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Size-frequency distributions were determined for 3 common lantern-fishes (Stenobrachius leucopsarus, Diaphus theta, and Tarletonbeania crenularis) off Oregon in the summer. The fishes were caught mainly in sound-scattering layers by a large pelagic trawl with 5 opening-closing nets. Changes in depth distribution and diel vertical migration with growth were evident for all 3 species. The size of S. leucopsarus increased markedly with depth both at 0 to 90 m at night and 250 to 500 m during the day. Larger D. theta were also found deeper during the day (between 250 and 450 m), but neither D. theta nor T. crenularis demonstrated size segregation in the upper 90 m at night. Large D. theta and small T. crenularis did not appear to migrate into surface waters at night. Age-Group O (15 to 20 mm) S. leucopsarus were most abundant in deep water (400 to 480 m) in the daytime and did not migrate into near-surface waters at night. Age-Group I (30 to 40 mm) S. leucopsarus were common at about 300 m by day and within the upper 30 m at night. Age-Group II–III (50 to 60 mm) apparently followed the evening ascent of Age-Group I fish and most resided at 75 to 90 m at night, beneath Age-Group I fish. Age-Group III+fish (70 to 80 mm) were associated with Age-Group O at 400 to 480 m by day and usually did not migrate above 200 m at night. The size structure of S. leucopsarus differed among the nets of a single tow at one depth, or between two tows that fished the same depths on successive nights, indicating horizontal patchiness in age structure. D. theta demonstrated low within-tow variability in size composition which indicated a spatially more uniform age structure on a scale of kilometers. The size structures of these 3 lanternfishes were different in the same area and the same season during two different years, suggesting variable survival of year classes or horizontal patchiness of age composition in the area sampled.  相似文献   

An exceptionally large midwater trawl (50 m2 mouth area) with 5 opening and closing codends was towed horizontally in the lower mesopelagic zone at depths of 500, 650, 800 and 1000 m off Oregon (USA) from 1–6 September, 1978. In comparison to more conventional trawls, ours collected more fish, including rare species and large individuals of common species. Comparison of collections made by day and by night revealed that 12 of the 15 most common species probably migrated vertically. Bathylagus milleri evidently migrates from 650 m during the day to 500 m at night. Cyclothone acclinidens and C. atraria were more abundant by night than by day at 800 m, possibly due to an upward migration from deeper depths at night. C. pseudopallida, C. signata, Chauliodus macouni, Tactostoma macropus and Stenobrachius leucopsarus were more abundant by day than by night at 500 m, suggesting that they migrated out of this depth horizon at night. Lampanyctus regalis, and large individuals of B. pacificus were more abundant by night than by day at 500 m, possibly because they migrated upward from near 650 m. Many species exhibited trends of increasing or decreasing size with depth, and several species showed changes in migratory behavior with size. For example, only small (<240 mm) T. macropus migrated vertically, whereas only large (>110 mm) B. pacificus appeared to migrate. Depths of maximum abundance of congeneric species were usually separated. B. milleri and B. pacificus had similar distributions by day, but the former was shallower at night. S. leucopsarus tended to live shallower than S. nannochir both day and night. Congeners always occurring at the same depth were Cyclothone pseudopallida and C. signata (both most abundant at 500 m) and C. acclinidens and C. atraria (both most abundant at 800 m).  相似文献   

A detailed investigation of a small area of sea bed occupied by the Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus (L.) was carried out by diving and television observations at depths of 30 m in Loch Torridon, Scotland. The density of burrows was 1/2 m2, but only a proportion of these were occupied by N. norvegicus. Although about 70% of the larger burrows were occupied by N. norvegicus, giving a density of 1 lobster/8 m2, very few juveniles (carapace length less than 30 mm) were found in the area. Many of the small burrows were occupied by the gobiid fish Lesueurigobius friesii (Collett). There was evidence that N. norvegicus frequently change their burrows, and fighting for burrows was observed. N. norvegicus remain within their burrows during the day, emerge around sunset to forage for food during the night, and then return to their burrows at dawn. This, and other aspects of their burrowing behaviour, have a marked effect on the commercial trawl catches of N. norvegicus which show large seasonal and diurnal variations in size and sex composition.  相似文献   

