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Human risk assessment of As,Cd, Cu and Zn in the abandoned metal mine site   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The cancer risk and the non-cancer hazard index for inhabitants exposed to As, Cd, Cu and Zn in the soils and stream waters of the abandoned Songcheon Au–Ag mine area were evaluated. Mean concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in agricultural soils were 230, 2.5, 120, 160, and 164 mg kg−1, respectively. Mean concentrations of As, Cd and Zn of the water in the stream where drinking water was drawn was 246 μg L−1, 161 μg L−1 and 3899 μg L−1, respectively. These levels are significantly higher than the permissible levels for drinking water quality recommended by Korea and WHO. The resulting human health risks to farmers who inhabited the surrounding areas due to drinking water were summarized as follows: (1) the non-cancer health hazard indices showed that the toxic risk due to As and Cd in drinking water were 10 and 4 times, respectively, greater than those induced by the safe average daily dosages of the respective chemicals. (2) the cancer risk of As for exposed individuals through the drinking water pathway was 5 in 1000, exceeded the acceptable risk of 1 in 10,000 set for regulatory purposes.  相似文献   

An assessment of exposure to mercury in Changchun city has been undertaken. We estimated Hg exposure to members of the general population based on currently available information and our research. We also studied the Hg concentrations in scalp hair of adults. Adults have an estimated intake of all Hg species via all routes of 6.780 μg day−1 (excluding dental amalgam), which equates to an absorbed dose of 1.718 μg day−1. Fish consumption was the most important exposure route (12% of intake, 43% of absorbed dose). Furthermore, air, cereals and vegetables were important exposure routes, and these exposure were estimated for absorbed dosed at 0.296, 0.209 and 0.318 μg day−1, respectively. The mean Hg concentration in hair was 0.448 μg g−1 (range 0.092–10.463 μg g−1). Hg concentration in the hair of males was 0.422 μg g−1 (0.105–2.665 μg g−1), and was 0.474 μg g−1(0.092–10.463 μg g1) in the hair of females. Neither place of residence nor age had any significant effect on hair Hg concentrations.  相似文献   

Total mercury (T-Hg) and methylmercury (MeHg) concentrations have been measured in the muscle tissue of 16 fish species consumed in the Mojana region of Colombia. T-Hg analysis was performed by cold-vapor atomic-absorption spectroscopy (CV-ASS) and MeHg analysis by gas chromatography with electron-capture detection. Higher T-Hg and MeHg concentrations were detected in carnivorous species (T-Hg = 0.371 ± 0.172 (μg g−1 fresh wt, MeHg = 0.346 ± 0.171 μg g−1 fresh wt) than in non-carnivorous fish (T-Hg = 0.155 ± 0.108 μg g−1 fresh wt, MeHg = 0.146 ± 0.102 μg g−1 fresh wt). In the different species mercury was present almost completely as the methylated form, with percentages between 80.5 and 98.1% (mean 92.0 ± 3.4%). In 13.5% of fish-tissue samples T-Hg concentrations exceeded the maximum level recommended by the World Health Organization for human consumption (Hg = 0.5 μg g−1 fresh wt). Although mean T-Hg concentrations in all fish samples (0.269 ± 0.181 μg g−1 fresh wt) did not exceed this limit, risk assessment suggested that the consumption of 0.12 kg fish day−1 could increase the risk of mercury poisoning of the inhabitants of this region.  相似文献   

The natural vegetation growing along a wastewater channel was subjected to analyze the uptake of Cadmium (Cd) and Zinc (Zn) and their subsequent accumulation in aboveground and underground plant parts. Species which were mycorrhizal and growing in soils receiving industrially contaminated wastewater were collected along with their rhizospheric soil samples. The nearby uncontaminated control (reference) area was also subjected to sampling on similar pattern for comparison. Both Cd and Zn concentrations were significantly higher in soils of the study area as compared to the reference site. Five plant species i.e. Desmostachya bipinnata, Dichanthium annulatum, Malvastrum coromandelianum, Saccharum bengalense, and Trifolium alexandrinum were analyzed for metal uptake. The maximum phytoaccumulation of Cd was observed in Desmostachya bipinnata (20.41 μg g−1) and Dichanthium annulatum (15.22 μg g−1) for shoot and root tissues, respectively. However, Malvastrum coromandelianum revealed maximum Zn accumulation for both the shoot and the root tissues (134 and 140 μg g−1, respectively). The examination of cleared and stained roots of the plants from both the areas studied revealed that all of them were colonized to a lesser or a greater degree by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. The Cd hyperaccumulating grasses i.e. Desmostachya bipinnata and Dichanthium annulatum, from study area had smaller root:shoot (R/S) ratio as compared to those growing on reference area indicating a negative pressure of soil metal contamination. The lower R/S ratio in the mycorrhizal roots observed was probably due to increased AM infection and its mediatory role in soil plant transfer of heavy metals. Furthermore, comparatively lower soil pH values in the study areas may have played a key role in making the overall phytoavailability of both the metals. Consequently variations in Cd and Zn tissue concentration among species were observed that also indicate the phytoaccumulation potential of the native species.  相似文献   

