way or the other. We examined the applicability of these hypotheses by studying mating behavior and paternity in red-necked phalaropes (Phalaropus lobatus), a sex-role reversed, socially polyandrous shorebird. Male red-necked phalaropes guarded mates more strongly than other shorebirds. Males increased within-pair copulation attempts during their mates fertile period, and maintained or further increased attempts towards the end of laying, suggesting an attempt to fertilize the females next clutch; these attempts were usually thwarted by the female. Paired males sought extra-pair copulations with females about to re-enter the breeding pool. Multilocus DNA fingerprinting showed that 6% of clutches (4/63) each contained one chick sired by a male other than the incubator, producing a population rate of these events of 1.7% (n=226 chicks). Male mates had full paternity in all first clutches (n=25) and 15 of 16 monogamous replacement clutches. In contrast, 3 of 6 clutches of second males contained extra-pair young likely fathered by the females previous mate. Previously mated female phalaropes may employ counter-strategies that prevent later mating males from discriminating against them. The stability of this polyandrous system, in which males provide all parental care, ultimately may depend on females providing males with eggs containing primarily genes of the incubating male, and not a previous mate.Communicated by M. Webster  相似文献   

Summary Dwarf mongooses in the Taru desert region of Kenya form foraging communities with a variety of endemic bird species, especially hornbills. The prey spectra of the mongooses and hornbills overlap almost completely. For the other bird species forming the foraging community only partial overlap exists. The association between the birds and mongooses is actively sought by both parties. The birds wait in tress around the termite mound where the monogooses are sleeping for them to emerge and the mongooses delay their foraging departure if no birds are present. There is a positive relationship between the number of mongooses in the group and the number of birds accompanying them. A true mutualism only exists between the mongooses and the two hornbill species Tockus deckeni and T. flavirostris since their presence or arrival affects the subsequent start of foraging. These two hornbill species have also been observed to influence the start of foraging actively by means of two behaviour patterns termed chivvying and waking. Both the mongooses and birds are exposed to a high predator pressure from raptors with an overlap in the birds of prey predating the various species. This predator pressure is counteracted behaviourally by the mongooses by means of an altruistic behaviour pattern, guarding. Both mongooses and birds warn vocally and flee when a raptor is sighted. The mongooses modify their guarding behaviour to compensate for the warning behaviour of the birds in two ways: (a) fewer mongooses guard when large numbers of birds are present and vice versa, (b) the frequency of the mongooses' intraspecific warning calls is significantly reduced in cases where birds are present in comparison with those where they are absent. The birds also sight and respond to the raptor first on significantly more occasions than the mongooses. In addition, the birds also warn for raptor species which do not predate them but which are mongoose predators, not, however, for raptors which are not mongoose predators. This mutualistic association with its high degree of compensatory behaviour by both parties appears to be unique for free-living vertebrates and has its closest parallel in the trophobiosis described for ants and aphids.  相似文献   

Summary We describe an experiment designed to investigate the trade-off between foraging and territorial vigilance in the Great Tit. Captive territorial male Great Tits were observed while foraging in a large indoor aviary. They obtained food from two operant patches in which the supply of food was gradually depleted during a visit. We predicted that during control sessions the birds would switch between patches in such a way as to maximise their overall feeding rate. In experimental sessions, we introduced briefly a rival male as an intruder at the start of the test. The foraging male could see the rival only when travelling between patches and not while feeding within patches. We predicted that during experimental sessions birds would switch between patches more often than in control tests, sacrificing food intake for territorial vigilance. Three of the four males tested behaved in approximately the predicted manner. We discuss the use of an inverse optimality argument to provide a calibration of feeding against the benefit resulting from territorial vigilance.  相似文献   

Summary The prisoner's dilemma of game theory provides a possible explanation for communal breeding in the pukeko (Porphyrio porphyrio, Aves) where group breeding birds are at a reproductive disavantag compared to pairs. Territorial defence is largely the realm of males. A male who defect on neighbours by taking in an extra male defender and so becoming communal stands to gain territorial area and possibly higher reproductive success. Neighbours are forced to follow suit if additional males are available or lose their territory and therefore their breeding opportunities. If neighbours also admit an extra defender, the initial defector loses his advantages and all males end up with the lower breeding success of communal groups. Such defection to a communal habit appears to be the only stable solution.  相似文献   

