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This paper partially extends the replenishable resource management literature to the case of uncertainty. Stochastic resource dynamics are defined, studied and estimated. The results of this study suggest that the misallocation of resources into the northern lobster fishery has been greater than was previously believed. While aggregate stochastic influences are small in the lobster fishery, the dynamics of whales appear to be significantly affected by stochastic influences.  相似文献   

Assessments of the conservation and fisheries effects of marine reserves typically focus on single reserves where sampling occurs over narrow spatiotemporal scales. A strategy for broadening the collection and interpretation of data is collaborative fisheries research (CFR). Here we report results of a CFR program formed in part to test whether reserves at the Santa Barbara Channel Islands, USA, influenced lobster size and trap yield, and whether abundance changes in reserves led to spillover that influenced trap yield and effort distribution near reserve borders. Industry training of scientists allowed us to sample reserves with fishery relevant metrics that we compared with pre-reserve fishing records, a concurrent port sampling program, fishery effort patterns, the local ecological knowledge (LEK) of fishermen, and fishery-independent visual surveys of lobster abundance. After six years of reserve protection, there was a four- to eightfold increase in trap yield, a 5-10% increase in the mean size (carapace length) of legal sized lobsters, and larger size structure of lobsters trapped inside vs. outside of three replicate reserves. Patterns in trap data were corroborated by visual scuba surveys that indicated a four- to sixfold increase in lobster density inside reserves. Population increases within reserves did not lead to increased trap yields or effort concentrations (fishing the line) immediately outside reserve borders. The absence of these catch and effort trends, which are indicative of spillover, may be due to moderate total mortality (Z = 0.59 for legal sized lobsters outside reserves), which was estimated from analysis of growth and length frequency data collected as part of our CFR program. Spillover at the Channel Islands reserves may be occurring but at levels that are insufficient to influence the fishery dynamics that we measured. Future increases in fishing effort (outside reserves) and lobster biomass (inside reserves) are likely and may lead to increased spillover, and CFR provides an ideal platform for continued assessment of fishery-reserve interactions.  相似文献   

Species interactions such as predation or competition can have notable implications for fish population dynamics. Stock status and associated biological reference points can be misrepresented if these interactions are not considered. Here we present a multispecies, biomass production model (MS-PROD) developed by incorporating modifications to the Schaefer production model. The modifications explicitly emphasize a functional group approach, highlighting the effects of species interactions that include competition between species within a group, competition between groups, and predation. The mathematical formulation also includes constraints on carrying capacity for both the entire system and for individual groups. We applied the model as initialized to the Northeast U.S. Large Marine Ecosystem finfish community. We then executed simulations designed to explore the behavior of the model with respect to fishery exploitation and ecological interactions. Collectively, the results demonstrated the utility, and the need, for incorporating ecological effects into fisheries models.  相似文献   

Catch, effort, vessel, and skipper characteristic data for a sample of boats involved in the Tasmanian rock lobster fishery in the 1983/1984 season are used to estimate a fishing effort production function nested in a Cobb-Douglas fishery production function. The initial effort function is translog but tests suggest that the CES form cannot be rejected. The vessel's choice of fishing ground is modeled by a probit equation, the output from which is included in the OLS estimation of the production function. The elasticity of substitution between the inputs which are restricted by regulation and the other inputs is of particular interest as it determines whether input restriction is an efficient form of regulation for the fishery. The results suggest a value significantly less than unity.  相似文献   

Exploitation of the lobster fishery: Some empirical results   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analyzes the optimal and free market utilization of the lobster fishery and applies the results to two fishing areas in Canada. Biomass relationships and a production function are estimated and the empirical results are used to calculate hypothetical optimal fishing solutions. The welfare losses from overutilization of the fishing areas are examined.  相似文献   

