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OBJECTIVE: This is a study of 8,464 adult women and 21,155 adult males who entered substance abuse treatment in Texas between 2000 and 2005. Participants were either on probation for driving under the influence (DUI), were referred to treatment by DUI probation, or had been arrested for DUI in the past year. METHODS: The female and male clients were compared on demographic characteristics, substance use patterns, DSM-IV diagnoses, and levels of impairment. T tests and chi square tests were used to determine significance and multivariate logistic regression identified predictors of completing treatment and being abstinent at follow-up. RESULTS: The proportion of females who were sent to treatment as a result of DUI increased from 27% in 2000 to 32% in 2005. Females were significantly more likely than males to be White (73% vs. 56%), to have used substances a shorter period of time (17 vs. 19 years), to be seeking custody to regain their children (11% vs. 2%), to meet the DSM criteria for drug dependence (32% vs. 23%), to have injected drugs (31% vs. 23%), to have used substances daily (42% vs. 40%), to have a depressive disorder (16% vs. 7%) or bipolar disorder (12% vs. 5%), and to be have been in treatment before (60% vs. 49%). In contrast, males were more likely to be alcohol dependent (49% vs. 44%). Females were less likely to complete treatment (67% vs. 72%) and reported significantly more days of problems on the 6 domains of the ASI at both admission and at 60-day follow-up. Furthermore, at follow-up, they were more likely to be living with someone who abused alcohol or used drugs (9% vs.7%). CONCLUSIONS: Although females comprised only 29% of the DUI treatment admissions, they were more impaired and experienced more problems than their male counterparts. The findings indicate that additional resources, including treatment for co-occurring mental health problems and living in sober households, may be keys to helping these women achieve abstinence and prevent additional DUI episodes.  相似文献   

从我国非煤矿山安全生产立法、安全生产管理体制、监察执法、群众监督、宣传教育、科研、矿山企业等方面与国外矿业进行了对比分析,分析了我国非煤矿山存在的问题以及与国外的差距,最后分析了产生问题与差距的原因。  相似文献   

In the past, the chemical industry in Japan has been the cause of a number of major industrial accidents. Subsequent to each accident, specific lessons have been learned. These lessons learned have been implemented in terms of safety education of the employees and/or safety measures of the equipment and facilities resulting in a rapid decrease of corresponding accident frequencies. In this paper, we summarized both recent and past major accidents caused by chemical substances in fixed installations in Japan. Case studies show that runaway reactions are among the main causes of major accident occurrences in the chemical process industry in Japan. A recent fatal poisoning accident caused by H2S gas generated during maintenance work again highlights the necessity of adequate safety management in a chemical factory. Therefore, even if hazard evaluation of chemical substances and chemical processes is necessary to prevent runaway reactions, human error is also an important factor contributing to reaction hazards [Wakakura, M. (1997) Human factor in chemical accidents, J. Safety Eng. High Press. Gas. Safety Inst. Japan, 34, 846].  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe violence in Finnish workplaces by comparing it with leisure-time violence. The data were derived from 13,762 interviews made from a representative sample of the Finnish population in 1988. The subjects were asked to report all the violent incidents they had encountered during the previous 12 months. There were 394 victims of violence in workplaces, that is, 40.6 victims per 1,000 workers. The rate of occupational violence was almost identical for males (40.6) and females (40.5). The most hazardous occupations were prison guard, police officer, and mental health nurse. The main reasons for violence at work were related to refusal of an authority's order to go away or to the relationship between doctor or nurse and patient. A typical assailant was an unaccompanied man who was under the influence of alcohol.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to evaluate and describe the current status of, and prospects for, the future of occupational hygiene in Finland. The main sources of information include a seminar held in the annual meeting of Finnish Occupational Hygiene Society and interviews with different stakeholders. Nanotechnology and other new materials, changing work environments, circular economy including green jobs, new medical methods and advances of construction methods were recognized as future challenges. Future work opportunities for occupational hygiene experts included exposure assessments in indoor air surveys, private consulting and entrepreneurship in general, international activities and product safety issues. Unclear topics needing more attention in the future were thought to be in new exposures, sensitive persons, combined effects, skin exposures and applicability of personal protective equipment. Occupational hygiene should broaden its view; occupational hygienists should have to cooperate with other specialists and grasp new challenges.  相似文献   

