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H. Caspers 《Marine Biology》1984,79(3):229-236
The relationship between the phase of the moon and the emergence of the epitokous segments of the palolo worm Eunice viridis Gray has been known to the natives of the Samoan Islands for centuries. They predict the date and time of day when the emergence occurs so that they can be ready to catch the worms. This phenomenon is one of the best known examples of lunar periodicity. It was first described scientifically at the end of the last century. My own investigations concern the occurrence of the worms in the reef, in which they gnaw long tunnels through the massive blocks of coral limestone at levels characterized by the occurrence of symbiotic algae. Apparently the algae are the main sources of nutrition for the worms. The casting off of the epitokous segments occurs at the third quarter of the moon in October or November. An analysis of known dates on which the swarms of worms have appeared permitted a precise method of prediction to be formulated. The causality of this periodicity is discussed.  相似文献   

Lunar patterns of settlement of 15 Caribbean reef fishes were assessed from daily collections of newly arrived fishes from each of two small (A=63 and B=28 m2) patch reefs at Punta de San Blas (Panamá) during two consecutive 2 yr periods (1984, 1985 and 1986, 1987). In 12 species settlement was lunar-cyclic, with a broad peak of activity around the new moon in 11 cases, and at first quarter in 1 species. However, 3 of these lunar-cyclic species displayed intermittent semilunar periodicity in settlement, with peaks around the quarter moons. One other species had a semilunar cycle of settlement with peaks at both quarter moons. Two species apparently lacked lunar settlement cycles. In some, but not all, paris of congeners: (a) monthly variation in settlement intensity was positively correlated, (b) the duration of settlement pulses in the same month consistently differed, and (c) the timing of settlement pulses in the same month often differed (although one species did not consistently arrive before the other). Recruitment of juvenile fish that survived to the end of the lunar cycle in which they settled was monitored monthly, concurrently with settlement, at a number of large sites scattered up to 2 km apart. The levels of variation in the amount of settlement and recruitment each month differed in only 2 of 17 cases, with settlement variation exceeding recruitment variation in only one of these. The intensity of recruitment was positively correlated with the intensity of settlement in 16 of 17 cases. In 15 of those 16 cases, R 2 values for linear regressions of recruitment on settlement exceeded R 2 values for curvilinear regressions that would indicate either increasing or decreasing recruitment success with increasing intensity of settlement. Thus it appears that variation in recruitment can be used to estimate variation in settlement, and that recruitment success may be density-independent.  相似文献   

A pilot study was conducted at Davies Reef on the central Great Barrier Reef between 20 November 1991 and 20 January 1992 to assess the suitability of settlement collectors for measuring larval settlement rates of echinoderms on coral reefs. The collectors were deployed for two months during summer when many echinoderm species are known to spawn. A total of 657 newly settled echinoderms were recovered from just 47 collectors, each having a volume of just 0.005 m3 but with a utilisable surface area of about 1.44 m2, indicating that competent-to-settle larvae were very abundant during the sampling period. Echinoids (7.8 sampler-1) and ophiuroids (5.6 sampler-1) were the most abundant groups on the collectors. Asteroids (0.2 sampler-1) and crinoids (0.3 sampler-1 were less common. The asteroids were all identified to species and included the crown-of-thorns starfish Acanthaster planci, Choriaster granulatus and Culcita novaeguineae. The newly settled echinoids could not be distinguished from each other but included Echinometra mathaei and Mespilia globulus. The abundance of each of the five different classes of echinoderms on the samplers was correlated with their abundance on the natural substratum. Significant spatial variability was found in settlement rates of echinoids over 1000s of metres and ophiuroids over 100s of metres, but not over smaller spatial scales. It is concluded that the collectors can provide a useful tool for monitoring spatial and temporal variability in settlement rates of echinoderms on coral reefs and for testing hypotheses about patterns of larval dispersal.  相似文献   