Causes of Keshan–Beck disease (KBD) are still being probed and monitored in China. Relationships between trace elements from eco-environmental systems and KBD are poorly understood although relationships between environmental Se and human health have received extensive attention. In order to investigate relationships between eco-environmental geochemistry and KBD, we selected the Chousang KBD area in Yao County, Shaanxi Province, China, as an example of a prevailing KBD area applying I–Se-rich salts instead of utilizing Se-rich fertilisers on food crops to prevent local residents from developing KBD before 1995. Environmentally geochemical samples (rocks, soils, plants and children's hair) were collected from the Chousang KBD area. Soils in the study area contain 0.11±0.02 µg Se g–1, 0.75±0.11 µg Mo g–1, and 34.5±1.5 µg B g–1 on average, indicating that the study area is a deficient-Se–Mo–B area. Se (0.07±0.007 µg g–1), Mo (0.35±0.09 µg g–1) and B (3±0 µg g–1) contents are low in wheat and corn used as a daily main food staple of local inhabitants. It is indicated that the study area is deficient in environmental Se–Mo–B for the local residents. Se contents of children's hair from the Yangyuan Elementary School in the study area range from 0.09 to 0.26 µg Se g–1 with an average of 0.165±0.05 µg Se g–1 (n=10) in this KBD endemic area. Due to the low levels of Se, Mo and B available in soils and rocks, crops including wheat and corn are deficient in these elements, accordingly, the deficiency of Se, Mo and B in this area may be linked to the daily consumption of wheat and corn deficient in Se, Mo and B. Therefore, local inhabitants should be encouraged to fertilise mixtures of Se, Mo and B on crop plants in order to avoid development of KBD and guarantee a good harvest of crops.  相似文献   

This research focuses on the heavy metal contamination of the paddy soils and rice from Kočani Field (eastern Macedonia) resulting from irrigation by riverine water impacted by past and present base-metal mining activities and acid mine drainage. Very high concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn were found in the paddy soils (47.6, 6.4, 99, 983 and 1,245 μg g−1) and the rice (0.53, 0.31, 5.8, 0.5 and 67 μg g−1) in the western part of Kočani Field, close to the Zletovska River, which drains the mining facilities of the Pb–Zn mine in Zletovo. In terms of health risk, the observed highest concentrations of these elements in the rice could have an effect on human health and should be the subject of further investigations.  相似文献   

The Ankang black shales in P. R. of China provides an important example of natural geological materials containing toxic elements. This paper presents the results of environmental geochemical research on black shales, soils, waters and edible plants in the Ankang area, Shaanxi Province, P. R. of China. The study area lies in the northern margin of the Yangtze Platform; there are black shales which contains black shale, carbonaceous rocks and coal in the Cambrian Donghe Formation throughout the area. Mean trace element concentrations of the coal were high. Soils derived from these rocks tend to reflect their extreme geochemical composition. Chemical analysis of common plant species in the Ankang area showed a heterogeneous distribution of Se, Mo, and V within a single and among plant species. Selenium was more concentrated in radish than in legumes, and in potato more than in green vegetable. High V concentrations were found in two kinds of Chinese tea. Legume had more Mo in the seed than potato, although Mo concentrations in radish vary. Higher concentrations of Se and Mo are present in the leaf of radish.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to determine the occurrence, prevalence and contributing factors to the incidence of goitre in Yewa north local government area of Ogun state, southwestern Nigeria. To achieve these objectives, soil, water, and cassava tubers were collected from four villages – Igbogila, Egua, Sawonjo and Imoto and from Lagos (about 250 m to the ocean) as a reference location, in order to determine their iodine concentrations. The results of the analyses indicated a soil mean iodine range of 2.1–5.8 μg g−1; a cassava mean iodine value of 2.3–3.5 μg g−1 and a drinking water mean iodine value of generally <1.0 μg L−1 in all the four villages. These values of iodine in soil and water of the four villages are considered low when compared with the soil iodine value of 7.4 μg g−1 and water iodine value of 6.1 μg L−1 obtained from Lagos. The limestone unit of the study area remains an inhibiting factor in the bioavailability of the iodine because of its alkalinity. Statistical analysis has shown that there was significant difference between iodine concentration in the soils and the drinking water, and a correlation between the soil iodine and organic matter content at p < 0.05. The correlation between soil iodine and granulometric fractions occurred at p < 0.01. Potential goitrogens in the commonly consumed cassava products might also have contributed to the prevalence of goitre in the study area. Both the females and the adults (i.e., less mobile groups) were found to be vulnerable to goitre development in these villages.  相似文献   