Fishery managers must understand the dynamics of fishers and their prey to successfully predict the outcome of management actions. We measured the impact of a two-day exclusively recreational fishery on Caribbean spiny lobster in the Florida Keys, USA, over large spatial scales (>100 km) and multiple years and used a theoretical, predator-prey functional response approach to identify whether or not sport diver catch rates were density-independent (type I) or density-dependent (type II or III functional response), and if catch rates were saturated (i.e., reached an asymptote) at relatively high lobster densities. We then describe how this predator-prey framework can be applied to fisheries management for spiny lobster and other species. In the lower Keys, divers exhibited a type-I functional response, whereby they removed a constant and relatively high proportion of lobsters (0.74-0.84) across all pre-fishing-season lobster densities. Diver fishing effort increased in a linear manner with lobster prey densities, as would be expected with a type-I functional response, and was an order of magnitude lower in the upper Keys than lower Keys. There were numerous instances in the upper Keys where the density of lobsters actually increased from before to after the fishing season, suggesting some type of "spill-in effect" from surrounding diver-disturbed areas. With the exception of isolated reefs in the upper Keys, the proportion of lobsters removed by divers was density independent (type-I functional response) and never reached saturation at natural lobster densities. Thus, recreational divers have a relatively simple predatory response to spiny lobster, whereby catch rates increase linearly with lobster density such that catch is a reliable indicator of abundance. Although diver predation is extremely high (approximately 80%), diver predation pressure is not expected to increase proportionally with a decline in lobster density (i.e., a depensatory response), which could exacerbate local extinction. Furthermore, management actions that reduce diver effort should have a concomitant and desired reduction in catch. The recreational diver-lobster predator-prey construct in this study provides a useful predictive framework to apply to both recreational and commercial fisheries, and on which to build as management actions are implemented.  相似文献   

Abstract: Unsustainable fishing simplifies food chains and, as with aquaculture, can result in reliance on a few economically valuable species. This lack of diversity may increase risks of ecological and economic disruptions. Centuries of intense fishing have extirpated most apex predators in the Gulf of Maine (United States and Canada), effectively creating an American lobster (Homarus americanus) monoculture. Over the past 20 years, the economic diversity of marine resources harvested in Maine has declined by almost 70%. Today, over 80% of the value of Maine's fish and seafood landings is from highly abundant lobsters. Inflation‐corrected income from lobsters in Maine has steadily increased by nearly 400% since 1985. Fisheries managers, policy makers, and fishers view this as a success. However, such lucrative monocultures increase the social and ecological consequences of future declines in lobsters. In southern New England, disease and stresses related to increases in ocean temperature resulted in more than a 70% decline in lobster abundance, prompting managers to propose closing that fishery. A similar collapse in Maine could fundamentally disrupt the social and economic foundation of its coast. We suggest the current success of Maine's lobster fishery is a gilded trap. Gilded traps are a type of social trap in which collective actions resulting from economically attractive opportunities outweigh concerns over associated social and ecological risks or consequences. Large financial gain creates a strong reinforcing feedback that deepens the trap. Avoiding or escaping gilded traps requires managing for increased biological and economic diversity. This is difficult to do prior to a crisis while financial incentives for maintaining the status quo are large. The long‐term challenge is to shift fisheries management away from single species toward integrated social‐ecological approaches that diversify local ecosystems, societies, and economies.  相似文献   

Accurate fecundity estimates are central to population modelling of reproductive status and egg production in a fishery. Southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) fisheries are managed with the consideration of performance measures based on the level of current egg production relative to the unfished stock. Egg production is a function of the size at the onset of maturity, the size structure of the stock, and the fecundity at length of lobsters. Fecundity at length of the Tasmania stock of J. edwardsii has not been reported previously and was estimated from seven sites around Tasmania. Data were analysed by classical linear regression and also generalised linear models (GLM) with gamma and Poisson distributions. GLM with a gamma distribution produced the best fit and did not require a correction factor to generate a model on the linear scale. Individual fecundity ranged from 43,918 to 660,156 and could be predicted from carapace length according to the equation F = −1.707 + 2.969 (log length). The coefficient of length approximated three, implying the fecundity at length relationship is cuboidal. Despite the spatial heterogeneity in reproductive parameters in this fishery, the inclusion of spatial information and egg development stage into the analysis only explained an additional 1% of the variance in fecundity. Thus, it appears valid to apply the relationship across the fishery without spatial separation.  相似文献   

Few studies examine the long-term effects of changing predator size and abundance on the habitat associations of resident organisms despite that this knowledge is critical to understand the ecosystem effects of fishing. Marine reserves offer the opportunity to determine ecosystem-level effects of manipulated predator densities, while parallel monitoring of adjacent fished areas allows separating these effects from regional-scale change. Relationships between two measures of benthic habitat structure (reef architecture and topographic complexity) and key invertebrate species were followed over 17 years at fished and protected subtidal rocky reefs associated with two southern Australian marine reserves. Two commercially harvested species, the southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) and blacklip abalone (Haliotis rubra) were initially weakly associated with habitat structure across all fished and protected sites. The strength of association with habitat for both species increased markedly at protected sites 2 years after marine reserve declaration, and then gradually weakened over subsequent years. The increasing size of rock lobster within reserves apparently reduced their dependency on reef shelters as refuges from predation. Rising predation by fish and rock lobster in the reserves corresponded with weakening invertebrate–habitat relationships for H. rubra and sea urchins (Heliocidaris erythrogramma). These results emphasise that animal–habitat relationships are not necessarily stable through time and highlight the value of marine reserves as reference sites. Our work shows that fishery closures to enhance populations of commercially important and keystone species should be in areas with a range of habitat features to accommodate shifting ecological requirements with ontogenesis.  相似文献   