第二届中国国际安全生产论坛于9月2日在人民大会堂开幕,国务委员、国务院秘书长华建敏,国家局局长王显政,国际劳工组织东亚地区局局长克里斯廷等领导参加开幕式  相似文献   

2008年,是中国的奥运之年,也是中国林科院建院50周年、哈尔滨林机所建所50周年、<林业劳动安全>杂志创刊20周年. <林业劳动安全>的诞生,为林业安全文化建设开辟了一片广袤的园地,为加强学术交流打开了一洞明亮的牕牖,为行业安全的发展提供了一块方正的铺路石……  相似文献   

WTO与中国安全生产   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
新世纪之始,中国将要迈进世界贸易组织(WTO)。在入世的过程中,与美国为首的发达国家之间始终存在着阻挠与反阻挠、限制与反限制的斗争,目前虽已告一段落,但远未结束。可以预见,中国加入WTO之后,斗争非但不会停止,甚至可能会更复杂、更激烈。这场经济、贸易斗争实际上还有着深刻的政治与社会背景。最近几年,发达国家一直在努力使社会条款纳入世界经济贸易体系之中,在“关注发展中国家人权状况”的旗号下,反复提出“劳工标准”问题,即把本国安全生产问题与国际贸易挂钧。实际上这是“涂上绿色’”的贸易保护主义。中国是一…  相似文献   

不久前 ,一位省委书记到一个县检查水利建设。工地上红旗招展 ,热气腾腾 ,在一段二百多米长的水渠上 ,就集中了二三百名干部和群众在那里大干。这位书记回到县城后 ,下午让随行人员再到工地去看看。只见修渠大军已不见踪影 ,四周冷冷清清 ,只有两个留守工人 ,那条渠基本上仍是老样子。问他们修渠队伍哪里去了 ?回答是 :听说省里领导要来检查 ,就“集中力量打歼灭战” ,现在都回去了。两天后 ,省委书记又悄悄看了那条水渠 ,仍不见修渠大军的踪影。省委书记当即找到当地领导 ,怒斥这种恶劣的作风 ,并对有关干部进行了严肃的处理。  省委书记…  相似文献   

我国林区直升机吊桶灭火应用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
直升机吊桶灭火是一项成熟有效的航空森林消防技术,是国外林业发达国家的重要森林消防手段。我国经过多年的探索和实践,已经在多数重点林区推广应用并取得成效。分析了直升机吊桶灭火的特点、机型和设备,对吊桶灭火的方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Introduction. The aim of this study was to evaluate the trend of occupational injuries in Turkey using epidemiologic criteria such as incidence mortality and fatality/all injuries recorded – rates. Materials and methods. Safety and health data were obtained from the Annual Statistic Books of the Social Insurance Institution (1988–2006) and Social Security Institution (2007–2011) of Turkey. Results. The results from the official data showed that although total employment is increasing the number of occupational injuries and incidence and mortality rates are decreasing. The results also demonstrate that occupational fatality/all injuries recorded – rate is increasing. The fatality/all injuries recorded – rate per 1000 injuries increased to 25.5 in 2011 from 8.6 in 1988. Each work day an average of five people died because of occupational injuries. Discussion and conclusions. The fatality/all injuries recorded – rate (the number of fatal cases per 1000 occupational injuries) is an important indicator of the injury rate for a country. Systems of occupational injury and illness surveillance constitute a critical resource for the management and reduction of occupational injuries and illness.  相似文献   

李明诚 《安全》2005,26(6):12-12,14
量大面广的农村加油站的安全生产,不仅关系农民群众的生命和财产安全,而且关系农村经济的发展. 从调查情况看,目前农村加油站的安全形势十分严峻,其中火灾是主要的安全隐患.  相似文献   