The biology of a population of the cardinalfish Apogon rueppellii has been studied over several years (1977–1983) in the Swan Estuary in south-western Australia, using ramples collected monthly from the shallows by beach seine and from various depths by otter trawl. While the life cycle of this species typically lasts for one year, at the end of which time the mean length is 50 to 60 mm, some individuals survive for a further year and attain lengths up to 104 mm. A. rueppellii shows a marked tendency to move offshore into deeper water during the winter months. This tendency is more pronounced in the 1+ than in the 0+ year class and in larger than smaller 0+ individuals. An inshore movement of A. rueppellii in the spring is followed by spawning and by oral brooding by the males, which leads to the recruitment of large numbers of a new 0+ year class on to the banks during the summer. The offshore movement is correlated with changes in salinity and temperature. The larger catches taken by otter trawl during the day than at night indicate that A. rueppellii exhibits a diel pattern of activity. Mean fecundity ranged from 70 in the 45 to 49 mm size class to 345 in the 90 to 94 mm size class. Measurements of fecundity and the number of oral-brooded eggs demonstrated that the majority of the eggs released by the female are collected and incubated by the males. Copepods are ingested in relatively greater amounts by small than by large A. rueppellii, whereas the reverse situation occurs with larger crustaceans, polychaetes and small fish. The presence of greater amounts of copepods in the diet during the day and of amphipods at night probably reflects the diel activity patterns of the prey.  相似文献   

Direct and indirect methods have been used to describe patterns of movement of fishes, but few studies have compared these methods simultaneously. We used 20 years of trawl survey data and 1 year of acoustic telemetry data to evaluate the vertical and horizontal movement patterns of spotted ratfish Hydrolagus colliei in Puget Sound, WA, USA. Densities of large ratfish (≥30 cm) were higher at the deepest depths trawled (70 m) during daylight hours, whereas densities were similar across depth zones (to 10 m) at night. Acoustic tracking of ratfish showed distinct diel patterns of movement and activity level; ratfish moved into shallow, nearshore habitats at night from deeper, offshore habitats during the day and made ~3 times more moves at night than day in shallow habitats. Broader spatial patterns depended on where ratfish were tagged: one tag group remained in one general location with few excursions, whereas a second tag group moved within a 20-km band with some individuals moving >90 km. These data will help inform food web models’ abilities to quantify interspecific interactions between ratfish and other components of their community.  相似文献   

The distinctive larval stage of eels (leptocephalus) facilitates dispersal through prolonged life in the open ocean. Leptocephali are abundant and diverse off North Carolina, yet data on distributions and biology are lacking. The water column (from surface to 1,293 m) was sampled in or near the Gulf Stream off Cape Hatteras, Cape Lookout, and Cape Fear, North Carolina during summer through fall of 1999–2005, and leptocephali were collected by neuston net, plankton net, Tucker trawl, and dip net. Additional samples were collected nearly monthly from a transect across southern Onslow Bay, North Carolina (from surface to 91 m) from April 2000 to December 2001 by bongo and neuston nets, Methot frame trawl, and Tucker trawl. Overall, 584 tows were completed, and 224 of these yielded larval eels. The 1,295 eel leptocephali collected (combining all methods and areas) represented at least 63 species (nine families). Thirteen species were not known previously from the area. Dominant families for all areas were Congridae (44% of individuals, 11 species), Ophichthidae (30% of individuals, 27 species), and Muraenidae (22% of individuals, ten species). Nine taxa accounted for 70% of the overall leptocephalus catches (in order of decreasing abundance): Paraconger caudilimbatus (Poey), Gymnothorax ocellatus Agassiz complex, Ariosoma balearicum (Delaroche), Ophichthus gomesii (Castelnau), Callechelys muraena Jordan and Evermann, Letharchus aliculatus McCosker, Rhynchoconger flavus (Goode and Bean), Ophichthus cruentifer (Goode and Bean), Rhynchoconger gracilior (Ginsburg). The top three species represented 52% of the total eel larvae collected. Most leptocephali were collected at night (79%) and at depths > 45 m. Eighty percent of the eels collected in discrete depth Tucker trawls at night ranged from mean depths of 59–353 m. A substantial number (38% of discrete depth sample total) of larval eels were also collected at the surface (neuston net) at night. Daytime leptocephalus distributions were less clear partly due to low catches and lower Tucker trawl sampling effort. While net avoidance may account for some of the low daytime catches, an alternative explanation is that many species of larval eels occur during the day at depths > 350 m. Larvae of 21 taxa of typically shallow water eels were collected at depths > 350 m, but additional discrete depth diel sampling is needed to resolve leptocephalus vertical distributions. The North Carolina adult eel fauna (estuary to at least 2,000 m) consists of 51 species, 41% of which were represented in these collections. Many species of leptocephali collected are not yet known to have juveniles or adults established in the South Atlantic Bight or north of Cape Hatteras. Despite Gulf Stream transport and a prolonged larval stage, many of these eel leptocephali may not contribute to their respective populations.  相似文献   

