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Urban gardens are often heralded as places for building social, physical, and environmental health. Yet they are also sites of significant conflict based on competing political, economic, and ecological projects. These projects range from radical re-envisionings of liberatory urban spaces, reformist aesthetic and sanitary improvement programmes, to underwriting the production of the neo-liberal city. These projects are based on divergent visions of the garden ground itself, in particular, whether this is soil (the fertile and living source for growing food and social values) or dirt (an inert and even problematic substrate to be removed or built upon for development purposes). These are not fixed or mutually exclusive categories, but are unstable as soil/dirt moves in discursive and material ways over time and space. Contaminants such as lead in the soil contribute to this instability, reframing fertile soil as dangerous dirt. To understand this discursive and material movement of soil/dirt over time and space, a dynamic spatial politics framework is needed that encompasses three scalar concepts: location, duration, and interconnection. This paper applies this dynamic spatial politics framework to interpret the 30-year conflict over the fate of an urban garden in Sacramento, California, that began as a countercultural space and was eventually transformed into a manicured amenity for a gentrifying neighbourhood, and the role of soil lead contamination in this narrative.  相似文献   

Effect of biosolids processing on lead bioavailability in an urban soil   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The potential for biosolids products to reduce Pb availability in soil was tested on a high Pb urban soil with biosolids from a treatment plant that used different processing technologies. High Fe biosolids compost and high Fe + lime biosolids compost from other treatment plants were also tested. Amendments were added to a Pb-contaminated soil (2000 mg kg(-1) Pb) at 100 g kg(-1) soil and incubated for 30 d. Reductions in Pb bioavailability were evaluated with both in vivo and in vitro procedures. The in vivo study entailed feeding a mixture of the Pb-contaminated soil and AIN93G Basal Mix to weanling rats. Three variations of an in vitro procedure were performed as well as conventional soil extracts [diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) and Ca(NO3)2] and sequential extraction. Addition of the high Fe compost reduced the bioavailability of soil Pb (in both in vivo and in vitro studies) by 37 and 43%, respectively. Three of the four compost materials tested reduced Pb bioavailability more than 20%. The rapid in vitro (pH 2.3) data had the best correlation with the in vivo bone results (R = 0.9). In the sequential extract, changes in partitioning of Pb to Fe and Mn oxide fractions appeared to reflect the changes in in vivo Pb bioavailability. Conventional extracts showed no changes in metal availability. These results indicate that addition of 100 g kg(-1) of high Fe and Mn biosolids composts effectively reduced Pb availability in a high Pb urban soil.  相似文献   

Describing contaminant spatial distribution is an integral component of risk assessment. Application of geostatistical techniques for this purpose has been demonstrated previously. These techniques may provide both an estimate of the concentration at a given unsampled location, as well as the probability that the concentration at that location will exceed a critical threshold concentration. This research is a comparative study between multiple indicator kriging and kriging with the cumulative distribution function of order statistics, with both local and global variograms. The aim was to determine which of the four methods is best able to delineate between "contaminated" and "clean" soil. The four methods were validated with a subset of data values that were not used in the prediction. Method performance was assessed by calculating the root mean square error (RMSE), analysis of variance, the proportion of sites misclassified by each method as either "clean" when they were actually "contaminated" or vice versa, and the expected loss for each misclassification type. The data used for the comparison were 807 topsoil Pb concentrations from the inner-Sydney suburbs of Glebe and Camperdown, Australia. While there was very little difference between the four methods, multiple indicator kriging was found to produce the most accurate predictions for delineating "clean" from "contaminated" soil.  相似文献   

The microbiological quality of diffuse impermeable surface runoff is described in terms of bacterial densities and pathogens observed within urban catchments in North London and Milton Keynes and the use of somatic bacteriophages as faecal indicators are evaluated. The studies show the occurrence of faecal indicator organisms (FIOs) and pathogens to be ubiquitous in stormwater runoff from all types of urban land use surfaces, with the possible exception of major highways. Urban catchments in North London show a progressive downstream increase in FIOs and pathogens consonant with increasing urbanization and incidence of stormwater outfalls and combined sewer overflows (CSOs). Surface water FIOs and pathogens appear to be predominantly of non‐human origin being primarily derived from animal and bird sources, although the effect is over‐ridden in the presence of misconnections and CSO discharges. A combination of infrastructure improvement, end‐of‐pipe detention, source control and more robust local authority regulation is recommended for effective management and remediation of bacteriological urban water quality.  相似文献   