Settlement patterns and the relationship between meroplanktonic larvae and settlement in decapods were studied on the Scottish east coast. Artificial settlement substrates (ASS), deployed at two locations (sandy vs. rocky sea substrates), were employed to collect megalopae and newly settled juveniles. Abundance of meroplanktonic larvae was used as an indicator of larval supply. The results showed a clear seasonality in settlement rates, and in some cases, significant differences between sites were detected. Nevertheless, the interference of the ASS with the surrounding habitat limits the study of spatial variability in settlement rates. Significant cross-correlation was found between the abundance of megalopae and juveniles in the collectors and planktonic larval abundance a month earlier. For individual species, this relationship was observed only in Pisidia longicornis. Complexities caused by the great variety of pre- and post-settlement processes, alongside effects of secondary dispersals of early juveniles may have obscured the relationship between meroplanktonic larvae and juveniles in other species.  相似文献   

Lithophaga date mussels from three species (L. lessepsiana, L. simplex and L. purpurea) were removed from their stony coral hosts in the Red sea at Eilat, Israel. Spawning, observed in the laboratory on several occasions during 1987–1988, appeared to be closely tied to lunar periods, occurring primarily during the last quarter and the new moon. Embryonic and larval development was typical of that described for other mytilids and, except for pigmentation differences, which could be discerned during embryogenesis, the developmental stages of the three species were indistinguishable. Development to the pediveliger stage took 3 to 4 wk in standard culture conditions, but raising the temperature to 27.5 °C increased the growth rate of larvae of L. lessepsiana by as much as three-fold, so that the pediveliger stage was attained in 16 d. Larvae resulting from spawning by L. simplex adults removed from the coral Astreopora myriophthalma grew significantly faster in culture than larvac from adults removed from the coral Goniastrea pectinata (comparison of slopes, p<0.05). The latter individuals showed a 6-d growth plateau at the early umbone stage. Metamorphically competent larvae were capable of delaying metamorphosis for up to 4mo, which would allow an extended period for dispersion and would increase the chance of finding a suitable substratum in the natural environment.  相似文献   

A total of 34 zooplanktonic taxa were common in emergence trap, reentry trap, and net-tow samples taken in the lagoon of Heron Reef, Great Barrier Reef, between 27 February and 22 March and between 11 June and 4 July 1985. Twenty-nine of these taxa were classified as demersal (17 taxa), meroplanktonic and larval (10 taxa), or incidental (2 taxa). The remaining five multispecific groups yielded variable results. Differences were observed between two locations separated by 200 m, with emergence 2 to 62 times greater for 22 taxa at a deeper site with larger coral formations. Most zooplankters were more common (2 to 122 times) in samples from 1 m2 areas around 0.25 to 0.5 m2 patches of branching coral. However, two species of copepods, Pseudodiaptomus colefaxi and Metis holothuriae, were taken in greater numbers (3 to 12 times) from open sand. Seasonal increases (2 to 322 times) were observed for 13 adult taxa and 8 classes of larvae or juveniles in the summer and for 10 adult taxa and one larval group in the winter. Fourteen of the 17 demersal taxa and 4 groups of large larvae or juveniles emerged in numbers 2 to 323 times greater during lunar quarters or new moons. In contrast, 6 larval taxa and 4 groups of small or transparent adults displayed significant emergence during full moons. Five diurnal emergence patterns were shown by 27 taxa, with patterns varying primarily among lunar periods. The variety of taxon-specific patterns observed in this study highlight a need for caution when generalizing about demersal zooplankton.  相似文献   

Reproduction and recruitment in high-latitude coral populations in Japan have been little studied. A comprehensive study of the reproduction and early life history was conducted on nine common scleractinian coral species in Amakusa, southwestern Japan (32°N) from 2001 to 2003 including; (1) fecundity (the proportion of colonies with mature eggs), (2) timing and synchrony of spawning, (3) initial larval settlement pattern, (4) recruitment, (5) post-settlement mortality. The fecundity was high (76.7–100%) in six of seven species examined in 2002 and 2003. Annual spawning of the seven species occurred from mid July to August in 2001–2003, when seawater temperature was at the annual maximum. Spawning was highly synchronised among conspecific colonies and species in 2002 and 2003, with five species spawning five to nine nights after the full moon and another two spawning around the new moon. Temporal patterns of larval settlement of three spawning species during the first 10 days after spawning were similar to those of other spawning species from low latitudes. The number of scleractinian recruits on settlement plates, deployed from July to October (the major recruitment period at the study site), was low (2 recruits/m2) for the three consecutive years. Post-settlement mortality of 1–1.5 month old spat of five species ranged between 88 and 100% over 3–10 months in the field, similar to the values reported for both high and low latitude species (>94–99%). Among the key stages examined, the low recruitment rate may be the most important step in limiting successful reproduction and recruitment of these high-latitude scleractinian populations. The low recruitment rate may be attributable to (1) the reduced influx of larval supply from other coral populations, which are smaller and more isolated at high-latitudes and (2) the longer precompetent larval phase of broadcast-spawning corals which results in an increased chance of larvae being dispersed away from parent populations.  相似文献   

