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废旧家电的回收处置是人类经济和社会发展过程面临的一个重要的环境与资源的问题。废旧空调换热器的回收处置具有良好的社会和经济效益。对废旧空调换热器回收处理工艺技术进行了研究探讨。在工艺试验的基础上,获得了适合我国国情的废旧空调换热器处置工艺技术方法。  相似文献   

<正>随着当今社会环境问题的日益严峻,大气污染、水污染等已经严重威胁到了人们的生命健康安全,对于这些环境问题的及时监测有助于人们提前采取防控措施,减少甚至消除这些环境污染的威胁。COD作为环境安全监测的重要环节,在环境监测中起着非常重要的作用。环境监测与COD测定的基本概念环境监测的内容。环境监测通常认为是对环境中各种污染物进行观察和分析,并对其所造成的影响进行研究的过程,时间跨度上根据需要的不同可长可短。污染  相似文献   

<正>近年来,"楼脆脆"、"楼歪歪"、"楼倒倒"等工程建设领域的质量问题层出不穷。每起工程质量问题被曝光后,人们都会产生这样的疑问":买了70年产权的房子,难道连20年都住不了?"记者就相关问题采访了建筑地产法律专家、中国政法大学教授符启林和工程结构健康监测与施工控制专家、北京交通大学副教授徐龙河。"老百姓毕竟不是专家,如果没有建筑专家的现场检查,像‘楼板钢筋保护层厚度、楼板钢筋间距、混凝土碳化深度、  相似文献   

EMS与OSHMS的整合研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
近年来 ,在环境管理体系和职业安全健康管理体系的建立、认证和持续改进的实践中 ,企业、咨询与认证机构都发现 ,两体系独立建立、完善和持续改进 ,不断提升中 ,仍存在一些问题 ,人们提出 ,实现两大管理体系的整合 ,不仅有利于企业对环境管理和职业安全健康管理的资源共享 ,而且也是顺应国际认证发展的潮流。为此 ,笔者论述了两大管理体系整合的原因 ;讨论了整合的基本原则和难点 ;分析了两大管理体系整合的基本思路 ;研究了ESH整合型管理体系的实现过程。  相似文献   

日前,位于世界著名航海家郑和下西洋起锚地——江苏太仓市经济开发区的特灵空调器有限公司、特灵空调系统(江苏)有限公司通过中国质量认证中心组织的ISO14001:1996环境管理体系和OHSAS18001:2001职业健康安全管理体系认证现场审核。这标志着这两家公司的环境与职业健康安全管理水平又跃上了一个新的台阶,也为公司生产的商用空调及中央空调赢得更多顾客的青昧及相关方的满意创造了有利条件。  相似文献   

日前,特灵空调系统(中国)有限公司通过了“江苏省健康促进示范企业”评估专家组的评估验收。特灵空调系统(中国)有限公司从1995年在太仓市成立运营以来.公司从上到下严格遵守国家关于职业健康、安全和环境的法律法规.并按照公司美国总部设定的标准进行管理。  相似文献   

澳大利亚职业眼睛健康管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在由于从事具有眼睛伤害风险工作而导致的职业眼睛健康问题之外,随着新兴技术的发展,工作场所电子设备的长时间使用也会导致电脑视觉综合症(CVS)等职业眼睛健康问题。本文主要介绍了澳大利亚职业眼睛健康管理的方法,包括职业眼睛健康风险、单位与职工的职责、预防措施等.以对我国职业眼睛健康风险进行有效管理提供帮助。  相似文献   

视屏显示终端作业的健康问题及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
视屏显示终端作业不仅提高了人—机—环境系统的信息传递效率。减轻了操作者的劳动负荷,也带来了若干有损健康的问题,如眼睛疲劳,职业性肌肉骨骼慢性疾患,职业性应激。对此进行讨论。提出对策,并就开展我国VDT作业健康研究阐述了看法。  相似文献   

<正>引言现代建筑中,暖通空调系统主要是指在建筑物中,将采暖、通风以及空气调节这三种功能共同实现的暖通设备。暖通空调系统的出现与应用,虽然在很大程度上改善了我国居民的生活品质以及舒适度,但是暖通空调系统在应用的过程中也消耗了大量的能源,并且还会对自然生态环境造成一定的破坏。同时随着全球经济的发展,全球资源急剧减少以及环境的急剧恶化,暖通空调系统中的这些缺点受到了人们的广泛关注。因此,在暖通空调系  相似文献   

随着城市的不断发展,各式各样的高楼大厦如雨后春笋般拔地而起.这些高层建筑在改善我们居住环境的同时,也带来了新的社会问题——高空抛物. 根据《人民日报》发布的"高空抛物杀伤力"指数数据显示:一个空易拉罐从25楼扔下可致人死亡;巴掌大的西瓜皮从25楼飞下如击中头部将危及生命;一颗30克的鸡蛋从4楼抛下就会让人起肿包,从8楼...  相似文献   