The hazard imposed by trace element contaminants within soils is dependent on their ability to migrate into water systems and their availability for biological uptake. The degree to which a contaminant may dissociate from soil solids and become available to a target organism (i.e., bioaccessibility) is therefore a determining risk factor. We used a physiologically based extraction test (PBET) to estimate the bioaccessible fraction of arsenic-, chromium-, and lead-amended soil. We investigated soils from the A and B horizons of the Melton Valley series, obtained from Oak Ridge National Laboratory site, to address temporal changes in bioaccessibility. Additionally, common extractions that seek to define reactive pools of metals were employed and their correlation to PBET levels evaluated. With the exception of Pb amended to the A horizon, all other treatments exhibited an exponential decrease in bioaccessibility with incubation time. The bioaccessible fraction was less than 0.2 mg kg(-1) within 30 d of incubation for As and Cr in the A horizon and for As and Pb within the B horizon; Cr in the B horizon declined to nearly 0.3 mg kg(-1) within 100 d of aging. The exchangeable fraction declined with incubation period and, with the exception of Pb, was highly correlated with the decline in bioaccessibility. Our results demonstrate limited bioaccessibility in all but one case and the need to address both short-term temporal changes and, most importantly, the soil physiochemical properties. They further reveal the importance of incubation time on the reactivity of such trace elements.  相似文献   

The persistence and pathways of dissipation of testosterone in three agricultural soils were examined in laboratory microcosm incubations at different soil moistures (1.7-39%) and temperatures (4-30 degrees C) using (14)C- and (3)H-labeled and unlabeled testosterone. Sterilized loam was also examined to assess possible abiotic pathways. Extractable (14)C decreased rapidly for all three soils at 30 degrees C with times to dissipate 50% of material (DT(50)) ranging from 8.5 to 21 h. Respired (14)CO(2) accounted for approximately 50% of the applied (14)C after 120 h. Androgenic activity of soil extracts declined faster than the extractable (14)C levels demonstrating that testosterone was not being converted to compounds with greater activity. Dissipation rates of nonvolatile, extractable (3)H in loam at 7, 15, and 39% moisture were similar, but the rate in air-dried loam (1.7% moisture) was significantly reduced. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of extracts of (14)C-testosterone-treated loam incubated at 30 degrees C for 6 h revealed that the (14)C was distributed among the remaining testosterone and three major metabolites (4-androstene-3,17-dione, 5alpha-androstane-3,17-dione, and 1,4-androstadiene-3,17-dione), which accounted for 48.7, 23.7, and 9.6% of the remaining (14)C, respectively. Periodic analysis of soil incubated at 23, 12, and 4 degrees C showed that the rates of testosterone dissipation and metabolite appearance and subsequent dissipation were temperature dependent with rates decreasing with decreasing temperature. In sterilized loam, 4-androstene-3,17-dione was the only metabolite detected. We conclude that testosterone is rapidly and thoroughly biodegraded in agricultural soils under a range of conditions typical of a temperate growing season and thus is unlikely to pose a long-term risk to adjacent aquatic environments.  相似文献   