B. J. Hill 《Marine Biology》1978,47(2):135-141
Ultrasonic transmitters were used to track the movements of the crab Scylla serrata (Forskal) over 24 h periods in the Kowie estuary, South Africa. Laboratory experiments using infra-red time-lapse photography to record activity indicated that the transmitters did not affect duration of emergence, amount of movement or feeding. In the estuary, S. serrata was active on average for 13 h. out of 24 h, most activity was at night. The distance moved per night by continuously tracked crabs averaged 461 m, but ranged between 219 and 910 m. Most movement was slow, modal speed was 10 to 19 m h-1. Slow movements were independent of direction of current and are assumed to be related to use of contact chemoreception for location of prey. About one-seventh of movements were faster than 70 m h-1; these were most frequently against the current and may be related to olfactory location of food. The crabs did not occupy a distinct territory, but tended to remain in the same general area although they were capable of moving at least 800 m along the length of the estuary at night.  相似文献   

The distribution and diet of juvenile (<750 mm) Patagonian toothfish are described from four annual trawl surveys (2003–2006) around the island of South Georgia in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. Recruitment of toothfish varies inter-annually, and a single large cohort dominated during the four years surveyed. Most juveniles were caught on the Shag Rocks shelf to the NW of South Georgia, with fish subsequently dispersing to deeper water around both the South Georgia and Shag Rocks shelves. Mean size of juvenile toothfish increased with depth of capture. Stomach contents analysis was conducted on 795 fish that contained food remains and revealed that juvenile toothfish are essentially piscivorous, with the diet dominated by notothenid fish. The yellow-finned notothen, Patagonotothen guntheri, was the dominant prey at Shag Rocks whilst at South Georgia, where P. guntheri is absent, the dominant prey were Antarctic krill and notothenid fish. The diet changed with size, with an increase in myctophid fish and krill as toothfish grow and disperse. The size of prey also increased with fish size, with a greater range of prey sizes consumed by larger fish.  相似文献   

The emergence patterns of both green (Chelonia mydas) and loggerhead (Caretta caretta) turtle hatchlings were observed in great detail over three seasons at Alagadi beach, northern Cyprus. In total, 38 green turtle and 50 loggerhead turtle nests were monitored, accounting for the emergence of 2,807 and 2,259 hatchlings, respectively. We quantified these emergences into 397 green turtle and 302 loggerhead turtle emergence groups. Overall, 85.0% of green turtle and 79.5% of loggerhead turtle groups emerged at night; these accounted for 85.5 and 90.8% of hatchlings, respectively. The remaining emergences were dispersed throughout the day for green turtle nests but confined to the morning in loggerhead turtle nests. Hatchling emergence from individual nests occurred over periods of between 1 and 7 nights, with most hatchlings typically emerging on the first night. Group sizes of green turtles emerging during the day were significantly smaller than those emerging at night. Hatchlings of both species that emerged from nests during the day had longer emergence durations than those that emerged from nests at night only.Communicated by R.J. Thompson, St. Johns  相似文献   

The frostfish Lepidopus caudatus (Euphrasen, 1788) is a mesopelagic species; it occurs along the shelf and slope down to 450 m in the Catalan Sea. Its' fishery, population structure, growth, diet and reproduction was studied on the basis of commercial statistics from 1984 to 1990 and on samplings made in 1988 and 1989. L. caudatus is fished by two types of commercial method, trawl and long-line; catches by the latter method display a marked seasonality. The minimum size of fish caught is 26 cm total length by trawling and 71 cm by long-line. Maximum sizes are similar for both gears: 196 and 188 cm, respectively. L. caudatus exhibits fast growth and attains an age of 8 yr. It feeds on small mesopelagic prey. It is a partial spawner reproductive activity occurring from April to November. Males attain sexual maturity at 97 cm and females at 111 cm total length.  相似文献   