Identifying reproductive stocks in commercial species is relevant to fishery management strategies. We obtained muscle samples of California spiny lobster (Panulirus interruptus) from six localities along the west coast of the Baja California Peninsula and analyzed the genetic structure using mtDNA RFLPs. Our results indicated that all localities shared the same major haplotypes and showed a spatial homogeneity in the distribution of haplotype frequencies. An analysis of molecular variance indicated that only 0.84% of the genetic variability was explained by differences among localities and was not significantly different from zero. Weak divergences were found between Bahía Magdalena, the most southerly locality, in relation to other populations. Major oceanographic processes along this coast, combined with a long larval period that supports passive transport among localities, are suggested to explain the results.  相似文献   

The designation of no‐take marine reserves involves social and economic concerns due to the resulting displacement of fishing effort, when fishing rights are removed from those who traditionally fished within an area. Displacement can influence the functioning of the fishery and success of the reserve, yet levels of displacement are seldom quantified after reserve implementation and very rarely before that. We devised a simple analytical framework based on set theory to facilitate reserve placement. Implementation of the framework requires maps of fishing grounds, fishing effort, or catch per unit effort for at least 2 years. The framework quantifies the level of conflict that a reserve designation might cause in the fishing sector due to displacement and the opportunities to offset the conflict through fisher spatial mobility (i.e., ability of fishers to fish elsewhere). We also considered how the outputs of the framework can be used to identify targeted management interventions for each fishery. We applied the method in Honduras, where the largest marine protected area in Central America is being placed, for which spatial data on fishing effort were available for 6 fisheries over 3 years. The proposed closure had a greater negative impact on the shrimp and lobster scuba fisheries, which concentrated respectively 28% and 18% of their effort inside the reserve. These fisheries could not accommodate the displacement within existing fishing grounds. Both would be forced to stretch into new fishing grounds, which are available but are of unknown quality. These stakeholders will likely require compensation to offset costly exploratory fishing or to travel to fishing grounds farther away from port.  相似文献   

Cover: A variety of systems, issues, and approaches are involved in the conservation of marine resources (special section, pages 1699–1778). Top row: (left) invertebrate assemblage of a kelp forest, Monterey, California (photo by Lance Morgan); (right) ceremonial harvest of reef fish, Papua New Guinea (photo by Joshua Cinner). Middle row: (left) reef fish in traditional fishery, Indonesia (photo by Joshua Cinner); (center) red rock lobster ( Jasus edwardsii ) in Te Angiangi Marine Reserve, New Zealand (photo by Ian Nilsson); (right) traditional spearfisher, Papua New Guinea (photo by Joshua Cinner). Bottom row: (left) ecoguard educates the local community at Hohéli Marine Park, Comoros Islands,Africa (photo by Mark Brown); (right) the rocky intertidal zone of Las Cruces Marine Protected Area, Chile (photo by Carolyn Lundquist).  相似文献   

The key to the conservation of harvested species is the maintenance of reproductive success. Yet for many marine species large, old, individuals are targeted despite their disproportionate contribution to reproduction. We hypothesized that a combination of no-take marine protected areas (MPAs) and harvest slot limits (maximum and minimum size limits) would result in the conservation of large spawning individuals under heavy harvest. We tested this approach under different harvest intensities with a 2-sex, stage-structured metapopulation model for the Caribbean spiny lobster (Panulirus argus). P. argus is intensively harvested in the Caribbean, and in many localities large, mature individuals no longer exist. No-take MPAs and harvest slot limits combined, rebuilt and maintained large mature individuals even under high harvest pressure. The most conservative model (a 30% MPA and harvest slot limit of 75–105 mm) increased spawner abundance by 5.53E12 compared with the fishing status quo at the end of 30 years. Spawning stock abundance also increased by 2.76–9.56E12 individuals at a high harvest intensity over 30 years with MPAs alone. Our results demonstrate the potential of MPAs and harvest slot limits for the conservation of large breeding individuals in some marine and freshwater environments. Decisions on which management strategy best suits a fishery, however, requires balancing what is ecologically desirable with what is economically and socially feasible.  相似文献   

