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Randall Spalding-Fecher Arthur Chapman Francis Yamba Hartley Walimwipi Harald Kling Bernard Tembo Imasiku Nyambe Boaventura Cuamba 《Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change》2016,21(5):721-742
The Zambezi River Basin in southern Africa is relatively undeveloped from both a hydropower and irrigated agriculture perspective, despite the existence of the large Kariba and Cahora Bassa dams. Accelerating economic growth increases the potential for competition for water between hydropower and irrigated agriculture, and climate change will add additional stresses to this system. The objective of this study was to assess the vulnerability of major existing and planned new hydropower plants to changes in climate and upstream irrigation demand. Our results show that Kariba is highly vulnerable to a drying climate, potentially reducing average electricity generation by 12 %. Furthermore, the expansion of Kariba generating capacity is unlikely to deliver the expected increases in production even under a favourable climate. The planned Batoka Gorge plant may also not be able to reach the anticipated production levels from the original feasibility study. Cahora Bassa’s expansion is viable under a wetting climate, but its potential is less likely to be realised under a drying climate. The planned Mphanda Nkuwa plant can reach expected production levels under both climates if hydropower is given water allocation priority, but not if irrigation is prioritised, which is likely. For both Cahora Bassa and Mphanda Nkuwa, prioritising irrigation demand over hydropower could severely compromise these plants’ output. Therefore, while climate change is the most important overall driver of variation in hydropower potential, increased irrigation demand will also have a major negative impact on downstream plants in Mozambique. This implies that climate change and upstream development must be explicitly incorporated into both project and system expansion planning. 相似文献
气候变化对水量水质的影响是气候变化与水研究领域热点和难点问题之一,尤其是对水质的影响。论文以淮河中上游流域为例,利用德国马普研究所的气候模式(MPI)情景数据驱动已率定好的分布式水量水质耦合模型,模拟和分析了未来近期(2020年代)和中长期(2030年代)气候变化对流域出口断面水量水质过程、产流系数和污染空间分布的影响。此外,基于历史典型重大突发性水污染事件时期极端降水的时空分布特征,推测未来可能发生突发性水污染事件的频率和时间。研究表明:1)温室气体中等排放A1B情景下,相比于基准年(1990年代),流域降水呈下降趋势,但气温增幅近2 ℃,势必导致出口断面径流量明显减少和流域蒸散发增加,也导致入河非点源负荷减少;此外气温升高导致水体污染负荷降解速率加快,因此出口断面的污染负荷也有所减少。2)从空间分布来看,未来流域产流系数将有所降低。受气候变化影响较高的地区为沙颍河上游和涡河上游地区。受产流系数降低的影响,流域水污染发生率将有所上升,影响较高的区域位于洪汝河上游、沙颍河上游和贾鲁河等水系。3)在排污水平和闸坝调度规则不变的情况下,2020年代和2030年代重大突发性水污染事件预测可能发生时间为2035年7月,约为20 a一遇,低于基准期间约3~4 a一遇。总的来说,相比于基准年,气候变化对淮河中上游流域未来水量水质的影响适中。 相似文献
漳卫河流域水文循环过程对气候变化的响应 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
气候变化对我国各地区水资源影响的时空格局变化,是气候变化影响评估的重要内容。论文以漳卫河为研究流域,采用线性回归法、Mann-Kendall非参数检验等方法,分析了1957-2001年的水文气象要素变化特征;基于数字高程模型、土地利用和土壤类型等资料,建立了SWAT分布式水文模型,验证了SWAT模型在该流域的适用性;根据IPCC第四次评估报告多模式结果,分析了IPCC SRES-A2、A1B、B1情景下21世纪降水、气温、径流、蒸发的响应过程。结果表明漳卫河流域未来2011-2099年降水量变化较基准期呈现出增加趋势,年平均气温较基准期也呈现出显著的上升趋势,各年代径流量较基准期将出现先减少后增大的态势。 相似文献
气候变化对海河流域水资源的影响及其对策 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
