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1IntroductionThecity,whichisaplacewithmostpopulation,actsasthepolitical,economicandculturalcen-ter.Oncehitbywaterdisaster,thecitywillcauseheavyeconomicloss.Therefore,it'sveryimportanttounderstandbettertheurbanwaterdisasterandstrengthenthesenseofitsda…  相似文献   

Theflooddisasterin1931.InJuly1931,theprecipitationinthereachesoftheYangtzeRiverwasmorethantwicetheprecipitationofthesameperio...  相似文献   

Theimportanceofwaterhasbeenrecognizedas"thesourceoflife","thelifebloodofcreatures"and"themotherofhumancivilization".Sinceanci...  相似文献   

TheInternationalSeminarConvenedinBeijingonthePromulgationandtheImplementationof"NaturalDis┐asterReductionPlanofthePeople'sRep...  相似文献   

The Ministry of Health has been an active participant in the activities of the International Decadefor Natural Disaster Reduction.Following the assignment of the Government,the Ministry hastaken the responsibility of conducting disaster relief and disease prevention in cooperation withdepartments concerned,and effectively prevented the happening and spreading of major epidemicdiseases whenever the country suffered a catastrophic natural disaster.It has secured the healthand safety of the pe…  相似文献   

Inthefirsthalfof1997,therehadbeendifferentkindsofnaturalcalamitiesstrikingseveralpartsofChinasuchasdisastersofsnow,earthquake,drought,windandhail,raingust,floodsandwaterlogging,andicerun.ClosingJune30,thepopulationaffectedbyvariouskindsofdisastersreachedasmanyas76.72millionpeopleand39.84millionpeopleweredirectvictimsofthesedisasters.1,119peoplediedand24,000peoplewereinjured.Apopulationof630,000wasbesiegedbyfloods;809,000housesweredestroyed;26.7millionhaofcropsweredamagedand890,000peoplehadtobe…  相似文献   

1AnalysisoftheDisastrousFloodandStormSituationinMALROYR,19981.1AnalysisoftheDisastrousStormSituationintheReachesoftheYangtzeRiverin1998AdisastrousfloodoccurredinthemiddleandlowerreachesoftheYangtzeRiver(MALROYR)in1998.ByAugust20,highfloodwaterlevelha…  相似文献   

Joanna Macrae 《Disasters》1998,22(4):309-317
Over recent years, the humanitarian community has been under increasing scrutiny and attracted harsh criticism. This mounting critique of humanitarianism has shifted from being concerned primarily with the poor functioning of the humanitarian system to one targeted on basic humanitarian values. This paper is concerned to understand the factors driving the attack on humanitarian values. It identifies four apparently disparate groups who are interested in attacking these values: the anti-imperialists, the realpolitikers, the developmentalists and the neo-peaceniks. It concludes that unless humanitarian actors are aware of these diverse threats to their values and operations, they risk being co-opted or marginalised.  相似文献   

Duringthistime,snowdisaster,earthquake,drought,stormandfloodsmainlyoccurredinChina.Thedisasterscausedthedeathof68personsandinjuriesof594.Asmanyas246,oooroomscolIapsed.Damagesdidto6.2millionhaofcrops.Thedirecteconomiclossestotalled1.73billionyuanRMB.Xinjiang,Yunnan,Henan,ChongqingandGansuareamongtheseprovinceswithgreatlosses.Thedisasterssharedthefollowingfeatures:(1)variouskindsofnaturaldisasters,inparticularearthquakeandsnowdisasters;(2)theconcentrationofdisasteraffectedregion.Earthquakem…  相似文献   

TheInternationalIDNDRConferenceonEarlyWarningSystemsfortheReductionofNaturalDisasterswasheldattheGeoForschungsZentruminPotsda...  相似文献   

Food insecurity continues to be prevalent in parts of Africa. In December 2015, there were approximately 21.6 million food insecure people in the Horn and East Africa. Climate change is likely to exacerbate current volatility of agricultural production and lead to further food insecurity. Whilst the academic literature has acknowledged the complexity of food insecurity and systems, it is not clear to what extent this has been translated into practice. We argue that there is a tendency to explain complex failures of food systems as ‘droughts’, with insufficient attention paid to other drivers. We analyse humanitarian documents and climate outlook statements in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia and assess how these are reflected in the humanitarian responses to food insecurity in the region by analysing the financing of humanitarian operations. Our findings indicate that the continued evolution in understanding the complex causes of food insecurity and attempts to move away from emergency relief to a more sophisticated approach has not translated into an observable change in humanitarian responses. The reasons behind this persistence of short-term relief, which is being justified with reference to climatic factors, mainly drought, would warrant further research into the decision-making process that triggers humanitarian responses.