Fishes and zooplankton were obtained (March–April 1979 and partly in August 1974) from 45 hauls taken during the day and at night in the central equatorial Atlantic between Latitude 3°N and 2°S from the surface to 1250-m depth, using the RMT 1+8, a combined opening-closing plankton and micronekton trawl. The vertical distribution of 30 myctophid species is described. All species migrate in a diel pattern, Ceratoscopelus warmingii and Lampanyctus photonotus down to at least 1250 m. During daytime most species aggregated at 400-to 700-m depth, therefore only partly occupying the depth of the Deep Scattering Layer (400 to 500 m at 15 kHz). The feeding patterns of seven of the most abundant species were compared, with a total of 1 905 stomach contents being analysed. All seven species are regarded as opportunistic predators, which feed predominantly during the night on calanoid copepods. A total of 66 species of calanoid copepods were identified among the prey items, with smaller species definitely being in the minority. Stomachs of C. warmingii (700 to 1 250 m depth) and Lepidophanes guentheri (500 to 900 m depth) from daytime samples contained copepod species restricted to the upper 150 m of the water column, including Undinula vulgaris, Nannocalanus minor, and Euchaeta marina, thereby confirming an extended vertical migration of predators. Differences in diet and preferences between species in their total food spectrum are described.  相似文献   

Activity rhythms of two cirolanid isopods, Excirolana armata and Excirolana braziliensis, were studied based on both seasonal field observations and laboratory experiments, at an exposed microtidal sandy beach in Uruguay. The natural emergence patterns of both species were observed in the field for 1 year, twice in each season, and correlated to sea level, expected tidal cycles and diel cycles. Laboratory experiments were carried out in order to detect endogenous rhythms of activity and observe how emergence of both species was affected by changes in light and/or sediment thixotropy. We also compared behavioral strategies of sympatric species that occupy different beach levels. Sea level (and thus swash zone position) during field sampling did not follow expected tidal cycles for most sampling occasions. E. armata was observed in activity most of the time, but activity only correlated with sea level on three out of eight occasions, and only once was correlated to expected tidal cycle. Laboratory results showed that emergence under constant conditions was rare; changes in sediment thixotropy stimulated emergence, but the response was not cyclical; light had little effect on this response. On the other hand, E. braziliensis was fairly scarce in the water column, but swimming individuals were observed always during the night. They displayed an endogenous circadian activity pattern in the laboratory which augmented in response to changes in sediment thixotropy. The natural light/dark cycle modulated both spontaneous and response emergence by increasing day/night differences in activity. In this study E. armata, a midlittoral species more exposed to sea level variations, seemed to rely entirely on different physical and/or biological cues to trigger emergence at the appropriate time. E. braziliensis, found mostly in the upper intertidal zone, emerged in a circadian rhythm, which was stimulated by changes in sediment thixotropy and reinforced by light cycles. The results of this study led us to conclude that on microtidal, unpredictable beaches, local physical and biological factors can combine to determine different activity strategies in organisms from different intertidal levels. Received: 23 March 2000 / Accepted: 30 August 2000  相似文献   

The spiny lobster, Panulirus argus, is predominantly nocturnal, remaining inside shelters during the day and foraging outside at night, presumably to minimize predation risk. Predation risk generally decreases with increasing lobster size. Therefore, this study examined the hypothesis that size would influence this basic circadian pattern. Video cameras continuously recorded the shelter occupancy of juvenile lobsters (n = 72) having a carapace length (CL) of 30–62 mm that were tethered to shelters in a shallow reef lagoon. The lobsters’ shelter occupancy was 100% during the day, but declined linearly from shortly before sunset to a minimum of 50% shortly after midnight and then increased linearly, reaching 100% by 1 h after sunrise. The percent time the lobsters spent in the shelters followed a similar trend, but there was wide variability at night (0–100%) for individual lobsters. Lobsters left their shelters 2–30 times night−1, with a majority of excursions lasting <10 min. These results suggest that juvenile P. argus minimize predation risk by remaining in their shelters as long as possible but offset the energetic cost of this behavior by foraging close to their shelters for several short periods at night. This emergence pattern contrasts with those of early benthic phase lobsters (<15 mm CL), which seldom leave their shelters, and adults (>80 mm CL), which have a dusk/early evening peak in activity and leave the shelter for extended periods of time during the night. Furthermore, a minimum shelter occupancy in the middle of the night appears especially well adapted to avoid exposure to daytime predators. Videotaped observations also included interactions between lobsters and two dominant lobster predators, the triggerfish, Balistes capriscus, and the octopus Octopus cf. vulgaris. Lobsters responded differently to these predators: remaining in the shelter when attacked by a triggerfish and fleeing the shelter when attacked by an octopus. Triggerfish were nearly twice as likely to attack a lobster that was outside of the shelter than inside. Once under attack, however, a lobster had nearly the same chance of surviving if it was inside or outside. Results suggest that the patterns of shelter use and emergence change as lobsters grow, probably reflecting the interplay between perception of predation risk and the need to forage. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