将全球气候模式与分布式水文模型WEP-L耦合,在国家气候中心整理提供的多模式平均数据集基础上,利用WEP-L模拟了海河流域历史30年(1961—1990年)和未来30年(2021—2050年)降水、蒸发、径流等主要水循环要素的变化规律,分析了气候变化对海河流域水资源的影响,结果表明,未来30年:①从年际变化规律看,气温普遍升高,降雨量略有增加,蒸发量普遍加大,径流量呈减少趋势,且有丰水年洪水规模更大、平水或枯水年干旱情况更严重的趋势;②从年内变化规律看,各月蒸发量普遍增加,汛期的降雨量有所减少,非汛期的降雨量有所增加,各月径流量则有不同程度的减少。因此,未来气候变化条件下海河流域水资源管理将面临更加严峻的挑战,本研究给出了一些基本的对策。 相似文献
渭河谷地的气候干暖化与未来趋势 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
根据渭河谷地代表测站32a气象实测资料,应用线性回归与趋势分析方法,分析了该区冬春变暖、秋春变干的干暖特征,即5城市平均年增温0.0064℃,年均减少降水0.1248mm;气候干暖化,尤其以冬春季增温明显,春秋季变干显著,预测该地区未来5a的气候仍以士暖化为特点,预计到2001a可能增温0.2℃,年降水减少30mm。 相似文献
澜沧江流域植被NDVI与气候因子的相关性分析 总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8
基于2000-2010年MODIS NDVI数据和气象台站数据,对澜沧江流域植被NDVI与气候因子间的相关性逐像元进行分析,研究流域植被-气候关系的空间格局特征,并对其可能影响因素进行了探讨。研究结果表明:① 气温和降水对澜沧江流域植被生长均具有明显影响,其中,温度的影响尤为显著;② 流域植被生长对气候响应表现出明显的滞后效应,随着纬度的升高,植被对气候因子响应的滞后时间逐渐缩短;③ 流域不同植被类型受气温和降水的影响程度及其对气温和降水变化的敏感性均表现为草地>耕地>灌木林地>有林地。同一植被类型受气温的影响强于降水,但对降水的变化更为敏感;④ 气候特征(多年平均气温和年降水量)显著影响植被NDVI对气候变化的响应时间。年平均气温的高低与气温对植被的影响力并无必然联系,但年降水量显著影响植被NDVI与降水间的相关程度。 相似文献
区域性气候变化对长江中下游流域植被覆盖的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
利用2000─2010年MODIS EVI(增强型植被指数)数据和气候资料,对长江中下游流域区域性气候变化对植被覆盖的影响进行了综合研究. 结果显示:①2000—2010年间长江中下游流域植被覆盖度呈上升趋势,EVI年均值从0.302增至0.318,增幅达5.57%,增长主要出现在春季. 各植被类型中,常绿阔叶林、落叶阔叶林、混交林和人工农田植被覆盖度增加最为显著. ②研究区整体植被覆盖较好,但地域差异较大, EVI高值区分布在东南部南岭、武夷山、九岭山一带;中部江河湖泊区、长江两岸大型城市周边区域植被覆盖较差. ③气温是植被覆盖变化的主要影响因子,尤其春季表现最为显著;由于常年降水充沛,研究区降水量对植被覆盖影响程度不及气温;日照时数仅在夏季对当月植被覆盖有一定影响;相对湿度对植被覆盖影响较低,但在秋季对植被覆盖影响时间较长,可持续3个月. ④气候变化对自然植被覆盖的影响主要表现在湖南省和湖北省西部;对湖南省中部和安徽省中北部地区人工农田植被的影响较显著. ⑤空间相关性研究表明,长江中下游流域植被覆盖度增加除与自然条件改善有关外,国家近年来实施的各项生态工程也起到了积极的作用. 相似文献
气候变化条件下海河流域日降水统计降尺度研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在气候变化对水资源影响评价研究中,统计降尺度方法通常用来解决空间尺度不匹配问题。在本文中,预报量采用海河流域上典型区域的11个气象站点1961~2000共40年的日降水资料,预报因子选自NCEP/NCAR的再分析资料,以及英国Hadlay 中心GCM模型在a2情景和b2情景下的大气变量,主要采用Statistical Down-Scaling Model(SDSM模型)进行海河流域日降水的降尺度研究。结果表明:①使用逐步线性回归方法(SMLR),可以在广阔的空间范围内优选出具有一定物理意义的预报因子;②使用统计降尺度方法SDSM,采用不同的GCM资料,都可以较准确模拟降水的季节变化特征;③使用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料的降尺度结果优于Hadlay中心a2和b2情景下的,观测和模拟降水的相关系数分别可以达到93%和85%左右;④与现状年(1984~1993年)相比,未来(2011~2040年)的年降水总量大约会减少4%;降水峰值略滞后;降水时间更加集中;极端降水事件的强度加大;最大干天持续天数也变长。图3表5参32 相似文献
长江流域植被净初级生产力对未来气候变化的响应 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
研究基于气象观测和B2气候变化情景数据,利用大气-植被相互作用模型(AVIM2)模拟了1981—2000年和2010—2050年两个时段内植被NPP的空间分布格局及其时间变化趋势并分析了其时空变化与气温和降水量的关系。研究表明1981—2000年流域内植被NPP的空间分布大致呈现自西向东、自北向南递增的趋势。未来长江流域气温将整体增加,但各地增温幅度不同。流域降水量有增有减,主要增加区域位于长江源头和上游及中游的江北地区。未来在气温增加幅度较小而降水量增加的区域,如长江源头和上游的青海、西藏、川西及云南的部分地区的植被NPP将增加。在气温增幅较大而降水量减少或者降水量增加不多的区域如长江中游和下游的广大地区植被NPP将减少。从植被类型来看,长江流域大部分森林、郁闭灌丛和农作物的NPP在B2气候变化情景下将减少,每年减少量分别在0~4.5 gC.m-2、0~2 gC.m-2和0~2.5 gC.m-2之间。高寒草甸、草地和稀疏灌丛的NPP将增加,每年增长量介于0~2 gC.m-2之间。 相似文献
Zhe Yuan Denghua Yan Zhiyong Yang Jun Yin Patrick Breach Daoyuan Wang 《Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change》2016,21(5):677-697