Many corals obtain their obligate intracellular dinoflagellate symbionts from the environment as larvae or juveniles. The process of symbiont acquisition remains largely unexplored, especially under stress. This study addressed both the ability of Fungia scutaria (Lamarck 1801) larvae to establish symbiosis with Symbiodinium sp. C1f while exposed to elevated temperature and the survivorship of aposymbiotic and newly symbiotic larvae under these conditions. Larvae were exposed to 27, 29, or 31°C for 1 h prior to infection, throughout a 3-h infection period, and up to 72 h following infection. Exposure to elevated temperatures impaired the ability of coral larvae to establish symbiosis and reduced larval survivorship. At 31°C, the presence of symbionts further reduced larval survivorship. As sea surface temperatures rise, coral larvae exposed to elevated temperatures during symbiosis onset will likely be negatively impacted, which in turn could affect the establishment of future generations of corals.  相似文献   

Vermeij MJ  Sandin SA 《Ecology》2008,89(7):1994-2004
The local densities of heterospecifics and conspecifics are known to have profound effects on the dynamics of many benthic species, including rates of settlement and early post-settlement survivorship. We described the early life history of the Caribbean coral, Siderastrea radians by tracking the population dynamics from recently settled planulae to juveniles. Through three years of observation, settlement correlated with the abundance of other benthic organisms, principally turf algae (negatively) and crustose coralline algae (positively). In addition, adult density showed independent effects on coral settlement and early post-settlement survivorship. Settlement rates increased across low levels of adult cover and saturated at a maximum around 10% cover. Early post-settlement survivorship decreased with adult cover, revealing structuring density dependence in coral settlers. The earliest life stages of corals are defined by low survivorship, with survivorship increasing appreciably with colony size. However, recent settlers (one-polyp individuals, < 1-year-old) are more likely to grow into two-polyp juveniles than older single polyps (> 1-year-old) that were delayed in their development. The early benthic phase of corals is defined by a severe demographic bottleneck for S. radians, with appreciable density-dependent and density-independent effects on survivorship. For effective management and restoration of globally imperiled coral reefs, we must focus more attention on this little studied, but dynamic, early life history period of corals.  相似文献   

Acroporid corals are the main reef-building corals that provide three-dimensional habitats for other reef organisms, but are decreasing on many reefs worldwide due to natural and anthropogenic disturbances. In this study, temporal patterns of larval settlement and survivorship of two broadcast-spawning acroporid coral species, Acropora muricata and A. valida, were examined through laboratory rearing experiments to better understand the potential for larval dispersal of this important coral group. Many larvae were attached (but not metamorphosed) to settlement tiles on the first examination 3–4 days after spawning (AS). The first permanent larval settlement (i.e. metamorphosed and permanently settled juvenile polyps) occurred at 5–6 days AS, and most larval settlement (85–97% of total) occurred within 9–10 days AS. Larval survivorship decreased substantially to around 50% by the first week of the experiment and to approximately 10% by the second to third week. The rates of larval attachment, settlement, and the initial drop in survivorship of larvae suggest that effective dispersal of some acroporid species may largely be completed within the first few weeks AS.  相似文献   

