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以红山嘴油田红浅1井区火驱先导试验烟道气处理为例,火驱烟道气中非甲烷总烃(NMHC)含量及H_2S浓度无法满足GB 16297—1996《大气污染物综合排放标准》、GB 14554—1993《恶臭污染物排放标准》,必须对此进行处理。文章对比分析了常用处理工艺技术特点,提出蓄热式氧化工艺处理烟道气具有对NMHC、H_2S、CO等摧毁效率高;对火驱低热值含硫采出气处理负荷调节范围大,处理后烟气满足环保排放标准等技术优势;经过矿场试验,验证了热氧化工艺处理含H2S低浓度烷烃气体的可行性,处理后的气体满足上述标准排放要求,为后续火驱开发提供了技术支持,具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

加拿大油砂开采环保对策对新疆油田的启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对油砂露天开采所存在的水资源利用、尾矿处理以及温室气体排放3方面的环境问题。在分析加拿大油砂露天开采情况及其工艺流程的基础上,介绍了其采取的环保对策:尾矿水处理后循环利用以减小新鲜水用量及对水环境的污染;采取复合尾矿处理技术(CT技术)和尾矿干化复垦技术(TRO技术)处理尾矿;应用蒸汽辅助重力泄油(SAGD)、火烧油层(THAI)等就地开采技术及碳捕捉和碳封存技术以减少温室气体的排放。从储层性质、重油沥青性质方面将加拿大油砂与新疆风城油砂进行对比,根据风城油砂处理难度大、尾矿水循环利用难度大、温室气体排放量大、尾矿处理难度大的特点,结合新疆地区实际情况,提出使用注蒸汽开发后的循环水、将尾矿水收集处理、引进相关技术即时处理尾矿、高效全自动燃气蒸汽锅炉、密闭集输、采用环境友好型的就地处理技术等减小油砂开采带来的环境污染。  相似文献   

由于温室气体(指 CO_2、CH_4、N_2O、O_3、氯氟烃等共约30多种)在大气底层中不断增加,使地表热外流受阻,从而造成温度升高,象在玻璃温室中的情形一样,故称温室效应。监测表明,近十年来,大气中 CO_2浓度增长幅度为25%,达350ppm,照现增长速度到21世纪末可达600ppm。(据统计,人为排放 CO_2量达200亿吨/年,主要是燃料煤、石油、天然气和生物质能燃料如薪炭、秸秆、动物粪便的结果)。CO_2是造成温室效应的主导气体,其增长后果是气温升高,这将使两极冰帽融化,海面  相似文献   

调研常规尾气处理工艺的研究现状、现场应用情况及发展趋势,对比分析尾气焚烧、硫回收、CO2捕集以及酸气回注等尾气处理工艺技术的优缺点,提出在火驱开采尾气处理时,应结合其尾气量大、酸气含量高的特性,综合考虑经济效益和社会效益,因地制宜地选择适用工艺。  相似文献   

超稠油蒸汽吞吐注采一体管柱技术,是对多项稠油开采工艺技术进行实践、总结、分析而来。该项技术,解决了作业频繁的问题,实现了不动管柱直接转抽,并可以多次注汽、转抽;由此而改变传统的蒸汽吞吐注采工艺技术,做到注、采、焖、放一体管柱,减少作业工序和降低井筒热损失,降低环境污染及电能消耗,实现超稠油不动管柱开采,有效降低超稠油开采成本,提高了油井的生产实效,并取得可观的经济效益和环境效益,实现节能、降耗、减污、增效的清洁生产目标。  相似文献   

针对油田开发过程中聚合物驱油开采产生大量含聚油泥造成处理成本增加、原油资源浪费的问题,文章结合某注聚液处理厂现场状况分析,提出超热蒸汽喷射、调质-机械离心、微波热处理等适用于含聚油泥处理的几种工艺措施,并对其工艺流程和应用情况进行分析。  相似文献   

含聚油泥处理技术研宄   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对油田开发过程中聚合物驱油开采产生大量含聚油泥造成处理成本增加、原油资源浪费的问题,文章结合某注聚液处理厂现场状况分析,提出超热蒸汽喷射、调质-机械离心、微波热处理等适用于含聚油泥处理的几种工艺措施,并对其工艺流程和应用情况进行分析.  相似文献   