Climate change and variability has the potential to impact crop growth by altering components of a region’s water balance. Evapotranspiration driven by higher temperatures can directly increase the demand of irrigation water, while indirectly decreasing the length of the annual crop growth period. The accompanying change in precipitation also affects the need to supply irrigation water. This study focuses on the spatial and temporal variation of historical and future irrigation water requirements of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in the Haihe River Basin, China. Irrigation water requirement is estimated using a simple water balance model. Climate change is incorporated by using predicted changes in daily precipitation and temperature. Changes in evapotranspiration and crop phenophase are then calculated for historical and future climate. Over the past 50 years, a decrease in total net irrigation water requirement (NIR) was observed mainly due to a reduction in the crop growth period length. The NIR is shown to decrease 2.8~6.9 mm with a 1-day reduction in growth period length. In the future, sowing period will come later and the heading period earlier in the year. The NIR in November, March and April is predicted to increase, especially in April. Increased NIR can result in increased water deficit, causing negative impacts on crop yield due to water stress. In the future, more attention should be paid to water resource management during the annual crop growth period of winter wheat in the Haihe River Basin. 相似文献
Xiao-jun Wang Jian-yun Zhang Shahid Shamsuddin Ru-lin Oyang Tie-sheng Guan Jian-guo Xue Xu Zhang 《Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change》2017,22(4):595-608
We present a methodology for using a domestic water use time series that were obtained from Yellow River Conservancy Commission, together with the climatic records from the National Climate Center of China to evaluate the effects of climate variability on water use in the Yellow River Basin. A suit of seven Global Circulation Models (GCMs) were adopted to anticipate future climate patterns in the Yellow River. The historical records showed evidences of rises in temperature and subsequent rises in domestic water demand in the basin. For Upstream of Longyangxia region, the impact was the least, with only 0.0021?×?108 m3 for a temperature increase of 1 °C; while for Longyangxia-Lanzhou region, domestic water use was found to increase to 0.18?×?108 m3 when temperature increases 1 °C. Downstream of Huayuankou was the region with the most changes in temperature that gave the highest increase of 1.95?×?108 m3 in domestic water demand for 1 °C of change of temperature. Downstream of Huayuankou was identified as the most vulnerable area, where domestic water demand increases nearly by 42.2 % with 1 °C increase of temperature. Judging from the trends of temperature range, we concluded that future temperature in Yellow River Basin has an increasing tendency. This could worsen the existing issues of domestic water demand and even more to trigger high competition among different water-using sectors. 相似文献