The trend of companies focusing ever stronger on their core businesses has led to outsourcing of certain activities, e.g. maintenance, and even to selling out parts of industrial plants. This is the case also in Finland. Clusters of neighbouring companies, commonly called industrial parks, have been formed. In these multi-company parks safety and environmental responsibilities are not always clear and the risk map has changed. It has become evident that Finnish legislation has not followed this development of the industrial sector and the formation of industrial and technology parks.A Finnish project on the safety in chemical industrial parks has studied how safety and environmental issues can be best managed in multi-company chemical parks, and how the current legislation in Finland supports companies facing problems accentuated in or specific to industrial parks. The outcome outlines the identified challenges as well as the benefits of cooperation between the independent companies in industrial parks.  相似文献   

The study deals with working conditions in small private enterprises in Poland. Data come from 50 small enterprises from the Warsaw area. Information about the evaluation of working conditions and the existence of programmes for their improvement was gathered with the help of questionnaires addressed to employees and employers. The results constitute a ‘photograph’ of the Polish reality at the beginning of its transition from planned to market economy. The study revealed a lack of programmes for the improvement of working conditions in a significant number of the enterprises studied as well as little interest in occupational safety on the part of employers (owners).

The study also revealed that all decisions—including those about the improvement of working conditions—were made by employers. Hence, the need for the widest possible dissemination of knowledge on occupational safety and the protection of human in the working environment with particular stress put on employers. Employers who are knowledgeable in this field and who are aware of its importance can significantly influence the improvement of working conditions in small enterprises.  相似文献   

The first step to chart hazards in the working environment in Estonia (labour force: 0.65 million) was taken by the National Board of Health Protection in the beginning of 1996.

The existing chemical, physical, and biological agents in the working environment were investigated with the help of local health inspectors in all counties. An identification of hazards and workers at risk was carried out. The results of the analysis showed that 16% of Estonian industrial workers are exposed to different hazards: 20,000 persons are exposed to noise, 11,000 are working in the conditions of vibration, 10,000 are affected by unsatisfactory microclimate, 6,000 complain about long-lasting work in a compulsory posture, the overexertion of eyes is suffered by 5,500 persons, and physical overload by 3,500 workers. In the group of chemical hazards the greatest numbers of workers are exposed to organic dust (6,500) and welding aerosols (5,400), followed by petroleum products (2,700), and oil-shale dust (4,300). The measurements of working conditions showed that an average of 30.3% of the results are above the standards. Proposals for the improvement of the situation in occupational safety and health are presented.  相似文献   

我国化学品安全技术说明书(SDS)的管理现状研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从分析我国化学品安全技术说明书的监管现状出发,研究对比了我国和国外在SDS覆盖化学品的范围、审核监督制度以及信息保密机制等管理技术方面的不同做法;指出我国对化学品安全技术说明书的监管在这三方面存在缺陷和不足;提出加强和完善化学品安全技术说明书的监管是提高我国化学品安全监管水平的重要手段;认为借鉴欧盟、美国和加拿大等国家的先进做法拓宽需要编制SDS的化学品范围、建立化学品安全技术说明书第三方检测制度、加强监督、完善信息保密机制将对促进我国的化学品安全监管水平具有重要意义。  相似文献   

主要研究中国大气颗粒物中多环芳烃污染状况,对多环芳烃的浓度水平、时间和空间分布、组成及在不同粒径颗粒物上的分布特征进行了综述.北方城市大气颗粒物中多环芳烃的浓度普遍高于南方城市.大气颗粒物中多环芳烃以4~6环为主,占多环芳烃总量的60%~ 80%.大多数多环芳烃分布于细粒子中,且多环芳烃在PM2.5中的分布占在PM1o中分布的70%以上.多环芳烃质量浓度有明显的季节变化特征,多数研究中多环芳烃浓度从高到低的季节变化规律为冬季、秋季、春季、夏季.不同功能区大气颗粒物中多环芳烃污染,城区高于郊区,交通区和工业区高于商业区、居住区和文化区.  相似文献   

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