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been defined as the voluntary integration of social and environmental concerns into the firm’s decision-making. The search for a good Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) environment and the promotion of a culture of risk prevention are two of the firm’s main social responsibilities, and consequently an integral part of CSR. This paper discusses how the growing interest in corporate social responsibility can contribute to improving the implementation of adequate systems of prevention. For this purpose, we study to what extent OHS issues are present in the field of CSR, and consequently determine which aspects have received the most attention, and which are less well developed; we offer some proposals as well. The methodology followed is a content analysis of the main international CSR management tools.  相似文献   

Issues related to health and safety at work, such as accidents at work, are one of the most important areas of action for global social policy. This paper presents a fuzzy cognitive map (FCM) approach to explore the importance of the relevant factors in industrial plants. For this purpose, industrial plants are described in terms of factors that affect injury risk and the causal relationships involved.In this work, the injuries in an Italian refinery have been studied. The company in this account has a system for monitoring and controlling the machinery but has a large number of minor injuries at work. The causes of these injuries have been found in human behaviours. To analyse the injuries, it is necessary to investigate what individual-level concerns are involved in the perception of risk. For this investigation, an FCM permits us to build a schema of the perception of risk. The resulting analysis of all of these schemas has allowed us to define a method that generically permits a determination of the causes for each type of injury. In fact, it has been possible to determine that factors such as poor attention and concentration or fatigue are the main causes of injuries at work.In light of the results obtained, managers can define appropriate control procedures to diminish the occurrences of the injuries.  相似文献   

针对职业安全卫生管理体系(OHSMS)的国际发展趋势,中国劳动保护科学技术学会(CSSTLP)开展了OHSMS的研究与学会OHSMS标准(CSSTLP1000)的制定工作。既与国际惯例接轨,又能结合国内实际情况,是制定我国OHSMS标准的基本原则。在CSSTLP1000标准制定工作中,围绕标准的运行模式、内容等问题,进行了深入的研究思考。在分析国际上现有的OHSMS标准的共同特点及我国现行有效职业安全卫生管理制度的基础上,确立了CSSTLP1000标准运行模式、内容及标准系列  相似文献   

Safety measures and related costs and benefits have been widely discussed and analysed in academic circles and by the authorities and industrial sectors. The study reported in this paper addresses these aspects from a cognitive based perspective. Risk management is about dealing with the conflict between production and safety. Enterprises which spend too much on safety will meet bankruptcy, and those not concerned with safety measures will meet with severe accidents and related damage. Inspired by James Reason’s theoretical framework, managers (n = 106) of commercial transport enterprises were asked about their attitudes towards safety management, what factors have contributed and their belief that further effort and investments in health, environment and safety (HES) measures will pay off. One half of the managers perceive HES work as too expensive and approximately one quarter assess mandatory HES work as compromising their competitiveness. One third of the managers do not find further safety measures than those already implemented necessary or remunerative. They claim that there are no other alternative ways of doing their activities and that there are no technical measures available that could meet outstanding safety challenges. Managers do acknowledge HES work as important for the reputation of the enterprise. The factor analysis gave five HES attitude factors: (I) concerned with formalities, (II) HES work improves health, environment and safety, (III) HES work is ineffective, (IV) HES regulation is appropriate, and (V) HES work can be improved.  相似文献   

Introduction: Workplace accidents and injuries can be quite costly to both individual employees and their organizations. While safety climate (i.e., perceptions of policies and procedures related to safety that should reflect an organization's value of safety) has been established as a predictor of safety behaviors, less research has considered the possible negative pressures that could result from an environment that emphasizes safety. Though organizations may intend to create a positive safety climate, concerns about being treated differently if an employee were to be involved in a safety incident may result in unintended, but detrimental safety and health outcomes. Method: This study investigated the stigma associated with being involved in a safety-related incident in relation to self-reported safety behaviors and psychological health outcomes. The data were acquired through a two-wave prospective design, surveying workers from Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk; N = 528) who indicated they were exposed to at least one physical work stressor (e.g., heavy lifting; air quality; standing for extended periods) a few times each month or more. Results: When controlling for safety climate, safety stigma was related to decreased safety compliance and poorer psychological health. There was a marginally significant interaction between safety stigma and safety motivation in relation to safety compliance. Conclusions: These findings suggest that experiencing pressure to work safely, for fear of being evaluated negatively, may actually come at the cost of employees' safety compliance and psychological health. Practical applications: These results may be useful in assessing and intervening to improve an organization's safety climate. Organizations should closely examine the climate for safety to ensure that positive aspects of safety are not undermined by a stigmatizing pressure associated with safety in the work environment.  相似文献   

针对跨界突发性水污染事故特点,基于压力-状态-响应模型(PSR)构建了跨界水污染事故预警指标体系,并确立了各指标的分级标准。采用AHP(层次分析法)-综合模糊评价法建立了事故危害实时判定方法。  相似文献   