The sympatric echinoids Diadema savignyi and D. setosum coexist in shallow reef lagoons throughout East Africa. The reproductive strategies of these echinoids were studied to investigate reproductive isolation as a possible mechanism for maintaining the coexistence of these closely related species. The annual reproductive cycle and lunar periodicity were determined by gonad index measurements, histological examination of gametogenesis, and induction of spawning with injections of KCl. The peak reproductive period of D. savignyi coincided with the north-east monsoon period (when light and temperatures are high) as gonad indices were high (>8%) beginning in February and peaked at 9.7% in May. Gonad indices subsequently rapidly decreased (by 26%) in June at the beginning of the cooler south-east monsoon period. However, the presence of sperm and ova in most months of the year indicates continuous gametogenesis with reduced reproductive effort during the cooler months. The annual cycle for D. setosum showed less of a seasonal trend as gonad indices remained above 7% throughout much of the year but tended to be highest when temperatures were lower. This is the first confirmation of continuous reproduction in these two species at the equator. The reproductive patterns of both species remained consistent over 2 years of sampling. Both species exhibited a synchronized lunar spawning periodicity during the 3 months sampled, with D. setosum spawning on lunar days 8–10 and D. savignyi spawning after the full moon (lunar days 17–18). Whereas spawning in D. savignyi was very tightly synchronized, 20% of D. setosum individuals still spawned after the peak spawning period. The coexistence of these closely related species appears to be maintained by temporal reproductive isolation during the lunar spawning period reinforced by seasonal differences in reproductive effort.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

The ability of young coral reef fishes to feed using solely ultraviolet-A (UV-A) radiation during ontogeny was examined using natural prey in experimental tanks. Larvae and juveniles of three coral reef fish species (Pomacentrus amboinensis, Premnas biaculeatus and Apogon compressus) are able to feed successfully using UV-A radiation alone during the later half of the pelagic larval phase. The minimum UV radiation intensities required for larval feeding occur in the field down to depths of 90–130 m in oceanic waters and 15–20 m in turbid inshore waters. There was no abrupt change in UV sensitivity after settlement, indicating that UV photosensitivity may continue to play a significant role in benthic juveniles on coral reefs. Tests of UV sensitivity in the field using light traps indicate that larval and juvenile stages of 16 coral reef fish families are able to detect and respond photopositively to UV wavelengths. These include representatives from families that are unlikely to possess UV sensitivity as adults due to the UV transmission characteristics of the ocular media. Functional UV sensitivity may be more widespread in young coral reef fishes than in the adults, and may play a significant role in detecting zooplanktonic prey.  相似文献   

Mucous sheets are common on poritid corals as well as other reef coelenterates, but the frequency, cause and function of these sheets have rarely been investigated.Porites furcata Lamarck andPorites astreoides Lamarck colonies at three sites in the San Blas Islands, Panama, were monitored for the presence or absence of mucous sheets every 2 d between 11 May and 27 August 1983. Concurrent measurements of polyp expansion, particulate matter concentrations, salinity, water temperature and sedimentation rates were also made at each site. Mucous sheet formation was not correlated with any of the environmental parameters measured. Mucous sheet formation by both species had a lunar periodicity.P. furcata formed mucous sheets around the time of the full moon, whileP. astreoides formed mucous sheets during the first quarter (around a week before full moon). Mucous sheet formation was correlated with polyp contraction behavior and may be a secondary effect of a lunar cycle in polyp activity.  相似文献   

Otoliths of five Hygophum species were examined by means of light and scanning electron microscopy. In otoliths of four species (H. benoiti, H. macrochir, H. reinhardtii and H. taaningi) a strong cyclic pattern of the incremental structure was observed. In the fifth species (H. hygomii) such a pattern did not exist. An analysis of archival data on mesopelagic collections suggested three types of Hygophum spp. migratory behavior in relation to the lunar cycle which corresponded with the otolith microstructure. In H. hygomii only limited influence of moon phase on the uppermost range of night-vertical migration toward the surface was observed. The abundant nighttime occurrence of this species moved from the 0 to 50 m into the 50 to 100 m depth strata at full moon. In H. benoiti, a great part of the population, mainly juveniles, showed a tendency toward cessation of the vertical migrations during the first and fourth quarters of the lunar cycle. H. macrochir and H. taaningi had the strongest correlation of behavior with the lunar cycle. Both species showed arrested vertical migrations at the new moon phase, staying at day depths during the night, i. e., below 400 m. Thus, sequences of clear growth increments in otoliths represented a fast-growth period associated with the night migration to the warm surface layers, while bands without easily distinguishable incremental structure were interpreted as a period of slow growth in deep, cold waters due to limitation of the upward migration range occurring approximately at new moon.  相似文献   

