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多层砖房震害预测方法评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多层砖房震害预测是城市防震减灾的基础工作之一.经过几十年的探索和研究,已经形成了多种预测其震害的方法,其中常用的主要方法有易损性概率分析法即半经验半理论法、强度判别法、延性系数判别法、模糊类比法、人工神经网络法和结构理论计算法等.着重对部分方法进行了总结评述,并进一步探讨了它们的特点与适用性.  相似文献   

黄土地区生土建筑震害特征及防灾对策研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
生土建筑在我国黄土地区广大农村仍占相当比例,历次地震,房屋破坏严重。因此,加强对黄土生土建筑抗震性能的研究具有重要意义。通过对陕、甘、宁、青、晋等省(区)黄土生土建筑民房的现场调查,将黄土地区生土建筑划分为5种类型,阐述了其结构特点。根据黄土地区地震中生土建筑的破坏情况,阐述了不同类型生土建筑的震害特征及致灾机理,并对其在不同地震烈度下的震害结果进行了统计分析,给出了各类生土建筑在地震烈度Ⅵ—Ⅹ情况下的震害预测结果。在此基础上,针对当前民房建设中抗震设防存在的问题,提出了相应的预防对策。  相似文献   

The occurrence of a number of large‐scale disasters or catastrophes in recent years, including the Indian Ocean tsunami (2004), the Kashmir earthquake (2005), Hurricane Katrina (2005) and Hurricane Ike (2008), have raised our awareness regarding the devastating effects of disasters on human populations and the importance of developing mitigation and preparedness strategies to limit the consequences of such events. However, there is still a dearth of social science research focusing on the socio‐economic impact of disasters on businesses in the United States. This paper contributes to this research literature by focusing on the impact of disasters on business closure and relocation through the use of multivariate logistic regression models, specifically focusing on the Loma Prieta earthquake (1989) and Hurricane Andrew (1992). Using a multivariate model, we examine how physical damage to the infrastructure, lifeline disruption and business characteristics, among others, impact business closure and relocation following major disasters.  相似文献   

灾后恢复重建理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
灾后恢复重建投资对消除灾害对经济带来的负面影响,恢复受灾地区的经济具有重大的意义.分两个层面对灾害恢复重建理论进行了论述.第一个层面在分析灾害对经济影响的基础上,得出了资本损失不会对区域经济造成重大影响,较小的补偿投资可以弥补潜在灾害预期损失的结论;第二个层面应用索洛模型分析了灾害经济恢复的基本过程.  相似文献   

Post‐disaster recovery is a constantly changing and developing process. The authors conducted three real‐name follow‐up surveys at 1, 12 and 18 months after the Yao'an earthquake, which had a surface wave magnitude of 6.0. They also calculated recovery ratios at different times and drew post‐earthquake domestic life recovery curves. Based on the recovery curves, the time trajectory of domestic life recovery takes on an approximate S‐type development and change process. The recovery time process of domestic life can be divided into four periods: emergency period (weeks 0–2(5)), early recovery period (weeks 2(5)–24), rapid recovery period (weeks 24–34) and late recovery period (weeks 34–60(80)).  相似文献   

中国洪水灾后恢复重建行动与理论探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于中国洪水灾后恢复重建的实践 ,总结了中国洪灾灾后恢复重建的结构体系 ,并依此讨论了洪水灾后恢复重建的若干理论和实践问题。文章指出 ,应明确洪水灾后恢复重建与备灾和防灾的关系 ,并提出了洪水灾后恢复重建的结构体系与程序。  相似文献   

城市地震应急救援措施探讨   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
方世萍  张芝霞 《灾害学》2004,19(1):31-33
在分析城市地震灾害及典型震例的基础上,探讨了城市地震应急救援的问题.  相似文献   

汶川地震与唐山地震损失与救助之对比   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
温玉婷  李宁  刘雪琴  吴吉东  张鹏  解伟 《灾害学》2010,25(2):68-72,111
1976年发生的唐山7.8级地震与2008年发生的汶川8.0级地震,是近年来破坏程度深、影响范围广的两次特大地震灾害,造成的人员伤亡与经济损失都是惨重与巨大的。但是,不同时代背景下,参数相近的两次地震在灾后救援与救助方面却相差甚远,表现在军队人数调动、受伤人口抢救、恢复重建资金投入、国内外援助、保险再保险分担等方面。着重对比了以上几方面后得出结论:在各项应急预案颁布并实施后,我国灾害救援工作更加有序,提高了救援效率;同时,保险与再保险的参与也减轻了政府负担,为灾民自主开展家园的恢复重建提供了便捷与保障。  相似文献   

张弓强 《灾害学》2012,(1):121-124
通过收集整理我国大陆显著地震灾害事件与社会经济发展的相关资料,分析讨论不同经济体制下地震灾害对经济社会发展、产业结构调整等方面的影响,并对地震灾后恢复重建提出对策建议。  相似文献   

"十一·五"期间中国重大地震灾害预测预警和防治对策   总被引:16,自引:10,他引:16  
地震灾害曾经对我国的国民经济与社会发展造成巨大的破坏.地震事件已经成为影响公共安全的重要问题.提高地震灾害预测预警科学技术水平、加强房屋的抗震能力和地震应急能力、强化救灾物资储备基本建设是"十一·五"期间我国应对重大地震灾害的基本对策.  相似文献   