The geochemical characteristics of arsenic in the soil of the Western Hunan mining area of P.R. China were systematically studied. The results show that the strata of Western Hunan are rich in arsenic and that Western Hunan is a geochemically abnormal region for arsenic. The experimental study on speciation in the strata also indicates that the speciation of arsenic in the Neoproterozoic-Cambrian strata are mainly easily transferred speciation (exchangeable, carbonate-bound, sulfides-bound), which are approaching or exceed 60%. Arsenic content in the main soil of Western Hunan is in the range of 8.8–22.8 μg g−1, the mean value is 16.1 μg g−1, which is larger than the arsenic background value of Hunan soil. The distribution of rock with high arsenic content or high easily transferred arsenic speciation is consistent with the distribution of high arsenic content soil. In the mining region, part soils and river/brook waters were polluted by mine tailings and mining/smelting waste water. The arsenic content in polluted paddy soils and river/brook water is 46.26–496.19 μg g−1, 0.3–16.5 mgL−1, respectively. The positive abnormality and pollution of arsenic in the soil and water affects the arsenic content of the crop and the inhabitants’ health.  相似文献   

Concentrations of trace elements in wheat grain sampled between 1967 and 2003 from the Swedish long-term soil fertility experiments were analyzed using ICP-MS. The long-term effect of inorganic and organic fertilization on trace metal concentrations was investigated including the impact of atmospheric deposition and myccorhiza, whereas other factors such as soil conditions, crop cultivar, etc. are not discussed in this paper. Mean values derived from 10 experimental sites were reported. Significantly declining Pb and Cd concentrations in wheat grain could be explained by lower atmospheric deposition. Mean Se contents in all samples were 0.031 mg kg−1 grain dry weight. No samples had sufficiently high Se concentrations for human (0.05 mg Se kg−1) or animal demand (0.1 mg Se kg−1). Concentrations of Co in wheat grain were extremely low, 0.002–0.005 mg Co kg−1 grain dry weight, and far below the minimum levels required by animals, which applied to all fertilizer treatments. A doubling of Mo concentrations in grain since 1975 resulted in Cu/Mo ratios often below one, which may cause molybdenosis in ruminants. The increase in Mo concentrations in crops correlated with the decline in sulfur deposition. Concentrations of Cu and Fe declined in NPK-fertilized wheat as compared to unfertilized or manure-treated wheat. Very low concentrations of Se and Co and low concentrations of Fe and Cu require attention to counteract risks for deficiencies. The main characteristic of the study is that there are few significant changes over time between different fertilizer treatments, but throughout there are low concentrations of most trace elements in all treatments. In general, good agreement between concentrations in wheat from the long-term fertility experiments and the national monitoring program indicate that values are representative.  相似文献   

