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The presence of fetal cells in the maternal circulation during pregnancy has been suggested by repeated observations of small numbers of cells containing Y chromatin or a Y chromosome in the blood of pregnant women. With the fluorescence-activitated cell sorter (FACS), we have used antibodies to a paternal cell surface (HLA) antigen, not present in the mother, to select fetal cells from the lymphocyte fractions of a series of maternal blood samples, collected as early as 15 weeks of gestation. These sorted cells have been examined for a second paternal genetic marker, Y chromatin. Y chromatin-containing cells were found among the sorted cells from prenatal maternal blood specimens in 8 pregnancies subsequently producing male infants whose lymphocytes reacted with the same antibodies to paternal antigen used for sorting with the FACS. In each of 17 pregnancies resulting in male infants who failed to inherit the antigen detected by the antibodies used for cell sorting, Y chromatin-containing cells were not found prenatally. The use of two paternal genetic markers, a cell surface antigen and nuclear Y chromatin, to identify fetal cells in maternal blood permits us to conclude that these cells are present in the mother's circulation, as early as 15 weeks gestation. Further development of the techniques reported here could lead to widespread screening of maternal blood samples during pregnancy for detection of fetal genetic abnormalities.  相似文献   

The birth prevalence of each common autosomal trisomy (21, 18 and 13) increases with advancing maternal age and this is the most important epidemiological risk factor. Prevalence during pregnancy is also dependent on gestational age. Other factors claimed to influence prevalence include paternal age, ethnicity, family history, premature reproductive aging, parity, twinning, smoking, environmental exposures, maternal medical conditions, and predispositions. We review the evidence for these associations since they may provide insights into causal mechanisms. When investigating potential co-factors it is important to adequately allow for maternal age and minimize its confounding contribution. This is well illustrated by reports of an inverse paternal age effect where there is strong correlation between parental ages. Gestational age at diagnosis, availability of prenatal screening, diagnostic testing, and elective termination of affected pregnancies and healthcare disparities also confound the studies on ethnicity, medical conditions, and predispositions or environmental factors. Data from twin zygosity studies demonstrate the importance of differences in fetal viability for affected pregnancies. We conclude that existing epidemiological evidence for most of the co-factors discussed should currently be considered tenuous; history of Down syndrome, albeit biased, may be an exception. The co-factors may yet provide clues to hitherto poorly understood causal pathways.  相似文献   

Different types of fetal nucleated cells can be found in maternal blood, providing the possibility of non-invasive prenatal diagnosis. For this purpose, we have studied fetal erythroblasts. We discovered that haemoglobin-containing cells treated with 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate (BPG) can be visualized by a peroxidase reaction, which at the same time visualizes an in situ hybridization (ISH) signal, specific for the X, Y or 21 chromosome. In order to prove that the BPG-positive cells were erythroid, an anti-glycophorin A (GPA) antiserum combined with a staphylococcal rosette technique was used. To enrich for erythroblasts, leukocytes were depleted from maternal blood by treatment with anti-CD45 monoclonal antibody and passage over an anti-mouse IgG-coated glass bead column. To evaluate the potential of the method for clinical use, we studied maternal blood samples from 18 women referred to us for prenatal diagnosis between 6 and 19 weeks of gestation. Erythroblasts were found in 13 out of 14 normal pregnancies. Erythroblasts with a Y-signal were found as early as 9 weeks of gestation, but at 6 weeks the Y-signal was seen in BPG-negative cells only. These cells showed an epithelioid morphology indicating that they were cytotrophoblasts. The BPG-ISH method provides a simple technique for identifying erythroblasts and simultaneously visualizing a desired probe.  相似文献   

The Afro-Arabian Paleogene fossil record of Chiroptera is very poor. In North Africa and Arabia, this record is limited, thus far, to a few localities mainly in Tunisia (Chambi, late early Eocene), Egypt (Fayum, late Eocene to early Oligocene), and Sultanate of Oman (Taqah, early Oligocene). It consists primarily of isolated teeth or mandible fragments. Interestingly, these African fossil bats document two modern groups (Vespertilionoidea and Rhinolophoidea) from the early Eocene, while the bat fossil record of the same epoch of North America, Eurasia, and Australia principally includes members of the ??Eochiroptera.?? This paraphyletic group contains all primitive microbats excluding modern families. In Algeria, the region of Brezina, southeast of the Atlas Mountains, is famous for the early Eocene El Kohol Formation, which has yielded one of the earliest mammalian faunas of the African landmass. Recent fieldwork in the same area has led to the discovery of a new vertebrate locality, including isolated teeth of Chiroptera. These fossils represent the oldest occurrence of Chiroptera in Africa, thus extending back the record of the group to the middle early Eocene (Ypresian) on that continent. The material consists of an upper molar and two fragments of lower molars. The dental character association matches that of ??Eochiroptera.?? As such, although very fragmentary, the material testifies to the first occurrence of ??Eochiroptera?? in Algeria, and by extension in Africa. This discovery demonstrates that this basal group of Chiroptera had a worldwide distribution during the early Paleogene.  相似文献   

