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Using the example of bats inhabiting the Volga region, the cases in which the anthropogenic factor creates favorable conditions for these animals or significantly reduces their diversity of their fauna are considered. In this context, an opinion concerning the approaches to the conservation of bats is formulated.  相似文献   

黄土高原水土流失区生态退耕对粮食生产的可能影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据黄土高原水土流失区有关各省区制定的退耕规划,分析了生态退耕对粮食生产产生的可能影响。(1)生态退耕将直接减少粮食147.92×104t,由此退耕还林还草可能会带来粮食产量的暂时下降。(2)从生态退耕的正面影响看,退耕节省下来的生产要素的转移可以带来未退耕耕地粮食产量的增加;同时技术进步、中低产田改造等农业基础设施的建设和生态环境的改善,势必也对粮食生产产生促进和推动作用。(3)粮食需求预测表明,2010年黄土高原水土流失区粮食总量将达1 400.71×104t,在人均400kg,425kg和450kg水平下粮食需求分别为1 389.34×104t,470.37×104t和1 563.01×104t。从A方案看,就黄土高原水土流失区整体而言将不会出现粮食短缺;但具体到分区而言,黄土丘陵区必须通过粮食调入才能满足本区需求,而黄土台塬区则有一定盈余。  相似文献   

Host specificity of mites with respect to different species of small mammals in forest ecosystems was studied. The preferences of some parasites for certain host species differed from those described previously. In some cases, most parasites preferred to feed on the species that were most numerous in a certain biogeocenosis, rather than on their specific hosts. Conversely, other species of mites fed mostly on their specific hosts, irrespective of their low abundance, thus manifesting close connections with these mammals. Two mite species, Myonyssus dubinini and M. rossicus, were found in the study region for the first time.  相似文献   

The long-term population dynamics of the white-eyed pochard (Aythya nyroca) in the eastern Sea of Azov region was analyzed. It was found that the local population of this species tends to decrease in size. Clutch size, egg size, reproductive behavior, intraspecific clutches, embryonic mortality, and hatching success in this population were studied. The contents of PCDD and PCDF in the eggs of waterfowl were estimated. The eggs of white-eyed pochard, compared to other waterfowl, proved to contain abnormally high concentrations of xenobiotics. Possible causes of A. nyrocapopulation decline, including the impact of superecotoxicants, are discussed.  相似文献   

It has been shown that the white wagtail at the northern limit of its range forms a population or a group of populations with a high degree of independence from conditions of illumination (photoperiod) in the Subarctic and southern Arctic. The boundary between the tundra and boreal populations in Yamal lies in the forest-tundra: wagtails of the tundra population nest north of the 68th parallel, and wagtails of the boreal population nest south of the 66th parallel. The zone between these latitudes is inhabited by representatives of both populations, and active hybridization apparently takes place there.  相似文献   


According to Statistical Yearbook of Jiangxi Province (2001~2006), We analyze the time-space variation of population distribution of Poyang Lake region from the two points of view. The former is quality of population, which involves culture structure, occupational structure, age structure and sex structure of population. The latter is quantity of population, which only involves the amount of population. Furthermore, we can reveal the internal relations and action mechanism of variation of population distribution by analyzing the regional economic development, population urbanization, land use and ecological landscape of Poyang Lake region. It is important to provide help for region planning, ecological landscape planning and environmental protection by correct understanding the man-land relationship of natural-human ecosystem in Poyang Lake region.  相似文献   

According to Statistical Yearbook of Jiangxi Province (2001-2006), We analyze the time-space variation of population distribution of Poyang Lake region from the two points of view.The former is quality of population, which involves culture struc-ture, occupational structure, age structure and sex structure of pop-ulation. The latter is quantity of population, which only involves the amount of population. Furthermore, we can reveal the internal relations and action mechanism of variation of population distribu-tion by analyzing the regional economic development, population urbanization, land use and ecological landscape of Poyang Lake region. It is important to provide help for region planning, ecological landscape planning and environmental protection by correct understanding the man-land relationship of natural-human ecosys-tem in Poyang Lake region.  相似文献   