To investigate copepod nauplii ingestion rates on phytoplankton, we have adapted the traditional gut fluorescence technique as it can be used with lower gut pigment concentrations. With the improved technique, laboratory experiments were performed to estimate functional responses for nauplii of Calanus helgolandicus and Centropages typicus. Nauplii were raised from eggs to copepodites and the experiments were performed with stages NIV-NV. Gut evacuation rates and ingestion rates were measured on Isochrysis galbana at different concentrations. Specific ingestion rates ranged between 0.038–0.244 μg C μg−1 nauplii C d−1 for C. typicus and 0.041–1.412 μg C μg−1 nauplii C d−1 for C. helgolandicus. Both species showed a type III functional response, reaching a saturation concentration at around 600 μgC l−1 for C. typicus and 800 μgC l−1 for C. helgolandicus. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Although mercury (Hg) mining in the Almadén district ceased in May 2002, the consequences of 2000 years of mining in the district has resulted in the dissemination of Hg into the surrounding environment where it poses an evident risk to biota and human health. This risk needs to be properly evaluated. The uptake of Hg has been found to be plant-specific. To establish the different manners in which plants absorb Hg, we carried out a survey of Hg levels in the soils and plants in the most representative habitats of this Mediterranean area and found that the Hg concentrations varied greatly and were dependent on the sample being tested (0.13–2,695 μg g−1 Hg). For example, the root samples had concentrations ranging from 0.06 (Oenanthe crocata, Rumex induratus) to 1095 (Polypogon monspeliensis) μg g−1 Hg, while in the leaf samples, the range was from 0.16 (Cyperus longus) to 1278 (Polypogon monspeliensis) μg g−1 Hg. There are four well-differentiated patterns of Hg uptake: (1) the rate of uptake is constant, independent of Hg concentration in the soil (e.g., Pistacia lentiscus, Quercus rotundifolia); (2) after an initial linear relationship between uptake and soil concentration, no further increase in Hgplant is observed (e.g., Asparagus acutifolius, Cistus ladanifer); (3) no increase in uptake is recorded until a threshold is surpassed, and thereafter a linear relationship between Hgplant and Hgsoil is established (e.g., Rumex bucephalophorus, Cistus crispus); (4) there is no relationship between Hgplant and Hgsoil (e.g., Oenanthe crocata and Cistus monspeliensis). Overall, the Hg concentrations found in plants from the Almadén district clearly reflect the importance of contamination processes throughout the study region.  相似文献   

Selenium was determined from 25 topsoils and 25 plants in the semi-arid Central Spain where large extents of soils are developed on evaporitic materials. Some species of vegetation associated with them are of the genera Astragalus, Salsola, Mercurialis, Phlomis, Thymus and Atriplex. Total selenium in soils was determined and its bioavailability assessed by chemical sequential fractionation. Se content in soils was adequate (in the range 0.17–0.39 mg kg−1) or large (in the range 0.50–4.38 mg kg−1) and appeared in highly and/or potentially available forms. Several plant species showed high Se levels (in the range 5–14.3 mg kg−1), which can be a potential risk of toxicity to animals. Data obtained from the study area can be used as a guide to the range of values in soils and plants of the European Mediterranean area that are relatively unpolluted from industrial sources, allowing comparison with more polluted areas.  相似文献   

 The influence of moulting and ovarian maturation on cadmium accumulation in the tissues of female shore crabs Carcinus maenas exposed to 1 mg Cd l−1 in the water was investigated. Cadmium accumulation in all tissues examined was markedly increased in crabs in the postmoult stages (A and B) compared to crabs in all other moult stages. During the moult cycle, average cadmium accumulation in the midgut gland ranged from 29 μg Cd g−1 dw at premoult stage (D2) to 589 μg Cd g−1 dw at postmoult stage (A). Average cadmium concentrations in the haemolymph ranged from 0.56 μg Cd ml−1 at intermoult stage (C4) to 4.6 μg Cd ml−1 at postmoult stage (A), while the gills accumulated from 103 μg Cd g−1 dw in intermoult stage (C3) to 352 μg Cd g−1 dw in postmoult stage (A). Cadmium concentration in gills and haemolymph was also significantly higher in crabs in late premoult stage (D3) compared to C4-crabs, while midgut gland cadmium concentration remained elevated in C1- and C3- intermoult stages relative to C4. During ovarian maturation the cadmium accumulation in midgut gland, gills, ovaries and haemolymph decreased. Average cadmium concentration in the midgut gland decreased from 63 μg g−1 dw in ovarian Stage I to 19 μg g−1 dw in ovarian Stage VI. The same pattern was observed for gills, haemolymph and ovaries. The present study demonstrates that cadmium accumulation in the female shore crab strongly depends on the physiological status of the animal. A possible association between physiological calcium requirements and cadmium accumulation during moulting is discussed. Received: 20 January 2000 / Accepted: 20 July 2000  相似文献   