A trophic structure model of the rocky coastal ecosystem in Bahia Tortugas, Mexico was constructed using Ecopath software to represent the main biomass flows in the system. Data for the model came from field observations (biomass estimates, stomach contents, and ecological observations for sea snails, abalones, lobster, some demersal finfishes, and macroalgae) carried out through ten field trips from 2006 to 2008. The results provide a snapshot of how the ecosystem operates. The model considers 23 functional groups. The total system throughput was 553 t/km2/year, 57% corresponds to internal consumption, 28% to respiration, 14% becomes detritus, and only 1% is removed through commercial fishing. The model suggests that even for exploited populations, predation and competition are heavier stresses than current fishing effort; however, because spiny lobster showed the second highest keystoneness’ index value, increasing fishing pressure on this group could strongly impact the entire ecosystem. We believe that this model has the potential to support management by allowing the exploration of the potential impacts of different fishing decisions at ecosystem level.  相似文献   

Economics of the fishery has focused on the wastefulness of common pool resource exploitation. Pure open access fisheries dissipate economic rents and degrade biological stocks. Biologically managed fisheries also dissipate rents but are thought to hold biological stocks at desired levels. We develop and estimate an empirical bioeconomic model of the Gulf of Mexico gag fishery that questions the presumptive success of biological management. Unlike previous bioeconomic life history studies, we provide a way to circumvent calibration problems by embedding our estimation routine directly in the dynamic bioeconomic model. We nest a standard biological management model that accounts for complex life history characteristics of the gag. Biological intuition suggests that a spawning season closure will reduce fishing pressure and increase stocks, and simulations of the biological management model confirm this finding. However, simulations of the empirical bioeconomic model suggest that these intended outcomes of the spawning closure do not materialize. The behavioral response to the closure appears to be so pronounced that it offsets the restriction in allowable fishing days. Our results indicate that failure to account for fishing behavior may play an important role in fishery management failures.  相似文献   

R. M. Ross 《Marine Biology》1983,76(3):311-318
In September 1978, 5 034 juvenile western rock (spiny) lobsters (Panulirus cygnus George) were tagged on a shallow coastal reef near Cliff Head in Western Australia. Of these, 26% were recaptured and removed from the population during the subsequent commercial fishery between 15 November 1978 and 30 June 1979. A resurvey of the tagging site in September 1979 found that size structure of the population was similar to the tagged population in September 1978 but that the 1979 population was composed of almost completely different individuals and only 2% of the rock lobsters tagged in September 1978 were recaught at this time. A wide range of movement was indicated by the recapture positions of 354 rock lobsters caught off the tagging site. Most travelled almost directly offshore but some also travelled offshore in a northwesterly direction. Both trends were shown in the data from the recaptures of 18 rock lobster released farther offshore from Cliff Head in September 1981, and of 19 released at a close inshore site in earlier years. Maximum offshore rates of movement of up to 622 m d-1 were recorded for distances up to 37 nautical miles (ca. 68 km). Growth rates for the tagged individuals which moved off, and those that were caught on, the tagging site were similar and close to growth rate under optimal conditions for this species. Under the present high levels of exploitation few, if any, of the rock lobsters remain to become permanent residents in the coastal reefs. It is believed that the north-westerly movements of some of the pre-adult rock lobsters, on their way to the breeding grounds on the outer edge of the continental shelf, are due to the upstream movement of these rock lobsters in a current from the north. The north-westerly movements allow the rock lobster population increased utilization of the food supplies of the coastal area.  相似文献   

The skill of recognizing and reacting to predators is often based on a learned component. Few studies have examined the role of learning in spiny lobster anti-predator behavior. We investigated whether European spiny lobster (Palinurus elephas) shelter selection is influenced by olfactory stimuli released by one of the most common lobster predators, the common octopus (Octopus vulgaris), and whether the behavioral response to octopus chemical stimuli is innate or influenced by experience. In experimental arenas, we conditioned wild-caught lobsters with three levels of predation threat: no threat, with no predator–prey interaction; medium threat, with odor and visual predator cues only; high threat, active predation risk. We subsequently tested the shelter choice of the conditioned lobster under different experimental conditions: (1) shelter plus seawater; (2) shelter plus seawater plus chemical octopus cue. Our results showed significant differences in mean shelter occupancy with conditioning level. We conclude that P. elephas individuals use chemosensory systems in predator-avoidance mechanisms. Moreover, lobsters subject to a training period of high-level predation threat were able to learn the octopus chemical stimuli and treat its odor as a cue related to predation risk. The findings relative to the spiny lobster learning abilities could be an important tool for future management of lobster populations, e.g., by re-introduction of reared juveniles, which have not yet experienced predation.  相似文献   