Cooperation in animal social groups may be limited by the threat of free riding, the potential for individuals to reap the benefits of other individuals actions without paying their share of the costs. Here we investigate the factors that influence individual contributions to group-level benefits by studying individual participation in territorial defense among female ringtailed lemurs (Lemur catta). To control for potentially confounding factors, particularly group size, we studied two semi-free-ranging groups at the Duke University Primate Center. First, we used a combination of experimental and observational methods to investigate the costs and benefits of territorial defense for individual lemurs. We found three indications of costs: physical contact occurred during inter-group encounters, participation in territorial defense was negatively correlated with ambient temperature, and rates of self-directed behaviors increased during encounters. Benefits were more difficult to quantify, but observational and experimental tests suggested that individuals shared the gains of territorial defense by foraging in defended territories. Thus, during experiments in which one of the groups was prevented from defending its territory, the free-ranging group made more frequent incursions into the other groups territory. Second, we examined variation in participation in territorial defense. Individuals varied significantly in their rates of aggression and genital marking during inter-group encounters. The extensive variation documented among individuals was partially accounted for by dominance rank, kinship and patterns of parental care. However, we found no evidence to suggest that participation was enforced through punishment (policing) or exchange of benefits involving grooming. In conclusion, this study provides further insights into cooperative behavior in mammalian social groups by revealing how the costs and benefits of territoriality influence patterns of individual participation in the context of shared (collective) goods.Communicated by P. Kappeler  相似文献   

Summary Nonmigratory populations of Whitecrowned Sparrows in coastal California exhibit dialects in territorial male songs that are stable in space and time. By field playback experiments, we tested a prediction from the hypothesis that male aggressive interactions prohibit mixing of song dialects. Playback of the home dialect Clear song to territorial males singing the Clear dialect resulted in less response than that given to playback of the neighboring Buzzy dialect. Response to both Buzzy and Clear dialect songs by target Clear males, however, was greater than that given to the Bodega dialect recorded 55 km away (Figs. 2 and 3). We conclude that these results are consistent with the hypothesis that male-male aggressive interactions play an important role in reducing dialect mixing.  相似文献   

When a colony becomes queenless and without the possibility of requeening, honeybee workers initiate reproduction and lay male eggs about a week later. Assays in which two bees were confined in a small arena revealed that they establish a reproductive dominance hierarchy, i.e., one worker demonstrates greater ovarian development than her paired bee. Reproductive dominance is independent of relatedness, and can be established between full sisters, cousins, or random nestmates. A social environment, however, is obligatory, as singly housed bees fail to develop ovaries on the same time scale. Allowing varying degrees of social interactions between the paired bees revealed that olfaction of volatile bee compounds, as well as tactile communication, seem to provide the necessary social environment. Ovarian development was accompanied by the production of queen-like Dufours gland secretion in these workers. Especially notable was the increase in the queen-like esters. This increase was tightly linked to ovarian development and not necessarily to the dominance status of the bees in the pair. Thus, the occurrence of queen-like esters can serve as a reliable fertility signal. Advertising ovarian status may recruit helper workers with less developed ovaries (and which are less likely to successfully reproduce before colony breakdown) to assist their nestmates and thereby gain inclusive fitness. Revealing the role of Dufours gland secretion as a fertility signal adds another dimension to our understanding of how queen pheromones operate. The mandibular-gland secretion is a good predictor of dominance hierarchy, being correlated with false-queen characteristics but not fertility, whereas Dufours gland secretion is a good predictor of fertility but not dominance hierarchy.Communicated by R.F.A. Moritz  相似文献   

Summary We examine the necessary conditions for the spread of genes that determine selfish and cheating behaviors and the rate of spread of these genes through structured populations, in order to address the question of the invadability of altruistic systems by anti-social mutations. We find that, although cheaters always have a higher relative fitness than altruists within groups, population structures which permit the evolution of altruism also preclude invasion by anti-social mutations. These results are related to a discussion by Hamilton (1971) concerning the limits to the evolution of altruistic and selfish behaviors.  相似文献   

We present a simple model of within-group leveling coalitions among male primates. The model assumes that the value of the coalition is the sum of the payoffs of its members, that the individuals payoff is monotonically decreasing with its rank and that coalitions do not cause rank changes. It predicts that mainly mid- to low rankers engage in leveling coalitions, and that most coalition partners are of adjacent ranks. These predictions agree reasonably well with observations in nature. The model also makes the novel predictions that leveling coalitions are found where male mating competition has only a moderate contest component, and that male dominance ranks will become poorly differentiated where leveling coalitions are frequent. Both these predictions are consistent with observations on groups of macaques and baboons. The model also may account for leveling coalitions among egalitarian human foragers, without making additional assumptions about special human capabilities.
Carel P. van SchaikEmail:

Summary We tested the hypothesis that song attracts females and repels males in the European starling. We broadcast recorded song from speakers attached to nestboxes, while paired boxes with silent speakers served as controls. As predicted, females were attracted to the song boxes. Contrary to prediction, males were also attracted to the `song' boxes. Singing by male starlings may be costly because it attracts competitors for limited nesting sites, but the cost cannot be avoided due to the need to attract a mate. In a second experiment simple song (composed of 20 different phrase types) and complex song (40 phrase types) were played simultaneously. More males were captured at boxes where simple song was played. Song complexity may function as an indicator of male quality and be used by male starlings to assess potential competitors.  相似文献   

Summary It has been proposed that both acoustic and non-acoustic factors could explain the dawn peak of territorial advertisement in birds. The coot is a territorial waterbird which does not use vocal advertisement either to attract mates or defend territory boundaries. In spite of the absence of acoustic factors affecting the time budgeting of advertisement, this species shows a dawn peak of display and aggressive behaviours. This trend occurs both in the presence and absence of non-territorial prospecting birds, but the trends are quantitatively different in these two cases (Fig. 1). Males participate in display and fighting more often than females, probably because of their greater size and effectiveness in defence. This asymmetry in defence abilities governs the time budgeting of incubation, the male tending to take time off the nest when territorial defence is most necessary (Fig. 2).  相似文献   

Despite common stereotypes, males are not always indiscriminate and eager when it comes to mating. In the parasitoid wasp Spalangia endius, the initial response of males to females was almost always one of apparent excitement; however, this was followed by a clear preference for virgin females over mated females in both no-choice and choice situations. The no-choice data were collected from videotapes of male-female pairs of all possible combinations of mated and virgin individuals. Neither female nor male mating status had a significant effect on likelihood of, or time until, contact or male courtship fanning. However, a males first retreat was sooner when the female was mated than when she was virgin; mated males exhibited their first retreat sooner than did virgin males; and mated females were less likely to be mounted than were virgin females. In addition to the videotapes, male-choice experiments were performed. When given a choice of a virgin and a mated female, both virgin and mated males were more likely to mount and copulate with the virgin. The difference in response to virgin versus mated females seemed to be less in virgin males than in mated males, perhaps due to virgin males greater eagerness to mate: when a virgin male and a mated male were presented with a dead virgin female, the virgin male was usually the first to respond to the female. That males preferentially retreated from and avoided mounting mated females appears to be adaptive given that mated females rarely copulated.Communicated by N. Wedell  相似文献   

The efficiency of the van Veen and Foerst Petersen grabs used in sampling the bottom fauna near the Cochin Harbour area has been compared in two selected stations having different hydrographic and substratic conditions. The results indicate that the heavier grab is generally more efficient than a lighter one, especially when the substratum is sandy. An examination of the quantity of the sediment and the total number of species brought by the two grabs showed that the design of the van Veen is superior to the Petersen type grab used in the present study. However, due to the highly patchy distribution of the organisms the superiority of the van Veen was less evident when a comparison was made of the total number of animals sampled by the two grabs. When the distribution is bunched it is suggested that samples are drawn, as far as possible, from the same sampling position. The grabs should also be of the same weight and biting area.  相似文献   

The present project aims to investigate aluminium (Al) and fluoride (F) contents in teas (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze). Three different commercial tea varieties: Assam variety and two China sub-varieties, a large leafed variety and small leafed variety, were collected in two tea gardens of Lantau Island tea plantation of Hong Kong. In general, high concentrations of Al and F were accumulated in the mature leaves (15.3 and of 2.07 g kg–1 respectively). Among the three varieties, the small leafed variety exhibited the highest Al and F contents followed by the large leafed variety whereas the Assam variety had the lowest Al and F concentrations in its tea bushes. Tea products from a plantation were also analysed and it was noted that black tea had higher Al and F concentrations than green tea. The amount of Al and F released into tea liquor was also tested and the results showed that higher concentrations of Al and F were released into tea liquor under repeated infusion method than continuous infusion method.  相似文献   

The concentration of sulphate on limestone surfaces of the external walls of churches in Malta is shown to be related to their position and distance from a power station, the main local point source of sulphur dioxide pollution. Limestone powder collected from these surfaces was examined for the presence of particles which, under low-power optical microscopy, appear as shiny black amorphous bodies which were interpreted as soot particles; the abundance of these bodies was expressed as a black particle count (BPC). The degree of sulphation and BPC were shown to be correlated with each other and both appeared to be strongly dependent on the prevailing wind. The BPC contour map indicated an important contribution to the parameter from vehicular traffic. It is suggested that the degree of sulphation and BPC of limestone surfaces from the built environment should function as environmental indicators of the relative air quality with respect to SO2 and soot pollution. This data is possibly more accurately representative of the relative long-term air-quality status of different areas of habitation than that deduced from single or episodic measurements of atmospheric pollutant levels.  相似文献   

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