Heavy metal pollution of soil has been recognized as a major factor impeding soil microbial processes. From this perspective, we studied responses of the soil biological activities to metal stress simulated by soil amendment with Zn, Pb, and Cd chlorides. The amounts of heavy metal salts added to five metal-polluted soils and four nonpolluted soils were selected to match the total metal concentrations typically found in polluted soils of the Silesia region of Poland. From the perspective of soil quality, metal mobility in amended soils could not be described by simple functions of pH or organic matter. Reaction of Pb with the soil caused strong immobilization with less than 1% of the Pb amendment recovered by 0.01 M CaCl2 extractions. Immobilization of Cd was also significant, whereas immobilization of the Zn amendment was much weaker than that of Cd or Pb. The Zn amendment had substantial inhibitory effect on soil dehydrogenase, acid and alkaline phosphatase, arylsulfatase, urease, and nitrification potential. Generally, Cd and Pb had limited or stimulatory effect on most of these biological activities, with an exception of Pb strongly inhibiting soil urease. The effect of the metal amendments on biological activities could not be satisfactorily accounted for by metal toxicity because no strong relationship was observed between extractable metal content and the degree of inhibition. The Zn amendment had a significant effect on soil pH, resulting in confounding effects of pH and Zn toxicity on activities. Metal amendment experiments seem to be of limited utility for meaningful assessment of metal contamination effects on soil quality.  相似文献   

Four soil profiles located near a copper smelter in Poland were investigated for the distribution and chemical fractions of Cu, Pb, and Zn and their mobility in relation to soil properties. Contamination with heavy metals was primarily restricted to surface horizons and the extent of contamination was 7- to 115-fold for Cu, 30-fold for Pb, and 6-fold for Zn as compared with subsurface horizons. In the less-contaminated fine-textured soil, the metals were distributed in the order: residual > Fe-Mn oxides occluded > organically complexed > exchangeable and specifically adsorbed, while the order for sandy soils was: residual > organically complexed > Fe-Mn oxides occluded > exchangeable and specifically adsorbed. The contaminated surface horizons of these profiles showed no consistent pattern of metal distribution. However, the common features of highly contaminated soils were very low percentage of residual fraction and the dominance of the NH4OAc extractable fraction. The sum of mobile metal fractions was generally < 10% in subsurface horizons, while in the contaminated surface horizons these fractions made up 50% of the total metal contents. Soil properties contributed more to the relative distribution of the metal fractions in the studied profiles than did the distance and direction to the source of pollution. The amounts of metal extracted by 0.01 M CaCl2 accounted for only a small part of the same metals extracted by NH4OAc. The mobility indexes of metals correlated positively and significantly with the total content of metals and negatively with the clay content.  相似文献   

Soil solid-phase controls lead activity in soil solution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lead pollution of the environment is synonymous with civilization. It has no known biological function, and is naturally present in soil, but its presence in food crops is deemed undesirable. The concern regarding Pb is mostly due to chronic human and animal health effects, rather then phytotoxicity. However, not much is known about the chemistry and speciation of Pb in soils. We determined the activity of Pb2+, in near neutral and alkaline soils, representative of alluvial, desertic and calcareous soils of Egypt, using the competitive chelation method. Lead activity ranged from 10(-6.73) to 10(-4.83) M, and was negatively correlated with soil and soil solution pH (R2 = -0.92, P < 0.01 and R2 = -0.89, P < 0.01, respectively). It could be predicted in soil solution from the equation: log(Pb2+) = 9.9 - 2pH. A solubility diagram for the various Pb minerals found in soil was constructed using published thermodynamic data obtained from the literature, and our measured Pb2+ activities compared with this information. The measured Pb2+ activities were undersaturated with regard to the solubility of PbSiO3 in equilibrium with SiO2 (soil). However, they were supersaturated with regard to the solubilities of the Pb carbonate minerals PbCO3 (cerussite) and Pb3(CO3)2(OH)2 in equilibrium with atmospheric CO2 and hydroxide Pb(OH)2. They were also supersaturated with regard to the solubilities of the Pb phosphate minerals Pb3(PO4)2, Pb5(PO4)3OH, and Pb4O(PO4)2 in equilibrium with tricalcium phosphate and CaCO3. The activity of Pb2+ was not regulated by any mineral of known solubility in our soils, but possibly by a mixture of Pb carbonate and phosphate minerals.  相似文献   

Lead from spent ammunition causes preventable lead exposure in wildlife and humans that may ingest it. Nontoxic substitutes for lead ammunition exist but are not adopted widely because of hunter opposition. Other forms of lead exposure in the human environment have been heavily regulated because there is no safe level of exposure. The use of lead ammunition should be regulated similarly to protect wildlife from this common disease.  相似文献   