Successful settlement of pelagic fish larvae into benthic juvenile habitats may be enhanced by a shortened settlement period, since it limits larval exposure to predation in the new habitat. Because the spatial distribution of marine fish larvae immediately prior to settlement versus during settlement was unknown, field experiments were conducted at Ishigaki Island (Japan) using light trap sampling and underwater visual belt transect surveys to investigate the spatial distribution patterns of selected pre- and post-settlement fishes (Acanthuridae, Pomacentridae, Chaetodonidae and Lethrinidae) among four habitats (seagrass bed, coral rubble, branching coral and tabular coral). The results highlighted two patterns: patterns 1, pre- and post-settlement individuals showing a ubiquitous distribution among the four habitats (Acanthuridae) and pattern 2, pre-settlement individuals distributed in all habitats, but post-settlement individuals restricted to coral (most species of Pomacentridae and Chaetodontidae) or seagrass habitats (Lethrinidae). The first pattern minimizes the transition time between the larval pelagic stage and acquisition of a benthic reef habitat, the latter leading immediately to a juvenile lifestyle. In contrast, the second pattern is characterized by high settlement habitat selectivity by larvae and/or differential mortality immediately after settlement.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of elevated temperature under different exposure periods on larval settlement and post-settlement survival in scleractinian corals, Acropora solitaryensis and Favites chinensis. In the first experiment with the subtropical coral, A. solitaryensis, the numbers of larvae settling and those dead were examined daily for 5 days at 20, 23 (ambient), 26 and 29°C conditions. Larval settlement of A. solitaryensis was initially greater at higher temperature conditions, but the peak in number of settled larvae shifted from 29 to 26°C by day 5, due to ca. 90% post-settlement mortality at 29°C condition. In order to determine the effects under short-term exposure, larvae of F. chinensis were exposed to 27 (ambient), 31 or 34°C only for one hour in the second experiment. The number of larvae settling for 24 h after the exposure and their survivorship over subsequent week was monitored in the ambient temperature condition. Larvae of F. chinensis exhibited greater settlement at higher temperature treatments and constantly low post-settlement mortalities (< ca. 17%) in all temperature treatments, resulting in the highest number of settled larvae at 34°C treatment. These results suggested two different effects of elevated temperature on the early stages of recruitment process of scleractinian corals; (1) the positive effect on larval settlement and (2) the negative effect on post-settlement survival under prolonged exposure.  相似文献   

D. S. Stoner 《Marine Biology》1994,121(2):319-326
The rate at which larvae successfully recruit into communities of marine benthic invertebrates is partially dependent upon how well larvae avoid benthic predators and settle on appropriate substrata. Therefore, to be able to predict recruitment success, information is needed on how larvae search for settlement sites, whether larvae preferentially settle on certain substrata, and the extent to which there are adequate cues for larvae to find these substrata. This article describes how larvae of the colonial ascidian Diplosoma similis find settlement sites on a coral reef. Direct field observations of larval settlement were made on a fringing reef in Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii, between September 1985 and April 1986. A comparison of the substrata that larvae contacted prior to settlement relative to the percentage cover of these substrata on the study reef suggests that larvae are using a non-contact mode of substratum identification to locate suitable settlement sites. This mode of substratum identification allowed 74% of larvae to evade predation by benthic organisms who would otherwise have eaten larvae if they had been contacted. Of those larvae that evaded predation, 88% subsequently settled on the same two substrata upon which most adults are found (dead coral or the green alga Dictyosphaeria cavernosa). This pattern of settlement was probably a result of active selection, since the two substrata cover only 14.4% of the reef's surface and currents had little effect on the direction in which larvae swam. An important contributing factor to the high success rate of larval settlement on suitable substrata was the lack of any temporal decay in substratum preference. It is concluded that for Diplosoma similis larval supply is a sufficient predictor of larval settlement rate. However, for marine invertebrates whose larvae are passively dispersed and exhibit a greater temporal decay in substratum preference, larval settlement should generally have a greater dependency on spatial variation in the abundance of benthic predators and suitable substrata.  相似文献   