基于ARIO模型的汶川地震灾后恢复重建期模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于区域投入产出模型(ARIO),以一个月为时间步长,模拟了汶川地震后四川省各部门产出和需求随重建进程的变化过程。模拟结果表明:汶川地震的完全恢复重建大致需要近9年的时间,灾后36个月时,四川省的当地总产出能力将超过灾前水平。在重建模拟的基础上,评估了灾后实施不同风险管理策略的潜在效益,若最大生产能力在灾后3个月内能够加速达到灾前的150%,则与无加速重建相比,恢复重建期至少可以缩短3年半,证明了灾后加大人力和物力投入对于缩短恢复重建期的作用。提出的重建期模拟方法可以为缩短重建期、合理分配抗灾救灾资源的灾害管理提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

The role of the paired assistance policy (PAP) in facilitating recovery after the Wenchuan earthquake in China on 12 May 2008 is best analysed from a network perspective. This paper makes five assumptions to explore the relationship, and then draws on three additional cases to examine them. The key findings support all five assumptions. First, the interactions of authority compliance initiated the PAP, and second, the interactions of resource input significantly contributed to rapid reconstruction following the earthquake. Third, the interactions of knowledge transfer supported social system recovery, and fourth, the interactions of benefit reciprocity laid the foundation for sustainable recovery. Fifth, by contrast, the interactions of performance comparison caused suboptimal overfunding of particular public infrastructure projects and reduced local self‐reliance to some extent. Finally, suggestions are made to improve the policy implications of extending the use of the PAP in other administrative contexts. The PAP could become an even more important policy device in the future.  相似文献   

This study investigates predictors of local participation in recovery projects and programmes following Hurricane Katrina in the United States in 2005 and the earthquake in Haiti in 2010. Using two sets of survey data, it examines whether disaster impacts and social capital (social trust and civic engagement) are associated with disaster recovery participation and compares predictors of such engagement in the two locations. Multivariate logistic regression results reveal that physical injuries, limited community mobility, and government trust increase recovery participation in Haiti (n=278), whereas emotional distress and homeownership decrease it. On the Gulf Coast of the US (n=259), physical injuries and higher civic engagement augment recovery participation, while homeownership and age reduce it. The confounding factors of national contexts and post‐disaster time frames might explain the differences in the results. The discussion addresses the relation between country‐specific vulnerability and recovery participation and suggests implications for policy and practice to improve local citizens’ capabilities to participate in sustainable recovery processes.  相似文献   

砖木结构类保护性建筑的灾害分析与防治对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
系统阐述了砖木结构类保护性建筑的灾害机理,分析了邻近工程施工对这类保护性建筑的影响,讨论了砖木结构类保护性建筑的结构抗震性能和建筑防火问题.同时,针对砖木结构类保护性建筑的灾害机理,提出了这类保护性建筑的维护与防治对策.  相似文献   

四川都江堰市地处龙门山主山前边界大断裂上,在汶川8.0级地震烈度分布图中属于Ⅸ度区,是地震受灾最严重的城市之一。作为城市生命线的天然气供应链在本次地震中遭遇了一定的破坏。通过对都江堰市天然气系统的基本构成、震害情况以及应急救灾过程等的调查与整理,对都江堰燃气系统中门站、CNG加气站、中压配气管网及低压配气支管各组成部分在地震中的震害情况进行了分析,对震后的应急处置措施、供气恢复策略及灾后重建工作进行了综述,总结了汶川地震中都江堰天然气系统的应灾经验及救灾环节中的不足之处,并就如何提高燃气系统的抗震应灾能力提出建议。  相似文献   

地震灾害搜救技术现状与发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合介绍了地震灾害现场常用搜救技术及设备,并深入剖析了它们各自的利弊,以求根据不同现场的具体要求使用最优搜救技术和设备,达到最好搜救效果。此外,对低频电磁探生技术、超声波探测技术、超宽带电磁探测技术、基于气体测量的搜索定位技术等先进技术在地震灾害搜救中的应用做了较广泛的探讨,进一步明确了该研究领域的发展方向。  相似文献   

Diasporas and diaspora non‐governmental organisations (NGOs) are increasingly important as resource lifelines to their home countries, yet the resources that they mobilise, the types of challenges that they face, and their coping mechanisms are not well explored or understood in the context of disaster recovery. To fill this knowledge gap, this study employed an inductive qualitative methodological approach, using interviews to comprehend the role played by Haitian diaspora NGOs after the catastrophic earthquake in 2010. It found that resources take four common forms: event fundraisers; financial and material donations from supporters; remittances; and volunteer labour. Challenges include an overreliance on diaspora donors, competition among NGOs, and what is perceived as inequitable funding practices towards diaspora NGOs. The findings provide insights centred on better coordination among diaspora NGOs, as well as between diaspora NGOs and other local and international NGOs and local governments and international institutions, to ensure more efficient delivery of services to survivors.  相似文献   

新时期防震减灾宣传工作机制及政策研究   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
杨秀生  刘涌梅 《灾害学》2006,21(1):98-102
信息杜会里人们意识形态具有网络虚拟和现实世界的两面性,这给防震减灾宣传教育提出了新的挑战和际遇。本文分析了信息杜会基本特点、防震减灾宣传工作的积极和制约因素,在借鉴现代企业管理模式的基础上,提出了新时期防震减灾宣传工作的机制与政策。  相似文献   

本文介绍了短波通信的工作原理和安徽短波通信网的建设情况。10多年来,它在安徽的防震减灾工作中发挥了重要作用,取得了可喜的成绩。  相似文献   

城市防震减灾是当今世界各国政府和地震科学家共同关心的重大课题及重点工作。“九五”期间,我国先后在部分大中城市开展了防震减灾的示范研究,建立了先进的防震减灾计算机信息管理系统。本文全面介绍了该项示范研究的城市之一-合肥市震害预测与防震减灾计算机信息管下系统的主要内容、研究特色和取得的工作成果。该技术系统的完成,对推进我国城市防震减灾的科学化、现代化管理和实现防震减灾十年目标将发挥积极的作用。  相似文献   

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