A study was established near a former Zn and Pb smelter to test the ability of soil amendments to reduce the availability of Pb, Zn, and Cd in situ. Soil collected from the field was amended in the lab with P added as 1% P-H3PO4, biosolids compost added at 10% (referred to hereafter as "compost"), and a high-Fe by-product (referred to hereafter as "Fe") + P-triple superphosphate (TSP) (2.5% Fe + 1% P-TSP) and incubated under laboratory conditions at a constant soil pH. Changes in Pb bioavailability were measured with an in vitro test and a feeding study with weanling rats. Field-amended and incubated soils using these plus additional treatments were evaluated using the in vitro extraction and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb. cv. Kentucky-31) metal concentration. Reductions were observed across all parameters but were not consistent. In the feeding study, the 1% P-H3PO4 and compost treatments resulted in a decrease of 26% in rat tissue Pb concentration compared with the control soil. The 2.5% Fe + 1% P-TSP showed a 39% decrease. The 1% P-H3PO4 treatment caused the greatest reduction in in vitro extractable Pb from field samples (pH 2.2) with a measured reduction of 66%, while the compost treatment had a 39% reduction and the 2.5% Fe + 1% P-TSP treatment a 50% reduction. The in vitro extraction (pH 1.5) run on field samples showed no reduction in the compost or Fe treatments. The 1% P-H3PO4 treatment was the most effective at reducing plant Pb, Zn, and Cd.  相似文献   

Sample drying effects on lead bioaccessibility in reduced soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Risk-assessment tests of contaminated wetland soils often use experimental protocols that artificially oxidize the soils. Oxidation may impact bioavailability of contaminants from the soils, creating erroneous results and leading to improper management and remediation. The goal of this study was to determine if oxygenation of reduced sediments and soils influences Pb bioaccessibility measurements. The study site is located on the Coeur d'Alene River floodplain, downstream from the Silver Valley Mining District in Idaho. A physiologically based extraction test designed to simulate the gastrointestinal tract of waterfowl (W-PBET) was used to measure relative Pb bioavailability (bioaccessibility) from the soils. The soils were collected from a submerged wetland. One set of samples was allowed to air-dry, another set was freeze-dried, and a third set was analyzed wet. The wet soil showed decreased Pb bioaccessibility compared with the air- and freeze-dried soils. The changes in extractability of Fe and Mn on air-drying were opposite from each other: Fe extractability decreased while Mn increased. The results from this study show that redox changes may have significant impacts on Pb bioavailability, and should be considered when assessing Pb contamination risks in reduced soils.  相似文献   

While the presence of lead in urban soils from residential lead paint and leaded gasoline is well documented, the relative contribution of lead from area historical industrial activities is not. This study examined the connection between historical industrial sources of lead in Portland, Maine, USA from 1860 to 1970 to current, spatial distributions of soil lead. Collecting 1859 surface and 122 sub-surface soil samples in accordance with USEPA's Lead Safe Yard Protocols, lead concentrations varied from 9 mg/kg to >100,000 mg/kg with most of the samples greater than USEPA's critical value for lead (400 mg/kg). Using historical documents, probable sources of lead were mapped. In comparing two datasets, no clear relationship emerged. Findings were hampered by inability to sample under large areas of impervious surfaces and private properties. Because of lead's immobility in soil, one would expect decreasing concentration with depth, but lead concentrations varied with depth and location. The haphazard dumping of lead-contaminated industrial waste and the relocation of contaminated fill are likely factors. These findings suggest that in urban areas where multiple historical sources of lead existed, surface sampling to determine presence of lead may not be sufficient to protect public health.  相似文献   