二氧化碳驱油封存环境监测应注意的问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
二氧化碳驱油封存技术(CO_2-EOR)能够同时实现经济效益和环境效益双赢,备受关注。环境监测工作有利于评价项目的长久安全性。文章对国外CO_2驱油封存示范工程开展的环境监测工作进行调研,同时结合胜利油田CO_2驱油封存项目开展的一些工作,从数据演绎、监测方案的制定、监测点间距及监测区域等四方面浅谈监测过程应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

常纪文 《环境教育》2009,(12):16-18
五、温室气体排放税费的征收环节与征收对象问题(一)征收环节问题碳税、温室气体排放税(费)的征收应该针对碳能源的生产、温室气体排放的产业或环节。碳能源目前主要涉及到石油、煤炭、天然气等,涉及的行业主要有火电、化工业、工业等燃烧传统化石燃料的行业。至于在哪个具体的环节征收,目前存在从传统化石燃料的生产环节、将化石燃料转化为二次含碳燃料的生产环节征收及传统化石燃料与二次含碳燃料的消费环节征收两种观点。  相似文献   

根据《IPCC国家温室气体清单指南》和《省级温室气体清单编制指南》方法,建立2018年云南省16个州(市)城市生活垃圾处理温室气体排放清单,包括生活垃圾填埋和焚烧处理过程,并分析了温室气体排放的时间分布、空间分布和影响因素等。结果表明;(1)2018年云南省生活垃圾处理温室气体总排放量为536万t CO_2当量,各州(市)间排放量差异明显,滇中经济发达地区和滇东北人口密度较高地区排放量明显高于滇西北地区。(2)2005—2018年,云南省生活垃圾处理排放的温室气体量增长了191.3%,温室气体排放组成发生明显变化,CH4比重不断下降,CO_2比重不断增加。(3)城镇人口数量、生活垃圾处理量、经济发展水平与温室气体排放量显著相关,其中人口数量更为明显。  相似文献   

油田注汽锅炉烟气余热利用与低碳减排   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对注汽锅炉烟气余热利用潜力的分析及开展余热利用方式对比分析,采用在注汽锅炉对流段上安装热管换热器,使高温烟气与助燃空气换热,利用换热器回收烟气余热。该技术的现场应用,实现了注汽锅炉燃料单耗降低和污染物排放量降低的目的,取得了良好的节能、减排效果。  相似文献   

注汽锅炉烟气余热利用技术应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对注汽锅炉烟气余热利用潜力分析和开展余热利用方式对比分析,采用了在对流段安装热管换热器,通过换热器将烟气余热与助燃空气换热,余热利用技术的现场应用,实现了注汽锅炉燃料单耗降低的目的,取得良好的节能效果。  相似文献   

回用锅炉的热采稠油采出水软化工艺   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对我国热采稠油油田所面临的采出水处理难的问题,对国内外热采稠油采出水的处理方法进行了广泛、深入、全面的调查研究。着重介绍了热采采出水作注汽锅炉给水的各种软化工艺及处理方法。  相似文献   

文章介绍了新疆油田在稠油污水处理和回用方面的关键技术和成熟经验,采用强酸性树脂软化技术和化学清洗技术实现了稠油污水回用注汽锅炉。六九区污水处理站采用高效水质稳定技术,使处理后的污水达到了GB 8978—1996《污水综合排放标准》的二级标准,稠油污水在处理后符合GB 1576—2008《工业锅炉水质》的要求,大幅度降低了注汽锅炉的运行成本;将60℃以上的稠油污水替代清水回注稀油油藏,热水驱油,改善了驱油效果,同时根据污水温度较高的特点,对注水井井口的保温工艺进行改进,实现了稠油污水热能的综合利用,为油田污水治理和回用提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

稠油热采系统综合能耗监测方法及评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
栾海波 《油气田环境保护》2012,22(6):44-46,88,89
针对目前稠油热采系统节能措施和节能产品对某一环节单个节能产品的节能效果进行检测、评价的现状,提出了将稠油热采系统作为一个整体,采取组合节能措施及产品,给出了稠油热采系统的能耗监测流程、监测要求、程序与方法、数据分析评价方法等。形成了稠油热采系统综合能耗监测数据分析及效果评价方法。  相似文献   