Individual transferable quotas (ITQs) are increasingly seen as a way to make fisheries more profitable and halt over-capitalisation. ITQs allocate to users of a resource a share of a total allowable catch (TAC) which they are free to use, lease, or sell. We outline an approach to modelling the effect of an ITQ system in a multi-species, multi-sector fishery and apply it to the Coral Reef Fin Fish Fishery (CRFFF) in Queensland, Australia. An ITQ model, based on the assumption that operators seek to maximize profits, simulates the use of tradeable quota units by operators in the fishery, taking account of the initial quota allocation to operators, seasonal fish prices and individual operator variable costs, their fishing efficiency and experience, and constraints on vessel movements. Rationalization of the fishery is predicted to occur under an ITQ system for the CRFFF, which will lead to reductions in effort, increases in profits, and changes over time in quota prices. The ecological consequences of transferable quota in the multi-species fishery are seen in the catch and discard levels of the less profitable species, even though a TAC was set. This had flow-on effects on biomass. For example, simulations showed that the TAC for the primary target species, coral trout, was used more fully than that for a less valuable target species, red throat emperor, and that this was achieved through increased discarding of red throat emperor. Catches of both coral trout and red throat emperor that were derived from the model were higher than those recently observed in the fishery. The effort predicted by the model, however, closely approximated the actual effort observed in the fishery following implementation of ITQ management.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of spiny lobster, Panulirus penicillatus, was studied based on 2,068 lobsters, ranging from 34.28 to 131.60 mm carapace length (CL), sampled in Taitung coastal waters from September 2003 to December 2004. The overall sex ratio approximated 1:1 (χ2 = 0.02, P > 0.05), but the monthly sex ratios in 2004 showed significant differences and males were predominant in sizes larger than 80 mm CL. Reproductive activity, assessed using histology, a gonadosomatic index and percentage of ovigerous females, indicated that the mature females could be found in every month and that the major spawning occurred from May to September. The presence of re-developing/re-ripe ovaries by month and size-specific spawning time suggest that larger mature females (>60 mm CL) spawn at least three times a year while smaller new mature females spawn at least once a year. For females, the estimated sizes at 50% physiological and functional maturity were (mean ± SE) 56.46 ± 0.56 mm CL and 66.63 ± 1.07 mm CL. The estimated sizes at functional maturity were between 72 and 74 mm CL for males. The number of eggs per spawning event (brood size, BS) was related to CL by the equation Y BS = 2.4 × 10-3CL4.18 (r 2 = 0.902, n = 12). Female lobsters with CL ranging from 60 to 80 mm made the greatest contributions to egg production because of their high brood size and active reproductive activity. A minimum legal size should be established for the fishery to protect egg production potential of lobster population in the southeastern coastal waters off Taiwan.  相似文献   

Predicting species distribution and habitat suitability (HS) modelling, across broad spatial scales, is now a major challenge in marine ecology. The resulting knowledge is of considerable use in supporting the implementation of environmental legislation, integrated coastal zone management and ecosystem-based fisheries management. This contribution considers the identification of seafloor morphological characteristics, together with wave energy conditions, that determine the presence of European lobster (Homarus gammarus); and it predicts suitable habitats over the Basque continental shelf (Bay of Biscay), in summer. The results obtained, by applying Ecological-Niche Factor Analysis (ENFA), indicate that lobster habitat differs considerably from the mean environmental condition over the study area; likewise, that it is restrictive in terms of the range of conditions in which they dwell. The best of the environmental predictors found to be: distance to the rock substrate; Benthic Position Index; wave flux over the seafloor; and the underlying bathymetry. A habitat suitability map was produced, with a high model quality (Boyce index: 0.98 ± 0.06). The most suitable habitat for European lobster are locations at the boundary between sedimentary- and rocky-bottoms, coincident with seafloor depressions with a steep slope, with medium to high wave energy conditions, and located within a range of water depths of 35–40 m. This approach demonstrates the applicability of the method in case studies where only presence data are available, together with the inclusion of environmental variables obtained from different sources.  相似文献   

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