For simple and effective isolation of fetal cells from peripheral maternal blood, we combined depletion of maternal cells and enrichment of fetal cells by high-gradient magnetic cell separation (MACS). First CD45+ and CD14+ cells were depleted from maternal peripheral blood mononuclear cells by MACS. From the depleted fraction, CD71+ erythroid cells were enriched up to 80 per cent by MACS. This ‘double-MACS’ procedure yielded an average depletion rate of 780-fold and an average enrichment rate of 500-fold, with approximate recovery rates of 40–55 per cent. For paternity testing, cells from unseparated blood and the various fractions were analysed for polymorphism of the HLA-DQ-A1 locus and D1S80 locus by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In CD45/CD71+ sorted cells from maternal blood, but not in unfractionated cells from maternal blood or CD45/CD14 cells, paternal alleles could be detected. In the CD45/CD71+ fraction, the relative frequency of paternal alleles compared with maternal alleles ranged from 1 in 20 to 1 in 200 (determined by titration and depending on the quality of separation and biological variation). In 7 out of 11 cases, between weeks 12 and 25 of gestation, we could identify paternal alleles by PCR, either HLA-DQ-A1 or D1S80. This double-MACS procedure is simple, fast, efficient, and reliable for non-invasive prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) has been reported to be decreased in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). The objective of the present study was to reinvestigate this finding in detail. Maternal serum levels of AFP, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), and unconjugated estriol (uE3) in 114 diabetic women, of whom 84 had IDDM, were compared to those of 19,251 control pregnancies in the second trimester (15th to 20th gestational weeks). The mean body weight at the date of sampling was 73.7 kg in all diabetic women, 72.7 kg in women with IDDM and 68.3 kg in non-diabetic women, respectively. Body weights were significantly (p<0.001) elevated in all diabetic pregnancies. Using weight-adjusted MoM (multiple of the median) values no statistical difference of serum levels in diabetic and non-diabetic pregnant women was found. Median MoM levels were 1.01 (hCG), 1.01 (uE3), 1.06 (AFP) in all diabetic women, and 0.95 (hCG), 0.96 (uE3), 0.96 (AFP) in women with IDDM, respectively. Ignoring adjustment for maternal weight leads to a reduction of all serum parameters in diabetic pregnancies. However, median MoM values of all three analytes are not statistically different when compared to non-diabetic pregnancies. This finding is contrary to the results of former studies from the 1970s and 1980s. It is concluded that progress in insulin adjustment and blood glucose surveillance of diabetic patients on the whole has balanced out serum levels. Therefore adjustment of serum AFP values for diabetic status no longer seems reasonable. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Spinosaurids are among the largest and most specialized carnivorous dinosaurs. The morphology of their crocodile-like skull, stomach contents, and oxygen isotopic composition of the bones suggest they had a predominantly piscivorous diet. Even if close relationships between spinosaurids and Middle Jurassic megalosaurs seem well established, very little is known about the transition from a generalized large basal tetanuran to the specialized morphology of spinosaurids. Spinosaurid remains were previously known from the Early to Late Cretaceous of North Africa, Europe, and South America. Here, we report the discovery of a new spinosaurid theropod from the late Early Cretaceous Savannakhet Basin in Laos, which is distinguished by an autapomorphic sinusoidal dorsosacral sail. This new taxon, Ichthyovenator laosensis gen. et sp. nov., includes well-preserved and partially articulated postcranial remains. Although possible spinosaurid teeth have been reported from various Early Cretaceous localities in Asia, the new taxon I. laosensis is the first definite record of Spinosauridae from Asia. Cladistic analysis identifies Ichthyovenator as a member of the sub-clade Baryonychinae and suggests a widespread distribution of this clade at the end of the Early Cretaceous. Chilantaisaurus tashouikensis from the Cretaceous of Inner Mongolia, and an ungual phalanx from the Upper Jurassic of Colorado are also referred to spinosaurids, extending both the stratigraphical and geographical range of this clade.  相似文献   

Effects of river water from the Yangtze River (Nanjing section) on fish development, vitellogenin (VTG) induction, gonado-somatic index (GSI) and sex ratio were investigated by exposing goldfish (Carassius auratus) in the early life stage (from fertilization to 28 days post-hatch) to water samples (25%, 50% and 100%) collected from three representative sections. The results showed that there was no significant effect on hatching success for any of the exposure groups, but survival was significantly reduced when compared with the control (P < 0.05). Body lengths, weights of all treated fish did not differ significantly from those of the control. Condition factors (CF) of larval fish exposed to 50% and 100% river water from the Jiangxinzhou section and 100% river water from the Daqiao section were significantly lower than that of the control (P< 0.05). VTG inductions were significant in larval fish exposed to all the dilution series of river water. No significant difference in CF value was observed in any exposure group after 150 days of depuration. VTG was fully eliminated after 75 days of depuration. For both female and male, GSI did not significantly differ between exposure groups and the control after 150 days of convalescence. The highest female:male ratios were observed in response to the treatment with 50% or 100% river water from the Jiangxinzhou section and 100% river water from the Daqiao section (53:47, 56:44 and 54:46, respectively), but no significant difference in sex ratio was observed in any treated group when compared to the control. The results showed that early life stage exposure of river water from the Yangtze River (Nanjing section) had adverse effects on goldfish development and reproductive health, and the effects on CF and VTG were reversible after depuration in clean water.  相似文献   

We describe a 2-year-old boy with chondrodysplasia punctata (CDP). The boy was exposed to phenytoin, in combination with carbamazepine, during pregnancy. There has been previous evidence for a connection between phenytoin exposure during pregnancy and chondrodysplasia punctata. The boy had clinical and some radiological characteristic features of CDP, of the tibia-metacarpal type. We know of no other report on a child exposed to phenytoin during pregnancy who developed CDP of this type. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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