L. Vail 《Marine Biology》1987,93(4):551-560
Periods of emergence of nine species (88 individuals) of crinoids (Comanthus parvicirrus, Clarkcomanthus albinotus, Comaster multifidus, Oxycomanthus comanthipinna, Oligometra serripinna, Comanthus gisleni, Comanthus wahlbergi, Comatula purpurea, and Oxycomanthus exilis) were monitored at Lizard Island, Queensland, over seven days in March 1983. One species (O. serripinna) was fully exposed and the others partially exposed. Two patterns of emergence were species-specific: emergent both day and night, and emergent only at night. Intraspecific exposure patterns were generally synchronous in six species and asynchronous in three species. The number of species visible was relatively constant during all dives, while at least twice as many individuals were visible at night compared to day. Degree of emergence was determined as the number and length of arms extended into the water column. Except for species fully exposed, degree of crinoid emergence was generally minimal at midday and maximal at twilight and night. Increases in both number of crinoids visible, and the amount of an individual's emergence, corresponded to decreasing light intensities, even during daytime. It is suggested that the patterns of exposure are a response to increased prey abundance at twilight and night, and also a means of avoiding diurnal predators. Gonads on the longest arms of some partially exposed crinoids were not extended into the water, thus protecting the gonads from predators.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to elucidate the way in which the Swan Estuary in south-western Australia is used by the common blowfish Torquigener pleurogramma, a representative of the abundant and widely distributed family Tetraodontidae. T. pleurogramm were collected by beach seine and otter trawl from the Swan Estuary between February 1977 and December 1980 and between May 1984 and February 1986. While T. pleurogramma feeds on a wide variety of organisms in the estuary, the main components of its diet are polychaetes and amphipods for fish <130 mm and bivalve molluscs for larger fish. Numbers of blowfish were inversely correlated with water depth, with densities on the banks (water depth <1.5 m) sometimes reaching 5 fish m-2, and tended to be greater at night than during the day. The density of T. pleurogramma in the shallows was positively correlated with salinity and inversely correlated with distance from the estuary mouth. Numbers increased greatly in the latter half of 1980 and 1985 as a result of the recruitment of large numbers of the 0+ age class (i.e., fish in their first year of life). Blowfish were represented by seven age classes in the estuary and attained a maximum size of 230 mm (220 g). By the end of their first and second years of life, fish had reached approximately 90 mm (14 g) and 125 mm (39 g), respectively. Sexual maturity was generally not reached until the end of the second year of life. The presence of higher gonadosomatic indices and more mature gonads in fish collected just outside than within the estuary indicate that T. pleurogramma leaves the estuary before spawning. Comparisons between lengthfrequency data, allied with information on the prevalence and intensity of gill parasites, indicate that assemblages in estuarine and neighbouring inshore waters remain distinct for many months and that growth within the estuary is faster than in inshore marine environments.  相似文献   