With current concerns around global climate change, new hydrofluorocarbons with low Global Warming Potential (GWP) are being evaluated as alternative refrigerants. These alternative refrigerants, however, may be mildly flammable (as defined by the A2L safety group classification) and pose safety concerns for the heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration (HVAC/R) industry. Consequently, careful assessments of different flammability characteristics and risks for these refrigerants are essential for their safe use in actual applications. In this study, deflagration propagation measurements for different mildly flammable refrigerants, including difluoromethane (R-32) and 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (R-1234yf), were undertaken in different geometries including a 9.1-m long conduit test rig and a closed cubical 12.5 m3 volume. Different tests were conducted for full volume deflagrations as well as with and without obstructions. Turbulent deflagration speeds for well-mixed, refrigerant-air mixtures have been shown to be orders of magnitude larger than their corresponding laminar flame speed values that are used in classifying flammable refrigerants in safety standards. Testing has also quantified the resulting severity as measured by the event overpressure which was shown to worsen with increased congestion or confinement as a consequence of increased induced turbulence. This work illustrates the importance for severity evaluations for actual large-scale or congested geometries of concern in practical applications. Even for mildly flammable refrigerants characterized by laminar flame speeds <2 cm/s, which is lower than the 10 cm/s limit for A2L refrigerants, relatively fast deflagrations can be generated for very congested geometries where downstream turbulence is generated as the flame front passes over obstacles in these situations.  相似文献   



As the evidence-based movement has advanced in public health, changes in public health practices have lagged far behind creating a science to service gap. For example, science has produced effective falls prevention interventions for older adults. It now is clearer WHAT needs to be done to reduce injury and death related to falls. However, issues have arisen regarding HOW to assure the full and effective uses of evidence-based programs in practice.


Lessons learned from the science and practice of implementation provide guidance for how to change practices by developing new competencies, how to change organizations to support evidence-based practices, and how to change public health systems to align system functions with desired practices. The combination of practice, organization, and system change likely will produce the public health benefits that are the promise of evidence-based falls prevention interventions.

Impact on public health

For the past several decades, the emphasis has been solely on evidence-based interventions. Public health will benefit from giving equal emphasis to evidence-based implementation.

Impact on Industry

We now have over two decades of research on the effectiveness of fall prevention interventions. The quality of this research is judged by a number of credible international organizations, including the Cochrane Collaboration (http://www.cochrane.org/), the American and British Geriatrics Societies, and the Campbell Collaboration (http://www.campbellcollaboration.org/). These international bodies were formed to ponder and answer questions related to the quality and relevance of research. These developments are a good first step. However, while knowing WHAT to do (an evidence-based intervention) is critical, we also need to know HOW to effectively implement the evidence. Implementation, organization change, and system change methods produce the conditions that allow and support the full and effective use of evidence-based interventions. It is time to focus on utilization of implementation knowledge in public health. Without this focus the vast amount on new evidence being generated on the prevention of falls and related injuries among older adults will have little impact on their health and safety.  相似文献   

During recent years the work environment has undergone significant changes regarding working time, years of employment, work organization, type of employment contracts and working conditions. In this paper, consequences of these changes on occupational and public health and safety are examined. These include the disruption of human biological rhythms, the increase of workers fatigue due to changes in patterns of working hours and years of employment, job insecurity and occupational stress, which have a serious impact on workers’ health and may result in an increase in occupational accidents. Unsafe work practices related to workload and time pressure, the impact of work changes on public safety and the deterioration of workers’ living conditions with respect to income, social-family life, health and insurance benefits, are also described. In this context, difficulties that occur due to the changing work environment in conducting effective occupational risk assessments and implementing OSH measures are discussed (for example, frequent changes between tasks and workplaces, underreporting of occupational accidents and diseases, lack of methodological tools, etc.). A fundamental criterion used while studying consequences on health and safety and the relative preventive measures is that health and safety must be approached as ‘the promotion and maintenance at the highest degree of the physical, mental and social well-being of workers’ and not only as retention of their work ability. Limits in combining “flexibility” at work and overall protection of occupational and public safety and health in a competitive market are put forward for discussion.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the impact of certification on occupational health and safety management (OHSM) systems. Most research in the field has focused on how well such systems comply with voluntary standards such as OHSAS 18001 or with national and international legislation. However, this paper shows that even in cases of compliance, the certified systems have problems dealing with a range of contemporary complex work environment issues. Furthermore, certification also transforms the kinds of topics addressed and the procedures and activities applied in the system. Using the (in many ways successful) development of certified OHSM system in a manufacturing company in Denmark as a critical case, we demonstrate how certified OHSM systems unintentionally yet actively create an environment of ‘measurable and auditable facts’ shaped not only in response to legal and market demands for a safe work environment, but also as a consequence of the external demands for a visible and accountable work environment standard. We show how certified OHSM systems function like a hinge between internal operations and an external audience in a globalized market, thus giving priority to work environment issues that may later become demonstrable guarantees for a safe and healthy work environment. Thus the certified management system does not necessarily tackle the most urgent work environment issues and may exclude important aspects of the work environment such as psychosocial factors.  相似文献   

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