The central California coast is a highly productive, biodiverse region that is frequently affected by the toxin-producing dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella. Despite the consistent presence of A. catenella along our coast, very little is known about the movement of its toxins through local marine food webs. In the present study, we investigated 13 species of commercial finfish and rock crabs harvested in Monterey Bay, California for the presence of paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs) and compared them to the presence of A. catenella and PSTs in sentinel shellfish over a 3-year period. Between 2003 and 2005, A. catenella was noted in 55% of surface water samples (n = 307) and reached a maximum concentration of 17,387 cells L−1 at our nearshore site in Monterey Bay. Peak cell densities occurred in the month of July and were associated with elevated shellfish toxicity in the summers of 2004 and 2005. When A. catenella was present, particulate PSTs were detected 71% of the time and reached a maximum concentration of 962 ng STXeq L−1. Of the 13 species tested, we frequently detected PSTs in Pacific sardines (Sardinops sagax; maximum 250 μg STXeq 100 g−1), northern anchovies (Engraulis mordax; maximum 23.2 μg STXeq 100 g−1), brown rock crabs (Cancer antennarius; maximum 49.3 μg STXeq 100 g−1) and red rock crabs (C. productus; 23.8 μg STXeq 100 g−1). PSTs were also present in one sample of Pacific herring (Clupea pallas; 13.3 μg STXeq 100 g−1) and one sample of English sole (Pleuronectes vetulus; 4.5 μg STXeq 100 g−1), and not detected in seven other species of flatfish tested. The presence of PSTs in several of these organisms reveals that toxins produced by A. catenella are more prevalent in California food webs than previously thought and also indicates potential routes of toxin transfer to higher trophic levels. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Cd concentrations in mobile phases of soil are more representative than total Cd concentration for estimating Cd bioavailability, physicochemical reactivity and mobility. In this study, selective sequential extraction procedures were used to determine Cd in different soil phases. Soil samples and plants grown in these soils were collected from a serpentine and copper-mining area in Maden-Elazig-Turkey. The extracted fractions were exchangeable/carbonate, reducible-iron/manganese oxides, oxidizable-organic matter and sulfides, and residual phases except silicates. Concentrations of Cd in soils and plant samples were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. We found that Cd concentrations in the EDTA and NH2OH·HCl extracts are higher in most soil samples compared to the other extracts. We conclude that Cd levels in mobile phases are unexpectedly high. The observed Cd concentrations are in ranges of 0.03–3.4 mg kg−1 for soil and 0.02–2.5 mg kg−1 for plant parts. The percentages of cadmium up to 56% in exchangeable and carbonates fractions were observed to be significantly higher than in those values less than 2% reported in literature. This study has shown that the modified extraction method can be usefully applied to determine Cd concentrations in potentially mobile phase of soil. Furthermore, it was concluded that Brassicasea and Rumex leaves can be used as hyperaccumulator plants because their translocation factor and/or enrichment coefficient values were found to be higher than 1.0.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations and the effect of reproductive development on resource acquisition by two intertidal fucoid species, the iteroparous Fucus serratus L. and the semelparous Himanthalia elongata (L.) S. F. Gray were examined. The oxygen-exchange characteristics of vegetative apical tissue of both non-fertile and fertile plants and receptacle tissue were compared at monthly intervals throughout reproductive development. Respiratory rates in non-fertile F. serratus varied seasonally between 1.5 and 8.0 μmol g−1 fresh wt h−1; in fertile plants the receptacle had a significantly lower respiratory rate than the vegetative tissue. The respiratory rate of the vegetative button of fertile H. elongata displayed less seasonal variation and was lower than that of the receptacle, which varied from a maximum of 9.5 μmol g−1 fresh wt h−1 at receptacle initiation in October to a minimum of 2.0 μmol g−1 fresh wt h−1 in February. The maximum photosynthetic rate (P max) of non-fertile plants of both species did not vary in a distinct seasonal manner (∼60 μmol g−1 fresh wt h−1 for F. serratus and ∼12 μmol g−1 fresh wt h−1 for H. elongata). In fertile plants, the P max of the receptacle tissue was (∼50% lower in F. serratus, and at its peak three times higher in H. elongata, than that of vegetative tissue. The stable carbon-isotope ratio (δ13C) did not differ between different tissue types in F. serratus, but values did vary seasonally, being less negative in the summer than in the winter (−13.5‰ compared to −18‰). The receptacle tissue of H. elongata also displayed a distinct seasonal variation in δ13C values (−12‰ in summer, −16‰ in winter), whilst the δ13C of the vegetative button did not vary seasonally. The rate of uptake of inorganic nitrogen by the vegetative thallus was lower in H. elongata than in F. serratus. The receptacle tissue of F. serratus had lower uptake rates than the vegetative tissue, whilst the uptake rate by H. elongata receptacle tissue was higher than that of the vegetative button. Received: 14 March 1997 / Accepted: 22 April 1997  相似文献   