Short-term temporal patterns of recruitment have been described in a variety of coral reef fishes and have often been related with lunar and tidal cycles. While the relative importance of lunar and tidal factors in determining recruitment patterns has been difficult to assess, most studies have been done in the Caribbean and Indo-Pacific, where tidal amplitudes are small. We studied the short-term temporal dynamics of fish recruitment at Gorgona Island (tropical eastern Pacific), where there is a large tidal amplitude (~4.4 m). Every other day during three consecutive months in 1998, we directly measured the magnitude of reef fish recruitment to standardized coral units (SCUs) isolated from natural reefs. A total of 40 species from 21 families settled on the SCUs. Of 11 species with sufficient numbers for meaningful statistical analyses, two (Lutjanus guttatus and Pomacanthus zonipectus) had lunar recruitment with peaks near the new moon; three combined species of antennariids showed semilunar recruitment with peaks near moon quarters; and eight other species showed sporadic and aperiodic recruitment pulses. The contribution of lunar (moonlight intensity) and tidal factors (tidal amplitude and net tidal flow) to recruitment dynamics varied among species, although it was generally low (<18%) even among species with periodic patterns, except perhaps in L. guttatus. In this species, recruitment magnitude correlated negatively with moonlight intensity, accounting for 34.5% of the variance. Post-settlement predation by roving predators may be one cause of this relationship. In the remaining species, particularly those with sporadic and aperiodic recruitment pulses, stochastically varying weather and oceanographic events may be more important in determining temporal variation in recruitment.  相似文献   

The growth and development of the tissues and skeleton of settled larvae of the reef coral Pocillopora damicornis (Linnaeus), collected in December 1983 from Ko Phuket, Thailand, were investigated using light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The rate of development of larval skeletons was very variable, preventing the chronological sequencing of skeletal growth. However, four growth stages in the development of a complete larval skeleton from first settlement were identificd: Stage 1, deposition of the first elements of the basal plate upon settlement; Stage 2, completion of basal plate, and deposition of skeletal spines and ridges in positions corresponding to the septal cycles; Stage 3, formation of the corallite wall and septal and costal cycles; Stage 4, the complete larval skeleton which represented the maximum growth attained eight days after settlement. The configuration of the larval tissues, particularly the aboral ectoderm, mirrored the four developmental stages. The deposition of the larval skeleton was correlated with the metamorphosis of the aboral ectoderm from a columnar to a squamous morphology. The basal plate of the larval skeleton had two layers of crystals orientated perpendicular to each other. The architecture of the complete larval skeleton is described and compared to that of the adult skeleton of P. damicornis. The results are discussed with respect to previous concepts of the formation of the larval skeleton of scleractinian corals and coral calcification.  相似文献   

Few time series collections have been made of the larval ichthyofauna in waters directly above shallow coral reefs. As a result, relatively little is known regarding the composition and temporal dynamics of larval fish assemblages in shallow-reef waters, particularly those near a major western boundary current. We conducted a series of nightly net tows from a small boat over a shallow reef (Pickles Reef) along the upper Florida Keys during four new moon and three third-quarter moon periods in July (two new moons), August, and September 2000. Replicate tows were made after sunset at 0–1 m and at 4–5 m depth to measure the nightly progression in community composition, differences in depth of occurrence, and abundance and diversity with lunar phase. A total of 66 families was collected over the 3-month period, with a mean (±SE) nightly density of 23.7±2.1 larvae per 100 m 3 and diversity of 24.2±0.9 taxa per tow. A total of 28.8% of the catch was composed of small, schooling fishes in the families Atherinidae, Clupeidae, and Engraulidae. Of the remaining catch, the top ten most abundant families included reef fishes as well as mangrove and oceanic taxa (in descending order): Scaridae, Blennioidei (suborder), Gobiidae, Paralichthyidae, Lutjanidae, Haemulidae, Labridae, Gerreidae (mangrove), Balistidae, and Scombridae (oceanic). These near-reef larval fish assemblages differed substantially from those collected during previous offshore collections. Taxa such as the Haemulidae were collected at a range of sizes and may remain nearshore throughout their larval period. Overall, the abundance and diversity of taxa did not differ with depth (although within-night vertical migration was evident) or with lunar phase. Temporal patterns of abundance of larval fish families clustered into distinct groups that in several cases paralleled family life-history patterns. In late July, a sharp shift in larval assemblages signaled the replacement of oceanic water with inner shelf/bay water. In general, the suite and relative abundance of taxa collected each night differed from those collected on other nights, and assemblages reflected distinct nightly events as opposed to constant or cyclical patterns. Proximity to the Florida Current likely contributes to the dynamic nature of these near-reef larval assemblages. Our results emphasize the uniqueness of near-reef larval fish assemblages and point to the need for further examination of the biophysical relationships generating event-related temporal patterns in these assemblages.  相似文献   

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