稠油热采注汽锅炉节能减排措施实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提高注汽锅炉系统热率是节能降耗、降本增效的主要挖潜方向。为此开展了一系列节能技术的研究,先后开展了热管空气换热器、高温辐射涂料的节能、硬度在线检测、对流段翅片管硬垢清洗技术的推广应用,通过这些技术的实施应用,取得一定的社会效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

A common characteristic of carbon capture and storage systems is the important energy consumption associated with the CO2 capture process. This important drawback can be solved with the analysis, synthesis and optimization of this type of energy systems. The second law of thermodynamics has proved to be an essential tool in power and chemical plant optimization. The exergy analysis method has demonstrated good results in the synthesis of complex systems and efficiency improvements in energy applications.In this paper, a synthesis of pinch analysis and second law analysis is used to show the optimum window design of the integration of a calcium looping cycle into an existing coal power plant for CO2 capture. Results demonstrate that exergy analysis is an essential aid to reduce energy penalties in CO2 capture energy systems. In particular, for the case of carbonation/calcination CO2 systems integrated in existing coal power plants, almost 40% of the additional exergy consumption is available in the form of heat. Accordingly, the efficiency of the capture cycle depends strongly on the possibility of using this heat to produce extra steam (live, reheat and medium pressure) to generate extra power at steam turbine. The synthesis of pinch and second law analysis could reduce the additional coal consumption due to CO2 capture 2.5 times, from 217 to 85 MW.  相似文献   

In order to improve the oil recovery, injection of exogenous bacteria into the oil reservoir is one of the most widely used microbial flooding methods. In this study, a screened strain of Bacillus subtilis (B. subtilis) was introduced to perform the microbial flooding. The biosurfactants produced by B. subtilis was one kind of cyclic lipopeptides, which could reduce the surface tension of the culture solution from 68 mN/m to 25 mN/m and also decrease the interfacial tension of water/oil from 25.6 to 4.6 mN/m. Emulsification tests indicated that the strain and the biosurfactants could degrade and emulsify the crude oil. In the oil displacement experiments, oil recovery was increased by 32.4% by injecting fermentation broth into the simulated formation. By respectively performing the emulsification and oil displacement tests, it was demonstrated that the biosurfactants and degradation of the microbes in the heavy components of the crude oil are the main factors to enhance the oil recovery. Besides, the optimal cultural temperature for strain of B. subtilis was set as 40°C. Nevertheless, the strain was inappropriate for the oil displacement under acidic conditions. In addition, the hydrophilic sands and an optimal culture solution volume of 0.7 pore volume (PV) would be in favor of the oil recovery. It was further confirmed that the efficiency of microbial flooding was much higher than that of the chemical oil displacement.  相似文献   

Post-combustion CO2 capture remains one of the most-challenging issue to lower CO2 emissions of existing power plants or heavy industry installations because of strong economy and energy efficiency aspects. The major issue comes from CO2 dilution (4% for NGCC and 14% for PC) and the high flow rates to be treated. Furthermore, CO2 purity has to be higher than 95% with recovery at 90%, to match the transportation/injection requirements.The MEA absorption process remains the reference today but its energy consumption (about 3 MJ/kgCO2) and the amine consumption are still challenging drawbacks.The interest of CO2 capture by indirect TSA (Temperature Swing Adsorption) was demonstrated experimentally in a previous work. The aim of this paper is to present the results of a numerical parametric study. Two main parameters are explored: the desorption temperature (100–200 °C) and the purge flow rate (0.1–0.5 Ndm3 min−1). Four performance indicators are evaluated: CO2 purity, recovery, productivity and specific energy consumption.Results show that purity above 95% can be achieved. Keeping the 95% target, it is possible to achieve recovery at 81% with productivity at 57.7 gCO2/kgads h and a specific energy consumption of 3.23 MJ/kgCO2, which is less than for the reference MEA process.Comparison with other adsorption processes exhibits that this process has good potential especially since some improvements are still expected from further research.  相似文献   

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