Keshan disease (KD) occurs in a wide geographic belt stretching from the Heilongjiang Province in northeastern China to Yunnan Province in southwestern China, including Huangling County, Shaanxi Province. In order to research relationships between eco-environmental geochemistry and KD pertaining to Se, Mo, B, Zn, Mn, and Cu, this investigation was conducted in the Jiantou KD area in Huangling County, one of the areas in China where the incidence of KD is highest. Environmental samples (rock, soil, plant and childrens hair) were collected from the area. Se in plants is low, ranging from 0.03 to 0.06 µg Se g–1 in corn, potato and soybean. Se contents in childrens hair are normal or reach the limitation of dangerous level. This study reports 0.18 µg Se g–1, B <40 µg g–1, and Mo <1.0 µg g–1 in aeolian soil, 0.14–0.38 µg Mo g–1 and 3–8 µg B g–1 in corn and potato (daily staple food for local human beings in the area). The Jiantou KD area is one where the elements Se, Mo and B are deficient. It is proposed that the deficiency of elements Se, Mo and B may be involved in the pathogenicity of KD with respect to the eco-environmental system because Se, Mo and B are essential micronutrients for plants and human beings. It seems that there is no significant relationship between the Zn–Mn–K–Pb–Ba associations and KD.  相似文献   

The objective of this investigation was to examine the heavy metal status of the lower basin of Kainji dam (used for hydroelectricity generation), which includes Lakes Kainji/Jebba, Nigeria, and the potential for human exposure to heavy metals from eating fish caught in the lakes. Water, sediments and fish were sampled from the lakes and evaluated for As, Cu, Co, Cr, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Ti, V and Zn using the EDXRF technique. Fe and Mn were found to be present at high mean concentrations in the water (13 and 9 μg L-1), sediment (7092 and 376 μg g-1) and fish (11.4 and 4.6 μg g-1) samples. Sb (3.2 μg L-1), Ti (4.1 μg L-1), Cr (2.2 μg L-1), Co (1.2 μg L-1), Cu (1.3 μg L-1) and Pb (1.2 μg L-1) in the water samples and Sb (29 μg g-1), Ti (27 μg g-1), V (27 μg g-1), Cr (27 μg g-1), Co (40 μg g-1), Ni (33 μg g-1), Cu (25 μg g-1), Zn (59 μg g-1) and Pb (19 μg g-1) in the sediment samples were found to be of medium mean concentrations. The other metals were present at trace levels (<1 μg), including As and Hg in the fish and sediment samples. There was an appreciable increase in␣metal concentrations in going from the water to the sediment samples. The probable source of the pollutants is anthropogenic, arising from agricultural activities, corrosion/abrasion of the ferrous steel material and additives in the lubricants and insulation used for auxiliary services on the turbine floor of the dam constructed on the lakes. However, natural geological sourcing from the underlying lake rock cannot be totally ignored, particularly the high levels of Fe and Mn in the sediment samples. The potential risk for human exposure to these metals emanates from the fish caught in the lakes and subsequently consumed, as there are already significant levels of these metals in the two fish species analysed, Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and Chrysicthys (Chrysicthys auratus).  相似文献   

To attempt to understand certain mechanisms causing the variations between rice cultivars with regard to Cd uptake and accumulation, pot soil experiments were conducted with two rice cultivars at different levels of Cd, i.e., 0 (the control), 10, 50 mg Cd kg−1 soil. The two rice cultivars differ significantly with regard to Cd uptake and accumulation. Root secretions of low-molecular-weight organic acids (LMWOA) for each treatment were measured with ion chromatography. The results showed that LMWOA concentrations in the soil planted with Shan you 63 (a high soil Cd accumulator) were all higher than those in the soil planted with Wu yun jing 7 (low soil Cd accumulator) at different soil Cd levels, although the magnitudes of the differences varied for individual LMWOA and depend on soil Cd concentrations. For all six LMWOA, there were significant differences at P < 0.05 or < 0.01 levels for soils treated with 10 and 50 mg kg−1 Cd. The magnitude of the differences was greater under soil Cd treatments, especially at relatively low levels (for example, 10 mg Cd kg−1 soil), than in the control. Acetic acid and formic acid constituted more than 96% of the total concentration of the six LMWOA, while citric acid constituted only about 0.1%. The rice cultivar with higher concentrations of LMWOA in soil accumulated more Cd in the plants. The results indicate that LMWOA secretion by rice root, especially in Cd-contaminated soils, is likely to be one of the mechanisms determining the plant Cd uptake properties of rice cultivars.  相似文献   

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