List of abbreviations: ACF: Action Contre le Faim; DCM: Drought Cycle Management; DEC: Disaster Emergency Committee; ECHO: European Commission Humanitarian Office; EU: European Union; EWS: Early Warning System; FAO: Food and Agricultural Organization; FEWSNET: Famine Early Warning System Network; FSNAU: Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit; FTS: Financial Tracking Service; GHACOF: Greater Horn of Africa Climate Outlook Forum; GIEWS: Global Information and Early Warning System; IASC: Inter Agency Standing Committee; ICPAC: IGAD Climate Application and Prediction Centre; IFRC: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies; IGAD: Inter-Governmental Authority on Development; IPCC: International Panel for Climate Change; LEWS: Livestock Early Warning System; ODI: Overseas Development Initiative; PASDEP: Plan for Accelerated and Sustained Development to Eradicate Poverty; PSNP: Productive Safety Net Programme; UNDRO: United Nations Disaster Relief Office; UNISDR: United Nations International; UN OCHA: United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs; USAID: United States Agency for International Development; WFP: World Food Programme  相似文献   

The field of disaster risk reduction (DRR) has risen to prominence since the declaration of the International Decade of Disaster Risk Reduction between 1990 and 2000. This decade provided the impetus for a change from the predominant paradigm of disaster response to that of disaster risk reduction as a means of addressing the underlying drivers that lead to disasters. In an effort to promote risk reduction, the UNISDR (the principal agency for disaster risk reduction within the UN structure) formulated policies and strategies to provide both conceptual and practical guidance as to how risk should be reduced. However noble the efforts, this paper contends that the current approach to and understanding of risk within the international community might not be cognisant of complex adaptive systems (CAS) concepts such as the edge of chaos. Specifically, this concept argues that risk (or chaos) within a system is actually a fundamental requirement to the functioning of all resilient socio-ecological systems. Therefore, the reduction of risk without an understanding of the role of that risk within the larger socio-ecological system might actually end up reducing the system’s overall level of disaster resilience. This paper aims to explore the concept of edge of chaos through a literature review of key theoretical works on the topic, followed by a discussion on its implications for the predominant paradigm of risk reduction within disaster risk management policy and practice.  相似文献   

1 Western development strategy is nationwide. The Western development strategy is initiated from the general goal, the overall arrangement and the general strategic deployment of the nation's development. The followings are included: (1) the initiative factors of the western development strategy are: a tremendous economic growth in the eastern and coastal area of China; an unprecedented development of the national abilities on investment and independent growth; the widening gap between the ea…  相似文献   

Since1990's,thecontinueddevelopmentstrategyhasbeenacceptedgraduallybythewholeworld.Theconceptthat"thedevelopmentshouldnotonlymeettheneedsofpeopletoday,butalsoshouldnotconstituteathreattomeetingtheabilityofdemandsofthefuturegenerations"acontinueddevelopmentconceptwillbecomeoneofthebasicconceptsthatwillleapoverthecen-tury.Thestrategyofpromotingourcountrybyscienceandeducationandthecontinueddevelop-mentstrategyaretwobigstrategiesofcountry'sdevelopmentwhichareformulatedintheninthfive-year-planandth…  相似文献   

1DestructionoftheForestVegetationIstheMajorCauseoftheSeverestFloodsof1998PremierZhuRongjisaidataninterviewwithMaYongshun,anoldmodelworkerinthefieldofforestry,"Thisyear,theseverestfloodsoccurredbothinthesouthandnorthofourcountry.Themajorcauseofthisnat…  相似文献   

Comrades:Justnow,CornradeFanBaojunpresentedanexplanationonrelevantissuesregardingNaturalDisasterReductlonPlanofPeople'sRepublicofChina.MemberspresenthaveputforwardverygoodsuggestionsandcommentsabouttheimplementationandprefectofthePlan.WehaveagreedunanimouslysubmittherevisedPlantotheStateCouncilforfinalapproval.WecansaynowthatwiththeconcertedeffortsofalImemberorganizationsofCNCIDNDR,wehavecompletedtherevlewofthePlan.Now,IwouldliketomakesomecommentsonirnplementingthePlan.1ToRaisetheA…  相似文献   

Thecountryhadsuferedfrequentnaturaldisastersinthefirsthalfofyear1998,includingsnowdisasters,earthquakes,hailstormdisasters,sa...  相似文献   

TheWaterResourceintheMiddleofShaanxiProvinceZhangRuhe(ShaanxiMeteorologicalBureau,Xi'an710000)ShaanxiProvinceisaninlandprovin...  相似文献   

Disaster researchers have long analysed disruption to affected residents' ontological security, often represented by routines and familiar landmarks. Surprisingly little of this work, though, assesses who is most likely to experience feelings of disruption. Using a representative set of survey data, complemented by follow-up interview data from 40 residents affected by the Southern Alberta Flood of June 2013, this paper explores how demographic characteristics, such as gender and place attachment, impact on residents' sense of disruption and loss. The findings indicate that women and people with stronger emotional and social ties to their neighbourhoods are most likely to experience disrupted ontological security; home flooding and evacuation orders are also significant predictors. The qualitative interview data reveal that many participants felt unsettled and disrupted by myriad factors, such as ongoing construction, which prevented them from establishing a ‘new normal’. The paper concludes by discussing the implications of these findings for policymakers and service providers.  相似文献   

TheriseanddevelopmentofIDNDRintheworldisundoubtedlyagreatpushtothecauseofnat-uraldisasterreductionofvariouscountries.Itcalspe...  相似文献   

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