Climate change adaptation now occupies central stage on the agenda of most environmental initiatives in Africa. Our current understanding on the state of adaptation is limited, however, both globally and in Africa in particular. This study examines the status of adaptation in the Sahel by reviewing the primary peer review literature that reports concrete climate change adaptation actions. Based on an analysis of 70 peer review papers that document 414 discrete adaptations, we create a snap shot of adaptations developed between 1975 and 2015, and also calculate the percentages of adaptation. The results show that from a country to country perspective, Kenya has the highest number of reported adaptation actions (75 or 18.1%). The percentages indicate that the adaptive capacity of the entire study area is generally low for all the countries being that the highest country-level percentage is recorded in Kenya and it is 18%. Regionally, West Africa has more adaptation actions (261 or 63%) when compared to other regions of the Sahel. Regional level percentages suggest a higher level of adaptation at the regional level being that the percentage falls within the high scale range. The most commonly used adaptation actions reported are income diversification and water harnessing respectively. When categorized, technically related adaptation actions dominate the adaptation charts. The decade 2008–2016 recorded the highest number of adaptations (65.2%). Adaptation actions are also reported to be triggered by climatic and non-climatic drivers which both record high frequencies but the climatic drivers (98%) of adaptation are slightly dominant relative to the non-climatic drivers (95%). These results should be viewed as proxies of climate change adaptation as much information may be found in grey literature and non-peer review national communications which are left out here because of their relative low standardization and acceptability due to the absence of peer review. 相似文献
Based on hydrology, temperature, and precipitation data from the past 50 years, the effects of climate change on water resources in Tarim River Basin in Northwest China were investigated. The long-term trends of the hydrological time series were detected using both parametric and nonparametric techniques. The results showed that the increasing tendency of the temperature has a 5% level of significance, and the temperature increased by nearly 1℃ over the past 50 years. The precipitation showed a significant increase in the 1980s and 1990s, and the average annual precipitation exhibited an increasing trend with a magnitude of 6.8 mm per decade. A step change occurred in both the temperature and precipitation time series around 1986. The streamflow from the headwater of the Tarim River exhibited a significant increase during the last 20 years. The increase in temperature, precipitation, and streamflow may be attributed to global climate change. 相似文献
结合阿克苏河源流山区两气象站以及出山口两水文站近50 a的气象、 水文实测资料,运用非参数Mann-Kendall单调趋势检验、 突变检验、 方差分析外推、 R/S分析及周期性叠加趋势模型等方法,分析了阿克苏河源流区气候及径流变化的趋势和周期,并予以预测,探讨了气候变化对径流的影响量。结果表明:阿克苏河源流区气温、 降水量及径流量皆呈显著增加趋势,且分别在1989、 1985和1993年发生了显著的增多跃变;气候因子与径流量的Hurst指数均大于0.5,表明其未来仍将保持增加趋势,在2010-2016年径流量的相对最大值和最小值将分别为91.822×108 m3(2014年)和83.43×108 m3(2011年);阿克苏河径流量在整个时间序列存在25 a的准周期,但在突变前以17 a周期为主;气候变化使得阿克苏河源流在1994-2007年增加了224.97×108 m3的来水量,年增加量的最大、 最小值分别出现在2003年和2004年。 相似文献