The species composition, catch and mortality rates of sea turtles captured incidentally by the tiger prawn fishery on Australia's northern coast in 1989 and 1990 were estimated by monitoring the fishery's catch. In 1990, the delayed rate of mortality from damage was estimated and the size composition was measured. Five species of turtles were captured: the flatback (Natator depressa, 59% of the total), loggerhead (Caretta caretta, 10%), olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea, 12%), green turtle (Chelonia mydas, 8%) and hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata, 5%). The turtle catches varied with water depth: the highest catch rates (0.068±0.006 turtles per trawl) were from trawls in water between 20 and 30 m deep, relatively few turtles (10%) were captured in water deeper than 40 m (25% of trawls). Catch rates varied with time of year: the highest catch rates were 0.098 (±0.013) turtles per trawl in winter. There was no significant difference in the overall catch rate (2= 0.047; p=0.8111; df=1) but a significant difference in mortality rate (2= 3.99; p<0.05; df=1) between the two years. The incidence of capture in the commercial fishery was 0.051 (±0.003) turtles per trawl towed for about 180 min, with 0.007 (±0.001) turtles per trawl drowning in the nets. There were no significant differences in the catch and mortality rates between the two years for any of the turtle species except the loggerhead, which had a significantly (2 = 11.029; p=0.0013; df=1) lower catch rate in 1990 (0.002±0.001 turtles per trawl) than in 1989 (0.008±0.002 turtles per trawl), and a significantly higher mortality in 1990 (33%) than in 1989 (19%). Catch rates and mortality varied between the species: the flatback had the highest catch rate (0.030±0.002 turtles per trawl) but the lowest mortality (10.9%); the loggerhead had a catch rate of 0.005±0.001 turtles per trawl, and high mortality (21.9%); the olive ridley had a catch rate of 0.006±0.001 turtles per trawl and a low mortality (12.5%); the green turtle's catch rate was 0.004±0.001 per trawl and mortality 12.0%; the hawksbill had the lowest catch rate (0.002±0.001 turtles per trawl) but highest mortality (26.4%). Based on the fishing effort (27 049 d for 1989 and 25 746 d for 1990), we estimate that 5 503 (±424) turtles were caught and returned to the sea in 1989 and 5 238 (±404) in 1990, of which 567±140 drowned in 1989 and 943±187 in 1990. In 1990, an estimated 25% of all captured turtles suffered some non-lethal damage; an estimated 21% of turltes were captured comatose and 4% were injured. We conclude that, considering other threats, trawl-induced drowning is not the major impact on turtle populations in northern Australia, but that measures to reduce drowning and delayed mortality would be desirable.  相似文献   

Summary In October 1984 foraging areas and foraging behaviour of the rufous horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus rouxi, were studied around a nursery colony on the hill slopes of Sri Lanka. The bats only foraged in dense forest and were not found in open woodlands (Fig. 1). This strongly supports the hypothesis that detection of fluttering prey is by pure tone echolocation within or close to echo-cluttering foliage. During a first activity period after sunset for about 30–60 min, the bats mainly caught insects on the wing. This was followed by a period of inactivity for another 60–120 min. Thereafter the bats resumed foraging throughout the night. They mainly alighted on specific twigs and foraged in flycatcher style. Individual bats maintained individual foraging areas of about 20x20 m. They stayed in this area throughout the night and returned to the same area on subsequent nights. Within this area the bats generally alighted on twigs at the same spots. Foraging areas were not defended against intruders. The bats echolocated throughout the night at an average repetition rate of 9.6±1.4 sounds/s. While hanging on twigs they scanned the surrounding area for flying prey by turning their bodies continuously around their legs. On average they performed one brief catching flight every 2 min and immediately returned to one of their favourite vantage points. Echolocation sounds may consist of up to three parts, a brief initial frequency-modulated (FM) component, a long constant frequency (CF) part lasting for about 40–50 ms, and a final FM part again (Fig. 4b, c). Adult males and females emitted pure tone frequencies in separate bands, the males from 73.5–77 kHz and the females from 76.5–79 kHz (Fig. 5). During scanning for prey from vantage points, the bats mostly emitted pure tones without any FM component (Fig. 4a). The last few pure tones emitted before take-off were prolonged to about 60 ms duration. The final FM part was therefore not an obligatory component of the echolocation signals in horseshoe bats. During flight and especially during emergence from the cave, most sounds consisted of a pure tone and loud initial and final FM sweeps. We therefore suggest that the initial FM part might also be relevant for echolocation. From our observations we conclude that the FM components are especially important during obstacle avoidance. In most sounds emitted in the field a fainter first harmonic was present. It was usually up to 30 dB fainter than the second harmonic, but in some instances it was as loud or even distinctly louder than the second one (Fig. 6a). Even within one sound the intensity relationship between the two harmonics may be reversed. We therefore suggest that the first harmonic is an integral part of the signal and relevant for information analysis in echolocation.  相似文献   