In situ stabilization of soil lead using phosphorus   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In situ stabilization of Pb-contaminated soils can be accomplished by adding phosphorus. The standard remediation procedure of soil removal and replacement currently used in residential areas is costly and disruptive. This study was carried out to evaluate the influence of P and other soil amendments on five metal-contaminated soils and mine wastes. Seven treatments were used: unamended control; 2,500 mg of P/kg as triple superphosphate (TSP), phosphate rock (PR), acetic acid followed by TSP, and phosphoric acid (PA); and 5,000 mg of P/kg as TSP or PR. A significant reduction in bioavailable Pb, as determined by the physiologically based extraction test (PBET), compared with the control upon addition of P was observed in all materials tested. Increasing the amount of P added from 2,500 to 5,000 mg/kg also resulted in a significantly greater reduction in bioavailable Pb. Phosphate rock was equally or more effective than TSP or PA in reducing bioavailable Pb in four out of five soils tested. Preacidification produced significantly lower bioavailable Pb compared with the same amount of P from TSP or PR in only one material. Reductions in Pb bioavailability as measured by PBET were evident 3 d after treatment, and it may indicate that the reactions between soil Pb and P occurred in situ or during the PBET. No further reductions were noted over 365 d. X-ray diffraction data suggested the formation of pyromorphite-like minerals induced by P additions. This study suggests that P addition reduced bioavailable Pb by PBET and has potential for in situ remediation of Pb-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

In March 2012, a brownfield site in Cologne was transformed into “a green garden on red clay”, when a community garden called NeuLand (new land) was created. This paper investigates in how far NeuLand is typical for a new form of political engagement 2.0, focused on local problems at people's doorstep rather than global critiques of political systems, which finds its expression in direct actions typical for the networked society, e.g. “green flash mobs.” Its potential to provide a blueprint for imagining and enacting alternative futures and new ways for citizens to claim their “right to the city” is being assessed. NeuLand provides an experiment with new forms of (urban) commons and possibly a (re)turn to the “liveable city” to replace the current neoliberal ideal of the “entrepreneurial city” [Harvey, D., 1989. From manageralism to entrepreneuralism: the transformation of urban governance in late capitalism. Geografiska Annaler, Series B, Human Geography, 71 (1), 3–17], developing new solutions to problems of urban management and city development that extend beyond the voluntary engagement of citizens within the logic of the neoliberal “big society.” Extending the scope beyond the analysis of urban gardening projects as examples of sustainable food production, or as vehicles for fostering community cohesion, integration or social capital, the NeuLand experiment is linked to wider debates of alternative and more sustainable socio-ecological futures than those currently practised in the newly “neoliberalizing cities” of Germany.  相似文献   

A study of the potential negative consequences of adding phosphate (P)-based fertilizers as amendments to immobilize lead (Pb) in contaminated soils was conducted. Lead-contaminated firing range soils also contained elevated concentrations of antimony (Sb), a common Pb hardening agent, and some arsenic (As) of unknown (possibly background) origin. After amending the soils with triple superphosphate, a relatively soluble P source, column leaching experiments revealed elevated concentrations of Sb, As, and Pb in the leachate, reflecting an initial spike in soluble Pb and a particularly dramatic increase in Sb and As mobility. Minimal As, Sb, and Pb leaching was observed during column tests performed on non-amended control soils. In vitro extractions tests were performed to assess changes in Pb, As, and Sb bioaccessibility on P amendment. Lead bioaccessibility was systematically lowered with increasing P dosage, but there was much less of an effect on As and Sb bioaccessibility than on mobility. Our results indicate that although P amendments may aid in lowering the bioaccessibility of soil-bound Pb, it may also produce an initial increase in Pb mobility and a significant release of Sb and As from the soil, dramatically increasing their mobility and to a lesser extent their bioavailability.  相似文献   

Parks, waterways, and vegetation enhance the well-being of urbanites and thus warrant consideration in planning and policy-making. It is, however, difficult to assess how land-use change may impact these features and how this in turn may impact well-being. I use a case-study approach to present a framework that combines geospatial and economic valuation techniques to generate indicators of the effects of land-use policies that alter these amenities on community well-being. This framework quantifies the impacts of land-use change on urban environmental amenities in a way that could help communities plan land use so as to maintain well-being as they urbanise.  相似文献   