实现产业结构的调整升级是当今世界各国经济发展的普遍趋势,也是提升经济增长速度和水平的有效途径。青海省作为我国西部重要省份之一,不仅经济发展水平相对落后,而且生态环境也十分脆弱。随着西部大开发进程的不断推进,青海省经济加速发展,由此产生的污染风险也日趋提高。因此,研究青海省产业结构调整对提炼西部生态脆弱区协调经济增长与污染排放的关系并实现污染风险的有效监管具有重大意义。本文依据经济增长-环境质量回归模型研究了青海省产业结构升级与污染物排放的关系,发现青海省经济增长与污染物排放之间存在倒U型曲线关系。研究发现,青海省仍然处于污染物排放随经济增长而增长的阶段,且距离拐点仍有一定的距离。此外,本文分析了青海省不同产业随时间的变化趋势,虽然三大产业均有增长的态势,但是各占GDP比例变化却各不相同。其中,第一产业的比例不断下降,第二产业的比例不断增长,而第三产业在增长到一定比例后,有小幅减少的趋势。在此基础上,本文利用青海省不同产业占全国相同产业的比例,分析了青海省产业结构的变化趋势,并利用环境投入-产出模型计算了产业结构调整和升级过程中造成的污染物排放量,评价了产业结构升级可能带来的污染风险。虽然青海省第一产业占该区域GDP比例呈减少态势,但占全国比例并未发生明显变化,这表明了青海省农林牧渔业的发展趋势和速度基本与全国平均水平持平;第二产业占全国比例大部分呈减少的态势,而第三产业却有一定的增长态势,这在一定程度上反映了青海省产业发展正在向加大第三产业的发展并控制污染较严重的第二产业的发展的方向转变。产业结构的提升对不同产业污染物的排放也产生了不同的影响。其中,机械电子设备制造业、住宿餐饮和零售业和房地及租赁产业的提升导致了污染物排放小幅增长,而其他产业尤其是建筑业、金属制品业等的扩张则对污染物排放均有不同程度的抑制作用。因此,虽然其经济发展会在一定程度上加重环境污染风险,并且污染排放量会随经济的进一步发展而不断加大,但2002-2007年青海省产业结构变化对废水、废气等污染的排放产生了一定的控制作用,从而降低了青海省环境污染的风险。研究结论为青海省调整产业结构以抑制环境污染风险并保障区域经济发展和环境保护的协调提供重要的决策参考信息。  相似文献   

注意力代表着政府决策者对特定事务的关注,注意力的变化是政府决策选择变化的直接原因。环境治理注意力是环境治理进入议程设置,进而出台政策、实施治理的前提。政府工作报告是政府进行资源配置与精力投入的指挥棒,也是"政府将重视什么、哪些领域得到更多投入资源"的通知书和承诺书,它是政府注意力分配或者变化的重要载体。本文收集了30个省市地方政府自2006年到2015年共300份工作报告,通过文本分析方法,试图发现地方政府生态环境治理注意力的变化规律。分析结果呈现:1从时间轴上看,地方政府对于生态环境的注意力强度逐渐增加;2从地域轴上看,东、中、西部政府生态环境注意力差距并不明显,相比而言,中部处于一个稍低的位次;3从生态环境的范畴看,具体领域得到进一步扩展,中央与地方对环境具体事务保持了较高的一致性,注意力的变化与决策环境和中央宏观政策有重要相关关系。尽管在某些时间点,某些地域存在离散点,但总体而言,在中央政府强调经济发展需要与当地环境资源承载能力相协调的大背景下,地方政府将注意力大幅转向民生事务和生态环境。鉴于地方领导人任期以及注意力本身的"易变性",要保持地方政府环境治理注意力的强度和持续性,1增加制度供给,使环境治理成为法治常项;2将环境治理在公共事务治理的排序中前置,将环境治理放在突出位置;3提升环境事件的信息强度,向地方政府传导积极的环境治理压力。  相似文献   

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