J. E. Cartes 《Marine Biology》1993,117(3):459-468
The composition of the diet and daily cicle of predatory activity of pasiphaeid shrimps in the Northwestern Mediterranean were established; special attention was focussed on nocturnal feeding habits close to the bottom. Daily activity in both species was studied in two continuous 24-h sampling periods. Samples were obtained using bottom trawls between 1988 and 1990. Both species fed on benthic prey items at night. The nocturnal diet of Pasiphaea multidentata consisted of gammarid amphipods, isopods (Cirolana borealis) and macruran decapods (Calocaris macandreae). Nocturnal feeding activity was carried out only by large specimens (cephalothorax length >28 mm), which stayed close to the bottom during the nighttime. In contrast, the specimens collected during the daytime exhibited highly digested remains of pelagic prey (hyperiids, fishes, euphausiids, chaetognaths) ingested as a result of predatory higher activity in the water column the night before. The feeding strategy of P. sivado was parallel to that of P. multidentata. At night large specimens were located near the bottom and fed on suprabenthic gammarid amphipods. This nocturnal feeding activity by both these mesopelagic pasiphaeid species furnishes evidence of energy transfer from the benthos to the planktonic system in bathyal communities. Changes were observed in the diet of P. multidentata with depth. Crustaceans made up a larger share of the diet of P. multidentata on the lower slope than on the upper middle slope, probably because of changes undergone by bathyal communities with increasing depth. The feeding rate was higher in the submarine canyons, where the diet is also more specialised. Dietary overlap between the two pasiphaeids was very low, due to the different size range of prey exploited.  相似文献   

Seasonal sampling was carried out based on day/night, vertically stratified tows (100 or 125 m strata) in the upper 900 m of the water column over the mid-slope commercial fishing grounds south of Tasmania. A large midwater trawl (105 m2 mouth area) was used with an opening/closing cod-end. Subtropical convergence and subtropical species dominated the fauna, but many less abundant, more widely-distributed species were also present. Fishes, which contributed 89% of micronekton biomass and 135 of 178 species, were dominated by the Myctophidae (48% biomass and 48 species). Twenty micronekton species made up 80% of the total biomass. Overall, the micronekton fish biomass in this region was 2.2 g m−2 wet weight. A pronounced day/night shift in the distribution of biomass was attributable to diel migratory species. During the day, <0.2% of the total micronekton biomass was found in 0 to 300 m; most biomass was below 400 m, with peaks at 400 to 525 m and 775 to 900 m. At night, 53% of the biomass was found in 0 to 300 m, with progressively less in each deeper stratum. The vertical ranges of individual species typically exceeded 400 to 500 m during the day and night and were non-coincident, although nyctoepipelagic migrators were concentrated in the surface 200 m at night. Distinct epipelagic, lower and upper mesopelagic assemblages were identified, and patterns of epipelagic migration, limited migration and non-migration were categorised for species from each of the lower and upper mesopelagic assemblages. The vertical distribution of these assemblages was coincident with the primary water masses: subantarctic mode water (∼250 to 600 m) and antarctic intermediate water (below ∼700 m). The flux of migrating micronekton, estimated at 0.94 to 3.36 g C m−2 yr−1 to the lower mesopelagic and 1.14 to 4.06 g C m−2 yr−1 to the upper mesopelagic, appeared to be considerably outweighed by the consumption needs of aggregated mid-slope benthopelagic predators. We suggest that advection of mesopelagic prey in antarctic intermediate water may sustain aggregated populations of orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus) and other predators on the micronekton in mid-slope depths at this site. Received: 2 April 1997 / Accepted: 21 August 1997  相似文献   

In a shallow coastal region of Sardinia (European Mediterranean Sea) the activity pattern and migration habits of the sea star Astropecten aranciacus were studied by means of SCUBA diving. The species is nocturanl, with two modes of abundance. Different size classes revealed different activity schedules. A sample taken at dusk consisted of comparatively large-sized sea stars, while another sample taken at night included small-sized sea stars with the larger individuals. By tagging the sea stars with numbers, their locomotory activity during the night, as well as day, was investigated.  相似文献   

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