The effects of adding a crushed cotton gin compost (CCGC) and a poultry manure (PM) on the enzymatic activities of a Typic Xerofluvent soil polluted with Pb were studied in the laboratory. Three hundred grams of sieved soil (<2 mm) were mixed with PM at a rate of 10% or CCGC at a rate of 17.2%, applying to the soil the same amount of organic matter with each organic amendment. Urease, protease-BBA, beta-glucosidase, alkaline phosphatase, and arylsulfatase activities were measured at four different incubation times (1, 7, 15, and 45 d) in soils containing seven concentrations (100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, and 8000 mg kg-1) of Pb, and in the same soils amended with CCGC and PM. In all treatments and incubation times, the inhibition percentage of soil enzyme activities by Pb was lower in soils amended with the PM and CCGC than in nonamended soils, and it differed with the organic amendment. In this respect, the in the 8000 mg Pb kg-1 treatment at the end of the incubation period, the protease-BBA activity inhibition percentage was lower (14.7 and 33.9% lower, respectively) in CCGC- than in PM-amended soils. Since the adsorption capacity of Pb was higher in CCGC- than the PM-amended soils, the addition of organic wastes with higher humic acid concentration is more beneficial for remediation of soils polluted with Pb.  相似文献   

Soil fumigants are volatile compounds applied to agricultural land to control nematode populations, weeds, and crop diseases. Field trials used for measuring fumigant loss from soil to the atmosphere encompass only a small proportion of the near semi-infinite parameter combinations of environmental, agronomic, and meteorological conditions. One approach to supplement field observations uses a soil physics model for fumigant emission predictions. A model is first validated against existing field study observations and then used to extrapolate results to a wider range of edaphic and climatic conditions. This work compares field observations of 1,3-dichloropropene and chloropicrin emissions to predictions from the USDA soil model CHAIN_2D. Comparison between model predictions and field observations for a Florida and California study had values between 0.62 to 0.81 and 0.99 to 1.0 for discrete and cumulative emission flux, respectively. CHAIN_2D emission rates were then coupled to several USEPA air dispersion models (ISCST3, CALPUFF6) to extend emission estimates to near field air concentrations. CALPUFF6 predicted slightly higher 1-h maximum air concentrations than ISCST3 for the same source strength (26.2-36.0% for setbacks between 1 and 250 m from the field edge, respectively). A sensitivity analysis for the CHAIN_2D/ISCST3 coupled numerical system is provided, with several soil and irrigation parameters consistently the most sensitive. Changes in the depth of incorporation, tarp material, and initial soil water content illustrate the predicted impact to emission strength and resulting near-field air concentrations with reductions of cumulative emission loss from 8.1 to 71% and average 1-h maximum air concentration reductions between 6.2 and 41% depending on the mitigation strategy chosen. Additionally, a stochastic framework based on the published SOFEA system that couples variability in experiment, model sensitivity, and site specific attributes is outlined should regional air concentration estimates resulting from fumigant use be sought.  相似文献   

Subsurface soil water dynamics can influence crop growth and the fate of surface-applied fertilizers and pesticides. Recently, a method was proposed using only ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and digital elevation maps (DEMs) to identify locations where subsurface water converged into discrete pathways. For this study, the GPR protocol for identifying horizontal subsurface flow pathways was extended to a 3.2-ha field, uncertainty is discussed, and soil moisture and yield patterns are presented as confirming evidence of the extent of the subsurface flow pathways. Observed soil water contents supported the existence of discrete preferential funnel flow processes occurring near the GPR-identified preferential flow pathways. Soil moisture also played a critical role in the formation of corn (Zea mays L.) grain yield patterns with yield spatial patterns being similar for mild and severe drought conditions. A buffer zone protocol was introduced that allowed the impact of subsurface flow pathways on corn grain yield to be quantified. Results indicate that when a GPR-identified subsurface clay layer was within 2 m of the soil surface, there was a beneficial impact on yield during a drought year. Furthermore, the buffer zone analysis demonstrated that corn grain yields decreased as the horizontal distance from the GPR-identified subsurface flow pathways increased during a drought year. Averaged real-time soil moisture contents at 0.1 m also decreased with increasing distance from the GPR-identified flow pathways. This research suggests that subsurface flow pathways exist and influence soil moisture and corn grain yield patterns.  相似文献   

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