土地利用的变化可以直接反映人类活动程度,赤水河作为长江流域上游的重要支流,在共抓长江大保护的时代背景下,掌握其土地利用动态变化有利于土地优化管理和区域可持续发展。利用1990—2018年共7期土地利用数据,根据区域特点,整合水田、旱地、林地、草地、水域、城乡建设用地、未利用地7种土地利用类型,从分布格局、土地利用单一动态度、土地利用转移矩阵方面对赤水河流域土地利用类型的空间分布与时空变化进行分析。结果表明:赤水河流域各土地利用类型面积占比为林地>旱地>水田>草地>城乡建设用地>水域>未利用地,林地分布广泛,集中分布在赤水河流域下游,旱地多分布在流域上游,水田多分布在流域下游,草地和城乡建设用地多沿河谷分布;各土地利用类型动态度变化随时间逐渐升高,其中草地、城乡建设用地在2015—2018年动态度变化明显提高;受退耕还林政策的影响,林地与旱地间的转化较多,且2006—2015年转化程度高于1990—2000年,而2006—2015年、2015—2018年草地、城乡建设用地与其他土地利用类型间的转化明显增多。赤水河流域GDP总量增长速率逐年升高,与城乡建设用地增长速率相比,2015—2018年有所减缓,城乡建设用地单位面积经济产出逐年降低,土地利用效率有待提高。 相似文献
借助Mann-Kendall趋势检验和突变检验对气象水文序列进行一致性分析,划分基准期(1961—1979年)和影响期(①1980—1989年、②1990—1999年、③2000—2016年),利用基准期校准的可变下渗容量(VIC)模型,采用步进式方法,探究气候变化和人类活动对伊逊河流域径流变化的波动影响过程。结果表明:研究区近56年年均气温显著升高,年降水量无明显变化趋势,流域年径流量下降趋势明显,季节尺度上流域非汛期降水量增加显著。气候变化和人类活动均会对径流产生显著影响且作用机理复杂,步进式方法对影响机理的研究较传统方法更能体现其变化过程;在降水丰沛的影响②期,冬季降水量增加会显著增加流域径流量,而在降水略少的影响①期和③期,蒸发量增加以及土壤含水量降低使得流域径流减少;人类活动耗水在影响①期和③期引起流域径流减少并且影响作用逐渐增强,影响②期由于城镇化和耕地扩张使得流域产流能力增强导致径流增加。深入研究气候变化和人类活动对径流的影响机制,可为流域水资源管理和规划提供理论依据。 相似文献
Climate change adaptation in the ski industry 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Daniel Scott Geoff McBoyle 《Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change》2007,12(8):1411-1431
Regardless of the success of climate change mitigation efforts, the international community has concluded that societies around
the world will need to adapt to some magnitude of climate change in the 21st century. While some economic sectors (e.g., agriculture,
water resources and construction) have been actively engaged in climate change adaptation research for years, adaptation has
received scant consideration within the tourism-recreation industry. This is particularly the case for adaptation by tourism
operators (supply-side). One exception where progress on supply-side climate adaptation has been made is the ski industry.
This paper provides a brief overview of the literature on the implications of climate change for the international ski industry
and how adaptation by ski area operators has been treated within these studies. This is followed by an inventory of climate
adaptation practices currently used by ski industry stakeholders, including the historical development of certain key adaptations
and constraints to wider use. The characteristics of ski areas with higher adaptive capacity are identified. Considering the
highly competitive nature of the ski industry and the generally low climate change risk appraisal within the industry, climate
change adaptation is anticipated to remain individualistic and reactive for some time. With only a few exceptions, the existing
climate change literature on winter tourism has not considered the wide range of adaptation options identified in this paper
and has likely overestimated potential damages. An important task for future studies is to develop methodologies to incorporate
adaptation so that a more accurate understanding of the vulnerability of the international ski industry can be ascertained. 相似文献
利用2010年和2000年数据,分析长江流域干流和支流的岸带区域土地利用类型及其10年间的变化,并对比分析干、支流不同宽度缓冲距离内的土地利用结构特征及其时空变化,探讨不同地理尺度下的人类开发活动对长江岸带土地利用格局的影响。结果表明:长江岸带区域是流域内人类开发建设和农业活动的重要区域,岸带区域的耕地和人工表面面积占比分别为31.9%和6.8%,明显大于流域平均(24.9%和3.1%);其中,长江中游岸带区域的人类开发建设和农业活动强度相对较高,干、支流岸带区域的林地占比仅为长江流域平均的14.1%和66.0%。从2000年与2010年土地利用变化看,长江干、支流岸带区域的人工表面占比增幅最大,其中,中游干、支流的岸带区域人工表面增幅分别为流域平均的5.3和2.1倍。 相似文献